– 2 years late, but congrats to SPD on firing a giant fuckup. Hopefully now the good apples can finally note that it’s bad to kill someone and then joke about it.
– Not just the Puget Sound, housing is expensive in Spokane too. Hopefully some of their newish reforms will bring prices down over time.
The Stranger has a bill tracker. I would advise you to find a bill you find interesting and good. Track it, sure, but also contact your legislators and try to get it passed. Maybe find an org that’s doing lobbying.
Vicious Troll spews:
I guess I talked myself into it over the years just so I could piss of liberal pussies.
But it turns out the orange man really is bad.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@1 Well, the stock market isn’t looking forward to his inauguration.
Vicious Troll spews:
If I’m being honest, neither are most conservatives I know.
But I’m still going to pretend like it’s a huge celebration since I know that doing so will piss you off.
Donnie spews:
@3 Wait till the horse needs new shoes!
Roger Rabbit spews:
@3 Wrong again, I’m not pissed off, just a bemused observer. You’ve never been right about anything.
Roger Rabbit spews:
It appears this domestic terrorist is one of theirs, not one of ours.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Why should Canada be a state? Canada has 10 provinces, so shouldn’t it be 10 states? The Democrats would still get 45 more House seats, but would get 20 instead of 2 more senators. That would make up 555 instead of 537 electoral votes, with 278 needed for a majority. Red states would lose House seats and electoral votes. The whole idea is fine with me, if Republicans can get Canadians to go along with it.
FKA Hops spews:
There is NO cause and effect here but it’s a good time for a reminder.
The alleged liberal Hellhole of Los Angeles County in it’s most recent budget
defunded the pokicecut $23M in funding to fire departments and increased the budget for police and sheriffs by $138m.Various commentators and Rep. Andy Biggs have taken to the airwaves today to blame a freakishly severe windstorm spread fire not on ‘climate change’ but on liberal policies in Los Angeles and Gavin Newsome.
Because that’s the thoughtful prayerful response.
There’s likely editorial meetings on if calling a flying ember an illegal alien invasion is too much.
Ed Koch spews:
LA County has a budget of over $45 Billion dollars…….pretty sure they coulda found $23 million for the fire dept if they wanted to….
But at least they came up with $730 million to take care of bums and addicts…..sorry LAFD…
nice try……insert another quarter and play again?
Roger Rabbit spews:
@9 Nothing is new about this. California’s hills have been burning for thousands of years. But municipalities are hungry for tax dollars, and are dominated by developers, so they allow builders to build where no one has any business putting homes. The problem begins and ends with prioritizing the Almighty Dollar over common sense.
Another example, closer to home, is tens of thousands of homes built on top of Mt. Rainier’s old mudflows — and their inhabitants — will simply disappear when, not if, the mountain erupts again.
G spews:
I see the markets are spooked by the new fascist regime.
FKA Hops spews:
Throughly missing the point.
DJT twatted about why Gavin Newsome (spelled wrong) is personally responsible that the fire is not yet under control.
His cokehead son about how DEI is DIE because there are fires.
They are LITERALLY making political sport out of people losing everything while it’s still burning.
Vicious Troll spews:
– Not just the Puget Sound, housing is expensive in Spokane too.
That’s not what the article says, Carl.
The article says the median price climbed 2% in the last year and the market is somewhat neutral.
The likelihood is that buyers are sitting on the sidelines until a more meaningful drop in mortgage interest rates occurs.
You bit on the “skyrocket headline”, when the truth is nowhere near that, Carl. Very Dumbfuck Rabbit of you.
Vicious Troll spews:
Confidential to ACAB:
The Atlanta Public Safety Training Center (aka “Cop City”) Has Been Built
Oh. And your homosexual hero tent dude was shooting at cops (and hit one) at the time he was killed by return fire.
Well done, ACAB! Well done!
Roger Rabbit spews:
@11 Investors believe Trump will hurt the economy. So does the Federal Reserve. And the bond market, too.
Vicious Troll spews:
Message: I care.
The good news is that POS Hunter didn’t start the fire while he was free-basing.
Small wonder that Biden’s approval numbers are Nixonian.
Vicious Troll spews:
@ 16 Bi-Done won’t remember “this day” tomorrow.
Vicious Troll spews:
@ 12
They are LITERALLY making political sport out of people losing everything while it’s still burning.
You don’t remember much about the Florida hurricanes, do you, Hops?
Vicious Troll spews:
It was all fun and games back when then-President Trump wanted to fill California’s reservoirs, and liberals prevented it.
Court Derails Trump Administration’s Efforts to Take More Water from Bay-Delta
Preliminary Injunction Helps Protect Endangered Species Until Court’s Final Ruling
May 12, 2020
The last new reservoir in CA was build in the 70s. Hey, at least the fire fighters aren’t getting hurt since they don’t have any water with which to fight the fire. Yay for safety!
Vicious Troll spews:
As insurers continue to pull out of CA and the few insurers who still write policies there jack up rates, I’m sure looking forward to Welfare Queen YLB criticizing CA the way she criticizes DeSantis’ FL for its insurance challenges.
Vicious Troll spews:
@ 12, 18
Hops will no doubt feel better knowing that it’s not just conservatives who are using the wildfires as an easy way to score political points.
Ms. Piper found humor in the destruction of James Woods’ home by the wildfires. And then felt the need to share her sense of mirth.
Vicious Troll spews:
White people should be treated with more respect.
Jesus that guy is an asshole! spews:
Dumbfuck, do you ever get tired of being the way you are.
The median home price in Spokane in January 2015 was $171K. In January 2020 $262K, Near the beginning of 2025 $416K.
That’s an 143% rise in 10 years. So if you were Spokane High Class of 2015-2020 you went off to college thinking you could always move back home, open an accounting business or a couple espresso shops with your Business degree or work IT for the county with that CS Degree, you know the kinds of majors you call “useful” and not “Dance”, and then buy a home in say 7-10 years… Yeah, you’re fucked.
Whaddabout spews:
Can you show me either a President, Vice President, current or elect putting out official statements that a Hurricane is Ron DeSantis’ fault?
We can go back. Hurricanes happen in FL on the regular.
Rick Scott’s fault?
How about Charlie Crist?
JEB! ?
That gets us back 25 years.
Tell me more about Hunter spews:
Well this is awkward.
Imagine if the son of a President were sent on a diplomatic trip at the behest of his father. Now imagine that son is widely known to be a drug abuser. Now imagine one of the people he made a video with in that country with is a convicted drug dealer in that country. Now imagine his Father the President posted that video as a success of the idea of the son’s mission of diplomacy.
No, not that kid. Don Jr.
G spews:
The virus is the fault of heterosexual Neanderthals.
But let’s talk about fires, hurricanes and poodles.
Eat this!
G spews:
This is DumbFucks fault.
Never would have happened if he just bought another horse
G spews:
This one too is Bob’s fault.
Hey look over there!
There will be wars over water spews:
Nice try. The largest water sources for Southern CA are Lake Cachuma, Lake Casitas, Lake Castaic, and the Diamond Valley reservoir. The closest to the current fire is Diamond Valley.
All of them are either at or above their historic average levels.
The closest source to the current situation is Diamond Valley. It is also the one that is currently the greatest percentage ABOVE its historic average level.
What your dumb-ass President was referring to was diverting even more San Joaquin Delta water via the viaducts to the farming communities in the southern Sacramento valley which would do Fuck all for the Los Angeles area. The proposal would have devastated not just the “tiny little fish” the dotard was so upset about but also the very significant summer tourism industry of boating and fishing in the Sierra foothills and potentially cause water shortages in the Northern CA end of the valley. This is a 100 year old conflict between Northern and Sothern CA agriculture.
“Why I could solve it in a day even before I’m sworn in by giving Southern California everything they’ve ever asked for. Screw you Willows, no one needs your rice or Almonds!”
Roger Rabbit spews:
@9 Trump believes he can solve every conflict on the planet by giving one side what they want. Ukraine a Russian province, Taiwan a Chinese non-autonomous borough, a reunified Korea under Kim, etc. Every one of his foreign policy objectives can be achieved by either invading small defenseless countries or surrendering to big menacing ones.
FKA Hops spews:
Yes, a professor who no one has ever heard of before now is EXACTLY like the President Elect and his drug addicted son.
Keep trying.
Vicious Troll spews:
I curse Democrats for refusing to fund FEMA.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@32 When did MAGA Mike become a Democrat?
A lot of other ex-Republicans are Democrats now, too, if you believe Doctor Dumbfuck.
Page Six spews:
Elon twats that DEI failed to put out the fires out after goading by the openly racist Chaya Raichick.
Good time to remind you Elon’s family immigrated to South Africa after Apartheid was initiated to take advantage of the suddenly up for grabs land and Elon hates the Kaffir.
BTW, did you know that Elon’s brother is rumored to have been involved with Epstein’s prostitutes and there are whispers that one of them he ‘dated’ for more than a year went on become a wife of someone else.
It’s only a rumor so I really don’t care. Do you?
Greg Abbot’s Travel Ban spews:
No oneEveryone predicted this.Vicious Troll spews:
@ 23
First of all, that 2015 Q1 figure was NOT $171k. It was 171.04, relative to an index of 100 in 1995 Q1. It’s important to understand the difference. Here’s my link, because you didn’t provide one:
Second, this reference is for all home transactions, not the median home price. So when Carl whines about the top end prices and I point out that the median home price changed little during the period his reference covered, it does you little good to claim “Yabbut…” and then avoid addressing the median home price, while criticizing me for pointing out that Carl did not address median home price while his linked article specifically did.
Vicious Troll spews:
Let’s recall that others on this list were Boxcheck Momala and The Fat Cow:
Joe Biden narrows down his VP list, with Karen Bass emerging as one of several key contenders
By MJ Lee, Jeff Zeleny and Jasmine Wright, CNN
Updated 4:13 PM EDT, Fri July 31, 2020
Surely there were more competent Democrats than these sad fucks, one of whom Bi-Done could have picked.
This might be the best example of DEI blowing up in Democrats’ faces. It’s certainly been noticed by some pretty big corporations and by some pretty big universities, who are busy unwinding their DEI forays as quickly as possible.
Harvard Law School spews:
Is a sitting SCOTUS justice making a call to the head of the executive branch to ask for a favor in hiring his assistant to an executive branch position
A: corrupt
B: totally corrupt
C. Fucking corrupt
D. Totally Fucking Corrupt