– Kirkland, please upzone more places. This is great.
– The Mariners need something to distract from the games.
– Interesting analysis of sex workers and people buying them at Publicola. I was surprised that the city’s racial categories needed to be reconstructed like that.
– Please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Why does Boxcheck Momala need a chaperone at her first interview after being handed the presidential nomination without ever submitting to a single state primary election or caucus?
Rumor is that Boxcheck Momala is negotiating to have Cut and Run Walz stand next to her and hold her hand during her debates with Trump.
Two weeks after a running back at a Southern Alabama high school dropped dead from apparent heat related causes during a full-out on a 96degree day a QB in Selma was killed on the field by a brain injury.
The tough men of the sports commentariat are making fun of the new guardian cap helmets because they’re ’not manly.’
The QBs dad is an assistant coach on the team and dumbfuck chiming in he’s not really a coach would be typical. The dad is running to the press about his son telling his youth pastor he wanted to lead a revival tent meeting at the school that would have sparked more God who is undeniable in Selma. If any of that is true God said, “Nah, I’m good bro.” The irony.
Why did Mitt Romney do a sit down with Matt Ryan?
Why did Obama/Biden do a joint interview?
Why did Trump/Pence do a joint interview?
July 20th, 2024
Fox host Jessie (Ed’s note, the Generals are rapists) interviews Donald Trump and JD Vance (jointly)
Huh, weird how all y’all dying on this hill of totally standard campaign thing is weird just this once? Also a thing not one non-MAGA voter gives .29 Shits about.
@ 3
… a QB in Selma was killed on the field by a brain injury.
Sounded like he took a devastating hit to the helmet.
This is exactly the vicious hit to the head that killed Brian Sicknick. That defender should be charged with murder. Or at least involuntary manslaughter.
You know the answer to your question. Harris is not the best candidate, but she meets the Democrats’ narrative as a “person of color,” and she’s a woman. She’s likely to be a disaster if she wins in November.
We’re good with a candidate who’s never lost a general election for anything.
Thoughts and prayers during this difficult time for you.
Yeah, he was going to be a problem so I cleared it up.
In about 69 days we’ll see how it all plays out.
And if the FuckHump wins it will be the end of Democracy and Justice and the Rules of Law and Order. He is the biggest crime syndicate running out there. Deport him to Russia, along with the rest of the family.
@ 7
We’re good with a candidate who’s never lost a general election for anything.
If that was really the case, Hops, you would have stuck with Bi-Done.
Don’t know much about history. Do you.
@ 8
Yeah, he was going to be a problem so I cleared it up.
So did I.
Republicans endorsing Kamala Harris
– 200 former GOP staffers
– 16 former GOP Members of Congress
– 12 former GOP White House attorneys
– 4 former GOP Governors
– Countless former GOP officials
“Democrats” endorsing Donald Trump:
– Tulsi Gabbard
– RFK Jr.
RFK who has a brain work and traffics in dead bears and whales. Tulsi, favorite of Russa.
See 9.
Fun watching you change the goal posts.
Blessed Saint RayGun must have done ten thousand sit downs with Nancy as his chaperone.
The disengaged swing voters Harris/Walz need to reach in a dozen battleground states are not sitting around in damp trailers gumming down soft foods while their dentures soak and staring at teevee. So they really can’t afford to pull off the trail and hand their schedule over to a television network to perform like a carnival act. They want to make it count. So they’ll both be there.
13)Expect Blago soon, probably still owes Trump for the Pardon. Still can’t run for state office in Illinois.
Seems to Real Americans that any time someone arms themselves, joins a violent insurrection riot, and attacks police lines struggling to protect lawmakers huddling inside a barricaded building while the mob screams “KILL HIM WITH HIS OWN GUN” then that someone assumes a certain risk that is categorically and legally very different from a kid playing an intercollegiate contact sport for fun.
But these subtle differences escape the comprehension of modern MAGA Republicans who embrace lethal violence as a political tool.
@15 if Vice President Harris had a solo interview, conservatives would say it did not count because she wasn’t juggling sharks with laser eyes during it and shouldn’t she be home raising biological children?
May I just point out that no Democrat that we know of ever cast even a single vote for RFK, Jr. And in her eighteen year career in elected politics the most votes Grubbard ever got was 170,000.
Over 7 million people voted for Harris in 2016.
More than 81 million Americans voted for her in 2020.
Anyone can claim to be a Democrat. But what counts is their ability to get votes from Democratic voters. 🧠🐛has no such track record. And Grubbard has never managed more than a tiny handful. And that’s ancient history.
“Highly educated”
“Coastal elites”
What a load of BS.
The operation focuses mainly on local hospitals which are being currently cordoned and raided by the IOF, ignoring the fact that such facilities are crowded with patients and medical staffs.
And with terrorists. You guys always forget to include that part.
[Yes, The Holman Ellipses are there once again to interfere with clarity in the interests of brevity.]
IDF goes where the terrorists are. It wasn’t IDF that picked the hospitals to hid in, it was the terrorists.
Finish them.
@22. Troll logic “It’s perfectly fine to kill 1,000 good people to get one bad person. because that means there are 1,001 of the people I hate dead.” His Tag Line checks out.
Maybe they should all take up football. Then he would care.
@20, Brought to you by the makers of “The Nazis were left wing socialists”
You would think they would eventually tire of being wrong about everything.
If you make fast food establishments pay a minimum wage it will kill the industry and all the entry level jobs that go with it.
msn news
OC Register
Right wing Think tank Press Release
McDonald’s Multi-Store Franchisee, “I’m gonna have to sell the little boat and a couple of the show cars or cut staff! Oh shit, I cut the staff but now I’m losing customers to long waits at the drive thru. GET THEM BACK!”
They’re gonna find another pristine copy of ‘Mein Kampf’ in Arabic again. And an unfired rifle in an MRI room with a giant metal sign that says, “No Metal Allowed Inside”…in Arabic.
The elderly convicted felon that Republicans overwhelmingly nominated to be their candidate for President and control the US nuclear arsenal just retweeted a blowjob joke.
Keynes @ 25
Those are not seasonally adjusted. The seasonally adjusted numbers tell a different story:
January: 742.2k jobs
July: 739.6k jobs
That’s a decrease, not an increase.
Keep this difference in mind when you cheer the seasonally adjusted, rosy job creation numbers BLS spews on the first Friday morning of each month.
@ 27
… just retweeted a blowjob joke.
The DNC nominee for president is a blowjob joke.
GOP Senate candidate can’t keep his cities straight, JD Vance can’t keep his streets straight, and an itinerant MAGA rally attendee griping about a local parking ordinance tells a resident to “go back to China.”
30)If they got a problem with the parking ordinance, move there and primary the councilmembers.
The elderly convicted felon that Republicans overwhelmingly nominated to be their candidate for President and control the US nuclear arsenal and the 💩🧌 share the same sense of humor. Though the elderly convicted felon that Republicans overwhelmingly nominated to be their candidate for President and control the US nuclear arsenal may actually receive one or two more votes than the 💩🧌.
A naked Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit would horrify anyone, but it’s about to be reality, as the only place he can afford to shop for threads is going tits up.
Goodwill stores shutter doors, citing ‘escalating theft, rising rents’
Seattle’s crime, costs force charity to shutter key retail locations
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit wears size tent.
Goodwill stores shutter doors, citing ‘escalating theft, rising rents’ Seattle’s crime, costs force charity to shutter key retail locations
Goodwill is in at least two other locations I can think of in Seattle. One of which is literally just across the street from Seattle on 145th in Shoreline. Ok Faux Snooze, that’s “doesn’t count”..
South Lake Union and U District. The problem is rents more than anything else. U District, in particular, is gentrifying like crazy with fancy new apartment buildings. And SLU.. gimme a break..
34)One of the reasons Sound Transit acquired the site for U-District Station when they did. The property across from the former Safeco building. 3 years ago, the entrances were in what looks like an empty field. Not anymore.
He should have left it with the blowjob jokes:
The 78-year-old convicted felon is now so agitated and desperately needy for ANY media attention that he has taken to posting Qanon memes on his social media that includes announcing plans to round up political enemies (Harris, Pelosi, AOC) and conduct public executions of them on Capitol Hill.
Rivers of blood, lakes of fire, “the lamentations of the women”, fire and brimstone, and various other apocalyptic visions.
So it’s nice to see RFK, Jr and CULTulsi are starting to have an influence.
Density sucks. What a shitty way to “live”.
My oh my how well #Afghanistan is working out for MAGA:
@47 – Yes, you are correct.
Density sucks. What a shitty way to “live”.
Do they shoot 24/7 barking dogs where you live now liddle maxpuddle?
Well perhaps not – if the animal owners are locked and loaded themselves.
heh.. how many palms you grease to stroke your popgun in exile?
“The Mariners need something to distract from the games.”
The White Sox.
Btw, that article is satire.
JD has a sad he and his boss are losing BIGLY and veterans aren’t taking kindly to using Arlington as a campaign prop.
@5 “This is exactly the vicious hit to the head that killed Brian Sicknick. That defender should be charged with murder. Or at least involuntary manslaughter.”
Are you calling violent insurrectionists trying to overthrow our duly elected government and threatening to kill public officials “defenders” now? Is that the latest Republican Noise Machine mantra?
If a rioter assaults a cop, and the cop dies, the defendant (not “defender”) can, and most likely will, be charged with homicide. The exact nature of the charge will depend on the defendant’s intent. If he shoved the cop, who fell and hit his head, it’s probably manslaughter. If he hit the cop over the head with a flagpole, it’s probably second-degree murder.
@33 That leaves only a dozen or so Goodwill stores still open in the Seattle area.
@42 DO NOT MISS his rant here. Brief synopsis: Asked by a reporter about the Arlington assault, Vance blames the Kabul airport attack on Harris, then screeches, “She can go to hell!”
I recall something about a Beirut barracks attack in 1983 that killed 241 Americans. I wonder if Vance would say, “Reagan can go to hell, too!” I doubt it.
@45 You know what this makes Vance look like? A flailing candidate trying to score points with a cheapshot. An impulsive candidate with poor self-control. A clumsily contrived talking point.
As a talking point, it lacks credibility. The vice president is not the commander-in-chief. Her constitutional role is presiding over the Senate; she does not direct or oversee the military. In the Situation Room, she is an observer.
Even by silly season standards, this is incompetent campaigning.
The Supreme Court today again protected Welfare Queen YLB’s two fucked kids from bearing the burden of their deadbeat friends who want to skip out on paying their student loan debt by dumping the load on the US taxpayer.
Welfare Queen YLB would find it more difficult to be the unserious twat that she is were it not for adults in the room having her back or, in this case, the backs of the two fucklings.
Even Democrats can’t truly want eight years of this:
The hand-waving, the condescension, the amount of time it takes her to verbalize nothingisms…
@ 45
“She can go to hell!”
If JD and DOCTOR Jill each had their way, Boxcheck Momala would be fucking herself in hell.
JD and DOCTOR Jill have very similar, very low opinions of Boxcheck Momala. Small wonder it took the Obamas so long to be dragged by their genitals to issue an endorsement of the coward.
Latest Fox News Polls have Harris 1 in Arizona, 2 in Georgia, and 2 in Nevada.
@49 Who should Reagan be fucking in hell? Himself? He lost 18 times as many Americans in Beirut as Trump (sic) lost at the Kabul airport.
I don’t see the logic of blaming Harris for the Kabul airport attack, when as vice president she has no direct authority over the military, and isn’t involved in planning military operations. Maybe a dumbfuck could explain that in a way we all can understand?
Pesky facts.
The Trump administration in February 2020 negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban that excluded the Afghan government, freed 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers and set a date certain of May 1, 2021, for the final withdrawal.
And the Trump administration kept to the pact, reducing U.S. troop levels from about 13,000 to 2,500, even though the Taliban continued to attack Afghan government forces and welcomed al-Qaeda terrorists into the Taliban leadership.
Just to remember history, Joe Biden advocated AGAINST raiding the compound because the potential of service member loses and yet Bin Laden died that very day.
Daily caller light weight and Qanon Shaman fellator has thoughts.
EVs will put corn farmers out of business, so we must keep polluting!
Elon Musk is anti-farmer.
Sounds like trouble on the homefront:
Well, he can always sleep in that New York rented bedroom if he gets kicked out of her Malibu house.
poor jealous YLB. Hows that density treating you? You have to rent out rooms in your home just to fund your expenses and retirement. LOLZ. Crime, needles, human feces in your weed riddled yard,,,,sounds heavenly. You and Mudede neighbors?
We operate at different levels. Another trip to the condo in Portugal in November. Place in Mexico rented out through the end of the year.
“pro-school” lol.
The 5,000 enemy combatants that Trump freed from detainment immediately rearmed and thanks to Trump outnumbered US troops 2 to 1. Trump flooded Kabul with twice as many seasoned veteran Taliban as there were US troops to protect it. These were fighters the US had spent more than a decade identifying, targeting, and capturing. A lot more than 13 US service members gave their lives to round them up in the first place.
That grifting mother fucker is back to selling NFT trading cards like it’s 2022.
MAGA is truly the stupidest collection of fucks to walk the planet. Bet they all have Iraqi Dinar too.
The Arlington Cemetery employee who was assaulted by Trump campaign staffers because …
Bullying a national cemetery employee who’s just doing her job, then intimidating her into silence. Great look!
Researchers have found a statistically significant correlation between religious fundamentalism and people with brain damage.
I wonder if equine syphilis brings a dumbfuck closer to God?
Caitlyn Clark broke the WNBA rookie three point record tonight in a win against the second seed Connecticut Sun.
Part of the fun of an Indiana/Connnecticut game is DiJonai Carrington and NaLyssa Smith going one on one a couple times…knowing they’re a couple.
Despite a bad start to the season the Fever have won four of their last five with the loss coming on the road to league leading Minnesota Lynx.
The Fever are in the playoff picture and playing like a team that could make a run.
This message brought to you the fragile masculinity of our Dumbfuck.
“This message brought to you the fragile masculinity of our Dumbfuck.”
Caitlin Clark is more gainfully employed than he is.
The real sports story today, though, is the White Sox have sunk below the magical number of .235, making them the all-time, bar-none, exclusively WORST team in ALL of major league baseball history. Of course, the season isn’t over yet, so they have an opportunity to not merely be the team that set the record for the worst season ever, but to set a record that will NEVER be broken by ANY team. How the fuck do you lost 103 of 134 games? You have to WORK at it. But it sure helps other teams’ averages.
When the Oregon Territory became US, we forgot to rename a couple mountains named by Captain Vancouver after his superiors. Looks like Puyallup Nation wants to cancel Mount Rainier using the Patriotism angle.
Wonder if any Oregon tribes want to cancel Hood? Also NS,Ed after a British Admiral.
Elon Musk’s Space-X is grounded until further notice.
87-year-old LULAC volunteer said Texas AG Ken Paxton sent 9 officers to raid her home
This is the country if Republican Project 2025 is enacted. Using the police to intimidate Democrats.
The tragedy of MAGA’s conspiracy theory about Tim Walz’s “fake” dog: Donald Trump controls his followers by convincing them to reject basic reality, even the most banal parts.
Unable to handle the strong possibility that their candidate will lose in November, Trump’s followers are preemptively immersing themselves in a fantasyland where everything they don’t like is “fake,” from Harris’ crowd sizes to the pet photos of their opponents.
In that context, we can see how sinister the “fake dog” conspiracy theory is. The Harris-Walz message of “joy” is a counterpoint to what Trump is offering, which is an endless barrage of anger, despair, nihilism, and sadism. Walz playing in the park with his dog offers a visual example of this contrast. The picture asks us to imagine a future where we let go of all the hate and just hang out together with our dogs at the park. The only way to disrupt the appeal of such an image is to deny that it’s even possible, arguing that vitriol and violence is all that we can ever hope for.
>> I heard Scout is actually Hunter Biden’s laptop with picture of a dog drawn on a page from Ashley Biden’s diary taped to it
>> I thought 1984 was impossible. Republicans show me how possible it is.
Looks like the Arlington National Official the Trump campaign defamed in recent press responses by saying “she was having a mental health crisis” has got herself a couple of lawyers.
DOD officials have 100% backed her. They say they gave abundant advance notice to Trump that by law political campaigning and demonstrating is not allowed anywhere in the national military cemetery. And they say they went over the ground rules with Trump ahead of time, including informing him and his team that public photography was prohibited in the area where he would be attending the wreath laying. According to the DOD the employee Trump assaulted and later defamed was performing her duties as assigned and according to federal law.
I imagine she had a pretty long list of some very highly capable prominent civil litigators to choose from, all eager to work pro bono.
Military Police from Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall were summoned to respond to the assault at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday. In consultation with cemetery officials they declined to make any arrests. But a criminal incident report was filed. Media organizations have filed FOIA requests for the report and ranking members from Congress are also seeking access to it. The Arlington National employee who was assaulted and later defamed by Trump is seeking to have her identity redacted from the reports in order to protect herself and her family from further threats of violence coming from Republican Trump supporters.
Relatives of Master Sgt. Andrew Marckesano who died by suicide after serving eight combat tours and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery expressed concern on Wednesday that Donald J. Trump’s campaign had filmed his gravesite without permission as Mr. Trump stood in an area where campaign photography isn’t allowed.
Sergeant Marckesano died on July 7, 2020, after moving to Washington to begin a job at the Pentagon. He had three children, and friends said he had chronic post-traumatic stress disorder from his time in combat. He earned Silver and Bronze Stars during his service. His gravesite is adjacent to that of Staff Sergeant Darin Taylor Hoover, a Marine who was killed in the 2021 bombing at Abbey Gate outside the Kabul airport in Afghanistan.
The family has retained legal counsel and is also seeking assistance from their elected members in Congress. The Trump campaign continues to publish, use, and promote images and video of Sergeant Marckesano’s grave site and grave marker clearly displaying his name in political campaign materials including fund raising appeals despite pleas from his grieving family members.
Andrea Junker on Xitter.
Is anyone really surprised that convicted rapist Trump forced himself on Arlington after Arlington said no?
Hows that density treating you?
Just great! Me and all my neighbors to boot.. No vacants here. House prices here are through the roof.. Makes us look great on paper.
You have to rent out rooms in your home just to fund your expenses and retirement.
Nope.. Didn’t remodel for expenses or even retirement.
LOLZ. Crime, needles, human feces in your weed riddled yard,,,,sounds heavenly.
Nope.. That’s silly shit you watch on youtube from Sinclair and KOMO – Seattle is dying.. always wrong wing propaganda designed to appeal to dumbshits with the Monson mentality. Seattle is doing just fine. All urban areas have their issues. Seattle’s is minor by comparison.
You and Mudede neighbors?
ROFLMAO… The obsession with The Stranger. No matter how far it runs from taxes or people it hates… They haunt the pea brain of liddle max puddle.
We operate at different levels. Another trip to the condo in Portugal in November. Place in Mexico rented out through the end of the year.
But liddle maxpuddle, waddabout teh popgun??? How ya gonna silence the 24/7 mutts barking without one? Some “peace and quiet”…
“pro-school” lol.
We know you’ll be back to have it rubbed in your face.. You can’t help yourself liddle maxwipe. You’ll hate to the grave.. Brown.. (that “Marxist” school) lol..
the burden of their deadbeat friends who want to skip out on paying their student loan debt
The wife thanks you for voting for it twice..
https://www.reddit.com/r/PSLF/search/?q=golden letter&type=link
Our family benefited from your vote.
Thanks for finally getting it through your dense skull that my sons have no student loan debt. They’re both college graduates, gainfully employed and perfectly fine with others getting debt relief. Joe won’t raise their taxes. Neither will Kamala. But your ilk believes in doling out punishment to people having a hard time just getting by.
Vote blue. Vote NOT assholes.
It’s sad that it has to work the way it does with assholes like Republicans. But that’s just the way it is.
Like Ruby Freeman and Shae Moss, the Arlington National Official who Trump assaulted and defamed wants nothing to do with him, or with his broken down campaign. And certainly for her own safety and for that of her family and neighbors, she wants no contact with any of his mob of violent pipe-bomb extremists and MAGA shooters.
But I can tell you that right now she’s being told by the lawyers she’s retained that this won’t be possible and that she has no choice but to prepare herself. As an employee at Arlington some parts of her employment records are public and those parts will include details making it easy to identify her. It’s likely that media have already done so and are currently withholding it in hopes of negotiating interviews. Her lawyers will be using that leverage to gain as much time as possible so that before her name becomes public she can be kept safe from Republican terrorist threats and attacks.
And she was only trying her best to do her job to protect our nation’s fallen heroes and their families.
She deserves our thanks.
Instead her life will be ruined by MAGA Republican media extremists and terrorists. People like Tucker Carlson and other Republican media ghouls will try to defame, discredit, and destroy her. And she can’t stop it.
She’s telling her lawyers she wants to stay out of politics and remain anonymous. And they will be telling her that won’t be possible. They will also be telling her that protecting herself and her family will be expensive. And that is true.
She will need to secure her home from intruders willing to break in to steal mail, letters, computers, phones, etc hoping to find dirt. She will have to take her own garbage out directly to the truck or arrange to take it elsewhere in secret. She’ll have to rent a secure attended post box and have her mail delivered there. She’ll have to rent a car. And she may have to move at least temporarily. And she’ll probably have to take a temporary leave of absence from her job.
These are bare minimums and they won’t do Jack Shit to push back against or refute the conservative media smear that has already begun anonymously. Nor will they protect her life or the lives of her friends and family if/when a MAGA Republican inevitably calls for violence to be directed her way.
She will need a bunch of money she doesn’t have. And so her lawyers will be telling her that the right thing to do in her situation is to make those who are responsible pay for it. So they will be urging her to sue. And she probably will once she realizes that Trump, MAGA, and Republican lunatics will never leave her alone until she does.
How is the Maga behavior any different than the behavior of say… The MS-13 crime gang. “Challenge us, we will destroy you”
Trump really is POS scum. Thinks no laws and rules and regulations are meant for him. ANC isn’t his little playground…the fucking assshole.
@ 51
I don’t see the logic of blaming Harris for the Kabul airport attack, when as vice president she has no direct authority over the military, and isn’t involved in planning military operations. … explain that in a way we all can understand?
I’ll explain it in one sentence, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit:
What did the vice president know and when did he know it?
George Bush (GHWB 41) had no direct authority over the military. Yet in this 9 minute, live interview during the CBS evening news hour anchor Dan Rather questioned a sitting vice president about Iran-Contra, extensively, and Bush didn’t shy away from providing answers. This was in 1988, when Bush was a VP running for president. The military was Reagan’s job, not Bush’s. Didn’t seem to matter to Rather, though. Did it.
That is the way interviews of politicians running for higher office used to be conducted. This year, Boxcheck Momala needs a pre-recorded show in which her Emotional Support Governor is by her side for comfort.
This was in 1988, when Bush was a VP running for president. The military was Reagan’s job, not Bush’s. Didn’t seem to matter to Rather, though. Did it.
Heh.. And it was an open secret that bonzo was losing it – big time..
Oh excuse me.. the current parlance is “cognitive decline”.. heh..
And Papa Bush could hardly be blamed for “stepping up”?
JD Vance,
“They had a permit. It’s not like they were shooting a campaign commercial. She can GO TO HELL!”
12 hours later…
Trump/Vance campaign release campaign commercial of the visit to Arlington National Cemetery, a violation of Federal Law.
Is there anything sadder than white dad guy saying ‘haters’ like he was down with the hip hop slang in his salad days?
JD Vance booed at firefighter convention in Boston.
Speakinge of Vance in Boston.
The last week in August is known as Allston Christmas. All leases in Boston end on September first and the mostly apartment dwelling young folk of the Allston neighborhood who are vacating will leave belongings they don’t want to move outside for others to take.
Large furniture is often discarded.
Dan Rather questioned a sitting vice president about Iran-Contra, extensively, and Bush didn’t shy away from providing answers.
Btw, Iran-Contra wasn’t a military operation. It was a covert operation..
I’d wonder if Bush divulged classified information about that. But he probably didn’t. He probably just whined up a storm about the special counsel investigation..
Papa Shrub was in the thick of it being former spook head and the asshole ended up pardoning all the other players anyway.
Trading arms for hostages with Iran.. oh the shame!
@77. Shorter Troll “I hate that an ‘unworthy’ liberal black woman is likely to be our next president, so I’m complaining bitterly about anything she did, or did not do, since the beginning of time till now.”
“She’s not going to be juggling sharks during the interview so it’s not a real interview. And why didn’t she stop the cancellation of Matlock. And why didn’t she do more to help the Continental Army take over the airports from the British during the American Revolutionary War? New Coke. What did she know and when did she know it?”
Why JD got booed a second time by the firefighters:
“ I won’t mention the name of the company but they go on strike and you say, ‘That’s OK. You’re all gone.”
“I actually LOVE cats” JD Vance while swinging a cat by its tail.
JD Vance visits a donut shop.
Goldy Re blued? Re Skeeted? Reskyed? This
@ 86
4) wages at the bottom rose so much, income inequality is down, undoing 1/3 of its growth since Reagan
If you click on the link, you’ll find that this claim is based on a smaller multiplier of the wages earned by the top 10% relative to the wages earned by the bottom 10%, than used to be the case.
Conveniently, this measure avoids addressing the reality that the middle class – the 80% that this claim does not concern – is fucked now even more than it was before.
@ 82
Btw, Iran-Contra wasn’t a military operation. It was a covert operation..
That’s like saying Israel’s nuke capability has nothing to do with IDF because Israel hasn’t formally admitted that it’s a member of the nuclear weapons-capable club. Which is just more unserious twattery.
@ 78
Heh.. And it was an open secret that bonzo was losing it – big time..
Here is the entire press conference held by Reagan in December of 1988, his last full month as president. It was his 44th press conference.
Listen to the question (somewhere around 4:00) by Helen Thomas, and Reagan’s response. Listen to the long list of dollar figures and ratios Reagan verbalized in his response. Listen to her follow-up, and his.
Now tell me that’s anything close to “losing it big time”, in the context of the current cognitive state of our president, Welfare Queen YLB.
The only thing you know about Reagan, Welfare Queen YLB, is that you can criticize him and he can’t defend himself, so you can say whatever you think you can’t get away with. So brave. So serious. You’re really impressing Darryl with your command of history, Welfare Queen YLB.
Your reminder that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is NOT a millionaire.
From the link:
There are 500k millionaires due to 401k balances and there are another 400k millionaires due to the IRA balances. And then there are all of the millionaires who don’t have to count their retirement accounts.
There are well over a million millionaires in the United States. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is not one of them. Sad!
Ronald Reagan did not fear the microphone. Teleprompters did not exist when he was president.
Boxcheck Momala is petrified of a microphone with no actively scrolling teleprompter on each side.
65)Don’t trust the Soyuz, although some say it’s safe now. Although Soyuz 11 was a result of something NASA never does as SOP.
78)Stumbled on The Falklands Play on Amazon Prime, and showed Reagan asking Galtieri what were the islands called again? Although could have just been diplomatic, as Argentina called them the Malvinas, still do.
Why do liberals love to gin up ratios at the edges of the bell curve, like the asswipe @ 86 spewed?
Because the majority of the bell curve is something that liberals would rather not talk about:
39% of Americans worry they can’t pay the bills
By Matt Egan, CNN
They also look at the fringes because readers like The Even Bigger Fucking Moron and Welfare Queen YLB aren’t intelligent enough to wonder about what’s between the bottom fringe and the top fringe.
CNN says consumers worry now the way they did during The Great Recession. That’s Bidenomics, and Boxcheck Momala is very proud of Bidenomics.
I wonder which of the above short paragraphs will be deleted because for this topic I refuse to employ The Holman Ellipsis. Will it be the one that points out that Biden has hurt minority Americans even more than white Americans?
As you’d expect when civilians push around a National Cemetery employee, the Army has told the Trump campaign to go to hell.
These fucking Trump people think they can do whatever they like, but they have to follow the rules like everyone else.
I don’t have the time to deep dive the research but has there ever been a President reprimanded by the Army for a staffer assaulting their personnel?
@96 Why wouldn’t a president who sent a mob to assault Congress shove an Army staffer out of the way so he can break another law? But to answer your question, we’ve never had a president like this before, so I’m guessing probably not.
@ 95
On January 6, 2021, the military rebuked the Trump administration’s request for the National Guard troops for 3 hours, 19 minutes.
Military rebuking Trump is nothing new.
@68 “has got herself a couple of lawyers”
Good, no, excellent. Courts are good at setting straight people who have shit-for-brains. She doesn’t need to prove actual malice, either, because she’s not a public figure.
That’s like saying Israel’s nuke capability has nothing to do with IDF
A secret operation to trade arms for hostages held by Iran and then use the proceeds to fund and arm a covert war that Congress expressly forbade is compared to a strategic weapons arsenal that to this day Israel hasn’t owned up to.
Idiocy indeed.
This really isn’t going to be close.
Trump’s campaign manager retweeted an illegal photo of Trump
Other than white supremacists the military is one of the biggest voting blocks for the GOP and here comes Donnie disrespecting them for a SECOND news cycle.
By November he’ll have called white non college rural voters ‘inbreeders’
@69 ” … to protect herself and her family from further threats of violence coming from Republican Trump supporters” and Jungle Gym Jordan subpoenas.
They deliberately disregarded the instructions they were given. The Army should ban Trump from the cemetery, the same way airlines ban noncompliant passengers.
Elon tagged a story from NPR about the Arlington incident as a ‘potentially harmful’ website posting the warning that after users clicked through that it could be a hacking site.
@91. Shorter Troll, in a desperate wail getting higher in pitch with every word. . “Rabbit can’t have more money than me. That would mean I’m not better than him. He just cannnnnnt. (inhale) He can’t! He can’t. He CANT. ” Fall the ground weeping, uncontrollable.
And Scene.
If troll can make stuff up, I can as well.
Related, British researchers are now up to 49 Twitter accounts pushing the Trump message to American users that are using stolen images of Europeans as profile pictures and in non political posts to make them seem real because…they have things they do and say that aren’t MAGA.
As of now, none have been deplatformed.
@74 What will happen to this employee is very unfortunate, but as you say it will happen; and she’ll have to leave her job, change her name, and move to another country. On a brighter note, the generosity of the Trump campaign will ensure she never has to work again, and can spend the rest of her life kicking back in beach chairs and drinking margaritas while taking in spectacular sunsets.
@77 Did Dan Rather tell Bush Sr. to “go to hell”? Did anyone?
Journalists ask questions. That’s their job. Vance isn’t a journalist and wasn’t conducting an interview. He attacked Harris in vulgar language for something that isn’t within her area of responsibility. Not the same. You haven’t answered anything. You’ve only looked stupid again.
@82 It was an illegal covert operation that sold arms to an enemy to raise funds for Central American rightwing death squads. Raygun should’ve been impeached for it. People should’ve gone to jail for it.
you can criticize him and he can’t defend himself,
LMAO… Yeah that Iran Contra shit really took some brains. As well as letting Nancy’s astrologer pass muster on its schedule. From Don Regan’s book:
Virtually every major move and decision the Reagans made during my time as White House Chief of Staff was cleared in advance with a woman in San Francisco [Quigley] who drew up horoscopes to make certain that the planets were in a favorable alignment for the enterprise.
Not just the schedule. Every major move and decision…
Bonzo was a top flight brainiac..
And it couldn’t defend itself while it was alive kreepshit.. Lawrence Walsh from his July 1992 interview with bonzo:
“I was saddened to discover that the former president didn’t remember such basic facts as that Michael Deaver had come to Washington with him from California or John Poindexter had resigned.”
And that was a full year before testing revealed something was wrong and the Alzheimer’s diagnosis didn’t come until some time after that.
@88 You can get away with a lot of small war crimes when you have nukes in your garage and your biggest patron doesn’t want you using them to commit big ones.
CNN says consumers worry now the way they did during The Great Recession.
GR was dumbyanomics kreepshit.. You’d luv to blame it on Obama but remember..
Obama served TWO TERMS.. TWO TERMS..
Or did you forget? Oh didn’t you just say that GR was Bill Clinton’s fault? lmao.. We heard that a lot here at HA while empty suit dumbya was flailing and fayling about..
Until Darryl publishes his Monte Carlo analysis, Nate Silver’s assessment will have to do.
@ 112
Obama served TWO TERMS.. TWO TERMS..
Welfare Queen YLB, you’re going to love hearing most of that sentence thrown back at you. Just one word will be different. Can you guess which it will be?
The picture is masterful.
@90 I don’t have a dime in 401(k)s. I paid into a defined benefit pension plan run by the state. I do have an IRA that turned less than $20K of contributions into a third of a million dollars, but most of my stocks are in taxable accounts. Doc, think whatever you like, but believing crap is honey doesn’t turn it into honey. If you want to eat it anyway, go right ahead, I won’t stop you.
Can you guess which it will be?
yawwwn.. give us your worst.. don’t be a.. heh.. coward..
@91 “Ronald Reagan did not fear the microphone. Teleprompters did not exist when he was president.”
Between fucking the horse and stepping on your dick, you must have a pretty sore dick, doc.
@92 Cosmonauts are expendable.
@ 118
Noted. Plenty of photos of him using one, too.
@94 “39% of Americans worry they can’t pay the bills”
Might have something to do with wages.
Boxcheck Momala:
She said it more than once. If it’s true, then why have all of her policy positions changed?
Fuck You.
This is trivial and unworthy of any of our time here. GHWB was a former CIA Director who was eyeball deep in the administration plan to fund paramilitary narco terrorists in violation of federal law.
All I see here is a 💩🧌 fabricating completely fantastic lies because his beloved Cheeto Jesus is falling apart in the bell lap. A prevaricating bullshit troll just making it all up as he goes in whatever fashion he thinks will best serve his masters. This was too easily checked. It’s more than mere laziness. It’s willful and entirely intentional. And it demonstrates not only DEPLORABLE low quality of trolling, but moreover a keen presumption that his audience is incapable of discovering such a clumsy lie.
Put down the shovel.
Trump’s campaign idiots fucked him in the ass on this. They were all too frustrated and desperate to launch this new attack to have bothered to game it out. Now he’s fucked himself. If you want to continue to resurface this in the media be my guest. But the story is now and forever hereafter that Trump attacked officials at Arlington to perform a tasteless campaign stunt.
And in so doing the Republican nominee for President took a giant, public, orange, runny shit all over the sacred memories of over 400,000 Americans who gave the greatest possible sacrifice for our freedom.
@98 Nice deflection, very cute, but I’ll take the bait.
Let’s start with the fact that before Jan. 6, Trump told his followers to “be there, be wild,” and did NOT arrange for National Guard troops to control them:
Okay, so what about when the rally turned into a riot?
It wasn’t the military who blocked National Guard deployment on Jan. 6, dumbfuck.
And there still hasn’t.
That fucking piece of shit is not a President.
That was a campaign stunt carried out by human garbage, one of whom happens to be a former President that the American voters FIRED because he’s such a piece of shit💩.
@105 I probably don’t have more money than him. I certainly didn’t to start with; he was a doctor, I made a government salary. Of course, it’s very possible he pissed away all his money, and now I have more money than him.
Jesus fucking Christ.
When you set out to lie, learn to count, asshole.
@115 It’s satire, but it captures an essential truth about him.
@120 At least you admit you were wrong. Kudos for that. Most Republicans never do that, and you’ll probably get purged from the GOP now.
@122 Looks like you’re reading CNN now.
What, no Fox, Breitbart, Newsmax, OAN, Washington Times, Onion, today?
What the fuck is that?
Roger, that’s nothing more than a spontaneous utterance from an absolute garbage person that he read your response. Not that he agrees with it.
And certainly not that he admits he was just desperately making up bullshit to try to distract and deflect from the latest Republican betrayal of the American people.
At least.
At least the deplorable 💩🧌 isn’t being forced to go into hiding to avoid assassination at the hands of MAGA shooters like the woman at Arlington who dared try and prevent that disgraceful campaign stunt. He should be.
At least.
In a public hearing considering challenges to proposed mergers, Kroger’s top pricing executive today admitted under oath that the company jacked prices on key basic, family food items like milk, eggs, produce, and meat way, way more than supply inflation would have required.
Republicans do nothing but lie now.
119)As Soyuz 11 showed, squeezing three in a capsule for two. Before that, Soyuz 1, after his friend Komorov was killed, Gagarin talked too much, and had a suspicious flight accident.
@131 You only quoted part of what he said. This
is a concession. You don’t have to like the guy, or the idiocy he posts most of the time, but he did concede the fact in this case, and I gave him a little pat on the head like you would when training a dog.
@132 https://www.newsweek.com/kroger-executive-admits-company-gouged-prices-above-inflation-1945742
He’s already admitted that his financial security in Going Galt is owing to being yet another dissipating Trustifarian asshole. I’m sure it helps that he had a steady career in healthcare as a Rad Tech. But his assets are inherited, and not earned.
My paycheck dries up if I don’t provide a close race model up until late October.
Bloomberg/Morning Consult polls (RVs):
Wisconsin: Harris 52/44
Pennsylvania: Harris 51/47
Nevada: Harris 49/45
Michigan: Harris 49/46
Georgia: Harris 49/47
North Carolina: Harris 49/47
Arizona: 48/48
As for polls done by universities, I hope Monmouth sees a lot of red tonight, as in the red turf we call the Inferno in Cheney.
Time will tell!
“I made a government salary”
Be glad that you had a government job. Government pay and benefit packages are generally better than the private sector. I always advise young people to get a government job if they can.
“On milk and eggs, retail inflation has been significantly higher than cost inflation,” Groff said in the internal email to other Kroger executives.
See kreepshit… Now multiply that across corporate America aka wink, wink, psst.. everyone’s doin’ it.
Not Joe’s fault.. You lose…
Inflation is always the fault of government.
Well what we learned from this interview is Kamala Harris can string multiple coherent sentences together to illustrate a point.
GOP Rebuttal:
She’s a nasty woman that one at the cemetery. We have the best electricity our campaign is soaring.
Inflation is always the fault of government.
But in this case it was never inflation. It was a supply shock followed up by opportunistic corporate price gouging.
Dumbshits babble that Joe Biden is so bad so why has “inflation” gone from over 9 percent to the level considered acceptable by the Fed?
Cuz it was always a matter of supply messed up by the pandemic disruption.
All the Fed has accomplished by jacking up interest rates is worsen the housing crisis and forcing corps finally to dampen hiring. It should have eased a year ago. John McSame’s econo Mark Zandi said as much.
So far Eastern Washington is showing Monmouth is better at polling than Football. We are only up by 3 Touchdowns in the 3rd Quarter.
Journalism is more than reading Republican talking points and demanding Democrats to respond to them.
MAGA Mike had his fingers in the Arlington escapade.
Aside from the assault on the cemetery employee, it was a minor violation, but shows contempt for rules just the same.
If Boxcheck Momala wasn’t spineless she wouldn’t look this shriveled.
@147 You gotta have journalists before you can have journalism.
@140 LOL!!!
@142 Back in the ’70s, OPEC had nothing to do with it. (sarcasm)
@ 140
Government pay and benefit packages are generally better than the private sector.
Not for attorneys, and Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s profession was attorney.
He worked in government because it allowed him to better hide his incompetence. Since then he is desperate to convince others that he is a “millionaire”, despite showing us one financial figure after another that proves him a liar.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit would not have lasted a week in the private sector without being shit-canned.
@149 You miss the childless cat lady not having a son named Hunter, don’t you?
About a nice vinaigrette with your word salad, Boxcheck Momala?
Most graduates of Howard University speak this way.
I’m certainly relieved to learn that fracking poses absolutely no danger to the environment.
Woman who shotgunned her dog in gravel pit calls Harris “crazy.”
@153 I’ve heard you’re an expert on getting shit-canned in the private sector.
My Eags did a great job against Monmouth tonight. Yes, tge same university involved in polling. EWU 42-Monmouth 27. It’s rare we open at home.
Kameltoe fucked up the CNN interview.
LOL. As much as you want you fucking arrogant piece of shit. Having a government job is like having guaranteed income, and you know it. Otherwise you would have got a real job in the private sector.
@161 How many government workers live in big houses, drive sports cars, and own yachts? I’m asking for a friend weighing career choices.
Perusing random stocks this evening, I notice DJT broke the Jackson. Now worth under $20.
I want to come back to Walz’s military record, because Republicans keep hammering on it, and everybody is missing an important point — what the role of the National Guard is. It’s surprising that Vance, who served on active duty in the Marines, doesn’t know how the Guard fits into the overall military establishment.
The National Guard is not primarily a war-fighting organization. Most of its members are part-timers, and do not expect to ever see combat when they join. During the Vietnam War, many people joined Guard units to avoid being drafted and sent to Vietnam.
The Guard is a reserve force that can be deployed to war zones, but its primary duties are at home, providing disaster relief or acting as a police force to quell civil unrest. Its primary role is to respond to civil emergencies.
When you join the Guard, you’re signing up to fill sandbags, rescue people from floods, deliver relief supplies, and perform riot control. That’s what the job is, and what Guardsmen are trained for. If they’re called to federal service for war-fighting, they get additional training before being deployed.
Walz joined the National Guard at age 17, and knew that’s what he was signing up for. Given this, the argument that he chickened out of a war is preposterous on its face. Guardsmen don’t expect to be called on to fight wars. If you want to be a warrior you join the Army, Marines, or Army or Marine Reserves.
Walz chickened out of nothing. We weren’t at war anywhere when he joined the Guard in 1981, and there was no draft then, so he didn’t join the Guard to get out of fighting a war, as Dan Quayle and George W. Bush did.
Walz joined to perform the service that Guardsmen expect to perform: Mostly disaster relief, with a possibility of being called on to perform riot control. Most join for the second income, pension, and benefits, and get the satisfaction of serving your community and recognition for that. So what that he joined the Guard instead of the active-duty armed forces; is there something wrong with that? The Guard provides essential services and we need Guardsmen too.
164)Like the Transportation unit that used to be based out of Interbay, while handling logistics in a war zone if called up, it mostly did duties supporting its state mission. Good idea to relocate it, was in a dangerous area if the worst expected Earthquake happens.
Kamala Harris: “Donald Trump said he was going to do a number of things including allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices never happened. We did it”
>> Like the convicted criminal did not build The Wall.
>> Like the convicted criminal did not roll out Infrastructure Week
>> Like the convicted criminal did not release Republican Health Care
Vote Blue. Republicans lie.
Most graduates of Howard University speak this way.
Greedee, kreepee graduates of RapeU want greedhead rapists like the orange guy to be their dear leaders.
Kamala’s interview was a masterclass in dodging traps set by Republicans
>> They are not bothering to do interviews with the media when all the media to do is play Gotcha for the republicans and giving trump an endless pass
In dumbfuck world, The Pain must truly be tremendous.
VANCEBOWMAN: Apologize? You’re lucky I’m not masturbating right now.Divans get nervous in its presence..
Trump: “Some people don’t eat bacon anymore. This was caused by their horrible energy. Wind. They want wind all over the place. When it doesn’t blow, we have a problem.”
But Walz has to have never had a grammar mistake since the 3rd grade.
There is a double standards and the media need to hold conservatives to the same standards they hold Democrats. But they won’t.
Fake polls!
Kari Lake Down A Whopping 15 Pts In Fox News Poll
@172 She’s lucky to be doing that well, given the POS she is. But to get numbers like that, a fair number of Republican voters have to be voting against her. Probably all the McCain voters for starters.