Look, don’t get used to high quality open threads. I am sorry that Darryl has spoiled you. Back to nonsense like me rambling a bit about, holy shit, who came in second place for Lands Commission.
We have a top 2 primary, so the first and second place finishers go on to the general election. This year Lands Commission — the DNC is on and I’m writing about Lands Commission — Jaime Herrera Beutler, the former Republican Congresswoman, and probably Dave Upthegrove, Democratic member of the King County Council, are probably going through. But! Republican Sue Kuehl Pederson is within 51 votes. So there will be a hand recount.
I suspect 51 votes isn’t enough to overturn. Especially since most voters went for someone else. But if it’s this close, a hand recount is reasonable. I hope Republicans can refrain from the misconduct they pull in some contested elections.
But if you voted in this race and you haven’t checked yet, please confirm that your vote was counted.
Finally, if 52 votes change and this flips. Democrats will have had the most votes in the primary, but be unrepresented in the election. No primary system perfect, and it’s easy to find the problem with the one you have, but this seems bad. I suspect Democrats will do more to reign in candidates in the future, maybe back room deals to keep some people off the ballot.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Welfare Queen YLB has led cheers for 818,000 created jobs that don’t actually exist.
The only downward revision greater than Bidenflation’s current result was in 2009, when 824,000 jobs were removed from the BLS’ tally.
Boxcheck Momala, asked for comment, replied:
Are you a highly trained worker in a well paid field and not getting what you’re worth?
Sucks to be you because one party says you need to suck it up and stay there.
Aug 20 (Reuters) – A federal judge in Texas on Tuesday barred a U.S. Federal Trade Commission rule from taking effect that would ban agreements commonly signed by workers not to join their employers’ rivals or launch competing businesses.
Texas goes Blue.
Bob is just sad that his Skirt and Pom Poms can’t come out.
But he still wears the women’s panties that he’s always dreamed about. Only the horse gets to see those!
818,000 created jobs that don’t actually exist.
I’ll settle for 15.7 million jobs..
And suck in all those other numbers while you’re at it.
Especially corporate profits up 36 percent.. Greed is good – for the few like you pretend to be.
The guy you shill for is losing.. knock, knock, knock…
The election for president appears to be a toss-up at this point. The media (about 95% of it) is definitely on the side of Harris/Walz, and will definitely support that ticket, no matter what.
Businesses, on the other hand, flatly refuse to support Harris/Walz because of crime and inflation. They’re also not so happy about illegal immigration brought to the US via Biden/Harris.
Most government workers – federal, state and local – will support Harris/Walz because…well, they’re government workers! Unions will undoubtedly support Harris/Walz, especially government employee unions,
The wild card is what the independent voters will do in several of the battleground states. It will be the non-union, suburban and rural voters who will decide the election results in November.
Businesses, on the other hand, flatly refuse to support Harris/Walz
You’re wrong..
Both crime and inflation are down after spiking from extreme pandemic conditions and greed masking as opportunism. You are ignorant.
@ 5
I’ll settle for 15.7 million jobs..
Would not be a bad position to take, I’ll admit, if they were uniformly distributed over those 12 months. They weren’t. They were front-loaded in the spring and summer months of 2023, and then started to fall off a cliff in the rest of the reporting period.
It’s why unemployment is increasing. Sahm rule.
Shorter Welfare Queen YLB @ 7:
Because a guy who no longer runs a company supports a candidate with the same skin color as his, American businesses are all-in for the Democrat ticket, especially since they’re promising to try to raise the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%.
This is how Welfare Queen YLB actually thinks.
People are gonna freak the fuck out.
Seatac now has all gender bathrooms. The concept is pretty common all over the world. A bank of sinks and then toilet stalls in individual vestibules with floor to ceiling walls and doors. Once you go in and lock your door you will have no way of knowing or seeing if the person in the stall next to you is a Man, Woman, LadyBoy, Twink, Trans or a Republican with a wide stance.
Sorry gents, the urinal is gone and if you spend anytime looking at Youtube for splatter pattern of urinal you’d know that they are pretty fucking gross anyway.
Put the fucking seat down you slob.
A billion here, a billion there…
Ford Shrinks Its EV Rollout Plans as Demand Lags
Automaker cancels large electric SUV and expects to take $1.9 billion in related special charges and write-downs
Gonna look at i4 and i5 AWD EVs later this week. Saw one parked at a horse show and liked it.
This is laughably false.
Take for example the fact that a recent IG report alleged that following his election victory in 2016 Trump accepted $10 million in cash from Egyptian espionage agents withdrawn from a state owned bank in Cairo at the direction of Trump’s “favorite dictator” Abdel Fatah Al-Sisi.
When the cash withdrawal and transfer was later discovered in 2019 AG Barr prohibited any investigation of it.
You’ll probably have to look overseas to find much if any reporting on this. Here in the U.S. it’s being buried.
Or consider the fact that just a few weeks ago three major U.S. media outlets obtained the Trump campaign’s own vetting files for J. D. Vance and have suppressed publication of the highly embarrassing contents in order to prevent harming the Republican campaign.
Claim whatever stupid thing you like. But the facts make you a fucking 🤡
@ 10
Sorry gents, the urinal is gone …
Not in the SEA restroom I used last week. There was a side hallway to a door with a frosted half-light window that said “urinals”, or maybe it had a urinal drawing – can’t remember which. I didn’t go in. No idea how big the urinal room is.
Those common WC locks were much beefier than the standard lock in gender-separate restrooms.
@ 12
When the cash withdrawal and transfer was later discovered in 2019 AG Barr prohibited any investigation of it.
False. Demonstrably false. I’ll expect Darryl to grant me some leeway in copied link material as I’m refuting a lie.
It’s a long article that delves into the extensive investigation under Bob Mueller, who had IC protection and could pretty much do whatever the fuck he wanted.
The investigation was finally closed by a Barr appointee, Michael Sherwin. Which is not the same as what you spewed, asshole.
It’s already known. Kansas told you. Ohio told you. Minnesota told you when they elected a supreme court justice.
And now Florida, Missouri, Nevada, Colorado, Montana, Maryland, New York and South Dakota are going to tell you again.
(There are no undecided voters. Only those that are on a polling call within earshot of a violent partner)
The Israeli Occupied Forces bombed another school.
20 confirmed dead with dozens believed buried in rubble.
Biden’s DOW is just so much bigger than Trump’s. It’s incredible.
And I have to say, for me at least, the much larger size of his DOW really is better.
Pure Bullshit. Barr stopped it. And the brand new SCOTUS immunity protects it.
BTW, it turns out the “senior DOJ official” CNN quoted extensively in October of 2020 was…
Jeffrey Clarke, currently under felony criminal indictment for conspiracy, fraud, and obstruction and appealing a disbarment.
BREAKING NEWS: Criminals lie when asked about their crimes.
That’s a good one. That’s Bob’s MO, as in HOMO Bob
I only use the restrooms at the Delta Lounge. Still men’s and women’s separate restrooms there.
The general airport restrooms are gross.
Because a guy who no longer runs a company
He ran it for a LONG time.. A Warren Buffet fav outfit.
Your blather is reliably racist on top..
Lots of business prefer not to lose business over the racist bigoted shit you like.
unemployment is increasing.
modestly no thanks to the Fed.. who have spiked interest rates too high for too long according to McSame econo Zandi.
UR in August 2004 was 5.4 percent. And who won the following November?
they’re promising to try to raise the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%.
Exactly where it was under how many repuke administrations?
@6 – Don’t forget the Deep State. They’re a big part of it, too.
The “Deep State” you speak of, are they in the room with you right now?
Can you see them?
Do they speak to you?
At the rate he’s been gaining followers since this morning sometime today Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg will have more TikTok Followers than JD Vance to his less than a day old profile.
And proving once again why Democrats are good at comedy and Republicans are not his one video that’s at 750K views says,
Some might take this as a sign that the next administration has no interest in banning the platform on hyperventilated claims of what the current administration called “possible” but there is no evidence of things happening.
She probably was normal before Trump. After all, she got through law school. The only rational explanation for her insanity is MAGA drove her crazy. Fortunately, she’ll be able to receive psychiatric treatment and deprogramming where she’s going.
“Look, don’t get used to high quality open threads. I am sorry that Darryl has spoiled you.”
You can always go to Handbill.US and get spoiled there.
(Let’s see which troll is triggered … 🤪)
The best predictor of how well children will do is how wealthy their parents are and whether their great-great-grandparents owned slaves.
If prosecuting voting fraud costs taxpayers $500K per case, then judges should fine every Trump supporter caught voting twice that amount to make taxpayers whole.
@24 – The Deep State are government employees who think THEY are the government. You can find them in rogue agencies such as the CIA, FBI, NSA, IRS, DIA and others.
They hate the Constitution and wish to establish a totalitarian world – with THEM in charge.
@1 The Dumbfuck just learned that hiring data is revised annually, just like his Missus’s Social Security check.
He has yet to learn the revision is subject to revision, to wit: “The new numbers, if they hold up when the BLS issues its final revisions in February …” which they don’t always; indeed,
Still, even the final numbers issued next year, which themselves are an estimate of varying accuracy based on modeling, and
So, where were they off? For one thing, they appear to have counted counted illegal immigrants who weren’t employed as employed. Reporting of illegal immigrant employment by employers is, um, let’s call it murky.
And also, “some economists expect, productivity numbers [will be] raised higher because the same level of GDP appears to have occurred with less work,” which is good for the economy because faster productivity growth translates into lower inflation.
Oh, and by the way, job growth of 174,000 per month (post-revision) is no slouch, and hardly the recession Dumbfuck and Trump are hoping and praying for.
@3 I’m going to go a little easy on this judge. Yes, she’s a Trump appointee, but what this ruling means on its face is that Congress, not the FTC, has to ban noncompete agreements. This isn’t unreasonable in theory, because Congress is elected and the FTC commissioners are not. And it’s not a bad principle, because if Trump gets re-elected, it implies he can’t impose a nationwide abortion ban with an administrative rule or executive order. But if, say, the Supreme Court says Biden can’t ban noncompete agreements by going around Congress, but Trump can ban abortions by going around Congress, then I think we’ve got a problem with the Supreme Court.
@6 “Businesses, on the other hand, flatly refuse to support Harris/Walz because of crime and inflation. They’re also not so happy about illegal immigration brought to the US via Biden/Harris.”
Are you kidding? Crime is falling, businesses love inflation, and they’re very happy to hire cheap immigrant labor.
Your talking points need a checkup.
@8 “It’s why unemployment is increasing.”
It is not why unemployment is increasing. Unemployment, both the unemployment rate and the number of people unemployed, is increasing because the participation rate is rising, or stated more prosaically, people who weren’t working or looking for work have rejoined the labor force and are looking for work. Meanwhile, claims for unemployment benefits are declining, which shows fewer workers are being laid off.
Just based on this, I wouldn’t necessarily call the Dumbfuck an economic illiterate; he’s just poorly informed, that’s all.
He seems not to have noticed the stock market has been going up, too. Stocks usually go down when investors anticipate an economic recession.
@10 “Put the fucking seat down you slob.”
In a world of limited expectations where rabbits take what we can get, I’ll settle for you stupid humans pushing the flush lever when you’re done.
@13 Girly-man brags they* didn’t go in the urinal room and has no idea how big the urinals are.
Did doc just come out as trans?
* To avoid gender disrespect, I’ll use the troll’s appropriate pronoun this one time.
@30 They ARE the government, or part of it, anyway. The part that enforces laws Congress passes.
Sounds like you’ve been on the sharp end of a few tax audits and enforcement actions. What did you do, pour used motor oil down a city stormwater drain?
As you say, you know about these “Deep State” people, but do they in turn know about you?
Are they able to see you the same way that you can see them?
Do you know about their plans to take over because they talk to you and tell you their plans?
When they share their plans for taking over with you, can other people like me hear them?
Or is it only for you?
Why do you think it is that some people don’t believe the “Deep State” people exist?
Do you think the “Deep State” people hide from them?
Why do you think they have revealed themselves to you?
Do you think you might represent something different or special in some way to them?
What quality do you think you possess that makes you different or special to the “Deep State” people?
We obviously have a very serious problem with the Supreme Court.
They are neither deferring to Congress nor to the Constitution. Instead they seek to place themselves over the Executive branch to empower or restrict individual presidents according to their ideological leanings propped up by whimsically ad hoc musings without any precedent or supporting text.
I’m guessing his homemade SovCit license plate didn’t work on a recent journey out of the woods to the Costco in Sequim.
@39 Stop practicing psychiatry without a license. Of course he hears voices in his head. It doesn’t take a licensed professional to see that.
@40 In other words, if Trump assassinates a political rival, he’s immune; but if Biden or some other Democrat does it, they’re not immune.
Of course, I’m not only now visualizing this; their immunity ruling instantly aroused suspicion. But letting Republicans do certain things, and not letting Democrats do the same things, would confirm this is no longer a court, but a partisan committee rigging the game.
To pretend to be a court, they have to stick with the goose-gander principle. That either boxes them in, or exposes the rigged game. I’m not sure they’ll go that route. They have other options. One is to shift power from the executive to the legislative branch. The other is to seize power and rule over both other branches. Either way, somebody’s going to want to rein them in, unless they stay in that box.
Foreign national refuses to condemn U.S. political violence. She must be an enemy of America.
Trump-supporting POS in a bar threatens to assault Kamala Harris, then makes racist remarks about her. Republican bar crowd cheers.
He probably had too much to drink.
So a small time TikToker found Mike Lindell, shaved of his mustache and wearing a ballcap at the DNC this morning trying to ‘infiltrate’ and do interviews and now there are a shit ton of videos of Mike trying to approach people with a mic only to have someone make sure they know it’s “My Pillow Guy” and lots more small time TikTokers trying to interview Mike about how they can get a usb drive with all the proof the election was stollen that Mike has until he ran off to whatever motel he can afford.
Womp Womp.
This is the kind of grocery price gouging Harris wants to go after.
That cratering support among Hispanics was going to be one of the things that carried Donald back into office.
Well as long as you’re a Dumbfuck.
Crystal Mason, you will remember, is a black woman in Texas who was sentenced to 5 years in prison for casting a provisional ballot that wasn’t counted because a pollworker told her she could and her parole officer didn’t tell her she couldn’t.
Forgive me for interpreting this as a blatant act of voter suppression, but I happen to think that’s what it is.
After years of litigation, a Texas appeals court threw out her conviction. That should have ended it, but now a white district attorney who got elected by campaigning as a “conservative Republican” is appealing to reinstate her conviction and sentence.
I’ve posted numerous stories on Handbill.US about Republicans who knowingly and intentionally committed voting fraud. Some voted in two states; others cast the ballots of dead spouses or parents. None got prison sentences. A typical punishment was community service and a $500 fine.
Contrast that with 5 years in prison for casting a provisional ballot that wasn’t counted. They would never do that to a white person. The only reasonable conclusion is they’re persecuting her to scare blacks away from the polls by making an example of her for “voting while black.”
But that’s not all. Texas has a corrupt attorney general and keeps electing Ted Crud to the Senate. That is one fucked up state.
Amtrak Cascades may be having service issues North of Seattle with stations in Edmonds, Everett, Stanwood, Mount Vernon, and Bellingham affected. Right now, Amtrak Cascades 519 is inbound from Vancouver bound for King Street Station, due to call at Fairhaven Station in Bellingham. Amtrak 518 outbound from Portland is due to cross the border momentarily at the Peace Arch. Whether they run tomorrow may depend on who owns the tracks from the Border to Pacific Central Station. Rail labor in Canada is a little different, and usually they avoid contracts at both freight railroads expiring at the same time. One of the railroads asked for an extension last year over new Federal Fatigue rules. Ironically, one of tge major sticking points.
While I was typing, got a response on an Amtrak Cascades Facebook group, it appears whatever happens, the Cascades and Maple Leaf will run, the Adirondack isn’t running right now thanks to CSX/CPKC Trackwork.
Commuters in Vancouver may be the most effected by a strike at CPKC, as dispatchers are also effected.
Looks like the lockout is on with Canadas two railroads. Didn’t know CSX was not covered in the recent US Rail labor agreement. They are negotiating with the Brotherhoods on their own, and three of them have an agreement with CSX,, and one of them, first time they had a new agreement before the existing one became amendable.
I want to tell a story about crime and punishment that ends like this:
It began like this:
And how has he used the freedom Trump gave him? This week he assaulted his 75-year-old father-in-law. Last week, he assaulted his wife again, after assaulting her last month. He’s also charged with larceny for failing “to pay $160 in bridge tolls while driving a Lamborghini and Ferrari, both of which lack license plates.”
Yep, crime is up now.
@52 “Nearly a third of the freight handled by the two railroads … crosses the US-Canadian border, and the shutdown could disrupt operations in a number of US industries, including agriculture, autos, home building and energy, depending upon how long the shutdown lasts.”
The union didn’t strike. It’s a move by the railroads to pressure the Canadian government to force the union into binding arbitration where a presumably management-friendly arbitrator sets the terms of a new labor contract.
54)Usually happens, but the NDP usually backs Labor, so it’s a new wrinkle. The Tories would vote no on Back to Work legislation, they have turned into GOP North, although an old PC policy is why the Twice a week Toronto to Vancouver passenger train is still running. The Canadian was Canadian Pacific’s transcontinental flagship, VIA shifted it to Canadian National’s trackage, in 1990, while CN was still a crown corporation. Unless miles long freight trains are abandoned on the main lines, OTP might improve. Because of CN being the originator of the PSR model,VIA padded the Canadian’s schedule more.
Metro boosting security. The suspect with the handgun probably sends chills down the rank and file at Local 587. They don’t want to be adding another driver to remember during the last Friday in November, although Mark McLaughlin was not the first to be killed in the line of duty, but Local 587 would like him to be the last. McLaughlin’s killer was mentally unstable. Learned in the late 60s Seattle Transit had a driver murdered on duty, but that motive may be a thing of the past, as he(definitely a he, Seattle Transit didn’t hire any more female drivers after the war, most operators didn’t resume hiring women until the 70s) was killed for his change belt. A device that drivers would no longer need as a result of the Exact Fare policy.
Today, some incidents start as a passenger that misunderstands directions. Had a case on the 31 yesterday. It was resolved with the passenger eventually getting off when he realized the bus wasn’t going anywhere. He had told the driver at an earlier stop he wanted to go to the International District and the driver said he would have to switch at U-District Station. Usually the 31 is delayed thanks to the Fremont Bridge.
Besides being a career drug trafficker and pusher that guy is a career loan shark who sent leg breakers to enforce loans and occasionally took part.
And Trump set him free just as he was about to provide crucial testimony in prosecutions against his associates in a violent New Jersey drug trafficking and loan sharking ring.
I’m going to suspend my campaign for President of the United States to spend more time with my brain worms.
Troll Generator.
If economy is greater that [imaginary number] then blame Democrats for inflation;
else if blame Democrats for job losses;
Republicans would kill their dog for a 1% tax cut
Trump: “Biden sent…Comrade Kamala to see Putin in Russia three days before the attack…”
Kilmeade: “Just as a quick clarification, we don’t have confirmation that the vice president went to Russia to meet with Vladimir Putin.”
>> The lies the convicted felon and rapist are attacking America with are getting so bad that even FOX “News” is calling the criminal out on the lies.
Democrats would allow unrestricted immigration forever because those illegals will always vote for Democrats.
@62 And republicans would hire those illegals so they didn’t have to pay living wages to Americans. Win Win right?
Carl – a suggestion – a warning regarding the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus could go well with your reminder for the Neanderthals to wash their hands. It should accompany each Open Thread opening. Help save the life of a woman, child or pet!
Donald Drupmfy Duck is the master of sowing chaos. He is a traitor to this Country and should be held accountable as such.
You lie.
Three months ago Democrats in Congress, after a year of bipartisan negotiations in the Senate, presented their Republican colleagues with the toughest, most aggressive, and most restrictive border security legislation in more than half a century.
You know what happened next.
We all do.
So we also know you are a treasonous piece of shit liar who cares more about MAGA and Trump than about our border security.
$6 million and $2 million in criminal fines are what the DOJ is seeking in its prosecution in New Hampshire of MAGA liars like @62.
In January MAGA political consultant Steve Kramer contracted with Lingo Telecom to conduct a robocall campaign using an AI generated fake voice claiming to be President Biden and instructing New Hampshire voters to not vote in the presidential primary.
Lingo Telecom has negotiated an agreement to plead guilty and pay a $1 million fine in return for turning over evidence and giving testimony against Kramer.
Kramer also faces indictment on 13 felony criminal charges in New Hampshire for criminal fraud and criminal voter suppression.
Speaking of treasonous piece of shit liars, the Village Idiot likes to come here frequently to lie about economic performance of Democrats.
But you won’t see him come here to try and lie about the statistic cited in President Bill Clinton’s address before the DNC last night.
Because it is 100% true
Since the end of the Cold War Democrats have created 50 million jobs while Republicans only 1 million.
“I see where I can put my Pole” JD Vance
Looks like the stupid dumbfuck is broken, never to return.
Latest LV polling in Texas has Cruz within the MOE.
He’s probably just off doing his “research”.
Digging around on Daily Stormer, X, and Truth Social for memes he can plagiarize mocking Gus Walz for loving his father instead of fearing him.
Looks like the Labour Minister has directed the Industrial Relations Board to direct CN and CPKC and the unions to go to binding arbitration. Although CIRB is an independent body. Will be interesting to see how long it takes for resumption of service. I believe that the Port of Vancouver is already complaining about backups. It’s weird VIA is operating near normal, here if the host railroads strike but Amtrak employees have a deal, Amtrak still has to suspend most operations.
Looks like Governor Justice in West Virginia has avoided the embarrassment of the Greenbrier, which he owns, facing a bankruptcy auction in the middle of his Senate Campaign. I was wondering, who gets the Bunker?
Trump is all-in antisemitic:
and all-in anti-police, too:
On paper at least, he’s an ideal recruit for ISIS or Hamas.
Looks like RFK Jr. will get nothing in return for his abject groveling to Trump, which is par for the course.
Meanwhile, “vile” GOPers are going after Walz’s children.
Trust me, JD Vance’s support for forcing women into homemaker roles, ending divorce, and repealing the Civil Rights Act isn’t just talk, he intends to do it:
Donut shop employee doesn’t want to be seen with JD Vance. Can’t say I blame her. Strangers judge you by who you’re seen with.
@62 Illegals don’t vote. They just work hard under blistering sun, so you can have cheap food, and pay taxes into Social Security and Medicare for benefits they’ll never receive, so that you will. And they have half the crime rate of citizens.
A little gratitude from you would be nice.
@60 Republicans would kill your dog for a tax cut. They’d starve their dog to avoid paying to feed it. Same goes for kids who depend on free school lunches.
teh kreepshit troll of widbee is broken, its own 24/7 babbling about misogyny, greed and always wrong wing bs broke it.
Harris properly considers herself an underdog. Democrats must not get overconfident. Despite a tidal wave of enthusiasm for the Harris-Walz ticket, and the palpable lack of energy in MAGA world, and signs of a looming landslide that could see even Florida and Texas go to Harris, we will have to work very hard because Republicans will use every trick in their playbook including massive voter roll purges, widespread voter suppression, efforts to throw out millions of ballots, refusals to certify results, dead Republicans voting and The Villages residents voting in multiple states, and “cival war™.” Democrats need to be ready for everything.
Another “mystery speaker” in tonight’s lineup, rumored to be either Beyonce or Taylor Swift. Trump will steal their music and photoshop fake endorsements anyway.
I’m guessing it’s Taylor Swift. The most effective way for her to counter the fake endorsement is by appearing on the DNC stage and endorsing Kamala Harris. Much easier and more delicious than suing him; and also, other plaintiffs are already in line ahead of her for his assets.
I can write the first two lines of Taylor’s speech myself: “I DID NOT endorse Donald Trump. I’m endorsing KAMALA HARRIS!” I’ll leave the rest of the speech up to her.
83)On Social Media, they are tracking any jet that is linked to Taylor Swift. Also other coincidences.
teh kreepshit troll of widbee is broken, its own 24/7 babbling about misogyny, greed and always wrong wing bs broke it.
All my best to the horse.
@85 ASPCA may need to organize a rescue at some point.
Sounds like fun. If dumbfuck attends he could meet all twelve of his cosplaying grandmothers.
Trump to host awards gala honoring “incredible courage and sacrifice” of Jan. 6 defendants
The gala will take place in September at Trump’s country club in New Jersey, with Rudy Giuliani scheduled to speak
Win or lose, all hell could break out following the election. Best be prepared for it.
ASPCA may need to organize a rescue at some point.
I was thinking the same thing. Instead of my pleading with Darryl to call Adult Protective Services, a call to ASPCA would serve a better purpose.
88)Could be his internet connection is down. An IT issue at work is why I have an Emergency Day Off today. IT doesn’t affect my work, a power outage, maybe. Fewer people in the office right now than during the worst days of the Pandemic. I was approaching the Use it or lose it warning on PTO anyway. I usually just extend Holiday Weekends.
The list of Elon’s 95 co-investors in “X” is here:
Saudi Arabia is among them.
@83 It’s Beyonce, not Taylor Swift.
No primary system perfect, and it’s easy to find the problem with the one you have, but this seems bad. I suspect Democrats will do more to reign in candidates in the future, maybe back room deals to keep some people off the ballot.
This seems worse.
Federal judge guns down Republican AGs attempt to repeal the First Amendent.
@ 90
Saudi Arabia is among them.
Your point, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit?
@ 92
…signs of a looming landslide that could see even Florida and Texas go to Harris…
Who are your sources? Andrew Gillum and Beto!?
Aug 13:
@94 Birds of a feather flock together.
@95 Are you bragging about Trump being ahead by 5 points in Texas and 3 points in Florida as of yesterday? Just wondering.
A few weeks ago Trump was +17 in Texas. Cruz is now inside the MOE.
And if we’re being honest (and the 💩🧌 never is), it’s not at all clear if Trump can help Raphael (or himself) by going there. But what is clear is that he can’t afford to do so – financially, electorally, or politically.
98)This is only the second election that Cruz has had to fight for.
Well, November 5, 2024 will be an interesting day.
A little update on what looks like the less than 24 hour rail strike in Canada. Using the arbitration clause was Ottawa’s only real tool, the other option required legislation and the House is on recess, not due back for a month, and no legislative body gets recalled for a special session if they don’t have the votes. Although if it’s affecting Quebec adversely, tge Bloc might be amenable to Back to Work legislation, and although the pro-Labor NDP leader talks tough on this, BC is due for a provincial legislature election, although Translink’s commuter trains carry about 6000 a day, it’s not like the Vancouver Bus Strike of 2001.
Been quite a few “interesting” days since November of 2016.
@ 99
This is only the second election that Cruz has had to fight for.
In early July the same @ 95 U of Houston poll had Cruz up by 3 points. That was sandwiched between polls that had Cruz up by double digits.
Same thing early this year, when Emerson had Cruz up by 2, sandwiched between polls that had him up by 9, and by 16.
Cruz isn’t up by 16. But he sure as hell is up by more than 2.
Enjoy this Boxcheck Momala honeymoon and the coattails that come with it. While it lasts, drain every last bit of joy from it that you can.
SANJAY HEGDE on xitter
“Trump is in the classic dictatorial position: He needs to die in bed holding all executive power to stay out of prison. This means that he will do whatever he can to gain power, and once in power will do all that he can to never let it go,.”
>> While he lives.
@103 It must be tough having no joy in your life. And fucking a horse to make up for it, well, falls short.
Look, doc, I feel for you. But not your pain, I don’t feel your pain. That’s all yours, and you can keep it.
103. Yer funny. So desperate to convince us the polls suddenly don’t tell the real truth when they were fine before.
Conservative are livid that the term joy is being applied to the Democratic party while terms.like hate and anger and grievance and bigotry are applied to the republicans.
That and people keep citing passages from the Project 2025 being a blue print for fascism.
@ 106
So desperate to convince us the polls suddenly don’t tell the real truth when they were fine before.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, I said nothing of the sort. But you might consider that a poll from the University of Houston – Houston being a city with a 22% black population, whereas Texas as a state has a 12% black population – might somehow be biased, even after weighting, in favor of a black Dem running against Cruz, who might be referred to along with George Zimmerman as a “white Hispanic”.
When the polls richochet between leads of 2-3 points and leads of 9-11 points, the likelihood is that the true lead is somewhere closer to the middle of that variance.
Whichever, Cruz will win. And your IQ will still be in the mid-double digits.
The only joy i have ever read the troll express involves cruelty or death to minorities, women, liberals, LGBTQ and immigrants.
Have you and for what?
The Sec Def will be Joe Rogan.
Everyone kicked out of the military for refusing a Wuhan vax will be awarded a Bronze Star.
So, it turns out how a poll models the LV electorate makes a difference?
I heard tonight’s special guest will be The Artist Formerly Known As Prince.
Oh No Let’s Go
NYT and Sienna are in NY. So many Jews.
Eight years of Kamala followed by eight years of AOC? Damn! That’s some wild ass honeymooning. Drain it indeed!
@110 When I served, Bronze Stars weren’t awarded for disobeying orders or exposing fellow soldiers to harm.
Since you didn’t serve, I’m not surprised you don’t know what medals are awarded for.
Giving them honorable discharges is plenty. They should be happy with those. My generation’s soldiers weren’t allowed to quit.
@112 Meanwhile, out in the barn, the horse doesn’t consider you a “special guest.” To him, you’re a pain in the ass.
Joy vs. Doom & Gloom. I wonder which will win?
Seattle Mariners fired Scott Servais and hired Dan Wilson today. Meanwhile the indomitable White Sox have come up from .240 to .242; they must have won a game somehow.
Hey doc, you’d better dump your DJT shares before Trump dumps his.
115)Usually medals are awarded for heroism.
Used to be sailors could be MoH recipients for above and beyond the call of duty for actions involving shipboard fires in peacetime. Although by the time of the movie Here Comes the Navy, actions like the fictitious fire in the No2 turret aboard USS Arizona(in the movie), were awarded the Navy Cross.
Trump has already moved on to crypto, which is end-stage shit for grifters, and their victims.
Watch Mike Lindell getting his ass handed to him by a 12-year-old kid.
The Australian State of Victoria announced they are on track to have 100% of its electricity supplied by renewable by 2035.
Victoria is more just slightly larger in area than Minnesota and Utah with roughly a million and three million more residents respectfully.
One party continues to insist it can’t be done in America.
Trump campaign spokesman, “No he’s not as you put it ‘Fucking Stupid’ he was listening to his favorite Carly Simon song.”
Man that floor fight, brokered convention and rioting in Chicago really made it impossible for us to vote Democrat this cycle.
Rivers of hippie blood flowing in the streets of Chicago.
Politico fact checker
“Katie Ledecky is the greatest distance specialist in the pool.” This is partially true. She is the greatest distance swimmer.
Someone is coming to take away Crazy Uncle Liberty’s assault rifle.
And it’s not who you thought:
– 78-year-old convicted felon Donald J Trump yesterday morning on Fox and Friends
We told y’all we were for RFK because we didn’t want either of those old dementia patients. Guess those ‘he’s only in it to help Trump pundits were right on the while time.”
Fed Chair Powell this morning in Jackson. Debate in two weeks. Rate meeting one week later. Early voting begins two weeks after that. 🍯🌜
Like his boss Trump, he’s doing it to stay out of jail.
His Arizona ballot petition signatures were gathered illegally.
Over in Utah…
Thanks to a nakedly partisan ruling by the state Supreme Court, the
legislatureRepublicans began a special legislative session. Utah’s constitution allows for a special session to deal with a financial emergency or statewide emergency.In this case the emergency is Utah voters approved a non partisan redistricting commission to replace district maps that the GOP has controlled for decades doing fun stuff like carving up Salt Lake City to put the one heavily Democratic area of the state into five GOP dominated districts.
So the ‘emergency session’ was to pass a constitutional amendment which will now go before voters in November allowing any initiative passed by voters to be overturned by a 2/3rds majority of the legislature which they have, see gerrymandering.
And the language of the amendment currently on the table makes it retroactive to any initiative ever passed by a public vote since the birth of the State of Utah.
Utah Goes Blue
didja all see those riots in the streets of wild long-haired leftists and marxists, militant gun totin’ blacks, reekin’ of patchouli, yellin’ “death to AIPAC, death to DMFI” and teh kops bustin’ heads?
just like in ’68..
America turns red..
Poor Bob, the Pom Poms remain in the closet. His pussy lips must stay sealed in public. I bet he sneaks a wear of his skirt though, whilst the Horse isn’t looking.
133)Was looking for that, didn’t see it.
Trump raging all this week because he’s been unable to get the media to turn away from Harris/Walz and look at him.
Nobody cares.
It’s a beautiful thing.
‘We Are Not Going Back’: Harris Rips Trump, Project 2025 in Nomination Speech | “We are not going back to when Donald Trump tried to cut Social Security and Medicare,” said Vice President Kamala Harris “We are not going to let him eliminate the Department of Education that funds our public schools”
>> Do republicans think racism and greed are going to sway voters.
Where was Andy Ngo when they really needed him?
@133 Dems in array.
Republicans trying to sneak around the convention caused the most conflicts.
138)Did they post his picture at O’Hare, Midway, Mitchell Field, Union Station, and the Greyhound Station, if it’s still open?
@138 he needs more than milkshake to help with those bags under his eyes.
Stay tuned to HA. Later today there is a special guest. Rumor is it could be Taylor Swift or it could be Beyonce.
Or maybe Aretha Franklin.
You don’t want to miss it, libbies!
It worked for the DNC with the artist’s permission they doubled the audience that your Nuremberg struggle session produced.
Twice as many normal white guy swing voting fathers in Pennsylvania saw Gus Walz sob with joyful pride for his dad The Coach as saw Diet Private slobbering with lust for their living room furniture. 🛋️
Texas and sixteen other states are suing to strip Melania of her citizenship.
Boxcheck Momala’s early upbringing was a struggle. You see, she was raised by a single mother and by her younger sister.
Who is Kamala Harris’ father? Economist Donald Harris absent from the DNC
Her Marxist POS college professor father was nothing more than a deadbeat dad, and he hated Boxcheck Momala, because he suspected that she might be a sometime capitalist.
Speaking of Gus, conservative Hate Radio host Jay Weber has been cancelled by IHeart Radio after referring to Governor Walz’s son as a “blubbering bitch boy”.
This could be a very expensive 🍯🌜
You’d think by now people would realize that Marx was a fraud and an idiot mama’s boy who wanted to spend all his life in the library while his parents picked up the tab.
146)Must not be as big as a late iHeart host.
Drone strike on an airfields in the Volgograd area. Russians probably had to pull those strike aircraft away from Kursk to the area formerly known as Stalingrad, because of other threats to those airfields.