Man, the Seattle City Council really thought that they could just roll back gig worker protection and there wouldn’t be any opposition. Conservative as they are, none of the new slate ran on it. They just saw some bullshit on KOMO or whatever.
So whoopsadoodle, there was pushback and now they’re delaying the vote. The bill is bad and unpopular and in a decent society, that would be enough to make sure it stays defeated. But sadly we are going to have to keep vigilant. If you live in Seattle and want to let your City Council member know you oppose this, you can let them know here. I recommend calling, or send a request via US mail, but an email will work.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
In yesterday’s DL thread the most cerebrally challenged homosexual commenter at HA pointed out a Ken Burns commencement address.
What The Even Bigger Fucking Moron did not point out is that the address was given at Brandeis University. Here is some more of what Burns had to share with the graduates and their loved ones:
Burns spoke at a university with deep Jewish roots about the world’s desire to exterminate Jews.
I wonder if The Even Bigger Fucking Moron had any idea that Burns does not support the extermination of Jews. Had he realized this, would he have mentioned Ken Burns at all, or would he have called for the extermination of Ken Burns?
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron is a deep embarrassment to serious homosexuals everywhere.
Queen YLB was caught on video yesterday assaulting a guy holding a sign.
It did not end well for her.
How does Team Biden avoid a convention floor fight after his embarrassing debate performance in late June? By forcing Democrats to nominate him and the absolutely awful Momala before Democrats meet on the convention floor:
Biggest loser: Well, that’s #CrookedHillary this summer. But on the first Tuesday in November it will be all Democrats.
This is what you voted for, libbies. You deserve this. Good and hard you deserve it. Especially Queen YLB’s fucked kids.
See @ 3.
Majority of Democrats, 54%, say dump Biden
You won’t get the chance. The fix is in. How did that work out for #CrookedHillary in 2016?
Really, that low? This should have been minimum 7 figures.
San Bernadino County, City of Fontana settle lawsuit against police for $900,000 (Tax Payer dollars) over the case of Thomas Perez, Jr.
Perez was a mentally ill man who in 2018 reported to police that his 71-year old father had taken the dog for a walk but the dog came home without him and wanted to file a missing persons report. Police would later say they found him suspicious because he was not ‘properly upset’ and they were unaware he had mental health issues. We’ll get to that last bit again.
And so began a SEVENTEEN hour interrogation with police trying to get Perez to admit to murdering his father. They told him they had found the body and he was “wearing a toe tag.” They told him “He didn’t need his medication” when he asked for it. Remember that ‘get to that last bit again?’ They told him they had the dog and it would be euthanized as a stray and even brought it into the interrogation room so Perez could say goodbye.
During the interrogation Perez, at a point where his lack of medication had a high likelihood of altering his personality, attempted to pull out his own hair and rip his shirt off himself.
Eventually Perez would confess to stabbing his father multiple times with a pair of scissors during an argument. He was transferred under arrest to a County Mental Health unit where he attempted suicide.
Dad was alive. He had returned from walking the dog, unknown if Perez forgot or was unaware and then walked to the nearby CalTrain station and went to visit a friend before boarding a plane to Oakland to see his daughter, Perez’s sister.
To sum up. Cops, on a hunch tortured a confession out of a mentally ill man, lying to him in the process that his father was dead, and drove him to attempt to kill himself.
Three of the officers involved are still with the Fontana PD and one has retired with his full pension.
When ammo blows up in the Palestinian territories but there isn’t an IDF bomb that causes it, it’s referred to as a ‘Palestinian work accident”.
The Telegraph
Rafah camp fire was caused by ‘secondary explosion’, says Israel
There might or might not be video.
Try to avoid the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus too…you’ll kill your spouse, maybe the kids and maybe even the pets.
Bobby, the Fantasy man, got chic with dick on his mind.
Maybe I should resurrect Sloppy Travis Bickle this week.
Just to annoy Darryl.
Trust Isreal! That’s when you know Bob’s got the Vag and the wife got a dick.
@1. The greedy racist incel is off his meds again. I guess he thought that made a lick of sense. The blind hate has rotted his brain.
Ohhhhh so sorrry. I wasted your taxpayer dollars and killed the bitch (as you would have referred to her too), because I got the Heterosexual Virus!,415895
When a maga redneck with baby momma in tow made kreepshit forget his “rule”…
kreepshit got fucked in the ass..
lost munee and
CRIED here at HA.. awwwww…
Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta.
‘You are gangsters!’: Robert De Niro clashes with Trump supporters in New York
Heterosexual Neanderthal mentality is displayed at @13. Hopeful that the wife one day puts some poison in his food.
LMAO… kreepshit spewing pedo shit here at HA over drumpf is merely a deranged pop pop expressing its fondest wishes for its beloved “grandkids” to be a future generation of maga thugs..
Now till November, we’ll see how it plays.
@14 perpetrated by the main stream Heterosexual world.
Gay it up for Christ sake. Neanderthals will go extinct.
There is only ONE truth right Dumbfuck?
The Attack on October 7th was a terrorist act. ALSO the indiscriminate killing of women and children as a calculated response is a terrorist act.
Jews should be allowed to live freely without fear of murder. ALSO Palestinians should be allowed to live freely without fear of murder.
Food and shelter is a basic Human right and willful acts of preventing any person from obtaining them is a crime against humanity (UN Declaration of Human Rights).
And finally, the big one, it is possible to absolutely abhor the policies of land-theft and restriction of travel for decades under Netanyahu WITHOUT hating Jews in general. To that point, Ken Burns who is not Jewish has an ex wife who is and his current wife is.
And this is where you failed to take the whole tone of Burns address into account. You either ignored a big part or you just pulled a quote from some right winger like Instaputz, or Tucker and ran with it.
This is the bit that really must have bothered the Trumpers. Oh who am I kidding, not a single fucking one of them read or watched. They just know what Fox and the various blogs and FB posts told them to think,
India… America!
@ 13
“I realize that multitudes and multitudes of people for various reasons of their own enslave themselves every hour of every day to this or that doctrine, this or that delusion of safety, this or that lie. Anti-Semites, for example,” he went on, “are slaves to a delusion.
It is very much true that Palestinians have enslaved themselves. All they need to do is acknowledge Israel’s right to exist, behave as if they believe that Israel has a right to exist, expel those who continue to behave otherwise, and the economic tap will be turned on.
But no. Why should they, when they have so many liberals demanding the end of Israel and providing material support to Palestinian terrorism?
to serious homosexuals
lol.. in kreepshit’s world Jared Polis can’t be serious..
otherwise Jared would live by GW Shrub’s dictum: “marriage is between a man and a woman”
Here’s what a “serious” homosexual does:
Get a load of this shit.
Many dead bitches here. Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus…..nothing to see here….loookk, over there, it’s Chicago!
Well, after delivering exactly zero pallets of aid to the Palestinian people, Biden’s $320 million pier to nowhere is out of commission for at least several weeks.
A metaphor for the entire Biden presidency, that pier.
Hey look! It’s a chic with a dick!
@ 20
GW Shrub’s dictum: “marriage is between a man and a woman”
Not just GWB43:
Those were Bush years, too. Queen YLB, you precious twat, why did you not quote #CrookedHillary? She spoke of heterosexual marriage far more eloquently than GWB43 ever did.
What’s the cost of destruction that the Israel’s Genocidal war is costing.?
The guy who insists Janet Reno ordered the Waco compound set on fire agrees that dropping bombs can’t possibly set things nearby on fire.
Because IDF says so.
The GBU-39 is a 110KG bomb, almost 10 times the power of what the LIAR from the IDF told you and you believed without question. How does it feel to be caught out as a lying propagandists for the mass slaughter of civilians?
Chicago, Chicago, Chicago, where the blackies are. Speaking of which, where is the Ape.🦍
Well, after delivering exactly zero pallets of aid to the Palestinian people
1) you don’t believe Palestinians are people; you’re in good company, though, neither do a majority of Israelis or repukes for that matter.
2) 1000 tons of aid were delivered over that pier which was damaged by rough seas.
Keep lying though.. You have a brand to maintain.
Jury deliberations have now been underway for about one hour.
They’ve elected a foreperson and agreed upon a process for working their way through the evidence.
This is a complex case. There’s a mountain of documentary evidence recording accounting entries, payments, communications and authorizations of payments, etc. The defendant is a prominent public figure who previously served as President of the United States and has been a leading celebrity figure in New York for decades. So the jury will proceed carefully with a committment to weigh and consider every piece of evidence. That should be expected to take some time.
Nevertheless, I wouldn’t be shocked if they started taking votes by Friday in anticipation of getthing the fuck out of there before the weekend. The weather forecast is for plenty of sunshine and temperatures in the 80s this weekend.
Insider’s perspective:
Trump himself has now said he doesn’t think he can beat the charges.
Trump Throws Absolute Fit In Middle-Of-The-Night Attack On Robert De Niro
>> So why is the failed convicted rapist scared what a wacko, pathetic and sad has-been actor thinks of him?
@24 What happened to your admiration for Jared Polis?
Don’t you regard him as “serious”?
@24 “I’m putting my foot down and I won’t vote for Hillary in the Primary! That will show her. And I’ll get into the good graces of the Log Cabin Republicans! Harump.” – Said in my best Lindsey Graham imitation.
>> Got any more obsolete news you want to dredge up from the grievance archives?
@ 26 asserts that US-made bombs caused the fire in Rafah.
Joe Biden’s SoS doesn’t agree.
If a guilty verdict is found, I would be very surprised if any jury member comes out publicly to speak about their experience, for their own safety. MAGA cult gonna MAGA cult.
Something to note, once the jury goes into the jury room to deliberate, Trump and his legal team must remain inside the courthouse while the jury is attempting to reach a verdict.
CNN says the failed convicted rapist is asleep. I expect he needs a nap after his all night DeNiro rage tweeting.
I imagine the initial vote in the deliberation room, “we have 7 guilty votes, 4 fucking guilty votes, and 1 ‘fuck Trump.’”
Deeply embarrassing, sure. Unsurprising, not at all.
This worked about as well as Biden’s Ministry of Truth.
US floating pier for Gaza aid now almost completely dismantled, satellite images show
What a fucking joke.
The Stable genius in a late night rant
Checks, Oscar Nom, Best Supporting, 2023.
CNN isn’t reporting on the bombs used to hit the Rafah targets. Probably because the photos from the Palestinian stringer aren’t current. Den Haag @ 26 wants us to believe that large bombs were dropped and caused catastrophic damage, all without leaving a crater.
Didn’t happen.
Mr. 280 reading comprehension SAT has thoughts.
Choose the best meaning of the phrase
a: I disagree
b: Roses eat fried shrimp
c: Smart people smell like flowers
d: I don’t know
e: definitely not
Once the jury is discharged they are free to do as they please.
I would not be surprised for some to offer themselves up, perhaps anonymously, to give “exclusive” interviews to those “journalists” willing to use anonymous interviews. Maybe Bill O can make a big comeback.
But, but but, the CRATER?
Almost like IDF wanted to have a cover story ready.
Would Aerial Dispersed Shrapnel make the ignition of nearby structures from existing heat or electrical sources or any open flame such as cooking
a: LESS likely
b: MORE likely
Silly Dumbfuck, you let a little bit dribble down your chin. You didn’t earn your time out of the Chastity belt.
Deep State gonna Deep State.
@ 26, 40, 43
Well, then, plenty for CNN to report. Which begs the question, where is the CNN report?
Another begged question would be why IDF would use airburst mode to assassinate two terrorists inside a single dwelling, rather than letting the bomb hit its target before exploding. Any answer to that one?
Dr Naomi Wolf
” She has claimed that vaccines are a “software platform” that can “receive ‘uploads’ ” and is mildly obsessed with the idea that many clouds aren’t real, but are instead evidence of “geoengineered skies.” Although Wolf has largely disappeared from the mainstream media, she is now a favored guest on Steve Bannon’s podcast, War Room.”
i.e. like Lara Logan, gone off the deep end to appeal to the kreepshits of the world.
From the lady who says the cell tower down the block is making your dog sterile.
Anybody else find it hysterical that the lying Village Idiot has grown suddenly quite comfortable in calling this person a Doctor?
I doubt anyone here is any great fan of racist sell-out, crypto-con Dick Morris or any of his actual ideas or proteges.
Almost 30 years ago before I became enamored with Covid-19 cures, Anti-Vax conspiracies, the Marxist connection to cancel culture and the Homosexual Pedophilia pipeline I was a Democratic consultant on a Presidential campaign.
Please listen to me. No one is buying my books anymore and my speaking fee income is all but gone.
Cool Cool. Spends two decades arguing that OTHER sources of news are even more valid than CNN then asks us to disbelieve a story reported by
And more because it’s not on CNN
Just take the “L”. You’ve more than earned it.
@ 49
See, was that so hard? Why can’t any of you do it?
@ 26, 40, 43, 45, 49
That’s the thing about the conservative mindset. The evidence is right there. All the pieces fit together.
But if it doesn’t confirm your Worldview, it does not matter.
“This egg has a yolk.”
Conservative “I can’t see the yolk so you haven’t proved a thing.”
Eight years ago Trump beat the hell out of Clinton.
And nobody had to call anybody a “faggot” or a “fudge-packer” or rant about “bareback anal intercourse” or tell crude jokes about beating up women.
About once a decade or so a Republican “wins”. And when it happens they use it to maximum effect. But that doesn’t make that Republican “right”.
Trump won by promising to start trade wars. He started a bunch. The results went predictably badly.
Trump won by promising to break the government. He did great damage to lots of important govermnet functions. A million Americans died.
Trump won by promising to build a border wall and mistreat immigrant refugees along the border. The wall fell over. Toddlers were tortured. Thousand of children are still not reunited with their birth parents.
Trump won. Trump was wrong. Trump was a failure. WE ALL TOLD YOU SO.
Nobody here is ever going to take a bite of that shit sandwich and say it tastes just like pumpkin pie. And that refusal will never justify treason or abandoning democracy and the rule of law.
Of course I won’t recuse. Why should I? It was just a FLAG, a piece of cloth, a nothing at all. And besides my wife did it and I am in no position to tell her, a woman, what to do. She is free to make all her own decisions without any interference from me.
I wrote it down for you somewhere if you don’t believe me.
People in government lose track of reality. All they know is government paychecks and benefits, and they can’t see that a successful private sector is needed to fund those cash flows.
However, the private is reality while government is an unreal world of self-centered would-be dictators. Government needs to be slapped, from time to time, to remind government employees that they are not important. The wealth-producers of the private sector is what is truly important.
Just like Celebrity Apprentice, the size of my NY penthouse, or the size of my “hands”.
Private. “Real”.
“People in government…”… blah.. blah.. blah.
Hates gubmit.
LUUUUUVS his gubmit check.
“I earned that!”
Lawyers representing the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors in the Rudy Giuliani bankruptcy are now seeking appointment of a trustee to take control of debtor’s finances and bank accounts while the court works to discharge his mounting debts.
In March the Committee petitioned the court to seize and liquidate the debtor’s Palm Springs condominium after establishing that the debtor is domiciled in New York. Giuliani who following Donald Trump’s defeat in the 2020 election, and who worked directly for Trump as an attorney and published multiple flase claims defaming and destroying the lives of two “people in government” in Georgia, was found liable for a $150 million judgement. The Committee has shown that as a domiciliary in New York the debtor applied for New York state asset exemptions thus has no legal claim to retaining the Florida asset and may not seek a legal right to continue living there after discharge is completed.
Subsequent filings have shown that the debtor has falsified multiple mandatory operation reports in which the debtor is obligated to declare all major spending and income. The Committee alleges that the debtor has made a large number of very expensive purchases on Amazon and Apple as well as entered into a compensation agreement to sell coffee, but failed to report any of these.
Trump criminal fraud jury in New York has issued two notes to Judge Merchan.
One is requesting that witness testimony be read back to them concerning:
– a conversation between Pecker and Trump;
– Pecker’s testimony regarding his decision not to finalize an agreement with adult model Karen McDougal;
– Pecker’s testimony about his meeting with Trump at Trump Tower;
– Cohen’s testimony about the same meeting.
The other is a request to have the jury instruction re-read to them.
Jury has been brought back into court for the second.
This has moved much faster than I might have expected. But it does confirm that the jury is working methodically through the complex evidence and weighing the substance carefully.
I’d say that’s not good at all for a defendant in a case where the defense did not really put on a case or present any evidence. But juries can surprise you with how they manage to find “reasonable doubt” where none was available.
After re-reading the instructions to the jury Judge Merchan has dismissed the jury for the day. They will reconvene and continue deliberations at 9 am.
Impressive as always:
Nap Time!
Now with 25% more drool!
A certain determination to deny specific truths is essential:
That “didn’t happen” either.
See, was that so hard? Why can’t any of you do it?
Try standing with Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger and the rest of the true conservative American patriots. Why can’t you do that? Too hard for you?
It was just locker room talk.
Democrat actually earns a standing O.
Trump moves closer and closer to 360 EVs in November.
Roanoke College Poll: Biden and Trump tied in Virginia
Wholly unsurprising. Biden’s been awful:
@ 64
To Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit a standing O is what eventually happens when she’s bent over the dining room table and plowed by her weekly BBC, while Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit awaits his cream pie.
Used to be she’d get it twice a week, but…
you know…
Bidenflation touches all.
In that Roanoke College poll, since last May Biden’s support has fallen 12 points while Trump’s has risen 5 points.
A 17 point flip in 12 months.
Bidenflation touches all.
This is why Democrats are desperate for a Trump conviction. If he’s aquitted, Dems got nuthin’.
@37. The law and order party member is arguing that we shouldn’t bother to even try the failed convicted rapist for breaking the law.
Oh, look! Yet another black voter initiative announced by Team Biden!
Biden-Harris campaign launches Black voter initiative as support dwindles
By mid-October Michelle Obama will be campaigning for Trump.
America is asking 12 jurors to have more courage than the entire republican congress, the entire republican party and the majority of the supreme court.
@ 70
America is asking 12 jurors to have more courage than the entire republican congress, the entire republican party and the majority of the supreme court.
Not America doing the asking. Liberals in New York City are doing the asking, and they’re not asking for courage. The Feds took a look at it and passed. The previous DA took a look at it and passed. The Democrat party needs a conviction because it thinks that will slow the Trump juggernaut. It won’t, but without a conviction the only thing that stands in the way of a Trump inauguration is the weak joke that is Joe Biden.
Be honest, at least with yourself.
If Trump were to win this election, what do you think are the chances that he won’t leave at the end of his term?
If you answered anything greater than 0%, should you really be considering giving him your vote?
No matter how you try to slice and dice it, Israel is being genocidal. In the end it will not be good for anyone, including Doctor Dumbfuck and Isreal.
@72 how anyone could question that it’s not 💯 then they’re just a Dumbfuck. He’ll need good security’, many Americans will not put up with it.
@ 72
If Romney had won the election, how many of you think he would have put black people in chains?
You libbies are beyond silly. Join Queen YLB in the world of unseriousness. Pussies.
@75. The greedy racist incel did not answer the question asked. I figure he knows that the failed convicted rapist will never willingly leave office. The presidency is his only Stay out Jail option.
And yet, the “weak joke that is” Joe Biden got the most popular votes and the most electoral votes and is the President and trump failed.
If Romney had won the election, how many of you think he would have put black people in chains?
No doubt that was on the used car salesman’s agenda:
heh.. the dogs? the “urban vote”? who.. who.. who..
freaking klowns (rmoney.. and.. teh kreepshit)
The Feds took a look at it and passed. The previous DA took a look at it and passed.
Fucking liar… I won’t bother to post links because I already did a thread or two back.
And a “seriously” dedicated fucking liar to boot.
@1 Well, you’re still here, but you’re not a “towering literary figure.”
“Hundreds of thousands of Texans are without power and many could be in the dark for several days after fierce and deadly storms tore through the state Tuesday and over the holiday weekend … amid uncomfortably hot weather.”
Well, they’re used to being without power, and can’t afford Generacs anyway.
@3 “How does Team Biden avoid a convention floor fight after his embarrassing debate performance in late June? By forcing Democrats to nominate him and the absolutely awful Momala before Democrats meet on the convention floor …”
Avoiding your imaginary floor fight had nothing to do with it. Republicans made it necessary.
Has anyone else noticed how often the dumbfuck troll’s one-line zingers are founded on lies?
@5 He has brown skin, so of course he murdered his father, even though his father was alive.
Yeah, this judgment should’ve been bigger. And no confession obtained by these detectives should ever again be admitted into evidence by any court of law.
@22 Also a metaphor for your useless life.
@30 Sounds awfully like a confession to me.
But let’s say the jury returns a not guilty verdict. Trump will shout from the rooftops, “I beat the rap! I beat the rap!” And so will dumbfuck …
@34 He didn’t say he doesn’t agree, he said he doesn’t know. But to a simpleton like you they’re the same thing.
@37 Another one of doc’s “sources.”
“Since around 2014, Wolf has been described by journalists and media outlets as a conspiracy theorist. She has been criticized for posting misinformation on topics such as beheadings carried out by ISIS, the Western African Ebola virus epidemic, and Edward Snowden. Wolf has objected to COVID-19 lockdowns and criticized COVID-19 vaccines. In June 2021, her Twitter account was suspended for posting anti-vaccine misinformation.”
@38 “What a fucking joke.”
To you the “fucking joke” is trying to prevent starvation in Gaza. After all you’re the guy who keeps saying, “FINISH THEM!”
You’re the guy who would object to Convoy PG 17 leaving harbor because the ships might not get through. Let the Russians starve, they’re not our friends anyway.
@45 “Any answer to that one?”
(a) Military incompetence
(b) Don’t give a shit
(c) Want to kill as many civilians as possible, too
I’m not saying any of these apply. They’re only “answers.”
@47 “Anybody else find it hysterical that the lying Village Idiot has grown suddenly quite comfortable in calling this person a Doctor?”
Dr. Wolf probably shouldn’t say anything if she’s out on the town and somebody yells out, “Is there a doctor in the house?”
It might be best for the patient if Doctor Dumbfuck didn’t say anything, either.
@49 @50 Scarlet letter “L,” as in “Liar”?
@53 … and besides, Christian Nationalism is the law of the land. I’m about to say so. Just give me a case.
@54 Sounds like you’ve had some experience with the child support enforcement system.
Perhaps QoS McHillbilly could enlighten us with what he thinks of Judge Merchan’s jury instructions. He might include his thoughts WRT the absence of a written copy of said instructions.
@61 “That ‘didn’t happen’ either.”
Well, it can’t happen here. Trump would never go that far. Or if he did, he’d only do it to illegal immigrants. Well maybe some legal immigrants too. And who knows, maybe even some U.S. citizens who look like immigrants and didn’t have their “papers” on them when accosted by the soldiers manning checkpoints at intersections. And of course political prisoners.
We can’t prove Trump would do any of these things, because he hasn’t done them yet. But after he does them, then we can compare him to the Nazis. Or Franco or Pinochet. Only history can be his judge, and meantime we shouldn’t jump to conclusions about what he might do just from what he says.
@66 At least she doesn’t have to be jealous of a horse, like your wife, if you have one.
A Biden campaign official estimated 1,000 attendees at today’s event in the gym of tiny Girard College, a prep school in Philadelphia.
Ask yourselves if this half-filled gym – photo here – is 1,000 attendees.
It might be 150. Maybe. There are that many people in line for the mens’ room on the left side of an event center hosting a Trump rally.
@71 “It won’t, …”
Of course it won’t. A felony conviction won’t stop Republicans from voting for Trump. Heck, a lot of them are felons themselves.
Hey Libbies! Hetero and non-heterosexual!
What year after 2024, if Drump wins, do you think Doctor Dumbfuck would start to defend Drumpf’s reasoning for why he should be elected for a third term?
The All White King County Republicans and their owned media has just thrown the Negro under the bus for Dave Reichert.
AM 770 KTTH host
The candidate for governor the Washington State Republican Party endorsed was reprimanded by the Department of Defense (DOD), with a commanding officer saying he perpetuated “fraud” against the United States government in an effort to advance his career over more deserving candidates. The investigation followed accusations from the U.S. Army Special Forces, the Green Berets, that Republican gubernatorial hopeful Semi Bird engaged in stolen valor by misrepresenting his actions during Operation Iraqi Freedom and claiming unearned experience.
Standard instructions in accordance with NY statutes.
Counsel for defense has a written copy.
Trump is a liar too.
Bibi’s genocidal grift:
We’ve heard a lot of very incendiary rhetoric — destroying Hamas, destroying Gaza — but when you actually break it down, they want to remove Hamas as a power in the Gaza Strip. And they largely haven’t been able to do that.
There’s two main reasons for that.
One is that it’s very difficult to take apart a non-state terror group that has taken root inside a very small, urban, densely populated area when they’ve been there for almost 20 years. Hamas has taken many, many hostages; to this day there are over 100 hostages still in Gaza. It seems pretty likely that the Israeli military has had a difficult time getting to Hamas leadership and key players because they probably are surrounded by hostages.
The other is that Netanyahu specifically had a very clear policy of keeping Hamas in power and also of trying to contain Hamas, because Hamas is a very good excuse for Israel to continue on its path of settlement, expansion, occupation, and rejection of a Palestinian state.
As long as Hamas is there, Israel doesn’t have to get into any kind of peace process, any kind of serious political negotiation. It doesn’t have to take the Palestinian demands for a state, for liberation, for rights as seriously. Even if we assume that Netanyahu is committed to getting rid of Hamas, he has an interest in staying in power now, and the best way to stay in power is to keep the war going on and on.
So body count goes brrrr-funny last names-swarthy skin-mass graves…
kreepshits of the world in afterglow.
DEI is obviously a race hustle.
Sounds like there may be some risk of a hung jury in the Trump criminal fraud trial.
Rolling Stone is breaking the story that ACB is being paid by FOX Corp. Never disclosed.
Chief Justice Roberts will live forever in history for his depthless cowardice and weakness.
Gorsuch and Kavanaugh must feel like chumps.
Sounds like there is a holdout juror who is wavering about the evidence that Trump authorized the fraud scheme.
A mistrial will trigger a big chunk of Trump-shy and Trump-fatigued Republicans to solidify behind The Rapist.
From the journalists present:
“Yesterday, Donald Trump complained on social media that he does not know what the charges are in this case. This morning, he is sleeping while the judge repeats his recitation of the jury instructions, including the legal definition of the charged crimes. In sight of the jury, Trump’s eyes are closed, his jaw is slack and is head is drooping down to his chest. He occasionally readjusts and dabs his lips.”
Such an impressive figure, dabbing at his drool.
104 – It sounds like the plaintiffs have never heard of Lume products to eliminate odors. A little of those products could have saved everyone a lot of grief.
Available from Amazon…
A) Eight unrelated, and unaquainted Black males seated randomly throughout the aircraft all simultaneously just happen to have such offensive body odor that they are forcibly ejected from the passenger cabin of a major carrier
B) Eight unrelated, and unaquainted Black males seated randomly throughout the aircraft all simultaneously conspired to embarass a major carrier based in the same state where James Byrd Jr. was dragged to death to death behind a pickup.
C) The major carrier based in the same state where James Byrd Jr. was dragged to death behind a pickup has some deeply ingrained problems within its employee culture about Black males.
Take your pick.
But based upon that choice you identify yourself as either obviously racist, obviously insane, or obviously in support of DEI.
@ 106
Rolling Stone is breaking the story that ACB is being paid by FOX Corp. Never disclosed.
Yes, her husband has a job. Putting a bazillion children through college isn’t feasible on a federal judge’s salary, even at SCOTUS level.
Disclosure not necessary.
It’s really too bad for liberals that RBG didn’t listen to Obama when he tried to explain to her what could happen if she stayed too long. Rather than blaming ACB for a nonissue, shouldn’t libbies instead be asking Wise Latina to take one for the team soon enough that a replacement can be nominated before the general election season officially begins?
West coast homosexuals are such traitors.
Add that to the Greatest hits like, Nancy Pelosi getting rich off stocks (Her Husband was a VC and Hedge Fund firm manager and wealthy enough to own a professional football team, ok, ok, USFL before she ever entered politics. Now has a stake in the California Redwoods, UFL.)
Preliminary FBI reporting shows that the RNC, Donald “Law and Order” Trump and Fox News are still lying.
The final report is expected to indicate that violent crime was at the lowest level since 2014 in 2023.
@ 116
The final report is expected to indicate that violent crime was at the lowest level since 2014 in 2023.
Stuff like that can happen when law enforcement agencies stop reporting crime stats to the FBI.
…with one of the two major political party presidential campaigns for the candidate who hired his wife.
Nothing to see here, folks. Nothing except this amazing gas light. See how it glows? See how it dims and brightens seemingly on its own?
That’s just your imagination. Trust me.
All of which you know and troll because it is disclosed.
And Nancy Pelosi is but one of 435 individual votes in Congress and not appointed for life but rather must stand for reelection every two years. Moreover as a member of the House she can be investigated, sanctioned, or even expelled by a simple majority vote of 218 other members.
This is comparing apples to aardvarks. It’s the most pathetic whaddaboutism we’ve seen here in many long years. Which is undoubtedly why the fucktard Village Idiot recruited a sock puppet to deliver it. Such cowardice. Suck weakness.
@ 116, 117
Comparing crime stats in 2023 to those of 2022 is problematic because so few agencies reported 2022 data to the FBI.
In Florida the 2022 stats reporting was only 8%. In Pennsylvania it was only 9%.
The population included by those Florida agencies that did report was only 21% of Floridians. Only 22% of New York’s population was included, and only 48% of California’s population was included. Why is this relevant? Well, NYPD did not report. LAPD did not report. Phoenix PD did not report.. Those three are the largest, second-largest, and fifth-largest cities in the US. Add in San Jose (12th) and San Francisco (17th) and you can see the problem with crowing about statistics that leave out so many very large population centers. Can’t you.
Hey, don’t blame me for raining on the libbie parade. Blame The Marshall Project for pointing out the really shitty statistical power of such comparisons.
As polling shows, it’s not the statistics that count. It’s what people feel around them that counts. Claims that inflation is decreasing are at odds with what people see at the grocery checkout stand.
Violence is a continuing problem, and this quadrennium it’s Biden’s problem. Deal with it.
You see, Idiot, if we assume that cops lie when they under-report we must also assume that they lie when they over-report. And logic would dictate that they do more of the latter, since it is directly tied to funding, staffing, and salaries.
You just confirmed that FOX and Trump are spreading lies.
But you needn’t have bothered here. We all know that already.
It’s the first honest thing you’ve done in ages.
Thanks again. More confirmation. Trump and FOX report statistics. The statistics are lies. Trump and FOX spread lies.
Well done.
The Village Idiot just defended the lies by explaining how effective they are at misleading those who are being lied to.
Yesterday the Village Idiot mewled like a sad bitch about the Trump jury instruction.
Was it this bullshit?
“Judge in Trump case in NYC just told jury they don’t have to unanimously agree on which crime was committed as long as they all at least pick one.” — Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) on Wednesday
New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan “is not requiring a unanimous decision on the fake charges against me” — Trump on Wednesday
No doubt.
It’s another lie.
Merchan’s instruction is standard in charges like these. For the offense to be charged as a felony in NY it must be shown that the fraudulent documents and records were created to conceal some other criminal offense. The people of New York in this case allege three individual criminal offenses that the fraud was intended to conceal. The jury must only agree that any one of those existed. And they need not agree on which one. But they all must agree that at least one of those three crimes occurred and was the reason for the fraud.
In motions:
Merchan: “Do you agree that’s (unanimity) not ordinarily required?”
Bove: “Certainly,”
Are Republicans actively spreading this lie about the law?
Is Trump spreading this lie?
Is FOX news acting as a communications arm of the Trump campaign spreading this lie?
Is the Village Idiot?
Yes. They lie.
“lowest level since 2014.”
So you could compare to 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021….
Easy there tiger, don’t hurt yourself on the stupid. It’s a hell of a drug but continued use leads to permanent damage.
Internal Dem poll that is likely meaningless; Boebert is not likely to survive the primary, but being down 14pts to the likely Democratic nominee in the district retiring Rep. Ken Buck never received less than 60% in a general is pretty damn funny.
It appeared initially that American Airlines had removed every Black male passenger from the plane before starting to close the cabin doors and prepare for departure.
However it now seems they only removed the eight with the darkest skin.
So they will sue. And they will collect a tidy sum and humiliate an airline that richly deserves humiliation.
But in the end not very much will change. Because while this is going on MAGA Republicans backed by billionaires and headed up by Stephen Miller and other Trump servants are also suing American Airlines as well:
As he sits in a New York high rise awaiting a verdict from his jury Donald J. Trump is rage-watching television and posting angry rants on Truth Social.
Which is exactly what he’d be doing on any other Thursday afternoon whether or not he was in trial.
So it turns out his campaign isn’t being interfered with after all.
Add in the other candidates and the NPR/Marist national poll goes from Biden + 2 to Trump + 4.
Which is why Biden is petrified to have RFK Jr. on the debate podium. Or living.
The biggest tool in Seattle?
If you were awaiting trial on 88 felonies after being sued successfully for rape you couldn’t get a job at the mall serving Orange Julius.
Chair of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary: “At your convenience please find time in your schedule during your long summer vacation to meet with our committee so we can have a discussion about some of the members of your court accepting payment from littigants with cases in front of you.”
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court: “I’m super busy. Check back after the next insurrection.”
104. Parsing the words and link the greedy racist incel posted is a fascinating box of snakes.
He hates Diversity, Equality & Inclusion because it allows people who are not of his tribe a slightly more fair opportunity to compete. Just like Affirmative Action did back in the day. To his kind, equality feels like oppression so somehow in his racism rotted mind, black men objecting to being targeted for their body odor is oppression of his tribe. Either he can’t see it or he doesn’t care. Just sad.
Verdict has been reached.
That’s shockingly fast.
Not good for the defense. Not good at all.
If there was a holdout the other eleven got them to fold.
Before the announcement that a verdict had been reached, calling the parties back to the courtroom, Trump was seen to be smilling, laughing, and conversing casually with two of his attorneys.
As soon as the announcement was delivered he crossed his arms, began scowling intensely, and began feverish whisperings with Todd Blanche. 30 min countdown begins. Much sweat.
Failson Eric will be the only member of the Trump family in attendance to show support when the verdict is read.
Jury is entering the courtroom.
Merchan is entering the courtroom.
No eye contact from the jury to Trump seated at the defense table as they entered the courtroom.
Never a good sign.
Defense attorneys look to make eye contact with the jury as they enter to deliver a verdict. Refusing to make eye contact often signals that the jury has voted to convict.
VERDICT REACHED. Guilty all 34 counts. Unanimously.
And thanks go out to the cowardly Village Idiot for his respectful silence at this important moment.
Yer Fucked
I’m going to really enjoy the blessed silence that we get coming from the cowardly Village Idiot following this unanimous GUILTY verdict. The best thing about winning is that it always seems to shut the traitors up for at least a little while.
All 34.
State of New York 34, Trump 0
It was so rigged a Jury of 12 said, “Yeah there is t even ONE of these he didn’t do.”
Shit I didn’t even get my ass kicked this bad. A handful of my guys survived.
@ 142
… the blessed silence that we get coming from the cowardly Village Idiot following this unanimous GUILTY verdict.
Two-point boost to Trump.
Oh, and
… to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation…
at some point prior to the prosecutor’s closing argument.
The usual in the case of any TRUMP or any groveling TRUMP-SUCKER
Even after being shown the skin lampshade with their very own eyes.
Ignorance is protective once you’ve gone that far.
Well that was fucking quick…
So who really believes kreepshit is NOT voting for a convicted felon in November?
knock, knock, knock…
you better believe it is..
Say it with me –
34 times convicted felon, twice-impeached, former President Donald J Trump
Forty eight hours of prime time news cycle before the Sunday shows get their shot.
Location remotes and aerial drones showing all the various locations where sentence might be carried out.
LOTS and lots of TikTok memes from those crazy kids featuring orange jump suits, stainless steel toilets, and Prison Loaf.
And the permanent prefix featured in front of his name from now until November: Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump
I wouldn’t actually expect this conviction on all 34 felony counts to produce a big movement in polls at this point. There’s too much ossification of attitude and commitment from partisan voters who follow these things closely. But even the detached and disinterested are going to hear about this in the next 24 hours. It’s big historic news. And it’s going to leave a lasting change on the framing surrounding this man and how those average, disinterested voters see him and think about him.
Trump is now a convicted felon. That won’t go away before November.
“Surrender your passport, your voter card, and any firearms before 6pm Friday.”
Well the gag order ended so he can talk all he wants.
Floor Fight!
In this corner the-uuuuuuuuuuuh CONVICT!
In the other corner wearing the Red White and Blue trunks, Mitt Romney.
I recall 2 people interviewed on MSNBC yesterday or day before whatever..
One was an attorney who represented Trump on something or other.. He thought it would be a hung jury.
The other person might have been a lawyer. I can’t remember. She thought the prosecution confused the jury with the all the numbers and documents and could have presented that all better. She had trouble following it.
But dang.. The defense team must have really offended that jury. Or the jury had no problem with all the documentary evidence. It’ll come out eventually.
Mo Brooks (R-MO) is the first GOP politician to call for replacing Trump with a different nominee.
The defense did their client no favors by abusing and attacking the judge.
The jury sides with the judge.
But I also think the prosecution put together a pretty good case. All the speculation and noise generated in the media from each day’s testimony was never part of the jury’s consideration. They did not see it or hear about it. Watching these things from the outside can be very misleading in that respect.
Thinking only about what the jury saw and heard it probably (obviously) wasn’t too tough for them to work their way through the elements of the jury charges and get fairly quickly to a consensus. It sounds like they must have been ready for a straw poll by this morning and so they asked for some read backs and some guidance about the standards at the end of the day yesterday so that members could go home, sleep on it, and come back in the morning ready to take an early informal vote. Then once they discovered where they were they settled in to working their way through each of the 34 counts, apparently in the hope that they could be discharged before the end of the day today.
I promise you the prosecutors are drinking free tonight (metaphorically – truth is they are in protective hiding somewhere in the Catskills).
I’m not holding my breath waiting for that list to grow.
I haven’t yet been able to underestimate the character of Republicans. I don’t expect to start now.
@ 154
Mo Brooks is from Alabama, not Missouri. Trump chose someone other than him to back in the 2022 Senate race, so Brooks has an axe to grind.
Brooks did not call for Trump’s replacement. He pointed out that GOP voters have a choice, and that Trump is now a risk.
Other than all of those errors and omissions, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, you’re still a bloviating asshole.
Not a lawyer and not a judge but it seems hard to imagine sentencing to ZERO jail time on a 34-0 count verdict each involving potential jail time.
Look for the defense team to get a ‘Hell No’ on the motion to delay sentencing until after the convention.
Will the convention coverage that will, on all but one major network, be making constant reference to IF the nominee will have to report to Rikers before November be good for the GOP brand?
Opening night, “Every speaker gave an impassioned speech about Donald Trump and how great he is, but will he be in a New York Jail before November?”
“Accepting the nomination for Vice President Dennis Quaid was eloquent and forceful but will he have to pardon Donald Trump and then step down from being president so Donald Trump can assume the role because Donald will not be able to take the Oath of Office from a jail cell.”
“Donald Trump gave a good speech but was it enough to convince America that he’s not just fighting to keep himself out of prison but for them as well.”
I need you more now now than ever. The radical left wants nothing more than for me to not be able to talk to you. For your generous donation of just $29.99 a month with an initial outlay of $399 you can become Donald Trump’s official prison penpal. Help us spread the MAGA from inside. You’ll get such hits as Martin Luther King’s ‘Letter from Rikkers’. But wait there’s more if you act now you’ll get an extra book of the New Testament the ‘Crucifixion of the Donald.’
Send your donation today Patriots. MAGA Then, MAGA Now, MAGA Forever!
If you don’t send your money now, your favorite President might die in a jail cell and it willl be YOUR FAULT!
MAGA is drowning their sorrows tonight drinking ‘Dark and Stormy Daniels’
1 part dark rum,
2 parts Ginger beer
In a baby bottle suck three shots of Jack Daniels from the nipple.
@128 In other words, Kennedy’s failure to poll at 20% is a Biden plot to have him killed. Gotcha. From your link:
“Criteria for protection include publicly announcing one’s candidacy, facing “general or specific threats” and, for independent and third-party candidates, polling at 20% or above in the Real Clear Politics national average for at least 30 days, according to the Secret Service website.”
Sucks to be a dumbfuck doctor today.
There Are Tapes of Trump Saying the N-Word
Damn. This is turning out to be a very bad day.