Are you ready for debates tonight? Well tough shit, we’re going to have Vice Presidential and gubernatorial debates. I already know who I am voting for, but I will probably tune in. Will Culp manage to sell himself in any way, or if he comes across as awful as his policies.
But before the debates, in fact right now, you should go wash your hands.
Walking her dog while black. What was she thinking?? She could have been shot!
WATCH: ‘Racist Karen’ accuses Black woman walking her dog of trespassing on private property
Yeah, that was racist alright.
Oh? You paid the kinds of taxes voters think a billionaire should? Prove it. It all goes away. Just prove it.
Wow, “a three-judge panel in New York” came out with a decision against a Republican. Not any bias there, I’m sure! Oh, nooooo! Not in the least!
SCOTUS already ruled for DA. His lawyers are just trying for a mulligan.
But go back to the commentary. “Oh you didn’t lay zero in income tax for ten of fifteen years? Prove it! You have the documents. You’re under court order to release them. Prove it, double dog dare you.”
So how’s the veterans and military families vote going Don?
After attending a Gold Star Families indoor no mask event while possibly being COVID positive and the subsequent revelation that a Coast Guard Admiral in attendance tested positive The day after the event….
As of yesterday, The Trump administration has made zero effort to contact any attendees nor had they begun contract tracing of those who were known to come in contact with the Admiral.
@6 To be expected from the leaders of a death cult.
Of course he’s going to win West Virginia but polling there is still showing bad news.
Donald took 68.5% in 2016. A 42 point margin.
Local TV WMOV polled him at 56% at the end of September up +18points.
Why is that interesting? Well if his support has tanked that much in deep Red coal country….what’s happening in states he won by around 1%. Or less than 1%. Or 3%?
Nobody needs you. Nobody wants you.
Get the fuck out. And if you didn’t want to live by the laws of civilized society you never should have moved here from New Jersey in the first place, you fat freak.
So go move your fat ass to some backward trash dump where they eat clay for breakfast and nobody has ever seen a toothbrush.
But in the mean time you owe us for the back taxes you cheated on fuck face.
This one’s for Piddles
Manufacturing evidence. Now we know. Actually we’ve known for a while. Kablamo. Republicans are scum. The always wrong Puddy proves it.
An update from Dr. Sean Conley, POTUS’s doctor:
“The President this morning says ‘I feel great!'”
An update from me:
“I can throw 91MPH fastball.”
I own more stock than Trump does, neener neener!
@8 Where are the coal jobs he promised? Wasn’t he going to repeal cheap natural gas, or something like that? Oh wait, he only trashed the clean air regs. The cheap natural gas is still there. Now everyone gets to be unemployed and breathe dirty air.
In today’s poll releases, Rasmussen has Biden +12%, following a slew of other polls showing Biden with a double-digit lead. Something definitely is happening.
Derek Chauvin has made bail.
Chauvin is facing felony tax fraud charges, too.
What a piece of work.
These polls have gotta hurt.
Pennsylvania: Quinnipiac Biden 54, Trump 41 Biden 13
Florida: Quinnipiac Biden 51, Trump 40 Biden 11
And get a load of the national poll chart.
The trend isn’t the doctor’s friend. The traitor Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron have run out of time.
Perhaps the doctor will instead use what time remains before the election to think on his sins. Number one on the list of his transgressions…treason.
Maybe God will forgive him. I know I won’t.
@17 Looks like Trump’s Walter Reed sojourn maybe broke the dam.
Pulling back the curtain on the Wizard.
The emperor has no clothes.
etc. etc.
That and Trump’s debate debacle. What a shitshow the last week has been.
Why on earth would any Gold Star family go to the Trump WH?? Don’t they know yet that he views the son or daughter they lost as being a “loser” and “sucker” for serving our country?
White House may have infected Gold Star families with COVID at indoor Trump event: report
Legalizing marijuana is on the ballot in Arizona, Montana, New Jersey and South Dakota.
I sure hope it passes in South Dakota. Their governor needs to get mellow. She may need an experimental Covid treatment soon, too.
Looks like the Miami Dolphins aren’t as stupid about Covid risk as Gov. DeSantis. Why should they kill their fans for the sake of a dumbfuck Republican governor’s ego?
Miami Dolphins pass on chance for full Hard Rock Stadium
Less than a month ago Rasmussen had Trump up a point. What an epic collapse!
Little wonder why the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck is so depressed of late. Even he isn’t so stupid that he can’t see the handwriting on the wall.
@23 Yeah, he’s not around. Probably getting drunk. When he stumbled into the bar, the bartender probably said,
“Hey, horse, why the long face?”
Here’s a joke for Doc:
Jaywalking in Beverly Hills while black! What was he thinking? He could have been shot!
“President Donald Trump said his coronavirus infection was a ‘blessing from God’ because it educated him about potential drugs to treat the disease in a video meant to demonstrate his return to work after several days in the hospital.”
Speechless. But these doctors know what to say:
“New England Journal of Medicine: ‘Dangerously incompetent’ politicians must go”
Probably not an accident they released this on the eve of the VP debate. Now watch Pence show up maskless and pooh-pooh the killer virus. Can Republicans dig themselves into an even deeper hole? I’m going to watch and find out.
Ten minutes into the debate, two speaking turns, and Pence talked past his time and overtalked the moderator both times. Fucking rulebreaker. These people just won’t follow any rules.
Keeps overtalking and now he won’t stay on topic. Pence just won’t follow the debate rules. Just cut off his mic.
When it’s done consistently, as Pence is doing here in direct conversation with two women of great accomplishment, what millions of women who vote are seeing and hearing is another male gasbag who can’t shut up.
Watch Harris watching Pence make an ass of himself, smiling, laughing, but not interrupting, just letting him go. Pence is burying himself, Sen. Harris is letting him do it. And at the appropriate moment giving him gentle instruction on proper conversational manners. All the while saying the words “Joe Biden” at least once every 30 seconds.
She’s winning.
@ 28
Keeps overtalking and now he won’t stay on topic.
Harris was asked about whether the public has a right to know about the health specifics of the candidates and spent 90% of her response talking about Trump’s taxes.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you’re a fucking clown.
Soleimani is still dead.
And if Biden were president instead of Obama, OBL would still be alive.
It’s court-packing against ending abortion.
In a closely divided 56-55 decision, the US Supreme Court today decided that…
QoS McHillbilly, how the FUCK did you get that fly to land on Pence’s head?
Oh my god.
The fly stuck in Pence’s hair spray.
This is the moment his career ends.
My powers are vast.
And weird.
Pence just dies inside.
Tulsi Gabbard was such a misogynist against Kamala in those debates.
@ 37
Yeah, women didn’t much like Tulsi, either. Prettier than you always elicits that response.
Is there anything more pathetic than Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit having to count on Joe Biden to finally make him a millionaire?
@33 He’s omnipotent.
In which Trump confuses Harris with Biden.
Understandable, really. Unhinged liberals all sound alike.
@ 40
You’re impotent.
Repukes attract flies??
@39 I’m glad you asked that question, and I’m pleased to answer.
@30, @31, @32, @33, @37, @38, @39
Harris was civil. Pence is an ass.
Riots beginning outside Milwaukee.
Admit it. Y’all wanted Liz in that seat.
I wanted Liz in that seat.
@46 From your link:
“Police lined up near Menomonee River Parkway with tactical gear and armored vehicles. As protesters walked toward them slowly, police fired several rounds of tear gas.”
Yep, police rioting against peaceful protesters.
That meme has legs.
Aside from the optics of Pence continuously interrupting and talking over his female colleagues, the lasting impression will be “The Fly”
On CNN, even Santorum says, “I don’t think he won it”
“Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron wants to keep grand jury proceedings and testimony secret in the Breonna Taylor case, according to a motion filed Wednesday.”
Can’t say I’m surprised, and can’t say I blame him, he’s got a lot to hide.
“You’re likable enough, Kamala.”
Who runs the House these days?
@49 I’m on it. Actually, it’s on Mike Pence.
@53 Paul Sperry, ha ha ha. By the way, what office is Hunter Biden running for?
Good thing Pence interrupted Harris so many times. They were only 3 seconds apart in speaking time. Imagine if he had let her drone on.
@56 Comical comment considering he was the rude jerk who kept interrupting and going over his time.
Speaking time may have been equal, but quality of content wasn’t. However, I’ll acknowledge Pence had an impossible hill to climb. Even the most polished debater can’t defend the indefensible.
The fly gets around.
@58 Why don’t you run with Obama’s failure to swat that fly? You sure can’t run on Trump’s failure to swat Covid-19.
The White House is turning into a casualty clearing station. They have 34 infections now.
60)Worse, I heard 2 who carry the Football tested positive. Sadly, I figured they wpuld. They have to be in close proximity to the President at all tines. Doesn’t bode well for the Secret Service.
I posted the KING-5 video of the Inslee-Culp debate here:
Or it can be found on YouTube here:
So there’s been more covid infections in the “whitey house” lately than the entire nation of New Zealand…
We’ll make sure the Democrats prevail in the 2020 election, no matter what the real voting total are. We’re good at “fixing” things, if need be.
@64 I’ll report you to the FBI as soon as teh preznit and qanon expose the baby cannibal/molesters and Barr replaces the stooges at the bureau with real americans.
Dino Lossi will then win. At long last.
@63 34 at last count. What’s New Zealand’s count? And has New Zealand banned American visitors and immigrants yet? Or just those from the White House?
@64 You’re full of shit. Probably a Russian troll, too.
Thinking about the election being decided in the House? So is Pelosi, and she’s shopping for an insurance policy.
CNN poll on who won the debate: Harris by 59%-38%,
But then it’s hard to defend the indefensible.
This guy would have been part of a winning ticket and healed America without any doubt. Hopefully one day he gets that chance.
Faux News should have him on more often.
Pete Buttigieg Drops Firebomb On Trump And Pence In Fox News Interview
Bob shakes in his skirt. Klubfoot had nothing on him. Way to shut up Brett Bier without having to cheat
66)They have probably have. Wonder if Scott Brown is still ambassaador.
A little info on New Zealand’s upcoming election. Labor still ahead, but tbr coalition partners are on shaky ground. There is a chance that the National and Maori Parties would win more district seats than their party vote, so that could see overhang seats grow the 120 member house by hp to 4 seats.
The Navy has named the new FFGX Frigate, USS Constellation. I love it, good name, dates back to the Washington Administration. Although I would have gone for Reuban James, or England as well.
An early rumor was that a confederate naval officer was going to be the namesakr. Constellation is tbe exact opposite, the frigate on display in Baltimore was involved in anti-slavery operations as the Flagxhip of the Africa Squadron on the eve of the Civil War. The USS Constellation was also the Navy’s lazt all sail frigate built.
At this point, with less than a month to go, with voting already underway, and with wave after wave of devastating poll results washing over them, the Trolls4Trump clinging to a second Trump term depends upon two large assumptions: participation bias and sampling frame error. These are the somewhat related problems of refusal to respond to surveys by a biased group within the sampled population, and fundamental errors in selecting the population to be sampled. This despite the facts that participation bias can be and is fairly easily corrected for, and that sampling frame has received renewed focus by all quality pollsters in the current cycle.
The assumption by Trolls4Trump is that participation bias skews against Trump (“Silent Majority”), although there is no evidence of this, and quite the contrary enthusiasm among Trump supporters has been more publicly demonstrative than ever before (boat parades, Proud Boys, Kyle Rittenhouse, etc.). Furthermore, there is no evidence in the current cycle that the prevailing methods of frame selection are biased against Trump. There is at least some (quite a lot in my opinion) evidence that large numbers of unsampled newer voters in key states such as Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Wisconsin will play a bigger role in those state outcomes.
In the current cycle, while Trump/GOP showed success in slowing and closing the registration gap in late 2019 and in early 2020, that effort headed up by Campaign Manager and soon-to-be felon Brad Pubebeard and was built around large in-person events backed by “The Death Star” social media platform that has mostly collapsed on itself. Now with the Trump/GOP GOTV machine grinding its gears trying to shift into an all-virtual operation, along comes the tragic events of the George Floyd murder and the loss of Justice Ginsberg, injecting new life and energy Democratic GOTV.
There’s really no good reason to believe what the Trolls4Trump are telling themselves they must believe. It’s one way perhaps for them to make it through the next four weeks without being entirely broken. But it’s also a way for them to excuse and waive off what clearly will be the Trump/GOP response, rejecting the election results in a shattering loss. Every Rapepublican You Know will join in. In the aftermath of the crushing election results, they will all insist that the polls were all wrong and always wrong. And that the election results are invalidated by vote-by-mail. They will all rally around these ideas and they will come to inform how they view election going forward.
It’s yet another way in which these four years of Trump will devastate the GOP for years and years to come. For an example see 64 above. A Rossi voter who has never recovered. A Washington State GOP that has never recovered. Broken permanently by their own desperation and hubris.
“She’s uppitty. You can’t talk to men like that little lady.”
Ironic they couldn’t find a spokesperson who DOESN’T have COVID to make that assertion.
In its effort to ensure that the next debate will be watched by the smallest possible number of people, the Federal Election Commission has announced that the second and third presidential debates can bee seen only on
Don’t worry. We’ll take care of you and the rest of the armchair socialists.
We’re excellent at “finding” votes when we need them.
Given the dumbfuck’s posts and how tired his pathetic act has become, perhaps Putin finally found it necessary to assign a real Russian troll to this blog.
Looks like you traitors got busted in Michigan.
So you treasonous fucks say you love cops, huh?
Militia that targeted Michigan governor also sought to kill cops
It’s becoming damn obvious your love is only for those cops who kill black Americans.
If Biden is elected, all the children of Republican traitors will be turned into communists.
Michigan militant lived in a vac shop and feared ‘the country is going to go communism’
Looks like the trail leads back to the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron. Call me shocked.
Militia began kidnapping plot shortly after Trump praised armed anti-Whitmer protesters as ‘very good people’
You can’t expect people who don’t read a book or watch a movie to know what’s in it.
Asking book burners and film censors to not spout off about it is asking too much, too.
@77 How many readers do you have?
@78 Repeating a lie doesn’t make it true. I was there. You weren’t. Chris Vance and John Carlson were full of crap. You are, too.
Want to know why Rossi lost? Because Republicans wouldn’t allow their own winning-margin votes to be counted.
In every election, there are eligible voters who cast legitimate votes that aren’t counted because they forgot to sign the ballot envelopes or their signatures didn’t match those on file.
(Signatures change over time, especially among elderly voters, whose handwriting may become shaky.)
Washington, like most states, allows voters to correct those mistakes after the election. The Democrats deployed an army of 6,000 people statewide, mostly from unions, to contact those voters and get them to submit valid signatures. Out of about 1,100 signatures submitted to various county election offices, roughly 750 were valid.
The Republicans also collected signatures. They had over 300 of them. Assuming a similar validation rate, that would have been over 200 additional votes for Rossi. Gregoire won by 133.
But they didn’t submit those signatures. Instead, their lawyers went to court to block the signatures submitted by the Democrats — and lost. But in hopes of making their legal arguments more persuasive to the court, they instructed the WSRP (Washington State Republican Party) to not submit the signatures in their possession. If they had, those signatures would have been counted, too.
You figure it out. Rossi got more votes, but only counted votes matter, and Gregoire won because the Republicans sat on over 200 Rossi votes. That’s why Rossi lost. It had nothing to do with King County Elections. It was entirely a result of stupid Republicans listening to their own lawyers — the same lawyers who ignominiously lost the election contest lawsuit when a handpicked Republican judge in a forum-shopped Republican county also rejected their legal arguments and threw out 4 Rossi votes (Gregoire’s original winning margin was 129 votes).
The Republicans paid $2 million for shitty legal representation.
How do I know this? Jenny Durkan was the Democrats’ lead lawyer for the Democrats in Rossi’s election contest lawsuit, and she personally told me this at the inauguration party in the governor’s mansion.
You guys don’t know how to not be dumbfucks.
Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron, “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!”
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News –
Every-Woman-Watching Declares Harris The Victor Over Pence, Vows To Avoid Stereotype By Not Whining. Every-Woman explained, “Even though VP Pence called Senator Harris a ‘stupid slut who is probably on the rag’ I just laugh it off and never complain.”
Every woman watching at home could relate to being subject to the kind of patronizing and self-righteous treatment from men like Pence, but what felt refreshing was the way Kamala Harris seemed to relish the opportunity to respond to it. She delivered some serious squints, followed by a healthy and homicidal dose of side-eye, rapidly shifting to eye rolls and sly, knowing smiles. At certain moments, she broke the fourth wall to stare straight into the camera, silently forming an allegiance with the women watching at home who know firsthand that brand of not-so-subtle misogyny.
Every single woman watching the debate could relate. We all know what it’s like to be stuck in the classic sexist double-bind that demands we be both kind and commanding but punishes us no matter which of these two completely conflicting options we go with. And since that pressure is worse for Black women, who get dubbed the “angry Black woman” no matter what they do or the level of fame or celebrity they ascend to, it felt revolutionary to see Harris, a Black and South Asian woman, greet the smug sexism of a lying, anti-choice white guy with so much unadulterated joy.
@89 How’s it going with women voters?
Oh. Not well, I see.
It isn’t enough for anti-maskers to complain about reasonable health rules. They have to be assholes about it, too.
But they’re probably assholes about everything else they do, too.
Here’s a “militia” dude arrested today.
Not only is the anarchist flag not a Republican symbol, those stupid hoop things that expand your earlobes aren’t a distortion of Republicans’ physical appearances.
But we see a lot of both along with those black-clad assholes in PDX every night, don’t we?
Biggest loser: Steve. I mean, face it, dude, you shoulda known those big earlobes weren’t gonna make you look any prettier.
@92 Like the rest of the dumbfucks on the right pushing that meme, you ignore his more recent boogaloo transformation TikTok video, complete with Hawaiian shirt. And his tweet about killing “commies”. And the Gadson flag.
He’s obviously a fucked up in the head dumbfuck and thanks to America-hating dumbfucks like you, he finally found a home with a right-wing Michigan militia. The same kind of militia that appeared in the dumbfuck wetdream you once shared of militias roaming the streets of Detroit, murdering blacks.
The biggest dumbfuck of them all? Everybody here already knows the fucking answer.
The sickest, most fucked up violent extremists all tend to quit our side and join yours eventually.
Even former Democrat Trump.
This will break the Pudiot.
The Regeneron antibody treatment his FailPresident is receiving is made from “murdered babies”. And Trump is thrilled.
“And that’s what I want for everybody. I want everybody to be given the same treatment as your President.”
Roll up your sleeve, Pudiot.
@92 They’re lifting rings.
@95 It has not gone unnoticed.
A city employee in Michigan, in the course of performing his assigned duties, attempted to remove a Trump-Pence sign placed within a city right-of-way, contrary to ordinance, but had his fingers slashed open by razor blades taped to the sign.
I would guess the homeowner will face (a) criminal charges, and (b) a personal injury lawsuit.
I wonder if Bob pays any hush money to the horse.
Fun thought experiment!
Try imagining the reaction from The Q Clearance Cat Lady and the rest of the Q Continuum if these particular domestic terrorists had been dark skinned and perhaps Muslim?
@ 90 RR
“Women now favor presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden by an eye-popping 23 percentage points.”
You should wait at least 30 minutes after farting before posting, the gas obviously rendered you temporarily insane.
Did you know you can help your orange leader achieve “herd mentality” by getting Covid and dying? Go for it! Show your orange moron your love for him and your country.