One thing I didn’t include in Monday’s piece on Spokane’s sick leave/safe leave law was this amazing paragraph in the Spokesman-Review’s write up.
Condon said his veto stemmed from his opinion that such employment requirements should be mandated by state government, not a local municipality. He added that he would not lobby for such a change in state law.
When politicians say they oppose doing a thing at whatever level, it’s usually not a spirited defense of doing that thing at another level. Mayor Condon clearly opposes the sick leave/safe leave law. He could have opposed it on its merits (such as they are) rather than complain that the state should do it. And if he thinks the state should do it, he could push that.
Does anybody want to watch a Republican debate without Trump?
He’s the frosting on the turd.
“A survey for The New York Times and CBS News this month showed that nearly six in 10 Americans say Planned Parenthood should receive federal funds. That finding was statistically unchanged from a similar survey in September, even as conservatives at the local, state and federal levels stoked outrage about the videos from a group called the Center for Medical Progress, founded by a 27-year-old Californian, David R. Daleiden, one of those indicted Monday.”
Grift money well spent? At least we can say that Daleiden got to live in high style for a couple of years before the frog march.
Monday – Tuesday robo-poll has Rafael Cruz in single digits in New Hampshire!
Concerns about the citizenship status of the foreign born Cruz are beginning to take a toll on voter support.
Even Republicans don’t want anything to do with Republicans.
Good thing they spent money on trying to figure out how to be more inclusive….seems like money well spent.
Do you think Republicans would force a woman to give birth, if it was known that the baby was going to be affected by the Zika virus?
Going to need a little bit of money for my legal troubles – please send money to
No more Dildos or Butt Plugs – Please.
I think Trump’s recent comment about prescription drugs should sound off some alarms for the so called conservative. To me this is an indication of what he is going to say he will do, once and if he gets the nomination. The day after getting the nomination, he’ll shift to the left, so that maybe he’ll get some of the Democrats to move towards him…
But I don’t think that there are many too Democrats, but there will be some, that would think about voting for him.
he’ll shift for sure. And he’ll do better with older voters. Mainstream GOP has been very fond of beating up old people lately. So Trump will have to soften the rhetoric a bit. Which shouldn’t be a problem for him. He hasn’t yet articulated any kind of entitlement restraint at all. And he’s been open about raising taxes. So he’ll probably build a 40 foot wall around Medicare and Social Security and make Nazi Germany pay for it.
@1 He’s blatantly betting not.
@8 He could pay for it by collecting the restitution and grazing fees the Bundy family owes.
Concerns about Cuban-Canadianism are starting to show among the faith voters.
Cruz falling while Trump surges among white evangelical Republican voters in a Tuesday poll. Fallwell Jr. lines up for Trump too. Palin, Fallwell, now this.
What does it really mean to be a “Conservative” these days?
@11 Republicans had over a dozen candidates to choose from, and will end up picking the billionaire racist demagogue. Why should anyone be surprised by this? He perfectly reflects what their party stands for: Wealth, racism, and intolerance.
I stopped giving to Wounded Warrior a while back, but I just gave to Paralyzed Veterans of America recently…but I think that was the last time.
I actually really meant that question @11.
What does it mean to be a “Conservative” these days?
Deep pocket conservative funders, GOP party elders, Congressional conservative leaders, state and local conservative leaders and scores of think-tanks and not-for-profit institutions have spent decades developing and promoting a strict ideology. The conservative foundation has been built brick by painstaking brick to achieve a rigid edifice of immovable purity and purpose. Just to see it all abandoned in a single election cycle?
Trump is no conservative. Obviously. He’s racist. He’s sexist. He’s arrogantly chauvinistic. He’s reactionary and impatient. He openly expresses contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law. He wants a great big defense budget and looks forward to using it freely and frequently to get his way. But he’s a high-living libertine who changes wives and girlfriends at a whim. He openly expresses warm regards for dozens of liberal Democratic lawmakers. He supports gay marriage. He supports higher taxes, more government spending, and bigger government. He’s just fine with Planned Parenthood.
And he’s wildly popular with “Conservative” voters.
Is it just slightly possible that all those conservative “principles” that Bill Buckley fought so hard to enshrine never really meant shit to these voters?
@14 Despite all their pious pronouncements, they only ever the worshiped the golden calf. The other bullshit was meant to keep them in power with the help of the ignorant masses.
if by “the other bullshit” you mean the dog whistle appeals to racism, xenophobia, and white male privilege, I’m with you.
Thing is, while Trump is fully on board with “the other bullshit” he’s completely AWOL on the “Small Govt”/”Culture Wars”/”punish-the-poor” foundation of movement conservatism. And his polling numbers among the demographics that defined modern movement conservatism continue to grow.
So sure, maybe hustlers like Bill Kristol had the rubes fooled for a long time. But all that while, the presumption among political scientists was that these Reagan Democrats, NASCAR dads, and “Silent Majority” voters really believed in ideas like supply side tax policy, deep cuts to social safety net, and the “moralizing” virtue of intrusive government. If that were true, they wouldn’t be turning out for Trump.
This should be good.
The Gay Trump Erotic Novel (That No One Asked For) Is Here
@1 and @14. I never really meant anything to be conservative. Or what it meant was only to put money first before any value and to make oneself think that they had a higher status in life than others. If you could think of yourself as a Republican you could pretend that you could own a Rolls Royce one day.
@16 I define Republican “small government” for you. Starve public health, education and infrastructure while you turn a blind eye to corruption and institutional racism. That’s “small government”.
In other news, the passing of paid sick leave in Spokane has caused my state senator to think Seattle is an illness.
“We can’t have very liberal politicians chasing the latest progressive fad in Seattle impacting our ability to grow our economy in Spokane,” Baumgartner said.
Baumgartner is introducing legislation in Olympia that prohibits city governments from taking up wage and labor issues, explaining that what works in Seattle will hinder communities like Spokane, especially so close to the Idaho border.
There’s a reason he calls his bill the Seattle Quarantine.
“I was joking about (Sylvester) Stallone in the movie ‘Cobra’ that the Seattle city radicals, the Seattle city council is the disease and this bill is the cure,” Baumgartner said.
I encourage all of you to send snail mail letters to state senator Baumgartner letting him know that you’d be happy to keep your diseased tax dollars in Seattle. Wouldn’t want them infecting the good people of Spokane and Cheney.
His mailing address is:
Michael Baumgartner
404 Legislative Building
PO Box 40406
Olympia, WA 98504
@18 Anyone can own a Rolls Royce right now. It’s just a matter of stretching out the payments to make them fit your income. And paying a subprime interest rate.
@19 why? Doesn’t all that just come down to money?
Is Fox News a news organization. Why all the drama? Can’t they just report the news and try to have meaningful dialogue and conversation?
‘WaPo’: Hillary ‘STILL Doesn’t Have A Good Answer’ on Emails
i know so many Republicans that aren’t anti abortion, anti same sex marriage, nor pro gun or own guns, want their medicare and social security, nor are they big church goers……but where the buck stops with them is taxes and money.
They worship money to the nth degree. Sure money is important to everyone, and the more the better life you can live as far as having the essential….but money doesn’t always make happiness. Worshiping it to the nth degree is selfishness.
When I think about wanting more money, I don’t think about it because I’ll be able to buy a boat, a hummer, a mansion, etc…I wish that I could win the lottery so I could help other people, people I know and don’t even know…I’d love to have a ton of cash to just hand out to someone who needs it more desperately than me. There are other things that I’d love to do, like develop property, a mixed use facility in an urban setting – not so I could get richer, but to improve a community and make the world a better place. Just me.
I really think the people that vote Republican just think about their taxes. Which I get, if you can’t afford the bare essentials because you are paying too high taxes, then yes the taxes are too high…but if you make millions and you have to pay thousands in taxes, but at the end of the day you still have millions, then that’s just being greedy.
Oh my god, this fucking guy and his email obsession. Get a fucking life Puffybutt.
Trump is getting a taste of the nastiness of the Republican establishment…..they are trying to sell that he is afraid.
Now I’m not sure the Duck can deal with Putin or anyone else, but would he really be afraid of them? Come on, they try sell such bullshit and their people eat it up.
“Oh my god, this fucking guy and his email obsession.”
It helps to shield the babbling jackass loon from reality…
The irrelevant Ben Carson continues his free-fall in the polls.
Isn’t this really about money? Do these people really care about the constitution and freedom, or whatever they think their goal is.
I think all they care about is money. And the fact that none of them are millionaires and successful.
Conservative don’t like gay marriage because they don’t want two gay people getting social security benefits upon one of their deaths, and everything else that comes with marriage and its relationship to money.
Bottom line. They don’t care about some sanctity of marriage. They’re all fucking divorced and fucking around on their wives and children. Give me fucking break. So they rial up the fearful to jump on the bandwagon.
This was the WA Post Already Teabagged Again on Heilary’s email!
Why aren’t Republicans talking about this? Because it has to do with money and they fear losing any of their base if it means that a Democrat had anything to do with any good new on money.
All they can talk about is an exploding deficit and national debt, no jobs, high gas prices, declining home values – fear mongering for the money hungry people.
@26 The email theme should play well to the demographic that doesn’t have indoor plumbing.
Hillary Clinton talks emails, foreign policy and health care
Heilary delivered the same used, failed and fully exploded email excuses. Her facts have changed! She didn’t volunteer her emails, the State Department forced her to give out her emails! Listen to her crazy answer on her ever-changing email story! The only reason now it was a mistake is because she’s now in trouble over it. Doesn’t matter the IG and secret agencies says she purposely mishandled classified information!
What about those blown intelligence operative covers if her email was hacked because of the SAP? Will we even know this?
@18 the I should have been It…..It never meant anything to be Conservative. It was just a way to group people into the money pool worshipers.
@34 “What about those blown intelligence operative covers if her email was hacked because of the SAP?”
I don’t know.
How about you ask what about the blown intelligence of WMD that thousand of young men and women died for, and will continue to die for now that the middle east is all fucked up.
Puff balls get a fucking life. Go bury your head or ass in a pillow.
Gotta love DEM libtards…
“Who’s going to watch a debate between the two Cuban guys? Who’s gonna watch a debate between Rubio, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz? Who cares!”
Apparently Matthews hates Hispanics and we all can see his panic over them being Republican candidates! Remember this is the same Chris Matthews who screamed racism like a stuck pig when any Republican opposed Obummer at any time.
Clinton Honest and Trustworthy? 36% of DUMMOCRETINS only think so!
This isn’t a Fox poll!
This isn’t a Fox poll!
Meanwhile ObummerCare continues to float in the toilet…
PuddyCommentariat: The NY Times does its best to cover for ObummerCare! The hilarity is Heilary attacks Bernie Sanders over the massive expense of his proposed socialized healthcare system, while Heilary continues to insist very stubbornly that ObummerCare has been a success, and Heilary vows to pour more American taxpayer money into it!
Seems the Zika Virus infected some HA DUMMOCRETINS long ago!
Al Gorebasm claimed the world would end today! The Gorebasm doomsday clock expired on 1/27/2016.
Must be “An Inconvenient Truth” that those carbon credits didn’t work as advertised!
@ 41
“Seems the Zika Virus infected some HA DUMMOCRETINS long ago!”
That’s pretty funny, coming from a third-generation descendant of one of the early members of the Tuskeegee control group.
PuddyCommentary: Butt butt butt this isn’t this isn’t a terrorist attack from a radical Islamist!
Oops…I preloaded a post for tomorrow’s FAUX News debate, but forgot to change the release date from the 27th to the 28th.
My apologies to anyone experiencing confusion.
That’s pretty funny, coming from a third-generation descendant of one of the early members of the Tuskeegee control group.
Wrong again vomit producer. Puddy’s ancestors are not from Alabama!
You really hate black people and it shows! And this was performed by DUMMOCRETINS on blacks! DUMMOCRETINS are SCUM!
So, mayor Condon is saying that he doesn’t believe in giving more power to local control of government? That doesn’t sound like the conservative viewpoint I’ve heard over the years…
Puddles @44- You skipped over the key part of your post–
” was foiled” !!!!!
And the BS about what some Democrats did over a half century ago is rather tedious. That is no more reflective of the Democratic Party today than Teddy Roosevelt’s trust-busting land conserving government represents the Republicans today.
Nice talking point but utter bullshit
@39 I can hardly wait to see your explanation of why your candidate lost to someone as “dishonest” as Hillary Clinton.
Spokane is really close to the border. That old chestnut.
This guy is a moron. On a good day to drive from downtown Spokane to the border would take 25 minutes. In his theory, things will be so much cheaper in Idaho due to the lower minimum wage that residents of Spokane will make a nearly one hour round trip, don’t forget to factor in gas which even at today’s prices a couple gallons is $4.25 plus the waste of your time to save what, $1 on a quarter pounder with cheese?
Yep, the average worker in Spokane won’t spend money on their lunch hour in the city. Instead, they’ll hop in the car and hope they can make the round trip to the nearest fast-food at the border in about 50 minutes allowing 10 minutes at the drive through because a Subway 12″ in Post Falls, ID is about $0.75 cheaper.
When the weekend comes, a night out of dinner and drinks in Coeur D’Alene is really cheap. Like save $10 total on the whole whack. Never mind that it took you 90 minutes round trip about $7 in gas…
Who are these fleeing consumers Republicans assume exist?
One of the things I find amusing about the e-mail “scandal” is that Hillary will ultimately be held responsible and indicted by the FBI. I don’t know about you but I don’t know too many 60+ year-old career lawyers/politicians who are also IT savvy.
Imagine the interrogation. “Mrs. Clinton, did you or did you not have a server?”
“I assume so but the IT department, or a member of the staff that works with the IT department gave me a laptop. It had Outlook on it. I know how to use Outlook. They also gave me a blackberry and it was set-up so that all my emails came to it. It even did web browsing. Imagine! Why when I was your age web browsing was 923 pounds of Encyclopedia Brittanica.”
Interrogator, “Mrs. Clinton, isn’t it true that you personally set up an internet server, programmed all the SMTP, Encryption, data backup yourself and did it specifically so that no record of any e-mail would be kept?”
“What, what’s an SMTP? Backup, you mean like in a stick shift?”
No, contrary to what the Republicans think and have a giant hard-on for, if there is any kind of criminal liability in this “scandal” it will climb way lower up the chain than Secretary of State who you can be damned sure couldn’t program a Droid to run Office or OneNote let alone what the right thinks was a not nearly complicated enough e-mail server.
The FBI will have to prove that Hillary Clinton had the skill to understand how all of that worked and deliberately or negligently used the technology that was given to her.
Even the crazy loon Piddles, who allegedly worked with computers and networking wouldn’t think that on the first day as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was putting together the IKEA furniture, setting up the computer, configuring network access…
Hell, even the lowest level Microsoft contract worker shows up and someone hands them a laptop, maybe a phone, and a login. But the right really thinks Hillary did all that herself. It’s just plain silly.
Like Whitewater
Vince Foster
The Clinton Murdered list
Mena Airport
and on and on and on
K2 @48,
Puddy glad it was foiled. Butt the important part was another terrorist on US soil! You missed that important fact!
K2 @49,
Chastise your good friend vomit producer. His silly attack on Puddy with the Tuskegee experiment and trying to equate Puddy as offspring to those poor men and women was another of his veiled hateful racist attempts at exposure to other DUMMOCRETINS on this blog!
EPIC FAYLE! It was the vomit producer’s nice talking point but utter bullshit. It’s just another vomit spew from that fool!
You sound disappointed that you didn’t get an opportunity to gloat about more people dying on Obummer’s watch.
As you are so ready to point out when the opposite happens, Obama’s FBI saved lives. Thanks Mr. President.
Oh checkmate…
Your BULLSHITTIUM in #52 was already covered last year. You are always months late and brain cells short!
Heilary’s IT guy pled the 5th.
So checkmate… if Bryan had nothing to hide why plead the 5th?
And checkmate you forgot this too having 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady; regarding how Clintonistas trying to cover their tracks asked Platte River Networks to reduce the amount of emails backed up!
Butt Platte River Networks knew something was up so they kept them all…
So everyone, post #52 is another attempt from checkmate for a lookie here at how the silly mind of checkmate works while everything in that post was already covered and discovered without interrogating Heilary one second!
Silly checkmate… The FBI is already way ahead of your useless drivel! Or is that dribble?
checkmate @55,
That’s what DUMMOCRETINS always do. Bush lied… people died…
Witness the Already Tebagged Again post above! Read carefully checkmate you can find it!
This fool always goes back there!
You are assuming a lot. Here’s another scenario. He plead the 5th because State and Nat’l Security gave his company specs on minimum security requirements.
To then admit that the security was less than required would be self incrimination. “I would like to exercise my right not to incriminate myself as outlined by the 5th Amendment to the United States Constitution, Senator.”
Even if you’re fantasy is true about why he plead the 5th. It was someone’s responsibility to make it known to his company what security was required. Under your assumption that would be SOS herself that failed to provide that info rather than someone much lower down the chain in IT.
Stop and think. If you gave Hillary Clinton two computers and asked her to make one a server and one a client operating as a WAN and install a firewall, in what fantasy do you think she would know how to do that?
But I assume from your tone you’re still hoping for the holy grail. There will actually be a recovered e-mail that says, “I Hillary Clinton order people to stand down so our personnel in Benghazi will die.” The only reason such a thing hasn’t been found is because Cintonistas were deleting the back-ups not that it just never existed.
Even if you’re fantasy is true about why he plead the 5th. It was someone’s responsibility to make it known to his company what security was required.
What a dummy this checkmate is… checkmate can’t read or process facts. From the article… his role in Hillary Clinton’s State Department as an IT professional.
His company was the US State Department.
His boss was Heilary Clinton. And they found Benghazi emails from Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit R senile) already covered checkmate!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
The rest of your rant is utter BULLSHITTIUM not even worthy of commentary!
Those immortal Maury Povich words come to mind… “checkmate, U R the father!”
Did you already forget the email that Huma Abedin discussed Heilary not using a State Department Blackberry ON PURPOSE checkmate?
PuddyCommentariat: So now you know why checkmate. Maybe you can remember this for a later date so you won’t look as stooooooooooopid as you normally are!
24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady is very strong in checkmate!
So who gave Heilary the server checkmate? Her own directive did!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Piddles, you’re not helping yourself. The IT guy plead the 5th, that gets you off SELF incrimination. Yes, he worked at the state department and should have been the one to know.
Can’t imagine why he doesn’t want to testify. Boggles the mind really.
You still can’t explain how Hillary Clinton would know enough about IT to specifically request the data be handled in the manner which you breathlessly assume it was handled. You can’t imagine a scenario where someone lower on the chain either ordered it or just plain screwed it up.
It still goes like this. IT to SOS on day one. “Here is your login, you will be required to change your password every 30 days, this docking port here is for when you are in the office but when you travel, just pop it out like this and take the laptop. Here’s your blackberry, everything is good to go.”
Hillary, in Piddles’ fantasy world, “And all this is routed to that super secret server that is not secure just like the specs I drew up? Did you follow my schematic? I downloaded that network mapping software from CNet just so you could get it right, did you do it?”
So now you think you have the smoking gun and Huma will be frog marched to prison. How does that end up in Hillary being indicted?
Hey checkmate… Your favorite National Review reporter is on the case
Interesting! “If she had, she would not have offered the ‘my house is guarded by the Secret Service’ excuse,” Cuccinelli says.
Oh checkmate,
Puddy is delivering FACT based links. All you are presenting is your home brewed BULLSHITTIUM.
Yes, he worked at the state department and should have been the one to know.
Butt you said above he worked for someone else checkmate. So what is it now checkmate? Get your story straight! Months late and brain cells short.
You still can’t explain how Hillary Clinton would know enough about IT to specifically request the data be handled in the manner which you breathlessly assume it was handled. You can’t imagine a scenario where someone lower on the chain either ordered it or just plain screwed it up.
Heilary signed the documents saying she understood all about SAP and other secret data. This is another demonstration of the 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady you truly possess checkmate!
It still goes like this. IT to SOS on day one. “Here is your login, you will be required to change your password every 30 days, this docking port here is for when you are in the office but when you travel, just pop it out like this and take the laptop. Here’s your blackberry, everything is good to go.”
So? Who cares? Heilary chose not to use a State Department issued Blackberry on purpose. So your Here’s your blackberry, everything is good to go.” is a non sequitur, just like the synapses in your femtometer sized mind!
The FBI is acquiring evidence of Heilary malfeasance. The Obummer appointed IG has stated what he found so far. SAP documents on Heilary’s server. So how did they get there checkmate? Huma, Cheryl and Jacob for starters! Those secure networks went through her house guarded by the secret service? Really?
Sux to be you!
Noted legal expert Ken Cucinelli gave his opinion, how cute. It was also his opinion that Obamacare was unconstitutional. He was so sure he was right he took it to the Supreme Court. How did that work out?
Noted legal expert Ken Cucinelli who went to court saying he had the right to demand every bit of correspondence from a Climate Science researcher at the University of Virginia. How’d that work out?
X does not equal Y. FreeBeacon is playing you for a fool.
In order for this theory to work Hillary would have needed to be specifically told that
a: The information is classified
b: Her email is not secure so sending anything is “mishandling.”
If, as the latest breathless leaks alleges, her underlings were stripping the classified designation from e-mails before sending them to her…
The fact that she signed a document understanding the penalty for something is simply proof that she understood the penalty. It is not proof that she participated in mishandling. Sorry.
Young black children in Flint, MI are poisoned for life because of klownservatic politics and policies and the babbling jackass babbles about a mail server…
Yawwwwwwn…. Klownservatics are scum!
@56 “So checkmate … if Bryan had nothing to hide why plead the 5th?”
Because you’re done in 5 minutes, then get to leave and go grab some lunch, which sure beats being harassed by Trey Gowdy for 12 hours straight without a piss break. Gawd you’re dense.
@58 See #68 for the real explanation.
@53 but his name wasn’t Bundy.
Funny. Bill O’tolle talking with the duck and they are preaching with each other the bible. Bill wants forgive and forget. The duck wants an eye for an eye. And Bill says, no, no, no, you must turn the other cheek. Was he talking about the ass cheek? Two homos – they should just get over with and should have blown each other.
One day the duck wants everyone to embrace being ok with not being politically correct. Then one day he says that it is ok to be politically correct. Now he’s back to being politically incorrect.
I’m having a tough time trying to figure out if I should be politically correct. Man this is a tough lesson from the duck. He is the flip flopper of being politically correct – kind of like a how a bird with web feet walks.
checkmate’s mind is a terrible thing… It farted…. The fact that she signed a document understanding the penalty for something is simply proof that she understood the penalty. It is not proof that she participated in mishandling. Sorry.
Well well well apparently checkmate is still exhibiting 4 hour moronic moonbattic memory. This was covered earlier this month checkmate.
Then there is this
Heilary’s excuse for sending the email asking for it to be non-secure! The secret agencies are on record saying a secure document is secure when it was originally created, not when teh State Department says it’s secure!
You really know how to stay stoooooooooopid.
I see you’re still relying on the expert legal opinion of Town Hall and Breitbart.
That’s always a good option.
Do you know what a non-paper is? Pitty.
You’ve pieced together all these little factoids and tried to hammer them into a theory. Hey, I hear noted legal expert Tom Delay came out of hiding to tell the world what his unnamed friends told him.
Is that anything like, “I have a friend who told me Mitt Romney pays no taxes.”
Bwaa, haaa, haaa, haaa
Wow, the comments on this article about the PP Grand Jury charges is filled with expert legal opinion like Piddles’.
Note that creating a fake ID is a crime in all states.
Note that creating a fake ID is a crime in all states
Because, the bible IS US LAW!
Note that creating a fake ID is a crime in all states but maybe up your meds a little?
The Oregon militia standoff was triggered by an appeals court ordering two ranchers to serve the rest of their 5-year prison sentences after they were released after serving about a year.
Those two ranchers are terrible people, and no one should feel sorry for them. They persistently violated the terms of their grazing permits, freeloaded by grazing their cattle on public land for which they didn’t have permits, caused large-scale environmental degradation, cut fences, vandalized government equipment, set fires, and — worst of all — not only threatened federal employees but also threatened to kill their wives and children, to the point where federal land managers had to move their families away from the area to ensure their safety.
This article describes exactly what kind of people the Bundy thugs were “defending”:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: These are people who think they can live by their own rules and fuck everyone else. The words commonly used to describe such people are “selfish” and “arrogant.” They also are outlaws, and not in any folk-hero sense, but in the worst possible sense. The wild west isn’t big enough to hold them; a prison cell is.
are you sure?
Even odds that, much like that troll, this “Real American” is simply fire hosing out as much negative noise as it can in order to swamp legitimate consideration of ideas it sides against. I no longer am willing to grant credibility to these kind of aggrieved claims. I simply no longer trust that what these fools express is any reflection of sincerely held belief. In other words, they lie constantly. They regard this business of feeding the poor, defending national security, educating children, paving public roads, and protecting communities as amusing sport. Nothing more.
If there were any kind of sincere truth behind these expressions of principle and belief, then why on earth would Donald Trump be their leading standard bearer?
They don’t believe a single word of it.
Neither should you.
@75 How come these constitutional law experts can’t figure out that Barack Hussein Obama is the duly and legally elected two-term President of the United States?
Hilarious….when was the last time someone threw a tomato at a presidential candidate for US?
@77 “They regard this business of feeding the poor, defending national security, educating children, paving public roads, and protecting communities as profit centers. Nothing more.”
I think in a lot of important ways, E. Oregon is very different from E. Washington. And this situation is illustrative.
There is no giant federal investment in E. Oregon the way there is in E. Washington. No massive hydro-irrigation system. No Hanford. Very little in the way of massive industrialized crop-circle agriculture. The people, the economy, and the communities are different. Very high levels of public assistance since the mills closed.
And every single county seems to have at least one family like the Hammonds. The CSO spends a disproportionate amount of time dealing with them. The courts are burdened with petty disputes with neighbors and domestic violence. And they are lucky if they aren’t cooking meth. It’s not just that they don’t fit in. It’s more that their personal anger and disappointment drives them to seek out conflict at every turn.
He wasn’t elected legally. He’s Kenyan. And Acorn stuffed the ballots, and illegals voted and it wasn’t a valid election because “In God We Trust,” of course that being the son of God who looks remarkably like Bjorn Borg, wasn’t printed on the ballot and there was a flag with fringe on it at a polling place so the election was conducted by the military which is a coup d’etat and there is no FUCKING way jet fuel can burn steel so HE”S NOT THE PRESIDENT!
@82 It’s strange they put so much trust in a God who hasn’t delivered for them. Maybe they aren’t praying hard enough yet. Yes, that must be it; pray harder and God will put a Canadian in the White House.
“pray harder and God will put a Canadian in the White House”
A thought blasphemous enough to cause our loon’s head to explode.. He believes Ben Carson is God’s Chosen One.
Ben Who?
Isn’t he the guy selling a self-help book and some kind of miracle tonic? Magnets to improve your golf swing? Copper bracelets for “low T”? Healing crystals? “E meters”? DMSO? Laetrile?
Whatever. Fuckin’ idiot.
Note there are no links yet for checkmate’s dribble!
I’ve said before that we are kind of stuck, or them, with Trump unless he makes a mistake.
Is missing tonight’s debate going to be that mistake?
I see you’re still relying on the expert legal opinion of Town Hall and Breitbart
Where checkmate? Good try at deflection!
This guy thinks like most HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Remember when the clueless crazed cretin discussed the “diaspora”? Google that HA DUMMOCRETIN suckas!
Remember how HA DUMMOCRETINS discounted those Hamas tunnels being bombed by Israel two years ago? Google it fools.
Sanders worried MSFT gonna stack the deck…
Sorry to say guys – Donald Duck is going to be the next president of the United States.
He’s going to tack to the left and try to start to sound sane, and democrats are going to vote for him.
Not me, but there will be plenty.
Michigan Officials Quietly Gave Bottled Water To State Employees Months Before Flint Residents
“Flint residents, you go keep drinking the water, it’s safe, Pay attention to the men unloading the bottled water for state workers behind the screen. Nothing to see there. ”
If Michigan re elects the Michigan govener, they deserve what they get.
Michigan Officials Quietly Gave Bottled Water To State Employees Months Before Flint Residents
“Flint residents, you go keep drinking the water, it’s safe, Pay NO attention to the men unloading the bottled water for state workers behind the screen. Nothing to see there. ”
If Michigan re elects the Michigan govener, they deserve what they get.
Weird double post. I would delete 93 but it won’t let me.
He doesn’t know how. He may try a softer more reasonable tone but he’ll still bust out with the occasional, “The Blacks” or “I buy my Diamons from the most luxurious, most exclusive store Harry Winston not some Jew on 47th” or “I saw a mexican and I just assumed he was a rapist becuase he’s illegal” or “I love women, my daughter is so hot, the things I would do to her if she weren’t my blood” or “You have seventeen Murrow awards, sixteen Emmys and a Pulitzer. So what, I’m rich, you’re a loser.”
He can’t help being an asshole. It will just keep slipping out.