– The situation at Penn State is still a huge shock to me. Before all of this news broke, it was hard to imagine the kind of scenario that could lead to Joe Paterno being fired. My sister is an alum, and I’ve been there a number of times. People not familiar with the school and the town of State College have trouble understanding the level of reverence that community has for “JoePa”. It’s intense to the point of being creepy. I’m not even remotely surprised by the reaction. Or that the story itself was largely buried until after Paterno broke the all-time wins record last month.
– There’s so much irony here, it’s hard to know where to start.
– Tim Fernholz has a good overview of the latest in the Obama Administration’s medical marijuana crackdown.
– It would probably shock us to know exactly how many people are arrested like this by corrupt cops.
– Can anyone explain how this man was actually elected governor of a state?
There were a couple guys outside the Walmart in Chehalis with I-502 petitions the other day. I didn’t ask if they were paid..I should have. Though the only signature gatherers I’ve ever seen in that location have been..
The reason I bring this up is because in all my years living in Lewis County, I had never once seen a pot petition. I trust this is an indication that the I-502 people are much better organized and financed than all the other past efforts..
Just legalize it already!
In a way, the most distressing part of the drug-planting story is the mention of New York’s Finest having “arrest quotas”. Everyone’s heard of ticket quotas for traffic cops, but most of us don’t think of the possibility that law enforcement plays the same kind of “numbers games” all the way up the scale to felony arrests. How “keeping the peace” and assuring that people obey the law is best accomplished by viewing everyone as a criminal escapes me. Why try to be a law-abiding, upstanding citizen when you’re going to get screwed sooner or later anyway?
# 3: That story IS depressing. Add it to the following scary things:
(a) small-town police forces who use planted drugs as an excuse to use drug-forfeiture laws to seize any out-of-state vehicles who happen to pass through town, and not give them back when the charges are later dropped. In a few cases, it’s the only industry in town, making a few police and judges very rich in the process.
(b) police who make a mistake (raiding wrong house, shooting wrong person) planting illegal drugs on the “suspect” to cover up their mistakes.
Of course, what’ scary about the new story posted here is it’s randomness – they could simply arrest anyone who happens to get within their vision when they feel they haven’t yet met their quota.
A surprising number of such “heros” in TV and movies engage in such conduct, and most of us end up taking some satisfaction for watching them find a way to make sure the bad guys pay, working through the system or outside of it. Kind of the “Dirty Harry” syndrom. That simply encourages such behavior – cops feel that since the person they arrest probably has gotten away with a crime at one point or another, then it’s okay to make up a sham case against them. In such cases minorities usually suffer the most.
Maybe this is what we need (disclaimer: I proudly consider myself a hippie!):
@5: It was a wonderful moment, wherever you were.
“Can anyone explain how this man was actually elected governor of a state?”
Texas isn’t a state, it’s a cow pasture with voting rights in Congress.
Texans are also a bunch of cowards who feared an invasion of Sandinistas from Nicaragua back in the ’80s.
Houston Chronicle Archives 03/27/1986
A journalist working the Penn State story is hinting the scandal may get much worse. Two storylines lurking in the shadows that might become breaking news are:
1. Fired defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky allegedly pimped boys to rich donors; and
2. Sandusky allegedly was told to retire in exchange for a coverup.
# 9: You might add to that the story which is surfacing today. It seems the prosecutor who was deciding whether to press charges in this case dissapeared in 2005, after “going for a drive”. His laptop was found in the river, minus the hard drive.
Of course, this might not be related to the Sandusky case – by all accounts he was a pretty hard-driving prosecutor, and there were lots of people who would have been quite happy to learn that he had dissapread. But it does add a degree of mystory, does it not?
According to a snippet floating around on Face Book:
Roger Rabbit:
Dan Thiesdel is reporting from London for Flight Global. He says that International Energy Agency chief economist Fatih Birol, in London for the IEA World Energy Outlook report, says that security and social development concerns may reduce investment into oil production in North Africa and the Middle East as a result of the “Arab Spring” uprisings. If investment in oil production in those areas stays the same or decreases, there will be a shortfall in the face of rising world energy demands. The result will be $176 p/bbl oil by the summer of 2013.
Any investment advice based on this prediction? Remember that not all oil stocks are equal – if you pick the wrong ones, you might find yourself betting on an oil company that is facing decreased supplies, rather than one which has plenty of supply and is profiting from the higher prices.
This is quite funny.
North Africa was spiraling out of control long before Arab Spring and investment there would have gone down as the region became more dangerous.
Investment will go down in post Arab Spring N. Africa as now the oil companies have to deal in the open, with legitimate governments, share more of their profits, and clean up more of their messes.
@9 If the awareness raised by the Penn State fiasco doesn’t die away, the media and the public just might bring an end to the wink-and-a-nod treatment of the human trafficking that happens in connection with the Superbowl.
(Warning, contains self-serving rationalizing self-pity from amoral fucktard.)
Here is a VERY funny comment thread from Stefan’s sucky little blog, discussing the RINO-ness of Huntsman, and fretting about Mitt, among other Schadenfreudilicious topics.
I would be a little surprised if #1 is true but not very surprised if #2 were true.
Yep, looks like Mary Verner’s lost the mayor’s race in Spokane.
She’s down 21,726 to 23,871.
David Condon, the apparent winner of the mayor’s race is a lacky of Kathy McMorris Rodgers’ and was heavily funded by the WSRP.
From the Spokesman Review:
Please note the bolded area above. Why can’t the WA-Dems think like this? Why can’t they see a good progressive candidate in trouble and come to her aid so that she can challenge McMorris Rodgers in the future?
The Spokane Mayors race is the second race we’ve lost to a McMorris-Rodgers underling. We need to shut that down.
re 9: Stuff like that almost never happens with the Mathletes and the Chess Club.
Does anyone really believe that McMorris-Rodgers doesn’t have underling #3 waiting in the wings?
We’ve got a ton of Democrats serving in offices and they’ve gotten, as far as I can tell, zero underlings elected.
We’ve lost the 3rd CD, we’ve failed to retake the 5th CD, we’re still striking out in the 8th CD. We’ve got Dem’s that are willing to cut Basic Health and unwilling to tax the extremely wealthy. We’re underfunding transit, freight rail, pedestrians and cyclists and over funding SOV’s. The GMA is a nice feel good measure, but in reality it’s like Mick Jagger’s mom, “A toothless pitted hag.” Housing’s in the toilet and we’re still losing farmland to sprawl. How is that even possible?
Don’t get me started on higher ed. spending… We keep that shit up and we’re going to part of the third world real soon.
And the WA-Dem’s sat back and watched a good Democrat get out spent and go down.
Maybe it’s time to give Dwight Pelz his walking papers?
Forgot to mention that Democrats, including the freaking head of of state senate, led the charge to scuttle the Clean Energy Act. Also, that a Democratic governor, the Democratic head of the state senate (again!) and gaggle of other select Dem’s decided to baselessly forward a letter from a union to the state patrol to have the union prosecuted. Fortunately for the union, the WA-Dem’s have yet to make political hardball a criminal offense.
We need new Democrats!
Run, Michael, RUN!
(Only half tongue-in-cheek)
Jay Inslee’s “oops” moment: http://tinyurl.com/7y94mlx
I have a new video!
As your president, I will do my part to reduce joblessness in America. I will personally conduct job interviews for various positions in the White House. Big tits and shorts skirts a plus.
Remember to support Herman Cain for president.
I’ve worked with a public officials before and have noticed two things about them.
1. I’d be a lousy one.
2. The occasional thrashing does them good.
Chicken. ;)
And why is that an “oops”?
The King County Sheriff has sacked an allegedly rogue deputy after “22 internal investigations and … 30 findings of misconduct.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Seems to take a lot to get fired from KCSD.
@29 Hmmm, good question, how did GOPers know about it and who redirected the link to a potentially embarrassing site? Was this a dirty trick?
Shouldn’t we set the bar a little higher for retention in law enforcement? 30 fucking findings of misconduct? Sheesh – they shouldn’t tolerate 1. These are people we authorize to carry weapons and potentially physically coerce people – who even in the case of suspects are innocent until proven guilty – not to mention menacing witnesses.
We have grown too tolerant in this culture of being told what to do by people in uniform.
You’re right – I was merely calling into question the condemnation of porn.
Only 30? Shiiiit…
LOL… Maybe we should tell the Dem’s if they don’t shape up Scooter Jones will be coming for them…
Well, it looks like the Senate passed the amendment to give a tax credit to employers who hire veterans. It’s generally a good idea – returning veterans are finding themselves with among the highest unemployment rates, and facing discrimination against them in the job market, apparantly due to concerns that they might be called up again for active duty. Returning WWII veterans received various employment assistance, including having a bonus added to their civil service scores so they would have a slight advantage in government hiring.
So, the day before Veterant’s day, nobody would dare vote against giving returning Iraq and Afganistan veterans a little leg up on the hiring ladder, would they?
Wrong. GOP Sen. Jim DeMint called it a “Democratic Trick”, and voted against the amendment. He says he’s opposed to any tax credits which benefit specific groups, no matter how desearving they might be. You know, lay-down-your-life-for-your-country deserving.
My first thought upon reading the headlines was that DeMint was mad that the Democrats thought of it first. Republicans like to pretend that they are the ones who care about our servicemen and women, and this went against their preferred narative.
But when I saw his explanation, I was a little dumbfounded. Here’s how he explained it, in part:
Okay, lets get past the fact that DeMint thinks simplifying the tax code is more important than doing anything we can to help returning veterans get jobs. I guess we could expect as much – during the Bush administration Romney opposed measures to improve the economy because he thought that a poor economy helped keep more people in the military. That party’s seriously got their priorities screwed on backwards, and we’ve come to expect such nonsense from them.
But note that DeMint says that
If DeMint believes this so strongly, then surely he also believes that giving tax breaks to corporations which are more general in nature, with no targeted beneficiary identified, is unlikely to result in jobs for Americans in general, does he not?
But don’t expect ideological consistency from a cretin like DeMint.
Source for the above:
DeMint Votes Against Veterans
DeMint is a fucking asshole, and I’m SURE he called it a “Democrat trick.”
The last thing you want is a bunch of young folks who’ve been trained to be warriors and are good at killing people and destroying things standing around idle.
Demint’s a fool.
If I could draw better, I would draw a cartoon. An employer at a construction jobsite would be offering a veteran a job, his wife and young children standing beside his pickup truck (they gave him a ride to the interview). DeMint jumps out of his limosine, rushing towards them:
“Stop! Don’t take that job! It’s a Democratic trick!”
# 39:
Don’t expect the Repubilcans to understand this. The first thing Rumsfield did in Iraq was to order the Iraqi army to be disbanded. For the next decade you have a bunch of young trained killers in a country with 50% unemployment, and nothing to do but shoot at people and make IED’s. That’s one mistake I saw coming as soon as I heard about it. But Republicans never seem to learn from their mistakes, they just keep muttering the mantra and doubling-down on their mistakes.
well it looks like the losers with occupy seattle at the seattle central CC are about to get kicked out.
Here is a list just some of complaints by both school officials AND students:
– drugs and drug paraphernalia, including needles are littering the ground
– trash everywhere
– occupy losers are entering school building and disrupting classes
– vandalism
– school restroom being used and abused
– the school lawn has been destroyed, which will need replacing
– school costs to deal with the losers is upwards of $20k per week for extra security, trash hauling, etc…does not include costs to repair items vandalized and destroyed by the losers.
hate to say it, but we told you so…just a bunch of losers and rejects….no wonder they cant find any work…hell, who would hire them?
Brian Williams’s new show has spent it’s first two shows with segments devoted to the enormous opportunities (jobs & a century’s worth of natural gas) available in N. Dakota. They barely touched on (and dismissed) any controversy.
But today it was revealed that testing in Wyoming was finding concentrations of carigins and a chemical usually used in fracking – found in home’s well waters.
‘Fracking’ chemical found in town’s aquifer
It looks like the oil companies are racing to get the wells dug before more comprehensive studies reveal the extent of the dangers. Then afterwards, they could shrug and say “well, it’s already done, no sense crying over spilt milk”.
43 – Oil is being fracked in North Dakota.. Gas comes out with the oil but very little at this point is being recovered. Most of it is being flared. North Dakota is just too darned remote it seems or it’s just not economic.
The oil is then trucked from well-head storage to train transport to refineries.
Gas is being fracked in Wyoming I believe. The Marcellus formation in PA seems to be shallower and more of a threat to water tables. Not sure about the situation in Wyoming.
The whole fracking process is an enviromental minefield. If you’re not super careful and sweat the details the damage is just out of control.
The Brian Williams stories on the fracking boom are just warmed over industry PR as far as I can see.
hate is what you’re all about. thanks for playing.
sheot, you and lee rujax rosenberg got the hate market cornerd.
and I dont just play…I win…..you ever wonder what thats like? I bet you do……
Here’s a really good article about gas fracking:
I can’t believe the industry would fight state regulators on properly lining those frack fluid/produced water pits.
46 – Since the beginning you’ve come here to do nothing but hate.
We discuss politics/economics/history here and you hurl abusive names and spout the occasional shallow as a toddler’s pool opinion.
Play whatever game you want. Your kind always does.
projecting much?
Almost forgot – go easy on the sauce.
That shit will curdle your liver.
you must be getting me confused with your drunk ass pops…mexicans do like their tequila..
I dont drink often, but when I do I make sure its the good stuff.
Propublica is the goto place for the best reporting on the fallout from fracking.
A more recent article on Wyoming:
51 – zzzzZZZZzzzz… Dad hardly ever touched tequila. Not his particular poison.
There’s that big bad brave old emperor max-minidick and swingin’ 11 centimeter meat and his BIG ol’ $IX-FIGURE INCOME from his business…delivering shitty rim-jobs…to his BIG connections with union-busting multi-national corporations.
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be a heartless ignorant scum bastard like the emperor max-minidick. Fortunately, I’ll never have to find out.
How much do the emperor max-minidick’s shitty rim-job customers have to pay to BUY a police department? Hmmmmmm…..
Lee, its more than you can afford.
say hello to bellow-mediocre land for me….
These are regular working American men and their families getting SCREWED…
…by EGT is multinational joint venture owned by three global companies: Bunge, which operates in more than 30 countries and profited $2.5 billion in 2010, Itochu from Japan and STX Pan Ocean from Korea.
Rat Bastards, like the evil fuckers at Penn State, and like the emperor max-minidick.
It’s all ok…if you put a buck in your pocket, everything goes.
anybody who reads Thom Hartman is already a fool….and a tool.
and Lee, geezus, your jealousy(and associated anger) towards others is really spewing over tonight….
can I be your facebook friend?
Heh. Hey rujax. A handful of liberals sounding off in these comment threads – that miserable asshat troll just can’t keep us out of his pin head.
Is it even THAT big?
Brian Williams is high on crack.
So maybe the emperor mini-dick would like to tell the class (and stop playing with that mighty 11 cm) just where Mr. Hartmann is incorrect?
Herman Cain, the Koch-embedded Kosmic Komic Kandidate, hired a libel lawyer who’s threatening to SUE anyone who accuses him of SEXUAL HARASSMENT:
“A high-profile defamation lawyer retained by Republican presidential contender Herman Cain said Thursday that he was not hired to scare, intimidate or threaten anyone from making statements, but to monitor accusations and respond accordingly. …
“‘I would certainly at some point and time give him my legal evaluation of whether any of these particular statements are potentially actionable,’ Wood said in a separate interview with Reuters. ‘But I was not hired to run out and file a lawsuit against anybody.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not a high-profile defamation attorney, but I don’t need to be; this is first-year law student stuff.
Mr. Wood’s advice to Cain will go like this: “You’re a public figure, so you can’t sue for defamation absent actual malice; and, of course, truth is always an absolute defense against any defamation claim.”
This is strictly for show, folks, meaning this lawyer was hired to sway voters not juries.
@36 So employers — you know, those Republican-voting patriotic folks — have to be bribed with tax credits to hire veterans? They won’t hire veterans unless taxpayers PAY them to?
Yeah, pretty much.
That’s the way to do it, make the Republicans spend, spend, spend.
@46 ” … and I dont just play…I win…. …”
At what, robbing widows and orphans, like this guy?
@54 Those kinds of “cops” usually sell themselves cheap. They’ll do the bidding of Big Bad Bidness for $3,200 a month.
The emperor max=minidick just loooves this kinda shit. His kinda guys. Guys that would get Unions fighting with each other. Guys that would look the other way while big shots molest boys.
That emperor max-minidick, he’s really something.
Isnt this website supposed to be about politcal issues? I already heard about this on espn.
69 – There are weighty political issues surrounding the Paterno/Sandusky controversy. This is topic of discussion EVERYWHERE. On sports talk radio as well as right wing or left leaning political talk radio.
Penn State is not an insignificant institution and this tragedy goes to very heart of the place.
Get out more.
Over here in Asia, this Penn State Scandal had legs back in April 2011. Funny how the standard news media is all appalled now when the evidence was first presented back then.
Looks like JoePa liked Barack ObamAA+ in 2008.
Speaking of ESPN…
Penn state:
Important story?…yes
Important political story?…..not at all
74 – All of these guys called for lower taxes and smaller government, rugged individualism, blah, blah, blah:
When institutions cover this kind of behavior up and look the other way – politics is involved..
Lmfao…..I get it bleeder…everything in your little wrld revolves around politics………
Btw…papa joe voted for obama in08….so there, how about that for some politics.
@76 How do you know? We vote by secret ballot in this country. And if he did, so fucking what?
76 – Everything in your world revolves around your pin head. I’ve gotten that since Sept 2009.
Maybe there’s some hope for Republicans after all. New Iowa polls show Cain’s popularity plunging in that state. Perhaps threatening to sue the victims of his sexual harassment doesn’t go over so well even in that crowd?