Hello you lovely people. I hope you survived the storm last night. I still have power here in the urban core. It looks like a lot of the rest of the area does not. If you have to be out in it, stay safe.
And wash your hands right now.
by Carl Ballard — ,
just like bad police, there are bad military people serving and veterans. I don’t salute the word “cop” or “veteran” or “service member” just based on the title. I salute the individuals with good character of a cop, veteran and service member.
@1 Retired Navy SEAL (your link) says, “I am not a terrorist.”
Yes, you are, you fucking traitor. You’re also one stupid son of a bitch, and you may soon be a convicted felon, too.
The GOP is making some really bad mistakes. They have been for many years now and will continue.
@2 he thinks it’s his house. Just his. It don’t have no blue tarp on its roof – can’t be his house.
The “House Freedom Caucus” is now known as “the House Treason Caucus.” Oh, and tell Jim Jordan to go fuck himself, and kick him out of Congress. Say, wasn’t he bleating yesterday that impeaching Traitor Trump would be “divisive”? What the hell does he call lying about the election and inciting a mob assault on the U.S. Capitol?
Personally, I think Liz Cheney should leave the Republican Party and help start the new party that will replace the smoldering wreckage of the Republican Party, whose ranks will be considerably thinner after they attempt a frontal assault against 50,000 heavily armed National Guardsmen.
@6 I agree. I never liked her, but I admire her. She’s the only one with real balls.
And I’d probably disagree with her policies based on some of her comments that she’s made in the past. But she’d make a better President than any of the schmucks like Cruz.
Hopefully his carrer is over – he’s Fuckhump Lite.
The impeachment debate is underway, I was watching it live on CNN, heard Nancy Pelosi give an eloquent speech quoting JFK, then Jim Jordan began the opening statement for the Republicans and he’s so nauseating I turned it off after 30 seconds — couldn’t listen any more. This is what you get when gerrymandering sends municipal refuse to Congress instead of the city dump.
Expect thin commenting this morning, despite the momentous events unfolding in D.C., as a windstorm knocked out power to over 500,000 homes in the Puget Sound area overnight and a significant part of the HA community likely is offline. Doctor Dumbfuck probably is fucking the poor horse by candlelight this morning.
Now all they have to do is figure out how to fund their general election campaigns without global petro-dollars.
Green New Deal anyone?
Remember: they are doing all this to themselves. Democrats haven’t even taken charge yet, and won’t for another week.
I for one am eagerly looking forward to a nice long stretch of sitting back munching popcorn watching Every Republican You Know repeatedly punching themselves in the face and boot =-stomping their own dicks while tearfully sobbing about how “unfair” it all is.
Boo Hoo. Hee Hee.
Headline: Republicans Want Metal Detectors for Schoolkids, But Not for Themselves
Reddit comment: To be fair, they only really want the metal detectors for the black and Mexican kids. Then have a nut job person of privileged background come in with their assault rifle
I’ve never heard any Republican I can recall ever confess that the Clinton impeachment was a politically motivated abuse of authority.
But I’ll keep looking.
Tweet I saw yesterday….
I forgive (but will never forget) your transgressions, Liz. Go forth and sin no more.
GOP FailPresident called down a violent mob armed with pipe bombs and ordered them to march on the Congress and attack because he can’t stand that he got waaaaaaaay fewer votes than Joe Biden and lost.
Joe Biden’s wife calls herself “Doctor”.
Which of these two things pisses you off the most categorically defines your political orientation in 21st century America.
For now, at least, there remains no viable third party alternative. And I suspect that Liz Cheney is more pissed off that Trump tried to stage a coup. In America she’s perfectly free to continue to call herself a Republican if that’s what she wants. But that doesn’t make it so. Any more than calling a PhD holder “Doctor” makes her an MD.
@14 “Which of these two things pisses you off the most categorically defines your political orientation in 21st century America.”
It also defines your moral character.
What shall we say about Mike Pence? What can we say? Seven days ago a mob boss tried to have him whacked. By yesterday, he was sucking up to the mob boss again. Even by goodfella standards, that isn’t normal.
So far, just six — count ’em, only six, two from Washington state — House Republicans are willing to impeach a president for trying to violently overthrow our government and have leading members of Congress killed.
The Republican Party needs to be destroyed. This isn’t hard to do. Pull their funding, and prosecute their leaders and put them in jail. The same way you decapitate a mob family.
I’m not pointing it out to pass judgment on Republicans and those who choose to call themselves Republican.
Only to accurately describe the choice they are making in a way that clarifies it for them.
I imagine most of our Trolls4Trump are pretty happy with that binary representation of the choice they make and have no hesitation in making it. But I think there are going to be quite a few “conservatives” who aren’t going to want to think about it that way, or face the inescapable implication buried in their decision if they choose to continue to call themselves “Republican” after all this. But really, choosing fascism over choosing to share democracy with brown people, women, and LGBTQ people is a valid choice (shitty, but valid). I just think they ought to be honest about it, if only to themselves.
@18 Republicans, by definition, aren’t into sharing anything. Even among themselves. Their ideology, party, policies, and actions are defined by selfishness.
Thanks to their stupidity, a silver lining of the attack is we have been given the opportunity to identify, arrest, prosecute and imprison the worst of Trump’s base. Do that, and continue to take away the ability of the rest of the base to communicate in large numbers over the internet. It is this ability to find each other through hate sites that played a large role in enabling and emboldening them to emerge from the backwaters of society to pose a threat to our democracy.
Is sedition free speech? If not, let them have their free speech, but any site where sedition is going on gets shut down. Whack them like moles. Return them to the backwaters of society where they belong.
This time, it’s bi-partisan..
Heh. Liz Cheney.. Some things go too far. Even for a reflexive black guy hating warmonger.
And is Moscow Mitch making interesting noises? Sounds like some of the “establishment” wants to do a purge..
Hmmm. Doesn’t seem likely to succeed. The orange freak got 10 million more votes than it did in 2016. Unless it heart attacks, cancer rots or strokes out – it’s not going anywhere.
I believe you are correct.
No “binge-and-purge” for the American right.
Just binge-and-shit, binge-and-shit, binge-and-shit, until they find themselves afloat in a sea of their own shit with simultaneous liver and heart failure.
And Trump is the one who can do it to them if he doesn’t die first.
Let us pray.
,Thinking on your sins, Doctor? You needn’t bother. You’re now beyond all hope of redemption. Liz showed you the way, but you didn’t follow. Now you’ll forever be known as a traitor.
“Twice impeached”.
Jesus what a miserable failure.
What a guy to pin your party future on.
Fuck them. Entirely on their own, entirely of their own making, they have damaged themselves as never before – perhaps beyond repair. The GOP now stands before America stripped naked, and beaten, unable to come together as a party to muster their own defense.
We should take it to the rim. Now. Full court press and fast break the fuck out of them. In the first 100 days Democrats should do it all. Pandemic relief, $15/hr, Green New Deal, DC statehood, tax reform, and expanded ACA with single payer option. No hearings. Strictly limited debate. Tight agenda. Run the table on the motherfuckers and don’t give them time to squeal. In the Senate be prepared to suspend the rule on debate at least temporarily. We can wait until summer for the frog marching and Lock-Her-Ups. That’s not going anywhere.
They’ll drag themselves back to shore eventually. Democrats need to focus on a legislative agenda first and pass every damn bill in the first 100 days. Bury the GOP with legislative accomplishments they’ll hate. But make them the ones they can’t afford to bitch about.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-QANON) wearing a “censored” mask during her House floor speech which was being broadcast live on national TV informs me that she’s nearly as stupid as the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck.
That feels better than Dino 4-time Lossi!
Who is this woman?
Every shop lifters excuse – there wasn’t a price tag on it, and it wasn’t chained down, and the doors opened up and closed behind me – I didn’t do anything wrong.
Nevermind that I couldn’t afford it!
At some point she’ll meet with a criminal defense attorney and they’ll perhaps try to explain to her that there is an important distinction between an “excuse” and a “defense”. And what an accused person judges to be “wrong” is irrelevant in any case.
I say “perhaps” because she’s a Republican from Texas so it’s at least as likely that she’ll insist on going pro se or hiring her pool cleaner to represent her in a federal criminal trial.
“Gold-fringed-flag” defense gets ’em every time.
Unequivocally he can stick it up his ass the Fucker.
If he unequivocally condmns what happen then how about unequivocally speaking out on the future protests/violence that is predicted to be coming? I hope he rots – along with the whole family. Speaking of the family – anyone hear from them lately?
I’m laughing my ass off at Old Nan and Chuckie-boy! They had 75 million people mad as hell at them yesterday, and now they’ve got 75 million people white-hot, burning mad at them today. I’d say things are going to go badly for them in the future.
And they fucking did it to themselves!
@30 take another sip of fascism.
“If you think impeaching Trump will further divide the country…what did you think an armed insurrection challenging Biden’s election was gonna do?”
@30. Shorter Pars. “You Americans better not impose any consequences for our actions on us trumpers or we are going to get even more violent.”
Even shorter Pars “Shuddup, bitch, and take it or it’s your fault I hit you again.”
#30 What do Pelsosi and Schumer have to lose?
They were going to have 75 million trumpers mad as hell at them no matter what they did. Trumpers already tried to kill them for not doing anything.
Jeff Bezos, Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg –
Why do you hate free speech? Why do,you hate the Bill of Rights and our Constitution? Why do you hate America?
@35. The First Amendment protects individuals and allows freedom of speech, religion, assembly, press and the right to petition. However, the right to freedom of speech has fallen under scrutiny lately because some individuals believe that freedom of speech means they can say whatever they want to without having to endure consequences. Freedom of speech does not exempt us from suffering consequences on the basis of something we say.
Conservatives demanded that a private baker has a god given right to not make a gay cake, because it would hurt their values. must then accept that a private internet company has a god given right to not to give terrorists a platform to spread hate, because it would hurt their values.
Hi Pars.
I see you.
Tom Jefferson hates America so much he likes to incite violence and insurrection. An instigator provocator.
Looks like there’s only one thing for it.
You’ll have to demand that all the private companies are nationalized and brought under government control so that private individuals and groups can be prevented from taking decisions you and your party don’t agree with.
It will usher in a great utopia when all private ownership is ended and everything is owned by the state – by “we the people” as it were. Of course the churches will all have to be closed, because nearly all of them are saying mean things about your FailPresident. Can’t have that. So “we the people” will just replace the churches. You can arrange for all the people to participate every evening in “we the people” broadcasts of “Two Minutes of Pure Hate”.
With everything owned by “we the people” everyone will in turn and by necessity have to find employment with “we the people”. But there ought to be plenty of new opportunities for gainful employment in all the new “branches” of the government. We’ll have a “Ministry of Truth” to operate all the news media and do away with all the Fake Media. We’ll have a “Ministry of Peace” to wage the Forever Wars needed to keep “we the people” focused, amused, distracted, and filled with the kind of angry “patriotism” that is required if we are to eliminate the legislature.
Sounds divine. What shall we call this new form of government you propose? Hmmm?
2)I hope no Sentinels from the Tomb of thecUnknowns were involved. If so, their badges will be revoked.
As Trump descends into grief and madness he will go scorched earth. Once he recognizes how alone he is he will commit to dragging his party down with him any way he can.
Prodding, threatening, and encouraging them to suicide with him is certainly one way he can do that. But there are many ways the party can kill itself. And Trump will drive the idiots to choose the way that is most destructive to America.
We’re heading into some dark times politically. But by pulling together as we have Democrats and the rest of America will weather it all and emerge stronger and more unified than ever before. And when it’s all over the GOP will have been reduced to a dystopian nightmare of a factionalized, regional political power. The party of trailer park pipe bomb Chewbacca bikini. The party of Northern Florida and Southern New Jersey, of Northern Texas and Southern Indiana.
It’ll be left to Democrats to pull together and consolidate enough suburbs to flip one more state to end Republicans in our lifetimes. Recruit and fund a Stacy Abrams for Ohio and we won’t have to worry about these fucking authoritarian freaks for a generation.
So you’re saying that the decision to impeach the GOP FailPresident had no measurable effect on the attitudes of Republicans. They’re just as crazy and fucked up as always. And it doesn’t make any difference what Democrats do. Republicans will always be this way no matter what.
I couldn’t agree more.
The story about the Parler hack turns out to be 100% true.
Belingcat has been uploading Insurrection video throughout the evening tonight and will be building a YouTube playlist later on. The FBI has been provided a full copy of all the account data and media. I suspect the more interesting and important stuff will come from the postings and DMs immediately before and after the attack on the Congress which may help identify the people principally responsible for planning and those on the inside who assisted them.
In the end I think the only efficient and sensible way for the Biden DOJ to handle and prosecute such a widespread criminal conspiracy will be through the use of a Special Counsel. However, the near term calls for identifying and disrupting the terror network as quickly as possible to prevent any further attacks.
Billionaire Republican donor and Trump supporter feels bad about what happened last week and now wishes Biden well.
Fuck him. Let’s raise his taxes.
@44 “Hey ma, lookit me, I’m robbing a bank in real time!”
Nobody ever claimed Trumpers were smart.
@41 People with Jim Jones-type personalities usually impose suicide on their followers. It isn’t voluntary. Once you’re in the cult, you’re subordinate to the Master’s will, and you have neither independence of mind nor free will of our own. If he orders you to douse yourself with gasoline and strike a match, you’ll do it.
Under Trump, the GOP has become the Mosquito Coast, complete with biting insects.
@21 As of this afternoon, Moscow Mitch burned the mortgage and now owns the GOP in fee simple absolute. If his pet president pulls too hard on its leash, all he has to do is call the senators into session for a euthanasia party.
@24 “Twice impeached”.
In one term, too. No other president managed it in two, no matter how stupid, corrupt, or incompetent they were. This is an all-time world record. It may stand forever.
He barely got in under the wire, though. Another 2 weeks and it would have been too late.
@30 It’s not clear to me exactly what you’re celebrating, but it is clear to me that your head is up your ass.
@35 “Why do you hate free speech? Why do,you hate the Bill of Rights and our Constitution? Why do you hate America?”
“Because we’re private business owners, the Bill of Rights doesn’t apply to us (we’re sure that’s news to you), you’re a guest or invitee on our platforms, and if you don’t like the terms of service you can go fuck yourself and take your business elsewhere (if you can find anywhere else to take it, ha ha ha).”
@43 Check this out: “even though it was up for only a short time”:
Looks like the FBI has everything but their umbilical cords, and maybe those, too.
This one decided to turn stool pigeon (I believe the technical term is “cooperating with the government” or something like that):
I suspect many more will, too. To find big fishes, first you go to where little fishes are.
Oh dear, “Trump has reportedly ordered aides not to pay Rudy Giuliani’s legal fees and is also demanding to personally scrutinize all of Giuliani’s travel expenses,” should’ve got the retainer upfront.
It’s all collapsing on these guys — the power, the money, everything — poof.
It all was probably more fragile than they realized.
TJ @35 and all the rest of the Troll4Trump mob:
Bleat more about the First Amendment.
But before you do, tell us exactly why you think the President – this or any other president*- should be allowed to block any follower they don’t like the social media accounts they use to conduct official business.
For four years, using your tax dollars, this president has been fighting his way through the courts to silence his critics on social media. Just like with his false claims of election fraud he has failed in rebuke and disgrace in every single court. But still he persists.
Is that quest to silence criticism right or wrong? Even today, with his accounts suspended the case lives on. Still running up the bill. Still filling up the dockets. Your responses can be timely. The case is scheduled once again for consideration at the SCOTUS conference scheduled for tomorrow. The conference will undoubtedly be canceled and rescheduled to protect the court from marauding bands of violent insurrectionist Republicans.
If private companies should be legally obligated to offer a global platform to Trump and his followers to use to call for violence, shouldn’t their critics have the very same right to criticize those calls for violence? Do you really mean for you defenses of “Free Speech” (as misguided and misplaced as they may be) to be so selective and one-sided? And if not, why the complete silence for the last four years?
If you or any other Republicans or “conservatives” were truly concerned about the silencing of political expression, where have you been for the last four years as your party, its leaders, and this administration have been systematically silencing millions of voices?
*Including their cabinet Secretaries, senior appointees, or agency heads
Is the rumor I’ve heard true that the doctor has fled to Russia and applied for asylum??
Godspeed, Tara.
MagaTeen Killer Kyle, immediately after leaving his final bail hearing and gaining release, in the company of his mother arrived midday at a dirt-lot roadside tavern outside Kenosha to join several dozen Proud Boys, Aryan Nations, and assorted White Supremacist militias to hoist beers, sing songs, and pose for selfies flashing White Power hand signs.
A court hearing is now scheduled to consider modifications to his bail terms.
I reckon that lunch will end up costing him about $10k.
Results in recent polling show that twice as many self-identified Republicans as compared to Democrats believe that it is okay for US citizens to use force and violence against their government and their political opponents to achieve their political ends.
Including guns and even bombs.
We allowed this menace to grow in our society over many decades. We will not be safe until it has been eradicated.
Yesterday, in the wake of the GOP Coup failure, it appears that yet another casualty of the Failadministration’s unlawful attempt to establish a fascist dictatorship will be the GOP quest to fuck around with census data.
Following an IG report showing that newly installed Trump appointees at Commerce were violating the law in their efforts to try and pressure data administrators at Census to fuck with the numbers, yesterday the bureau issued as statement announcing that it would halt efforts to separately count undocumented immigrant residents.
The IG report indicated that the Dir. had ordered low level staff to fake data if necessary in order to speed completion of the immigrant count report, had attempted to offer illegal “bounties” for faster data processing of the requested count, and had threatened discipline to managers and other civil service employees in violation of workplace rules and federal civil service laws. Two employees working under the Director who are reported to have led the effort are fired. And calls are being made to remove the Director.
If Tara returns it will undoubtedly be for this:
I’ll start by saying this is wrong. There’s no rush. These idiots are not getting away. The FBI can handle this, and they will.
And my first reaction upon seeing this was, “Doesn’t look anything like him”. But then I thought about all the wannabe sleuths on Twitter, and about all their assorted races, ethnicities, genders, and ages and I thought “I guess they all look alike”.
Which led me to want to ask, will anyone in the media or any other scold now flying to this guys rescue, including Tara, every reserve any of that sympathy for the tens of thousands of African American males stopped, held at gun point, invasively searched, and arrested in the US every goddamn year, year-in and year-out because “they all look alike”.
Hey, guess what? Their lives are fucked up too. They lose their jobs. They lose their homes. They lose their families too. All because cops can’t tell “them” apart. Any sympathy at all for the thousands of brown-skinned US citizens with names ending in a “z” who are swepts up and detained, at times for weeks, without access to lawyers, without access to phones or outside assistance, just because “they look like” the person on a warrant signed by a clerk?
I’m not sure there’s much the government can do to stop Twitter mobs from wrecking innocent lives. But before they do, shouldn’t the government clean up its own act first?
This guy sure looks like a foreign invader. He’s carrying the battle flag of an enemy nation that attacked the USA. If he turns out to be a U.S. citizen waging war against his own country, you know what that means. Been nice knowin’ ya.
GOP code words for protecting Trump from conviction and disqualification:
“No constitutional authority” (Tom Cotton)
“Heal the country, not deepen our divisions” (Rob Portman)
This list will grow in coming days as additional Trumpublicans scramble to conjure excuses for defending their party’s treason.
* This will be the first time in history that a Republican senator concerned himself with the constitutionality of what he was voting on.
Accused Kenosha mass shooter Kyle Rittenhouse* is a known white supremacist.
* Criminal suspects are presumed innocent until found guilty in a court of law
Dumbfuck will have a sad. They arrested the guy with the CFD cap who threw the fire extinguisher at the cop. Turned in by a ‘friend’.
@61 I can’t tell Trumpers apart. They all look the same to me. One AR-15 is pretty much like every other AR-15.
Now that the civil war is over, and they lost, I wonder what they’re going to do with all those expensive guns and piles of ammo.
@65 Well, there goes his pension, if he’s convicted of murdering a cop. However, he’ll still have his room and board provided by a publicly-funded entity. He’ll have to work for it, though, in the kitchen, laundry, or license plate factory.
Ex-baseball player and “President-Elect Curt Schiller” wants you to know that AIG Insurance canceled his insurance because of his social media profile.
No doubt due to a routine underwriting risk assessment review.
Slow your role, guys.
I don’t believe that is the Trump Fire Extinguisher guy who killed a cop.
It just so happens that there may be more than one Trump Fire Extinguisher guy who attended the revolution (because of course there are).
Sanford is seen in a video tossing a fire extinguisher and striking three officers, one of whom was not wearing a helmet. According to the initial charging affidavit that officer was evaluated and treated at a nearby emergency room for minor injuries. Sanford is facing prelim charges of assault.
The person who killed a USCP officer by striking him in the head with a fire extinguisher is still being sought.
@70 “Capitol Police officer William Young, who was hit by the fire extinguisher, told investigators he was among 20 officers and two sergeants who were attempting to control the crowd when he felt ‘a hard strike to the back of his helmet’ and saw the extinguisher on the ground. He went to the hospital but has since been cleared for duty.”
Latest word is that Putin rejected Doctor Dumbfuck’s plea for asylum saying, “I appreciate you trolling for me, you did good, but I don’t know you.”
Apparently he’s now on a flight headed for North Korea.
Antifa was there as uniformed cops? Sneaky bastards.
Arrested Capitol rioter claims he thought officer he beat with US flagpole was ‘antifa’: report
@73 Trump will go down in history as a failed racist demagogue who presided over mass death, was impeached twice, and banned for life from Twitter and holding public office.
A person has to work at it to compile a rap sheet like that one. The long memory of history won’t be kind to his followers, either.
How Trump changed the GOP, in pictures.
3 Georgia GOP legislators are bawling because they got demoted for trying to overthrow our elected government.
Thank God America survived. That would get them shot in a lot of other countries.
If you don’t wash your hands for COVID, you should after reading this.
Hmmm, I thoght I saw a putty cat.
Arent’ these the people that Tom Jefferson likes to think like the POlease.
43% of Republicans “strongly approve” and 20% more “approve” of inciting violent insurrection.
The National Guard troops guarding the capital during the inauguration “will be armed and permitted to use lethal force,” their headquarters says.
These stories may not seem related, but they are.
The police shooting of a Capitol rioter broke up a threesome.
@80 well you know they are the people with the Family Values. But that doesn’t matter. What mattes is that Tommy Jefferson believes in them.
Check out Rep. Lauren Boebert’s (R-QANON) rap sheet.
@82 did you see what the husband did?
Family Values!
Biden is doing a remarkable job already and the other shithead has been missing in action, busy pardoning and golfing, and fake lawsuits – all while peopel are dying.
What a great country this is! USA USA USA USA – For your information Tommy Jefferson.
Online chatter.
Why would anyone smart chatter online? Wait, I think I realize why….they don’t have a brain
” … polling taken since the attack shows that Trump remains popular among many Republicans and is likely the frontrunner for the 2024 nomination”
Best reason I can think of to designate the GOP a terrorist organization and seize its assets.
@82, 83 – Honestly, these rural/small town Republicans are exactly what we thought they were.
The Republican Party sure has changed.
They don’t sit around in small-town cafes drinking coffee and discussing crop prices anymore.
“Trump told people he couldn’t count on Vice President Mike Pence to pardon him like Gerald Ford did Nixon”
Probably not, after inciting a mob to kill him.
She was with him when he exposed himself.
She’s now locked out of twitter.
Twitter Locks Account Of Congresswoman Who Live-Tweeted Nancy Pelosi’s Location During Riot – UPDATED
From the Daily Show.
The ‘Real’ Victims Of The MAGA Sedition Riots
In memoriam of the real victims of the MAGA sedition riot – the right wing squawkers who (gasp) lost Twitter followers this past weekend.
Be sure to have Kleenex handy in case you she a tear for them.
Last news I heard was that the cowardly traitor Doctor Dumbfuck’s flight wasn’t allowed to land in Seoul and so it is returning to Moscow, low on fuel.
Looters. Who didn’t see this coming? Besides the stupid and cowardly traitor Doctor Dumbfuck, that is.
‘This is illegal’: Obama official slams White House for looting artwork
The Resolute desk is probably already at Mar-A-Largo.
Is it possible that she’s even more stupid than the cowardly traitor Doctor Dumbfuck?
QAnon congresswoman alerts FBI on Keith Olbermann — because he predicted she is ‘going to prison’
A CNN journalist makes the case for shutting your ears to Trumpers, and not listening to them anymore, because they have nothing intelligent to say.
@93 “The Resolute desk is probably already at Mar-A-Largo.”
If Obama was smart, he hid a GPS tracker in it, so the 101st Airborne Division would know where to look for it.
Oh, and yeah, they shoot looters.
As a general rule, it’s not a good idea to violate the terms of your conditional release by traveling out of state without the court’s permission to participate in a violent attempt to overthrow the government of the United States.