I’m sure you all have discussed the capital gains tax ruling. But here’s me. It seems that there were a lot of people claiming that this is an income tax. So even though it wasn’t in the ruling, they now should argue that income taxes are legal. Exciting. Of course they won’t. The courts are about enacting policy Republicans can’t enact legislatively.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
And DEAD Murdoch, Putin and the entire FREEDUMB KOOK-US.
On the shitshow that is “governor” kon-klown deathsatanist:
Florida may be the place where “woke goes to die”—as DeSantis is fond of saying—but it is also where teachers’ salaries are among the lowest in the nation, unemployment benefits are stingier than in any other state, and wage theft flourishes with little interference from the DeSantis administration. In 2021, DeSantis campaigned against a successful ballot initiative to raise the state’s minimum wage, which had been stuck at $8.65 an hour. Under DeSantis’s watch, the Sunshine State has not exactly been a workers’ paradise.
The article is being kind. kon-klown has made Florida hell for working people.
kon-klown is our shit-lord troll’s dream of a preznit.. kon-klown will be much like empty-suit Bush.. Bush took what it did in TexASS and made it national.
kon-klown will do the same more or less, take hell-hole Florida national.. kon-klown is an unabashed jerk authoritarian asshole.
Good article. Read the whole thing.
Same Time essay. Can’t be emphasized enough:
DeSantis weaponizes the cultural wars to distract attention from the core missions of his governorship, which is to starve programs geared toward bettering the lives of ordinary citizens so he can maintain low taxes on the wealthy and corporations. Florida is the ideal haven for privileged Americans who don’t want to pay their fair share of taxes.
kon-klown was a hard-core bushie in kongress. It wants cuts to SS, Medicare and especially what’s left of Federal programs for the poor. Fucking asshole.
We’d be better off if Trump had been re-elected.
Katie Hobb’s dumb cunt press secretary resigned.
You can’t be press secretary and say “Liberals must arm.”-like shit and get away with it. You can be a failed attorney and get away with it because the comment volume would drop by 70% on a blog if you are banned, tho.
Never forget that Florida is the oldest by far of big electoral count states. It is quite simply politically dominated by older voters, their values, their concerns, and their fears. The terrible conditions for working age folks in Florida is mostly a reflection of that. So-called “leaders” like Fat Midget are really nothing of the sort. The constellation of “Woke” culture-wars themes that his governorship and his campaign have adopted are narrowly tailored to follow after those old, angry Trump voters. Not to lead them, nor anyone else.
And it may be a massive struggle for Fat Midget and his now floundering campaign to successfully translate those themes to large and medium sized states with much younger primary and general election voters.
Well, it certainly doesn’t help when a trans POS goes shooting up a Christian elementary school and killing a half-dozen innocent people.
NHL may cancel LGBT ‘Pride’ nights as growing number of players refuse to wear rainbow gear
Nobody said NHL fans can’t wear rainbow shit. There’s just no reason to put the players in a position of supporting human abnormality. This ain’t the March of Dimes.
@ 6
And it may be a massive struggle for Fat Midget and his now floundering campaign to successfully translate those themes to large and medium sized states with much younger primary and general election voters.
Of course, it may not.
You’re gonna need a bigger hydroelectric dam.
Stanford study warns against charging electric cars at home overnight
No problem. We can just replace Seattle downtown restaurants with Tesla supercharge stations. Easy-peasy.
Damn you government-subsidized Tesla!
Think I’m gonna spend my first year of Social Security monthly checks, for which Queen YLB’s fucked kids will pay, on a Tesla 3, for which Queen YLB’s fucked kids already subsidize, so that I can contribute to summer blackouts, from which YLB’s kids will suffer.
Thanks, girlfriend!
There’s just no reason to put the players in a position of supporting human abnormality.
Is it “abnormal” to have a congenital hand deformity? Some white supremacists would call for euthanizing at birth and sterilization of “abnormal” gene carriers..
Sounds like a kreepshit style of “thinking”..
That aside, pro sports is a business. If they want to forfeit dollars from the queer community, fine.
Players don’t have to work for any outfit that wants that business.
There is only one sad, deranged, chanting airport beggar posting on these pages who must fill up his Bourbon soaked days with fervent prayers to make this so.
And it sure as fuck ain’t me.
About the closest I ever got to Falun Gong was reading Johnathan Livingston Seagull. It wasn’t my fault. I was stuck in an Air BnB for a day by a delayed meeting with nothing to read.
Think I’m gonna spend my first year of Social Security monthly checks, , on a Tesla 3
Nothing more kreepshit than making the top kreepshit Elmo richer.. heh.
Kids been fine w/ Mary Kay’s SS checks and her donations to liberal causes..
Expiring repukes make up for yours..
Pretty sure the emergency ended before DOCTOR Jill Biden French-kissed Momala’s hubby at SOTU.
The good news, of course, is that Republicans are saving YLB’s fucked kids from having to pay for giveaways to student loan borrowers who don’t deserve it.
student loan borrowers who don’t deserve it.
Silly, selfish kreepshit believes young people resent poor Pell Grant recipients, poorest of the poor, getting a break.
Silly, selfish kreepshit, raised on butt-kissing bonzo believes young people are a mirror of its silly self..
yawwwn… what a miserably boring slob kreepshit has turned out to be..
It was The Wuhan. Fauci funded its creation, then lied repeatedly about it, and not claims not to remember anything.
Joe Biden isn’t going to raise taxes on young people.
They’re high enough as they are.. For single people especially
But would a kon klown deathsatanist raise taxes on the poor and the young?
Kreepshit is dancing for that daily in these comment threads.. on kneepads…
Shorter 16:
“The bio-weapons labs employed Racoon-Dog lab techs!
Master Li has told us this. So it must be true.”
But would a kon klown deathsatanist raise taxes on the poor and the young?
Certainly saying so would be a fantastic way for Fat Midget to lose some key, winner take all primaries.
Which is what makes it so strange to see him testing these waters as the inflection point for him to diverge from Trump. Promising to fuck workers would help restore his good graces with defecting money donors like the Uihleins. But it would kill his polling. Which is what turned the money off in the first place.
Things have gotten desperate enough that I noticed this morning the GOPunditry had begun to discuss Chris Christie again.
Wow. That’s fucking dire.
@5 “You can’t be press secretary and say ‘Liberals must arm.’-like shit and get away with it.”
But you can be a congressman and say stupid shit like “we’re not going to do anything about guns, what this country needs is more prayer” and get away with it, because in places like Tennessee you have dumb voters.
One wonders, though, how long Republicans will keep getting away with this. Prayer isn’t going to solve the problem. More kids will die. And they’ll keep dying until an overwhelming majority of the public is totally fed up with Republican gun policies, Republican congressmen and senators, and the Republican Supreme Court, and takes things into their own hands.
Conservatives are armed to the teeth. They’re talking about “civil war” and going around saying they’re going to exterminate liberals. And they tried to violently overthrow our government. So what are liberals supposed to think? And how should liberals react to this?
Against this backdrop, Doctor Dumbfuck is scared shitless that liberals might try to defend themselves.
Now let’s talk about the “arms race” on our roads. Doctor Dumbfuck brags about his F-250. From my perspective, he’s armed himself with an F-250. People spend a lot of money on these trucks, not least because it’s a tool to intimidate and push around other drivers, and that’s what I see a lot of people using them for. I wouldn’t be shocked if Doctor Dumbfuck’s F-250 has tinted windows, an obscured license plate, and a coal-roller modification. Now what happens if the birkenstock-wearing earth muffin down the road trades in her Prius for an F-250 of her own? I think we’re going to see a meltdown. The poor doctor will cower in fear because the liberal is now “armed” with an F-250, too. And he’ll have to behave himself and if he doesn’t want to get the F-250 treatment in return.
Well, in principle, it’s no different when you’re talking about getting the AR-15, AK-47, or Colt-45 or Glock-9mm treatment in return. That’s how the whole world works, and if conservatives want to turn America into another Somalia or El Salvador, they have to expect that liberals are going to arm.
Who was it that said “an armed society is a polite society”? Oh yeah, that was the NRA guy. I don’t know how true this is, I question its validity, but we know for sure that when Doctor Dumbfuck sees a rabbit taking them up on it, he has a meltdown. He should trust me when I say liberals aren’t looking for trouble, and he won’t have any trouble with rabbits if he doesn’t fuck with rabbits. We rabbits don’t want to push him around, we just want to be left alone. There’s nothing more to “liberals must arm” than everybody being polite to each other. This is merely the obverse of “fuck around and find out,” so he should have no trouble putting it in its proper context and understanding its true meaning.
@ 17
Joe Biden isn’t going to raise taxes on young people.
He doesn’t have to. What he’s done, so far, is massively increase the national debt. Someone else will raise taxes on young people, one way or another. Maybe it will be an increased contribution to FICA and Medicare. Maybe it will be sunsetting of some tax break that most currently expect will be extended when it expires.
The point is that First Vegetable Joe Biden has created a need to either reduce spending, or raise revenues, or both. Some future president will address that need.
It won’t be on Biden’s watch, but it will be because of him. And it will fuck Queen YLB’s kids. By her own words, she has no idea it’s going to happen. She’s far too busy attempting to protect a corrupt, incompetent fossil of a president.
Following on @ 14, Manu Raju of CNN is making the point that it’s the second time in the last couple of months that First Vegetable Joe Biden has fucked over House Democrats.
In January he told them that he strongly opposes the GOP bill to sunset the pandemic “emergency”. The very next day 197 of them voted against the GOP bill.
Now Biden makes clear that he doesn’t oppose it enough to put the power of the presidency behind his opinion.
The best thing is that First Vegetable Joe Biden is fucking over Queen YLB’s fucked kids far more than he is House Democrats.
It won’t be on Biden’s watch, but it will be because of him.
On Biden’s watch, there’s a decent chance of the Manchinema IRS squad squeezing tax cheats like kreepshit for every mother-lovin penny of taxes it cheated on..
Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren’s wealth tax and other tax reform..
I read the rich still get richer after that passing.
The kids’ll be alright and even kreepshit’s thug grandkids who aren’t getting a penny of grandpop’s fookin’ munee cuz kreepshit plans to burn it on its funeral shit-pyre to keep it from teh smelly hippies.
@22 “What he’s done, so far, is massively increase the national debt.”
So did Trump. And Bush43. You didn’t say anything about that.
Really, your camp doesn’t have any credibility on this or any other issue, because you have no consistency. Basically your position is anything Republicans do is okay, and nothing Democrats do is okay.
That invites a “fuck you” response. Really, no other response to that is possible.
It’s funny that Queen YLB maintains that First Vegetable Joe Biden won’t raise taxes on her fucked kids.
Not a word about the increased interest rates and higher prices on everything Biden has saddled her fucked kids with, however.
Some future president will address that need.
And watch the kneepads come out for kon-klown…
Why hesitate kreepshit?
Is it something yours truly said?
Most of the Weekend at Bernie’s riffs are aimed at Joe Biden.
Yet here’s Biden, having to prop up a stiff, lifeless Momala:
What a useless sack of shit is our unlikable, incompetent vice president.
“I’m sure you all have discussed the capital gains tax ruling. But here’s me. It seems that there were a lot of people claiming that this is an income tax.”
I haven’t read the ruling in entirety, but it sure looks like an income tax to me. I started with the news reports, then looked at the legislative bill, to clarify whether the tax is on sale of property, or on the profits. It’s the latter.
When you buy and sell real estate, there’s an excise tax based on a percentage of the selling price (i.e., the property’s value). Applying the capital gains tax to sale of stocks or bonds, it’s not an excise tax on the value of the securities, it’s a tax on the gain, which makes it an income tax.
I’d have to sit down and study what the court wrote, but until I do, my initial impression is that it’s a stretch — and a legal fiction — to call this an excise tax and not an income tax, because it’s clearly a tax on net income, not a sales tax or other excise tax. So Carl is right to get excited that the state supreme court is pushing the income tax camel’s nose into the tent. This is indeed something for progressives to get excited about.
The better solution is for the voters to adopt a constitutional amendment that replaces our regressive sales tax-based tax system with a fairer income tax-based system. The second-best solution is for the state supreme court to revisit its arguably flawed 1930s-era income tax decision, at least to take a second look at its reasoning. A distant third best is the court inventing workarounds like this one. But sometimes you take what you can get.
It’ll probably be necessary to do similar workarounds with respect to our gun problem, which is even worse than our tax problem.
Not a word about the increased interest rates and higher prices
Not Joe’s fault, any more that it’s Joe’s fault that prices are higher in Europe, Japan and elsewhere.
Don’t take my word for it..
Ask the Fed Chair:
Asked whether federal tax and spending policies were contributing to price growth, Mr. Powell pointed to a decline in federal spending from the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.
“You have to look at the fiscal impulse from spending,” Mr. Powell said on Wednesday, referring to a measure of how much tax and spending policies are adding or subtracting to economic growth. “Fiscal impulse is actually not what’s driving inflation right now. It was at the beginning perhaps, but that’s not the story right now.”
Instead, Mr. Powell — along with Mr. Biden and his advisers — says rapid price growth is primarily being driven by factors like snarled supply chains, an oil shock following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and a shift among American consumers from spending money on services like travel and dining out to goods like furniture.
I’ve also read the rise in asset inflation led to outsized demand in goods from the top 10 percent.
The low interest rates in the past have enabled our household to spend on remodeling.. Tradesmen are booked solid.. Building materials costs are way up. None of that is because of money airdropped to poor people. That ended in 2021.
Your babbling about Joe is just plain ignorant and stupid. Easily refuted.
@28 “Most of the Weekend at Bernie’s riffs are aimed at Joe Biden. Yet here’s Biden, having to prop up a stiff, lifeless Momala …”
That’s pretty fucking funny, considering how upset Republicans are because of how much Biden is getting done. If he were the lifeless stiff you claim, neither they nor you would have any reason to complain about him.
Everyone knows Trump and Ryan did that. And when they were doing it, airport dancing cult freaks like the Shit-lord crybaby thought it was fantastic.
@ 30
I’ve also read the rise in asset inflation led to outsized demand in goods from the top 10 percent.
That’s asset appreciation, not inflation, Queen YLB. And yeah, my wife and I are spending up a storm. Why, we now have three dining room tables and 24 chairs, and that’s just in the spare bedroom. /sarc How much stuff do you think the top 10% can buy, ya dumb twat?
The rest of your spew is Powell saying that Biden fucked up the economy by overheating it in 2021 and 2022, but that it’s less overheated now that people are spending less because everything costs so much and interest rates have climbed so high. It’s an acknowledgement of my point, not a repudiation of it, girlfriend.
@29 Not having read the ruling, I’d guess they got there by tying it to a sale of property. By this reasoning, the proceeds from a sale of stock would be taxable, but the broker’s commission wouldn’t because a commission is a charge for services rendered, and doesn’t involve a sale of property.
Nothing screams presidential strength like the respect of his party’s US senators.
Saffron robes, drums, and sandals don’t grow on trees.
@33 “That’s asset appreciation, not inflation”
@33 “How much stuff do you think the top 10% can buy, ya dumb twat?”
It’s common knowledge that billionaires settle for one house, one yacht, one private jet, and one Vuitton handbag. Well one does, Warren Buffett, who’s never been able to shake off his frugal habits. But I don’t know about the rest.
@ 34
…the broker’s commission wouldn’t because a commission is a charge for services rendered, and doesn’t involve a sale of property.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, if a property sale does not close despite services rendered by the broker toward that transactional end, does the broker get paid? No? Then a payment to a broker for a completed RE sale DOES involve a sale of property.
My, for someone who didn’t read the opinion, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, you certainly have spewed a lot of uninformed commentary about it.
@ 37
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, between 2011 and 2020 – that decade, inclusive – by what percent did your assets held at the beginning of the decade appreciate?
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, during that same decade what was the cumulative percent of price inflation in the US economy?
Are they the same? Are they close to the same? No? Then asset appreciation and what we commonly refer to as inflation are not alike. Not at all.
I’ll just leave this here for QoS McHillbilly to peruse at his leisure.
Tesla has seen $200 billion added to its market cap in 2023, marking the strongest start to the year in its history
Say, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, how have your shares in Citigroup, 3M, and AT&T performed so far this year?
A single two-axis graph that displays what I’ve been saying about Trump for more than six years:
Trump is obviously very good a drawing attention to himself, and very good at using that attention to drive polarization.
But while the polarization that he drives is incredibly effective at recruiting the enthusiastic support of MAGA Republican voters, it is even more effective at alienating other voters.
And that’s why even if Trump loses the primary contest, the lingering polarization of his campaign will ruin the chances for any other Republican nominee. That is by design, of course. It’s scorched earth party politics. Trump wants the party to align behind him now, or risk losing everything.
One year ago TSLA was trading at $300. And it was already down 25% on the year.
Calendars are “magic”.
And Krishna is “love”.
I’m reminded how degenerate gamblers always save their winning slips and toss the losers on the clubhouse floor.
Sometimes you’ll see them near closing time, sitting alone at the end of the bar, smoothing out the old “winners” on the counter and reminiscing about their “success”.
Don’t make eye contact.
@ 44
I’m reminded how degenerate gamblers always save their winning slips and toss the losers on the clubhouse floor.
Losers are Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s largest holdings.
My biggest winners are donated – anything up 150% or more is treated that way. My losers are tax-loss harvested, when they do me the most good.
What happened to TSLA before I bought it is irrelevant.
That’s asset appreciation, not inflation
Extremely high multiples of earnings are INFLATION asswipe.. Ever hear of “excess speculation”?? And you hardly need to go back to the dot com era for lots of examples.
How much stuff do you think the top 10% can buy…
A lot. How many cars do you have you ignorant asswipe? You buy shit for those cars? Well there’s people a lot richer than you.. They might collect houses like you collect cars. They need shit for those houses.. like updated bathrooms and kitchens, bedrooms, sunroom, etc Maybe they need a boat or two at some of those houses. Maybe a few cars too.. Use what’s left of your poor imagination..
You have horsies right? Maybe the rich have horsies too. A lot more horsies, fancy barns and all the shit that goes with that.
How much did the rich get richer around 2020? A fucking lot!
Wealth of the top 1 percent increased by over 10 TRILLION dollars. It was in the news.. Bezos, Elmo, Gates, etc..
Next 9 percent? A modest 8.71 TRILLION.. That’s a lot of wealth doesn’t just sit around YOU STUPID MORON..
We make the conservative assumption, in line with the econometric evidence for the U.S., that the marginal propensity to consume out of wealth is 0.04 (Cooper and Dynan 2014; Chodorow-Reichet al. 2019; Caceres 2019). We note here, based on evidence provided by Caceres (2019), that the marginal propensity to consume out of wealth is above average for lower income groups as well as for the highest income earners.
If we assume a marginal propensity to consume of 0.04 for the effect of an increase in wealth on personal consumption, we obtain an aggregate wealth impact on consumption of $1 trillion during2020Q1-2022Q1. This implies that the wealth effect amounted to about half of the size of the $2.1 trillion Biden corona support measures (see Figure 4). The wealth effect on consumption demand is not based on a broad-based stimulus, however, but rather on the skewed, highly concentrated, pandemic gains in personal wealth arising mostly from the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing program. Almost three quarters of the wealth effect on consumption is due to higher wealth for just the richest 10%—and the richest 1% alone account for more than 40% of the increase in consumption demand.
There you have it dumbass..
Biden fucked up the economy by overheating it in 2021 and 2022
Nope. Powell says no.. Current inflation is due to anything but government spending which has dropped since mid 2021. Pandemic relief spending leveled off to hardly anything after that.
You’re wrong about 2022.
And we all watched it happen.
At least he still has Krishna.
I was in Sun Valley for a month during winter of 2020-21. It was insane. Ski area was at massively reduced operations primarily filled up by local full timers with season passes. So every $10 million vacation “ski cabin” was being transformed into a $20 million “ski cabin”. Contractors were driving in from fuckin Boise. I guess that continued through last season and has only just begun to taper – rates no doubt. Friends with places in Palm Springs report similar. Bidding wars for flooring and stone slabs. Drywall being poached. Drywallers being poached. Rich assholes flying in copper roofing and bath and lighting fixtures on the company plane during the Allen Co meetings.
TFW you normally spend $500,000 per month on luxury travel, live entertainment, and high end dining but everything is closed. “What’s wrong with putting a La Cornue in the outdoor kitchen?”
It’s not inflation..it’s wealth transfer.
An anecdote, Sunday by random chance was in two grocery stores, both Safeway. Walked by the eggs in a fairly economically distressed community and literally thought, $2.19, that not far off the ‘shortage’ prices. About four hours later in a wealthy Eastside Safeway…$3.94.
Pricing is now divorced from market forces other than what the consumer is willing to pay. ‘Fuck it, if we can convince these rubes that $4 eggs are just because…supply chain let’s do it!’
Aaaaaaaaaaand….Disney wins. Of cours DeFacist and his five dwarves are going to try to sue to get out of it but it’s damn funny.
One of the last acts of the Reedy Creek Board was a public meeting, fully open where they approved handover that the board (Disney) had negotiated with the incoming Central Florida Tourism Oversight District.
As was expected DeFascist just picked five political allies to, he assumed, rubber stamp his every whim and none of them have any experience in Municipal management so literally no one, including the Governor’s top-notch legal team, noticed the public notice of the final meeting and the agenda thereof.
Funny a Christian Taliban School board member and her mega GOP donor Husband, a Federalist Society activist, a Christian Taliban Preacher “Businessman”, and an anti-regulation ‘land use attorney’ weren’t up to speed on the job DeFascist handed them.
That really petty bit is the youngest descendent of Charles III is currently one year old. There are currently five Grandchildren of Charles III so not likely that bloodline is going away in anyone’s living memory.
Amateurs fucked around and found out Disney don’t play. They pretty ruthlessly protect their brand and image.
Shit gets uncomfortable when you’re a gun totin’ rootin’ tootin’ shootin’ AR Christmas Card havin’ representative of the House District that just had a mass shooting.
More guns = less crime
Pretty sure there is nobody in the Biden administration who isn’t a dumb twat.
Looks to me like Disney adopted a sort of poison pill strategy here in which the only way the Governor can obtain control on his terms is to burn it all down.
Fat Midget’s fake tourism board is dead and Disney retains control for now. But if the state decides to go to war over this that would probably result in placing development funding and control out of the reach of both parties and in the hands of a neutral, court appointed receiver until the parties can reach a settlement. That arrangement probably works better for Disney than it does for Fat Midget.
But politically, which after all is really all that ever mattered here, this is a colossally humiliating defeat for Fat Midget, coming at the worst possible time.
Anybody want to guess if Cheeto Musolini will have words to say about this? This is how Fat Midget become “Lidl Marco”.
I know it sounds weird, or deliberately petty. But it’s not.
It’s a bar exam question. Rule Against Perpetuities. You can look it up. It’s a common law dictate that controls legal agreements especially having to do with land agreements. Even the 21 years is not random or whimsical, but really is quoted and derived in law directly from 17th century English legal decisions. So as bizarre as that language may seem, it’s merely well crafted boiler plate.
Fat Midget has announced that in his expert legal opinion the agreements struck between Reedy and Disney suffer from “significant legal infirmities that would render the contracts void as a matter of law”.
Wanna bet?
I’ll take the expert legal team representing the number two largest global media conglomerate over the fat JAG torture observer any day.
I have news for Bob – gay people don’t care whether sports teams where Rainbow flags. It shows their ignorance though and definitely says why support such Neanderthal behavior. It shows z bob ignorance too. That in itself is the icing on the cake.
After reading Dr. Dumbfuck’s posts it boils down to this:
Conservatives value guns more than they value children.
The exception to that is they value unborn children. Once they are born, well, they are just target practice.
Dumbfuck and his clan will never change.
Heterosexual Neanderthal in you family or friends?
Call 1-800-YOU-DEAD
Saudi Arabia entered an alliance with China, Russia, India, Pakistan, and 4 central Asian nations to diminish the dollar
And Jar Jar got 2 billion while the getting was good..
w/ bonesaw’s “thanks”..
And currency markets reacted by:
Increasing the value of the dollar slightly against
Chinese Yuan
Brazillian Real
Saudi Riyal
Not changing at all against
the Rupee (Both)
Add in the raging economic powerhouses of those FOUR CENTRAL ASIAN NATIONS ( Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan) aaaaand….
No one cares.
But good to know that semi-hostile actions taken by our good friend in the region MBS and his murderous cabal are so admired by our dumbfuck.
Strong post, dumbfuck.
Call 1-800-YOU-DEAD The Heterosexual Neanderthal Hotline
Call 1-800-YOU-DEAD The Heterosexual Hotline is still open, and taking calls.
Or call us for a Stock Market tip.
Call 1-800-HETERO-Neanderthal. Hotline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even on leap years too.
Purger the Voter Rolls! Send us your Tax $$$’s!
We can tell. MGT alone accounted for the decline. MAGA!
@39 “Then a payment to a broker for a completed RE sale DOES involve a sale of property.”
The broker’s services involved a sale of property. The payment for his services did not. What’s taxed is the sale of property, and paying for personal services is not a sale of property. Am I making that simple enough for a dumbfuck like you to understand?
The legal agreements I entered into, being a Harvard Law Grad, and that school is so woke that the degree is totally worthless and all their grads are morons, right, are legally deficient and being the brilliant attorney AND America’s most beloved Governor didn’t notice it at the time I put the official Seal of the State of Florida on it.
I’m that shrewd. This was just what I knew would happen so I could tear up the agreement and go back to me starring in the next Avatar Movie as the guy who blows up the tree.
@40 I will concede that you realize inflation and asset appreciation are different. You’re merely having trouble distinguishing them.
A 2×4 that now costs 50% more than it did three years ago has not appreciated. Its price has gone up because of inflation.
Some of the stocks I owned between 2011-2020 appreciated. They did so because the underlying companies made more money and raised their dividends, making those stocks worth more to investors.
@45 What we have here is a gambler who gives away his successes and eats his losers in a glorious attempt to get himself into the zero-tax bracket. Not me. I’m trying to get into the highest tax bracket.
@55 It means Disney has smarter lawyers than DeSantis does. Or is. Funny how a Harvard Law grad didn’t see this coming.
@57 If it’s good enough to deprive little kids of rainbows, it’s good enough for Bob’s tribe.
I was in makeup getting ready to go on FOX.
Camera puts 20lbs on a guy like me.
Q: What do #CrookedHillary and Joy Behar have in common?
@ 59
Not me. I’m trying to get into the highest tax bracket.
Well, it’s certainly more likely than you getting an erection ever again, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. So GLWT.
Rumor has been circulating on line that tomorrow there will be an announcement on the possible return of the last captive Puget Sound Southern Resident. Got mixed feelings, last time someone tried t release a Captive Orca didn’t go well. Although with Tokitae, the family is nearby,.
Bucks County first investigated Carey waaaay back in 2001, but fellow cops helped clear him so the framing and kid-raping continued for a couple more decades.
Six months of work release filing reports at the Riverside Sheriff’s followed by 30 months of probation for raping kids.
I’ve heard of fat cosplaying grandmothers getting more hard time for merely being tourists.
This one served on the PTA, helped rid local schools of CRT and also led community protests against… ,(checks notes) …ah, there it is…
Cop raped a kid for fourteen years non-stop, starting when she was four.
How about this one?
At least the youngin didn’t have to call the 1-800-YOU-DEAD hotline for Heterosexual Neanderthal virus victims.
It’s not taxpayer free!
Don’t mind me, I’m jus a heterosexual Neanderthal.
Someone should speak to this guy about the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus (HNV) STD, then maybe someone might be saved.
Joe Lieberman and Lisa Murkowski smile.
Hey y’all, did someone say @ 83 No Labels?
If Manchin decides to go third-party, it opens up WV Senate for a Justice coronation AND steals votes from the Democrat prez nominee, who won’t be Biden.
A twofer, and payback for the Schumer double-cross.
Last night court filings became public announcing that former Trump Org CFO Allen Weisselberg fired his Trump paid lawyers and replaced them with a completely new team he’s paying himself.
Tee hee.
Not for nothing this comes just days after learning that the Bragg grand jury will be on break for the next four weeks.
This is a clinic on how to avoid giving a soundbite to an idiot:
Now instead of a soundbite she has to fire another unqualified staffer.
This morning anonymous TrumpWorld PR flacks are secretly reaching out to a few media sources to insist that Trump is responsible for firing the Weisselberg attorneys, informing reporters that in Trump’s view the team previously representing Weisselberg wasn’t Trumpy enough to suit the Florida sex club operator.
Who knows?
Not a perfect time to have the loyalty of a key cooperator blow up in your face. Who knew paying porn stars to shit on your chest could be this complicated?
@86 maybe she’ll pee on them….in public.
Another unfit individual to even be a human being.
84 – Biden will be the Democrats’ nominee for the 2024 election.
We should ask Bob. Maybe there are some similarities between porn stars and equine.
Latest evidence that the pandemic is so over:
Unhinged Dem Rep. Jamaal Bowman screams in Rep. Thomas Massie’s face, puts hands on him on House floor
Is it racist to suggest that Rep. Bowman wash his hands, Carl?
Rep. Thomas Massie’s face, puts hands on him
Massie looks like a an old guy. And old guys are most susceptible to death from Covid.. oh excuse me.. “teh wuhan”… 300 per day still die.
for my kids…
following from teh kreepshit’s own babbling..
You can charge Bowman w/ attempted murder or some kind of assault but repukes have “faith” in “natural/herd immunity” cuz Rand Paul and Scott Atlas babbled so.. whatevs..
91 Shit-lord crybaby defending actual neo-Nazi Thomas Massie is peak dumbfuck to close out the month of March.
Well done.
No wonder Republican voters are so filled with resentment.
They do almost all of our work for us. And they get almost no credit.
Meanwhile Republicans in Utah are getting together to censure Vulture Capital Senator for not being Trumpy enough.
Where do I send my check?
Not The Bee?
So am I to understand that in fact the Babylon Bee has been so monumentally humorless and shitty at satire, that their pro-fascism, billionaire donor fund backers have been forced to create a satirical spinoff of their own news satire?
There’s good information here to any Republican willing to notice.
They should stick to burning crosses and planting pipe-bombs.
Looks like it’s not a rumor.
This should have happened 50 years ago when the people at the Miami Seaquarium got a crash course in how Orcas are family. The first put her in an adjoining tank next to another Orca that was from the sam pod, kept separate because they thought they would fight, Unfortunately it’s 40 years too late for Hugo.
Well, it IS Washington, D. C. Still, when the DC city council voted to decriminalize nearly every felony known to man, I don’t think this is what they intended.
QAnon Shaman Jacob Chansley is released 14 months early from prison after Jan. 6 footage showed him being ‘ESCORTED’ by cops inside the Capitol
@ 97
So, I guess there was some benefit to justice stemming from the release of all of those Capitol tapes.
Still, justice won’t be done until Fauci serves more time than QAnon Shaman did.
@ 95
…the Babylon Bee has been so monumentally humorless and shitty at satire…
That’s one way of looking at it. The other way is that the unimaginable and therefore monumentally funny keeps coming true.
Just ask #CrookedHillary.
@ 95, 99
I didn’t come up with that, QoS McHillbilly. Leftist behavior did. I mean, you saw Stanford Law in action earlier this month, right?
‘Fulfilled Prophecies’: Babylon Bee Releases List Of All Its Satire That ‘Came True’
Y’all are a buncha fuckin’ clowns. It was HA that normalized the thought process of The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, not me.
Smarmy white snowflake spouts provably bullshit talking points to cover for the continued murder of schoolchildren.
Dubfuck – “Look, he lightly touched him! Assault!”
Doing great work again today Dumbfuck
@ 92
You can charge Bowman w/ attempted murder or some kind of assault…
Rather rich coming from Queen “I have very high nipples” YLB.
@ 101
Public school, indeed.
’cause someone who led a charter or other worthwhile school would refer to himself/herself/itself as Principal, not Principle.
Behold the fruits of the “Inflation Reduction” Act:
Bidenflation touches everyone and everything. The Inflation Reduction Act is a direct subsidy to companies like Ford.
Oh, and Tesla.
The balance of QAnon Shaman’s sentence will be served by Huma Abedin.
So many schools are failing that it’s time to come up with something that works. That means paying the good teachers more and booting the non-performers. No more de facto tenure, via teachers’ unions, for public school teachers. If they are not getting through to the students, it’s time to get rid of them and bring on effective educators, not more of the same failure after failure.
I am sick and tired of paying for bad teachers and the bad outcomes they produce.
Senator Turnip’s insurance is running out, so he’ll only be able to spend two full months at Walter Reed, eating Jell-O and learning the alphabet again. Then he’ll be unleashed to do oratory battle with the likes of Ted Cruz and Mike Lee.
The balance of QAnon Shaman’s sentence will be served by Huma Abedin.
Then, after describing a Washington dinner attended by “a few senators and their aides” but not Clinton, Abedin writes: “I ended up walking out with one of the senators, and soon we stopped in front of his building and he invited me in for coffee. Once inside, he told me to make myself comfortable on the couch.”
She says the senator took off his blazer, rolled up his sleeves and made coffee while they continued to talk.
“Then, in an instant, it all changed. He plopped down to my right, put his left arm around my shoulder, and kissed me, pushing his tongue into my mouth, pressing me back on the sofa.
Huma musta castrated Senator Kreepshit. She won’t have to serve long. The time will pass quickly. Good on her.
“I have very high nipples”
This from a booorrring kreepshit troll spending a fortune at the Affirm Clinic on what passes for its penis.
Still, justice won’t be done until Fauci serves more time than QAnon Shaman did.
Awwww look.. Kreepshit just found drumpf’s next head of the CDC..
Nearly nude dude wearing horns…
Now don’t bring out the kneepads for kon-klown just yet kreepshit.. not when you’re hittin’ it out of the park being drumpf’s idea “man”..
Someone doesn’t know shit about the Federal Prison System.
To avoid
seeming likebeing a complete dumbfuck:Define “residential reentry management” AKA “Halfway House”
Define “good conduct” and what 85% means in that context
What is 41 months – 56 weeks = 122 weeks?
What is 122 weeks from mid November 2021
Is the answer to the directly above question less than or greater than May ’23?
Now explain what “Balance of his Sentence” means to a brain addled Dumbfuck.
Solid Post
NPR/Marist poll: 35% approve of the way First Vegetable Joe Biden is handling crime.
Unprosecuted felons smile, while Asian-Americans vote for the GOP candidate.
Asian-Americans vote for the GOP candidate.
Who sells them on more guns in the schools. 430 million guns? Why not a billion?
Gun lobby smiles.
Typical Dumbfuck. Has literally no idea what he’s talking about and makes connections where there are none.
Gay = Groomer
Guns ≠ cause of mass shootings
GOP = Small Government
Federal standard “Good Conduct” early release = Freedom Fighter Tucker Carlson and Kevin McCarthy
Great Job, Dumbfuck. Gold Star. Have a sticker.
Speaking of satire.. Mark Russell died..
Always struck me as your moderate Republican uncle kind of humorist. Perhaps would be a never drumpfer today. Decent fellow I guess but I never found him funny. His piano stuff sort of grated.
@ 113
Asian-Americans vote for the GOP candidate.
Who sells them on more guns
I think Asian-Americans have more to worry about than the GOP:
Former State Senator Leland Yee And Three Others Plead Guilty To Racketeering
It’s a DOJ announcement so it doesn’t mention that Yee, who rather obviously is Asian American, is also a fuckin’ Democrat.
Shit-lord crybaby will still believe whatever a Murdoch feeds to him.
It’s embarrassing to watch. But still funny as fuck.
Federal inmates earn custodial sentence credits. Angeli’s most recent and final BOP credit calculation was this month. Thus the announcement. He was previously scheduled to complete his custodial sentence in July. With credits his final calculated custodial sentence will end about three weeks earlier.
prisonerRepublican.It’s nice to see all of the abnormal trans types forcing their way into state capitol buildings in Texas, Tennessee, and Oklahoma.
So J6. Pretty much normalizes J6 behavior.
If the J6 thugs are as fuckin’ abnormal as the trans POS.
Our resident aggrieved old white guy gooning over Q-anon Shaman during his breaks from dancing and chanting at the airport is today’s peak dumbfuck.
Bragg realizes he can’t get anywhere with a cunt as seedy as Stormy Daniels’, what with Cohen’s lies as the basis for the charge.
So he’s going in a different direction. WSJ:
Unlike with Stormy Daniels, with Playboy models we don’t actually get to see the Chamydia being transmitted from genital to genital.
Yee, who rather obviously is Asian American, is also a fuckin’ Democrat.
Good riddance. I’m sure when Yee gets out of the joint, he’ll find a welcome home in the repuke party. As a crime fightin’, gun totin’ “law and order” type. heh.
More guns please..
we don’t actually get to see the Chamydia being transmitted from genital to genital.
The Playboy model admitted tiny drumpf didn’t use a condom..
Kreepshit is in afterglow at the fine work Elmo has achieved at the bird shite site:
“New Twitter policy is freedom of speech, but not freedom of reach,” he tweeted. He said that negative and hateful tweets would be deboosted and would not be monetized.
“You won’t find the tweet unless you specifically seek it out, which is no different than the rest of the internet,” he wrote.
But according to The Post’s experiment, Twitter is amplifying hateful tweets.
Twitter and Musk did not respond to requests for comment.
Hate.. That’s the type of klownservatic content that gets kreepshit up in the morning and trolling on HA! Elmo gets teh kreepshit seal of approval.
LPT: It’s probably not successful satire when you need to publish a 220 word five para essay accompanied by an Excel speadsheet just to explain to your readers why it’s funny.
It’s not their fault. They have an impossible standard to meet:
“Will Rep. Lauren Boebert get this joke?”
She just officially announced her Last Fuckable Day.
Yee, 5th in the SF Mayoral primary in 2010 and had his longshot bid for Secretary of State scuttled because he was charged with the crimes of your post in…..2014.
Served five years. And not a single Democrat came out in favor of the “good guy on both sides” or put forward a bill that the police who arrested him are the criminals and should be arrested themselves.
Compare and contrast.
Also, thanks for the trip down memory lane. Lee is 74 years old and very much retired. Kids who were 11 when he was sentenced are eligible to vote now and I’m sure their parents are telling them the horrific tale of the corrupt ‘leader’ of the Democratic party whose followers stormed the Bastille and who coincidentally (see 111 & 114) served a little over four years of his 5 year Federal sentence.
You might want to consider the ‘youth’ factor in the growing AAPI voting group. While pew found 58% were expected to back a Democrat in Federal and State Elections in 2022, exit polls showed 64% voted for a D in house races, 61.5% for a D governor in states where the exec was contested, 66.1% for a D Senator.
64% of asian voters believe Abortion is a right. (General public 61%)
In PA, 76% of Asians voted for Fetterman.
Approval numbers among asians:
Joe Biden Approval: 45.3% Approve, 31.4% Disapprove, 23.3% Don’t Know (38% in general)
only 9% of Asian cite crime as their #1 issue.
So, explain like I’m 5, despite documented evidence that the great shift of Asians to Republicans is not really happening, how is the Asian vote the road to victory in a single Blue State?
Good work Dumbfuck.
So kreepshit went back to 2015 about Yee…
The other day I went back to 2017 over “the nutty ninth” and shitferbrains had a cow…
Didn’t matter that the repuke talking point is as old (and discredited) as I can remember.
And DEAD Putin, Murdoch and the ENTIRE FREEDUMB KOOK-US
So what’s drumpf gonna do?
Babble Cohen “acted alone”?
To ingratiate himself. Yeah fucking right. “Individual 1” fucked up and his tool went to jail..
Why not the shithead who reimbursed Cohen? ’bout time..
Lock it up!
Soros got what he paid for.
Oh, thank you so much for those delicious tears, you fucking weak pansy.
Moar please! YUM!
kon-klown is going to block extradition.
babble, babble, soros…
fucking fascist.. Helps it in the primary? heh. Maybe..
Sinks it for good in the general, assuming it ever gets that far. Slam dunk.
I can understand why my Donaldwould like Stormy’s God created titties.
Honestly, considering the attendant circus over which he has zero control, and for which he mostly has Trump himself to thank, I’d say Bragg has managed this very nicely so far. His grand jurors are safely out of the area. The hysteria of Trump’s fund raising attempt two weeks ago has mostly died down. And the media are mostly disappointed.
Good. Trump should not be tried in the media.
He should be tried in court.
But when Trump opens his fat mouth, as he inevitably will, to argue his own defense in the media in the months ahead, he will be making himself fair game. And he will have only himself to blame if the media and onlookers respond.
Bragg has a difficult task ahead of him. But it should not include protecting the stupid fucktard FaylePresident from himself. Nobody can do that.
Millions of Americans are going to rub one out to a Stormy Daniels clip tonight.
We celebrate in strange ways.
Well even the Republicans are starting to catch on…
“The average wage is $17.50,” – Howard Schultz, before Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, this morning.
“That’s not a living wage in this day and age. Any larger corporation shouldn’t be bragging about $15 to $20 wages.”, Sen Mike Braun, R-Indiana
Schultz also got caught lying about ‘extra’ benefits that employees can earn and their wages aren’t the full picture when forced to admit that yes, they do manipulate hours of in-store employees to keep many of them from ever qualifying.
And then Sen. Bernie Sanders suggested that they would compel him to return in six weeks and testify again on the progress made negotiating with the approved Unions as required by U.S. Law that so far the company has utterly refused to meet with though they claim walking out of every single scheduled negotiation within minutes is in fact a meeting.
That’s fucking hilarious.
And also kind of brilliant.
If the guy can’t leave the State of Florida except to go to some other DEEEEEEP RED state he can’t campaign. And he certainly can’t attend a nominating convention in Minnesota. “I win by default, gimmie my crown.” -Ron
But as usual, this third rate attorney, and the entire GOP is not familiar with the ACTUAL constitution instead substituting their made-up one that includes the Jesus and the infallibility of the One True Trump!
How’s Clarence going to wriggle his way of of ‘originalism’ in his dissent?
Evangelicals for Porn!
It would not be in the legal interests of the Florida private sex club operator to resist extradition to New York. As this is setup to play out Trump-the-idiot would be permitted to schedule in advance his “surrender” to take place in a secure Manhattan courtroom on the date and time of his own choosing, quietly, dignified, and in a media setting he can manage to his advantage. He flies in. Holds a press event at Trump Tower. Holds a fund raiser. Shows up for court the next morning. And flies home to Palm Beach that afternoon.
Or he can do the other.
Did you know?
Popping corn becomes stale and fails to pop up as much or as fully when it becomes too dried out.
To prolong shelf life and ensure plenty of healthy, tasty snacking while watching the GOP Shit Show store your popping corn in a tightly sealed, air-tight container in a cool, dark place.
With Trump indicted and DeSantis coming off as a dead fish who gets played by Mickey Mouse, I’m starting to look elsewhere. Maybe Sarah Huckabee. Sure, she’s ugly as someone else’s unflushed shit, but that combined with her nastiness just might make for a winning combination.
115)Was he like Tom Lehrer?
@83 You suddenly believe in democracy now?
@97 I assume he’s being released early because they’re finally getting some good behavior out of him. Or they decided he’s not worth feeding.
@98 “Still, justice won’t be done until Fauci serves more time than QAnon Shaman did.”
How about if I nominate another doctor to serve in his place?
@103 How do you know he was referring to principal instead of principle?
@104 Looks more like corporate greed to me. Or free market supply and demand at work.
@107 “Then he’ll be unleashed to do oratory battle with the likes of Ted Cruz and Mike Lee.”
Well, that’s not hard, so I’m sure he’ll manage, even if he can say only 12 words. They do all the work of making them look bad.
@112 “Unprosecuted felons smile”
One less is smiling today. Does that make you happier?
@116 What have we here? Democrats prosecuting fellow Democrats? To uphold the rule of law? That’s something you’d never see from the GOP.
@118 According to this NBC News story, 4 of 2,800 mass shootings since 2018 have been committed by trans or nonbinary people. And 98% of the mass shootings since 1996 were committed by men.
@134 What happened to Drumpf wanting to be led into court in handcuffs? Now’s his chance!
Georgia and federal indictments will follow shortly. Drumpf will seek asylum in Russia. Putin will turn him down; he’s not a valuable asset anymore, just another useless mouth to feed.
To prove innocence? As in the presumption is guilt unless proven otherwise?
Reads like something Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit wrote.
I heard something on KUOW tonite and needed to be sure I heard it correctly. I did.
The behavior of some Democrat legislators at the Tennessee capitol building today was so outrageous that others within their own party are talking about the possibility of expulsion.
Nashville’s NPR affiliate:
A megaphone. On the floor of the Tennessee legislative chamber.
POS Democrats can’t behave like adults. It’s a fucking Democrat party clown show. Which is pretty much the case every time a trans asshole does something shitty.
Some advice to my friend @157. Crying isn’t a good look. Try being a man for once in your pathetic fucking life.
The day after FBI agents executed a search warrant on Trump’s private sex club in Florida to recover hundreds of stolen classified documents was his biggest fund raising haul since his humiliating defeat at the hands of President Joe Biden.
Until now.
Zero sum game.
@ 158
Alito silently mouths the words “Not true.” during a SOTU address and your side births a cow over it.
One of your assholes uses a megaphone to whip up crowd fury on a state legislative floor and his behavior is off-limits, even when his fellow Democrats are telling reporters that it’s behavior that merits expulsion?
One of us is the crybaby, yeah.
An official statement from the office of The Senate Minority Leader, Sen. Mitch McConnell, regarding the recent indictment of former President Donald J. Trump:
“A megaphone. On the floor of the Tennessee legislative chamber.”
Today of all days is the day Fat Midget files his bill in the Tallahassee Senate to let him remain in office:
Such a talented and gracious man /s
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, why did BofA Securities downgrade Generac and assign its shares a price target of $91?
Why have Generac’s shares fallen nearly 30% in the last couple of months?
Those are specific questions, I know. You might consider a more general question, which is this: Why do all of your stock purchases turn to shit on you?
Hey. He’s in recovery. No one would belittle someone with medical issues, right Dumbfuck?
“I haven’t read the indictment. I don’t know what the criminal charges are. I haven’t seen the evidence. I don’t know NY criminal law. This isn’t really my area of practice. And IANAL. But I can assure you that this indictment is entirely politically motivated. And that in the unlikely event it isn’t dismissed ahead of trial, the state prosecutor is guaranteed to lose.”
Feelings… Whoa.. Whoa.. Feelings
May he die slowly and in indescribable agony.
How’s that workin?
@ 166
That’s three whoas, Freddie.
Did you know?
So-called “old maids” might not be!
Sift out any unpopped kernels from your next batch of delicious popcorn and save them in an airtight jar. Once you have enough you can re-pop them!
With so much activity in the GOP Shit Show to watch, you can’t afford to waste any delicious popcorn!
Swapped my TSLA 125 options for 145s, same expiration.
Double-sold TSLA calls.
I’m grateful to Queen YLB’s fucked kids, as without them subsidizing TSLA sales I don’t think the shares would be doing nearly this well.
@170 “Gratitude” runs out when you run out..
And when every other silly repuke “runs out” that babbles like you..
According to your own degen babbling anyway.. yawwwwn…
Oh look..
Hee Hawley declares the GOPP (geriatric old perv party) is..
Silly hee hawley wants a white redneck armed to the teeth christofascist party to rise from its ashes but we’ll let his latest idiocy sink in for moment..
liberals are well advised to arm.
Queen YLB demonstrates @ 172 that she still possesses the reading comprehension of a third-grader.
Of course Queen YLB wants the rest of y’all to arm. She needs someone new to hide behind now that Goldy’s gone AWOL.
The cowardly twat.
@173 Silly kreepshit pines for the “iron fist” of hee hawley.. the ivy league “runner”…
when it’s not laying down kneepads for kon-klown..
poor kreepshit hiding in widbee.. red-pilling…
Just toss down a sheet of cardboard, step well out of the way, and don’t forget to pull out your phone and record.
It’s time to enjoy the show.
Trump is indicted and Hunter’s laptop isn’t? What’s worse, GE is up today, and up 100% since late last September? WTF? The world has gone mad and only two people can save us.
Huckabee-Boebert 2024!