However in red states, they could have different rules about store product placement on national store’s shelves. In red states, I highly doubt Walmart could place sex toys next to children’s toothbrushes.
8:03 AM · Feb 21, 2023
NPR helped bury the Hunter Biden story in the run-up to the 2020 election.
David Folkenflik
News: NPR to lay off about 10 percent of its workforce.
CEO John Lansing says ad revenue for podcasting shriveled even as general economy seems on mend.
He promises NPR will build on its mission and values but adds, ““This will be a major loss.”
My story:
NPR says it’s cutting jobs by 10% as ad revenue drops
NPR must lay off 10% of its workforce to address an advertising shortfall of about $30 million, CEO John Lansing says. Lansing says marketers are nervous about the economy.
9:11 AM · Feb 22, 2023
Fuck you, NPR. You were complicit in the lie.
Vicious Trollspews:
Biggest loser: QoS McHillbilly.
Robert Costa
News: CBS News has learned that lawyers close to several GOP witnesses in Fulton Co. investigation are preparing to move to quash any possible indictments by DA based on the public statements by the forewoman of the special grand jury, per two people familiar with the discussions
8:42 AM · Feb 22, 2023
Vicious Trollspews:
I’ll take Tweets That Didn’t Age Well for $500, Alex.
Adam Schiff
· 22h
The Grand Jury in Fulton County found sufficient evidence to recommend potential charges against individuals for their efforts to overturn the election.
So did the Jan. 6 committee.
The Justice Department likely has access to an even greater body of evidence.
It must act.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 I think it’s reasonable to suspect the foreperson is a closet Trumper who’s trying to sabotage any prosecution of the fallen tyrant. She couldn’t stop smirking during her NBC News interview.
The giveaway: She said the highlight of her grand jury experience was getting to shake Rudy Giuliani’s hand.
YLB's wet pantiesspews:
@ 2-3
Holy Christ that chick was a trainwreck. She seemed to have some serious mental issues, along with looking for some sort of quick payday.
Vicious Trollspews:
YLB wouldn’t be happy about it, of course, but to see the US Senate with one less dumb cunt wouldn’t be a bad thing.
Ursula Perano
“Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.), a rising star in the party who lost his Hudson Valley congressional seat in the 2022 redistricting shuffle, has not ruled out a run against Gillibrand, according to a source familiar with his plans.” 👀
How a Liberal NY Senator Became a Primary Target of the Left
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has an impressive liberal record. But that doesn’t mean she won’t attract a primary challenger even further to her left.
Tester’s in it again. Maybe he runs far enough to the center until the election that Schumer has even more trouble holding the Democrats together.
Tester v. Gianforte?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
…lawyers close to several GOP witnesses in Fulton Co. investigation are preparing to move to quash any possible indictments by DA…
Does the phenomenally stupid Shit-lord failure make any effort to investigate or even think much about this shit before he posts?
A “lawyer close to a witness” can’t file shit. A lawyer “close to” someone who has been indicted can’t file shit. Does this shit even make any sense?
Is this not fucking obvious?
None of us are responsible for the painfully tortured language that “hot-take” pseudo-journalists puke out rushing to catch the moment with whatever “leak” or “hot tip” they just got. Nor are any of us responsible for the cottage industry ecosystem of bottom-feeding strip mall lawyers who circulate around Trump World trying to make themselves relevant to whatever the story happens to be by feeding useless gossip into the hopper.*
But all of us are responsible for thinking if we can.
Obviously this troll can’t.
And it isn’t as if the stupid motherfucker hasn’t had this lesson given to him already a dozen times before by Trump World.
Geezus what a useless, low quality troll.
*Although, in fairness asswipes like the Shit-lord failure who voted for Trump three times, never every stopped defending him, and promoted Trump’s bullshit and corruption every fucking chance he got, are largely responsible for the fact that Trump is still with us, still running his party, still getting all the headlines, and still leading his party’s nomination race.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
BTW people, on his way off the ship, as the crew all turned their backs and gave him the finger, Admiral Dildo had a few choice words to the GOP Dildo Navy before heading off into his future as a cabana boy “with dealer connections”:
It wasn’t to CBS News, which posted the story. Should you not be pissed at CBS News instead of me?
Or are you confirming what I wrote @ 5:
Biggest loser: QoS McHillbilly.
I think it just might be the latter. And that you’re not handling it well at all.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
And because you all deserve it, and because so does Admiral Dildo,
here is one of the things Admiral Dildo spent a bunch of Donor Fund money on (besides the obvious massive piles of cocaine) that they objected to:
Admiral Dildo should have been given a promotion, a raise, and a Tony.
That video is worth whatever he spent.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Should you not be pissed at CBS News instead of me?
Here I’m willing to make an exception to my normal practice of not addressing the troll.
Bob. I don’t think of you that way. Sorry.
I’m here to mock you and your obvious stupidity as often as it amuses me to. Alas, that’s getting to be less often. Because where once your stupidity was like performance art, lately it has become pedestrian in nature and both predictable and boring.
A tweet. Posted by a dude. Not a “report” posted by CBS News.
If you can’t tell the difference by now, I don’t know how to help you, nor would I if I could.
“CBS News has learned” is a meaningless throwaway phrase.
It’s lazy jorno-speak for when they have anonymous sources that are so sketch they aren’t even willing to identify them as anonymous sources. What sources? Who the fuck cares. These are crawling insects scuttling around in Trump World auditioning to be the next recipient of federal judicial sanctions, like Alina Habba. They are not worth thinking about that way either.
Whose lazy jorno-speak? Robert Costa’s. Not CBS’s. That doesn’t make him special, though. Television news hacks like him use their twitters the way the network orders them to. They want easily manipulated mud-brained dullards like you to be triggered.
And it worked. Amazeballs.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Here is what someone resembling a journalist might have done, instead of what Robert Costa did:
When one of the hundreds of greasy strip mall lawyers who scuttle around in Trump World texts him on a burner phone with a blocked number to imply legal bullshit, they take a note and get back to it when they had the time to research it. They’d email that law school prof who teaches crim pro that they have on file. She’d tell them that it won’t work.
Yes, an attorney representing a defendant indicted by this grand jury can make any fucking motion they like. Indictments almost never get quashed. When they do most of the time it’s because the def atty can demonstrate major misconduct by the prosecutor (and I mean major, like bribes and shit), not by the grand jury. I can’t even think of any cases involving grand juror misconduct. But I’m not really going to think that hard about it. And if such exist, and I imagine they do, it would have to involve misconduct which took place during hearings and deliberations. Not after.
There are fundamental reasons why this is so. Like the rest of the GJ she’s released from duty. The court no longer exercises very much control over her conduct nor can it. She’s an adult citizen with rights. She can do what she’s going to do. So can any other juror. Jurors in actual criminal trials, who sat in judgment and voted conviction in capital cases where the defendant’s life is on the line have gone on after release from duty to do freaky, weird, embarrassing shit in the media, go on radio and television, Sally Jesse, whatever. It never comes to a thing.
Moreover, if finding a grand juror and inducing them to act out, be obnoxious, and talk shit after they have been released from duty could get an indictment quashed every federal criminal defense attorney would be in that business. If they believe their client is innocent, and there is any possibility at all, nothing, absolutely nothing is more important to a criminal defense attorney than getting their client’s indictment amended or dismissed as early as possible.
That doesn’t mean the criminal attorneys here aren’t going to try. And it doesn’t mean they aren’t going to put this into the media. And it doesn’t mean that the media won’t fuck it up. But it’s almost impossible for them to get what they are suggesting. At most it’s going to be brought up pre-trial and they’ll try to get it into their closings. I don’t know what the evidence is. So I can’t say if that’s going to be enough to hang a jury here. But I doubt it.
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
How about this classy Heterosexual Neanderthal! He’s advocating for more victims…..watchout ladies and babies!
This idiot forgot to figure in the cost to jail the parent. I guess he Bob should talk Shorting the Stock Market and have a gay old time!
Gggeeee Moneyspews:
I went to a Walmart in a Red State once and the male store manager had a 13 year old girl spread Eagle 🦅 right on the register.
It was disgusting!
Gggeeee Moneyspews:
“Why this person is talking on TV, I do not understand”
Well maybe if Donald paid you or you wanted to put bait out there for Donald Duck… quack…..a quack should know that
Gggeeee Moneyspews:
Holy Christ that chick was a trainwreck. She seemed to have some serious mental issues, along with looking for some sort of quick payday.
You beat me to it. The quack doctor is about as dumb as a Dumbfuck can get. He’s being played.
Gggeeee Moneyspews:
O’keefe is thinking about calling it “Project Heterosexual Neanderthals”
Doctor Dimbfuckspews:
That video is cool!
Yeah Bob it’s me.
Why are you here, kommander kreepshit, shit-lord of widbee?spews:
Did kreepshit get a slight rise from its ed meds? A single pubic like hair growth from propecia dosing? Yawwwn.. had other shit to do today. Busy tomorrow..
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
God Bless Rawstory!
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
Because where once your stupidity was like performance art
It was funner when you could imagine him dressed in a clown suite. Today he’s bare in just underware.
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
Lookie, Lookie here! It’s Heterosexual Neanderthal’s nasty head rearing up again.
Kind of like my idiot boss. When he started, 3 years ago, all he would parrot was Fire Alarm, Fire Alarm, Fire Alarm.
One day he even asked me if I tied the Elevator to the Fire Alarm, but it was a renovation of +1 floor (no new or modified Elevator required).
Ron DeSantisspews:
File under ‘Everyone warned me but I want to be president and the crazies will get me there”
Sure I pushed for overturning Roe. And of course I pushed through a fetal personhood law. But this is just silly. Of COURSE a fetus has less rights than The mom.
The mom is just a vessel for the fully autonomous being that we should totally be able to arrest for a crime. I don’t expect to EVER have answer these questions in my quest to be God of the United States.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@38 Don’t you know that under a flexible legal system like ours, a fetus can be a “person” for some legal purposes, but not for others? If you can’t figure this out, then refer to the jurisprudence on how the Framers’ “original intent” and “historic tradition” covers AR-15s. If you’re still mystified, try tackling quantum entanglement; you might find that easier.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Do you ever get a feeling that conservatives are trying to rewrite the social contract in their favor?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump is exploiting the East Palestine disaster to peddle his bottled water.
Too stupid to be on the streets, so he gets 38 months.
” … Garret Miller, an unemployed Texan …, was wearing a T-shirt bearing President Donald Trump’s picture and the words ‘I was there, Washington, D.C., January 6, 2021’ when he was arrested weeks after the attack. …”
“A spokesman for Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) has announced that the governor will be ‘boycotting’ NBC and MSNBC, over remarks that Andrea Mitchell made about his education policy during an interview with Vice President Kamala Harris, according to The Daily Beast.”
Looking up America’s Social Contract pulled up some interesting articles
America’s Social Contract Is Still Built on Racial Hostility White Americans’ continued unwillingness to share the country’s bounty with their black fellow citizens lies at the root of social ills.
The eminent sociologist William Julius Wilson put it starkly in his book When Work Disappears: White taxpayers oppose welfare because they see themselves forced, through taxes, to pay for stuff for black people. America’s bloated prisons, idle men, single moms, and dead babies can be traced to this exceptional fact.
>> Although I would also include Class as a aspect as well, although much smaller. America loves to hurt the poor.
>> is this universal? Are the non Greed Boomers less likely to vote this way? Granted there are always some, like there are progressive Boomers, but the ratio same as one moves down the generations? I hope it gets less, that’s the only way I can imagine us changing as a nation for the better. Greed Boomers won’t change but they do age out.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@45 The fundamental building block of human society is tribalism. You are from my tribe, or you are not from my tribe. In all societies, everything flows from this basic impulse.
Wharton School of Businessspews:
Well in today’s Right Wing Freakout:
HARRIS FAULKNER (FOX ANCHOR): Say it ain’t so. Now, leego – Lego, excuse me got me with both on. Lego is going woke.
The company unveiling a range of new characters in the effort to be more inclusive. Lego says the new characters will promote diversity and understanding. Some will have anxiety issues. I don’t know how you show that. One will have a missing limb. Another down syndrome. These are really important issues.
FAULKNER: Do you want Lego in there?
FAILLA: Definitely not. But what’s so fascinating about this story is the divide in the country. Republicans think it is insane that they are forcing identity politics into Legos. Democrats are upset they didn’t make a drag queen stripper. But the reason they force identity into toys is because they think identity comes with a built-in political orientation, and that’s what they’re after here. I’m not having it.
Lego is a master at the marketing strategy of FOMO and scarcity marketing. Note how every holiday season there is a special Lego Holiday set. There are millions of these but the collector market snatches these up usually within a couple days. They are sold at a premium price compared to comparable ‘legacy’ sets of the same size.
So LEGO, looking at the market, is taking the opportunity to add a set of ‘different’ human character figures which may or may not become permanent in their line. Will the collectors buy them. YES. Will parents of a downs syndrome kid who like LEGO buy them. Also yes.
But to those rabid anti-capitalists over at Fox News….this is today’s ‘Fake Outrage of the Day” brought to you by MyPillow and the makers of Hair Care for Whites.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
…they force identity into toys…
It’s really down to this.
More than seventy five years ago clever entrepreneurs saw non-white mothers and fathers begging toy retailers to try to find dolls, toys, and games with some non-white faces for their kids. And they saw an opportunity. Within a decade or so, despite limited distribution and slotting, as well as sabotaging of inventory, sales were enough that big toy makers decided to use their privileged market position, retailer access, and distribution to take the business back.
Nobody was being forced into shit, except maybe some non-white entrepreneurs being forced into bankruptcy.
But the very instant Hasbro rolls out a non-white children’s doll angry white racists lose their minds and begin melting.
Remember this whenever you see these WOKE CULTURE WARS being pushed by FOX and the GOP:
these messages are being laser targeted to a generation of independent, white, grandparents, and great grandparents who simply can’t stand the way their grandchildren and great-grandchildren are being brought up. They hate all of it. The food. The clothing. The music. The language. The presence of computers, smartphones, and electronics. The social media.
It’s all very unfamiliar to them and they sense that it isolates them from these children they want desperately to connect with.
And they are looking for someone or something to blame other than themselves.
FOX delivers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 The key word is “inclusive.” (Its close cousin is “diversity.”) You know what this means, right?
Integration! Black and brown kids going to the same schools as white kids. Black people swimming in the same pool as white people. White people standing while black people sit on a municipal bus. This is why Foxies recoil in horror from talk of a “diverse” society and “including” people of color.
Gggeeee Moneyspews:
More and more and more Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus, an uncontrollable STD.
DeSantis thinks 8 out of 12 jurors should be enough to put someone to death. He’s probably not very fussy about actual guilt or innocence either. When I look at DeSantis photos, I see the eyes of a killer.
DeSantis is more ruthless than Trump.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Trump-allied group wants J6 committee staffers blacklisted”
“A conservative non-profit group allied with former President Donald Trump urged “Hill staffers and their colleagues” to cut off meetings with any former Jan. 6 committee staffers who have since joined firms that lobby.
“In a letter sent to hundreds of recipients on the Hill, the dark money group American Accountability Foundation listed the names of the former committee staffers and their titles — along with their new employers and links to their firms’ clients — all of whom they urged to blacklist.”
Well, they do want some books. They want this book in schools. And “patriotic” books (e.g., jingoistic indoctrination in “manifest destiny”).
You’re a fucking moron, Roger. You should be executed in a painful fashion.
Vicious Trollspews:
Dunno about the rest of y’all, but it’s certainly been fun to watch Mayor Pete’s political career plunge into the shitter this week.
Turns out homosexuality doesn’t whitewash incompetence. Not that Democrats haven’t tried.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 Come and get me. Preferably armed, so I can claim self-defense.
It’s amazing how these rightwing puffed-chest Himmler wannabes think they can “execute” liberals. They must think we don’t know how to shoot. I’m a Vietnam veteran and was an Army Reserve weapons instructor, and I’m not the kind of rabbit that agrees to be skinned and turned into mittens and ear muffs. Why are righties so suicidal?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 I blame the railroad. Mayor Pete wasn’t driving the train, nor did he fight tooth-and-claw against safety regulations. The spill is an EPA matter, not in his bailiwick. And I think voters are going to be preoccupied with the crimes of Trump and DeSantis.
Why are you here, kommander kreepshit, shit-lord of widbee?spews:
Mypillow spews:
Is there anyone more fatuous and fayled than that former crack addict?
Just traded one addiction for another – crack for klownspiracy theories and and an orange “god”.. (rolls eyes)..
Oh hold on a sec.. heh.
Why are you here, kommander kreepshit, shit-lord of widbee?spews:
DeSantis is more ruthless than Trump.
Nahh.. just another fatuous fascist.. Voters by and large don’t know the freek yet.
the freek is a jerk. Was a jerk at the Ivy League. A jerk when it was a school teacher and groomed teen girls. A jerk in kongress wanting to push granny and grandpa over a cliff. A jerk running for governor babbling to its kid about that fucking wall. A jerk as a governor.
It’ll become all too obvious when it flaps its gums giving silly speeches about wokeness and this freek and drumpf tear each other apart.
What plays in The Villages doesn’t hold for the rest of the country. Drumpf was a loser, kon-klown won’t be any different.
I was wondering when someone would have the courage to take on Walmart for selling sex toys right next to children’s toothbrushes.
Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸
Of course interstate trade, travel, and state relations would continue.
However in red states, they could have different rules about store product placement on national store’s shelves. In red states, I highly doubt Walmart could place sex toys next to children’s toothbrushes.
8:03 AM · Feb 21, 2023
Oh, look!
YLB was the forewoman for the grand jury.
YLB, we love the giggle at the end, Princess. So serious.
Just think of the wincing by HA moderators every time YLB posts.
Dumb twats gonna dumb twat. It’s in their DNA.
NPR helped bury the Hunter Biden story in the run-up to the 2020 election.
Fuck you, NPR. You were complicit in the lie.
Biggest loser: QoS McHillbilly.
I’ll take Tweets That Didn’t Age Well for $500, Alex.
@2 I think it’s reasonable to suspect the foreperson is a closet Trumper who’s trying to sabotage any prosecution of the fallen tyrant. She couldn’t stop smirking during her NBC News interview.
The giveaway: She said the highlight of her grand jury experience was getting to shake Rudy Giuliani’s hand.
@ 2-3
Holy Christ that chick was a trainwreck. She seemed to have some serious mental issues, along with looking for some sort of quick payday.
YLB wouldn’t be happy about it, of course, but to see the US Senate with one less dumb cunt wouldn’t be a bad thing.
Trump shamed the Biden administration into this.
Buttigieg to visit scene of Ohio crash Thursday
Mayor Pete is one useless homosexual.
Tester’s in it again. Maybe he runs far enough to the center until the election that Schumer has even more trouble holding the Democrats together.
Tester v. Gianforte?
Does the phenomenally stupid Shit-lord failure make any effort to investigate or even think much about this shit before he posts?
A “lawyer close to a witness” can’t file shit. A lawyer “close to” someone who has been indicted can’t file shit. Does this shit even make any sense?
Is this not fucking obvious?
None of us are responsible for the painfully tortured language that “hot-take” pseudo-journalists puke out rushing to catch the moment with whatever “leak” or “hot tip” they just got. Nor are any of us responsible for the cottage industry ecosystem of bottom-feeding strip mall lawyers who circulate around Trump World trying to make themselves relevant to whatever the story happens to be by feeding useless gossip into the hopper.*
But all of us are responsible for thinking if we can.
Obviously this troll can’t.
And it isn’t as if the stupid motherfucker hasn’t had this lesson given to him already a dozen times before by Trump World.
Geezus what a useless, low quality troll.
*Although, in fairness asswipes like the Shit-lord failure who voted for Trump three times, never every stopped defending him, and promoted Trump’s bullshit and corruption every fucking chance he got, are largely responsible for the fact that Trump is still with us, still running his party, still getting all the headlines, and still leading his party’s nomination race.
BTW people, on his way off the ship, as the crew all turned their backs and gave him the finger, Admiral Dildo had a few choice words to the GOP Dildo Navy before heading off into his future as a cabana boy “with dealer connections”:
@ 12
Is this not fucking obvious?
It wasn’t to CBS News, which posted the story. Should you not be pissed at CBS News instead of me?
Or are you confirming what I wrote @ 5:
I think it just might be the latter. And that you’re not handling it well at all.
And because you all deserve it, and because so does Admiral Dildo,
here is one of the things Admiral Dildo spent a bunch of Donor Fund money on (besides the obvious massive piles of cocaine) that they objected to:
My life is complete.
Admiral Dildo should have been given a promotion, a raise, and a Tony.
That video is worth whatever he spent.
Should you not be pissed at CBS News instead of me?
Here I’m willing to make an exception to my normal practice of not addressing the troll.
Bob. I don’t think of you that way. Sorry.
I’m here to mock you and your obvious stupidity as often as it amuses me to. Alas, that’s getting to be less often. Because where once your stupidity was like performance art, lately it has become pedestrian in nature and both predictable and boring.
To address your most recent blazing stupidity, here is the tweet:
A tweet. Posted by a dude. Not a “report” posted by CBS News.
If you can’t tell the difference by now, I don’t know how to help you, nor would I if I could.
“CBS News has learned” is a meaningless throwaway phrase.
It’s lazy jorno-speak for when they have anonymous sources that are so sketch they aren’t even willing to identify them as anonymous sources. What sources? Who the fuck cares. These are crawling insects scuttling around in Trump World auditioning to be the next recipient of federal judicial sanctions, like Alina Habba. They are not worth thinking about that way either.
Whose lazy jorno-speak? Robert Costa’s. Not CBS’s. That doesn’t make him special, though. Television news hacks like him use their twitters the way the network orders them to. They want easily manipulated mud-brained dullards like you to be triggered.
And it worked. Amazeballs.
Here is what someone resembling a journalist might have done, instead of what Robert Costa did:
When one of the hundreds of greasy strip mall lawyers who scuttle around in Trump World texts him on a burner phone with a blocked number to imply legal bullshit, they take a note and get back to it when they had the time to research it. They’d email that law school prof who teaches crim pro that they have on file. She’d tell them that it won’t work.
Yes, an attorney representing a defendant indicted by this grand jury can make any fucking motion they like. Indictments almost never get quashed. When they do most of the time it’s because the def atty can demonstrate major misconduct by the prosecutor (and I mean major, like bribes and shit), not by the grand jury. I can’t even think of any cases involving grand juror misconduct. But I’m not really going to think that hard about it. And if such exist, and I imagine they do, it would have to involve misconduct which took place during hearings and deliberations. Not after.
There are fundamental reasons why this is so. Like the rest of the GJ she’s released from duty. The court no longer exercises very much control over her conduct nor can it. She’s an adult citizen with rights. She can do what she’s going to do. So can any other juror. Jurors in actual criminal trials, who sat in judgment and voted conviction in capital cases where the defendant’s life is on the line have gone on after release from duty to do freaky, weird, embarrassing shit in the media, go on radio and television, Sally Jesse, whatever. It never comes to a thing.
Moreover, if finding a grand juror and inducing them to act out, be obnoxious, and talk shit after they have been released from duty could get an indictment quashed every federal criminal defense attorney would be in that business. If they believe their client is innocent, and there is any possibility at all, nothing, absolutely nothing is more important to a criminal defense attorney than getting their client’s indictment amended or dismissed as early as possible.
That doesn’t mean the criminal attorneys here aren’t going to try. And it doesn’t mean they aren’t going to put this into the media. And it doesn’t mean that the media won’t fuck it up. But it’s almost impossible for them to get what they are suggesting. At most it’s going to be brought up pre-trial and they’ll try to get it into their closings. I don’t know what the evidence is. So I can’t say if that’s going to be enough to hang a jury here. But I doubt it.
How about this classy Heterosexual Neanderthal! He’s advocating for more victims…..watchout ladies and babies!
This idiot forgot to figure in the cost to jail the parent. I guess he Bob should talk Shorting the Stock Market and have a gay old time!
I went to a Walmart in a Red State once and the male store manager had a 13 year old girl spread Eagle 🦅 right on the register.
It was disgusting!
Well maybe if Donald paid you or you wanted to put bait out there for Donald Duck… quack…..a quack should know that
You beat me to it. The quack doctor is about as dumb as a Dumbfuck can get. He’s being played.
O’keefe is thinking about calling it “Project Heterosexual Neanderthals”
That video is cool!
Yeah Bob it’s me.
Did kreepshit get a slight rise from its ed meds? A single pubic like hair growth from propecia dosing? Yawwwn.. had other shit to do today. Busy tomorrow..
God Bless Rawstory!
It was funner when you could imagine him dressed in a clown suite. Today he’s bare in just underware.
Lookie, Lookie here! It’s Heterosexual Neanderthal’s nasty head rearing up again.
Victims of Heterosexual Neanderthal disease are piling up! Wouldn’t be cheaper if we just aborted these mother fuckers?
Heterosexual Neanderthal STD Virus keeping the cops busy!
Busy! Busy! Busy!
MTG has got a solution for it – rid the World of Space Laser Martians!
MTG was always dying of the attention being given to OAC.
Where is OAC nowadays? Did the Fuck Repuke POS mother fuckers forget about her? It;s like some gay guy wants to run for President.
@12 “Geezus what a useless, low quality troll.”
Yeah, but he’s the only soccer ball we have, so we’ve gotta make the best use of him we can.,200&ssl=1
Nobody’s safe in Florida. If it isn’t alligators, it’s Republicans.
All the alligator wants is your leg to snack on. Republicans are coming for your Social Security and Medicare.
So American to name your daughter Ivanka.
@33 as if we don’t have enough homeless people and death in this world. Do they really think to do so is better for them?
All I could imagine is a bunch of poorer people all angry and going after them for blood.
First case – White man, white cop. Not a problem.
Second case – Black man, and I think white medics.
Woke! Woke! Woke!
Woke, Woke, Woke.
Kind of like my idiot boss. When he started, 3 years ago, all he would parrot was Fire Alarm, Fire Alarm, Fire Alarm.
One day he even asked me if I tied the Elevator to the Fire Alarm, but it was a renovation of +1 floor (no new or modified Elevator required).
File under ‘Everyone warned me but I want to be president and the crazies will get me there”
Sure I pushed for overturning Roe. And of course I pushed through a fetal personhood law. But this is just silly. Of COURSE a fetus has less rights than The mom.
We didn’t actually mean that a pregnant woman’s fetus could sue for improper incarceration.
The mom is just a vessel for the fully autonomous being that we should totally be able to arrest for a crime. I don’t expect to EVER have answer these questions in my quest to be God of the United States.
@38 Don’t you know that under a flexible legal system like ours, a fetus can be a “person” for some legal purposes, but not for others? If you can’t figure this out, then refer to the jurisprudence on how the Framers’ “original intent” and “historic tradition” covers AR-15s. If you’re still mystified, try tackling quantum entanglement; you might find that easier.
Do you ever get a feeling that conservatives are trying to rewrite the social contract in their favor?
Trump is exploiting the East Palestine disaster to peddle his bottled water.
The scumbags at Fox News (“the White Grievance channel”) are exploiting it to peddle their racism.
Too stupid to be on the streets, so he gets 38 months.
” … Garret Miller, an unemployed Texan …, was wearing a T-shirt bearing President Donald Trump’s picture and the words ‘I was there, Washington, D.C., January 6, 2021’ when he was arrested weeks after the attack. …”
Melting snowflake can’t take criticism:
“A spokesman for Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) has announced that the governor will be ‘boycotting’ NBC and MSNBC, over remarks that Andrea Mitchell made about his education policy during an interview with Vice President Kamala Harris, according to The Daily Beast.”
Geezus what a useless, low quality troll.
Are you calling me an unserious twat?
Looking up America’s Social Contract pulled up some interesting articles
America’s Social Contract Is Still Built on Racial Hostility
White Americans’ continued unwillingness to share the country’s bounty with their black fellow citizens lies at the root of social ills.
The eminent sociologist William Julius Wilson put it starkly in his book When Work Disappears: White taxpayers oppose welfare because they see themselves forced, through taxes, to pay for stuff for black people. America’s bloated prisons, idle men, single moms, and dead babies can be traced to this exceptional fact.
>> Although I would also include Class as a aspect as well, although much smaller. America loves to hurt the poor.
>> is this universal? Are the non Greed Boomers less likely to vote this way? Granted there are always some, like there are progressive Boomers, but the ratio same as one moves down the generations? I hope it gets less, that’s the only way I can imagine us changing as a nation for the better. Greed Boomers won’t change but they do age out.
@45 The fundamental building block of human society is tribalism. You are from my tribe, or you are not from my tribe. In all societies, everything flows from this basic impulse.
Well in today’s Right Wing Freakout:
Lego is a master at the marketing strategy of FOMO and scarcity marketing. Note how every holiday season there is a special Lego Holiday set. There are millions of these but the collector market snatches these up usually within a couple days. They are sold at a premium price compared to comparable ‘legacy’ sets of the same size.
So LEGO, looking at the market, is taking the opportunity to add a set of ‘different’ human character figures which may or may not become permanent in their line. Will the collectors buy them. YES. Will parents of a downs syndrome kid who like LEGO buy them. Also yes.
But to those rabid anti-capitalists over at Fox News….this is today’s ‘Fake Outrage of the Day” brought to you by MyPillow and the makers of Hair Care for Whites.
It’s really down to this.
More than seventy five years ago clever entrepreneurs saw non-white mothers and fathers begging toy retailers to try to find dolls, toys, and games with some non-white faces for their kids. And they saw an opportunity. Within a decade or so, despite limited distribution and slotting, as well as sabotaging of inventory, sales were enough that big toy makers decided to use their privileged market position, retailer access, and distribution to take the business back.
Nobody was being forced into shit, except maybe some non-white entrepreneurs being forced into bankruptcy.
But the very instant Hasbro rolls out a non-white children’s doll angry white racists lose their minds and begin melting.
Remember this whenever you see these WOKE CULTURE WARS being pushed by FOX and the GOP:
these messages are being laser targeted to a generation of independent, white, grandparents, and great grandparents who simply can’t stand the way their grandchildren and great-grandchildren are being brought up. They hate all of it. The food. The clothing. The music. The language. The presence of computers, smartphones, and electronics. The social media.
It’s all very unfamiliar to them and they sense that it isolates them from these children they want desperately to connect with.
And they are looking for someone or something to blame other than themselves.
FOX delivers.
@47 The key word is “inclusive.” (Its close cousin is “diversity.”) You know what this means, right?
Integration! Black and brown kids going to the same schools as white kids. Black people swimming in the same pool as white people. White people standing while black people sit on a municipal bus. This is why Foxies recoil in horror from talk of a “diverse” society and “including” people of color.
More and more and more Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus, an uncontrollable STD.
Seriously, WTF!?
Don’t our police have better things to do then pickup Heterosexual body parts?
Where are the Proud Girly Boys?
Best last words:
“I know I hurt people when I was young. I really messed up. But I know Ron DeSantis has done a lot worse.”
DeSantis thinks 8 out of 12 jurors should be enough to put someone to death. He’s probably not very fussy about actual guilt or innocence either. When I look at DeSantis photos, I see the eyes of a killer.
DeSantis is more ruthless than Trump.
“Trump-allied group wants J6 committee staffers blacklisted”
“A conservative non-profit group allied with former President Donald Trump urged “Hill staffers and their colleagues” to cut off meetings with any former Jan. 6 committee staffers who have since joined firms that lobby.
“In a letter sent to hundreds of recipients on the Hill, the dark money group American Accountability Foundation listed the names of the former committee staffers and their titles — along with their new employers and links to their firms’ clients — all of whom they urged to blacklist.”
Sounds like actionable tortious interference with an employment or business relationship to me. Sue the shit out of them.
Couldn’t agree with you more.
He raises the Nazi flag, high and mighty.
“What they’re trying to do is they’re trying to act like somehow we don’t want books,” DeSantis said.
They don’t want books.
Well, they do want some books. They want this book in schools. And “patriotic” books (e.g., jingoistic indoctrination in “manifest destiny”).
You’re a fucking moron, Roger. You should be executed in a painful fashion.
Dunno about the rest of y’all, but it’s certainly been fun to watch Mayor Pete’s political career plunge into the shitter this week.
Turns out homosexuality doesn’t whitewash incompetence. Not that Democrats haven’t tried.
@58 Come and get me. Preferably armed, so I can claim self-defense.
It’s amazing how these rightwing puffed-chest Himmler wannabes think they can “execute” liberals. They must think we don’t know how to shoot. I’m a Vietnam veteran and was an Army Reserve weapons instructor, and I’m not the kind of rabbit that agrees to be skinned and turned into mittens and ear muffs. Why are righties so suicidal?
@59 I blame the railroad. Mayor Pete wasn’t driving the train, nor did he fight tooth-and-claw against safety regulations. The spill is an EPA matter, not in his bailiwick. And I think voters are going to be preoccupied with the crimes of Trump and DeSantis.
Mypillow spews:
Is there anyone more fatuous and fayled than that former crack addict?
Just traded one addiction for another – crack for klownspiracy theories and and an orange “god”.. (rolls eyes)..
Oh hold on a sec.. heh.
DeSantis is more ruthless than Trump.
Nahh.. just another fatuous fascist.. Voters by and large don’t know the freek yet.
the freek is a jerk. Was a jerk at the Ivy League. A jerk when it was a school teacher and groomed teen girls. A jerk in kongress wanting to push granny and grandpa over a cliff. A jerk running for governor babbling to its kid about that fucking wall. A jerk as a governor.
It’ll become all too obvious when it flaps its gums giving silly speeches about wokeness and this freek and drumpf tear each other apart.
What plays in The Villages doesn’t hold for the rest of the country. Drumpf was a loser, kon-klown won’t be any different.