– Good morning. I hope you aren’t too inconvenienced by the snow and wind. Nothing stuck in the urban core, but maybe where you are?
– If Joe Kent wants to waste his doner’s money on a recount, more power to him, I guess. It would have to be a much greater swing than the governor’s race in 2004, but with fewer voters.
– Bring them grizzly bears back to Washington.
Wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Not wasting a moment, Oz is already attempting to make a big tv comeback.
It isn’t going any better than his recent campaign for Senate.
After GOP Mom and Dad came home to find him all covered in Nazis, Trumpland has fired all the old babysitters and replaced them with all new babysitters:
Who won’t do any better than the old babysitters.
Because Nazis are just gonna Nazi.
I was charging MYSELF rent. It’s a totally normal thing for taxes. But I was definitely Georgia.
Yo, Republicans.
Do you even Senate?
The Nazi youth group leader that Trump recruited to his 2024 campaign is not actually anything particularly exceptional among Republicans:
His most odious, bigoted, and vile ideas are mainstream among conservative Republicans. He’s just a slightly more concentrated dose is all.
Benji is not amused by his ex-buddy’s Nazi elbow rubbing.
5)One video, he seemed to be praising the Taliban, just wanting a Catholic Version. Wonder if he is part of the faction that thinks Pope Francis is an anti-Pope.
Little Marco, who will never be president, is an empty suit.
But really little different from other Republicans who want to tell others how to live.
Tomorrow is December 1st, and the official launch of Christian Pride Month in the United States.
Many of your neighbors will be putting up some special decorations and flags to celebrate. Your workplace might recognize the month with some special decor and maybe even a party. All your favorite television programs will be featuring special episodes devoted to celebrating Christianity, with special music, decorations and special guests. All the stores you shop at will put up special displays commemorating important moments and ideas in Christianity. Fast food chains will feature special Christian themed menu items. Bars and restaurants will even have Christianity themed drink specials (I know, weird right?). Chances are pretty good your local business community will have sprung for some special outdoor decorations and displays to mark Christian Pride month. There will be lots of parades featuring Christianity themed floats and marchers, outdoor concernts playing Christianity themed musical programs, and giant, Christian themed, public celebrations to recognize December as Christian Pride Month.
If you happen to belong to one of those other religions, or whatever, just try to be cool with it. Okay?
@9 Yes, Christians are a discriminated-against minority, so they need a special “pride” day to boost their sense of self-worth before we feed them to prides of zoo lions.
But I still don’t understand how two gay people getting married in Vermont discriminates against Christian folk in Nebraska who rape altar boys.
So I put a flash drive into an election computer. That’s my right. That confidential highly secure unnetworked machine is my property as a taxpayer. I am just making sure the election is fine and was gonna compare it to a FOIA request later (1)
“If I saw someone from my party do it, I wouldn’t have questioned it. If I saw someone from the opposing party doing it, I would question what they were doing.” (2)
1 – approximate quote
2- ACTUAL quote under oath at preliminary hearing.
RIP Christine McVie of Fleetwood Mac.
That recession will eventually happen, you know because there are recessions, but just not today or yesterday as the GOPigs prayed and predicted.
lord kreepshit envies Nick Fuentes’ youthful energy, the energy of violent maga teen and smirking maga teen.
And so does faux snooze channel… I mean look at the demographics.. To aging out klownservatics, the shit to them is the elixir of youth.
@14 so disgusting them fuckers.
Breeding will not save them. They’ll only breed a bunch of dumber fucks.
They ought to seek within themselves of why they are becoming second class citizens….like maybe look at why they can only afford home with 3 wheels.
I always knew Conservatives were always envy of Al qaeda and Hezbeholla.
Conservatives are terrorists. Bob is a Terrorist (a real pussy one).
Rail Workers have zero paid sick leave. Zero.
Every single House Democrat votes to provide paid sick leave to Rail Workers. Nearly single republican (207 of 215) voted against paid sick leave for Rail Workers.
Let that sink in. Defund Social Security Republicans do not want Rail Workers to have ANY paid sick leave. None. Another example of what truly matters to them.
Rail Workers have zero paid sick leave. Zero.
Every single House Democrat votes to provide paid sick leave to Rail Workers. Nearly single republican (207 of 215) voted against paid sick leave for Rail Workers.
Let that sink in. Defund Social Security Republicans do not want Rail Workers to have ANY paid sick leave. None. Another example of what truly matters to them.
“But really little different from other Republicans who want to tell others how to live.”
You liberal progressive elitist assholes are much better at that than the Republicans, rodent.
@18 Have I told you how to live? Example, please. (Note: Asking you to please stop taking advantage of your poor mother doesn’t count.)
We don’t tell you what god to pray to, what books you can read, or who you can marry. Your tribe does all of those things.
This case should end one of two ways:
Either the attorney general has a case, and the state board should discipline the doctor; or the attorney general doesn’t have a case, and the bar association should discipline the attorney general.
What was it QoS McHillbilly was saying earlier this week about Elon Musk’s Twitter and Apple Computer?
Something about not pissing off the entities that provide the lion’s share of your support, I believe it was.
There’s a reckoning a’comin’, but I’m far from convinced that it will be Elon Musk suffering the pain.
This case should end one of two ways:
Either the attorney general has a case, and the state board should discipline the doctor; or the attorney general doesn’t have a case, and the bar association should discipline the attorney general.
@20 I don’t own Tesla stock, so I’m not feeling his pain.
Now go ahead and tell us you bought it yesterday and flipped it today, and didn’t buy it a year ago and are waiting for it to get back to breakeven.
@ 17
Rail Workers have zero paid sick leave. Zero.
Sick leave is negotiated at the local level, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. Once all of this shit is over, it will be OK for that to be shared with the lowest-information voters.
Ask yourself, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, why each and every one of the 12 unions are lead by leaders who approved the agreement if there was not a mechanism for handling sick leave.
There is a mechanism, just not one that is traditionally handled at the national level.
@ 22
@20 I don’t own Tesla stock, so I’m not feeling his pain.
I don’t own Tesla shares, either. But last week I gladly accepted a several thousand dollar premium in exchange for my agreement to purchase Tesla shares for $120 each between now and mid-June, if the holder of that contract decides to assign them to me. They’re a shade under $195 right now.
Tesla shares can fall by one-third from current level and I’m still golden.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, how are your 3M shares doing?
Oh, my. Where will G-clown live now?
Those people will pay.
Three Border Patrol agents die by suicide in three weeks
More layoffs and firings at CNN. Good.
After nearly a month of digging through waste bins looking for blue markers and cuddling with Nazis the GOP/StopTheSteal election deniers are finally starting to figure out how they lost so badly where they did:
Republicans saw a 400,000 vote taper from 2020 to 2022 in Arizona. Same as Dems. But that completely upends their natural midterm advantages and explains the result. Biden beats Trump by about 11,000. Hobbs beats Lake by about 17,000.
They don’t actually have a turnout operation in the state. And in a midterm year like this, they didn’t think they needed one. The whole thing basically depends upon AM hate radio and money from Peter Thiel and Robert Mercer for bizarre ads that don’t move the dial.
But remember the demographics. These Trump voters in AZ are whites in the 60s and older. They vote like their monthly checks from the government depend on it. At least they do until they go onto the ventilator for the last time. But this year they voted like common working poors and lazy skate punks. They stayed home and watched reruns of Matlock and yelled at clouds instead.
So right now I’d urge you to recall how the sad, weak dancing freak insisted late in the summer that “quality” polls under sampled Trump voters becasue “shy” (?????). Not only were these assholes predicting a blue wave built on low Dem turnout (and however many ballots they could burn in Georgia), but they actually convinced themselves that there was a yuuuuuge landslide voter mandate hidden from discovery by the polls. The carfentanyl of right wing copium. Not a shred of data behind any of it. Just pure cope.
There is no hidden “silent” majority waiting to be decoded and unlocked by the next authoritarian-light con man from Florida.
They don’t have issues or ideas. They have terrible, awful, obnoxious candidates who cuddle with Nazis. They don’t do turnout. And they are dying off faster than Nick Fuentes can replace them.
That’s how Republicans lost all these key races.
That’s how Dems win them again next time.
@ 28
So, if a nearly 50/50 result in 2020 was mirrored by a nearly 50/50 result in 2022, and the GOP doesn’t have a turnout operation because they had fewer voters turn out, does that not also mean that the Democrats don’t have a turnout operation because they lost the same number of voters?
Hobbs beat Lake because Lake told too many moderate-ish Republicans that she didn’t want their votes. It was one of many own-goals scored by the GOP earlier this month.
The GOP turned out. It just turned out to vote for the Democrat too many times.
The sad, weak dancing freak knows it does not.
Ceteris paribus, in almost any kind of election where vote by mail is limited or restricted, Republican voters riding around all day every day in mobility scooters between canasta and pickle ball, will turn out at higher rates simply because they can. They don’t have to struggle to squeeze voting in between responding to the last email, grabbing the kid from the climbing gym, dropping the dog at the groomers, and trying to get dinner on the table by 8pm.
This is why Republicans are so fucked in vote by mail states (cult exception in Utah – for now). And it’s why deep red states are trying to outlaw all other forms of voting except FIRST TUESDAY IN PERSON BETWEEN 2PM AND 5PM AT THE OLD COURHOUSE NEXT TO THE STATUE OF ROBERT E LEE and why they keep closing polling places in neighborhoods with lots of working poor, minorities, and younger voters.
The voters attracted to the progressive, worker and family friendly policies of the Democratic Party are not as engaged with politics, in part becasue they aren’t sitting in a sweaty trailer all day, every day, surrounded by empties, cleaning their guns and yelling at FOX News. And in part because they have other shit to do, like building America, instead of throwing pipe bombs and fire extinguishers at it.
An anticipated three percent budget shortfall.
Funny how little this dumbass takes as a chance to pop a champagne bottle these days. I recommend the Rose. If you add some red wave it will taste….
We poisoned the well and the Reagan Republican has permanently left the party.
TLDR version
@24 “Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, how are your 3M shares doing?”
Which ones? The 3M shares I bought several weeks ago before they went back up, or the original 3M shares I’m selling to offset my Exxon gains? I’m sure you know how to recycle shares to avoid taxes. You’ve probably done it many times. Wage earners can’t get away with this.
To avoid taxes on my 3M profits, I’ll recycle my Citigroup shares. My problem is I’m going to run out of tax losses long before I run out of taxable gains. I guess that’s the price of success. The really big winners — like the Starbucks worth 100 times what I paid for it — I’ll leave in the portfolio for my heirs to inherit tax-free.
This fucking racket is an insult to every wage earner in the country. As a matter of simple fairness, someday they should make us capitalists pay taxes. So far Congress hasn’t seen fit to do so.
@25 I think they should do that in Seattle, too. These people aren’t being deprived of due process. To confine them, a judge has to determine they’re a danger to themselves or others. After someone’s been arrested a dozen times for assault, that determination is assured. Crazy people who push strangers onto subway tracks or in front of buses, or beat up elderly people merely for being Asian, shouldn’t be on the streets. I can think of crazy Trumpers who should be removed to secure facilities, too. Five more of them were just convicted.
@29 “Hobbs beat Lake because Lake told too many moderate-ish Republicans that she didn’t want their votes.”
I’m pretty sure there were other reasons, too. The funny thing is, Hobbs was a flawed candidate, and this should’ve been a cakewalk for any GOP candidate. It was like throwing a touchdown pass to the other team’s receiver. It took a really bad quarterback to lose this one.
I’m pretty sure there were other reasons, too.
Strategy was certainly one of them.
Coming from a local news background Lake emphasized a “burning streets” crime fear narrative and attempted to lay the blame at AG Hobbs’ feet. But exit polls indicate that fewer than 10% of voters in this midterm ranked crime as a top concern, despite over a year of FOX/Sinclair drumbeat.
Some profoundly stupid troll promised me that crime and “burn, baby, burn” would raise a red wave this year.
He was wrong too.
Damn Mexicans!
We need to ban football. They’re grooming kids.
12)John Fugelsang on SiriusXM did a good tribute tonight. Sad to lose her.
17)Ironic, railroad workers don’t have Social Security. They have Railroad Retirement, also enacted during the Roosevelt Administration.
Upcoming tour: Fleetwood Mac featuring Natalie Merchant.
Hey, it worked for Queen. Although Queen didn’t kick out their guitarist.
There’s no reason Biden should be allowed to fuck YLB’s kids. YLB herself has done that enough already.
U.S. appeals court rejects Biden’s bid to reinstate student debt plan
The tell here is that CNBC filed it under “POLITICS”.
How much do the werewolves get?
Hey the WA Supreme Court is allowing the state to collect the 7% capital gains tax! This won’t affect small-time capitalists like me, because the first $250K of capital gains are exempt, but high-powered investors like Doctor Dumbfuck could get hit hard by this tax, probably the first one they’ve ever had to pay.
@42 Nothing good comes out of Texas or the Fifth Circuit.
@43 Yeah, just expropriate ’em, that would make you happy.
@ 44
Indeed. That tax is directed at me. I don’t know about getting hit “hard”, but it will introduce additional decision-making at year-end.
For someone who trades options and has large total gains, there’s not much that can be done to avoid the tax. To my knowledge an option position with a large paper gain can’t be donated for a tax deduction. Probably 85% of my options positions are held less than a year, too (see below).
The one good thing about this tax is that, if I understand it correctly, it provides extra incentive to donate appreciated shares in order to avoid the tax. The tax avoided will now be asset value x [marginal tax rate plus NIIT of 3.8% plus 7% state cap gains] for assets held less than one year, and the tax avoided will be asset value x 30.8% for assets held more than one year.
The bad thing about this tax is what we’ve been warning y’all about. It’s a tax that I control when to incur. And it’s a tax I can avoid by donating to a charity of my choice, so I also control whether to incur it. IOW it’s not a reliable revenue stream to the state. You’ll have fatter fat years and leaner lean years. Makes the rainy day fund even more important, and liberal politicians are notoriously poor at keeping their filthy mitts out of rainy day funds when there’s something moronic they’d rather fund.
@47 Yeah, without question, slapping the poors with a 10% sales tax on purchases they can’t avoid provides a more reliable revenue stream. But are thriving charities a bad thing? And for once in your life you’ll be forced to do something good. Make sure you include food banks on your donation list to help out the folks who pay non-elective taxes so you don’t have to.
Someone who donates $100,000 to charity to avoid $7,000 of taxes is either very generous or very bad at math.
Had not considered this angle. Makes republicans even worse
Republicans With Unlimited Sick Days Vote Against Time Off for Rail Workers
Ultimately, all but three Republican members of Congress—who, notably, have unlimited sick days and all 10 federal holidays off per year—still voted against it.
“Guaranteeing 7 paid sick days to rail workers would cost the rail industry a grand total of $321 million a year – less than 2% of its profits. Please don’t tell me the rail industry can’t afford it. Rail companies spent $25.5 billion on stock buybacks and dividends this year.” – Bernie Sanders on the right side as usual.
That’s why Abolish Social Security Republicans stick to the culture war! They don’t give the workers sick days, so they dehumanize a trans person!
‘I live in Texas’: Herschel Walker speech adds to Georgia Senate run problems
In January, while discussing immigration policy in a speech to Republicans at the University of Georgia, Walker said: “I live in Texas … I went down to the border off and on sometimes.”
has done that enough already.
Kids with no student, credit, mortgage debt?
Funny that kreepshit considers kids with those kinds of debt to be “un-fucked”…
Maybe its own “kid” falls into that category. The “pre-kreepshit” kid.
btw, the wife has two loans under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness. The largest loan will be forgiven on schedule in early 2024.
The other loan is almost trivial by comparison. It’d be nice if the Biden program relieved her of that but again, it’s not much of a bill. whatevs..
It’s comments like 47 that make me reconsider my conclusion that the sad, weak dancing freak is not an MD. Terrible at math, and weak in a few key areas of bio sci. But the personality type is clearly on the spectrum.
Imagine Abner Louima dispationately describing the moment that NYPD officer Justin Volpe drove a broken, splintered broom stick into his rectum as “introducing additonal decision making at year-emd”.
Jussie Smolett lightened his skin and joined the California state legislature.
Did Scott Wiener ACTUALLY receive death threats? Twitter questions note he shares after Charles Kirk rant
From Harvey Milk to this.
More than 90% of COVID deaths occurring among adults over age 65, CDC data shows
Wow.. People over 65.. They get a lot of SS checks..
And according to the batshit, unhinged, deranged babbling of teh widbee kreepshit, every one that kicks the bucket from “teh wuhan”…
is GOOD…
for my kids…
@ 53
Imagine Abner Louima dispationately describing the moment that NYPD officer Justin Volpe drove a broken, splintered broom stick into his rectum as “introducing additonal decision making at year-emd”.
Hey, it’s easier than imagining Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit ever having to pay a tax aimed at, you know, real millionaires.
@ 55
More than 90% of COVID deaths occurring among adults over age 65, CDC data shows
More than 90% of Alzheimer deaths occur in adults over age 65, too. What the fuck is your point, girlfriend?
YLB loves her some death rates if she thinks they are useful to her ideology.
Hey, YLB, ya dumb twat, how about bring up the WSJ report this week about homicides and black people? Don’t just parrot the increase since 2014, even though that is significant. Focus on what has happened in just the last two years.
Black violent deaths are as high now as they were in the awful ’90s. Complete regression of the improvements over the previous 25-30 years.
YLB doesn’t want to discuss that unless she can blame it on GOP governors. So she’ll point out that geriatric Americans are more fragile than younger Americans. An absolute bombshell of a news item, YLB. None of us had any idea until you shared your knowledge.
I wonder when YLB will share with us her insider knowledge that flu season each and every year is harder on older people than it is on younger people. Soon, I hope. I might not have much time left.
Newt Gingrich has some nice things to say about Joe Biden.
Quit Underestimating President Biden
Yes, this is the most pleasant part of what Gingrich wrote. But still.
What the fuck is your point
The “point” (as if you didn’t fucking know) is your silly babbling and the stupid dance you’re going to do in 2024 you moronic piece of shit..
You started it.. As long as you’re here you going to live with it.
btw, according to your low iq babbling my kids are way of the game with every kreepshit troll of your ilk that kicks.
Stink from your sins asshole.
It’s like this ProPublica journalist is tweeting directly at HA’s dumbest twat, YLB:
You have to see the graph in the tweet in order to grasp the severity of the increase, and in order to understand that it’s all happened since the general election campaign in 2020 began.
This is why our precious YLB wants us to believe that it’s the fault of GOP governors. This is what she needs to shift blame to others.
Dick Durbin is gonna ram through the existing agreement, without additional sick leave.
If Bernie can’t convince his own party’s leadership, he’s nowhere with the rest of the country.
Sick leave is handled locally. There is no sick leave crisis. It’s all aimed at the lowest common denominator. It’s all aimed at The Even Bigger Fucking Moron and his HA sob sister, dumbest twat YLB.
If God just keeps on coming up with new ways to reduce the number of Republican voters, and Republican voters respond by making those ways even more efficient, why blame Democrats?
Just shut the fuck up and follow the plan, idiot.
Care for some horse deworming paste with that?
it’s the fault of GOP governors.
And repuke U.S. Senators..
And repuke state legislatures.
And repuke County Council critters
And repuke Mayors
And repuke City Council critters.
in red states..
that have cities..
with high rates of violent crime..
Like St. Louis, Memphis, Little Rock, Springfield, Indianapolis, Anchorage, Nashville..
all of which are more violent cities than kreepshit’s fixation:
Your violent crime bullshit didn’t sell too well, kreepshit and that’s why moscow mitch’s hands are going to turn more purple the next two years…
suck on it…
Btw, DC tried to ban handguns and Scalia judged that unconstitutional.. You can spin stop and frisk fantasies if that makes you feel more righteous about black men with guns.
Biden has carefully and cautiously waged war in Ukraine with no American troops… U.S. weapons and financial aid have helped cripple what most thought would be an easy victory for Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Wow.. We were told by lord kreepshit that Biden was an imbecile..
By keepshit’s own admission, look who’s the imbecile now. The imbecile stares back at kreepshit from the mirror.
flu season each and every year is harder on older people than it is on younger people.
Flu? Didn’t think of that.. And to think that some in the med profession are thinking of combining “teh wuhan” vax /w the flu vax.. OMG… Undertaker bidness be boomin’…
It only follows from lord kreepshit’s inane, insane, deranged, unhinged babbling that that is..
for my kids…
If Bernie can’t convince his own party’s leadership, he’s nowhere with the rest of the country.
The “Independent” party? Lord low iq kreepshit?
Here’s a thing to know if you plan to go full Sov-Cit in your federal criminal trial over your homeopathic voodoo COVID-19 treatments and fake vaccination card mill.
While the nature of the federal judiciary is such that the average age across the entire servcie may be in the 40s, in many parts of the country the person sentencing you will likely be of a certain age that results in them having more than a few friends, colleagues, close family members, and college and law school classmates who got terribly sick and either died or almost died from the virus.
They have zero chill for your bullshit.
You can’t really be too surprised if a guy dumb enough to believe that Hillary Clinton dined on human baby brains in the invisible cellar of a DC pizza restaurant or that Trump will name JFK Jr. as his running mate should also believe that Bernie is a Democrat.
He relies on FOX for most of his information. The rest he just makes up on the fly from the voices in his head.
This is not AMERICA. I mean what kind of third world country is this where a defendant can’t hand pick their own judge, put forth a totally unprecedented legal theory and then have some other set of not my appointees say, “That ain’t right” It’s bullshit. Putin doesn’t have to deal with this shit. Duterte would just shoot the judges. Why can’t I?
Did anybody else have trouble getting into HA today? It seemed like the server was down or something.
Roger @70
Yes. We were having server problems today. I think I just fixed it, but it’s been so many years since I played around with this stuff, who knows?
@71 It appears to be fixed now. No problems at this time. Earlier today I got in a couple times after a long wait, but couldn’t post. There have been scattered power outages in the Seattle area; did that have anything to do with it?
@67 Doesn’t look like a sovcit, just an idiot representing herself. She seems to have claimed “sovereign immunity” based not on sovereign citizen ideology, but on being Native American, presumably arguing jurisdiction is tribal not federal because of her status. According to Heavy, here, she’s a Biden supporter who opposes Trump (as most Native Americans would be), and claims to be “pro-science.” The motive appears to be pure greed, as she was already faking school vaccinations, and when the pandemic came along the Covid vaccine cards were just another profit stream.
More signs that Twitter is becoming a rightwing chatroom.
An appointment for life means never having to say you’re sorry.
Sweetest part is Trump still has to pay Dearie.
Only if Elroy can keep the doors open.
The first class of terminated employees just notified the boss that unless he makes good on his obligations, at least a couple thousand of them will each be filing for arbitration individually in their local communities. The cost of all the arbitration would vastly exceed what the company owes.
I think I need to change the name of hetero Neanderthal Disease……maybe Doctor Dumbfuck Hetero Horse Disease. Too long? I still don’t like it. I’ll think of something.
Conservative Cruelty Sickness
Chronic Intolerance Syndrome
Conservative Heartlessness Disorder
I guess Free Speech Super Hero did a cancel this morning:
Just a point of law, “symbols” are not incitement to violence. And the symbols for which Ye’s account are now suspended are posted and shared millions of times a day by Twitter on other accounts.
A policy that says “suspend whatever I disagree with” is well within the Chief Twit’s legal rights as owner of the joint. And silencing the odious expressions of hate and bigotry from a globally famous pop star is a wise choice if Elroy hopes to ever rebuilt the brand and recapture the hundreds of millions in lost revenues from big advertising.
But it might be a better choice to come up with a policy that is more predictable and more consistent than “suspend whatever I disagree with”. For one thing it puts all the blame on the Chief Twit whenever it goes wrong. And it will go wrong. Moderation always does.
@ 67
RE: “COVID-19 treatments”
Of course, the CRIMINAL state-medical allopathy establishment always just happens to “find” covid treatments from THEIR arsenal of merchandise, whether it’s toxic vaccines or “effective” allopathic treatments (their lucrative toxic quack interventions), while having IMMORALLY censored and suppressed many safe effective and cheap remedies from “alternative” medicine FROM THE VERY START OF THE FAKE PANDEMIC — anyone just study The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”
It’s ONE of the many obvious realities that they’re a totally ROTTEN crooked enterprise and that Covid-19 (and many other things) is a deliberate total SCAM against people everywhere.
“All experts serve the state and the media and only in that way do they achieve their status. Every expert follows his master, for all former possibilities for independence have been gradually reduced to nil by present society’s mode of organization. The most useful expert, of course, is the one who can lie. With their different motives, those who need experts are falsifiers and fools. Whenever individuals lose the capacity to see things for themselves, the expert is there to offer an absolute reassurance.” —Guy Debord
“The inhumane abominations, issued by the highly credentialed professional class of psychopaths-in-control and their lauded sycophantic minions, of “No Jews Allowed” and “No Colored People Allowed” of yesterday is the “No Unvaccinated People Allowed” of today.” (from cited article)
If you’re in the US and your employer mandates the toxic/lethal COVID jabs, register to receive a free “Medical Exemption Certificate”
“I just cannot understand why all these damn anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists don’t trust a government that actively works against the public interest 100 percent of the time. I mean if you can’t trust institutions that are deliberately constructed to subvert the common good for the benefit of the wealthy and powerful at every turn, who can you trust?” — Caitlin Johnstone, Independent Journalist
“2 weeks to flatten the curve has turned into…3 shots to feed your family!” — Unknown
@80 Isn’t that special.
By coincidence, over the weekend. I met a man who was adamant that the COVID vaccine was meant to sterilize most of the population. The Illuminati want a much smaller population to impose one world order on those who are left.
Seems like you and him are in the same chatroom.
I don’t agree with you and him about COVID, science and logic does not support your assertions.
But you be you.
Let’s Go Darwin.
Let’s Go Darwin!
The other day I posted a little about how these people, their ignorance, their irrational, crippling fears, and their violent hatreds never really change. They just respond to the zeitgeist by either amping up teh stoopid (and the pipe bombings) or cloaking it and being careful to only share among “friends”. But one of the wonderful albeit alarming things about the internet and anonymous social media is that it enables these folks, who are all around us every day, to really let their freak flag fly without “consequences”.
The point being, there’s a damn good chance this post is one of our regular trolls using another sock puppet. And the reason that matters is that in reality the people who hold these beliefs are all around us every day. You work alongside them. They are neighbors and acquaintances. Think about how many times you’ve endured listening to the neighbor of a mass murderer being interviewed who describes the lunatic as “a basic, normal guy. Pretty much kept to himself and never bothered anyone”. It’s a cliche because it’s true. It really should not surprise us to discover that our accountant, our piano teacher, our kitchen designer, or our neighbor across the street is cannibalism-curious or masturbates to images of blue willow pattern china.
And they vote.
Many of them vote with tremendous fidelity.
So intelligent, normal, well adjusted, but busy and preoccupied people can simply not afford to skip out on voting. The freaks are real. There are a lot of them. They are good at passing. And they vote. If enough of the normal people don’t bother then the freaks wind up running the show.