Good morning to everyone except for the people in Edmonds trying to criminalize homelessness. Jesus, man. 5 years in prison for a second offense. And they have the temerity to call their approach “compassionate”? Get the fuck out of here.
Anyway, I am glad it didn’t pass, but I couldn’t figure out from the article when it will be heard again. So if you live in Edmonds, you may want to contact your city council members and, politely, ask them to actually be compassionate, rather than using it as a buzzword while doing the opposite.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you haven’t yet.
Goldy: “I object to Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter because I resent having to rely on a billionaire in order to get my message out.”
This, of course, permits First Vegetable Joe Biden to drop Title 42, open the borders, and ensure the defeats of Kelly and Cortez Masto in November.
The US is out of the Covid-19 pandemic phase, Fauci says
If you think about it in context and given what we know about police violence, this cop’s excuse actually makes perfect sense:
“Subject assumed a bladed and aggressive stance while making furtive hand movements. Given the unique totality of circumstances I perceived a generalized threat and offered a measured and proportional physical response in defense of myself and my fellow terrorists.”*
*This is real cop training on display here. Magic words to write down and, if absolutely necessary, recite under oath.
Degen hasn’t suffered enough disappointment.
Let’s all hope it’s at least close. Given what we know about the way the degenerate gambler’s mind works, that should keep the poor fool going until after the next Twump debacle in 2024.
First Vegetable Joe Biden’s America, YLB and gentlemen:
Adjustable-rate mortgage demand doubles as interest rates hit the highest since 2009
It’s really a blessing when you think about it in terms of how badly fucked YLB’s kids will be once the Biden Effect fully consumes the US economy.
@5 yawwnn…. there it goes again.. icky fantasies of fucking… and kids… poor horse must be worn out.
it never stops with these degenerate klownservatics..
A couple of weeks ago Deutsche Bank became the first major bank to forecast a recession, and y’all HA libbies were quick to point out that it was from Donald Trump’s lender of last resort and therefore was fake news.
After which a bunch of other US banks came out and said the same thing.
Here’s another opportunity to fuck that chicken, HA libbies:
Why the coming recession will be worse than expected
Looking forward to the always adorable but always unserious twat YLB bringing out her arithmetic in a desperate effort to claim that First Vegetable Joe Biden is only responsible for 1% of it.
Looking forward even more to the pain YLB’s poor choices will cause for her children. Growing up under YLB’s wing those poor fucks never stood a chance.
that First Vegetable Joe Biden is only responsible for 1% of it.
You said it was 3 percent.. oh but that was about inflation and now you’re babbling about recession…
poor degenerate troll is projecting both desperation and confusion..
I wonder if YLB even realizes that the link she posted pertains to home prices and how interest rate changes affected them in only one US state.
I wonder if YLB even realizes that the Virginia state legislature means nothing to Cocaine Mitch.
HA’s dumbest twat is clueless about most things.
YLB’s poor choices
My choice to call a spade a spade is spot on…
A degen freak from widbee is a kreeepeee kreepshit…
you’re in an icky mood this morning kreepshit… thanks for the cruel laughs..
@ 8
…oh but that was about inflation and now you’re babbling about recession…
I wonder if HA’s dumbest twat realizes that recession follows inflation and inflation is already here.
YLB covers herself in glory this morning. Usually she covers herself in chiffon.
@9 I wonder kreepshit knows the authors of that german bank report admit their analysis is an outlier…
But anything to give a kreepshit a bit of wood..
It was November 2018 when YLB mused that the Virginia legislative election results would make Cocaine Mitch fearful.
House Democrats vote to remove Filler-Corn as leader
I guess the 2021 results should make Chuck Schumer fearful, then. Isn’t that right, ya dumb twat.
recession follows inflation..
Now it changes the subject from the 3 percent it babbled about of which 2 percent is a Fed target..
In 2008??? Hmmm.. The Bush depression followed a financial bubble.
And that german bank reports says end of 2023.. yawwwn… I’d expect a german outfit to be obsessed about inflation.
@13 Wow kreepshit is happy about repuke prospects in VA..
And it babbles that a good repuke like Moscow Mitch doesn’t care when repukes win anywhere.
yawwwn.. next?
@ 12
… the authors of that german bank report admit their analysis is an outlier…
YLB, how much of what has happened since, say, late October 2016 was what everybody expected would happen?
HA’s dumbest twat seems not to recall that when Deutsche Bank was first to forecast a recession a couple of weeks ago, their call was an outlier then, too. Then a bunch of other banks made the same call, and outlier became mainstream.
This is what will make the pain about to be experienced by YLB’s kids so much joy to watch – their mother will deny that it’s coming, right up until their screams of economic agony drown her out.
the pain about to be experienced by YLB’s kids
Heh .. yawwwnnn…
You’d know about that pain wouldn’t you kreepshit…
that “pain” made you vote for Carter…
AFTER the REAL “miracle on ice”…
The shame your frat bros put you through during your initiation.. Did you take something up the ass?
Maybe a nice, stiff 0.5% interest rate increase at next week’s Fed meeting will get the attention of HA’s dumbest twat.
Although the Fed rarely accessorizes its announcements with sequins and a Coach bag, so YLB’s attentions might still be elsewhere.
Maybe a nice, stiff 0.5% interest rate increase
Heh.. reminds you fondly of a “stiff” initiation at the frat house eh kreepshit..
No worries here kreepshit. We just refied.. Got 4.5 percent.. fixed.. Timing counts for some things… Yes shoulda done it sooner..
Compared to the raygun daze? heh.. we did ok..
And now we can itemize.. dang…
@ 19
Compared to the raygun daze? heh.. we did ok..
Yeah, that’s what Reagan will always be remembered for. High interest rates.
Dumb twat isn’t a slur when it’s dead-on, YLB.
@20 Raygun inaugurated Jan 1981…
30 year fixed peaked at 18.4 percent the same year…
In June 1984 the rate was at 14.5..
“stay the course” he said.. yawwwnnn.. kreepshit is quite appropriate..
The guy standing between YLB and 12% inflation.
Fears mount inside White House that Manchin won’t agree to any deal
Which, according to First Vegetable Joe Biden, makes Manchin a racist.
I alluded to it myself the other day. I think it is possible that the virus has lost it’s steam (or about to) and has lost ability to reproduce (kind of like breeders – where breeding will only kill them). Let’s hope so!
If the idiot is trying to say that the virus is still raging and that for political reasons it is being swept under the rug. Then the dumbfuck we call a doctor, well he’s no fucking doctor. Maybe a vet who blows horses!
Breeding will not save the fucking Stupid!
God Bless YLB. Got the Dumbfuck tied up in a knot.
@22 I agree w/ Manchin that we should elect more liberals.
Inflation is driven by a number of factors not the least of which is supply shocks like energy and demographics like the retirement of the baby boomers..
baby boomers throughout the world by the way.. Our baby boomers had kids – the millennials. The rest of the world didn’t.. So labor and production costs go up – everywhere..
China had the one child policy and today it is the fastest aging population in human history.. China’s labor costs have gone up like 15, 16 times.
Another is predatory capitalism enabled by monopoly power in turn enabled by klownservatic policies on antitrust enforcement.
But a widbee kreepshit wants to get wood by blaming disaster relief after a pandemic that’s killed a million people in this country and long needed social spending programs that haven’t yet seen the light of day.
yawwwn… next?
DeathSantis is a moron and if elected POTUS we can expect more brilliant leadership like this, by screwing the electorate for his petty ego and think-skinned manner.
Wasn’t Trump’s frail ego and thin-skinned leadership enough? Some want more? Dr. Dumbfuck sure does.
I don’t know why people want to live in Florida.
How much has happened that anyone ever expects? What a Dumbfuck. He thinks he has a crystal ball.
High gas prices? Stop fucking complaining. Drive less of one day do something smart and buy a car with better mileage or an electric.
Drive 15,000 (annually) with a vehicle that gets 15 MPG (Hillbilly Jalopy) with a difference of $1.00 higher (say $3 versus $4) per gallon and it amounts to $1,000 over the year. Cut down your mileage by 2,000 annually and you save $400.00 (at $3.00 gallon) or $533 (at $4.00 gallon). You come out ahead. The oil companies are loving your whining.
Where as Bob gives the horse head.
Eat fucking less you fat white old balding men. Stop your fucking whining you snowflakes. Get use to it.
Cut back on the Schlitz you dumbfuck LEO killers and rapists.
I don’t know why people want to live in Florida.
A lot of people there are planning to go elsewhere.. Thanks to DeSatanist and its repuke lackeys..
Day late and a dollar short, NVA Dems finally realized that to stay in the majority they have to get shit done for the voters. And they can’t do that by electing an energy lobbyist who campaigns to the other party’s voters.
Under her failureship, VA Dems took ten years of hard steady climbing and blew it all in 18 months of empathizing with fascist assholes and “trying to see the good” in a face painted weird beard beating the shit out of a cop with a fire extinguisher.
Starting after the 2011 loss of seven seats, VA Dems built back every two years, gaining seats in every election until 2021. Filler-Corn proved that appealing to Trump voters is painfully stupid. It’s a hard way to learn a lesson they could have easily learned from the 2018 voter files.
“It was November 2018 when YLB mused that the Virginia legislative election results would make Cocaine Mitch fearful.”
After flipping 15 seats in 2017, Dems gained six more in 2019…
ya dumb twat. Then Filler-Corn gave them all back.
@27 Dumbfucks will be Dumbfucks…….to think there is someone as close to Bob as a Dumbfuck – unimaginable!
Remember how the degenerate troll used to swoon and tear up over his most ardent girl-crush:
It’s almost like there’s some pattern to Degen’s serial romantic disappointment with Russian funded wannabes.
Who’s ready for some more really good news?
New York court rejects congressional maps drawn by Democrats
Get ready for the pain, libbies. 22-4 was a fucking dream. The pain will be all-too-real. Hey, it’s not like y’all don’t deserve it.
All-too-real indeed!
This is what the fall of “modern conservatism” looks like:
Strident. Assertive. Confident. Aggressive. Yes. All of those things.
But also so much more….
He probably needed it to fend off all those older Republicans trying to drug him with cocaine and pull train on him at one of their sex parties.
Very believable.
What an absolute dangerously lying piece of shit @libsoftiktok truly is:
Happily elevating weaponized falsehood in order to target children for threats and harassment. And Degen defends this.
Chaya Raichik is weaponizing vile degenerate falsehoods in order to target children. Gleefully.
She absolutely deserves to be doxed. And removed from the platform. She’s a vile bigot who goes after children. Just like our sweaty, bald, incel troll.
I used to want the low IQ traitor to face a firing squad, but now I believe that’s being too fucking merciful.
I’m now thinking that he should be rendered a deaf, dumb and blind quadriplegic with a tattoo on his forehead that reads, “I hate niggers!”. Then leave him naked on the sidewalk at 23rd and Jackson wearing only a piss-soaked trench coat.
Video of his plight would be shared on HA.
Works for me!
Republicans Cheer As Congressional Candidate Demands Fauci’s Execution By Firing Squad
YLB’s oldest, 25 years from now. Except YLB’s kid will pepper spelling errors throughout, having been birthed through the vagina of HA’s dumbest twat:
@ 37
It’s a good thing they didn’t include the words Alfa-Bank, or the FBI would be all over it, too.
It’s nice to see that QoS McHillbilly concerns himself with the most salient of social issues.
@39 No doubt you could sympathize with that person, if you had an empathetic bone in your body, given that your degrees have led you down a winding path to zero earnings.
@37 It seems this person bragged about being a Capitol rioter, too.
I was originally thinking of the low IQ traitor being left naked on a sidewalk wearing only a bra and panties. Given his severe case gynecomastia, I figured he’d probably need a DD-cup.
@33 But it’s okay with you when Republicans do it, amirite?
It actually turns out that Democrats are not responsible for authoring or promoting the degenerate lunacy that turns “fat grandmothers” into pipe-bomb wielding STOP-THE-STEAL political assassins and terrorist moral Qanon crusaders.
That’s Degen’s job, apparently thanks to Putin.
I don’t personally give a fuck if your nearest Red State “conservative” enjoys his off time jerking to Bigfoot erotica. I’m not here to kink-shame.
It’s just too bad that at this particular point in time the psycho-social arousal structure of most “conservatives” somehow instantly escalates from blushing and slightly flushed straight to violently homicidal paranoia. But civil society has a responsibility to protect itself.
Because while CRT, “Groomers”, and kitty litter may be totally fabricated bullshit, sadly, school mass shootings are “All-too-real”.
@33 But it’s okay with you when Republicans do it, amirite?
Name me a Republican legislature that has fled to another state to avoid having to cast a vote on a redistricting it didn’t like.
I hope NY and CA lose more seats next time around.
‘My degree has not led me to greater income or opportunity.’ I’ve been paying my student loans for over 25 years. Should I just declare bankruptcy?
My “oldest” has no student debt… neither does my youngest.. Both are college graduates w/ Bachelor’s degrees..
My youngest will go into debt to pursue his professional vocation about which he’s dead serious.. he’s racked up nothing but good marks to this point. He’s just gotten licensed to do a steppingstone job that will help him get into professional school. He’s been hired and he’ll be getting a sizable signing bonus.
Once he’s passed his exams and is licensed for his profession, I can’t fucking wait to smear it in widbee kreepshit degen’s ugly face.
I don’t see my youngest living all that badly with his debt. The profession pays well, is in high demand and if he’s able to live at home the whole time he’s in school, that will only help.
Sux to be you degen kreepshit of widbee…
I don’t know about you, but I had no idea that Kevin McCarthy is a Democrat puppet.
@1 Goldy stated his objection. He doesn’t want Twitter to be a platform for white nationalism. Seems to me like a reasonable concern, although probably not to you. We have different values.
@48 Nowadays “Democrat” is an epithet Carlson applies to anyone to the left of Mussolini.
P.S., I think it’s time to ask Carlson how much Russia is paying him.
Republican = POS.
They should all be hung or put in front of a firing squad or tie them to poles and let a bunch of lions feed on them like deer meat.
@46 “Name me a Republican legislature that has fled to another state to avoid having to cast a vote …”
“Oregon Gov. Kate Brown deployed the state police Thursday to try to round up 11 Republican senators who fled the Legislature — and in some cases, the state — to thwart the passage of a cap-and-trade proposal that would dramatically lower greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.”
Why limit your question to redistricting? Saving the planet is at least as important.
In September 2020, the daughter of a retired Michigan homicide detective and ex-wife of a Microsoft attorney called Redmond police because she thought a stalker was in her apartment.
A responding cop who’d been fired by the Whatcom County Sheriff because he couldn’t do anything right filled her with lead. Yesterday, the Redmond City Council agreed to pay her family $7.5 million to avoid a lawsuit.
The cop is still on duty.
Now wait for Doc to post, “Fuck around and find out.”
tie them to poles and let a bunch of lions feed on them like deer meat
Damn, I wish I had thought of that.
You rock, Gman. God bless you.
Now wait for Doc to post, “Fuck around and find out.”
He’s such a dumbfuck. It’s the low IQ.
Another proud boy has turned on our low IQ traitor .
High-ranking Proud Boy becomes second to enter cooperation agreement with feds: report
Did you really believe you could end our democracy using fascist clowns like that fucktard?? Little wonder your attempted coup was a failure.
God bless Raw Story.
Tomorrow’s discussion will be interesting if Q1 GDP turns out to be negative:
As you read this from the link @ 57, keep in mind the definition of recession by the National Bureau of Economic Research.
We’re already in recession, libbies.
“The NBER’s definition emphasizes that a recession involves a significant decline in economic activity that is spread across the economy and lasts more than a few months.”
When conservatives get called out for their assholery, the first thing they do is run to a lawyer.
Btw, there’s no such thing as “free speech rights” in private employment. The 1A only prohibits government censorship (except when DeSantis does it).
You’re absolutely right. I could say to another coworker “My boss sneezes funny” and if word got out that I said that and he didn’t like it, and the management above agreed that it was a comment that would lead to a non-cohesive environment then it could be used against me and lead to grounds for dismissal.
So this freedom of speech shit is bullshit! Especially when the right has coopted the idea of infringement of freedoms when they are the ones that are whole heartedly on board with the infringements.
It’s all bullshit – just like Bob, the Dumbfuck, is all bullshit.
Was GDP ever negative under the FuckHump?
@ 61
Yup. And he lost the election a few months later. Thanks for playing, G-clown.
@ 60
So this freedom of speech shit is bullshit!
No, it’s not. You are free to say whatever you wish about your boss. He just doesn’t have to pay you to do it.
That’s freedom at each end.
@ 58
I wonder how long before G-clown asks if there was a recession when Trump was in office?
U.S. GDP fell at a 1.4% pace to start the year as pandemic recovery takes a hit
The only two things that expanded in the first quarter were Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s waistline and G-clowns maximum anal diameter.
Ooh. And the wealth gap.
To answer G-clown’s upcoming question, yes, there was a brief recession in the final Trump year. He lost the election a few months later.
Hey y’all, know what happens when the government gives out too much free money and everyone uses it to stay home from work?
That’s right. The economy produces less. And the GDP contracts.
This will be The Great Biden Recession.
@ 33
New York is losing a congressional seat and had hoped to steal four seats from the GOP with its uber-partisan redistricting attempt. How blatantly dishonest was the Democrats’ effort?
So blatant that the NY state supreme court justices, all seven of whom were appointed by Democrat governors, voted 4-3 that what Democrats did was unconstitutional.
So now neither party will draw a map.
Fuck around and find out, is what NY state Democrats did.
Despair is what HA’s dumbest twat demonstrated when she wrote, “Why are you here?” after the 2014 midterms.
‘Someone is taking too many edibles’: Despair mounts over Biden’s domestic agenda
Liberals would do well to acknowledge that it’s not just Manchin, and it’s not just Manchin and Sinema. It’s several Senate Democrats, a majority of whom are permitted to remain nameless because Manchin and Sinema are willing to take the heat for them.
Buncha pussies who, like YLB, are all too willing to hide behind their betters.
I’m here to point out your vacuous weakness and poor reasoning skills, YLB. I’m here to point out just how badly your ilk will harm your kids.
It’s why I’ve always been here.
Yesterday I filled the RAM (unleaded in the 1500) and three 5-gallon fuel cans. Did it in Oak Harbor, where fuel is cheaper, as I had errands to run and a rack of Orlando’s ribs to eat.
$175 for the fuel, about 40 gallons’ worth. That’s Bidenflation.
It’s all he’s got to dangle, and if he coulda, he woulda.
Biden tells Congressional Hispanic Caucus he’s looking at forgiving some federal student loan debt
Alternative headline: Faced with mounting losses of Hispanic support before the midterms, Biden chooses to treat them as gullible fucks
@68 sounds like you need to get a better vehicle and change your lifestyle a bit….it’s all choices….you weren’t born that way.
It’s not all YLB’s fault that she’s HA’s dumbest twat. She’s spoon-fed twaddle like this:
and doesn’t possess the cerebral skills to know when she is being blatantly lied to by her betters.
@66 weren’t you the one always saying that NY is a liberal place?
Regardless it really doesn’t mater, NYC voters select the Governorship.
@ 70
it’s all choices….you weren’t born that way.
You weren’t born to suck dick, G-clown.
The wealth gap will expand massively if First Vegetable Joe Biden cancels all student loan debt.
YLB’s kids will end up paying for it, the poor fucks.
Weirdest thing is the delay and all the foot-dragging.
Nobody seems to have made any progress in any kind of investigation of the shooting other than the liability insurer.
And believe me, declining process and moving straight to negotiating a multi-million dollar settlement in just eighteen months is lightning fast.
Everyone wants this to go away quietly and quickly.
Perhaps most of all the decedent’s ex-cop father who supplied her with the gun. Daddy knows best.
nothing to see here.
Deutchebag Bank is appearing more like a criminal network everyday and their connection to The FuckHump and Russians is uncanny.
I bet the Horse tells you that every day.
She has no “constitutional rights” in employment.
Nobody does.* She’s either at-will or she has an employment contract.
Won’t stop her from pissing away a ton of money on a lolsuit. If her suit has any merit it would lie perhaps in other claims made. In broadcasting it is customary for on-air talent to have employment contracts. Whatever legal claims or protections she may have will be found there.
*The constitution does not protect employment. Federal and state civil rights laws often do. But you no more have a “constitutional right” to talk shit at work than you have a “constitutional right” to fire guns in the break room. People need to get this shit through their heads. But why am I surprised that an Army brat who grew up focused more on sport ball, hair extensions, and eye makeup believes in employment fairy tales for pretty girls?
I’m here to point out just how badly your ilk will harm your kids.
It’s why I’ve always been here.
Heh.. It has fantasies about “harm” and “kids”..
What a sicko.. It’s dedicated its life to this.
The world will be a better place on “that certain day”.. According to its own insane, inane and deranged that “day” will only be
for my kids..
LE of widbee if you’re listening, there’s a freek stalking kids in a Nissan Leaf. It wishes kids harm.
Speaking of settlements @ 75, I missed this one from Baltimore:
Baltimore reaches $3.5 million settlement with business owners over damages from Freddie Gray unrest
This is what Catherine Pugh and Marilyn Mosby hath wrought on the city of Baltimore. POS both, and one already spent time in prison for her, while the other and her husband are currently under indictment. Their crimes? Why, enriching themselves at the expense of the Baltimore taxpayers. After all, they’re Democrats.
Oh, and the “murderer” cops? Found innocent, or Mosby was sufficiently embarrassed by her overzealousness the first time to do the first smart thing in her professional career and not try it again.
All of this is over YLB’s head, of course.
Inflation is the new Antifa for the sick puppy of widbee..
It believes that if it repeats it enough at HA, its team will come out on top..
All the while its “team” does sick stupid shit like Jan 6 and berate an accomplished black female jurist over pedos and fantasies of crt in the kids schools.
Anyone remember when teh widbee freeko babbled that gas prices would make teh black guy the next Jimmy Carter?
Jimmy Carter is still alive, bonzo raygun went to death valley days long ago.
Oh and never forget…
the shitferbrains of widbee VOTED FOR CARTER…
the REAL “miracle on ice”…
its frat bros made sure it bore this shame well with a “painful” initiation that yours truly illustrated in a previous comment..
74 million Republicans cast votes for Donald Trump in 2020.
About 65% of those Republicans believe that the 2020 election was “stolen” by a vast, secret conspiracy of “corrupt Democrats” as Trump constantly tells them. That’s over 48 million Republican voters who truly believe that Donald Trump should have won, and that his victory was unlawfully stolen away from them by Democrats. 48 million. As a baseline. 48 million Republican voters.
Now, you might not know it because much of the media have refused to cover it, and most of what he says is banned from social media, but when Trump addresses his torch rallies as he did in Ohio last weekend, he very regularly and consistently urges his audiences to take action, even violent action, to fight back and reclaim this “stolen victory”. He describes democratically elected public officials acting in their official capacity to uphold our laws as “evil radicals destroying America”. He tells his audiences attending, and paying attention online, that their lives, their children’s lives, their families, their neighborhoods, and their communities are under violent mob attack by racial and ethnic minority “rapists and murderers” set loose upon them by Democrats. Again he urges them to fight back to protect themselves and to “save America”. And he insists that their best means of safety may be through violence.
Today 52% of Republicans believe that the Jan 6th terror attack on Congress was “protecting democracy”. And about 40% of Republicans support violence to obtain their political ends.
If we take that baseline and apply that 40% poll finding the results should startle all of us.
That is over 19 million Republicans ready to do violence in pursuit of what they claim are their legal rights.
Alarming? Maybe a little too alarming? Hysterical even?
Okay. Try this. Make in 4% instead of 40%. Feel better?
That’s still almost two million Republicans preparing to take violent action to reclaim “what is rightfully theirs”. That’s the fucking standing army of the PRC, living among us, preparing to kill us if need be (only slightly better armed in all likelihood).
Still too much? Still too “hysterical” for your intellectual tastes?
Okie-Dokie. For no reason at all, let’s pretend that instead of 40% or 4% it’s only 0.4% of the Republicans who believe The Big Lie who are seeking violence as “payback”. A one hundred fold reduction from the data set. How bad could that be?
That’s still 192,000 fucked up, weird-beard, pipe-bomb wielding Republican Uncle Liberties decked out in plate carriers and armed with modified assault rifles with high cap mags. Roaming around our communities flying Confederate battle flags from coal rollers and looking for targets.
That’s a national fucking emergency.
It’s real. It’s much worse than you want to believe.
And we are ignoring it and hoping it will just go away.
It’s kind of funny that teh widbee kreepshit once said that Democratic Party policies made kreepshit wealthy…
All my kids have to do is support Dems for office and they’ll be well off..
And repuke kids of future generation will bear any burden for that.. yawwwn…
@60 “lead to a non-cohesive environment”
I like it! It’s the perfect phrase for indicting a Florida teacher who mentioned “slavery” in a 4th grade classroom.*
* From now on, teachers can say “God” but not “race” or “gay” in Florida schools (otherwise known as “DeSantis Reeducation Camps”).
@ 81
In somehow drawing parallels between Antifa, the January 6 violence, and inflation HA’s dumbest twat, YLB, makes clear that she does not understand that
• Antifa is a small minority of leftists who engage in violence on a regular basis, and the vast majority of liberals find Antifa’s behavior abhorrent.
• The January 6 violence was committed by a small minority of conservatives who allowed themselves to be hoodwinked by an asshole, and the vast majority of conservatives found that violent behavior abhorrent.
• Inflation affects everybody. Usually the party in power makes it worse.
@63 Sage Steele didn’t get that memo.
@64 I wonder how long before you figure out that one quarter of GDP decline doesn’t meet the common definition of “recession”?
Antifa is a small minority of leftists
That a deranged kreepshit from widbee and an equally deranged troll from Everett couldn’t babble enough about as if repeating “antifa” enough would help repukes win..
Too bad. The two trolls lost..
And now look, the deranged widbee kreepshit calls antifa “small”.. awwww.. that was then… but look at now..
a small minority of conservatives who allowed themselves to be hoodwinked by an asshole…
LMAO!!! How stupid is this kreepshit… the orange dear leader it calls an “asshole” inspired 10 MILLION new supporters to vote for it in 2020.
10 MILLION new repuke voters almost all of which never gave a shit before.. That’d be good news for anyone of your “ilk”.
Are you truly so ignorant that you don’t know that drumpf’s RNC actually went out and GOT those 10 million.. Yes it’s an under reported story and it’s pretty scary to anyone sane as Elijah alluded to earlier.
You jerk off for that here every day where you know it or not.. drumpf may be an “asshole” but he’s YOUR ASSHOLE.. And you’re only too willing to be fucked there. Thanks for playing..
@65 “Hey y’all, know what happens when the government gives out too much free money and everyone uses it to stay home from work?”
I’ll bet you gave yours back, amirite?
@ 88
…as if repeating “antifa” enough would help repukes win..
This from the unserious twat whose party is depending on repeating “January 6th” enough to help Democrats win.
’cause there’s nothing First Vegetable Joe Biden has done that helps Democrats. Nothing.
Even The Even Bigger Fucking Moron understands this. YLB doesn’t.
Inflation affects everybody. Usually the party in power makes it worse.
Poor little rich people have spend more for their yachts..
Your a silly child of inflationary times and you still voted for Carter..
the REAL “miracle on ice”.. Sorry, Karl Malden and Kurt Russell didn’t count.
Small-town cops do exactly what you think they do:
“They’re accused of stalking and snooping, embezzling and evidence tampering, sextortion and falsifying documents, stealing from a fire department and repeatedly using a Taser on party guests. They’re accused of perjury, data breaches, and obstructing prosecution. They’re accused of illegal vacationing, misappropriating dental funds, and tax evasion.
“They’re a gaggle of former officials from Armstrong, Iowa, where they’ve racked up more than 100 combined criminal charges. Armstrong, located on the state’s northern border, has a population of approximately 875. But a clique of local officials—including the town’s former mayor, his son-in-law (the town’s former police chief), and a local ex-cop—are accused of single-handedly sending the tiny enclave’s crime rate sky-high. Together, they’ve been charged with more than 100 counts, ranging from assault to embezzlement. That’s not even counting another dozen charges facing an alleged accomplice cop in a nearby town.
“Most of the allegations are new this month, when former Armstrong police officer Benjamin Scheevel was hit with 84 charges. Those charges include multiple counts of perjury, obstructing an investigation, stalking (including stalking with a dangerous weapon), unauthorized access and dissemination of police data, assault with a dangerous weapon, tax evasion, and theft.”
there’s nothing First Vegetable Joe Biden has done that helps Democrats.
Bonzo Raygun, had inflation, recession and high interest rates..
He got slaughtered in his first midterm…
But all he had to do was babble “stay the course” and it made a future widbee kreepshit FEEL GOOD…
Uh oh Rog @ 92..
There ya go saying BAD THINGS about LE…
who do BAD THINGS…
teh widbee kreepshit will get the vapors….
@93 Yeah, Doc seems to think recessions are a Democratic phenomenon.
@94 The vast majority of LE are fine people working hard to keep us safe, often at great risk to themselves. It’s wrong to judge all police by a handful* of bad apples.
There. We don’t want him to have a heart attack.
* They just seem to congregate all in one place, at one time, whenever peaceful citizens protest against police brutality and racist policing, which makes it look like there’s a lot of them.
I suspect Musk’s purchase of Twitter will be a non-event with most people in about a year or so.
Categorically, obviously, entirely untrue.
• The violence was committed by several hundred attended and assisted by the presence and activity of several thousand, including the active participation in organizing, motivating, and planning by senior Republican and Trump White House officials and Republican members of Congress.
• They were lied to. But they lying hasn’t stopped. More than 80 percent of Republican candidates currently filed for federal office in the current cycle are supporting, and repeating the same lies nearly every day.
• The “asshole” runs the Republican Party. He personally appointed the chair of the party and approved her retention. He controls the fundraising and spending of the party’s largest independent expenditure PACs. And the party continues to pay all of his personal legal expenses. Degen himself continues to defend the “asshole” more or less reflexively. The “asshole” will be the party nominee in two years. At which time Degen will aggressively support the “asshole” and vote for him.
• For more than a full year now following the Jan 6 terror attack on Congress every single reliable poll has shown Republican support for that violence to stand well above 50%, with more recent polls indicating over 65% support among Republicans for the attack. Violence in opposition to democracy and democratic processes is growing in popularity among Republicans.
Repeating Jan 6th will help Democrats win because, as opposed to most Republicans, most voters prefer peaceful, stable democracy. When you see Degen whining about this it’s good information. It’s telling you that he hates it. He should. He knows it is destroying him and his party.
Last week I brought you multiple police patrol units dispatched to subdue and arrest an eleven-year-old child for shoplifting a bag of chips.
Today you can enjoy schools in Illinois schools turning to uniformed patrol officers and juvenile courts to enforce late fees and truancy fines on low income adolescent school kids:
Imagine it.
“911 Please state your emergency.”
“Yes. Hi. This is Ms. Kemper the principal at Sally Ride Middle School in East Peoria. I have a sixth grader here who has violated the dress code for a third time by wearing a halter top. Can you send units to give her a citation please?”
“Is the suspect armed at this time?”
“Only with an attitude.”
“Is there any gathering of hostile pre-teens we should be aware of?”
“Well, it’s a middle school. They’re all hostile pre-teens.”
“Got it. We’ll send SWAT, bomb disposal, and EMTs. Please stay on the line until units arrive.”
Yes indeed. This is what people mean whenever you hear them say “Defund”.
Jean Schmidt, of “cowards cut and run, Marines never do” infamy (spat at a twice-wounded decorated former Marine), is back at it — this time opining that rape victims should raise their rapists’ children because they might cure cancer.
Jean Schmidt, of “cowards cut and run, Marines never do” infamy (spat at a twice-wounded decorated former Marine), is back at it — this time opining that rape victims should raise their rapists’ children because they might cure cancer.
I wrote her up on Handbill.US here.
A great article that delved deep into the “mind” of an always drumpfer…
What it reveals is a history of seething racial resentments and grievances.. the always drumpfer regarded itself as a “truth seeker” but what is revealed is very angry, klownspiritorial head case fearful and paranoid of being “replaced”..
As I read this.. I thought.. very little difference between this guy and our own degen troll…
But the article doesn’t stop there…
It lays out the repuke coup plotters of 2024’s endgame:
“Trump’s legal team is fine-tuning a constitutional argument that is pitched to appeal to a five-justice majority if the 2024 election reaches the Supreme Court. This, too, exploits the GOP advantage in statehouse control. Republicans are promoting an “independent state legislature” doctrine, which holds that statehouses have “plenary,” or exclusive, control of the rules for choosing presidential electors. Taken to its logical conclusion, it could provide a legal basis for any state legislature to throw out an election result it dislikes and appoint its preferred electors instead.”
Game over. Goodbye democracy.. Hello one party fascist autocracy..
It is the HA troll dream. From JCH to Xmas Ghost to Chardonnay to MTR to Marvin Stamn to teh babblin’ butthole to today’s kreepshit of widbee..
We have to find it in ourselves to stop them.
Another Proud Boy flips. Not much “Omertà” in that group, just rats running to save their own skins.
“Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is appealing his conviction for murder in the killing of George Floyd, arguing that jurors were intimidated by the protests that followed and prejudiced by heavy pretrial publicity. …
“’The overwhelming media coverage exposed the jurors — literally every day — to news demonizing Chauvin and glorifying Floyd which was more than sufficient to presume prejudice,’ the brief said.”
I’m not a criminal appellate specialist, but this looks like a first-year law school argument to me. When you have to ask an appeals court to presume the jury was biased because you can’t show they were, you’re in trouble right out of the gate. If this is the best Chavin’s lawyers can do, he probably should settle into his new digs and figure out how to make his concrete cot more comfortable.
@101 I couldn’t even remember their names, they’ve been gone so long. They’re probably all dead from Covid now.
@101 GOP election plotters are a concern. But even whackjobs like these have to follow the law and can be prosecuted if they break it. So it’s important to have reputable state AGs and prosecuting attorneys in place to investigate violations of election security laws. Most states also have procedures to remove corrupt election officials.
@97 After everybody else drops Twitter, yes.
Another day.
Another “Groomer”.
Oh, but the “rainbows”!
The link @105 doesn’t appear to work, so I’m reposting it.
June 9.. eight hearings..
Save the date…
Another “Groomer”.
Whoa! That guy’s damn near as butt-ugly as our low IQ traitor!
Sigh! Speaks for itself.
New Jersey cops reported a fellow officer for racially profiling drivers — then they got suspended: lawsuit
Like our low IQ dumbfuck traitor, these people are truly fucking stupid.
MAGA-rioting Oath Keeper may have obstructed justice while talking on the jail’s recorded phone line: feds
Republicans are child abusers.
Republicans hate colleges and professors because they want everybody else to be as stupid and ignorant as they are.
A black man is on death row in Texas for a murder he insists he didn’t commit. He was convicted by an all white jury, and “Texas courts have refused to allow DNA testing of key crime-scene evidence.”
His lawyer believes the victim was killed by her boyfriend, a white man. The boyfriend failed a polygraph test, but his apartment was never searched. The boyfriend was a cop.
Several years later, the boyfriend went to prison for “kidnapping and sexually assaulting a woman in his custody while working as a law enforcement officer.” That oughta be a red flag.
Ahhh, he probably did it. But they should do the DNA testing to make sure before they kill the guy, if for no other reason because so many people turn up dead where cops are present.
Watch out for those church people. Keep your kids close.
I’d pay to watch this.
Warring Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert had to be separated at GOP conference: report
In a deep dive into squabbles that are pulling apart the ultra-conservative Freedom Caucus, Beavers reports that at a recent conference the two had to be separated.
Girl fight!
Inside the House Freedom Caucus’ identity crisis
The conservatives who built their political brand on challenging GOP leaders are starting to struggle with problems of their own.
Leading off with a squabble that broke out between Reps. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) at a get-together last month where the two had to be separated, Olivia Beavers is reporting that the Freedom Caucus, once dedicated to conservative causes, changed drastically under Donald Trump and now there are fears it may lose whatever influence it once had.
I wonder if the low IQ traitor factors this into his predictions of total GQP domination in November.
I could have used a Raw Story link, but being merciful (I hate myself for that), I decided to give our low IQ traitor a break.
Leviticus 19:33-34
“When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.
Marge Greene: Christians Who Help Immigrants Controlled By Satan
No MTG. You are Satan’s spawn, not even human.