Sorry I missed Monday’s thread. Anyway…
Man, if anything can unite drivers, bicycle riders, bus riders, and walkers it’s fuck those jerks blocking the box. Seriously, they think they’re being soooo goddam smart. Like congratulations on getting 3 feet closer to your destination while fucking things over for everyone else during rush hour.
So, yeah. Fuck those dipshits. Enforce the rules on them. Instead of being angry, we can smile at the fines they’ll get. Much more satisfying than honking or giving them the finger (although obvi, you can do both).
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And if you aren’t vaccinated or boosted, get on it.
“seriously limp baldy” aka widbee kreepshit fails big time..
Yes “seriously limp baldy”, inflation is an issue.. 5 million barrels a day off the world market due to a shitty war has an effect.. We’re halfway through the retirement of the boomers. That drives up labor costs.
As for my kids.. according to your babbling, every “stupid drumpfer” dropping dead from “teh wuhan” is putting them ahead of the game. And when “that certain day” comes for you…
the world will be a better place… again according to your “seriously limp and bald” babbling…
rolls eyes.
From previous thread. My comment regarding Deuche Bank.
They are very connected to Putin, Russian Developers and Donald The FuckHump Hump and his family. They launder money for the fucks. A bunch of Nazis.
They have blood on their hands for propping up Russians
They call it “testilying”:
It’s how about half of all felonies are made.
Obama visited the White House yesterday.
Admit it, libbies. Y’all miss Barack.
I miss Barack.
Tub ‘o lard Stacey Abrams is now worth $3.17 million.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, meanwhile, is still working on his first million.
Princess Goya von Nepotism testified for more than eight hours under oath yesterday before the House committee investigating the terror attack on Congress without once invoking either executive privilege or her 5th amendment right against self incrimination.
I don’t think she can do five years, even in the nicest Club Fed.
Tub ‘o lard Denny Hastert is now worth a lot less than $3.17 million.
after a felony conviction, 13 mos behind bars and big ole fine..
little comfort to its victims and their families..
I miss Barack.
Heh.. not as much as teh black guy of cali who you can’t stop obsessing over what he did with his junk..
Barack was a staid family man.. Willie Brown is your fantasy..
Heh. you’re too f’ing funny kreepshit..
For whenever you encounter someone saying that police need “better training”.
Meet the trainer:
And when you wonder why it is that Portland Police, upon encountering a dangerously violent mass shooting and murder scene perpetrated by a guy who operated a ghost gun factory out of his apartment, chose to arrest the street medics and shooting victims and waited for two days to even visit the ghost gun factory, this guy is your answer.
Cops are in on it.
Cops are a dominant criminal street gang funded by taxpayers. They are not interested in making your community safe. Because to do that would put them out of business. Their only real interest lies in deciding where the other criminal street gangs are allowed to operate.
Cops are a dominant criminal street gang funded by taxpayers.
Oh don’t say such “bad things” about LE, Elijah. widbee kreepshit will get the vapors just like it did when Roger dared to be so bold..
Brian Kolfage figured out not only a great way to make all kinds of money, but also a great way to lose weight fast!
@10 Keith Gladstone is another of kreepshit’s fantasies of an LE
HEROZERO..Perfect guest speaker for teh weekly klownservatic meetup and pissing kontest at teh widbee vip lounge.
@5. I remember the greedy racist incel reveling in it’s mockery of the appearance of President Obama’s wife and daughters. You think that’s what it is pining for?
@6. Weird. It is only acceptable for republicans to become wealthy according to the greedy racist incel. In it’s head, the black woman is not qualified? In it’s head, is any black woman ever qualified?
Just make it simple for the dumbfuck, any non-white, especially females, are simply not qualified.
Not sure what’s happening in Seatle with respect to COVID, but I read a headline from NY Times about how they aren’t seeing the spike in COVID here in the US. But I think they are wrong because over the last month or more it has gone from 1% positivity rate to 4% and continues to climb.
I wouldn’t start celebrating NYT.
@5 You didn’t miss him when he was president.
@6 I’m working on my third million, and I don’t go around calling a black woman a “tub of lard.”
You may have more money, but I have more class.
That, of course, doesn’t count the present value of vested future benefits. Other things equal, someone with pensions is richer than someone without. A pension, after all, is nothing but an annuity purchased with a portion of one’s earnings that might otherwise have gone into investments like stocks and bonds. You count your stocks and bonds as part of your wealth, so why shouldn’t I count vested benefits that will come to me as future income as part of my wealth? But I didn’t include it above, not because it isn’t wealth, but because I’m too lazy to calculate what it’s worth. Most likely at least another couple million right there.
From a 2016 Rand Corp analysis of contemporary Russian propaganda:
We characterize the contemporary Russian model for propaganda as “the firehose of falsehood” because of two of its distinctive features: high numbers of channels and messages and a shameless willingness to disseminate partial truths or outright fictions. In the words of one observer, “[N]ew Russian propaganda entertains, confuses and overwhelms the audience.”Contemporary Russian propaganda has at least two other distinctive features. It is also rapid, continuous, and repetitive, and it lacks commitment to consistency.
Sound familiar?
Seriously, that’s a paper every Democratic coms director should be committing to memory, especially the recs on countering. What are the keys to countering the “Firehose of Falsehood”?
(Read the damn analysis):
Match volume for volume – Don’t expect to match the Firehose of Falsehood with a squirt gun of truth. Pour it on. Then pour it on some more. Be repetitive. It works.
Forewarning – Prime the audience with the truth before the Firehose of Falsehood is turned on. Out the liars and con artists and expose them – this is why Republicans are so agitated about “Teh Cancel”. Identify sources of truth and promote them. And draw your audience to look at the truth early.
Protection – Make efforts to immunize the audience with good counter arguments that oppose the Firehose of Falsehood objectives. If Republicans mount smear campaigns to label people “groomers” or “pedophiles” in order to roll back equal rights for minorities like LGBTQ people, then counter that underlying falsehood. Instead of arguing that KBJ is not a “pedophile protector”, remind people that straight, cis-gendered white males make up almost all the pedophiles they’ve ever known.
Take aim – Don’t shoot back at the Firehose of Falsehood. That’s a distraction and a waste of ammo. Aim your efforts to refute the Firehose of Falsehood at the same target as the Firehose. Douse them with truth, accuracy, and corrections. Hose them down with an equal volume of exposure of the con, the grift, the lying, and the bullshit. Make them regret every even noticing the Firehose of Falsehood.
Turn down the fire hydrant – Take every effort you can to restrict, conceal, obscure, and dry up the Firehose of Falsehood. Issue TOS complaints. Make DMCA complaints. Expose the Firehose of Falsehood to the judgement of those who supply the water and maintain the waterworks.
@15 Well, it could be worse. In Tom Cotton’s head, being black and female makes a Supreme Court nominee a Nazi-lover.
The question to ask instead is whether he’s one himself.
@22 Most blatant case of over-the-top projection I’ve seen in a while..
I know kreepshit treats us daily but still…
Another one turns squealer to get a lighter sentence.
Never forget that every single one of these seditionists attacked our civil rights and sought to deprive us of our liberty. They’re guilty of far more than trespassing.
Hey Bob, one of your hetero Hockey Mom’s got a bit out of hand, no pun intended.
A bet if you asked Sarah, the Wicked Witch of the West, Palin whether a lesbian could be a Hockey Mom, she’d stutter.
@25 Russian mother living in America was afraid someone would hurt her kids, so she decided to kill them herself in order to protect them from the bombs falling on Ukraine, or something like that.
Therapy. That’s what Bob says to the horse.
white people problmes
@26 Especially if the lesbian highsticked her. Which I would assume was intentional.
All Republicans better watch themselves around lesbian hockey players from now on.
Understandable how being this fucking ugly would make someone upset and want the rest of the world dead.
blocking the box people seem to be exhibiting the behavior that the rules do not apply to them. Bet they skew conservative.
You’re served, asshole. It doesn’t matter whether you open the envelope, or even take it, if you didn’t he could’ve dropped it at your feet and you’d be served. What’s more, the process server has you on video, so you can’t deny it. See you in court.
@31 I think most of them either don’t realize it’s illegal, or they’re texting or daydreaming, or not thinking. Most people use about 2% of their intellectual capacity when driving. Also, I’m not sure how you’d tow a horse trailer through downtown Seattle without blocking intersections and crosswalks, so Doctor Dumbfuck should stay on his island.
The stock market is going down again, because the Fed is going to speed up raising interest rates and initiate “reverse QE.”
Year to date, the DJIA is -5.07%, the S&P 500 is -5.98%, Nasdaq is -11.23%, and my stocks are up only 4.22% because I’m a shitty investor.
I feel sure Doc is doing much better, but we can only guess how much, because he’s too shy to tell us.
Sad news with the death of media critic Eric Boehlert. Killed in a bike accident involving a New Jersey Transit commuter train.
The cab design on NJT Cab cars have bad visibility compared to what Sounder uses now. Plus the accident happened late at night.
33)Probably deflect and say what about the articulated busses. I remember hearing a story that could be an urban legend about a Seattle Transit/Metro driver getting ticketed for the tips of the poles not clearing an intersection before red. Story goes, he protested by not dropping the poles while the ticket was being written, and the officer was berated by his superior for disrupting traffic.
This guy has Steve’s shtick pegged like no other.
Now we know just how dehumanising the ‘Nazi’ slur can be
Steve’s got one weapon in his miniscule arsenal and Nazification is it. Steve’s got one source for his disinformation and RawStory is it.
Steve is broken the same way Kathy Griffin was broken. It’s a sad thing to behold but he’s done it to himself, really.
Think on your sins, Steve. It’s OK. Admitting the truth doesn’t make you a Nazi. What makes one a Nazi on HA is being right-leaning and criticizing those on the left. One does not even have to have been a Trump voter to be accused of pulling the lever for the guy.
@ 24
Never forget that every single one of these seditionists attacked our civil rights and sought to deprive us of our liberty. They’re guilty of far more than trespassing.
Actually, a big chunk of them aren’t even guilty of that, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Judge issues first outright acquittal of Jan. 6 riot defendant
Every single Nazi who participated in the gang bang the night Steve was conceived believed that his mother had waved him through her labial doors into her vaginal lobby.
@ 33
Also, I’m not sure how you’d tow a horse trailer through downtown Seattle without blocking intersections and crosswalks…
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, I’d like to thank all Seattle liberals for building that tunnel for those times when I-5 and I-405 aren’t passable.
@ 35
I’m reminded of the pancake breakfast held to honor Rachel Corrie.
Goldy always had a problem with editors. He prefers not to be called out for writing stupid shit until publication.
This is like claiming Trump’s victory wasn’t your fault because you wore a Hillary button when you voted.
Clearly the engineer was supposed to have seen him and swerved to avoid a collision.
If five Democrat senators are willing to be named, it’s a safe bet that there are an additional 10 who feel the same way but are too cowardly to come out and admit it.
Scoop: Bipartisan Senate group bids to block lifting Title 42
Sinema is one of these Democrats. She’s not vulnerable, but she does reasonably represent her constituents.
It’s being attached to the Wuhan funding bill so that Schumer can’t tank it.
It’s a political bludgeon, not a risk.
I just checked again and, sure enough, I can still report that
my president is an imbecile.
Nothing like waking up to read the greedy racist incel joyously proclaiming the death of a liberal.
For you, negative attention is still a form of attention. You settle for being hated than ignored. Be better than that.
They elected an eleven times bankrupted, failed reality television star who pays adolescent girls to jerk him off wearing rubber gloves even after they heard him bragging to a bus load of complete strangers about his long history of getting away with sexual assaults. They launched their own investigation into their own campaign collusion with Russia. They stand by him and continue to support him even when he praises white supremacists, Nazis, and war criminals who rape and execute children like Putin. They stand by and support him even when he responds to a devastating deadly global pandemic by advising people to eat horse liver paste and shove flashlights up their asses. They stand by him and support him even when he conspires with an international war criminal like Putin to destroy Ukraine. And when because of all that they lose an election they collectively lose their shit and launch a “fat grandmother” attack on Congress to stop the election certification.
It’s good to keep all that in mind when you see them call Joe Biden “an imbecile”.
It’s also good to keep in mind that Republicans aren’t even close to being done fucking up yet. Not by a long shot.
The people that took out student loans to finance college should repay the money. It’s that simple – when one borrows money, he or she should pay it back. That’s how it works!
If it takes a second or third job and means that a person has to do without some non-essential things in his or her life, then that’s what it means. Borrow the money, then pay it back!
What makes one a Nazi on HA
Is behaving like a Nazi.. The Nazis for example made propaganda against Jews by claiming they were unsanitary..
How many klownservatics have come here and babbled about liberals not bathing, smelling bad, wearing patchouli??
LOTS AND LOTS.. Including one ugly kreepshit NAZI misogynist from widbee.
The stuff of a low IQ traitor who is also a Putin lovin’ fascist. As proof I present the low IQ traitor’s 8,000+ pro-Putin hashtags. I ask you, who but a low IQ Putin-lovin’ traitor would do such a stupid thing?
The troll probably used the word “Nazi” more in his comment than I have in my entire 14 years of posting here at HA. But my calling these fucktards “fascists”? That’s another matter.
I came here in 2008 to talk about three things.
1. Republicans and their “Psych 101” projection. What are they up to? Look no further than at what they accuse others of doing.
2. Republican accusations of “liberal fascism”. The book of that title by Jonah Goldberg was released in 2008. Soon after, Mark Musser of BIAW wrote a ‘liberals are fascists’ editorial. There were several trolls named Mark posting here. I warned the readers here that liberal fascism was wingnut projection and it was Republicans who were embracing fascism.
3. Most importantly, I came here to warn HA readers that these people are truly sick SOBs who fuck children, goats, horses, donkeys, chickens, dogs, washing machines and watermelons. I posted links to over 200 local news reports of Republican politicians and officials who had been convicted of either pedophilia or bestiality. Not a single Raw Story link required, thank you.
I’ve been proven right about everything, including the fact that our troll is nothing but a low IQ Putin lovin’ traitor.
By the way, God bless Gman.
my president
Wow.. that’s a weird sort of tell, slip.. a total fuck up…
Don’t repeat that at the weekly pissing kontest at the widbee vip lounge, dimfuk..
All your fellow klownservatics believe the election was stolen and Biden is not their president. They believe drumpf won and yes, that orange blob is truly an imbecile.
Russia has been suspended from the UN Human Rights Commission.
Apparently Russia still isn’t killing sufficient numbers of innocent civilians to keep up with the murderous pace of the other member nations.
@46 5 Reasons To Cancel Student Loans
Student loan cancellation will stimulate the economy
As Americans are struggling with $1.7 trillion of student loan debt. By canceling student loans today, this would free up money for student loan borrowers to spend in the economy. They could buy a home, spend money with small businesses, and invest in their communities.
Student loan cancellation will help you start you life without student loans
Student loan debt is the now the second highest form of consumer debt. If borrowers could have some or all of their student loans forgiven, they could start life after college without the crushing impact of student loans. This could lead to increased saving for retirement, increased geographic and job mobility, increased small business formation, higher family formation, and higher marriage rates. Student loan forgiveness is also a mental health issue.
Student loan cancellation would help regular people
Supporters of student loan cancellation say that Congress has bailed out corporations and given breaks to billionaires. Now, they say it’s time to help regular Americans. Student loan cancellation would help student loan borrowers get a similar type of financial relief afforded to the country’s elite.
Conservative Reasons NOT to Cancel Student Loans
– Don’t want to help the economy when a Democrat is president.
– Don’t want to help the non millionaires and billionaires.
– I’m a boomer and my college cost $3,000 dollars and I paid it off with a summer job at McDonalds. Lazy ass youngsters should suck it up and get 4th and 5th jobs.
– Don’t want a level playing field and have the poors, the minorities, the women competing against wealth white conservatives.
– I got mine. Fuck you.
@46. It’s that simple – when one borrows money, he or she should pay it back. That’s how it works!
Except if you are Donald Trump. Then you declare bankruptcy multiple times and walk way from your debts.
How do you square that the leader of the republican party, borrows money and doesn’t pay it back?
Apologizing for Nazis makes you a Nazi.
If there are four Republicans sitting together at a table, and one of them is a Nazi, then there are four Nazis siting together at the table.
The essential problem for Republicans today, and it is a problem they are now willing to admit, is that their voting numbers in swing states and districts have dwindled to the point where they can’t win without Nazis (and white supremacists, and bigots, and Qanon terrorists, and Proud Boys, and Oath Keepers, and Matt Gaetz).
College students need to apply to Putin for refinancing.
This is what NFTs are actually for.
Support for government subsidy of higher education withered after the 1960s. Support went away when education was opened widely to women and minorities, not just whites and men. Higher ed was seen as liberal that challenged conservative authority. And Boomers had already got their subsidized educations, by and large, and wanted to lower their taxes, so they voted for politicians who would gut support of education.
@50. Explain. Provide details.
MTG and Matt Gaetz opposing legislation that would make “Lift Every Voice and Sing” the national hymn.
So much stupidity, and it took only a little over a minute.
David Edwards
Marjorie Taylor Greene joined Matt Gaetz in opposing “The Black National Anthem” because she said she’s “not a racist.”
@35 Even if the cab had better visibility, could the train have stopped in time, or gotten out of his way? Trains aren’t as nimble as bicycles. Why wouldn’t a person on a bike see and hear a train coming? Yes, tragic, but I don’t think the train or engineer is to blame.
Great, now do Donald J. Trump. Trump has had so many bankruptcies it is shameful. Why people lend him any money is beyond me.
Sorry if it is a repeat of @52, but it should be repeated, and often.
@37 So some rightwinger is bemoaning our “censorious new establishment” while Republicans censor away …
And Doctor Dumbfuck swallows this b.s. whole, because he’s a dumbfuck.
@38 That judge was appointed by Trump. He ruled mens rea wasn’t proved beyond a reasonable doubt. Notwithstanding one atypical verdict, every one of those 15,000 fuckers attacked my freedom and civil rights. Whether they’re being prosecuted or not doesn’t change that fact, and you’re one of their aiders, abettors, and apologists. In your case, mens rea also is lacking, but that doesn’t exonerate you, it makes you a dumbfuck who thinks legal acquittal is equal to moral innocence.
WTF happened to Martha MacCallum’s face?
He’s the nominee.
And “conservatives” are utterly powerless to prevent it.
Allowing Merrick Garland to bide his time, perfecting his case, and piling up additional overt acts extending the count number and the statute of limitations. Then bring it before a grand jury about four weeks before the convention in Milwaukee.
Burn baby, burn.
“If I ran, I can’t imagine they’d want to run,” Trump told the Post. “Some out of loyalty would have had a hard time running. I think that most of those people, and almost every name you mentioned, is there because of me. In some cases, because I backed them and endorsed them.”
“I have a good relationship with Ron, I have a good relationship with all the names you mentioned,” Trump told the Post. “Would they run against me? I doubt they would run against me. I doubt it.”
@48 God Bless you Steve. My thoughts of you being blessed, as I read, came well before reading your last sentence.
God Bless you for REAL (no pun intended) story.
Bob doesn’t even get that Putins use of Nazis is all fabricated and not real. He truly is a Dumbfuck. Not sure Sarah Pailin would even speak like him.
@63, 64 Putin clears the field by running, too. And also by other means.
@46 ” It’s that simple – when one borrows money, he or she should pay it back. That’s how it works!”
That’s not how it works. Trump got out of paying his debts several times. Giant corporations routinely dump legal judgments against them into shell companies that then file for bankruptcy. When Republicans passed “bankruptcy reform” under Bush, they threw open the bankruptcy court doors to rich people and business owners, and shut them on poor people and those saddled with medical and student debt. Get off your high horse; that bleat, coming from a conservative, is hypocritical and mouthing it makes you look like an idiot. Who has to repay what debts is unequal and a matter of politics.
@59 “Why people lend him any money is beyond me.”
Let me explain. Trump borrows money from Russia. In return, they ask him to hold back military aid to Ukraine, when they’re planning an invasion. And he does.
They don’t expect him to repay them. He already has.
Here’s a sanction idea: The U.S. government should seize Russian liens against Trump’s properties, then enforce them as needed to collect those debts.
The Senate confirmed Ketanji Brown Jackson by a vote of 53-47. Senate Democrats then gave Jackson a standing ovation, and Senate Republicans stood up and silently walked out. Lindsey Graham voted remotely because he showed up without a tie and wasn’t admitted into the Senate chamber for not complying with the dress code. The Republicans then held a press conference in the hallway during which speaker after speaker, led off by Ted Cruz, denigrated Jackson and tried to undermine public respect for her. This isn’t Kabuki theater, it’s public crotch scratching.
Stock indexes recovered a bit today from the previous 2 days of Fed-induced losses. The DJIA was up 0.25%, the S&P 500 was up 0.43%, and Nasdaq was up 0.06%.
CNBC says, “Defensive names like consumer staples and health-care companies led Thursday’s market comeback as investors continued their search for stocks with stable earnings and dividends.”
My stocks were up 0.82% today, over 3 times the DJIA and nearly twice as much as the S&P 500. The fact my portfolio is populated with stocks like that is just random chance. I’m merely lucky. And, anyway, a one-day gain of only 0.82% isn’t all that great, no matter what the Fed is doing or what’s going on in the world, so posting these figures isn’t bragging.
As Doctor Dumbfuck will tell you, I’m a shitty investor, and my stockpicking has nothing to do with my stocks going up. It’s just an accident that I picked the stocks investors are flocking to now. And given that he’s so much better at this than I am, we can safely assume his portfolio was up today much more, at least twice as much and probably a lot more. True, we have to guess, because he doesn’t share details like I do. He’s far too modest to say how well he’s doing. It would look like bragging.
The students should repay their loans. Whatever else may or may not be occurring in the rest of the world has no effect of the obligation of those who borrowed to repay their loans.
@72. Go read @51 and answer @52 or @59. We would like to read your answer.
@72 All of us benefit from an educated society. We are better off if we have doctors and nurses to look after our health, teachers to educate our children, engineers to design world-class products and defense second to none. Colleges are vital to our well-being and economic prosperity, therefore we all have a responsibility to contribute to the education of our best and brightest, regardless of their ability to pay.
States formerly paid a larger share of public college funding, but cut back their education budgets during the 2007-2008 financial crisis caused by Republican laissez-faire lending policies, thereby shifting some of the public’s share of higher education costs to students who were forced to borrow to pay higher tuition costs. The alternative was to have fewer students attending our colleges and a less educated populace and less prosperous economy in the future.
We’re not in the financial crisis anymore. The economy is booming and government is raking in money. It’s only fair that society assume some of the education costs it should have borne in the first place.
The argument that “all debts must be repaid” is some sort of inviolable principle is sheer nonsense. All banks, credit card companies, and other commercial lenders make provision for loan losses. Those bad debts are passed to paying customers; companies don’t pay them. Risk-taking, the heart of the American entrepreneurialism, is encouraged by building provisions for writeoffs into our finance and legal systems.
However, if we’re going to strictly enforce student debt obligations without consideration of ability to pay or the benefits to society of debt relief, then to be consistent we must strictly enforce other obligations, too.
For example, the IRS should hire many more auditors and enforcement agents to make sure every taxpayer pays every penny they owe.
Businesses that go bankrupt should not be allowed to stay in business by reorganizing under Chapter 11; they should be forced to liquidate and go out of business.
People who don’t pay their parking tickets and traffic fines, their child support obligations, or return library books should be jailed.
People who refuse to get vaccinated against Covid-19 and end up hospitalized with Covid-19 should be required to reimburse Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance companies for the full costs of their Covid-19 related medical care.
If no slack for students, then no slack for anyone. It’s only fair. And consistency demands it.
@73 Don’t expect anything intelligent from a conservative.
@73 and @75 plus he’s busy fucking his pig
@76 I feel sorry for the pig.
The Senate confirmed a black woman to the Supreme Court today. The Republicans couldn’t have been nastier to a nominee.
They were disrespectful to her in the confirmation hearings. Only 3 of them voted for her. After the vote, en masse, they walked out on applause for her. Then, in the hallway, they held a press conference for the sole purpose of denigrating her after she was already confirmed, which comes across (a) sour grapes, and (b) an attempt to undermine her legitimacy. It should be noted that McConnell would have nothing to do with this, that filthy job was delegated to Ted Crud who will do any dirty work, but neither did McConnell do anything to prevent or stop it.
We’ve come to expect this from Republicans. It’s what they are — rude, uncivil, petty, juvenile, antisocial, unwilling to play by the rules, and misogynistic and racist.