Well that was unpleasant. While some of the races are still too close to call, it looks like the Seattle conservative, and in one case actually conservative, people won. It’s disappointing.
More lefty people won in SeaTac, but the Republicans they were running against were more explicit about it. In fact, suburbia still trended left in a lot of places. The you should be afraid Seattle messages didn’t scare people running in places that weren’t Seattle. The national picture is… bleaker.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now! And get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.
@70 in the previous thread
Do I think the Dems will keep the House in 22? Maybe, too early to tell.
To quote someone you loathe, “It’s the economy, stupid.” There is still time for the Dems to learn from last night and change their course of action. As you point out in VA, the independents are the real key.
There are die-hards on both sides, but you need to convince the independents that they will be better off supporting your vision. Right now, CRT, BLM, Q, and all that other stuff is just noise. People vote their pocketbook. Back when I said I thought they might hold the House, the economy was better than it is today. Lots can change in the next year. If the economy improves, the Dems will probably keep the House, if not, they they will probably lose the House.
There, happy?
VA election was rigged.
Stop the Steal!
Stop that nonsense, don’t stoop to their level.
You are better than they are.
It’s not all bleak.
Checking in on Sen. Ron Johnson’s Twitter feed this AM and even at this late hour he’s still stuck on anti-VAX and “STOP-THE-STEAL”.
School boards and CRT remain yet undiscovered country for the Senate’s dumbest human.
1)Have to neutralize the fear on gearing around CRT. Explaining it isn’t taught in public schools other than law school doesn’t work.
To hold the House and grow a more than one vote majority in the Senate, Democrats and Democratic candidates have to stop taking their races for granted.
McAuliffe didn’t get serious about campaigning for a statewide office in a major swing state until late last spring. Republican affiliated PACs have been running sophisticated A/B tested social media attack ads since last year (including the CRT bullshit). And the Youngkin campaign began running their “cheerful Dad” definition campaign a year ago as well. All of that went entirely unanswered for more than six months. By the time McAuliffe was actually campaigning the candidate identities were already well established in the minds of the voters and the framing of the media.
2022 campaigning in every district has to begin today.
And so does our support.
I spent four hours yesterday phone banking to drive turnout in VA. I won’t be surprised to learn that many of the targeted precincts and zip codes had lower than expected turnout. Voters I spoke with were discouraged by both candidates. Had a better candidate run a better campaign that crucial turnout effort might have been decisive. But one thing I can tell you about modern sophisticated, targeted turnout drives is that they only work by building upon a strong candidate with a strong message.
I hope other Democratic candidates and their campaigns take the time to pay attention to voter file data when it becomes available. I bet if they do they’ll find that lean-D indy voters in key demographics stayed home more than last November. I’m sure they’ll also see that some percentage of those voters came out for Youngkin. Maybe there’s a mixed message there. But I don’t think so. I think you will always see some drift among indys. And you will also see some bandwagon effect whenever one candidate has momentum.
The way campaigns counteract that is with strong early campaign messaging that defines both sides and frames the issues in your candidate’s favor. Playing defense is how Democrats lose. That’s how McAuliffe lost. He ran as an incumbent defending a block of the electorate that never existed. And that more than anything is the message for Democratic House incumbents, especially in swing districts. Every single voter in every single precinct is in play in every election. Run as if the voters never heard of you before. The focus has to be on giving voters a reason to vote for the candidate, as opposed to avoiding giving them reasons to oppose the candidate.
Play it safe cowards will lose. “Happy Warriors” like Joe Biden will win.
That should be easy.
“I too oppose teaching CRT in our public elementary and secondary schools. Our children are our future and our most precious resource… blather-blather, yadda-yadda.”
Etc. etc.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
Do it early do it often. Every single Democrat in the House should release a Tweet and hold a presser decrying the teaching of CRT and anything “radical” or “extremist”.
Will they do it? The smart ones will, one way or another.
But some of the younger and more progressive leaning ones may not. They may even resist that and speak out against their colleagues who do. They will be the stupid ones. But they will also be the ones in safe districts who can afford to. And they will do it because they are listening to the attitudes and values expressed by the twenty-something and thirty-something elite university Masters graduates who populate their staffs and surround their campaigns.
Hopefully most of the House members will take this as a wake-up and seriously grapple with some (some!) of the disconnect that exists between Democrats most strident and progressive rhetoric and the values of voters they need to persuade. Language is important. The “CRT” effect has to be understood in its proper context. In the end it’s a meaningless word. And that is what made it an effective weapon.
Youngkin and his supporters could not have succeeded in stampeding voters with calls to end teaching racial equality or calls to end teaching Black history. So they made up an expression to stand in for that and then defined it to suit their needs. Since it’s a meaningless word that has nothing to do with public school education Democrats never should have defended it or even sought to explain it. It’s “collusion” repurposed.
But Democratic candidates and their campaigns also have to take note of what this says about voters they need to persuade. Those voters have deep misgivings about public education. Using stupid smarty-pants language like “intersectionality” and “cissexist heteropatriarchy” is how Democrats lose them. We all know why grad students throw around terms like that. Candidates for political office and their campaigns shouldn’t be that insecure. They should be able to speak directly to their voters and not talk over them.
They can all start by saying “Don’t teach CRT in public schools”.
Where the fuck is Col Jessup today? Seems we can have a conversation without that sewer pipe spewing his shit.
I thought for sure we would have 15 unanswered posts by now.
Yes, pretty much agree with everything you have spelled out.
Dems need to lead and not fight amongst themselves. If they want to push a more progressive agenda, they need a stronger majority.
Someone needs to sit down and explain that to Jayapal and AOC. They also need to admit that Manchin and Sinema are not really Democrats that that will support anything other than what meets their needs to stay in office. They have no desire to lead, but to make a name for themselves.
What voters want is leadership and to elect people they think will makes their lives better through better policies. While the Dems may have won in 2020, their inability to lead and move forward is what has costs them this cycle.
We know Republicans can’t lead, they constantly prove that each time they get into power. They are the party of 1860. They don’t win per say, the scoop up when the Dems stumble.
@ 8
I thought for sure we would have 15 unanswered posts by now.
I spent the last four hours phone banking to drive turnout in VA.
And then I had a conference call with Jayapal and The Squad.
@ 9
If they want to push a
moreprogressive agenda, they need astrongermajority.Y’all gonna have to whip the reconciliation bill again after last night. And after it’s scored.
Y’all gonna have to cut the gimmicks. When Manchin points them out, the GOP doesn’t have to.
Y’all don’t have a majority in either house of Congress to do what y’all wanna do. Not after last night and the run-up to it.
The only “bank” you ever visit is the spank bank. I pity your horse and other hobby farm animals.
My guess is you have a restraining order against you by Jayapal and The Squad; you can’t possibly call them.
New video of Rittenhouse.
FBI Spy Video Shows Kyle Rittenhouse Being Chased Down at Kenosha Riot…Which Explains Why You’ve Never Seen It
Chase a guy into a dark place where he’s trapped and that guy’s gonna do what is necessary. Two dead criminals and one guy who’s gonna think twice before pulling a gun on a guy when others are trying to smash his face.
Stupidity should be painful.
It’s really already a veryprogressive agenda.
For example there’s half a trillion devoted to climate change.
The problem is so enormous that half a trillion may seem small in comparison. But it’s a half a trillion in new spending over zero for an issue “conservatives” claim will fix itself.
Part of the reason for the early big reach, aside from perfectly natural and entirely understandable enthusiasm following the firing of Trump and the GQP, was based on fear about losing control next year. So a very high mark was established early on. And there’s nothing wrong with making Manchin or Sinema explain their opposition to things they oppose, especially when they refuse to negotiate.
But “taking what we can get” right now is still taking an awful lot. More than any Republican majority has ever done.
That’s why Republicans are still shitting themselves over it even now. Too bad for them there’s no way to “CRT” it.
What Senate majority?
They have no desire to lead, but to make a name for themselves.
Nope. Stay in office and keep serving “their constituents”: pharma and other corps, fossil fuels, the rich. Manchin is well off with an ownership stake in a coal business.. gimme a break.
Manchin is right – elect more liberals/progressives and we don’t have to settle for way less than half a loaf.
@6 Democrats don’t have a 1-vote majority in the Senate now on anything that matters.
In re 14,
I encourage everyone to watch that drone video.
But not on PJ media, please. Find a better host please.
That may be hard right now because MAGAtrolls everywhere are running wild with deeply stupid DERPSTATE!!!! conspiracy theories to gin up monetization for their trailerbilly dupe-channels.
So just to clear this up: the aerial surveillance footage was identified by the FBI last summer and had to go through classification review. Then it was made available to both sides in September. The prosecution prepared their own analysis of the video and had an expert weave it together with the aid of still images, street level phone video, and computer graphics to clear it up. Then it was presented as part of discovery.
That process of combining the drone footage with other images, video, and graphics was objected to by the def. They lost those motions in October. And now they are promoting a disinformation campaign about the footage, claiming it was “hidden” by “Deep State Biden Bureaucrats” and “faked”. So of course Tucker and all the lil’ Tuckers are running wild with that today. Since it was part of discovery in the case it couldn’t be released until the jury was empaneled and under sequester. HOW DEVIOUS!!!
Please do watch it. It doesn’t show what Desperately Poor Bobby claims. (I know. “Shocking”. Right?)
Mostly you’ll see a fairly large number of individuals all moving in the same general direction under the direction of police responders along Sheridan Rd to the south. The police were dispersing the protesters, kettling them by blocking side streets, and funneling them toward Kyle Rittenhouse and his fellow armed militants.
As the two groups came into contact at the direction of the police responders, individual conflicts began to flare up. Armed militia can be seen detaching from their positions surrounding and protecting businesses and entering the street to confront unsuspecting protesters being driven south by police. And while the Sheriff and his senior commanders deny it, members of the armed militia will testify and have testified, that they were told earlier in the evening to anticipate this confrontation by Sheriff’s deputies present.
As the protesters reach an intersection with a gas station on Sheridan Rd where the bulk of militia were stationed, the police stop their advance further south and standby as the two groups begin to engage. A mentally ill street person who earlier that day was discharged from psychiatric confinement and who was present at the intersection begins to taunt armed militia members and challenge them to shoot him. And while the majority of the militia members remain at the intersection most of the protesters continue to drift slowly south away from the police and the courthouse.
As the crowd thins and things deescalate, Rittenhouse having been praised by Sheriff’s Deputies and interviewed by the Daily Caller now detaches himself from the gas station and the rest of the armed militia and runs aggressively toward a nearby parking lot, passing the mentally ill street person along the way. The street person takes up chase after Rittenhouse. And under the bright overhead lights of the used car dealer parking lot throws a plastic bag full of his undies from the hospital at Rittenhouse from behind. At the same moment a few dozen yards behind, another armed militant raises a hand gun and fires it into the air. Rittenhouse is startled, and turns to see the homeless mental patient lunge at him. Rittenhouse shoots him dead, while another armed militant fires shots into the crowd.
Rittenhouse stands over the dying homeless man and places a phone call to a friend. Then, when he sees bystanders rushing to help the bleeding shooting victim, he flees the scene and runs back north into the crowd still armed. Numerous witnesses to the shooting immediately identify him as the shooter and members of the protest crowd begin to chase him down, including Huber and Grosskreutz. Huber attempts to apprehend and disarm the shooter using his skateboard and is shot in the chest. Grosskreutz trailing behind is shot in the arm and flees.
It’s more or less what we already knew about the shootings. Lonely, emotionally disturbed violent MAGAteen armed himself illegally and traveled to another state to cosplay and LARP with strangers. He got excited by all the praise and cool attention and took off looking for some more action. A crazy homeless guy threw a bag of underwear at him. So the now frightened and excited lonely, emotionally disturbed, violent MAGAteen shot him. He died. Then the lonely, emotionally disturbed violent MAGAteen fled the scene and tried to escape responsibility. When witnesses tried to detain him he shot two of them, killing one. The end.
Ron Johnson appears ready to help with that.
@ 19
But not on PJ media, please. Find a better host please.
Outta state this week. Don’t have the time to sanitize that I usually do. Your point well taken.
@19 Sure sounds like Rittenhouse participated in an assisted suicide. Is that legal in Wisconsin? No? What’s the penalty for that?
A Virginia Democrat in Congress:
They elected him to be something else he’s not: competent.
And if they follow QoS McHillbilly’s roadmap, the loss will be 65+ seats.
The buyback tax on corporations isn’t a bad idea. Might not have a huge effect, and it might make them think twice before issuing more shares in the first place.
Which, of course, will reduce growth if capital expansion is curtailed. But that’s another story.
Edit: A lack of a measurable effect might mean this tax is too low.
Senator on the bubble:
Just as when I refer to YLB as low-intelligence, the inference is that those with masculine characteristics are not.
Heh notice that the misogynist freak @27 once talked up Susana Martinez as a great hispanic hope for its degenerate repuke party..
Great example of her leadership…
Her way or the highway. No need to explain herself in writing.. like an adult.. And apparently so disliked even by her staff.. Couldn’t they write the shit for her?
HiQ call there dimfuk…
How useless is our vice president?
So useless that the White House uses her as a black-skinned politician to “preside over” a vote that it already knew had a zero chance of coming anywhere near success.
I treat Harris like a worthless politician who was picked for VP nominee because of her gender and skin color because the White House does exactly the same thing.
Outta state this week.
We figured as much..
Dallas, TexASS suits you.
A New Jersey congressional Democrat wants to raise the SALT cap to $72,500 and let any American – no income limit – take that deduction.
Alright, can I get a Democrat to buy me an Audi RS7 in order to pass this bill? We’re a lot closer to it than we were on November 1.
You stupid fucks. Listen to Manchin. You don’t know what the fuck you are doing.
Silver metallic, please. I want that paint color in the bill.
How to take down the Democrat president of a state senate.
Or, in the case of Ed Mole, you wait until he runs for mayor and then you get all your friends to go public about how he butt-fucked them when he was paid to be aiding them.
Gawd, this is starting out to be a fun week.
“And his name’s Reggie Hammond.”
It’s a start.
Democrats know this is their last chance in this lifetime for so many of them. They know that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit will be dead and forgotten before the next chance arrives, so they figure that now is the time to fuck both of YLB’s kids in the ass without benefit of a condom. Or lube.
They’ve been bankrolled, you see, and the bill’s come due.
Poppy Bush Jan 1989
Gov VA Doug Wilder Dem 1990
Gov NJ James Florio Dem 1990
Bill Clinton Jan 1993
Gov VA George “Macaca” Allen repuke 1994
Gov NJ Christine Todd Whitman repuke 1994
George Dumbya Bush Jan 2001
Gov VA Mark Warner Dem 2002
Gov NJ Jim McGreevy Dem 2002
Barack Obama Jan 2009
Gov VA Bob McDonnell repuke 2010
Gov NJ Chris Christie repuke 2010
Donald drumpf Jan 2017
Gov VA Ralph Northum Dem 2018
Gov NJ Phil Murphy Dem 2018
Joe Biden Jan 2021
Gov VA Glen Youngkin carlyle group repuke 2022
Gov NJ Phil Murphy RE-ELECTED DEM 2022..
Eat it repukes!
now is the time to fuck
That time passed for teh greedee racist incel vacuous troll way before it “married”..
The kid is not yours, is it vacuous troll?
Just some rando…
The cat doctor who defended Trump after the attack on Congress has never actually remained awake during a reconciliation budget passage before.
More learning how to be a pilot while the plane is on final.
Good choice, Bob.
@26 You don’t have to ask whether Republicans should change strategies. Virginia proved that beyond debate.
@29 Now imagine an inactive doctor so useless he has nothing better to do with his time than post on an obscure blog dedicated to horses’ asses, a subject with which he has much experience, but in which no one else is interested.
@35 “Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit will be dead and forgotten”
After you …
More of that culture stuff that Bob seems to feel so passionately about:
Just like these teenage school boys Bob will be absolutely incensed that they allowed a vagina into the goal in a !!!BOYS!!! game, and conclude no doubt that she deserved all of it.
Forgetting entirely that she’s a child trying to have fun playing a game.
Republicans always punch down.
It’s not that I think that it could be true, I say it to counter and point out their stupidity. Fight fire with fire. Completely fuck them up.
Actual indictments may still be months away. And might even never materialize. But unless SDNY leakers are lying here (which would be very unusual) this spells disaster for Giuliani, Toensing, and DiGenova:
Compiling a list like that one is what feds do when preparing to indict for criminal conspiracy. It’s a crucial part of the process because it dictates the number of criminal counts and establishes the deadline for indicting within the statute of limitations.
But I wouldn’t be too sure The Guardian gets this right when they suggest that this all relates to FARA violations. It probably does relate to Yuri Lutsenko. But there may be more to the underlying criminal charges than mere FARA violations. There wouldn’t be any reason to prepare a conspiracy indictment if that were it.
A year ago we heard that safe, highly effective vaccines might become available soon. And we all began to breathe a great sigh of relief and feel a sense of hope again.
But then the Republicans suffered more election losses and suddenly declared that getting vaccinated was offering aid and comfort to the enemy. Within weeks they were making bomb threats to public health officials and spitting on children in grocery stores.
Hope remains hard to come by still, because Republicans continue to hate their community almost as much as they hate themselves.
From the adopted history of Virginia textbook that most of the school board protesters grew up studying.
@46 well said.
That’s why there was a need to purchase a horse and why Bob drinks wine.
Wherein Dr. Fauci displays admirable restraint by responding to Sen. Rand Paul with temperate-sounding euphemisms for “you’re full of shit” and “you’re a fucking liar” — which Rand is, of course — instead of saying the actual words.
Not that he’s gonna fact-check shit that WaPo published against this. But thanks, Glenn, for confirming that Steve now has nothing. Russia just went poof!
@50 Didn’t Trump pardon a couple of guys who lied to the FBI?
P.S., if you’re now fact checking (and you didn’t say you are, you only said Glenn Kessler should), that makes you the only Republican on the planet who is.
Dumbfuck Republican’s hypocrisy is in full bloom and it’s not even spring yet.
They don’t convicted felons to vote….but they’ll vote for one.
The Party and Group of Fuck Faces. If you don’t throw this in their face then you aren’t doing your job.
Beyond Party of Hypocrites…..complete bunch of fuck faces of 40 year old crotch smelling couch dwellers.
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving individual, the inspiration for the name of this blog.
Get a free tent and live under a bridge Timmeh!
Maybe Bob can give you a stall in his hobby farm.
They don’t want to know!
They’d rather know about basement pizza pizza toppings.
Breeding will not save them. Breeding will only kill them.
How so?
Which of the specific allegations contained in the report are now known to be false?
1) Trump had cooperated with Russian authorities for years.
2) Trump is vulnerable to Russian blackmail on sexual matters.
3) There was a “well-developed conspiracy of cooperation” between Trump and Russia.
4) Trump’s team knew and approved of Russian plans to deliver emails to WikiLeaks, and offered them policy concessions in exchange.
5) Carter Page played a key role in the conspiracy.
6) Michael Cohen played a key role in the conspiracy.
We all know the truth: Trump welched on his agreements.
Sound familiar? If not, just ask the Cosplaytriots heading to prison about their “pardons”.
And even after you tell yourself you’ve succeeded in “blowing up” any of that, it still leaves you stuck with Trump in Putin’s pocket to the tune of about half a billion, playing footsie with the GRU over campaign funds, stolen bank routing numbers, stolen campaign data for troll farm targeting, and prosecutors in Ukraine, where a million Russian troops and armored vehicles are currently massing.
Yo Ggeeeee munee, you still sucking dicks to pay rent and cab fare?
I see you bringing in them big bucks scheduling! Lolz
Seems like you have a thing for sniffing crotches….eewwww…..
Get a free tent and live under a bridge Timmeh!
That is sweeter than the fayle that was Dino many-times Lossi.
lil’ maxpile @ 58 has been strokin’ its popgun again.
55)Wonder if he still can afford to drive? He could always take the bus. Unless he lives where there aren’t any, or a transit district that lacks resources.
She/her/they/them/it YLB…
You are the only person I know who’s wife thinks she is in a same-sex marriage
Interesting story about a brewhaha over a British tabloid not understanding how military exercises work. Saying 40 Commando, Royal Marines beat a superior USMC Force. It wasn’t fighting alone, it was the Agressor or OPFOR, along with other Allied nations. 40 Commando had backup anyway, from the USMC. It was a training excercise, they reset all the time.
First Hat Trick in Kraken History tonight. It was Eberle, was hoping it would be Tanev.
@55 Eyman is nothing less than a blog writer’s dream. See what I did with it here. I answered your question @61.
@ 62
Dude’s better than I am at making you own your outer and inner XX, YLB.
Although your wife is in a same-sex marriage. That one wasn’t a joke.
@59 Actually, tents and blue tarps aren’t free, so a loss prevention employee should tail him if he goes into a Fred Meyer.
65) I don’t like to laugh at misfortune. Especially since I have caught a bus near the Ballard Bridge, might see him on it. I usually take the 31/32 to get to and from work, might see him. Although those campers rarely bother me.
@68 Eyman doesn’t deserve sympathy or respect. His problems are entirely of his own making, and can hardly be called “misfortune.” As the song goes, “He fought the law, and the law won.” And now he’s stiffing the piper.
If you gotta fuck up, you may as well really fuck up, because your employer is gonna get sued anyway.
(A flight attendant assumed white mothers can’t produce black daughters, so she must be trafficking the kid.)
69)Ironically, bus drivers love him. Put Local 587 in a tough spot, having to fight for members that didn’t care about there jobs. It’s an irony, bus drivers drive cars to work, as except for Metro, there are no bus services on the road when they report to work. Although ironically, some of the new hires that are the first to be laid off, get their CDL Passenger endorsement training through Metro.
One of his antics that he can’t afford now, refine until he got the Initiative number he wanted. Might be time to adjust the filing fee for inflation. It’s been $5 for nearly 110 years.
Meanwhile, in the Rittenhouse trial:
A juror who reads handbill.us for kicks.
70)That flight attendant should meet my cousin and his family.
A hung jury results in a mistrial followed by refiling and assignment to a different judge. He drew a very sympathetic judge in a giant hurry to seat a jury. Every single pre-trial motion starts anew. And the costs continue to mount. Time is not on the side of the lonely, violent, emotionally disturbed MAGAteen.