Congratulations to the Seattle Kraken on their first game. A win would have been nice, but that’s often not the case for expansion teams. We’ll see.
Personally, I don’t really understand the appeal of hockey. I suppose with sports, it’s more visceral than logical, and it just never grabbed me. But I love seeing people already excited on Twitter. Glad you’re having fun!
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And if you aren’t vaccinated yet, for goodness sake, get vaccinated now; Make your appointment today.
I despise government “insider sheets” like Politico in general. So I especially despise their “insider” hilltop gossip guides with the power of a thousand suns.
It’s bad enough that nearly everything they write is unsourced and could just as easily have been made up out of thin air like someone’s fake “FB friends from CO”. But because these things deliberately engage in gossipy, “people are saying” speciousness it ends up being a real struggle to discover any actual new information buried in all the utter wrongness (“insiders are saying to look for a ‘pivot’ from Trump any day now”).
But this is still worth pointing out:
Manchin and Sinema, aside from being at war with the rest of America are now at war with each other. We learn here that Manchin hates a worker bailout for coal miners, but loves him a rich-guy bail out for coal investors. And we learn that Sinema won’t tell anyone what she really loves or hates including her own staff.
But we also learn that Manchin wants an opioid tax to help subsidize the Mountain Dew Uhkonimee in rural West VA ravaged by the easy high. And Sinema refuses to go along with it because the Sackler family asked nicely (and gave her a bag of money).
I guess I don’t have to tell you which one of these two is going to have to give ground on this if we are going to get past it. But I’d also say that Democrats should all take some hard lessons here about what kinds of “moderates” to get behind and support in the future. And more than a few of the House “moderates” who’ve been bitching about “messaging” need to spend some time in front of a fucking mirror.
At least it wasn’t to Montreal. Then again, the Krakens are not the Metropolitans. The 1919 Stanley Cup will be tied 3-3 indefinitely.
With it’s history, the former Revenue Cutter Bear should have been preserved, but it ended up being sold and sank while under tow in 1963. Looks like they may have found the wreckage. The Famous-class cutter USCGC Bear and the Coast Guard Academy’s mascot continue to honor this historic vessel.
Girlish dismissal by YLB in 3….2…..1…..
HA’s resident unserious twat will point out that lower-income Americans need only buy a Tesla, and their gas price increase is solved, like magic!
I did put in 55 miles on the motorcycle yesterday. Saved nearly two gallons of gas and it was a nice day for it.
The good news is for the Dumbfuck Rabbit family, which can’t afford a car and can’t afford meat. Electricity, property tax on the shittiest house in Seattle, and three packages of Depends per week – that’s about it for their expense list.
Social Security payments will go up 5.9%.
@ 1
So I especially despise their “insider” hilltop gossip guides with the power of a thousand suns.
This year, QoS McHillbilly, I’m sure you do.
Almost nobody attempted to cover up Biden’s Afghanistan incompetence, it got worse from there, and now you don’t know what to do. You voted for incompetence. You did so knowingly, QoS McHillbilly.
I do, still, expect McAuliffe to pull it off, but it’s noteworthy that Youngkin is still within the MOE in each (3) October poll posted by RCP.
The Cuomosexual G-clown is not gonna like this one bit.
Amateur hour: Pete Buttigieg’s inexperience exposed as supply chain breaks down
Apparently shipping prices are up 6x from Asia to the US, so it’s more profitable to get the hell out of the US port and back to Asia for the next load, instead of waiting to be loaded with US export material. Which
• clogs US ports with exports
• saddles truckers and railroad companies with loaded shipping containers they can’t leave at the port
• is gonna result in really, really ugly Q3 and Q4 numbers, which will follow First Vegetable Joe Biden throughout 2022.
So why not shift some blame for all of this onto the uber-educated, underqualified cocksucker, amirite?
“Here, here’s a bunch of free cash you don’t need, for every member of your family.
Hey, why don’t you feel that you need to work?”
The reason for this is that nearly all Americans are far more intelligent than YLB or The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
From The AJC:
Will Georgia voting laws reduce turnout? Maybe not, studies show
Studies in Georgia and across the nation indicate that almost all voters who want to vote will find a way to cast their ballots despite tougher ID requirements, limits on ballot drop boxes and a shorter early voting period before runoffs.
Academic research shows that voter ID laws have little to no effect on turnout. One nationwide study found that expansions of absentee voting in some states in last year’s election didn’t alter turnout. A federal government report that summarized elections research said the evidence is mixed on whether early voting or no-excuse absentee voting made a difference in turnout.
There are two reasons libbies need this issue. First, if YLB can’t claim she is a victim then her entire reason for existence goes poof! Second, Voter ID interferes with fraud efforts.
A variety of studies indicate that regulations on absentee voting are more likely to encourage in-person voting than to prevent people from voting at all.
Absentee voters will have to provide a driver’s license or state ID number, and those who lack those forms of ID can provide a photocopy of other ID, such as a U.S. passport, utility bill or bank statement. Until this year, election officials verified absentee voters by checking the handwriting of their signatures and confirming their voter registration information.
“People will adjust and comply with the law, and most people are already in compliance,” Hood said. “I used to have to sign my ballot, and now I’ve got to put my driver’s license number on my ballot envelope. Well, that’s not much of a hassle.”
This is a problem for a woman like YLB, who’s not much of a serious adult.
@ 4
It’s a good thing your Fourth of July picnic didn’t cost much more than the one you had last year, amirite?
I’m glad to see that QoS McHillbilly has posted a link @ 1 already that otherwise would have been posted by me.
In that link is something he chose not to share:
So when the White House tells House progressives to vote against what Pelosi is asking them to do, as happened earlier this month with First Vegetable Joe Biden himself the messenger, the “war” is between the White House and congressional Democrat leadership, not between Manchin and Sinema, as QoS McHillbilly claims.
Let’s keep that in mind. The House could have given Biden a notable win on October 1. Biden and Jayapal banded together to prevent it.
Stewart Peters is spreading lies again.
@1 As Will Rogers once said, “I belong to no organized political party. I’m a Democrat.”
As he pointed out, the Democrats are, and always have been, a motley collection of not-Republican folks.
@4 People with arteriosclerosis shouldn’t be eating bacon, beef, or pork anyway. You excepted.
@5 Takes a lot of electricity to run my treadmill, but I can afford it. All the other cardio equipment is self-powered; and the weightlifting equipment, of course, doesn’t require power. When the power goes out from winter storms or electricity shortages, the natural gas my backup generator runs on will be more expensive, too, but I can afford it. Meanwhile, on Whidbey Island, you’ll be shoveling horse manure into a converted oil barrel to keep warm. It sucks to be you, in more ways than one.
@7 This is what hedging his bets looks like.
There are at least three reasons not to elect Youngkin governor of Virginia or anywhere else:
1. He sucks up to Trump,
2. He sucks up to anti-maskers, and
3. He’s a businessman, which is the worst kind of person to run a government, because all they understand is profit and loss.
@8 Yeah like Buttigieg is responsible for the shitty wages paid to truckers for the last 30 years. Or outsourcing our supply chains to China and places like Vietnam, and letting our domestic transportation infrastructure rot. He fired all the air traffic controllers, too.
@9 Still pushing that debunked argument, just like you push mininum-wage bullshit.
“States that withdrew early from federal unemployment programs pushed few people back to work and fueled a nearly $2 billion cut in household spending, potentially hurting their local economies, according to new research.”
“A U.S.-based economist won the Nobel prize for economics Monday for pioneering research that showed an increase in minimum wage does not lead to less hiring …, challenging commonly held ideas”
by economic illiterates like Doctor Dumbfuck.
No Nobel Prize for you, just a big fat goose egg …
@10 People just have to work harder to prevent a fascist takeover of America, that’s all, and evidence from the field suggests they will. That’s why Republicans are furiously burning the other end of the candle to throw out election results and stage coups. When one tactic doesn’t work, you try something else.
@11 The no mask-no vaccine folks will have cheap July 4, 2022 picnics, too, costing only the price of two roses.
@12 This is simple enough. Sinema is at her peak influence. Never again in her political career, be it long or short, will she have this much say over something of so much consequence. Either Republicans will be running things, in which case she’ll be completely shut out of deliberations, or Democrats will pick up one more vote, in which case she’ll be completely shut out of deliberations.
In an era of polarization where party unity is everything, she’s trying to be a party of one, and that’s what she’ll end up being.
@ 23
This is simple enough. Sinema is at her peak influence. Never again in her political career, be it long or short, will she have this much say over something of so much consequence.
Obama is a has-been as well, using Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s rationale. Somehow I think he’s OK with that.
Rightwing shithead Peter Thiel doesn’t just back Liz Cheney’s challenger,
he also backs this toxic app:
Thiel is, and always has been, a brilliant but amoral pile of vertebrate excrement.
@24 At this point, it’s fair to say Obama has more influence than you do. And for good reasons: (a) he actually helped people who need medical care, (b) he’s a decent human being, not a reeking pile of slime, and (c) he doesn’t fuck horses.
I guess this means that Schumer should tremble about Iowas’s two GOP senators because redistricting.
Or some such shit, if YLB be believed. What a stupid, unserious twat is she.
@ 26
@24 At this point, it’s fair to say Obama has more influence than you do.
At this point, it’s fair to say that Obama has ore influence than RBG does.
Your comment is just as irrelevant as mine, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. You have nothing to offer.
Biden approval back to 50%, and it would only take a modest decline in gas prices to push it higher.
Biden, of course, isn’t to blame for high gas prices. That was caused by refiners misgauging how quickly demand would return. Doctor Dumbfuck, astute investor that he is, knows this of course. But he’s not one to pass up a good lie, like his lying about minimum wage causing layoffs or cutting off unemployment benefits boosting hiring.
RBG was, in fact, a vicious racist.
@27 Nobody needs to prove Republicans are energized. We saw that in the Michigan capitol, outside the Maricopa County election office in November, in D.C. on January 6, and at numerous school board meetings across the country. We also see it at airports and on planes, in retail stores, and in jails across the country that are increasingly populated by Republican hordes.
Yes, we know Republicans are energized. Just listen to the “cival war” talk, look at the gun sales, and the skyrocketing militia and Proud Boy memberships.
With all these energized Republicans, plus the statistical certainty that half the population has below-average IQs, elections like the one just held in Iowa are bound to be close.
@28 “You have nothing to offer.”
True enough. I’ll be among the first to concede that participation in these comment threads is a waste of time perpetrated by idle sloths with nothing better to do, i.e., you and me.
But unlike you and European interest rates, I’m not offering less than nothing. At least my readers break even; they gain nothing and lose nothing. Can’t say that for you. Your bloviations are mental pollution.
@ 29
Here’s what it takes to push Biden to 50%.
• Adults. Not likely voters. Not even registered voters. “Adults”.
• Online. Not a phone poll.
• Methodology intended to hide the bad news.
CNN launches new polling methodology
It’s all of a month old. It’s not acceptable methodology to people like, say, Darryl.
This is what is necessary to push Biden to 50%. Also necessary: a shill like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit to push it.
Forgot this one. Right for our own back yard:
Question: On the Nomination (Confirmation: Lauren J. King, of Washington, to be United States District Judge for the Western District of Washington )
Vote Number: 407
Vote Date: October 5, 2021, 05:38 PM
Required For Majority: 1/2
Vote Result: Nomination Confirmed
Nomination Number: PN568
Nomination Description: Lauren J. King, of Washington, to be United States District Judge for the Western District of Washington
Vote Counts:
YEAs 55
NAYs 44
Not Voting 1
Sedition Bois khruzz and hee hawley: NAY
RINOS Graham and Moscow Mitch: YEA
Congrats Judge King..
Knee-deep in a house remodel… Lots of stuff to throw out to make room. Long overdue.
I’ll be back from time to time to nother! over judges and dead old klownservatics getting SocSec checks..
Because the latter, following from the “serious logic” of the odious misogynist pos@4, is…
“good for my kids..”
@30 “RBG was, in fact, a vicious racist”
You’re merely a stupid one.
“The backlash Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) received from fellow Republican senators last week is a wake-up call to the GOP leader that he doesn’t have any more political capital to spend on helping Democrats raise the debt limit again, say GOP aides and strategists.”
In other words, his caucus is playing with matches, and he’s too weak to take them away.
Love this one. A thrilla from Manila:
A curious case of Republicans dying of Covid
AMERICA holds the world’s worst record on Covid-19. To date, 706,000 Americans are dead, 14.8 percent of 4.75 million deaths worldwide, while 333 million Americans comprise only 4.3 percent of the world’s 7.8 billion population. Go figure!
Donald Trump is no longer president. But his incompetence and criminal disdain for American lives make him among the worst American presidents ever…
Phil Valentine of Nashville, Tennessee, talk show host of SuperTalk 99.7 WTN was skeptical of coronavirus vaccines. A radio personality for some 40 years.. Moved into a critical care facility, he regretted “he wasn’t a more vocal advocate of the vaccination…I wish I had gotten it!” He died last August at 61 years old.
These influencers refused to be vaccinated while they had the chance. In their intensive-care deathbeds, they regretted forgoing vaccination. Too late!
The pandemic is still raging worldwide killing millions. In America, vaccines are widely available. Covid-19 should be non-political. Unless unthinking humans force the virus to choose sides.
i.e. they’re laughing at all of us, sure, but klownservatic repukes don’t escape scrutiny. ‘nothers upon ‘nothers… which should be
“good for my kids”
This one is sweet..
Treasurer for the Hillsborough County GQP in FL. Repukes can’t figure out his software so they’re up a creek without a paddle.
61 years old.. Will not get SocSec… So.. this is..
“good for my kids”
@38 Sad, tragic, but I simply lack the energy and motivation to drag them kicking and screaming to the vaccination table.
They’d probably just kick it over, anyway.
So it’s not “let ’em die,” it’s “they’re gonna die and there’s nothing we can do about it.”
Trump tried to buy Greenland and requested that the Air Force nuke a hurricane.
These are not statements of my opinion about Trump as either a “man” or as a president.
They are just statements of fact about real events that actually took place.
Bob, you voted for him three times in total. And two of those times were after Trump did the things I described.
And of course there are dozens of far more serious examples. But probably none quite as ridiculous.
Bob, you and your party have crossed over. You are now to politics as comedians like Gallagher, or Gilbert Gottfried, or Raymond J. Johnson are to entertainment. You’ve been on this narrative arc for years now. Since embracing Trump and his howling, “aggrieved” base, your “thought leaders” have been forced to adopt every more extreme, hysterical, and eventually ridiculous antics and positions in order to stay in front of the mob and keep urging them onward.
But there’s a point of diminishing returns, as nearly every prop-comic, or “character” comedian eventually discovers. The same audience who demand to see the “classic” bits – smash the watermelon, etc. – also grow bored with it and blame their response to the performance on the performer. The crowd moves on no matter how desperately over-the-top the performance becomes.
You Bob, on the other hand, are the sad old lady sitting in the front row in a Vegas theater with tears washing technicolor rivers through her layers of makeup and Jean Nate, crying your eyes out for Trump, one more time.
I’m so glad you got the shot.
@39 Like I said, sad, tragic, but there’s nothing we can do to save them. We’ve tried everything: Masks, vaccines, even mandates, but they insist on dying like a mayfly hatch on a Montana trout stream. Nothing we can do. Go fishing instead.
A bit embarrassed that Klobuchar was my preferred Democrat candidate for president in 2020.
Can anyone think of some other words that aren’t in the Constitution?
Privacy, perhaps?
How about abortion?
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit touted his investment in AT&T a couple of years ago.
I know, I know. Nobody is surprised. He fucks up everything, so why should AT&T be any different?
See, if RBG is reincarnated, there has to be a place to stick her. So
Otherwise she’s just an old, useless remnant of a bygone era, who thinks black athletes are dumb @ 30, amirite?
@ 16
Takes a lot of electricity to run my treadmill, but I can afford it.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit had his eye on a ProForm model, but Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit talked him into getting something else.
Her preferred model is the Sybian. The same attachment she uses for her own “exercise” can ream out Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s rectum when the catheters get tangled up in there.
What’s not to like about exercise equipment that each of them can get use out of?
From SI to Ebony in only $60 million.
@43 “A bit embarrassed that Klobuchar was my preferred Democrat candidate for president in 2020.”
She probably doesn’t know about it, so it’s unlikely she’d feel embarrassed by it.
@45 “an old, useless remnant of a bygone era”
I can think of somebody else who fits this description.
@47 I can think of someone who might go from $100 million to $3 million, instead of $100 million to zero.
I think it is time. Time to divide this nation into two. Give them the South, and build a wall or dig a mote. The mote might be quicker and cheaper. Let them all die in the South, if they wish.
Stay the fuck away from the ferry system if at all possible. Whidbey service is dropping from two boats to one, and a planned servicing reduces the size of the single boat from 144 cars to 124 cars.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit can’t afford ferry fare, anyway.
dimfuk is too frightened to leave widbee anyway…
Noun, Verb, ANTIFA! BOO!
Hide dimfuk, hide! BOLO for teh antifa bus..
@43-47,52 Not one mention of Hunter Biden or his laptop.. Not one bleat of “first vegetable”…
Wonders never cease.
From SI to Ebony in only $60 million.
Wow the price of being angry, disgusted, speaking out and protesting unarmed black people killed by asshole kops. Standing up for something.
From Faux News primetime to podcasting in 45 million…
The price of an asswipe chasing after an erection.
It’s almost as good as his GE stock. :/
Oh well.
Since you begged.
“Right to privacy” is not in Roe, Dumbfuck. Wasn’t then. Isn’t now. Never has been.
Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479 (1965)
A case holding that the states have no fucking legitimate business forbidding legally married couples from obtaining BIRTH CONTROL from a doctor.*
So even though we’ve always know where you stand on this, just as we’ve always known you voted for Trump, now you just have to sack up and admit that you oppose all forms of birth control.
And thus the last “conservative” orthodox principle that remains to unify and animate them is revealed for all its extremist glory. Whether “right or wrong” this puts you on the wrong side of more than 90% of all Americans.
It’s never been about “right to life”. That’s a deeply dishonest smoke screen abused by nihilistic racists and misogynists. It’s always been about subjugation of women and poor people. It has always been about birth control. Bob just told you so himself.
*This is also the case that put Planned Parenthood on the map. And this then also tells us precisely why Bob, and Every Republican You Know is so vehemently opposed to that organization. It’s always been about birth control.
Is right now a good enough time to point out that Klobuchar, who is “moderate” enough to earn BurQa Bob’s endorsement, is 100% supportive of the whole $3.5 trillion reconciliation budget that Manchinema want to kill?
It’s not “moderates” versus “hippie socialists”.
It’s Manchinema versus the entire rest of the country.
Something else Bob just let slip.
@52 I’ve got an old rowboat I can let you use. Or, we can arrange airdrops of groceries and hay bales to your “farm.”
@55 I don’t own GE stock and haven’t for years.
If Dimfuck had shorted it at $22 as I suggested, it would now be further $10.25 (after adjusting for the reverse split), and he’d have a profit of $11.75 per share.
@56 “It’s always been about birth control.”
To be more precise, it’s about preventing white people from practicing birth control when black people don’t, so the latter won’t outnumber the former.
Just as the Second Amendment isn’t about gun control, but about controlling black people, according to this author.
“A number of high-powered lawyers who have represented Donald Trump in the past are sitting out his latest legal battle ….
Some go-to attorneys have been spooked by Trump’s reputation for sometimes not paying as a client, according to several people familiar with conservative legal circles.”
Moral: Even if you stiff everybody else, don’t stiff your lawyer, or you won’t have a lawyer. If you stiff everybody else, make sure you pay your lawyer, so you’ll have a lawyer when they come for you.
Sinema is fundraising in Europe.
And while she’s ostensibly there on behalf of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, her office “declined to say if she would be fundraising for her own campaign as well, where she would be going in Europe or for how long ….”
Hmmm …
The Lower House of the Japanese Diet(parliaments) has been dissolved with the election set for Halloween. Don’t expect any changes, as usually with election s in Postwar Japan, it’s not a question whether the Liberal Democratic Party will win, but by how much. They’ve only been totally out of power once. They and their allies need to maintain a 2/3 majority in the Lower House to overcome delaying tactics in the upper house.
You mean herself. Ftfy
I prefer to use the term “Forced Birthers”.
AP to Biden voters (and everyone else): Lube up and bend over, motherfuckers.
Winter heating bills set to jump as inflation hits home
We’re on propane and just had the tank filled. I should open the invoice to see what the damage is. Good thing we’re not the Dumbfuck Rabbit household.
USO and RDS are each up nearly 100% since September-ish of 2020.
It’s a good thing I didn’t invest in AT&T or 3M like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit did.
The greedy racist incel failed to mention the inflation rate is due to a reawakening economy and snarled supply chains push up prices for everything from cars to groceries. (when he posts a link, it’s always fun to see how he’s lying.)
The biggest reason for this winter’s higher heating bills is the recent surge in prices for energy commodities after they dropped to multi-year lows in 2020. Demand has simply grown faster than production as the economy roars back to life following shutdowns caused by the coronavirus.
The greedy racist incel is trying to blame President Biden for capitalistic market forces out of the government control. I guess he wants the goverment to take over the energy sector.
Who knew the greedy racist incel was a communist?
“Lube up and bend over, motherfuckers.” “It’s a good thing I didn’t invest in AT&T or 3M like Rabbit did.” Projecting your fantasies again?
“Forced Pregnancy” is perhaps even more accurate.
Would that then be rape?
How much difference is there really between “a plague of infertility” and birth control? The only thing missing is “The Ceremony”.
It’s not rape “fantasies” that animate Republicans. It’s the real thing.
“It’s not rape “fantasies” that animate Republicans. It’s the real thing.”
The incel: “Lube up and bend over, motherfuckers.”
I see your point.
An Alaska lawmaker who was banned from an airline after refusing to wear a mask has tested positive for COVID-19
Thots and pears.
“Personally, I don’t really understand the appeal of hockey.”
For the same reason hockey fans would attend gladiator fights if they were legal.
Manchin and Sinema are getting enthusiastic GOP support.
But no money or votes are included in that deal.
@72 Fuck the thoughts and prayers; quarantine her. By force, if necessary.
@68 He also failed to mention that a very high percentage of those supply chains originate in China.
If he thinks it’s bad now, wait ’til they invade Taiwan, and sink a couple of American aircraft carriers and flatten Guam with tactical nukes to enforce their “sovereignty.”
It was always a mistake to suck up to these commie bastards. That was a Republican idea.
76)Some industries vital to National Defence should have been exempt from trade deals. Especially steel, and electronics.
Several weapons systems developed since the withdrawal of the INF Treaty are about to go into service. Find it odd the Mid Range Capability is coming along fast, using Ground launched Tomahawks and Standard SM-6 missiles. Going to make the Army/Navy Game interesting.
The exit from the treaty could have been done better. At least when the ABM Treaty was scrapped, Bush negotiated a further reduction of deployed warheads.
Grinch time.
U.S. supply chain too snarled for Biden Christmas fix, experts say
Trump Tells Republicans Not to Vote in 2022 or 2024
The suspense is terrible….
I hope it’ll last…
Risk in action and on display.
When one of these assholes tells you they won’t vaccinate or they won’t mask, the rest of us need to take note and react to that appropriately.
Nobody has a constitutionally protected right to expose all of society to enormous risk. With each passing week now, as more and more people become vaccinated, the relative risks represented to the rest of us by those who refuse to vaccinate and refuse to mask grow exponentially. At some point it must be assumed that every one of them is a suicide bomber – a contagious spreader looking to kill as many as they can before they themselves blow up and die.
@ 80
Nobody has a constitutionally protected right to expose all of society to enormous risk.
99.99% of society is vaccinated by an FDA-approved vaccine.
0.01% of society refuses for one or more of various reasons, including some which are constitutionally protected rights.
In this scenario, there is no societal enormous risk. Oh, and society has already been exposed.
Randroid Ryan famously quipped, “Rape is rape.” Today drumpf lumps Ryan in the RINO dustbin.
Swastika is swastika???
Democrats and other critics reacted with horror at both the swastika and the campaign’s initial reaction. The Jewish Democratic Council of America said the proud display of swastikas was “absolutely vile,” and the Jewish Democratic Women’s Salon called it “beyond unacceptable.”
“A swastika is a swastika,” the group added.
A spew of “dumb twats” from burQa boob mcdimfuk in 5.. 4.. 3. 2.. Will it go further and add “jewish democrat”?
Herschel Walker strikes yours truly as a new black “friend” for dimfuk. Walker will stand in for dimfuk and help it trade up to the pristine whiteness of Orcas..
Ya can’t go wrong dimfuk.. heh.
First Vegetable Joe Biden’s on a roll.
We all disagree. So you have to stay in your car and drive around the north end of the Island. While we are not depriving you of wearing it, we can’t have you and your bomb vest aboard one of our public ferries.
Oh, and also #ByeByeJob
OMG! Don’t tell me Republicans have pried open the “Overton Window” too far and now can’t figure out how to close it?
Nobody could have possibly foreseen this. /s
I see Doctor Dumbfuck is bragging about his investments today.
He has more in common with me than he realizes. We differ only in professional training, intelligence, politics, compassion, generosity, empathy, character, honesty and truthfulness, decency, and sexual preferences. (Did I miss anything?)
@83 It isn’t lost on them these asswipes also torch synagogues and murder Christians standing in front of synagogues on the assumption they must be Jews if they’re on a sidewalk outside a synagogue.
@85 Shouldn’t be a problem for people who claim the ability to walk on water.
Whereas I’ve seen BurQa Bob express plenty of worry about rising prices of highly affordable things like Happy Meals or toilet paper, and complain bitterly about simple, cheap taxes like car tabs, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you bitch about prices. And the only tax I think I’ve ever seen you come close to complain about was a transit tax.
To me, BurQa Bob always sounds like an addicted day-trader on the ragged edge of insolvency sweating the fuck out of every market cycle. Whereas you always sound like somebody who isn’t terribly worried about your finances.
@ 87
(Did I miss anything?)
Sinema to First Vegetable Joe Biden: You’ll be dead before I’m primaried, bub.
United States
Senator Sinema rejects vote on big Biden package before infrastructure -source
Jayapal has less leverage by the day.
@91 You must be referring to me, because you’re hardly a picture of success. Spends all day posting on HA. At night, fucks a horse.
@92 Speaking of which, in head-to-head matchups against each of four potential primary challengers, Sinema gets about 25%.
“The poll of likely Democratic primary voters in Arizona tested Sinema in hypothetical match-ups with four potential challengers: Rep. Ruben Gallego, Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego, Rep. Greg Stanton and Tucson Mayor Regina Romero. …
“In a scenario in which Ruben Gallego emerged as Sinema’s sole primary challenger, he would garner 62 percent of the vote to Sinema’s 23 percent, according to the poll.
“Similarly, Kate Gallego would beat Sinema 60 percent to 25 percent in a head-to-head match-up, Stanton would win 59 percent to 24 percent and Romero would lead Sinema 55 percent to 25 percent, the Data for Progress poll found.”
Now, before you say it takes a Sinema to beat a Republican in Arizona, first you should consider which GOP freak her replacement will be running against.
Sen. Whitehouse replies to Alito’s whining:
“Understand that you have fouled your nest, not us,” Whitehouse wrote …. “The … Court That Dark Money Built has squandered the benefit of the doubt.”
Wherein Texass lawyers argue Supreme Court rulings are only advisory, and states can interpret the U.S. constitution however they like.
“A top administrator with the Carroll Independent School District in Southlake advised teachers last week that if they have a book about the Holocaust in their classroom, they should also offer students access to a book from an ‘opposing’ perspective, according to an audio recording obtained by NBC News. …
“‘Just try to remember the concepts of [House Bill] 3979,’ Peddy said in the recording, referring to a new Texas law that requires teachers to present multiple perspectives when discussing ‘widely debated and currently controversial’ issues. ‘And make sure that if you have a book on the Holocaust,’ Peddy continued, ‘that you have one that has an opposing, that has other perspectives.’”
In other words, if a teacher in Southlake, Texas, assigns her students to read “‘Number the Stars’ by Lois Lowry, or other historical novels that tell the story of the Holocaust from the perspective of victims,” she also has to make them read “Mein Kampf.” Because that’s what education is now like in Texas.
Spectacle of the day: Republicans whining about rich people bankrolling campaigns.
Lessee, how should we describe this, how about “Republicans complaining about Democrats behaving like Republicans”?
@98 They babbled about George Soros doing that forever.. Of course there was always the dog whistled antisemitism. or was it bullhorned? “Puppetmaster” anyone?
Heh.. They’ll do the same for Zuck..
drumpf is a fucking loser. fuck the fucking fraudits..
ftfy.. r.a.p..
I’m on the fence about lauding this group.. drumpf is the “best thing” that’s happened to repukes in my lifetime.
It’s Martha McSally.
If they’re very lucky.
It’s Kelli Ward if they are not.
Nearly all of Sinema’s confidence arises from her proven ability to raise money. In her estimation there is probably no competitive Dem in Arizona with a statewide political profile who can match her early money. But that was before she pissed off every single one of Biden’s voters. Ask any Biden voter you know.
They’d send money to Gallego right now.
Either one.
Fellow HA HEROES, our mascot troll dimfuk is on its deathbed.. “that certain day” is imminent..
when it got this news, (word is that the infection is sepsis) dimfuk was so overcome with over-the-top joy..
it went into cardiac arrest. Has to be a first in human history.
I think it works the way The Lincoln Project did.
It motivates him.
And that is a good thing.
He’s running fo so. And there is absolutely nothing to keep him from taking the nom.
Who’s that guy?
First Vegetable Joe Biden would like Chuck Schumer to stop trying to help, please.
What really killed him:
McCabe gets it all back. And an additional $500,000 for his lawyers.
@ 94, 101
As the two of you game out an election not scheduled for more than three years, may I remind you that between January and June of 1991 Bill Clinton’s average poll was 1.7%. Among Democrats.
Fuckin’ clowns.
@ 106
McCabe gets it all back.
Don’t forget the everlasting gratitude of President Hillary Clinton.
Never once stopped you.
“This is how you get FOUR MORE YEARS OF TRUMP.”
Clown, meet rake.
Somehow I’m sure this is not going to discourage Teh Dumbfuck from continuing to bring us up to the minute poll results on Biden’s popularity as described in coffee shops and barber chairs throughout America’s corn belt.
@`106 Heh. the whipsaw between joy and despair..
@ 110
… poll results on Biden’s popularity as described in coffee shops and barber chairs throughout America’s corn belt.
Biden’s popularity has nationwide implications affecting all 2022 House and Senate races. And then nationwide implications affecting 2024 House and Senate races. That’s 435+435+33+34 races.
Sinema’s populariy has statewide implications affecting Arizona House and Senate races in 2022 and 2024. That’s 9+9+1+1 races.
These are not the same, QoS McHillbilly.
I went after the fat fuck @ 24 but I think he deserves another whack.
@23 Sinema is at her peak influence. Never again in her political career, be it long or short, will she have this much say over something of so much consequence.
Either single-handedly or in concert with a colleague she is about to prevent Democrats from stupidly spending about $2 trillion over about 10 years.
If that’s her crowning achievement, Sinema did pretty fuckin’ well. She’s still not nearly as experienced as, say, Darcy Burner, but that’s quite the accomplishment.
And Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is right about one thing. Sinema’s about to accomplish something of so much consequence. I fully agree.
Kraken just beat Nashville 4-3. First win for the franchise.
How awful are Goldy’s Eagles? Tom Brady, with a 14-point lead, goes for it on 4th down near midfield.
First Vegetable Joe Biden’s overarching goal is to narrow the gap between the United States and Venezuela.
Empty shelves by Valentine’s Day is a start.
from stupidly spending about $2 trillion over about 10 years.
Heh. Sure feels good not to spend what? 2 billion a week in Afghanistan? How much did Iraq cost again?
Amount Bilmes estimates the United States has committed to pay in health care, disability, burial and other costs for roughly 4 million Afghanistan and Iraq veterans: $1.6 to $1.8 trillion.
Period those costs will peak: after 2048.
That shit was “high IQ”…
So, this happened. Someone who writes for The Atlantic decided to sit down with the head honcho of The Babylon Bee.
She didn’t understand a joke about the Democrats.
The audience for the joke is far larger than Democrats realize. They’ll begin to realize it in about 54 weeks or so.
Logic of The Unserious Twat @ 117
To prove that spending $1.6-1.8 trillion for something that helps few but makes favored industries flush with cash is a really stupid thing to do, liberals are gonna vote to do it again.
@112 No matter how unpopular Biden becomes, the GOP is more unpopular. And making Texas schoolchildren read “Mein Kampf” to provide “balance” against what standard textbooks say about the Holocaust won’t make them more popular.
it got fact-checked because it was so believable that Democrats would do that.
believed by the crowd that hangs on the results of “fraudits”
@113 “I went after the fat fuck @ 24 but I think he deserves another whack.”
You might want to look up who posted #24.
@113 We get that in your rarified socioeconomic circles,
>$200 billion in spending on childcare,
~$200 billion to make pre-kindergarten universally available for free,
>$200 billion towards government-subsidized paid family and medical leave,
~$300 billion towards making community college free for all Americans, and
~$200 billion on health insurance subsidies available through the Affordable Care Act healthcare exchanges*
over 10 years is “stupid,” whereas trillion-dollar-deficit-creating tax cuts that benefit billionaires and investors like yourself are not. You really don’t need to remind us how venal your values are. We know.
In response, First Vegetable Joe Biden has ordered the payment of holiday bonuses by employers be mandatory, tax-free to the employee, and that the payment be made, in cash, no later than October 31.
Just heard that DeathSantis is skeptical of the TexASS vigilante abortion law.
Guess a haaavvuud.. education wasn’t quite as lost on it as it was with KanKun Khruzzz..
It’ll cave eventually. Orangeness is a mental disorder. Apparently, the only way out is death from covid or the next virus “only” treatable by injected bleach or horse dewormer or whatever.
@116 Playing the “Venezuela” card is what dumbfucks do when they’re trying to impersonate Kimberly Guilfoyle (@1:50 in the video below), although that’s really hard to do (if you watch the entire video).
Y’all keep lettin’ the mask drop.
Rantz: School equity leader out after racist and vulgar TikTok videos spread
She’s vicious and mean, but admittedly her IQ is about three times that of HA’s Unserious Twat, YLB. This chick is serious.
This chick is serious.
woo hooo.. dimfuk wanna rape.. white man’s “burden”…
It’s in Arabic but there’s a fun 16 seconds of video demonstrating the difference between a handgun and a rocket-launcher.
Apparently the rocket-launcher takes a second or three to set up and aim before firing.
Nothing that $2 trillion over 10 years can’t fix, amirite?
Farrakhan-loving politician who said Jews control weather running for DC mayor
The preceding isn’t what makes him an embarrassment to Democrats. Naw. What makes him an embarrassment to Democrats is this:
If only moderate liberals would vote for another $2 trillion over 10 years, Democrat politicians wouldn’t have to engage in fraud with Social Work schools at universities for shit.
LA city councilman and ex-USC dean indicted in federal corruption probe
An eight-figure sum could just be wired into the politician’s offshore account as an earmark in the reconciliation bill. Easy-peasy.
It gets worse. The councilman’s kid was a politician, too, and is a sexual predator.
Part of the scheme was to launder campaign funds from Daddy Felon to Felon Jr., through the university.
Gotta read the whole thing to believe how disgusting some liberal politicans can be. Like corrupt father, like corrupt son.
Don’t know much about Sinema but I’ve heard..
She loves to run triathalons, marathons….
Likes to teach school.. Like two classes at a shot..
Likes to fundraise – in Europe even.. Raises plenty of corporate cash.
Likes to avoid townhalls and the like with constituents.. Drives the voters nuts..
Manchin’s positions on issues are known because he talks to his colleagues, Sinema prefers to negotiate her positions directly with the White House. Sometimes her staff doesn’t know her positions.
Kyrsten’s in Europe? Phone’s work everywhere.
She’s pretty proud of her work on the “bi-partisan” infrastructure bill. All in the know recognize her dedication to making that happen. She touts that all over Arizona through the local media. No – not townhalls or stuff like that.
Funny aside, repukes pulled a move to delay the vote on the Senate infrastructure bill – that would interfere with a paid internship she had scheduled for herself… at a winery. Pissed her off.
Work-life balance Kyrsten – one “serious” “chick”..
Compare her to Chris Murphy who once a year walks through CT talking with everyone. But why?
According to the dimfuk crowd, “she swings both ways”. They want to watch.
120)The State of Bavaria should have kept the copyright, use the money to fund anti-nazi education. Now it’s in the Public Domain.
Nothing that $2 trillion over 10 years can’t fix, amirite?
Only a greedee repuke would babble about that and forget about voters..
If they can vote for Bobert, Gohmert, King, krazy Michele Bachmann and MTG, yes they can vote for a guy like that.
Voters can also reject someone like that. Not even civics 101. No munnee needed unless greedee repukes think elections cost too much.
Everything that doesn’t directly line their pockets “costs” too much.
The wreckage of the Revenue Cutter Bear has been discovered and identified, in the Atlantic Ocean, 260 miles east of Boston. She sank while under tow in 1963, en route to Philadelphia to become a floating restaurant. So much history with the bear, once commanded by Captain Michael Healey, of whom a Seattle-based icebreaker is named. Wonder if she had survived, would she have been at Penn’s Landing alongside USS Olympia? Saw an aerial photo of the Delaware River, the New Jersey is moored across the River from the Olympia .
Assisting NOAA on the 2019 expedition, was Famous-class Medium Endurance Cutter WMEC-901, the USCGC Bear. The.Coast Guard Academy mascot also honors the legend.
Gotta see the whole thing to believe how laughable some klownservatic politicans[sick] can be.
This repuke got a 100 percent “pro-family” rating. It’s made up shit talk was right up dimfuk’s alley.
@ 132
It’s not like she’s a David Souter. Sinema is a very reliable vote for Democrat causes. Just not the more stupid ones.
Democrats have moved left, significantly so, in the past few years. She has shifted a bit to the right since 2018 but she’s still left-of-center.
The GOP has senators who don’t always vote the way the party wishes they would. BFD.
Y’all whined for four years that the White House was in GOP hands because of 72,000 votes. The Senate is in Democrat hands based on fewer votes than that.
Democrats have a bare majority. One of their 50 has an independent streak that follows McCain’s, and fairly represents a very evenly divided Arizona electorate.
Live with it.
Paywalled headline:
Decline: Biden’s job approval down 25 net points with black voters since August 1
How’s it goin’, Rep. Clyburn?
@128 Yeah, that’s what I was thinking, sounds like a perfect partner for him, if the horse runs away.
@129 “New video the moment one of the rpg shooters falls”
@130 This is a free country. Anybody can run for anything. That doesn’t mean they’ll be elected.
(Mr. Invictus got 26.5% in the Libertarian Party primary. He switched to the Republican Party in 2018, but his involvement in the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville ended his hopes of running in the GOP Senate primary that year. From his bio, he seems like a fairly bright guy with a personality disorder.)
@131 That’s not what I had in mind when I said Democrats should behave like Republicans.
@138 “The GOP has senators who don’t always vote the way the party wishes they would. BFD.”
Yeah, seven of them voted to convict their own party’s last president of fomenting the violent overthrow of our current elected government.
I suspect even Dr. Dimfuk might agree that stupidity in the first degree should be a jailable offense.
In any case, it is.
Y’all whined for four years that the White House was in GOP hands because of 72,000 votes.
Yawwwn.. Biden got as much a percentage of the popular vote as Bonzo Raygun did over Carter. More even.
“y’all” called that a “mandate” back in the day.
The Senate is in Democrat hands based on fewer votes than that.
Hmmm.. Dimfuk’s own goal moment.. Senators are elected by popular votes in their respective States not by electoral college.. Electors aren’t sent to DC to “elect” Senators.
Mixing apples and oranges there dimfuk.
The Senate is in Democratic hands because of “stupid drumpfers” who blindly followed drumpf’s babbling about Georgia.
Damn dimfuk’s lookin’ pretty IQ challenged right now. Take aspirin for the pain.
Here’s some recreational reading for Elijah as time allows.
Note: This is an actual motion filed by a Capitol riot defendant representing herself in the criminal case against her. She is currently in jail because she refused to comply with the pretrial release terms.
145)What a Maroon.
97 Republican cancel culture by
“They know teachers won’t carry holocaust denial books, the idea is to get them to remove all books about the holocaust, slavery, segregation, apartheid basically anything that makes white people look bad”
I just read that, if true. “From October. 2020, to March, 2021, 5.7 million boomers retired. That’s 32,000/day. There are about 40 million boomers who will be retiring in the next few years.”
That’s a lot of retirements. Seems churn like that would be good for employees, allowing for promotions and moving up in the ranks. Taking on more responsibility and increases in pay that was going to the boomers.
Teacher exodus: Summer retirements up 38% year-over-year in Oklahoma
the pandemic brought into laser focus how much parents and the economy as a whole rely on school teachers for child care.
“They see us as servants, as a lower class to ‘handle’ their kids so they can do whatever they want or need to do. And I don’t mean parents — I mean society.”
Is this happening in blue states, in blue districts?
I fondly recall Goldy’s “bullshit polls” thread in early November of 2016, mere days before the polls he was referring to were proven correct.
The rest of you may not so fondly recall anything that happened during that stretch of a few days.
Anyway, one of those polls was Trafalgar.
It’s real: Youngkin edges ahead of McAuliffe in Virginia race
Democrats are sweating. They should be worried. Biden has been a horrible drag on McAuliffe, and McAuliffe made a Borkian gaffe during last week’s debate.
@ 150, 151
Look at it this way, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron:
According to your spew @ 150, those teacher retirements are merely creating more room @ 151 for younger
babysittersteachers to move into higher-paying jobs.The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, if you have to wonder – two spews in a row – whether some event you post is really happening, maybe you should consider learning whether it’s really happening before you post it. All you are doing is reinforcing our opinion of you.
Why more teachers are retiring early.
Texas school administrator told teachers to include Holocaust books with ‘opposing’ views when explaining new state law
Boys with a penis who want to wear dresses must be referred to, and allowed to behave, as girls. The possibility that six million Jews walked into the ovens because they were cold must be considered along with a Nazi extermination effort.
Hell, compared to being forced to debase oneself by teaching that garbage, child care seems like a dream job @ 151.
Cuomosexual G-clown is not going to like this.
G-clown, when First Vegetable Joe Biden’s incompetence stuffs a steaming hot turd into America’s Xmas stocking, Klain & Co. are gonna make sure the blame falls on the fag in the Cabinet.
Forced birthers are fighting for rapists to chose the mothers of their offspring.
This sounds like a teaching job for Moobs McScrote.
Julian Castro took a week off from his HUD job when his child was born. Imagine the Treasury Secretary taking three months off from work during a financial crisis in order to fluff pillows for his life partner during his/her/its post-partum period.
If you’re gonna act like FMLA applies to your job, you’re gonna catch heat when the job description tells 99.99% of Americans that, no, it doesn’t.
“Heather Has Two Mommies” and “Heather is being abused by two filthy sluts indoctrinating her into the lie of tolerance and compassion.”
“Twelve years a slave” and “Slaves loved being property of white people”
@ 156
Forced birthers are fighting for rapists to chose the mothers of their offspring.
You should try to be more specific, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
Like this:
“In Loudon County, Virginia, a school district covered up the forced sodomy of a 15 year-old girl in a school bathroom. The assailant was a boy wearing a dress. The cover-up allowed the boy to assault another girl, at another district school, a few months later.”
The fact that the rape kit analysis links the “trans” POS to the crime aids in the specificity, of course.
Betcha haven’t heard of this crime, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. Ask yourself why.
Funny you should mention it
Pete Buttigieg’s Parental Leave Is Driving Conservatives Mad: The party of family values can’t understand why the secretary of transportation is spending time with his family.
What do you expect from the forced birth party?
159 post the link or it didn’t happen the way you described and you are lying.
@156 Heh. dimfuk had a sad when Abbott boasted that it was going to “end rape”..
If dimfuk lived in TexASS, it would stay home on election day.
Genyoowine frontier gibberish.
It’s honestly pathetic. And it isn’t just the Sov Cits.
Another pro se defendant, Brandon Fellows, is one of about half a dozen terrorist attackers who recorded themselves smoking weed inside the Capitol. In a bond hearing on Tuesday Mr. Fellows confessed to three or four unrelated felonies while attempting to represent himself.
Throughout the four hour ordeal Fellows continues to refer to legal “research” he had conducted “online”. And it quickly became clear that many of the stupidest, and most naive of these terror “conservatives” have bought into a distorted idea of a criminal, legal process that is filled with “technical errors”. And these folks seem convinced that if they can just cleverly “crowd source” the right formulations, they can exploit these “technicalities” to their unique advantage. That clearly seems to be the thinking behind Sov Cits.
These people are the dupes. There were thousands of them. They were brought there under false pretense by nonsense in the same way that these two fools try to represent themselves. They were brought there by Women for America for Trump, and Ali Alexander, at the behest of John Eastman and ultimately Trump. They were needed in order to overwhelm the state security forces and enable the coup attempt to interrupt and ultimately prevent the count. Nearly all those that breached the secured perimeter of the building, and trespassed and remained unlawfully are not being charged, even though they have been identified. Fools like these two who went the extra mile and committed additional criminal acts, vandalism, assault, theft, and terroristic threats are the big prize winners.
They get to learn to their horror that the system is not a book of incantations from Harry Potter. It’s an overpowered diesel electric locomotive with the throttles locked at full. It takes huge resources to even slow it down, much less stop it. And if you want it to change tracks you have to plan ahead and get way out ahead of it to throw switches. Instead these idiots are outside the driver’s compartment, banging on the door, telling jokes or speaking in tongues.
I feel bad for them both. But they made poor choices when they decided to ignore established legal authority and listen to con artists on the internet instead. They did that to themselves. And eventually having done it enough, they deprived themselves of good alternative options. The entirety of “conservatism” is engaged in pretty much the very same process right now.
BurQa Bob sounds more like a LARPing, Sov Cit Gabbie Johnson every day. They all do.
@ 161
159 post the link or it didn’t happen the way you described and you are lying.
Your fellow homosexuals are embarrassed for you, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
You probably saw a photo, if not video, of a school parent under arrest, handcuffed, being dragged out of a school board meeting with his pants around his knees. It was very useful for those who claim that concerned parents are a new type of “domestic terrorist”.
It turns out, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, that the parent in that photo is the father of a ninth-grade girl.
This ninth-grade girl:
I didn’t post the link, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, because I was pretty sure you would be stupid enough to demand it, and you never disappoint me. You embarrass the hell out of those who share your politics, tho.
The part the greedy racist incel left out
On June 22, Loudoun County Schools Superintendent Scott Ziegler said there had been ‘no reports’ of sexual assaults involving transgender students
The school board says Ziegler didn’t know about the allegations at the time.
Marcy Wheeler did a pretty decent play-by-play tweet roll of the Brandon Fellows bond hearing:
It’s the same magical thinking on display as the Sov Cit. Bauer. But in more plain language with references to pop culture instead of admiralty law. Substitute a few nouns and verbs and you’d have Konstitution Karen angrilly testifying in front of her school board opposing masks or history.
The alleged rapist kid pretending to be trans is making life so much harder for the real trans kids.
@ 167
The alleged rapist kid pretending to be trans is making life so much harder for the real trans kids.
Yes, those are the real victims. Not the girl he raped.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, I didn’t think you could surprise me anymore. But I see that you support the school district’s attempt to cover up what happened. Because it will hurt the district’s efforts to continue to allow boys who choose to dress as girls to share private spaces with girls. What could possibly go wrong?
From your response, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, I can infer that you no longer think I lied about the girl’s forced sodomy.
Question for The Even Bigger Fucking Moron:
If we must respect the self-identity of a teenager no matter what, how are we to know which of them honestly identify as non-binary, and which of them are claiming it for nefarious purposes?
Do we just let bitches run the risk of rape in a school bathroom and if it happens to them they must have deserved it, ’cause them be bitches?
I suppose this applies to Texas’ teenage girls who will be raped in a school bathroom by a dude pretending to be trans so he can make life more difficult for real trans teenagers.
YLB continues to breathe easily in the knowledge that she is still not the most stupid HA commenter. The Even Bigger Fucking Moron continues to wear that crown and sash, and proudly so.
Can’t find any reports confirming with official records this particular series of events in the way you, your paywall source, or the criminally accused father describe it.
Since you have access to “unique insider” information I have questions for you:
– What record is there of the school district failing to report to the appropriate juvenile criminal legal authorities upon learning of credible allegations of a crime?
– Since records of juvenile criminal proceedings are sealed from publication or disclosure by law, what information did the school district have that they are legally enabled to disclose?
– What publicly disclosed evidence is there that the Louden County Prosecutor and/or Louden County Juvenile Court informed the Louden County Public Schools of an ongoing criminal investigation involving a student?
– What authority does the public school district have under Title IX to discipline or exclude a student accused of sexual assault prior to completion of an investigation by criminal juvenile authorities?
– What premise entry control system or mechanism is in use at either Stone Bridge High School or at Broad Run High School that would otherwise limit entry to biologically female students but that was thwarted by the wearing of a skirt?
Have you contributed to his GoFundMe to help him buy a belt?
No virus can propagate in The French Laundry, you see.
@ 165
On June 22, Loudoun County Schools Superintendent Scott Ziegler said there had been ‘no reports’ of sexual assaults involving transgender students
The school board says Ziegler didn’t know about the allegations at the time.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron has yet to learn the First Rule of Holes.
Here’s the controlling Virginia statute:
For the superintendent not to know, the Sheriff’s Department would have had to withhold a required report of a sexual crime on a school campus. Despite a parent and his attorney screaming bloody murder about it due to the circumstances. Despite a positive rape kit and a likely statutory requirement for the hospital to report it to the law enforcement authority because the girl is a minor.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, you further embarrass those with whom you associate. Except for YLB, who feels better about herself with each spew you post.
@138 “The Senate is in Democrat hands based on fewer votes than that.”
The Senate is in Democratic hands with 41 million more votes than the 50 GOP senators got.
Without constitutional and legislative gerrymandering, you guys would be a minor third party.
@151 Florida has >5,000 teacher vacancies. Reason? 49th in teacher pay. Average pay >$10,000 less than nearby states. Unsafe classrooms probably is a factor, too.
168. It’s terrible for both. It’s not a one or the other choice. Only you choose not to see that.
@152 This is what recreational finger-crossing looks like. Only one poll matters. The one next month. And his tribe will do everything they can to game what happens at the polling places.
I see where the state has filed a request to the Circuit on Tuesday to argue an appeal.
I don’t see where the state has filed for any stay of the District order.
I understand you don’t grasp the difference. Because you’re a stupid fuck. But barring such a motion for stay, the lower court order would remain in effect. And the prison guards would all have to get vaccinated anyway.
The state of California, as the operator of the largest prison system in the world outside of China, has a profound interest in limiting expansions of 8th amendment protections. They may not mind at all if prison guards are compelled to vaccinate. All the evidence indicates they would be very very happy with that. But they might very much mind the reason for such a mandate if that reason is grounded in a sweeping expansion of the 8th amendment.
I for one don’t agree with the state. But I do feel it’s necessary to point out that no state or federal operator of a criminal confinement system of any size that I know of would do any differently under the circumstances. They all oppose expansion of the 8th amendment in almost all cases. Party affiliation, ideology, and/or campaign contributions are irrelevant.
@ 172
All very good questions, QoS McHillbilly, and you are free to ask them WRT to both of the sexual assaults this juvenile POS committed.
Here’s CBS affiliate WTOP reporting on the second one:
Teen charged in Loudoun Co. school groping was on electronic monitoring for earlier charges
Forcible sodomy, DNA testing, Sheriff’s Department involved immediately, and all of that claimed close communication between law enforcement and the school, and somehow the superintendent doesn’t know about it? Bullshit.
When Youngkin pulls this out next month, remember your dismissal of incidents like this, QoS McHillbilly. You’ll be better prepared with a response when I remind you.
@153 Almost sounds like you’re admitting that Oklahoma treats its teachers like shit and pays them shit.
Do we just let bitches run the risk of rape in a school bathroom and if it happens to them they must have deserved it, ’cause them be bitches?
Wow. Another self own… The misogyny and rape fantasies keep a spewin’ from teh widbee kreepah..
Keep it up little fella.. you do klownservaticism well… on and on till “that certain day”…
@154 “The possibility that six million Jews walked into the ovens because they were cold”
If you knew your history, you’d know they walked into the gas chambers (not ovens) because they were told they were getting showers.
If you knew your current affairs, you’d know that Trump praised people who brandished swastikas.,
174 so the greedy racist incel is omniscient now and knows all processes were followed to the black letter of the law so the school official is lying? If that were true you realize trump would have been in jail years ago.
@155 “the secretary has actually been on paid leave since mid-August”
Since you think he’s incompetent, isn’t that a good thing?
@159 How come you didn’t toss her father’s arrest into that stew? Loudon County schools clearly have problems. And not all of them are in the girls’ bathrooms, or caused by the students.
Democrats Rely on Big Guns in Virginia as Early Voting Plummets
WSJ headline, today.
This from CBS affiliate WUSA9:
Democrats had the opportunity to take down Joe Biden, and instead made him First Vegetable. Now First Vegetable Joe Biden will take down Democrats instead.
@163 Even worse for them, the flags in federal courtrooms have gold fringes.
“For the superintendent not to know, the Sheriff’s Department would have had to withhold a required report of a sexual crime on a school campus. Despite a parent and his attorney screaming bloody murder about it due to the circumstances. Despite a positive rape kit and a likely statutory requirement for the hospital to report it to the law enforcement authority because the girl is a minor.”
Absolutely none of this is in any public record. The LCSO has issued a statement that included:
“As stated in both the current and former Memorandum of Understanding between the LCSO and Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS), the Loudoun Sheriff’s Office is not involved in school discipline (nor the placement of students). Nevertheless, the LCSO works closely with school officials throughout all criminal investigations.”
For some reason the LCSO was particularly guarded and quiet about their handling of the May bathroom incident involving Mr. Smith’s daughter. By way of comparison, LCSO tweeted out an announcement of the arrest following the October classroom incident.
Furthermore BurQa Bob, having now reached a peak of hysterical self-righteousness, has for some reason deliberately omitted from his quotation of the statute the paragraphs detailing both the authority and the responsibility for determining what is to be reported and when that reporting may be withheld if it is deemed to potentially jeopardize an ongoing investigation.
Hysterical stupidity abhors a vacuum.
So Bob and his fake “FB friends from CO” are always on hand to fill it.
@164 “concerned parents”
That euphemism should win some sort of creative writing prize.
188 dammit we could have chosen tulsi /s
Louden County Public Schools is to “Critical Race Theory”
as Downtown Portland is to George Floyd’s sport-murder at the hands of Minneapolis police.
Get it?
@166 “Asks to be treated like people sent to Gitmo, bc he’s under the belief that Joe Biden released them all.”
This is why public defenders carry duct tape in their briefcases.
@170 Yeah, girls’ restrooms would be perfectly safe if it weren’t for trans policies …
Doctor Dumbfuck came up with exactly one case of a boy allegedly raping a girl in a girls’ school restroom. No mention of the countless cases of girls assaulted by other girls in girls’ school restrooms. Just cherry-picking to bash trans kids. Cute. And rather dishonest; but then, his ilk always are when debating issues of this nature.
Somewhere in all that I think he apologized to Judge McFadden for one of his stunts by claiming that “he was tricked into it” by “seeing it in a movie once”.
I wonder what would happen if he watched a Mission Impossible movie?
@172 “– What authority does the public school district have under Title IX to discipline or exclude a student accused of sexual assault prior to completion of an investigation by criminal juvenile authorities?”
Aren’t you forgetting something? I.e., in Dumbfuck World accusation is the same thing as guilt, and there’s no due process in between.
Just because somebody can flog his way through med school doesn’t mean he has sufficient brains to survive a first-semester law school crim proc class.
@173 Kinda reminiscent of the exemptions Walker gave police unions. But it’s only bad when Dems do it, amirite?
Instead of hysterically obsessing about underwear inspections, public schools could do a whole lot more to increase safety by counter programming against violence and toxic masculinity. And parents might want to think about cutting off Insta.
But most of these people really aren’t there for the kids.
They are there for their Rape-Hero Trump.
And so is Bob.
@180 “Teen charged in Loudoun Co. school groping was on electronic monitoring for earlier charges”
Sounds like this is a criminal problem, not a trans problem.
No mention of the countless cases of girls assaulted by other girls in girls’ school restrooms.
Or a boy wearing pants entering a girls restroom to commit rape.
Have any of the pants wearers ever entered a girl’s restroom filled with fantasies of being a “celebrity”?
It appears that’s not worth a rageaholic shit post from dimfuk. Ever…
@193 Of course I get it. Of course the doctor doesn’t.
Where was that “claim” made? By you?
You and Mr. Smith seem quite disturbed. I can understand in his case. His daughter was hurt. He feels terrible. Guilty even, perhaps for feeling like he failed to protect her. He wants to lash out violently and get arrested, if only to show that it wasn’t his fault. He goes to a big public meeting to do it where lots of people will see and lots of cameras will record it. That way everyone will know he’s a good father. Even if he probably is blaming the wrong people.
What doesn’t make any sense at all is seeing you with your pants around your ankles over this. Instead of making shit up to cover yourself, why not just pause long enough to pull your pants back up? None of us needs to see that shit.
The way I read Poor Bobby’s ravings, apparently the public schools are going to have to require girls to wear skirts from now on?
I’m still eager to hear about this crazy AI premise security system that prevents boys from entering the girls room. I remember in third grade that was a big deal. If you could go in there and manage to remain for a ten count you got everyone’s desert at lunch. Now I suppose you’d get mowed down by a chain gun.
I sure hope you do, even when McAuliffe wins. Because unless we learn lots more about exactly how this investigation unfolded, my response will probably be the same.
You don’t have enough of the relevant facts to draw any of the conclusions you are drawing about these kids or these schools. Instead you are being manipulated into an emotionally overwrought, hysterical reaction to a largely staged event. Forces much larger than you or Mr. Smith are manipulating and “utilizing” your anger.. Most people can sympathize with Mr. Smith. Perhaps most Republicans can side with him in blaming the school district, even without any real evidence to support that. But damn few people would lose their shit over this the way you have.
You really are a fucking tool, Bob.
Seems the greedy racist incel wanted to change the subject away from stories like this
The most innocent victims of Texas abortion ban: Children forced to carry their abuser’s baby
In just one recent month, seven pregnant 12-year-olds and their caregivers sought help at the Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center,
Texas is forcing 12 yo girls to carry their rapists baby to term and the greedy racist incel wanted to change the subject to attack trans kids
In just one recent month, seven pregnant 12-year-olds and their caregivers sought help at the Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center
How could these rapes happen in a klownservatic state? Wasn’t the vigilante mob abortion law inspired by teh holy jeebus?
Yabutt didn’t Abbott say it had a plan to “end rape”? What an issue to run on. Like teh fucking wall that seizes the private property of TexASSns.
teh plan must be “bible based..”