It’s not my stop, but I have used the Capital Hill Station enough times that I should know what escalator to take. But no, it’s still mostly just take one or the other. And the exits are several blocks away from each other. It’s not the end of the world, but it’s kind of embarrassing that I haven’t figured it out.
After everything you’ve posted I’ve just pretty much assumed you are immune from embarrassment.
Ah, the fluidity of sexual assault and other assorted violence against women.
JOY BEHAR: Chappaquiddick. I mean, a girl drowns and he abandons her and she drowned and women still voted for Teddy Kennedy. Why? Because he voted for women’s rights. That’s why. That’s the bottom line of it in my opinion. I mean, I don’t like either one of them, to tell you the truth, Teddy or Bill. They’re both dogs as far as I’m concerned. But I still will vote for Bill Clinton because he votes in my favor.
And there is a FOURTH Kavanaugh accuser from High School in Maryland.
a href=”″>”Abusive men rarely do it only once.”
And now a fifth victim is speaking out about the Trump Date Rape nominee about another drunken episode from his time working for Ken Starr, and reported to Sen. Cory Gardner.
Out at a DC watering hole (where else) getting hammered with a group of friends, Associate Justice Date Rape forced himself on some poor young woman in front of multiple wittnesses.
No time to look into it.
Must vote next week because… reasons.
Demorat Party Of Dirtbag Porn Lawyers News-Minnesota DFL Chairman Ken Martin to Ellison ex-girlfriend Karen Monahan- You’re still a lying slut
[Deleted: Fair Use violation]
“Republicans pounced…”
Ex-boyfriend filed restraining order against third Kavanaugh accuser
When asked if the allegation of a restraining order were true, Avenatti said: “I don’t know one way or another,” adding he would research it further.
And yet he’s still a far better attorney than Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit ever was.
The argument that Kavanaugh is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt is a false one. In civil cases, the standard is lower, and the preponderance of evidence can get a judgement. The rationale is that taking one’s freedom requires more than taking one’s money. By that rational, an appointment to a lifetime appointment is not a taking but rather a benefit. Therefore the standard of proof is reasonable on the appointee.
@ 7
I can live with a preponderance of the evidence scenario here.
You sure you can?
in an impeachment proceeding. Yes. True.
In a Senate confirmation hearing the standard now appears to be that which serves the political exigencies of the GOP.
“We’re not going to let a thousand accusations stop him”
-Sen. Graham (R)*
No mean yes.
*The (R) stands for Rohypnol
Sen. Graham (R) says he doesn’t want to “reward” Democrats for discovering that his nominee is great big rapey trash fire.
That “would set a bad precedent”.
The (R) stands for Rohypnol.
File this one under “No Shit?”
“Fox News’ Chris Wallace: Ford’s testimony a ‘disaster’ for GOP”
Date Rape’s testimony appears designed more to fire the Trumpublican base than reassure wavering Senators.
We’re his nomination to fail and he returns to the DCDC he can probably anticipate many years of motions for recusal.
Dude is scary. And cray.
DiFi: “If you’re very confident of your position, and you appear to be, why aren’t you also asking the FBI to investigate these claims?”
Kavanope: “Senator, I’ll do whatever the committee wants. I wanted a hearing the day after the allegation came up, I wanted to be here that day,” [he repeatedly slammed his pen down on his desk.]
Hey Bart O’Kavanope! Where’s the letters F B I in your response? Who runs “the committee”?
Incredible.. The freak is a disaster..
Give the Date Rape nominee some credit at least for trailblazing one potential pathway forward for entitled, angry, white dude privilege. Nobody ever tried hysterical lunatic paranoia before. If this r/PublicFreakout approach is deemed successful by Trumpublicans we can probably look forward to many more such performances. Might provide some unexpected entertainment.
Somewhere Rob Porter is quietly nursing a Doctor Pepper wishing he’d thought of it.
Would that be before or after you threaten his family, Goldy?
Geez. If Kavanaugh is so angry and out of control when he’s sober, imagine how out of control he is when he’s drunk.
After all, he doesn’t have the ability to block people from writing all manner of awful things about them, which is a bit of a contrast to what you did when someone here threatened yours.
Demorat Party Of Dirtbag Porn Lawyers News–Thanks again Demorats for being arrogant and stupid, now the world knows what hateful weasels you are. Extra credit for claiming that Ford was too afraid of flying to come to DC, that was brilliant, i.e.;
Why I know Kavanaugh is lying….
I am a product of a privileged high school at the exact same time as BK.
I would have been in the same Clique more or less as BK. (Athletes, partiers, BMOC)
I spent as much free time as possible scoring beers and smoking weed while still managing to get well above average grades and getting into a top tier University. (OK not Harvard but arguably the best public in State that is regarded just slightly below a certain private school down on the farm.)
I knew lots of people who went to parties but didn’t drink or smoke but were ‘cool kids’
I knew lots of jocks that wouldn’t drink or smoke in season but joined the fun when Football/Basketball/Teack was out until next year
I knew lots of cool kids that didn’t go to parties because they didn’t want to feel pressure to drink or smoke.
I knew the Bible folks who didn’t party.
I knew about some things that happened at parties that as an adult I’m horrified at how dude culture treated girls. I’m mostly certain I didn’t do anything awful. I’d like to think at my age now if someone confronted me with something I did I would own it and try to make amends though that won’t erase trauma for the victim even if I didn’t remember the events.
The one thing I never ever saw? People who were well known partiers who only partied on weekends.
There isn’t a single ‘partier’ That we never had to ‘fill in he details’ for after some particularly crazy night, myself included.
According to BK, he couldn’t have done it because his Calendars only show a few weekend nights available and by god we wouldn’t drink on week nights. In the Summer. ‘ No sir. If it was a Tuesday in July and someone’s parents were out of town, no we wouldn’t score beers and go there. IT’S NOT A WEEKEND!”
Guy who is a well known High School boozer but only boozes on the weekend in the summer is not a real thing.
Side note, the one rich kid serial abuser of women I know in my graduating HS class got tossed from Stanford for assault after beating a kid post frat party. Then got arrested again for assault at a bar in my hometown. Now serving life on three strikes for assault with a deadly weapon over some money owed in another bar in my hometown. I didn’t know the extent of how bad he was until my tenth reunion when word of his sentencing and shit he had done was all the talk because he had just been convicted. No girl, including one of my closest friends had ever said anything to police or other guys until that reunion.
Corker’s a Yes.
BMOC don’t self-refer as BMOC, Cz-252.
Lest anyone forget, you were also sure that Hillary Clinton had an absolute lock on 252 EVs.
Do I hear 53?
Elaina Plott
Verified account
Interesting: A source close to Senator Manchin tells me now, “Short of claims that definitively prove Dr. Ford’s allegations or a realization that Kavanaugh will gut the healthcare law, Manchin will side with the overwhelming number of people in WV who want Kavanaugh confirmed.”
6:00 PM – 27 Sep 2018
Tester’s doing well enough that he’s a likely No.
Kavanaugh could pick up Heitkamp and Donnelly.
It’s he said, she said, and he’s got the evidence.
And really, if what you’re holding is a Pilsner and a Cz-252, shouldn’t you have folded two raises ago?
Demorat Party Of Dirtbag Porn Lawyers News–Filthy Lying Fake Nam Vet Demorat Dirtbag Porn Lawyer Of The Day Award Goes To Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Vietnam)
@20, Reading comprehension.
I ran in the circles that included BMOCs. In some respects, now looking back on it I probably had some BMOC status that I didn’t recognize as “privilege” when I was in High School.
I got caught doing some relatively minor shit that a less “well bred” kid probably would have been suspended for doing. I got an afternoon in the office.
Associate Justice Date Rape as “the victim” is already playing.
I sure never expected this to be so entertaining.
To see a sitting fed circuit judge reduced to paranoid rants about a secret “Clinton cabal” is almost worth it.
Date Rape is right about one thing: he is ruined.
And if he is confirmed, this side show will go on tour forever.
Cornyn is urging a rush to confirm before more victims come forward.
Not sure he gets it.
The Vichy Roypublicans are huddling with Manchin having one of those classic “I’ll follow right behind you” meetings.
Today is the day Susan Collins votes to bestow a now $1.6 million war chest of tiny individual donations into the hands of her 2020 Democratic Party opponent.
You can be a part of that by donating here:
Let’s face it. She called Doctor Blassey Ford a slut. She promoted a disgraceful InfoWars lie about a decent woman who was the victim of sexual assault when she was only 15 years old. She really should go away now.
Please All Rise. Pussy Grabber Court of Pussy Grsbber Nation is in session.