Once again, the affairs of the world ground to a halt yesterday in solemn observance of a small American state voting for presidential nominees. The results (with 96% of precincts counted):
Hillary Clinton 39.2%
Barack Obama 36.4%
John Edwards 16.9%
Bill Richardson 4.6%
Dennis Kucinich 1.4%
Others 1.4%
Mike Gravel 0.1%
John McCain 37.2%
Mitt Romney 31.6%
Mike Huckabee 11.2%
Rudy Giuliani 8.6%
Ron Paul 7.6%
Others 2.0%
Fred Thompson 1.2%
Duncan Hunter 0.5%\
Me, I’m getting kind of sick of media’s attempt to create instant, sweeping generalizations on the basis of first Iowa, now New Hampshire. Clinton led NH polls all last year, and McCain was expected to win; now, somehow, they are the “comeback kids.” Clinton “escapes to fight another day” with her “return from the political dead,” even though only an idiot thought that her $100 million campaign would have been finished off by a second-place finish — just as nobody should write off Obama now. And Edwards is now the one being written off, for having finished pretty much exactly where the last year’s worth of polls had him. Bollocks. Same thing on the Republican side, where the Beltway punditocracy has been desperate to portray a McCain “surge” since the barbarian (i.e., Mike Huckabee) won in Iowa. Now that McCain (aka “Lazarus”) has performed as expected, someone, somewhere, will opine that his nomination is inevitable. (One thing’s for sure: Fred Thompson sure doesn’t seem like much of a threat.)
And establishment journalists wonder why the public hates them.
In other, lesser news yesterday, President Bush quietly attempted to remind people that he’s still relevant.
Locally, beyond you-know-what, the P-I brings us the shocking news that area home prices have dropped (shocking, that is, if you’ve been relying on the local dailies for your information for the last six months), and asks the burning question: “Have prices hit bottom?” (The P-I doesn’t risk an answer, so here’s one: No.) The Times also has the story, natch. Bothell’s Best also gives us Nicole Brodeur, with the sort of incisive analysis she’s renowned for: Sometimes pit bulls bite people. Sometimes they don’t.
Local TV is, unsurprisingly, even worse. KING-5 set the standard last night; their top four stories were about crime.
Give the P-I credit, though, for a priceless photograph of Port Commissioner Pat Davis in the blandly titled “Port of Seattle enacts reforms.” Nothing like a criminal investigation to perk ’em up, huh?
While I’m a touch disappointed, just a touch, at Clinton’s win in NH, it makes the upcoming caucuses and primaries more interesting, knowing that the field is still in play and that the ‘coronation’ of a candidate isn’t a foregone conclusion just yet. I know my job as precinct chair for next weekend’s Nevada caucus just got more interesting.
And the same is pretty much true on the other side of the aisle with McCain’s victory. So I’ll wager Piper is thinking pretty much the same thing when his turn comes up next month, that his job just got a little more interesting, and his living room will be just a little bit more raucous for the caucus.
Now if only my district honcho would let me know about whether or not I’ll be getting any help in running the show. Y’know, an assistant chair, hospitality people……
Anyone wanna send me a shitload of brownies?
And no Ex-Lax!
Yesterday, on the day of the NH primaries, the New York Times runs an opinion piece by Gloria Steinem. Ms. Steinem blatantly appeals to women to elect HRC because….you guessed it..she is a woman. Hillary then wins in 98% lily white NH because women come out for her in droves.
Today the lead editorial by the NYT appeals to Democratic voters to “Unite, not divide,”
Hilarious. Like people in New Hampshire have no internet, and do not read the NYT. Like black people due no pay attention to politics, and see their race get insulted by Hillary’s campaign comparing Obama to MLK in a derisive way.
Message from NYT. Do not divide voters among race lines please. But using our opinion page to make a blatant appeal to gender on one of the most important days of presidential politics is perfectly OK.
Busdrivermike: What else do democraps in the liberal MSM know to do? Look up the press and the “gravitas” statement. IT was a DNC comment and the next Sunday all the talking head decocrap commentators used “gravitas” in their questions. They learned the divisiveness politics from their mentors the democrap party.
When you see a POTUS candidate speak of two americas and he as stock and lives in the stratosphere america, REAL people don’t take him seriously. But Clueless Gooberfool and others here do.
When you see the white women come out in droves for Hilary, was it the women vote or the stereotype vote? You know the real answer. Gloria Steinem ain’t “progressive”. But Headless Lucy claims to be. Gloria’s what, 66 years old? Around the same age as John Effin’ Kerry. Remember he had NO blacks in his campaign. She’s another of the standard faces of your party.
So let me ask busdrivermike three simple questions about democraps and their dislike for blacks aspiring to higher political echelon position. Don’t be like Clueless Gooberfool (YLB), be a man and answer these questions straight up! I told Goober I’d be a man and respond to the Nixon Southern strategy but Goober is toooooooooooo scared to respond because we know his wife wears the pants. Let’s see what busdrivermike is made of!
Why did Mike Steele get the special democrap treatment?
Why did Lynn Swann get the special democrap treatment?
Why did H Carl McCall get the special democrap treatment?
Puddy will wait!
Since Pelletizer asked about 2006:
$360,295,000 for projects in the state of Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee ranking member Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii)
$100,327,000, a 56 percent increase from fiscal year 2005, for projects in the state of Senate Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee member Mary Landrieu (D-La.)
$79,745,000 for projects in the state of Senate Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee Ranking Member Harry Reid (D-Nev.)
$56,078,000 added by the Senate in the state of Senate Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)
33+92+47+43=$215MM For Ted Stevens in 2006 is still less than IN-NO-WAY’s total.
I’m glad you asked Pelletizer. Too bad the facts hurt your argument.
For 2005:
$404,175,000 for projects in the state of Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee Ranking Member Daniel Inouye (Dhawaii)
How does he do it?
“Prof. Jon Krosnick of Stanford University has another argument: That the order of names on the New Hampshire ballot – in which, by random draw, Clinton was toward the top, Obama at the bottom – netted her about 3 percentage points more than she’d have gotten otherwise. That’s not enough to explain the gap in some of the polls, which presumably randomized candidate names, but it might hold part of the answer.”
Golly this is a blue state and they screwed up the ballot or was this on purpose? Kind of reminds you of Ohio, Florida, etc…
Here’s the link:
“Barack Obama was close to last of the 21 candidates listed.”
So why did those “special” democraps do this to Barack? Very progressive.
This article says the independents voted for McCain, and the old white ladies voted for Hildabeast.
Amazing how this disagrees with the HorsesASS “pundits”.
Wow, didn’t I say the stupid people would vote for Clinton long ago?
“Clinton also won lower income and lower-education voters: she beat Obama by 15 points among voters from less than $50,000 households; he won by 5 points in $100,000-plus households.”
So why did those “special” democraps do this to Barack? Very progressive.
Oh, sweet merciful crap.
You see, Lambchop, this is one of the reasons you’re such a laughingstock. If you would just read for once, you wouldn’t come off as such a fool.
“…That the order of names on the New Hampshire ballot – in which, by random draw, Clinton was toward the top, Obama at the bottom…”
Stuck on stupid…
Wednesday Headline: Larry Craig, Again
“Seeking to have his guilty plea in a bathroom sex sting erased, … Sen. Larry Craig of Idaho argued in a new court filing that the underlying act wasn’t criminal because it didn’t involve multiple victims ….
“An appeals brief filed Tuesday contends Minnesota’s disorderly-conduct law ‘requires that the conduct at issue have a tendency to alarm or anger “others,”‘ underscoring the plural nature of the term.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....dig09.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Who woulda thunk? Craig could’ve saved himself a lot of bad publicity if he’d had his lawyer with him in the airport bathroom to give him advice! But then — that would’ve made it a threesome, wouldn’t it?
Hillary’s 2.8% squeaker past Obama, which she probably owes to McCain siphoning off independent votes, hardly catapaults Hillary into unchallenged frontrunner status; and Edwards has to stop finishing 20+ points behind the others and start winning something for the media (or anyone else) to think he’s actually in this race.
The big news about Bush is Barron Magazine’s revelation about phantom jobs:
” … [E]stimates are used to arrive at the ‘unadjusted’ changes to nonfarm payrolls along with data coming from … state employment insurance records for some 400,000 businesses. The birth death model accounts for the ‘birth’ and ‘death’ of businesses that are not reflected in the regular survey.”
http://themessthatgreenspanmad e.blogspot.com/2007/12/birth-d eath-model-adjustments-to.html
“All told, supposedly 18,000 jobs were added [in December]. We might note right off the bat that there were no fewer than 66,000 mythical jobs added, courtesy of the infamous birth/death adjustment; save for that curious confection, the total would have gone considerably negative. That handy adjustment, incidentally, was responsible for 89% of all the reported payroll additions in 2007.”
http://online.barrons.com/arti.....68909.html? mod=9_0002_b_this_weeks_magazi ne_home_right
So much for the wingnut argument that tax cuts for the rich lift all boats!
@1 With or without the extra hippie ingredient?
@5 Puddinghead: I’m sure you could fill a book with Democratic earmarks. But, for the sake of reciprocal honesty, you really should acknowledge that I could fill a shelf of books with Republican earmarks.
So — do you wish to continue with this pointless exercise?
@5 Why don’t you tell us again how Republicans stand for cutting spending, shrinking government, cutting taxes for ordinary joes, and opposing government intrusion into our private lives and arbitrary government infringement of our personal liberties?
@6 “How does he do it?”
Same way as Republicans do it, except Democrats aren’t nearly as prolific at it.
Funny how Bush wasn’t outraged by earmark spending until Democrats did it. Funny how pudwhacker didn’t criticize the practice until Democrats did it.
Can you say, “Republican fucking hypocrites?”
Hey Democraps: After listening to the same tired speech from John [D]E[a]dwards and how we’re so bad off and he’s the catalyst for change, I decided to do a Puddystudy. Why does Deadwards give the same tired speech Clueless Gooberfool? He’s your man along with other moronic idiot gene people here.
So to make sure there is no disagreement, I am using guvmint figgers you all can research yourselves. I am sure Richard Pope knows where to find these data but for the stupid ones like neverrightalwaysincorrect and Clueless Gooberfool; I’m using Census Bureau Numbers. Below is the latest Puddygram.
Since you guys are saying we need change, change of $20, $10, $5, $1, 50cent change, let’s talk about people and economic change.
In 1975 the %age of people in poverty was 17.1%. In 1976 it was 16.0%. In 2005 it was 17.4%. In 2006 it was 17.6%. We also know from the census there are anywhere between 11-20 million illegal aliens now counted in the US Census for not having insurance which inflates these poverty numbers.
Now using the same census data the level of middle class dropped 10% when you add up all the families below $100K, the cut off for SS deductions. But the level of the upper class increased by about the 10%. How can this be? We’ve been told by your side the middle class is shrinking. The poverty pimps on your side make it seem the world is coming to an end. But wait a minute… Yes, there is change – they are entering the upper class!
How many of you older leftist HorsesASSes are making over $100K? I know JSA does. He does similar stuff I do. I know Goldy isn’t. What about you others? How about you Headless 24/7 Lucy? Still stuck on stupid? What about K – Cornell Grad Guvmint worker? What about Lee? Does Perfesser Darryl at the UW break 6 figgers? How about Dismissed with Prejudice ATJ? What abot idiotand stupid gene recipient Rujax!?
If your salary hasn’t broke the barrier is it the man’s fault? Are you not considered an elite person in your company? Is that why you browse this site seeking sympathy during working hours? Are you a ‘shroom, another whack-a-loon… I mean whack-a-dem? Why is this? Why not take time and research the data for yourselves?
Ohhhh… I need the guvmint leaders to tell me what’s my problems of the day?
Ohhh… I need the party leaders to tell me how bad off I am?
Shit… If I took that advice and accepted the status quo of Philadelphia, I’d probably be a prison statistic. Some of my old classmates are or they became fertilizer. See the stupidity of your thinking? Naah… you need the Clitongram or the Obamagram or the Deadwardsgram…
Keep waiting…
ATJ: If you read the article with a critical mind it said Hilary got a 3% bump. But critical thinking is not your forte!
An I’m stuck on stupid? Dismissed with Prejudice!
@7 Let’s talk about Ohio, pudcommie. Yes, let’s — let’s talk about how, if you vote in a state where a Republican runs elections, and you live in a Democratic-leaning district, you have to stand in a freezing November rain for 6 to 8 hours to exercise your right as an American to vote in your own country.
Let’s talk about how, if you vote in a stae where Republicans run elections, voting machines are kept locked in warehouses to make the lines longer.
Let’s talk about how, if you vote in a key swing state where Republican election officials allow polling place voter challenges, platoons of party goons challenge every single voter’s right to vote to make the lines longer still.
Then let’s talk about the incredible Republican lie that they’re spending the lives of other people’s children in gritty foreign lands to bring the benefits of “democracy” to the people of those lands — even as our troops kick down their doors and slaughter their old men, their women, and their children in their beds.
I’m surprised you have the nerve to post such a comment — in light of what the criminal organization you support actually does in this country and abroad in the name of “democracy.”
Stalin would be proud of you.
Wow. You proved my point beautifully. Thx.
Pelletizer said: Funny how Bush wasn’t outraged by earmark spending until Democrats did it. Funny how pudwhacker didn’t criticize the practice until Democrats did it.
Two things for you Pelletizer since you don’t seem to have much in the memory department:
1) Search this blog and determine when I lifted the name of Robert 3K Byrd and his Byrddroppings on this site.
2) Also, it was Nancy Pelosi who ran on we’ll get rid of earmarks if you elect me speaker and put donk in charge. Do you need to see the multiple Google hits? Better yet Pelletizer you need a memory refreshment. Do it your own stupid self.
For the uninitiated donk – short for donkey, your symbol.
Hey Piper! As a Fox News aficionado you should watch this video of your hero Bill O’Reilly stand up to the Obamas and defend the constitution. Don’t fuck with Bill! He’s a real Republican warrior.
I’ve noticed more and more ATJ has started using the same debate tactic as Clueless Gooberfool.
Dismissed without Prejudice. Too stupid to debate.
@10 It occurs to me that if “lower income and lower education” voters — what you call “stupid people” — voted for Hillary yesterday, then your party is in deep doo-doo because that’s the GOP’s core constituency.
Nice job headless lucy 24/7. Now fix the web site!
@11 In pudding’s case, I think it’s a character defect.
I wonder if someone who knows how could turn off the caps?
Hey Piper and Puddy and all the other brave Republican warriors on this blog.
You’re invited to a Waterboarding demonstration this Friday. Come on down to Westlake. Guaranteed to give all you brave Republican warriors an erection.
**FRI JAN 11, 3 pm, at Westlake Plaza, 4th & Pine,
Seattle; Join the Seattle Chapter of World Can’t Wait,
Drive Out the Bush Regime in Seattle for a demonstration of
the TORTURE TECHNIQUE “WATERBOARDING”, which is being used
by the U.S.in violation of international law.
FRI JAN 11, 4 – 7 pm, at Westlake Plaza, 4th & Pine,
BAY and an immediate end to 6 years of injustice.
Demonstration calling for the repeal of the 2006 Military
Commissions Act, and an end to the use of torture for any
reason. On January 11, 2002 the first prisoners from
Afghanistan arrived at the prison at Guantánamo Bay. In
the six years since, the prison has been a mark of shame
for our country. In fact, three years after the military
tribunals were first established there, there has yet to be
a single trial completed for any person in custody.
Guantánamo has become a stain on our nation’s honor. This
is part of a world wide demonstration that will target US
embassies and prominent public places.
Ahhh yes Pelletizer let’s talk about Ohio. Damn I went over this with BlowJobJoe from Nevada. Then he used the Texas Phone Gang to change the topic. So here we go again.
The polls are run locally. The precinct guess how many voting boxes they need. The donk run the local county stuff, remember Franklina nd Cuyahoga Counties Pelletizer. So I ask why didn’t the purple colored counties have these problems? Why didn’t the red counties have these problems. You guys hire lazy or call in sick poll workers.
FRI JAN 11, everywhere; ACLU is calling on people of
conscience to wear orange to DEMAND THE CLOSING OF THE
PRISON AT GUANTÁNAMO BAY and an immediate end to 6 years of
injustice. Make a contribution to the ACLU today and get a
“Close Guantánamo” armband. On January 11, 2002 the first
prisoners from Afghanistan arrived at the prison at
Guantánamo Bay. In the six years since, the prison has
been a mark of shame for our country. In fact, three years
after the military tribunals were first established there,
there has yet to be a single trial completed for any person
in custody. Guantánamo has become a stain on our nation’s
Stupid as a rabbit Pelletizer. That was from ABC News exit polling data, a liberal MSM news organization. Those were your peeeeeeeeeeeeeps Pelletizer. The stupid people voted for Hilary.
You can try and wax ineloquently about non-facts all you want.
Can you dig it?
@20 So … are we to understand your incomes analysis to mean that if a tightfisted boss refuses to pay workers a decent wage for their work, that’s the worker’s fault? That if workers don’t squeeze better wages out of their employers, there’s something wrong with them?
Well … I have a solution for THAT.
I don’t work.
That’s right. When the state calls me and says they’ll now pay me over $100K a year to resume doing the work I formerly did for them (before I wised up), I’ll come back — contingent on Congress giving me the capital gains tax rate on my salary.
Until then, I’m going to do no work, produce nothing, and make my living by pushing paper dollar signs in little circles — just like rich Republicans do. If it’s good enough for them, it’s good enough for me, too.
@24 Feel free to list all the Republican congressmen and senators you criticized in this blog for earmark spending. Please supply cites and links to said comments.
Good job ATJ.
Pelletizer: I don’t take orders from you (stolen from Clueless Gooberfool).
@25 I’m proud to be a donk. Got a problem with it? Go fuck yourself.
I notice, however, there’s currently an acute shortage of Republicans proud to be identified as such — and an awful lot of Republican candidates who will do anything to conceal their party affiliation from voters. Why is that? Is it because they can’t stomach what their own party has come to represent? Yes, I think that’s it.
Elmer Pudd: I’ll take time off and watch if only you are the waterboard recipient and I can choose the waterboard doer?
Roger, as you know, a true christian measures his or her worth through income and wealth because that’s how Jesus would have done it.
(BTW, we’re doin’ jus’ fine, thanks, but I’m not a christian, so my values don’t change as my income grows and I don’t look down on people making less than me.
Oh well. No heaven for me, I guess.)
@35 “So I ask why didn’t the purple colored counties have these problems? Why didn’t the red counties have these problems.”
Yes, that’s a very good question — why didn’t they? And why haven’t any of the counties had these problems since Ohio’s voters fired their Republican SoS and hired a Democratic SoS? Is it just a random coincidence that these problems occur only when Republicans run elections? As for who’s got the keys to the warehouses where the voting machiens are locked up, no, that wouldn’t be the precinct officials.
So Pelletizer are you a man a man-rabbit or a rabbit? Maybe a moron? An idiot?
Why not take the Puddytest and prove yourself. No one else is man-up to do it!
Why did Mike Steele get the special democrap treatment?
Why did Lynn Swann get the special democrap treatment?
Why did H Carl McCall get the special democrap treatment?
@39 I take it, then, you’re not interested in the fact Republicans are the supreme practitioners of earmarking? Thought so. You lose, but thanks for playing.
@43 I think the object of the demonstration is to apply the Golden Rule, puddy. Therefore, I’m volunteering you to be strapped to the board.
@44 “Roger, as you know, a true christian measures his or her worth through income and wealth because that’s how Jesus would have done it.”
Yes, I can visualize how ludicrous it would be to try to shove puddy’s fat ass through the eye of a needle. If a camel can’t make it, he can’t either.
@46 I’m a human pretending to be a rabbit for literary effect. Any more stupid questions?
Oh yes Pelletizer you need to research your arguments. There were problems in 2007 in Ohio and alternet says they’ll have problems in 2008.
You need to research more.
@43 PuddyPud, I asked you the other day if you support toture. Puddy you are a ball-less wonder. You spout all sorts of beliefs and accusations on this blog but when asked straight up if you support torture you demand name, address, IP, mother maiden name, etc as conditions for you to make a response. I invite you down to Westlake for a little Republican values porn and it’s more conditions.
Puddy, why are you here instead of on a Republican blog sharing insights with your peers? Why are you here Puddy, armed with your Lexis-Nexis account and still spouting nonsense. I think the rightwingers have kicked you off their blogs. I think it’s only us liberals who are willing to put up with your silly shit.
@51 There’s a difference between the normal election administration problems that occur in all elections (the kind your ilk likes to label “fraud”) and deliberately induced hindrances to voting in selective polling places (the kind constituting actual fraud that happen only when your ilk runs elections).
@52 If waterboarding isn’t torture, Republicans shouldn’t object to participating as subjects in a public demonstration of waterboarding.
50 – PStupes: DENSE.
ATJ Now that’s funny. ROTFLMBAO on post#44.
Since yous not a Christian how would you know anything?
Let’s see: Puddy pick four time!
1) Speculation?
2) Pulling it out of your ass?
3) Checking with Pelletizer?
4) Calling Hilary for assistance?
You definitely debate like Clueless Gooberfool. I stand by what I said above. The Middle Class is shrinking because more are moving to the upper class. If you can’t determine why this is happening and it is passing you by, that’s not my problem. I don’t look down on others, like democraps do. Why didn’t ATJ jump into his car, travel to Sea-Tac, buy a round-trip ticket to Katrinaland and help them poor people out? Why is that ATJ?
Nooooo? So you sat on your fat ass and looked down your noses at them? Well many of us Christians didn’t do that. I spent my Christmas vacation money to help them. You sat at your PC and criticized Mike Brown who I admit was a bumbling idiot.
Dismissed with Prejudice!
Elmer Pudd: I told you to come clean tell us all about who you really are, how many names you use here, your IP Address, real name and address and I’ll talk to you like I did GBS.
You clammed up. So put up or STFU!
Balls not in your court.
So Elmer Pudd are you a man? Pelletizer and Clueless Gooberfool aren’t.
Why did Mike Steele get the special democrap treatment?
Why did Lynn Swann get the special democrap treatment?
Why did H Carl McCall get the special democrap treatment?
And Puddy: an asshole is still an asshole even if the other guy is an asshole. It’s who does the most shitting on the country that deserves the most criticism.
Let me explain that to you Puddy. You see the two sentences above are a metaphor. What I’m saying Puddy is that both political parties are seriously flawed but it’s the Republican party that is doing the worst damage to this country (and the world). So, when you respond to every criticism of the Republicans with a quick lexis-nexis search and then a post saying the Democrats do it too, it doesn’t undo the fact that Republicans are corrupt, incompetent, war mongering, neo-fascist, war criminals incapable of balancing the checkbook.
Pelletizer@53: That’s not the original topic of your rant. Now that I blew that apart you change the subject like BloeJobJoe from Nevada.
I admitted to Joe a certain policy was bad. But I also said if they didn’t steal, rape or kill they’d be voting.
As Bill Cosby asked, why was the stolen fruitcake in his hand?
Come on Elmer Pudd:
Put up, fess up or shut up or as I told Clueless Gooberfool:
Talk to the Hand.
BTW headless 24/7 lucy stay away from the special tags. You have screwed up this board a few times lately.
And… why are you blogging on the mans time?
So Elmer Pudd you admit you are an Asshole?
Thanks for letting everyone know! That was enlightening.
Torture demonstrations are being held around the country Puddy. For just a moment, pause Puddy, and think of that. In America Puddy, land of the free and home of the brave, demonstrations of torture are being held to protest actual torture being done by our “Cristian Values” administration.
Just for a moment Puddy-think about that: TORTURE PUDDY! TORTURE! Done in your name with your support.
Oh Puddy! How horrible it must be to be you.
Oh time to make some money so Ol Puddy will be gone for a while.
Marvin, Piper, ChristmasGhost, Rob, Jane Balough’s Dog, Master Chief Ret’d KLake, etc. I leave this board in your capable hands.
Talk to the Hand Elmer Pudd.
As Ann Robinson said – You are the missing link GOODBYE!
Bye Puddy! I leave you to fight your demons. I feel sorry for you Puddy. You have emotional needs that can not be met here Puddy.
I see Elmer Pudd can’t answer #57 either. So the demons must be in your mind like Pelletizer, Clueless Gooberfool, ATJ and now you.
Go to go!
Lambchop, you don’t know the first thing about me. It’s amusing to see you project your insecurities on me, just like christmasghost did last night, but it doesn’t go very far in demonstrating that you can think beyond your own prejudices. And, given your reputation ( http://effinunsound.com/?p=590 ), that would be something you might consider working on.
As Alice said, it gets curioser and curioser.
Scratching and clawing back from the political coffin into which many had consigned her (shovels full of editorial dirt were accumulating upon it!) HRC survives to attack again.
What’s next? Michigan, which has more cooties attached to it than a John Murtha earmark. For Republicans, it may mean something between McCain, Romney, and Huckabee, but for Democrats who knows since it’s in trouble with the national party.
What seems to be on people’s minds is South Carolin, the first pre-election pre-contest where a significant black vote is in play. While we’ll have to wait 10-days to find out, one thing is certain: New Hampshire shanked the credibility of polls in the Democratic race.
While the professional guest-guessers got it right in re John McCain, who among the Carnak the Magnificent-wanabes crow today about NH Demo goat-entrail-gazing?
So much for relying on scientific polling and statistics. The only poll that matters and actually decides things is the one where voters fill out their little pieces of paper and actually make a decision rather than dink with the heads of irksome questioners.
Every responded to a poll in a manner deliberately designed to deceive and skew results? Of course you have! Back in the day when smokes were still advertisable on TV, I once convinced a poll-taker that I smoked three packs of Lucky Strike shorts a day and was a dock worker with a criminal record. Shortly thereafter, Lucky ads featured a longshoreman in handcuffs being led away from a loading gang with a Lucky dangling from his lips. The power of suggestion!
While I don’t expect to see HRC taking up smokes any time soon, I won’t be surprised to see her try to smoke Barack Obama. She needs to kill his candidacy, and anything will go, even the nastiest of nasties of the kind Donna Brazille bitch-slapped Bad Boy Bill for recently.
Obama, on the other hand, is slightly blunted in his mo, but he’s still got a hope high upon which to float. Will it be enough to Gamecock the day? Given the egg laid by conventional wisdom types ere NH, all bets are currently being hedged. See how the next few days play themselves out.
In the meantime, the other resurrection story, John “Lazarus” McCain, is the A-List avatar. And, like Huchabee in Iowa, it proves you don’t have to have money in sums equivalent of the GDP of the Czech Republic to win. Broke and even more buried than HRC (flowers sent to the funeral wilted and were composted months ago), the ol’ coot showed he’s still got game and a spring to his step.
It seems that what is certain on both sides is that single-digit finishers need to call it a day in order to clear the field. Won’t happen of course until after Super Tuesday, but it’s still necessary.
As to John H.P.L.* Edwards who’s running the same campaign Henry Wallace did in 1948, you have to ask just how badly he’s lost it? Banking on the support of unions sounds like the right move for him…as far as I’m concerned, that is. Given that he’s rolling his political dice based upon less than 12% of the American workforce, it is indeed a dicey proposition. And some of them vote Republican!
Side note on Henry Wallace…When so-called “progressives” get burned, they burn hot! So betrayed by Stalin’s post-war shenanigans, Wallace was an ardent supporter of killing commies in Korea, and he supported both Ike and Dick Nixon for president before shuffling off his own mortal coil in 1965.
Oh well, no question he’s got the demagogue vote in his pocket…along with millions and millions and millions of dollars sucked from others that he never seems to pony up to alleviate Two Americas distress.
Not to be outdone and hungering for publicity, Canada scheduled an earthquake this morning in the Queen Charlotte Islands. Rumor has it that Demo Prexy candidates will soon blame it on Bush/Cheney/Rove, Republican perfidy, the Iraq War (if the Surge is working, why was there a conflict among tectonic plates???), and incessant wingnut blogging.
The Piper
*Huey P. Long
Oh, and Lambchop, one final point before I go. Regarding:
I don’t look down on others, like democraps do.
Perhaps you could explain your comment above (@ 10) in which you called people making less than $50,000 per year stupid?
Or perhaps you could explain how your rejection of Chapter Six of Matthew makes you a good christian?
I didn’t think so.
Dismissed… with prejudice.
@67 This was an interesting comment about PuddyPud from your link.
# Spokane Moderate Says:
January 2nd, 2008 at 9:49 am
I swear to God, of all the commenters at HorsesAss, Klake is the one I most expect to see pleading insanity on the 11 o’clock news one day.
“You may be correct, now that JCH has been sent away. I suppose it depends upon which type of “insanity” we’re talking about. If you mean lacking basic mental faculties, klake’s your man. But Puddybud’s the one I most expect to pull a Dan White.
No, I’m not kidding.”
Show me in Matthew 6 any mention of the government doing anything that individuals are called to do.
Interesting, however, that the two mentions of hypocrites – Verses 2 and 16 – remind me of lofty, high-minded “progressive” rhetoric on how righteous they are.
Enjoy your government largess rewards on earth, because that’s the net, net, net of your existence!
The Piper
68 – So much bullshit, hardly worth commenting. Ok this one nugget:
anything will go, even the nastiest of nasties of the kind
Yeah, like Karl Rove in So. Carolina did to McCain in 2000 and Tobin/Raymond phone jamming for Sununu.
Otherwise, nothing but a fool shouting.
“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You can’t serve both God and Mammon” Matthew 6:24
I’m saving this one Stupes. Prepare to hear it through to November.
@All Over the Place…Elmer Pudd…
Love how you pimp terrorists with your orgasmically ecstatic efforts on their behalf.
Al Quida got you on retainer for PR?
While nothing America does with them goes uncriticized by you, you’re mute in face of what they stand for, do to people they capture, and the crimes against humanity they commit.
How’s that 5th column working out for you?
Or are you simply trying to score points with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed so you can date one of his daughters?
Keep on pimping the al-Quida/Taliban/Insurgent/Iran agenda. You’ll get an Ahmadineedahandjob one of these days.
The Piper
Piper, I was so looking forward to your review of the video I posted at @26. But you, like PuddyPud ig nore the uncomfortable truths about those you worship, and choose to prattle, prattle, prattle!
Piper, your comment at #71 doesn’t make any sense at all.
In other words, way over your head!
Another so-called “progressive” irrevocably stuck in the past!
If you think Karl Rove was bad, I’ll bet HRC will out Rove even Rove if she thinks it might clip Obama on a runback.
In the meantime, enjoy being stuck in 2000; maybe Michael J. Fox will send a DeLorean for you.
The Piper
In other words, way over your head!
No, more like wankery below your belt.
If you think Karl Rove was bad, I’ll bet HRC will out Rove even Rove
Again in your wildest fantasies.
Why is Barack Obama afraid to appear on the Number One cable news network in America? If he thinks the criticims of him on Fox News are unfair or false, why not come on and debate the issues?
A lot of Americans feel that not wearing a flag pin or not saluting the flag during a Pledge of Allegiance is disturbing, and that’s a legit issue upon which to comment. Also, the perceptions you take for granted aren’t news, they’re opinions, so when Fox presents different ones, why are you whining? Where’s the beef?
And the Obama staffer, nearly a head taller than O’Reilly, did try to block out the shot for partisan purposes, and even your own video shows that. Were I O’Reilly, I’d be pissed too! And O’Reilly’s comments and response are in a great tradition of American TV journalism, like the time Dan Rather and Mike Wallace were manhandled by convention staffers at the ’68 Demo National Convention.
Don’t bust me, bro!
If Fox is so nasty, why is Dennis Kucinich on one or the other of the leading Fox shows almost every other night? When most other Demo Prexy candidates run and hide from Fox because they won’t be kowtowed to as they are on ClintonNewsNetwork and MSNothingButClowns?
Sorry…you lose.
Oh…does al Quida pay you minimum wage, or are you still on food stamps?
The Piper
@74 Gee Piper PuudyPud couldn’t have said it better.
I’m surprised, but shouldn’t be, that I have to explain this to you Piper. I criticize America for it’s use of torture and mass killing because it makes us just as bad as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the terrorists. On 911 we lost 3000. In Iraq we are responsible for the deaths of 600,000 Iraqi civilians. We are supposed to be the good guys, yet we strive to out-torture and out-kill the bad guys. Americans were once a brave people, now Bush and the media say boo! the terrorists are coming and folks like you say do what ever it takes to protect me. You holler take away my constitutional rights, torture and kill and imprison innocent people, do whatever it takes as long as I am safe. You supporters and enablers of Bush are as guilty of war crimes as he is.
Then call your shrink, and have your meds boosted!
The point: no where in Scripture is the government called to be the agent of God’s work on earth. In fact, it’s just the opposite, yet liberals cede to government that responsibility without acknowledging that the point of that work then becomes literally impossible.
Yet they crow about their good and compassionate works, which then become as so many filthy rags.
The Piper
“Oh…does al Quida pay you minimum wage, or are you still on food stamps?”
So I criticize Fox News, an enabler and supporter of Bush’s war crimes; and I criticize Bush and his citizen enablers for war crimes. And you assume that I am on the payroll of the terrorists and on food stamps. A pathetically poor attempt at refuting my criticism Piper. Actually not a real attempt at all.
Piper-why don’t you give us one of your windbag monologues on why torture and the lack of habeas corpus is good for America, and how killing Iraqis and occupying their country is good for the citizens of Iraq.
“The point: no where in Scripture is the government called to be the agent of God’s work on earth. In fact, it’s just the opposite, yet liberals cede to government that responsibility without acknowledging that the point of that work then becomes literally impossible.”
Actually Piper it is Bush and his enablers and supporters who think that government is called to be the agent of God’s work on earth.
About Seattle home prices: John L Scott says we’ve hit bottom, and if they’re not an unbiased source, who is?
Oh, so America killed 600,000 Iraqi’s? That means that every one of those deaths came about as the direct and proximate result of an American action. In other words, an American bullet fired from an American weapon by an American killed every single solitary one of them?
No al Quida responsibility, no Sunni-Shia insurgency responsibility, no Iranian responsibility for smuggling in weapons?
The beheadings of American hostages Jack Hensley and Eugene Armstrong must have been done by Americans then, too.
You claim we try to out-tortue the bad guys, but until you show me actual proof of Americans beheading anyone or planting IED’s in civilian neighborhoods or marketplaces or sending mentally handicapped kids with bombs strapped to their bodies into crowds, then you can pound sand.
As to out-killing them? If by that you mean outkilling terrorists and Islamo-facist insurgent types, then by all means! In WW II, American forces sought to kill the greatest possible number of Germans, Italians, and Japanese who were trying to kill them all to minimize the number of Americans killed.
Like, DUH!
BTW…had you tried stunts like the ones you engage in during WW II, even your own “progressives” from FDR on down would have denounced you for it!
Hell, during the Civil War, Lincoln had Copperheads like you jailed!
Andy Jackson would simply have called you a coward, challenged you to a duel, and shot you dead…followed be a celebratory tumbler of sourmash.
Andy, BTW, was a founder of today’s Democratic Party.
You’re not really concerned with so-called “fairness.” You simply wish to see an American defeat for partisan political purposes.
Like, it shows on the order of silk purse, sow’s ear!
The Piper
And you assume that I am on the payroll of the terrorists and on food stamps.
The Pooper done gone kooky!
Just had a lengthy rebuttal to your pre-sewer flush blocked in the spam filter.
Suffice to say, you’re an apologist for our enemies since you’re unwilling to do anything but criticize every American move and strategy.
How’s that aid and comfort working out for you?
The Piper
@81 Piper:
However, there are certain general religious principles that republicans conveniently ignore:
Care for the poor (not the rich coporate lobbyists or Abramoff clients)
Be Honest (not like the Bush justice department – this means transparency and good government – not the Cheney Energy task force or the big Pharma screw the taxpayer medicare bill). Corruption is not a religous value – that includes illegal campaign tactics like in New hampshire.
Make war no more (not invading Iraq even though it is no threat to us)
Be fair (don’t let the monied interests take advantage of the rest of us on health care, no-bid Iraq contracts and Katrina boondoggles)
Do not slander: This would negatively impact the entire republican hit machine of “swift boat”, Obama is a muslim, Edward’s Dad was rich falsehoods. Poor Puddy would be out of bidness on HA.
How many republican officials from the Justice department had sudden memory loses while testifying before congress? They lied through their teeth to protect Bush. Just like Cheney and Libby have lied under oath. bush promised to fire anyone outing a CIA agent – he has lied too. He also lied about the “mushroom cloud” and the “yellowcake” in Iraq – all to further his agenda.
Last I remember – lying was not an approved religous virtue and arrogance is one of the seven deadly sins.
How does a moral republican defend an immoral administration? Puddy just ignores the republican corruption and attacks Dem’s. John McKay – moral republican – look how he is treated by the bush adminstration. That tells you how that treat an honest public servant.
re 86: “Suffice to say, you’re an apologist for our enemies since you’re unwilling to do anything but criticize every American move and strategy.
How’s that aid and comfort working out for you?”
Criticising weaknesses in our country’s aims and strategies aids and abets our enemies?
I would think that being a cheerleader for corruption and stupidity (like Piper is) offers aid and comfort to our enemies and weakens America at home.
Without getting into a lengthy discussion on the application of Christian ethics in the secular world, my point is simply that substituting the government for the church isn’t what the Bible envisions.
While it’s fair to raise “talk the talk, walk the walk” issues, that analysis cuts both ways and can get mired in an awful lot of “he said…she said.” Suffice to say, we’re going to disagree on a lot, if not all, of the issues you raised. That you arrive at your POV via honest inquiry isn’t something I’ll question. Just know that I’ve done the same.
The Piper
Crawl out from under a rock after the thrashing I gave you yesterday?
I see you’re still filled with bitterness and negativity! Too bad you weren’t visited by Jacob Marley’s ghost and three spirits over the Holidays.
You don’t criticize with an eye toward correction or improvement, you seek to tear down and bring to defeat. I have yet to hear you acknowledge anything good America has done anywhere in the world during the past seven-years. That you can’t balance good with bad strategies and policies, I’m left to conclude that you’re simply unbalanced.
Enjoy stewing in your bile!
The Piper
One of the principles of America is that we don’t just tolerate dissent – we encourage it. That is what makes us different from dictators like Saddam or religous fanatics like the mullahs.
Critisizing the unnecessary invasion of Iraq (a country that was not a threat to us) because the Iraq war has made us weaker in the fight against Al Qaida in Afghanistan/Pakistan and ruined the support and goodwill we had in the world to fight terrorism is, in fact, patriotic.
The Republicans are now talking about how important ‘bipartisanship’ is…now that they may loose. When they had Congress and won the White House in 2000, the implemented the K Street Project (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K_Street_Project) in an effort to kick out ALL Democratic lobbyists. Then they implemented never before done procedures to ENTIRELY eliminate Democrats from committee meetings and conferences and would only hear bills submitted by the Republicans. It was part of Karl Rove’s effort to make Republicans the “permanent party”.
All fine and good. They have the right to be sore winners and be as partisan as they want. But now that Democrats (barley) control Congress and might win the White House, now they’re talking about how IMPORTANT bipartisanship is and how both parties need to work together for ‘consensus’ and meeting in between on important issues.
Gee, they sure didn’t give a f**k about that when THEY were in charge. Now that they may be out of power again, they’re telling the Democrats they need to give in and go half on all issues…even though when the Republicans won they told the Democrats to f**k off.
I’m sure if the Democrats tried to implement anything like the K Street project, or kick out all Republicans from bill hearings you’d hear Rush Limbag and Matt Drum SCREAM and SCREAM about how the evil Democrats were abusing their power. Not that you heard a single f**king word from these folks when the Republicans did it….huh.
While I see your point about government versus religious responsibility, I feel that there certain moral standards we need to hold publicly elected officials to.
I know that some democrats also do the work of lobbyists and are out for private gain – however – recently, I see the republican party, the K street project and other misadventures as indicative of an entire culture of corruption by republicans – and I don’t like it. I think any democrat or republican that is “on the take” should be kicked out of office and that we need to change to totally public financing to take the illegal big contributions out of the election process.
There’s a difference between legitimate dissent, which is fair minded offering alternatives, and incessant tearing down of anything and everything simply because it’s proffered by or the act of the other side.
You and I disagree on Iraq. Fair enough. You are critical of policies and their underlying rationale. Again, fair enough. But I don’t see you cheerleading for the other side, something that others among the HA Happy Hooligans readily do. Not only is that not fair at all, it’s damn dangerous, disrespectful, and antithetical to any American interest whatsoever.
Irrespective of which argument is ultimately right or wrong – yours or mine – we have elections in this country to decide which will have the imprimateur of government. So far, the process seems to be working as intended, although the results to date are more like a game of 52-Card Pick-Up than anything definitive.
Whichever side ultimately wins in November – it’s wide open and anything can happen despite many Hoolihowls and Hoolihollers proclaiming Democratic primacy from then until the Second Coming – the debate won’t be over.
I’ve been in the opposition before only to see POV’s I support ultimately prevail. The table may yet turn, but that’s in the nature of democracy. Even if a Democrat wins the Oval Office, America still comes first. What’s in America’s best interest will still be an open issue, and I will still articulate what I believe to be the best policies and strategies.
Even if there’s a time in the wilderness, I will take solace that there was one for Churchill too. And on similar issues: war and peace, tyranny versus freedom, isolationism and abdication versus taking a stand even if deeply costly.
In the meantime, the contest is fair to be won, with hard fighting in the offing. In the struggle, hard and sharp blows will be exchanged, which is as it should be since this isn’t a process that ought to reward the timid or thin-skinned. While not quite a clash of titans, at least a butting of heads of bulls in the herd (even if one bull is figurative rather than sexually literal) is on the order of the day.
Gladitorial in nature, the contests and combatants are in the ring neither giving quarter nor asking for any. Instead, they raise their campaign signs as if swords pledgin, “We who are about to politically die salute you.”
Let the games continue…
The Piper
But do you trust the programs?
When the votes were counted by hand, Obama won. When the computer program counted the votes, Hillary won.
Repubs would rather run against Hillary, she has more negatives.
http://drunkardslamppost.wordp ress.com/2008/01/09/diebold-an d-new-hampshire/
I find it interesting that when people have to talk about who they want like in Polls and a caucus, Obama and Edwards do well, but when it’s in private and processed by a computer, Hillary does well.
I’m for Edwards/Obama
Piper @ 81,
The point: no where in Scripture is the government called to be the agent of God’s work on earth.
And where did I suggest otherwise? What does any of that have to do with my comment to Lambchop? I’m wondering why you bothered to post such an off-the-wall comment, so full of mistaken assumptions and pseudo-religious clap-trap.
My point, as you seem to be wearing a hat and your hair didn’t get mussed as it went over, is that Lambchop’s ostentatious displays of piety and charity (even if true – no, *especially* if true) represent a rejection of biblical teaching found prominently in Matthew 6, yet he claims to be a good christian. I was wondering how he reconciled those two parts of himself.
Gee Piper-you sure know a lot about the bible and God and right and wrong. Tell us please Piper:
Who would Jesus torture?
Who would Jesus bomb?
Was the Republican US Army general who claimed that “our” God is bigger than their God (Allah) correct?
If I was a Christian, which I’m not, and I supported and enabled the lies and torture and killing of George W. Bush, I would fear to meet my maker. But of course intellectuals like you have a more nuanced interpretation of God’s commandments not to lie and kill. So Piper share your wisdom with us. Answer the three questions I pose above. And Piper, calling me names and accusing me of political and moral stands that you have no evidence to support is not an answer.
Scripture? Jesus? We can’t base public policy in the 21st century on magical invisible beings that we can’t see, but “know” exist. The Flying Spaghetti Monster (praise his noodley appendage) is just as real as Jesus, Zeus, Thor and Isis.
F**KING STOP debating public policy based on what your local tribal god(s) want! Grow up! If you don’t like this, you can pray to your individual invisible magic sky being to strike me down…good luck with that. My god is stronger than your god.
re 90: You didn’t ‘thrash’ me. I made you look like the idiot that you are.
Your combination of bombast/hissy-fit you may think to be intellectual, but it isn’t.
You vastly underestimate me, Piper. I have made an ass of you so many times and that fact flies serenely over your swelled head every time.
Piper, I’m not trying to put you down. I am just a lot smarter than you are, and that’s just a fact.
I have occasionally run into people who are quicker and brighter than I, but rather than uselessly flail against their superior intellect (as you do with me, I feel humbled and try to learn from them.
Are you humbled yet, Piper, by my vast intellect? Do you wish to sit at the feeet of the Master (me) and imbibe the ambrosiacal essence of my towering intellect?
Well, I’m always here to help when you are ready to ask.
re 98: Mitt Romney said it best when he anounced that ‘Secularism’ was the new American religion, and then later declared that all religions deserve our tolerance and respect.
That’s what he said, but neither he nor his speechwriter will ever figure out that they said it.
Secular Humanism is my religion. I insist that all Americans respect it — like they tolerate and respect Voo Doo — which is another religion spawned in the Americas.
Just like Mormonism.
blue john @95….you are surprised by this though? i take it you weren’t around when gregoire counted till she won?
do you find it disturbing that in new hampshire they needed to bring in more boxes of ballots so they “didn’t run out”???
i wonder if the clinton machine had already filled in those ballots too…they are so thoughtful that way.
be prepared for the big obama smack down that is coming courtesy of the clintons……..
@62 “In America Puddy, land of the free and home of the brave, demonstrations of torture are being held to protest actual torture being done by our ‘Cristian Values’ administration.”
This shouldn’t surprise anyone. “Christians” (of the self-described ilk) have a long history of torturing people, burning people at the stake, etc. In effect, many of our forefathers came to this continent to get away from what you might call “practical Christianity.” The solution to this is not to try to change their culture, but to NOT LET THEM INTO OUR COUNTRY. Ship ’em back to the European countries they came from!
@63 The only money worth making is capital gains.
@68 I could see 8 years of Hillary in the White House just to watch you squirm.
@89 “Without getting into a lengthy discussion on the application of Christian ethics in the secular world, my point is simply that substituting the government for the church isn’t what the Bible envisions.”
Substituting the church for the government isn’t what the Constitution envisions, either.
4: You forgot Maynard Jackson. The Clinton Crime Family set him up for main man at DNC, then hi-tech lynched him by installing their crony McAuliffe. Same M-O with Carl McCall, whom you mention. Clintons knee-capped McCall in New York.
Question: Why does America’s Second Black President, Bill’n’Hill, hate black people?
Second Question: Did Senator Obama, whom Clintonistas smeared as a drug dealer, deal drugs to Carl Jeffers?
ATJ: Wow such a “mean spirited” attack.
I addressed this but you libbies didn’t like the answer. So who cares? Where was the you shouldn’t say that headless lucy in September 2005?
And today ATJ you are STILL MUTE!
So you can KMBBA ATJ. Take your “Crying Game” to someone who’ll provide you a handkerchief, because mine is staying in my pocket!
Ahhh ATJ: Okay ATJ I used an insensitive word. I guess you must have been called stupid a lot growing up.
I’ll withdraw the comment and say less educated!
Matthew 6: ATJ:
Doing Good? Yes I spoke of it because you who complain remind me of the 5 virgins in Matthew 25. Oops… I forgot the extra Olive Oil. Well that’s the government’s fault!
The Lord’s Prayer? “And lead us away from the stupid democraps”
Treasures in heaven: If I kept the money I would have treasures on earth. I don’t brag about my stocks here like others!
Don’t Worry about your life, clothes etc., when you are in God’s hands he opens doors for you.
Maybe ATJ you should try it.
#73 Clueless Gooberfool: And you point is…?
Wait… there is no point. That’s why you are clueless!
Piper @77: They have the original Karl Rove working for Hilary:
You know I love it when correctnotright shows up. It’s dumb duck killing time:
correctnotright says:
@81 Piper:
However, there are certain general religious principles that republicans conveniently ignore:
Care for the poor (not the rich coporate lobbyists or Abramoff clients)
– Remember the Salvation Army test where they watch one in San Fransicko and another in Fargo? Guess where the most money came in and at what TIMES over?
– Religious people give more to charity that the rich morons called democraps
Be Honest (not like the Bush justice department – this means transparency and good government – not the Cheney Energy task force or the big Pharma screw the taxpayer medicare bill). Corruption is not a religous value – that includes illegal campaign tactics like in New hampshire.
– WFT? Try again Illegal tactics? How about strange tactics like Obama’s name at the bottom?
Make war no more (not invading Iraq even though it is no threat to us)
– Okay you love to use that one over and over!
Be fair (don’t let the monied interests take advantage of the rest of us on health care, no-bid Iraq contracts and Katrina boondoggles)
– Are you speaking about Perini Corp (Mr Dianne Feinstein) and Shaw Group (CEO Big Democrap contributor)? Those two got many no-bid contracts. U missed the Puddygram?
Do not slander: This would negatively impact the entire republican hit machine of “swift boat”, Obama is a muslim, Edward’s Dad was rich falsehoods. Poor Puddy would be out of bidness on HA.
– Slander – Invented by James Carville. Slick Willie Clinton slandered Obama night before NH election. Try again.
How many republican officials from the Justice department had sudden memory loses while testifying before congress? They lied through their teeth to protect Bush. Just like Cheney and Libby have lied under oath. bush promised to fire anyone outing a CIA agent – he has lied too. He also lied about the “mushroom cloud” and the “yellowcake” in Iraq – all to further his agenda.
– RUFUS put the number up there for the last administration. And the number that fled over seas
RUFUS where is that slide again?
Last I remember – lying was not an approved religous virtue and arrogance is one of the seven deadly sins.
– How about following the 10 Commandments. Democrats make them out to be the 10 Suggestions.
How does a moral republican defend an immoral administration? Puddy just ignores the republican corruption and attacks Dem’s. John McKay – moral republican – look how he is treated by the bush adminstration. That tells you how that treat an honest public servant.
– Wait a minute correctnotright – ANSWER my post #57. Me a man!
correctnotright jokes: @86/88: One of the principles of America is that we don’t just tolerate dissent – we encourage it.
I think Ann Coulter and David Horowitz will give a differing view of donk tolerance!
re 115: Of course they will. That’s how they make a buck.
You stand condemned out of your own mouth. Shrill denunciations of Guantanamo Bay and pimping ACLU demonstrations in favor of lawyers for terrorists (Oops! Khalid Sheikh Mohammed didn’t get his Miranda warnings; best turn him loose! It’s the American way!) don’t cut it.
As to your questions…You have no idea what you’re talking about.
While the Bible preaches peace, it does so both in a temporal and spiritual sense, a fact lost on many on the left. Always, it advocates peace as opposed to war, but nowhere in it will you find a prohibition against war when it is necessary.
The ancient Hebrews of the Old Testament were a warrior people, King David was a warrior king, and war was a constant way of life for them. In the New Testament, we reminded that there will always be wars and rumors of war. Additionally, when the Centurion, a Roman soldier, came to Christ for help, he wasn’t condemned for his profession, instead he was commended for his faith.
Let me ask you questions:
In WW II, was the bombing of Dresden, Germany moral?
Are flame throwers a moral weapon?
If you were a sniper in 1944 and had a bead on a German or Japanese soldier, would you pull the trigger?
Former Senator George McGovern flew over 30 B-24 Liberator bombing missions against German and Italian targets during WW II. Does his bombing of those targets and killing people on the ground at those targets make him a war criminal? Per your sweeping generalization it sure seems to.
If you had a reasonable, good-faith belief that a prisoner had information that might result in saving the lives of others, the need for which was immediate because of the exigencies of the moment, to what lengths would you be prepared to go to get it?
Let’s get a little more current…
Knowing what we know about his treatment of Iraqi’s, how could leaving Saddam Hussein in power be considered a moral act?
If Iraq is immoral, how can Afghanistan be moral?
Many on the left advocate going into Pakistan in an effort to capture Ossama bin Laden. Since that constitutes invading a sovereign nation in an act of war, how can that be justified without either (1) a Congressional declaration of war against Pakistan, or (2) the specific permission of Pakistan, neither of which are forthcoming?
What lengths are you willing to go to to identify, locate, hunt down and capture or kill suspected terrorists?
If you knew beyond any moral certainty that known terrorists were in a building, would you risk American lives to capture them or simply blow the damn place to Hell?
What do you say to the soldiers and Marines, volunteers all, who are in Iraq who believe in what they’re doing?
How would you respond to a soldier and a Marine calling you a stupid idiot who doesn’t know what he’s talking about all the while using long strings of colorful cultural metaphors, the likes of which I deliberately eschew, to describe what they think of you and your effort?
It’s all so easy for you isn’t it? You don’t have to make life and death decisions; you have no responsibility to protect American lives and property. From your lofty catbird seat bereft of all the facts you can pronounce judgement upon those tasked to make decisions in gut-wrenching situations.
How brave…How noble…
How pathetic!
The Piper
You and your seltzer water-like posts show you up as a clown. I’ll bet you look smashing in a fright wig and rubber nose with floppy shoes.
Claiming, as you do, to “intellectual” status further stains your debating drawers since most so-called “intellectuals” are legends only in their own minds.
Vanity, thy name is Headless Lucy.
In the battle of wits, I fear you as much as I would a stump, in other words I fear you not at all.
Curious how you ridicule me then copy my somewhat breezy style to try – failing miserably in the process – and equal me. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but in your case I’d just as soon forego the honor, thank you!
You are Headless because it’s been handed to you so many times by so many others it’s not funny…Nor is it all that much of a challenge.
Again, I submit you are no seeker after truth, you’re just a sucker after blood; whatever tears down your enemies – Dubya, Republicans, Puddy, me – delights you even if it means the destruction of something good, a notion that what can only be charitably called your “brain” cannot wrap it’s wheezing self around.
I’ve seen a slug leave more literate slime upon a sidewalk than the slime you exude here.
Cuiusvis hominis est errare; nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare. Cicero.
The Piper
Notice no one will answer post#57. Why is that! Cat got your tongue. Or there are no men in da house?
And you lefties pick on us?
Waaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR
HO HO HO HO HO Oh… that season just past.
Do you believe there is more than 1 God?
Don’t you sit on stumps…?
How many names do you let headless post here? The same insipid vacuous commentary doesn’t change. The topics are the same.
Tsk tsk tsk!
Mr superior intellect AKA headless, col biff, irv, and so many other names:
Why do you have to talk down to people?
Why is racism your game?
Why are you such a loser?
Why are you afraid to come clean and tell us who you really are so I can answer about waterboarding?
Why not be the waterboardee at the ACLU ceremony?
Why won’t you answer post #57?
Did you remember perfesser darryl and GBS rejected you style of colorful racist commentary?
Doesn’t that feel good knowing superior intellectuals reject you?
Mr superior intellect:
Usually people of superior intellect attend
Johns Hopkins, Stanford, MIT, IVY League, etc.
Didn’t you attend the party school of America Arizona State?
I hear next week at DL there will be a buck an entry pool on when/where clinton gets Bhutto’d… shame on you guys
Here’s a post Ol’ Lee the libertarion…oops…censor…deleted over on one of the suicide threads:
Speaking of suicide…
New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson euthanized his Demo Prexy race today. No flowers, please, just send cash.
And the 60,000 member Nevada Culinary union, that state’s largest, endorsed Barack Obama giving HRC a serious case of the electoral runs and what could be a euthanizing moment for everyone’s favorite Wobbly, John “Picket Line” Edwards.
I’ll bet if you asked all the surviving Demo Prexy possibles their opinion on assisted suicide, they’d turn deathly pale themselves and run from answering like Ichabod Crane ran from the Headless Horseman.
The Piper
Puddybud says:
re 125: “Mr superior intellect:
Usually people of superior intellect attend
Johns Hopkins, Stanford, MIT, IVY League, etc.
Didn’t you attend the party school of America Arizona State?”
How about Eureka College in Eureka, Illinois? Do smart people go there?
Yes, I did attend ASU in AZ. I have about 30 semester hours from that university. I also have an AA degree from Glendale Community College, a BS in Sec. Ed. from NAU (with a double-major in U.S. History and English Lit.), and an MA in Social Science from NAU, as well.
I’m still going strong, though. I’m seeking a specialized certification at Edmonds CC
Good for you headless 24/7 lucy.
I was told superior intellect people get scholarhsips to go to superior intellectual universities. I got one and went to one. What’s your excuse… late bloomer?