Another afternoon thread.
I usually work 8:30 to 4:30 because of my public transit situation. Most of the rest of the office is 9:00 to 5:00. I have continued to start at 8:30 even though my desk is literally 10 feet away from my bed, and I can walk it.
Anyway, wash your hands.
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/3/20 at 1:21 pm
US deaths from coronavirus infection (so far):
75,099Tennessee deaths from last night’s tornado (so far):
2124Coronavirus is the No. 3 cause of death in the U.S., after heart disease and cancer
US is set to have 200,000 cases today, just 5 days after its 100,000th case and 15 after its 10,000th.
Trump continues to resist calling for nationwide stay-at-home restrictions
Hey racist incel, bet you are glad this is a democratic hoax.
Musician Adam Schlesinger dies of coronavirus
But her emails.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News – More Proof Demorats Are Colluding With China, Demorats Push Chicom Propaganda
Members of the U.S. media and Democrats should take pride in the fact that their efforts to undermine Trump have been recognized by the master propagandists in the communist Chinese government.
Washington Examiner:
The Global Times, a state-run Chinese tabloid, released a video recently highlighting various U.S. media personalities and Democratic leaders, who have pushed the Beijing-approved talking point that it is racist to refer to the virus by its country or city of origin.
The video features CNN’s Chris Cuomo and NBC News’s Richard Engel. The Chinese-produced propaganda also cites failed two-time presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.
There is no need.
president Panglossian undermines himself.
Democrats merely refuse to pretend otherwise.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News – Demorat War On America Report – Demorats Unable To Stop Trump Travel Ban & Bring Thousands More Virus Carriers To America Now Take Revenge By Releasing Murderers & Rapists Upon Americans.
On Friday, California’s Democrat Governor Gavin Newsome announced he’d be commuting the sentences of 14 felons convicted of murder or being involved in a murder.
To make things worse, four of the victims were children and one was a pregnant woman.
Newsome’s Friday commutations include the following individuals: [Details in article]
Meanwhile, New York’s Democrat Governor Andrew (Nipples Of Steel) Cuomo released over 50 inmates form the city’s Monroe County Prison last weekend.
“Eight sex offenders, three of which were convicted for raping children, were released in the state of New York as a statewide initiative led by Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) to empty prisons in fear that inmates will contract the Chinese coronavirus,” according to Breitbart.
In an example of how a Republican Governor dealt with a similar situation, Texas’ Greg Abbott issued a proclamation Saturday “preventing the release of dangerous criminals from prisons and jails.”
Most important thing you will read today:
Trump is now lying daily about the availability of tests. The industry “experts” he brings forth to make promises are lying to boost their stock prices. The media are lying to offer their audience some “happy talk” to drive views and shares.
There are no tests.
Remember? We begged for tests months ago. He was lying then too.
And in the analogy described in the Stat article above, tests are the oars that row the life raft through the storm to safety.
All we need to know is steak sauce is more interested in anything but passing 5,000 deaths from ‘the hoax’
“15 soon it will be zero.”
It hasn’t even been a month since Wraith Conway and Larry Deadlow we’re simultaneously all over Fox News assuring that the virus was contained.
Narrator: “it was not contained and shortly thousands would be dead.”
The weirdest part about 6th tier right wing news and ‘arresting pastors’:
Trying to keep people alive by whatever means prudent. What would Jesus Do?
The slightly less weird part, arrested pastors are in Florida. Neither Newsome or Cuomo have any power in Florida which the ‘not ready for infowars’ writer surely knows.
Wonder if this is going to be a problem #1
They knew:
Part 2.
Well that’s probably going to be a problem.
The Pentagon offered FEMA/DHS 2000 ventilators to send to civilian hospitals on March 17. 1000 available ready to ship and another 1000 that could be assembled and shipped out of military supplies.
No one in the government has told them where to ship them.
Any prisoners infected got the virus from the sadistic min wage CCA corrections slaves sent in to spit on them in between beatings.
Are you actually proud of that? (Don’t answer. We know.)
Why don’t you just send them some blankets soaked in smallpox?
Praise Jeebus!
@11 Don’t give them ideas. A long time has passed since the smallpox blankets. If you remind them it might take another two centuries before they forget again. A lot of people could die in the meantime.
-Cadet BoneSpurs reporting
“If you people wouldn’t mind just hurrying up and dying, that would be great.”
The convention just go to postponed. I still have a chance!
“Dr. Anthony Fauci … is facing threats to his personal safety and now requires personal security from law enforcement at all times, including at his home, a source confirms to CNN.”
As for where the threats are coming from …
“Fauci’s guidance to Trump for the country to remain as locked down as possible to help control the virus spread has not earned fans among some fervent right-wing voices.”
It may not be every Republican you know, but it could be your neighbor who stockpiles guns and ammo, and flies a 6-foot by 6-foot Confederate battle flag from his Nissan pickup truck.
Meanwhile, more evidence that spring break could be bad or even fatal for your health.
“About 70 people in their 20s chartered a plane from Austin, Texas, to Mexico for spring break two weeks ago. They went against the advice of White House officials who asked that people avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 and nonessential air travel.
“Now 44 of those people have tested positive for coronavirus — all of them University of Texas at Austin students, a university spokesman told CNN on Wednesday.
“An elected official had a blunt message for the spring breakers.
‘Quit being an a**,’[Republican] Texas House Speaker Dennis Bonnen told CNN affiliate KXAN. ‘Get over yourselves. Whether you think this is an issue or not, it is. Whether you think it could affect you or not, it does. The reality of it is, if I’m a college kid who’s going to spring break in Mexico, you’re affecting a lot of people. Grow up.‘
“What’s also alarming is that some of the passengers who went on the trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, took commercial flights home, the Austin Public Health Department said.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What’s really alarming is these dumbshits are future bankers, CEOs, Republican politicians, and doctors …
This morning GA Gov Brian Kemp stated that no one knew people could be out there infecting others before they feel bad until 24 hours ago.
For fucks sake the CDC is in Atlanta.
Remind me again about how Kemp as SOS was allowed to place voting machines as he saw fit in his own election and the STILL nearly lost to a much much much much smarter candidate.
@17 “For fucks sake the CDC is in Atlanta.”
Yeah, but it’s probably sealed off by a cordon of armed cops. See #15. Ya gotta remember, the average rightwinger, even if he doesn’t get sick, is gonna blame this whole mess on science. If there were no science, we wouldn’t worry about viruses,* and store shelves wouldn’t be empty of TP and Bubba Beer.
* “Old peeple die of natcherel cawzuz alla time, so whatsa big deel?”
new filings for unemployment in two weeks.
And keep this in mind: That number is almost certainly only half.
For every lucky soul who has managed to file online and fully complete the process there are two others whose filing effort was interrupted by the sites crashing or whose filing remains “incomplete” until they can get through by phone on phone lines that are flooded, or – incredibly – report “in person” to offices that are closed.
These filings are from employees who represent small and medium sized businesses whose daily cash flow has been abruptly cut off by stay-at-home orders. They are all kinds of businesses that absolutely depend on daily cash flow. Bars, restaurants, hospitality, small retailers, print shops, mailing and shipping centers, hair salons and barbers, physical therapists, dentists, chiropractors, nail salons, florists, small contractors, plumbers, electricians, family therapists, tutors, music teachers, tire stores, etc. And all the businesses who serve them from suppliers to shippers, to office cleaners to leasing agencies are now themselves a week or two away from closing also. And all the businesses who in turn serve them from insurance brokers to truck leasing companies, to community banks, to lenders, to accountants are another two weeks away from also closing.
Those 20 million lost jobs are not a pebble dropped into a pond, but a flaming meteorite plunging into the earth’s crust of our economy. We are not facing ripples. We are facing tsunamis and a blanket of ash smothering the globe.
Be sure to thank a Republican if you can even find one.
No, it is. It really is.
They approve. Of all of it.
The corruption, the violence, the bribery and extortion, the treason, the racism, the misogyny, and the incompetence, and now the growing pile of bodies.
Republicans approve.
Just like Every Republican You Know to punch down.
When Speaker Bonnen has anything at all to say to Gov DeSantis, Gov Ducey, Gov Lee or Cadet Bone Spurs then maybe I’ll notice.
Whiners Should Grow A Pair Dep’t
“President Donald Trump on Thursday criticized states and hospitals for requesting medical supplies to cope with the coronavirus pandemic, calling them ‘complainers’ that should have stocked up on supplies ‘long before this crisis hit.’
“’Some have insatiable appetites & are never satisfied,’ Trump wrote in one of two tweets scolding states and health facilities that he claimed have already received ‘massive amounts of medical supplies’ from the federal government. …
“‘The federal government’s not supposed to be out there buying vast amounts of items and then shipping. You know, we’re not a shipping clerk. We’ll help out wherever we can,’ the president said at a news conference in March.”
Meeeeenwhile …
“The Federal Emergency Management Agency has asked the Pentagon for 100,000 body bags in anticipation that funeral homes will be overwhelmed in the coming weeks.”
Trump’s AMAZING performance:
The United States and South Korea both recorded their first confirmed case on the exact same day.
Repeat this fact everywhere and often.
S. Korea’s population is 1/6th the US. Their caseload is 1/24th. And in truth, because of Trump’s disgracefully irresponsible failures to prepare at all, the US is also only testing at a tiny fraction of South Korea’s effort. So the US caseload is vastly under measured right now.
Both countries heard the same starting gun. South Korea jumped out of the blocks and ran full out for weeks. Cadet Bone Spurs rolled onto his side, smoked a cigarette and rubbed one out. While South Korea was entering the first turn and lengthening their stride, president Panglossian was yelling at the spectators in the stands and criticizing the weather. South Korea has already lapped Trump once and will do it again before breaking the tape.
The difference between South Korea and the US is Trump.
@23 I really don’t mind his draft dodging. If I’d had to share a foxhole in Vietnam with him, I probably wouldn’t be here. He would’ve run away at the first sound of gunfire. But it’s unfortunate he’s POTUS. Because he is, a lot of people aren’t going to be here.
$1200 and unemployment isn’t going to cut it. Without rent (Eviction) and mortgage (Foreclosure) freezes those people will turn homeless pretty quickly.
And only a handful will shake their fist and say, “Damn you Nancy for distracting the President.”
You must not know any landlords.
They are all scared to death and waiting for call backs from their mortgage lenders.
The economy is money moving and circulating.
“Freezes” are what create recessions and depressions. We should not freeze anything if we can avoid it. But no state has either the authority or the financial capacity to put enough money in motion to replace what is being removed. Only the US Treasury can do that. And it is being run by deeply corrupt imbeciles who simply don’t care if tens of millions of people lose everything.
We are already at risk of a massive economic collapse because the simple act of shutting things down to restrict transmission contact has “frozen” a ton of money normally in motion/circulation. It doesn’t take much of an imagination to see where these first “freezes” are already taking place. Nor does it take much to see where the “freezing” will spread and how quickly. Public policy should not be directed at increasing or accelerating any of the “freezing”
Announcing a moratorium on evictions is equivalent to announcing a freeze on collection of rent. That in turn freezes payment of mortgages and insurance.That in turn leads to defaults on mortgages and commercial loans. That in turn leads to defaulting on bonds and the subsequent collapse of banks and lending institutions.
Some of this may come to pass anyway if enough people lose their jobs and thus their ability to make rent, mortgage, and loan payments. But at a minimum we should not wish for it to become even worse.
Republican Governor of Florida now says he is willing to allow 49 Florida citizens trapped aboard cruise ship Zaandam at Port Everglades to come ashore. Remaining 250 US citizens from other states must remain aboard along with 400 Canadians and the ship will be towed out to sea and scuttled.
“You hate to see it,” DeSantis said. “But we have an obligation to do what’s right for the citizens of Florida and to save BEACH WEEK!!!“
“Promises made, promises kept” — Trump campaign slogan
Seems like a long time ago now. Because of tests and medical supplies not delivered, “I’m taking no responsibility for this” speeches, and thing like this:
“Americans likely won’t begin to see direct payments from the coronavirus stimulus bill until at least April 13 and it could take 20 weeks for all the checks to be mailed, Trump administration officials told lawmakers, according to a House Democratic memo obtained by CNN.
“The timeline means tens of millions of Americans will have to wait to get badly needed assistance, despite repeated suggestions from Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin that the money would go out as soon as April 6. ”
I sure hope they’re quicker with the unemployment checks. But that should go more smoothly, at least in states run by Democrats, because UI benefits are administered at the state, not federal, level. So at least you’re not at the mercy of the Trump administration’s efficiency (such as it is) for your UI benefits.
@26 “And it is being run by deeply corrupt imbeciles who simply don’t care if tens of millions of people lose everything.”
To wit: “They should’ve sold their stock holdings back in early February like we did.” IOW it’s their own damned fault for being in the dark about what was coming.
@26 King County has extended the deadline for property tax payments, but I will make mine before April 30 anyway. Those of us who can pay, should pay, to keep the wheels of government from coming off. We have never need a functioning government more than right now.
@27 It’s clear where his priorities are. There’s no way a few hundred cruise ship passengers can have the impact on his state that hundreds of thousands of spring breakers do.
Economically, of course. Obviously, he’s not thinking in terms of viral replication and transmission.
If cruise ship passengers are a fission bomb of coronavirus, then the spring breakers are a Tsar Bomba. There’s a mushroom cloud, alright; you just can’t see it. It’s dispersing in tiny invisible radioactive droplets all over southern Florida.
I see from my Right Wing social media contacts Dori has his panties in a wad because King County Parks employees are still working.
“How dare they still maintain the parks. It can just overgrow. And who needs parks. What we need here is MORE people not drawing a paycheck!”
I’m curious what the Navy thinks he should have done.
Let this be an object lesson for the rest of them …
What is really alarming is that they were supposedly actually raised by two adults and will most likely be raising children of their own. If there wasn’t ever a good argument for Abortion, this is it. Put it on a poster.
Glad I can say my parents were and are two responsible adults, immigrants from another Country, that I can say truly made this country greater than some of the parents of these mother fucking asshole spoiled parentless-minded brats.
Good for that Republican pol that told them what they are
“Those of us who can pay, should pay,”
No business will. Not with so much uncertainty and facing a looming major recession. With interest rates still very low, the markets tanking, and given the legal option of holding cash in the face of tremendous economic uncertainty, they will decline to pay these kinds of debts for the time being.
Perhaps we’d like them to use that flexibility in order to retain employees, like Starbucks for example. But most will not, especially when shareholders begin to grumble. Then they’ll use the cash to support their declining stock price.
In other words, by “freezing” obligatory payments for lawful debts we will be transferring a vast sum of money from productivity into wealth accumulation – the very last thing we need to be doing right now.
Bob’s probably spending a lot of time in the Stables. But seriously, I hope he is well and healthy.
Captain of USS Theodore Roosevelt who begged and pleaded for permission to relocate some of his crew from his badly infected aircraft carrier is being relieved of his command as I write this.
Google the terms “hot racking” and “shared berthing” to understand why an aircraft carrier cannot contain or control a highly contagious disease agent like COVID-19.
Republicans insisted that Eddie Gallagher be allowed to retire with his pin after murdering civilians and playing with their intestines. But an honorable Captain with a spotless record who pleaded for the safety of the sailors under his command will have his career destroyed because the preening, imbecile-in-chief needs a cover up.
Republicans are murdering good people.
@36 I hope he’s well, healthy, and helping out somewhere doctors are desperately needed. That would deserve our respect.
@37 I figured out the answer to my own question @33: He was supposed to go down with his ship.
Trump’s infatuation with hydroxychloroquine is coming at the expense of lupus patients who need the drug and can’t get it because of coronavirus over-prescribing and hoarding.
Nevada’s Democratic governor responded by banning covid-19 hydroxychloroquine prescriptions in his state.
Republicans don’t want you to vote and don’t like it if you vote. Remember that if you’re tempted to not vote.
When Sec. Nav (acting) says Cpt. Crozier was not relieved of command as retribution my reaction is precisely the same as when Q Clearance Pussy pleads with us to believe that he didn’t vote for Trump.
Has a Democrat ever won a higher percentage of active military vote?
A first-person account of what it’s like to get this damned sickness and not die from it. (Editorial Note: First-person accounts from people who died from it are unavailable.)
@43 There’s no way to know because the military doesn’t give pollsters access to service members. However, I can tell you that my local veterans group has no Trump fans among its active members.
Given the high percentage of minorities among active duty personnel, I would guess it’s at least questionable whether Republicans can claim the allegiance of a majority of military personnel.
But this is probably offset by very low turnout of military voters.
“Conservative lightning rod Roy Moore, the former chief justice of Alabama’s high court, took to the pulpit on Thursday to back a Louisiana church defying state orders against mass gatherings. …
“‘The Texas governor has opened churches for worship, no social distancing, nothing, assembly in the church. And just today Florida did the same thing,’ Moore said to shouts of ‘hallelujah’ in the room. ‘It is very wrong for anyone to issue an order that you can’t assemble in a church.'”
“B-b-b-u-t God will protect us!”
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/3/20 at 1:21 pm
US deaths from coronavirus infection (so far):
76,070Tennessee deaths from last night’s tornado (so far):
2124(Pennsylvania, USA) Face shields, but no testing swabs: New documents show Pennsylvania has received only part of coronavirus supplies requested from FEMA. Heck of a job Donnie.
The FDA Is Making It Much, Much Harder for Distilleries To Produce Hand Sanitizer.
America’s housing market is showing the first signs of trouble because of the coronavirus pandemic
Essential Drug Supplies for Virus Patients Are Running Low
The numbers aside (and they haven’t even gotten bad yet, but they will), and even ignoring the stunning stupidity of Q Clearance Patriot comparing this to a brief, localized weather event like a fucking tornado, I think the thing we should really note is the appalling dismissiveness of Trumpalos facing this horrible Trump pandemic and Trump economic catastrophe only one month ago. Hell, even one week ago president Panglossian was still promising that it would all just go away any day now.
It’s not just that these fuck stick Republican Trumpalos are wrong. It is that they are willingly and deliberately wrong and in a way that kills people. This must neither be forgiven nor forgotten. Trump is bad. Very bad. But the people who lifted him up, put him in power and continue to support him today are much, much worse. They are the true evil.
The reason that the White House system to supply PPE is not reaching the states and hospitals where it is most desperately needed to protect doctors and nurses is because they set it all up to go around them.
It’s going straight to private, for-profit distributors with connections to the administration and it’s supporters. These distributors are then in turn holding the supplies hostage for massive ransoms from the highest bidding party – typically NOT the public hospitals who need it most.
“Abnormal behavior”. Literally murdering people with their greed.
@48 “It’s not just that these fuck stick Republican Trumpalos are wrong. It is that they are willingly and deliberately wrong and in a way that kills people.”
It’s even worse than that. The Roy Moores of the world want to spread it through the community so it kills all of us. Because God will protect the innocent.
This is the End Times his ilk have been hoping and praying for.
So it was political:
“The commander of a US aircraft carrier that has been hit by a major outbreak of coronavirus has been relieved of command for showing ‘poor judgment’ days after writing a memo warning Navy leadership that decisive action was needed to save the lives of the ship’s crew, acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly announced on Thursday.
“‘Today at my direction the commanding officer of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, Captain Brett Crozier, was relieved of command by carrier strike group commander Rear Admiral Stewart Baker,’ Modly said during a Pentagon press briefing.
“Modly told reporters that Crozier was removed for showing ‘extremely poor judgment’ and creating a “firestorm” by too widely disseminating the memo detailing his concerns, copying some 20 to 30 people.”
It wasn’t the Navy who fired Cdr. Crozier. It was a fucking political appointee, a Trump appointee, and it’s not hard to figure where his orders came from — the same C-i-C who elevated Eddie Gallagher to hero status. I guess our professional sailors serve in a different Navy now.
@43 To take another run at your question, I think Biden has a shot at winning a majority of a certain aircraft carrier crew’s votes. But that’s just conjecture on my part, as the military doesn’t allow polling* of service members.
* This, of course, is a perfect setup for Republicans, because no one can contradict their assertions that military voters are overwhelming Republican. All we know for sure is that Republicans try to suppress military votes, too. See, e.g. …
So either they’re lying or they don’t trust their own voters.
@49 Unbelievable. Well, this being a war and all, it seems to me that black market war profiteers in this war should be eligible for summary firing squads just like in any other war.
Here’s another one: A Philadelphia developer sitting on an empty 500-bed hospital and refusing to let the city use it unless he’s paid millions.
JARED KUSHNER: “The notion of the federal stockpile was it’s supposed to be our stockpile. It’s not supposed to be states’ stockpiles that they then use.”
Here’s where you can track the body count, if you’re so inclined. Also has data on tests, test results, and hospitalizations, with breakdowns for individual states.
Read stuff tonight that said Trump doesn’t expect U.S. energy companies to contribute any production cuts to end the oil price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia. Seems to me that would be a dealbreaker for the Saudis, who aren’t going to give up market share so U.S. drillers can increase theirs.
Crude oil +23% today, it’s biggest one-day jump since the time of the dinosaurs.
It occurs to me the federal deficit’s going to explode not only because of the spending, but also because tax revenues will take a massive hit for at least two reasons:
1. Huge wage losses;
2. It’s hard to imagine anyone will be paying taxes on stock gains for quite a while, but it’s easy to visualize a lot of tax-loss harvesting* for the next couple years at least.
* This is easy to visualize. Let’s say a high-bracket taxpayer bought 10,000 shares of Exxon for $75 and sells it for $35, waits 31 days, then buys it back for, oh, let’s say $35. He’s now got a $400,000 tax loss he can use to offset gains from other transactions. Rinse, repeat, voila, a huge chunk of his tax liability vanishes into thin air. Now, let’s say Exxon goes back up to $75, but he never sells, instead he dies, and his heirs get a stepped-up basis and owe zero tax if they sell at $75, and bang! the capital gains taxes on that $400,000 are gone forever. This only works if the market tanks and you can sell the stock dirt cheap, like now, and then buy it back dirt cheap, like next month.