Does anyone know what happened in the Liberty Lake City Council? It sounded like they were going to give themselves the ability to ban books from the local library. But I can’t find minutes on their website or anything on Google News. Anyway, it seems bad and the timing is icky.
Anyway, wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Anyone here disagree when I say that the dumbfuck Nazi coward slithers out of the “basket of deplorables” to post his treasonous dumbfuckery here?
Having caught shit for her weasel-words on a Sunday news show
regarding Hamas’ rape of countless Israeli women, nearly two months after the rapes Jayapal finally comes out with a statement that is only slightly less weasel-ly.
Jayapal issues new statement that she ‘unequivocally condemns Hamas’ use of rape and sexual violence as an act of war’
This “Believe all women unless she’s a fucking Jew.” approach to Hamas’ atrocities is getting a little long in the tooth.
Well, yes, yes it was. It’s why she had to issue this statement.
I say the dumbfuck Nazi coward’s cowardice makes him the biggest fucking bore on the planet, perhaps even the known universe.
Anyone disagree?
Fuck Hamas.
Don’t go wobbly, Bibi. Finish them.
@2 If J6 was merely a “dozen cosplaying grandmothers” then why is it necessary for Maga Mike to blur their faces?
You won’t answer and the reason why is because you’re a dumbfuck Nazi coward
And a monumental fucking bore..
@ 5
@2 If J6 was merely a “dozen cosplaying grandmothers” then why is it necessary for Maga Mike to blur their faces?
Same reason that Steve blurs his mom’s face in the vids he sends to Xhamster.
You won’t answer…
Asked and answered.
Finish them.
The dumbfuck Nazi coward wants the IDF to “finish them” so he can get back to hating Jews.
The dumbfuck Nazi coward is too much the coward to ever admit it.
It’s worth noting that Palestinian (I don’t know with certainty that they were built by Hamas) tunnels have been flooded previously, by Egypt.
So Israel’s unoriginal. Maybe Jayapal can jump on that instead of rape denial.
This is just another day during which the dumbfuck Nazi coward will fail to muster even a single drop of courage.
Johnson: We have to blur some of the faces of persons who participated in the events of that day because we don’t want them to be retaliated against and to be charged by the DOJ
Why would he fear that if they’re just a dozen cosplaying grandmothers?
So Long Kev.
Hope that enabling the Nazi wing of the GOP was worth it.
Party fundraising just took another huge hit.
@ 10
… charged by the DOJ
Why would he fear that if they’re just a dozen cosplaying grandmothers?
Ask Tom DeLay.
’cause you can’t ask Ted Stevens.
Earlier this year Ron “Smiley”DeSantis, the guy with sore feet and an aching back from wearing 6” lifts, led Trump +25 in Florida. Now Trump leads Smiley +41. Ouch!
Looks like Smiley DeSantis will never be the dumbfuck Nazi coward’s president. Ouch!
Queen YLB has been a graceless loser her entire miserable life.
Hopefully her fucked kids go through life as more graceful losers. Their innumerable future failures are genetically baked in, you see.
In the previous thread one of you asswipes decided that licking Gavin Newsom’s ballsack was a good idea.
Maybe not so much.
“California dominates.” is the type of proclamation that makes Queen YLB wet. What Newsom doesn’t admit is that California will face a dominating $58 billion budget shortfall over a three-year period. This includes $26 billion in the just-completed fiscal year:
BTW, LAO stands for Legislative Analyst’s Office. CA’s a deep-blue state, so the office isn’t going to be some right-wing shill. If anything, it’s spinning the bad news as much as it can to aid the left.
Queen YLB’s fucked kids are better off staying in their mommies’ basement. California is worse.
Did I mention that CA lost an EV this last time around? And that it’s dirt cheap to haul a Penske trailer to California, but way expensive to haul one out of California?
Brave Kevin did not survive the year. As I tried to explain to the profoundly stupid troll last January as America looked on in horror at his ritual humiliation at the hands of his ultra-MAGA House Republican colleagues, this was preordained. I can only laugh at their stupidity. These humiliations, failures, and defeats are now baked into the Republican party political system. Like frightened superstitious dark age pagans they must offer up these Wicker Men with some regularity in order to stave off the evil spirits of their own corruption and to reinvigorate the anger and resentment that they rely upon.
Brave Kevin walked right into this, of course. And so has MAGA Mike. Brave Kevin was a stupid and very dishonest man. That does not distinguish him among ultra MAGA House Republicans. But it did leave him with baggage that trailed him right into the Speaker’s office. A similar fate awaits MAGA Mike, unless he can succeed in helping install Donald Trump as our Dictator-For-Life.
1, 3,
No disagreement from me. Not much there to even comment on these days. Plenty of extremely online distraction punctuated with bombastic and ridiculous lies, like yesterday’s abortion clinic fable, or last spring’s Tesla humiliation, or 2021’s famous fake friends in Colorado.
JCH is back it would seem. Fun.
So you’re saying I either have to cut about 10% of the total budget or raise revenue on the top 1% of individuals and corporations or a mix of both to balance the budget?
Or I have to dip into the $30B fund we have set aside for just this kind of temporary downturn?
Scuse me. Adults at work. My friends in the GOP would just slash nutrition aid, education and then give a tax break to the rich. I got this.
Nothing to see here. Just another fucked-up-in-the-head liberal chick with a dick.
Wouldn’t it be deliciously ironic if, in addition to taking down Bud Light, trannies took down the Democrat party in 2024.
Keep it up, libbies. Keep telling yourselves that this is normal and that it’s transphobia to even think otherwise.
Behold. Just like a clockwork dumbfuck the profoundly stupid troll gets way out over his ski tips actually attempting to stack up his runny turds like MTG, Wrestler Gym, Florida Pedo, Fat Midget, Shopgirl, or Cheeto Jesus against a competent performer like Gavin Newsom.
So that must mean it’s time to post about dicks and butt holes again.
Strong stuff.
As Governor of New York I outperformed Gavin Newsom on every metric, but most particularly on the view count for my makeup tutorials on YouTube.
So they are a…
Vicious Troll
Us “libbies” being the folks who have quite consistently argued that online harassment and terrorism needs to be monitored, regulated and even criminalized when it exceeds constitutional boundaries.
While ultra MAGA Republicans have been the folks who have quite consistently argued that Donald Trump and some half-wit gun-clutching trailer-racist in a dank forest should enjoy unlimited freedom to threaten to “cut the bitches tits off” whenever the mood strikes them. Such as whenever a witness needs intimidating.
Try telling it to Elmo. But you’d better hurry. Twitter won’t be around much longer.
Debt is a financial “drug” that should be used very sparingly and with realistic goals in mind.
“I have determined that members of the SAF and the RSF have committed war crimes in Sudan. I have also determined that members of the RSF and allied militias have committed crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing.” – Secretary of State Blinken in a statement
Now do Israel
Debt is money.
Each time you come on here and post this John Birch argle-bargle you demonstrate once again that you still haven’t grasped this most basic principle of economics.
Money is debt. Debt is money.
More debt is more money. Less debt is less money. What you are failing to pay much attention to or even think about is who holds the debt and on what terms.
@ 23
Us “libbies” being the folks who have quite consistently argued that online harassment and terrorism needs to be monitored, regulated and even criminalized when it exceeds constitutional boundaries.
98% of HA libbie spews to the contrary.
@ 26
What you are failing to pay much attention to or even think about is who holds the debt and on what terms.
What you could pay more attention to is
1) The changing ratios of the employed to the retired
2) The personal indebtedness of the employed
3) The decreasing value/cost ratio of higher education, and even public primary school education.
4) The increasing stupidity of the expenditure items for which debt is incurred.
That having been said, yes, right now I’m enjoying the cash return on the proceeds of RE sales while awaiting the coming downturn so that I can redeploy that money to better advantage. Dumped a bunch of money into a ST bond fund a month ago, and very glad I did.
No forgiveness to my debtors, sorry, God.
A fable for a Shortbus:
I have chickens. My chickens lay eggs. My chickens lay 3 more eggs each week than I or my family can eat before they spoil.
My children need shoes. The shoemaker has hungry children who would like to eat eggs. I offer to trade eggs to the shoemaker in exchange for shoes for my children. We haggle. He obviously has a very high opinion of his shoes and wants lots of eggs for even a single pair. I on the other hand don’t think as much of his shoes and also consider my chicken eggs to be the finest in the land. We settle on an agreement.
We agree that I will deliver three eggs each week to the shoemaker. At the end of twenty weeks he will hand over one pair of shoes for my children.
“But wait,” I say.
“How can I be assured that I will get my pair of shoes after twenty weeks? My children need shoes”
The shoemaker responds, “How can I be assured that you will deliver no less than three eggs each week before the twenty weeks are up? My children need eggs.”
A healthy, affluent, well educated progressive Democrat is passing and overhears.
“I can offer a solution.” he says. “We take this stick and we split it lengthwise so that the two halves match perfectly. Each of you will take one half of the stick. Each week when you both meet and the three eggs are delivered you will marry your halves together and you will carve a mark encircling both halves of the stick. Once the two perfectly matched halves of the stick have the twenty encircling marks then the egg debt is proven to be satisfied. That is your guarantee, shoemaker. And once the perfectly matching sticks bear the twenty perfectly matching marks then that is your proof, chicken farmer, that you are owed one pair of shoes. The stick will be your record of the debt and your proof of satisfaction.”
“But wait.” I say. “Twenty weeks is a long time. What if I change my mind about the shoes?”
“No problema, dude.” says the healthy, affluent, well educated and very chill progressive Democrat. “The stick is worth one pair of shoes. It is a record of the debt. You can trade the stick to someone else who needs a pair of shoes.”
The stick is money.
The stick is debt. The stick is a record of debt. Money is a record of debt.
When sailors in Oak Harbor hand money over to the profoundly stupid troll’s wife after she services them, they are in essence recording a debt by offering her an otherwise worthless piece of paper with a picture of a racist, genocidal dead white guy on it. The troll can’t feed his spavined horse with twenty dollar bills. But the currency represents the value of the debt owed for the oral sex dutifully performed by his long suffering wife. He can exchange the currency for hay. Or eggs. Or shoes. Or most likely in his case Sasquatch Porn and ball gags.
It only feeeels that way to the troll because he is such a whining pussy ever since he gave away his dignity in exchange for Dobbs.
Oh, and btw, Shortbus:
Economies and economic systems are nothing more than a commonly agreed upon set of rules for sticks and marks.
Economic systems are not magical incantations handed down by powerful wizards. Nor are they strange, immutable forces of nature that we are all merely fated to toil and struggle against.
They are sticks and marks and rules that we agree upon.
And we can agree to modify them however we want whenever we want. And we have obviously done so many, many times over the course of human history.
Yes it was fiscally prudent to drop the top corporate tax rate significantly so large businesses would invest in
hiring and research and development and heavy machinery investmentstock buybacks and price hikes enriching only the shareholders of said corporations.Stupid expenditures like a permanent tax cut ONLY for the highest net worth individuals so that 50’ Bayliner is as affordable as the 45’ you already have.
Maybe get the deficit under control by eliminating SNAP and the Child Tax Credit and Stupid shit like the IRS and the FBI and the Derp State.
@2 “Hamas’ rape of countless Israeli women”
Uncounted isn’t the same as countless, doc. A proper investigation would come up with a number, or at least a range of numbers, neither of which is infinite.
@6 So you’re saying the J6 rioters were committing sexual acts while storming the Capitol? Must’ve been on each other, because nobody else was around. Antifa wasn’t there. The FBI wasn’t there. Law-abiding patriotic Americans weren’t there. The police were there, maybe they were being raped? Is that what you’re saying?
It only feeeels that way to the troll because he is such a whining pussy ever since he gave away his dignity in exchange for Dobbs.
Our dumbfuck Nazi coward once had dignity? Sorry, but I just can’t buy it. I’d suggest that those who bend over for an ass-fucking by a horse have never known dignity.
@11 By year’s end, Brave Little Kevin will look like he was a control rod in the reactor that is the GOP House caucus.
@12 Actually, I think you’re gonna need Trump pardons to get the J6 rioters out of jail, because they were recorded in the act and many of them bragged about their crimes.
@17 “Plenty of extremely online distraction punctuated with bombastic and ridiculous lies, like yesterday’s abortion clinic fable, or last spring’s Tesla humiliation, or 2021’s famous fake friends in Colorado.”
And 2010 and 2013 news stories.
@24 Your mother won’t lend you any more money?
@27 “98% of HA libbie spews to the contrary.”
Evidence? (Wait for it: “Liberals must arm …”)
@28 It appears Doctor Dumbfuck’s conceptualization of a thriving economy is one where everybody is a real estate flipper and nobody is a trained engineer, business manager, materials scientist, or mathematician.
@29 And this fable doesn’t even touch the point that bank lending is a primary mechanism for expanding the money supply and economy.
Evidence? (Wait for it: “Liberals must arm …”)
When their Orange Jesus rants about “retribution” and “vermin” to an armed-to-the-teeth MAGA mob, it makes perfect sense that those Americans who aren’t fascists must arm themselves, the sooner the better.
@32 “so large businesses would invest in stock buybacks and price hikes enriching the shareholders of said corporations”
Which, of course, is fine with me.
Debt is an asset to the lender and a liability to the borrower. If you believe in Modern Monetary Theory, you’re an idiot.
All 10 of Wisconsin’s fake electors have recanted their fake electoral votes and agreed to cooperate with prosecutors.
All 6 of Nevada’s fake electors have been indicted and will be the next (or second or third next) to cut similar plea deals.
It’s called catching the little fish in order to fry the big fish.
‘We’re going to come after the people in the media’: Trump ally issues chilling warning
Just more “retribution” and “vermin” the dumbfuck Nazi coward will be too cowardly to talk about.
Debt is an asset to the lender and
There you are, you worthless little SOB! I knew I’d find you here. Give me back all the money you stole from my purse!
The presidents of Harvard, UPenn, and MIT said they haven’t heard of any faculty or students calling for “genocide of Jews” but their universities will investigate reports of antisemitic conduct. Republicans are infuriated by this response.
Careful, Sean, or they’ll see you as vermin as well.
‘You’re an idiot!’ Steve Bannon loses cool at Sean Hannity for asking if Trump is dictator
48 – You piece of shit! Where’s that money I spent on you to get your sorry ass out of jail on that drug beef in Snohomish County! Where’s my money, you little bitch?
“House Republicans are threatening to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress if he does not appear for a scheduled closed-door deposition next week as part of a subpoena.”
Republicans will now test in the courts whether the positioning of a door is an element of contempt.
More vermin.
‘Huge win for Democrats’: Marjorie Taylor Greene attacks ‘sell-out’ Speaker Mike Johnson
See ya, Mike. We hardly knew ya.
Where’s my money, you little bitch?
Do you have any clue how much it costs me to support your damned drug habit? Not to mention feeding your sorry ass.
Go back to your room before I kick you out of the house.
Fuck it. Get out of my house! NOW!!
UNLV reports a mass shooting on campus, in the business school and student union buildings, with multiple victims transported to area hospitals. Suspect deceased.
Yes. And so is money.
Becasue money is debt.
So you are finally inching closer to a better understanding now. Because you are recognizing the balance between asset and liability. But you still overlook the critically important step of how each of these are valued. Asset value and liability value are dynamic and never a perfect match. Effective economic systems must account for that. And so must effective economic policy.
Simply declaring DEBT BAD fails to do so.
And so I can’t agree with you when you post idiotic nonsense that amounts to nothing more than DEBT BAD.
And this fable doesn’t even touch the point that bank lending is a primary mechanism for expanding the money supply and economy.
Sure it does.
Banks are like trees that grow sticks.
So in essence money really does grow on trees.
And that’s why you’d goddamn well better regulate the living fuck out of them.
@ 49
The presidents of Harvard, UPenn, and MIT said they haven’t heard of any faculty or students calling for “genocide of Jews” but their universities will investigate reports of antisemitic conduct.
Just as soon as they’re done hounding people who call chicks with dicks “he”.
Where saying “Palestinian children should not be bombed” and “2 dead civilians for every Hamas is not ‘Tremendously Positive’ is antisemitic speech according to JPost, AIPAC and the GOP.
The most amazing part of this blatant vice presidential corruption is that Biden bragged about it, in public and on camera, afterward.
He bragged about it. The same way Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit brags about a Five! Figure! investment portfolio gain on the rare days he sees one. They’re each absolutely clueless about how it looks.
Firing the prosecutor investigating the foreign company paying Hunter Biden for absolutely nothing other than influence peddling wasn’t on the State Department’s agenda. It wasn’t on the Obama administration’s agenda.
It was to benefit the vice president and his family. There was no other purpose.
Imagine how much we’ll know by the time the DNC convention rolls around next year.
Oh you poor victim, so unfair that Harvard, UPenn, and MIT don’t hate on trans kids as much as you do. So unfair they don’t just kill them like you want.
@60 It’s interesting Israel’s defenders aren’t saying Israel isn’t killing innocent Gaza civilians, bombing schools and hospitals, and stealing Palestinian land and water, detaining Palestinians (including children) without trial, and looking the other way when Israel settlers murder Palestinians. They’re saying, “You better not mention it, or else.”
Imagine how much we’ll know by the time the DNC convention rolls around next yearr.
By then it will be uncovered that President Biden give Hunter lunch money in elementary school and didn’t charge him interest. That’s a conservative impeachable offense I’m sure.
“This is not a test,” the university said in one post. “RUN-HIDE-FIGHT”.
Earlier this week, the US broke its own record for most deadly mass shootings in a single year. A series of murders took the figure to 38 cases in which four or more people, not including the shooter, were shot and killed. The previous high was 36, set last year.
Republicans. “We tried nothing and we are out of ideas and we need our guns in case we can finally kill the people we hate.”
He was literally ordered to deliver that message by the President.
Epoch Times Trump voters will believe anything they need to believe. Butt flashlights. Stolen elections. Chemtrails. Pizzagate.
…was official state department policy carried out by Hunter Biden’s father at the explicit instruction of the President of the United States.
There must be some Republican somewhere caught skull fucking a disabled child in order for the profoundly stupid troll to dredge this back up again.
Please provide any original source documentary evidence showing that Shokin was in any way investigating Burisma at the time that VP Biden delivered that message.
We know why you can’t. We also know why you never have, and never will.
Because there was never any such investigation. Shokin had suspended the investigation as a means of official extortion corruption.
Q. The statement that there was “no sex of any kind in any manner, shape or form, with President Clinton,” was an utterly false statement. Is that correct?
A. It depends on what the meaning of the word “is” is.
Q. The statement that if elected you would establish a brutal, authoritarian dictatorship suppressing human rights and the rule of law in order to perpetuate your own totalitarian rule was an utterly false statement. Is that correct?
A. It depends on what the meaning of the word “dictator” is.
@68. That made me laugh. It would explain so much.
@ 49
Yesterday’s hearing went as bad for the university presidents as the Sunday talk show went for Jayapal. Jayapal was forced to issue a statement which clearly said things she was clearly unwilling to state during the TV interview only two days earlier.
Same happened to Harvard’s president, who issued a statement today emphatically pointing out what she tried so hard not to say yesterday:
I don’t know why it’s so hard for liberals to condemn rapists and anti-Semites.
Yes, Queen YLB’s kids are truly fucked.
Now imagine growing up in a household inhabited by a liberal mother as unserious and intellectually challenged as our Queen YLB.
Three strikes against her fucked kids. Oh, and at least one of them is still being poisoned.
@62 “Despite a recently concluded investigation by Senate Republicans that found no wrongdoing by the Bidens, claims to the contrary have continued to circulate on social media.”
“Recently concluded” as of October 2020. More than 3 years later, Doctor Dumbfuck continues to circulate those debunked claims — not because he’s a dumbfuck, although he is, but because he’s dishonest.
@66 It’s unclear whether today’s UNLV shooting will add to that number. So far there’s only three confirmed dead.
@68 It was also the policy of the EU and IMF.
Republican efforts to tar President Biden with this Ukrainian prosecutor thing, and innocent loans to his son, not to mention their “stolen election” lies, demonstrate they’re extremely dishonest people.
Doctor Dumbfuck repetitively regurgitates these lies, too, but he’s more stupid than dishonest. I’m not sure he’s human. It hasn’t been confirmed that he isn’t actually a poorly constructed malicious computer algorithm.
How do we know you’re a bigot? When you totally make up ‘facts’ to keep the icky people in a lower caste.
See if we make life as hard as possible for that so-called trans they will WANT to switch back and then the speaker’s wife’s conversion therapy clinic can THRIVE!
The actual number of people who report regretting or ‘re-transitioning’ is, based on an average of scientific peer reviewed studies on the topic about 9%.
‘But, my pastor said…’
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & Chickenhawk Warmongers News – Dead babies are our greatest strength report. We are winning! “The number of abortions provided in Washington rose 23% last year, to the highest level in a decade.”
Housedemocrats (“Rats”) speaks with Typical Fat Ugly Demorat Hag (“Hag”) [] regarding this landmark achievement:
Rats: That’s a beautiful picture of you, but what are you screaming?
Hag: Kill ‘em all!
Rats: Why that?
Hag: I’m a Fat Ugly Demorat Hag so I hate everybody, especially babies.
Rats: Do you want to kill everybody then?
Hag: I’d like to but it’s not really practical. But babies, they can’t even complain about it much less fight back.
Rats: What’s your plan?
Hag: I say start early, before they’re even born.
Rats: But what if they make it out alive?
Hag: Then we bomb them, maybe follow up with economic sanctions to starve out the survivors.
Rats: But we can’t really go around bombing and starving babies can we?
Hag: Sure we can, we do it all the time. Are you really a Demorat?
Rats: Of course, and I never said that we couldn’t do it, just maybe not all the time.
Hag: Okay, I was just wondering. Anyway my point isn’t that you have to do it every single day, you just have to look for opportunities and then go for it. Like Bidenclown, he seems pretty dumb, and he left $billions in weapons for the Taliban that Ukraine could have used, but at least he saw the opportunity in Ukraine and went for it. Maybe not as big as I would have liked, no real big cities were blown up, but a lot of smaller cities were blown up, so it was pretty good.
Rats: So you’re happy with Bidenclown then?
Hag: I wouldn’t say happy, he didn’t plan ahead, just thought one war at a time. So when the Israel-Hamas war started we were short of bombs. The whole Gaza Strip could have been blown up by now if he had just planned ahead.
Rats: So who is your favorite Demorat?
Hag: That’s easy, FDR, now that was a real Demorat. Just think, when he took over nobody was getting blown up but by the time he left we were blowing up the biggest cities we could find. And not just blowing them up, first we would blast them to smithereens then we would drop firebombs and burn up the survivors. Too bad he didn’t live to see his Dream Bomb. Just think, one bomb and a whole city gets blown up and incinerated at the same time.
I don’t know why it’s so hard for liberals to condemn rapists and anti-Semites.
Fuck ALL of you.
Is that condemnation enough? Feel sufficiently condemned yet?
Let me know. I’ve got more.
@73 The study found a correlation between adolescent mental health and parental involvement. This link is broken, of course, when the parent is in prison for assaulting cops, rioting, and trying to overthrow our government, but healthy mental states were also observed in teens who turned in their parents to the FBI.
@ 77
The actual number of people who report regretting or ‘re-transitioning’ is, based on an average of scientific peer reviewed studies on the topic about 9%.
I suspect that the newly gender-discordant freaks don’t last.
As soon as they realize the laughter doesn’t stop and the tampon gets icky when shoved up their ass, chicks with dicks revert to simply being freaks within their birth gender, rather than continuing to try out for the other team.
It’s all the same to me – whether I laugh at an infrequent freak or laugh at 1 in 70, I still get to laugh.
#BLM support doesn’t last nearly as long nowadays, either.
This dude will be caught.
@81 “the tampon gets icky when shoved up their ass”
Know what’s even ickier? Your imaginings.
The greedy racist incel has finally found the topic he can be as vile as he possibly can. He knows he couldn’t say things like that about minorities or women or immigrants but he can can say what ever he wants about gays and trans people here.
Check out my shit kicker boots.. They make me look tall!
@ 83
Know what’s even ickier? Your imaginings.
• Your intertwined rectal and urinary catheters.
• Your wife’s Santorum after she’s finished with her BBC du jour.
Now imagine growing up in a household
One is out of the house. Has a steady job, girlfriend, etc..
Youngest is still at home, paying his parents modest rent, working a full time steady job. Volunteering. Will apply to professional school next June. Scored in high 90th percentile of pro school entrance exam..
Both are college graduates..
yawwwn.. they’re doing fine… great contrast to a booooriiingg dumb bucket in widbee who every day loses more of its grip.
Huh, there’s an imaginary world that Dumbfuck has spent a good deal of time fantasizing, the the erotic sense, where a pre-op trans OR a post op trans man is menstrating through their ass requiring the use of a tampon.
And I believe to my soul that inside every man, there’s the feminine
And inside every lady, there’s a deep manly voice loud and clear
Well, a cowboy may brag about things that he’s done with his women
But the ones who brag loudest are the ones that are most likely queer
Cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each other
Say, what do you think all them saddles and boots was about?
And there’s many a cowboy who don’t understand the way that he feels for his brother
And inside every cowboy, there’s a lady that’d love to slip out
I will have my revenge.
The timing of my departure is not accidental. Rumors were flying but I intentionally waited until we expelled a member who somehow broke through in a reliably Democratic District by lying about everything he planned to do and lying about everything he could lie about. So the chaces of whatever full-throated MAGA candidate takes the NY-3 after the deep embarrassment Anthony put the party through is slim. 221-215
I triggered an empty seat in the caucus. I am well aware that Governor Newsome in a vacancy should declare a primary to happen on the 9th Tuesday after I leave office with a special election to follow. BUT, if said vacancy occurs in the final year of the elected term, Governor Newsome can decline to do so and let the normal primary and election process for a House seat take place. When the House Adjourns with me in it come December a vacancy does not occur until they gavel in for 2024….an election year. 220-215
So yeah, I left Speaker Christo Fascist down a seat for a full year by which time the house has a very strong chance of flipping back to the Democrats leaving him with….nothing.
More shredders!
Amy Lee sucks!
Such a weird detail to add to the headline. Calabasas is 13SqMi with 23,000 residents. Some of them happen to be celebrities.
Nov 21, 2023, Arrest made in random attack on Walmart customer in his 80s in Palm Beach where Donald Trump lives.
March 23, 2023, VIDEO: Suspect in multiple random attacks arrested in Nashville where Taylor Swift lives.
@ 92
A Seattle family shits in a hole where Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit lives.
@86 Your imagination is even sicker than I imagined.
@88 The FBI won’t seize his computer. They’d have an employee revolt on their hands. Their agents aren’t paid enough to be forced to read his browsing history.
@92 I’ve heard Whidbey residents wear wide-brimmed hats because of the seagulls.
@ 49, 72
Now it’s the UPenn president’s turn to belatedly realize that she used weasel-words in her effort to avoid defending Jews when she was before a House committee yesterday.
Here’s her groveling apology:
Two minutes of video today because the spineless cunt couldn’t say, yesterday, that anti-Semitism on campus and threats to Jewish students are wrong, and not merely some form of objectionable but protected free speech.
So that’s one congresswoman and two east coast private major university presidents revising their cowardly statements, just since Sunday, because they could not successfully avoid agreeing that physical harm to Jews is unacceptable.
Chris Christie at his best.
By the way, taking the “obnoxious blowhard” crown away from Doctor Dumbfuck is no mean feat.
Chris Christie at his best:
By the way, taking the “obnoxious blowhard” crown away from Doctor Dumbfuck is no mean feat.
Queen YLB at her best.
It happened again today.
About a thousand uploads of UNLV students some gasping in fear when the door opened by an officer in full body armor to escort them out of classrooms. A police officer getting a call from his child, a student and breaking down in tears to find out he’s safe, kids in neighboring building filming snipers on roofs…
All perfectly normal.
This is why they’re trying to shut it down.
At “Wednesday night’s Republican presidential candidate debate …, a question on election security was entrusted to … a conservative activist who had coached former President Donald Trump to falsely claim victory in 2020 — and who is likely one of the unindicted co-conspirators listed in the Georgia criminal case ….
“’Many Republicans are concerned about the legitimacy of elections,’ said Tom Fitton, president of the right-wing activist group Judicial Watch, who joined in as a guest questioner via a video hookup at the debate that didn’t include Trump. ‘What should states do now to increase election integrity and voter confidence for the 2024 election?’ Fitton asked ….”
That’s a great question, and here’s the answer: One, states should adopt best practices for conducting elections. Two, Republicans aren’t entitled to have confidence in our elections to their satisfaction; they’re only entitled to what the rest of us are entitled to: states’ best efforts. And three, assholes who try to overturn elections, or subvert the election process, should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
God has called upon me to use this opportunity to lead our nation toward a future in which no hungry child is fed, in which the sick are not healed, and in which the old and infirm are forgotten.
Under God’s benign holy guidance and through my patient leadership we will end feeding programs for hungry children leaving 30 million children hungry, Amen. We will eliminate traditional tax advantages for employer healthcare benefits, cutting off healthcare access to 200 million Americans, Amen. And we will restrict retirement to age 80, forcing tens of millions of aging, disabled Americans into labor intensive workplaces incapable of accommodating them, Amen.
It is God’s will and my duty.
It is ordained by god that if you want a 12mpg V-12 crew cab pickup you shall have it.
Jesus himself said, “Yea though the gas be expensive only he who never puts a single thing in the bed of his blessed truck shall enter the kingdom of heaven.”
@ 49, 72, 96
The UPenn president’s unwillingness to denounce anti-Semitism when testifying before Congress has led the Democrat governor of Pennsylvania to implicitly call for her firing.
After President’s Remarks on Antisemitism, Penn Should Consider Her Future, the State’s Governor Says
She did everything possible to avoid protecting her Jewish students and faculty.
Pulling out a firearm to defend oneself from an assault by an anti-Semitic mob of one’s classmates is also a context-dependent decision. Everyone has the right to be safe. The UPenn president failed to convey that, despite being asked repeatedly to do so.
Shapiro should call for an immediate meeting of the Board of Trustees.
@ 105
It is ordained by god that if you want a 12mpg V-12 crew cab pickup you shall have it.
And supported by common sense and cold-weather EV towing results. The Almighty is a gearhead.
And the ’94 Ford F-250 463 cu. in. V8 2WD I used to own got 10 mpg highway and maybe 7 mpg on the island. Diesel much more efficient – 22 mpg highway with awesome torque.
@ 108
As long as you’re going to butcher his name, just do what you really want to do and call him Rama-Sammy.
Set yourself up for your coming slurs against Nimrata.
POS Bowman’s interference with the business of Congress got all of three brave censure votes from his Democrat colleagues.
Pulling the fire alarm was @ 108 an inside job.
It’s your drug habit, bitch, not mine. Over the last 30 years, your fondness for meth and nose candy have cost me over $220k!
Ding Ding Ding Ding….
We have a winner! Having utterly flamed out on Ron DeFascist as his candidate Dumbfuck is now all in on Vivek.
We’re the GOP, that was an inside job and we’ll vote for a true American hero to fill George Santos seat. Who’s running?
Philip Sean Grillo of Queens, N.Y., was found guilty of five charges, including one felony, and convicted of obstruction of an official proceeding, a felony and misdemeanor of entering and remaining in a restricted building,
One very nice touch about the insurrectionist who wanted to be a House Rep,
All lies. Because of your chronic unemployment I ended up supporting you and my little sister by dropping out of school when I was 13 years old to get a job as a housemaid. You’ve lived off me ever since.
I truly hate that your worthless grandson grew up to be just like you.
You’ll find your meager possessions in the front yard. If they’re not gone by noon, everything goes to the dump.
Your call, Pop.
Yesterday the profoundly stupid humiliated troll begged for our condemnation.
Anyone care to join me?
Fuck all violent, bigoted, antisemitic, transphobic, racist piece of shit Republican trolls. Fuck them for holding torch lit night rallies to protest Jews. Fuck them for attacking peaceful protesters against police violence targeting Black communities. Fuck them for deliberately targeting all non cis-gendered children and harassing them. Fuck them for trying to violently overturn a democratic election because they lost.
Consider yourselves condemned, you fascist, racist, white supremacist assholes. America will defeat you as we have always done before. It’s called The Lost Cause for a reason.
The humiliation of fascist shopping season has begun.
And just as I predicted, it has begun much earlier than in previous cycles. Which will lead to gradual discouragement and further extremism before the inevitable surrender into the arms of its wannabe dictator.
It’s very clear from the post history that once upon a time the troll was at least capable of putting up a pretense in support of the traditional American values of democracy and individual rights. Much of the troll’s rhetoric focused on complaining about its perceived transgressions on the part of Democrats and “libbies” against those traditions. Now it has been fundamentally reduced to openly opposing those pluralistic traditions of democracy and liberty. Now it is faced with a numbingly inevitable and very open embrace of authoritarianism. Now its rhetoric is entirely transformed into a celebration of brutal authority over the traditional American values of democracy and equal protection under the rule of law.
So it is and so it will be for all Republicans. Do not count on Republicans and “conservatives” to turn away from their abandonment of our nation’s founding principles. There will be no pivot.
call him Rama-SCAMmy.
Freak’s a grifter.
Yesterday Jack Smith made a follow up filing in the DC insurrection case showing documented evidence of a Trump campaign official identified as an “unidicted co-conspirator” working directly for White House Counsel Don McGahn in November of 2020 communicating with campaign atttorneys in Detroit and encouraging them to initiate a violent riot at the TCF center where ballots were then being counted in order to prevent
over 83,000 day of election ballots from Detroit being counted.
If Smith can prevent enough of Trump’s delays to put on a prosecution case by summer of next year, this will have devastating consequences to the Trump 2024 campaign.
Anyone care to join me?
Fuck Republicans
Use of iPhones makes Americans 12.7% more gluten intollerant.
PS: I wish Raphael Edward Cruz would just shut the hell up about “assumed names”.
The biased purging and holding of comments here is bullshit.
The equal rule of law doesn’t exist in HA – Shameful.
You can’t stop me forever. Try being fair. The law of equality doesn’t exist here.
Russia, China and HA are Censors
HA doesn’t like the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus comments because they must be sufferers of it.
Fuck HA Censors!
He’s a homo, get over your bullshit concern and schooling, you dumbfuck
Or perhaps as an alternative, take a moment to consider why a name change was crucial to the career interests of aspiring Republican politicians like “Nikki Haley” and Raphael Eduardo Cruz.
Nice one, my brother.
For very Bud light an alpha male drinks a tranny goes unharassed.
@92 Red herring at work. Academics aren’t wired to answer “yes” or “no.” The academic culture revolves around inquiry, discussion, and debate. Nor are they trained to handle congressional ambushes. These college presidents literally were fish out of water in that hearing.
A CNN article this morning offers some insight on how the issue perhaps should be handled. This article is a journalist’s reflections on how she covered Hamas in the past, including interviewing top Hamas leaders. The money quote is,
“Weren’t there some actors whose behavior was so heinous that they didn’t deserve a platform or even so much as a quote, which might only afford them a measure of legitimacy?”
Her answer was,
“Is this the approach we should have taken with Hamas, or ought to moving forward? In an ideal world, yes, but in this dystopian one we’re watching unfold, that may be too much to expect. In the meantime, if journalists continue to interview members of Hamas, we should report their words more critically and not take their comments at face value. We should provide context that notes how unverifiable their information is and how poor their track record for accuracy has been. And we should not shy away from asking ourselves whether our interviews afford them too much legitimacy and give them more of a platform than they deserve,”
showing even reporters on the ground, interacting with bad actors, struggle with this question in the context of carrying out their professional duties and obligations.
The question is no less difficult for people running academic institutions. While many, if not most, of us (as consumers of information) might strongly lean toward a “yes” answer, we likely would do so only after kicking the question around and examining it from various angles. That doesn’t happen in a congressional hearing when people unaccustomed to simplifying complicated questions are pressured to answer “yes” or “no.” You’re likely to get hemming and hawing instead, or a qualified “yes” or “no,” which is what these congressmen got.
If you were honest, you would recognize that what these college presidents were asked for was not a “yes” or “no” on Jewish genocide, but a “yes” or “no” on whether there should be limits on inquiry, discussion, and debate in academia; and, if so, where those limits should be placed.
But you’re not honest, nor are you any more interested in honest, thoughtful discussion than those congressmen.
@ 49, 72, 96, 106
That was fast.
Live updates: Penn trustees hold emergency gathering amid calls for Magill’s resignation
Maybe her groveling apology yesterday saved her job, if not her dignity.
For every minute my son streams pornhub the fire of hell gets a degree hotter.
For every minute a man watches ‘Murphy Brown’ he becomes 3% more desiring if the gentle caress of another man.
And some potatoe salad
For every minute yuge the man woman camera spends on my beautiful Truth social nearest and I know the internet better than anyone female pussy a Big Mac Bedminster land goes up in value.
For every second a revenooer have you signed up for my University IRS agent that’s crooked and totally biased spends on my bigger than Twitter duo rigged and stole Truth social the land value of Brdminster goes down
Every minute a visitor spends at DisneyWorld my power grows like the training of Luke Skywalker who said “I am one with the force the fiorce is with me.’ Live long and Pensacola. Covid was fake.
@132 Money talks in private college boardrooms, too, doesn’t it?
@117 He’s now against academic freedom, too.
@107 How old were you before you learned diesel engines have more torque?
But ya wanna know what really has torque? The electric motors that pull trains. I’ll bet Elon Musk knew that before you did.
@113 “Dumbfuck is now all in on Vivek.”
Good grief. Out of the frying pan into the blowtorch.
” … Ramaswamy rattled off a list of popular far-right conspiracy theories and asked his fellow debaters why he’s ‘the only person on this stage at least who can say,’ among other false beliefs, that, ‘The great replacement theory’ is not some grand right-wing conspiracy theory, but a basic statement of the Democratic party’s platform.’”
Actually, it’s not; it’s Lady Liberty’s* platform:
“… Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
* Fucking commie has been leering at New York City harbor since 1886
Free G-Man!
@ 137
@132 Money talks in private college boardrooms, too, doesn’t it?
Absence of money also makes a sound.
1 hour ago –
Politics & Policy
Penn loses $100 million donation over antisemitism hearing
Bitches be expensive.
I’m shocked, shocked, to learn that there are ways of avoiding genocide other than Israel capitulating to the whining from the UN.
I saw video elsewhere that looks like 50-60 surrendered.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 131:
If you were honest, you would recognize that what these college presidents were asked for was not a “yes” or “no” on Jewish genocide, but…
Rep. Elise Stefanik, Tuesday:
Maybe Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit watched a different hearing than the rest of the world.
Although the much more likely answer is that once again Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has his head up his ass.
Jackass spewing conspiracy theories* at Jan. 6 sentencing gets 11 years.
* (e.g., Ashli Babbitt is alive today)
@145 Let us know when you figure out the question was about MIT’s code of conduct, not whether the witness is against Jewish genocide.
And when the question is about a university’s code of conduct, dumbfuck, the answer is going to depend on the specific facts of each individual case — what was said, in what context, and with what intent.
People who want to stifle academic inquiry, discussion, and debate won’t acknowledge that. Neither, apparently, will you.
Liz Cheney has the #1 book on Amazon and is sold out but the dumbfuck Nazi coward needn’t fret about the GQP losing voters. They don’t read books.
All of the true conservatives have left the party. All that’s left are the MAGA fascists like our dumbfuck Nazi coward.
Rule number one in witness prep: when opposing counseld demands that you limit your response to “yes or no”, don’t.
It isn’t required. unless and until the judge instructs you.
You are required to respond to all of opposing counsel’s questions to which I have not objected. You are never to respond ot any of opposing counsel’s demands or instruction.
Ultra MAGA House political theater show hearings are not court rooms. And even if they were, witnesses may not be bullied or disrespected in this way. Elise Stefanik was a plywood heiress who worked as a media flack and started a right wing warmonger blog. She’s playing a version of a cross examining attorney she saw in a movie written by Aaron Sorkin. She’s also a piece of shit.
UPenn president is being given an opportunity to walk the plank under her own power:
The loss of a $100M endowment sounds like a lot, but in reality it’s only a $4M annual hit to the university’s budget. The rest of it is invested by the University so that the annual $4M will be there in perpetuity.
So only about 30 or so professors will be shit-canned because the dumb twat running UPenn wouldn’t give a straight answer.
Yes. I’m laughing. Truth hurts.
UPenn has a TWENTY ONE BILLION DOLLAR endowment. The endowment grew by almost $250 million in 2023. Annual Report FY23.pdf
If there is any budget impact at all, it will mean the plain white toilet paper instead of scented and embossed.
Once again, very strong posts. Quite impressive. Really.
What hurts is that rake you keep stomping on.
At least the profoundly stupid troll is not wrong for recognizing Pennsylvania as a real battleground, at least for Biden next year.
It’s a good thing Republicans like him remain stupid enough to believe that the tide of low information Tik Tok voters will move based on political maneuverings at the most expensive and elitist private institution serving the mega-wealthy in the state.
How many of you can name the President of Whitman?
How many of your Amazon drivers can name the President of Whitman?
Bitches be expensive.
Like Mary Kay and her horsies? Heh. Shovelin’ the shit be free labor.
We all know who does that. We’re sure the LOW 4 FIGURE ONCE A MONTH SS CHECK is some small comfort.
26 – If you ever took any accounting, finance or economics courses, you should ask for a refund of your tuition. You clearly are uneducated in all of those subjects.
Free GMan!
@150 The length, width, and oscillation range and rate of the plank will be closely examined by whoever they hope to replace her with.
@156 The monetary system described @26 doesn’t work in a closed economy like a prison where the issuing authority can’t “print” more cigarettes, and therefore the money supply (i.e., number of cigarettes in circulation) is fixed. I assume this is the type of economy you’re most familiar with.
But you should know there are other monetary systems outside the walls, one of which is called a “credit economy” in which the amount of bank lending activity has the effect of expanding or contracting the money supply and therefore stimulating or cooling the economy. For more details of the broad concept go here.
Follow on #159: You do realize, don’t you, that “money” is anything people use as a medium of exchange, don’t you?
Beads, wampum, animal hides, clay tablets, poker chips, bitcoins, monopoly money, IOUs, cigarettes, among other things, all qualify.
Fox & Friends dishonesty on display:
“After Fox & Friends featured a panel of six voters on Wednesday morning to weigh in on Trump’s Tuesday night event with Fox star Sean Hannity, liberal watchdog Media Matters revealed that Stephanie Edmonds, the panel’s supposed lone Democrat, was in fact a political activist who has publicly railed against Democrats for years.” And registered for the first time as a Democrat only so she could vote for Tulsi Gabbard in the primary.
Sorry no. The loss of a $100m dollar gift means Penn will run out of money and have to shut its doors in 126 years instead of 134.
If they fail to generate a single dollar on tuition or future endowments.
Add this to the growing list of things about which you don’t have the slightest clue how works.
Libbies, why don’t you want peace?
Fetterman says if we want peace, Israel needs to be able to destroy Hamas
Pretty Islamophobic, if he was a Republican.
Amy Lee‘s Xmas gift idea to Queen YLB:
Evanescence Fallen Exclusive Eyeshadow Palette
No matter how much you slather on, Queen YLB, you’ll still be HA’s unserious twat.
No one treats a liberal woman more viciously than another liberal woman.
Dayum. The pilin’ on’s gettin’ spectacular.
Shit, I missed @ 165 this part:
Also wrong, by the way: Calling Israel’s current actions genocide.
Guys, get it together or fix the moderating settings.
I can post here, and there but not over there. WTF?
Israel’s action are genocide, it’s their end game. Open your eyes DumbFuck. It’s probably gonna get nastier soon, maybe like WWIII, with Hezbola entering into the arena. A bunch of heterosexuals probably gonna not survive.
Dumbfuck is pretending that his actual constituens aren’t criticizing Fetterman for his willingness to kill 2 civilians for every member of Hamas.
When you just parrot the Talking Points of the Day from exclusively right wing commentators you miss a lot of things.
Willfully ignorant some would call it. Or just Dumbfuckery.
Evanescence Fallen Exclusive Eyeshadow Palette
So Amy Lee brings out the x-dresser in teh widbee bore… figgers.. Thanks to Amy Lee we know kreepshit’s secret
yawwwn.. next?
Well at least I’ve never done THIS? $50 bucks he said “Do you even know who I AM!” at booking
Dumbfuck is pretending that his actual constituens aren’t criticizing Fetterman for his willingness to kill 2 civilians for every member of Hamas.
Let’s do the math.. There’s 30,000 Hamas fighters, no?
So Fetterman and by extension Israel is ok with 60,000 Gaza civilians dead.
Wow that’s 20,000 more than what kreepshit is “ok” with.
Nothing warms troll hearts more than the mass murder of people with funny last names. heh. So what else is new?
@163 “Pretty Islamophobic, if he was a Republican.”
No. See if you can figure out why.
The rest of you: how much time should I give him? I have less than eternity in mind.
@166 “Calling Israel’s current actions genocide.”
I wouldn’t go that far just yet, even though IDF told the civilians to evacuate to South Gaza, then bombed South Gaza.
It isn’t genocide until they FINISH THEM.
@171 Don’t need to wait 5 years to convene a grand jury on that one, but I’m curious why he’s only charged with manslaughter. Does being a senator’s son have anything to do with that?
“The 42-year-old son of U.S. Sen. Kevin Cramer was charged Thursday with manslaughter and fleeing an officer after a police pursuit ended in a crash that killed a North Dakota sheriff’s deputy who had just laid a tire deflation device on the road and was taking cover behind his squad car, according to court documents.
“Ian Cramer, of Bismarck, was traveling over 100 mph and already had two flat tires when he slammed head-on into Deputy Paul Martin’s squad car on Wednesday, pushing it ‘directly into Martin’s person and launching him for about 100 feet,’ according to charging documents. Martin, 53, was killed. … Cramer allegedly started to run away after the crash. [Officer] Senn subdued him on the ground and was injured as Cramer resisted, according to court documents.”
Like President Biden, Sen. Cramer has a troubled son. Ian Cramer has a history of mental illness. And assaults and traffic offenses. Unlike Hunter Biden, he has hurt people — his own brother, and at least two cops, one of whom he killed.
I’m waiting for the Republican outrage.
@172 About 40,000 to go, two-thirds of them children. Oh and let’s not forget drowning the remaining hostages, too.
File under, “The Women are going to come for your SOULS!”
After a Texas Judge ruled that a woman with an unsurvivable fetal anomaly to her ‘preborn child’ which normal people call a fetus has the absolute right to abort the child
Texas AG sent a letter to the hospital connected to her OB/GYN that staff and doctors there WOULD be prosecuted for following the judge’s order.
I’m not a lawyer but I’m pretty sure openly interfering with the adjudicated decisions with the court is the kind of thing a state bar association would frown upon.
There are people who pretend 2024 is not going to be about abortion.
It appears that SD’s Vehicular Manslaughter charge can only occur if the driver is under the influence.
Tuberville lost big time. Also the boomers really don’t get it.
The compromise defense authorization bill does not strip funding for service members travel if an abortion is needed. It also does not remove DEI personnel though it contains a provision to NOT expand any additional DEI positions.
It also provides an outreach and possible bonus for reenlistment recruitment for those discharged for refusing the Covid-19 vaccine provided that is the ONLY issue that led to their discharge.
Amid the handwringing over recruitment declines the smart boomers in Congress decided to increase pay for everyone E4 and above. Increased pay for new enlistees? Nope. Not a damn thing.
Why can’t we get people to risk their lives for minimum wage?
Though the now final version of the bill was hammered out as a bipartisan negotiation, the usual temper tantrum throwing members Matt Gaetz, Ronny Jackson, Mike Waltz and Marjorie Taylor-Greene refused to sign the report. It is expected to pass both houses. Republican Reps. Matt Gaetz of Florida, Ronny Jackson of Texas, Mike Waltz of Florida, and Marjorie Taylor-Greene of Georgia — declined to sign the final conference report in protest of the changes.
Free G-Man!
@179 Entry-level cash pay is roughly equivalent to a full-time job paying about $12.50 an hour, plus they get room, board, clothing, and free medical care. To southern kids who aren’t college-bound, that will look more attractive than a job in a Walmart or Amazon warehouse. And they can do cool stuff like shoot big guns, jump out of airplanes, drive tanks, etc. Staying in the service gets them promotions with pay bumps and a generous pension along with lifetime medical care at an early enough age to have a second civilian career. All you have to do is go wherever they send you, do what they tell you, and stay in shape.
HA Moderators bite the fat titty!
Gman (Still not 100% Free) paid $2.99 for gas this morning.
@ 149
It isn’t required. unless and until the judge instructs you.
There’s a judge in House hearings? Closest thing I’ve seen to a powdered wig is Biden’s hair, but he’s not in the House.