Good morning. My family moved to the Seattle area when I was young enough to transfer most of my sports loyalty to the Seattle teams. But I still root for the Mets over the Mariners (M’s are my AL team). Mostly I just don’t think about it.
But now that every team plays each other, there’s a series against each other late in the year. And while the Mets sweeping would be my ideal, they are out of contention this year, and it would make Seattle so miserable in this penant race.
I don’t think I can watch?
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit was counting on a 15′ storm surge.
Didn’t happen.
How sad that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit profits, intentionally, from natural disasters that befall Americans who are not him.
The bright side is that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s profits are laughably small and infrequent.
Doctor Dumbuck calls Biden “corrupt,” but it’s hard to imagine anything more corrupt than politicians trying to remove a prosecutor from office in order to protect the criminal leading their party.
@ 2
…calls Biden “corrupt,”…
And Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit provides no argument against my allegation.
None whatsoever.
@3 How about “lack of evidence”?
Of course, this won’t impress someone who doesn’t believe accusers have any burden of proof, but instead thinks accuseds have to prove their innocence. And can’t understand why he keeps getting eliminated from juries during voir dire.
Anybody here recognize this guy? Is this anyone we know?
Burnishing his credentials as an over-the-top-crazy extremist, Vivek Ramaswamy embraces trickle-down economics.
This guy, for all the hype, doesn’t have any ideas of his own; he merely regurgitates shopworn rightwing talking points. He appears to be running for the #2 spot on a Trump ticket.
5 – He looks a bit like Chuck Schumer.
There’s some discussion on sites I peruse about WVU making cuts to classes, majors (9% of them), and reducing faculty numbers in response to a budget shortfall of $45 million.
The AP did a piece and attributes the shortfall to enrollment declines, from 40k to 33k now.
Some of what I read blamed the presence of “7,500 administrators” on the WVU payroll. Which is, just, wow. A huge number.
Turns out WVU has 7,500 employees. Some of whom doubtless are administrators.
I’m sure that WVU has larded up on administration at the expense of student wellbeing, and certainly at student financial expense. But it’s not as bad as some of what’s written makes it seem.
Yes, there are far, far too many “administrators” in government, from education, to defense, to the Treasury. Government has turned into a jobs program rather than being a servant to the populace.
@7 Not a bit.
@8 I guess if you count janitors, groundskeepers, and clerical workers as “administrators,” as certain media outlets apparently do. Not that there isn’t a real issue; there is. Many colleges and universities have bloated non-faculty staffs, and make students pay for it. Why? “With no market or regulatory forces to contain the reckless spending behavior of colleges and universities, school presidents have focused on fundraising, not good management.”
That’s not exactly an argument for a laissez-faire approach to things, is it?
@9 what programs that you currently benefit from, do you want the administrators cut from, so it is slower and less responsive to your needs?
Be specific.
@9 No department of government is more bloated than the Pentagon, which has over 1.5 million uniformed and .75 million civilian personnel on its payrolls who are essentially useless in peacetime. But if we didn’t have them, and a war broke out, you’d sure as hell wish we did.
@12 For starters, he’d probably like to eliminate all the workers who process Social Security and Medicare payments. And ATF agents who prevent people like him from possessing machineguns and bazookas. Also anyone whose job is keeping private cattle off public lands without paying grazing fees, or preventing industries from polluting lakes and rivers. There’s a long list of other federal functionaries he’d like to get rid of, too, so crooked Republicans will have a free hand to exploit and steal as they please.
With The FuckHump running around free there’s no reason why anyone should be lawful today.
Fucking go for it. Murder, mayhem and grifting! Yippee!
@ 12
@9 what programs that you currently benefit from, do you want the administrators cut from, so it is slower and less responsive to your needs?
Be specific.
Well, I currently benefit from:
– Faculty who claim to be Native American or black, but who are just plain ol’ white people.
– Faculty who hang nooses off their office doorknobs and then get fired a few year later for plagiarism.
– Faculty who make all sorts of claims about white people and then get fired for faking their data, and their publications get retracted.
– Faculty who chase reporters around while waving a machete.
Now, while I benefit from the mirth those silly behaviors create when they get outed, I do want them, and their enablers, cut from the system.
If you want details, I got ’em.
Rudi gave up the defamation suit against Georgia Poll Workers. Did not meet discovery deadlines and the judge has issued a default ruling in the Plaintiff’s favor.
In the ruling the judge basically called Giuliani a lying sack and crappy lawyer,
Rudi’s mounting bills and no way to continue to earn a living outside the GOP Grift Machine makes him a prime candidate to spend his twilight years in a public housing project for seniors if he manages to avoid a prison sentence for his role in the GA Vote stealing scheme.
From “America’s Mayor” to “Welfare Queen”, Horatio Alger in reverse. Coming to theaters Summer 2024
It’s a race to political incoherence between Cocaine Mitch and the don of The Biden Crime Family.
16 Too Many Administrators is one of your sock puppet personalities then. Good to know.
@16. Yes, of those people you listed and are still working, how many of them work for you and in what capacity?
Do they work for the school you go to? Do they run your social security office? Did you personally elect them? Do they repair your power lines? Do they inspect the food you eat? Do you buy the media that the journalists work for?
@ 19
Too Many Administrators is one of your sock puppet …
It’s not, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. HA wouldn’t accept my response, and I gave up after two attempts.
Well I’m fucked.
Hell I suck down two beers an hour on the beach in Cancun!
Ain’t no goddamn way some mamby pamby change in the recommended daily allowance of alcohol is going to keep me from my Shiner Bock and shots of Rye on the daily.
They said Smoking causes cancer and I tore the filters off my Pall Malls because VALUES!
Then they told us to eat less saturated fat and I got double bacon on my Whataburger because FREEDOM.
Then they said Bacon and Sodium were bad and I installed a salt lick in the shower because LIBERTY!
Then they told me it was going to freeze so I hightailed it right out of town because, VIVA LA RAZZA!
Now they say drinking is harmful so I’m fixin’ to take down a case of Corona next time I’m ‘on vacation’
(Editors note, the GOP literally has no agenda except, “whatever anyone even slightly left of me says one step from the Hanoi Hilton.” And a side note, various recommendations say five servings of vegetables are good for you so Texas invented “Ham Salad” and calls Mac-n-cheese a side vegetable. As far as I know no one in Texas has ever been forcefed some kale with that smoked Brisket.)
The recommended daily allowance of bullets flying in an elementary school is zero and dad-gum it we can’t cotton to no more kids fleeing for their lives!
Trump appointed Federal Judge McFadden holds Jan 6er in criminal contempt.
After terrorist Brandon Fellows took the stand in his defense and proclaimed his RIGHT to overthrow ‘the people’s house’ and without evidence the election was stolen, he accused the judge of running a kangaroo court and after being notified of the contempt ruling, “A Nazi court”
Should McFadden somehow win acquittal on the terrorism charges he’ll do five months on the felony after the trail ends.
That’s one small speedbump on the slide toward GOP Dictatorship,
A Texas judge ruled (editors note, in the kind of ‘no fucking shit’ way that most of the GOP power grabs should be understood) that the “Death Star” bill that removes power to make local regulations and laws by county or municipal governments is a blatant violation of the Texas Constitution.
The GOP will appeal of course because why not keep pressing the totalitarian issue. It’s not like Gen Z are watching
This isn’t that big of a story but it gets attention. It’s only the kind of money Betsey DeVos was ordered to distribute but refused.
……………. ….I’m fine……
@ 25
Every state has its own Anna Diggs Taylor. They make CamelBaks for a reason.
The AP did a piece and attributes the shortfall to enrollment declines, from 40k to 33k now.
That’s because WVU has been pussified..
Do what Florida is doing at the New School..
High T enrollment.. That’s T liberals, not tea.. tea is for librul pussies.
Watch out Gerry Ford…
Here I come..
fuck yeah..
Yep, they’re turning it into a school for kids who weren’t academically gifted enough to get into a real school with an athletics program for kids who didn’t get even a sniff of D-1 recruiting.
Mediocrities need a champion and they have found Ron DeSantis.
Elon wants 1k/month to verify companies on xitter…
30, 32,
I guess sock puppets carrying on a babbling conversation is the FB friends from CO of 2023.
Presumably Gov. Beshear will choose from among the three name list issued to him by the KY GOP that person least capable of mounting a special election campaign.
Tragic, this Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
Now this is how you show that you are a real man….one with a small dick!
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus. Cowardice.
Ladies will never learn. They love being groomed by the groomers.
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus…….it’s a beauty. The superiority of the Heterosexual man is unbelievalby awesome!
Deaths by The HN Virus make COVID like a bad cold.
Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus mug shots!
“A 100-year-old oak tree fell on the Florida Governor’s Mansion amid Hurricane Idalia on Wednesday.”
Is that an omen, or what?
@24 Would you rather they sit still and wait to get shot?
Easy there…that’s my territory.
Jim Wright
Does anyone, left or right, really think a second Donald Trump term would be anything other than a revenge tour?
Come the next election, you can either vote for someone who will move the country forward or a self-involved megalomanic hell bent on getting even with the world.
Those are the choices
@43 “Does anyone, left or right, really think a second Donald Trump term would be anything other than a revenge tour?”
Yes. It would be that, but much more: Replacing the professional civil service-based federal bureaucracy with a partisan spoils system of the sort that existed in the 19th century.
“The Republican National Committee’s fundraising has slowed dramatically, with just less than $12 million in the bank ahead of next year’s election, and frustrations with longtime chair Ronna McDaniel are rising.”
Good. The GOP relies on big donors, and while those billionaires are unscrupulous, they’re not crazy like the GOP grassroots. They know a bad investment when they see one. MAGA has turned the GOP into a penny stock.
How Jordan Peterson became a Professional VICTIM and the BIGGEST Conservative HYPOCRITE
“Petey-boy”.. this guy is really funny…
Trump is running out of other people’s money to pay lawyers. Save America PAC is almost broke
Codefendants beg Trump for money
Liked this comment.
“$156 Million up in smoke. Money that could have been used to buy political ads and fund get out the vote efforts. Not only that, but it’s not unlikely they’ve tapped out a large portion of their donors at this point as well. Whoops!
A lot of these people donating might have donated to the PAC instead of a Republican candidate. They’re going to be less likely to donate again.”
“The bottom line is I believe Donald Trump would be an absolute, utter disaster for the Republican Party, destroy conservatism as we know it. We would get wiped out and it would take generations to overcome a Trump candidacy.” – Lindsey Graham, 2016.
“Trump is running out of other people’s money…”
He has that in common with anyone who believes socialism can work.
who believes socialism can work.
This country has had that from the beginning.. for the rich..
Morris and Hamilton sought, as much as possible, to shift sovereign powers traditionally reserved for governments into the hands of new chartered institutions—private corporations and banks—that would be strategically immunized from the democratic “disease.” These were not corporations or banks as we know them; they were quasi-governmental institutions with monopoly power. Jefferson sought to place an anti-monopoly provision in the Constitution precisely because of this well-understood link between monopoly finance and political power.
Chernow portrays this far-reaching debate over the future direction of America’s productive life as a byproduct of Hamilton’s unassailably noble attempt to have the federal government retire the Revolutionary War debt. This is simply false (and a very common lie, expressed with admiration by other prominent Hamilton fans like Alan Greenspan and Andrew Mellon). Hamilton wanted a large permanent debt; he wanted it financed so his backers could extract a steady income from the people by way of federal taxes. To pay off the debt would be to kill the goose laying the golden egg. By constricting the question of democracy to a question of accounting, Chernow misrepresents what was really at stake. It was a fight over democracy, authoritarianism, and political economy—and in many ways, the same one we’re having today.
In the 1780s and 1790s, Hamilton won this battle, and the effects were catastrophic. Interest rates shot up as a monopoly of finance gathered in the hands of the merchant class. The debt was owned by the wealthy, while ordinary farmers who had fought in the Revolution had to pay the tax in gold that they didn’t have. It was a heavily deflationary policy, and the era after the Revolution saw an economic contraction similar in size to that of the Great Depression, with a foreclosure crisis as severe. According to Bouton, “There were more Pennsylvanians who had property foreclosed by county sheriffs during the post-war decades than there were Pennsylvania soldiers who fought for the Continental Army.”
It works great for the rich. Always has.
DeSantis is doing such a shitty job with his hurricane response that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit spares no one @ 40 with this brutal takedown:
“A 100-year-old oak tree fell on the Florida Governor’s Mansion amid Hurricane Idalia on Wednesday.”
Hey, executive competence is hard to criticize. It’s not like he’s Kathleen Blanco. Unless you can refer to his physical appearance, going after DeSantis for handling things properly is a heavy lift.
White boots!
One month ago, Generac shares closed at $153.38.
Remember that when Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit gloats about today’s yuuuuge 44 cent share gain. He’s still down 20% this month.
White boots!
and “electile dysfunction”..
I bet Bob has seen them white boots up close and personal.
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus got another……bang, bang, you dead bitch!
You been groomed bitch!
Thanks for washing the dishes, doing the laundry, taking care of Jr., but you days are over now!
Hey no more social security for them. But still cost the taxpayers some good money.
@ 52
Unserious twats gonna do what they’re gonna do. Queen YLB surprises absolutely nobody.
Last I heard “woke” had given way to “You loot, we shoot.”
DeSantis is right. You really don’t know what’s behind that door in Florida. Trayvon FAFO’d, and there wasn’t even a door.
Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus. The Deadly STD!
Bitch been groomed by the groomer Hetero Neanderthal.
Bitch be dumb, she signed up for that shit.
Last I heard “woke” had given way to “You loot, we shoot.”
Did the white asshole make a sign? ‘course not.. open season..
LOL… Like that’s gonna save poor kon “electile dysfunction” deAnus.. yawwwwnnn….
fill teh tank.. make teh rent…
@47 “The bottom line is I believe Donald Trump would be an absolute, utter disaster for the Republican Party, destroy conservatism as we know it. We would get wiped out and it would take generations to overcome a Trump candidacy.” – Lindsey Graham, 2016.
I’ll bet he hopes people have forgotten that, most of all Trump, but Trump forgets nothing. And Graham’s shameless and debasing sycophancy will get him nothing from Trump in return.
@48 Well, we’re not a socialist country, but we do have Republican “capitalists” who want free labor and taxpayer handouts.
@51 I bought low and didn’t sell high. I can live with that easier than buying Tesla high and watching it sink.
Proud Boy goes all mushy and weepy when judge sentences him to 17 years.
If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.
We have millions of people trying to get something for nothing along with those “socialists” in business and industry. Socialism has always been about rewarding corruption and tyranny. Crony capitalism in nearly as bad as full-on socialism, but the real thing is much, much worse. Socialism, at the level of a national government, is horrible because that government has no problems using deadly force against the people to maintain their privileges and power. It’s all about maintenance of personal lifestyles, not about running a fair economy and society.
Congratulations, US residents! For the second straight month y’all spent more than y’all made.
The BEA:
Hey, you’re $100B in the hole compared with last month, but it’s only a month.
Next month’s report will be even worse, but you’ll learn that soon enough.
Bidenflation touches all.
Congratulations, US residents!
Catching up to the corporate sector.. Top 10 companies of the S&P have more cash than the bottom 400.. Half of investment grade bonds are rated BBB and lower. Don’t even talk about the “small caps” – completely awash in debt.
Go figure.
When push comes to shove (thanks Fed) who’ll be doing the laying off?
Let’s hope this is for real:
An clean energy productivity miracle is sorely needed right now.
Couple that reactor w/ something like this:
And we’re moving in the right direction…
DeSantis just cost Florida residents $350 million.
@62 I don’t think you know very much about socialism.
@63 This can be explained by people spending savings or borrowing. Of course, lenders enable borrowing, and even encourage it, like the credit card companies charging over 20% interest.
Our “seriously” deranged troll loves to babble:
yeah sure… anytime..
Unserious twats gonna do what they’re gonna do.
Being the unserious twat you are, you prove this with every comment.
Why don’t you be a serious twat for once in your pathetic HA existence and share with these HA commies the virtues of fascism? After all, that’s what you want. You want American democracy end and to be replaced by a fascist totalitarian state ruled by a ruthless strongman dictator who would put America’s non-fascists in death camps. And tell these HA commie fucks how you want America to ditch NATO and form a new alliance with Russia, China, North Korea and Saudi Arabia.
You don’t have the balls to admit that this is what you want, do you? Instead you’ll continue your stupid dance around the truth.
@69 You left out the part where he cried like a baby.
Proud Boys leader Joe Biggs sobs as he’s sentenced to 17 years in prison
67. He’s one of those who thinks “socialism” when is when taxes help other people.
What do Mitch McConnell, Joe Biden and Diane Feinstein have in common?
They’re all good reasons to have age limits on members of the House, Senate, the Office of the President and Vice-President and the Supreme Court, I suggest 75 as the maximum allowable age.
McConnell, Biden and Feinstein are classic examples people who are too old to be in office, and Trump is also too old for office. It’s time for these people to go live out their golden years out of the public eye and off of the government payroll.
@69 I’m so glad the judge took away his freedom, because he tried to take away mine.
@73 You want Kamala Harris to be president?
“Trump calls sons ‘idiots’ and will likely throw them under bus in New York case: biographer”
Don Jr. and Eric should have figured out by now their dad isn’t loyal to anyone but himself.
Now here’s an idea: Why should taxpayers pay salaries to justices who are lavishly underwritten by private donors?
So here’s what I think will happen in the Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss defamation case against Rudy Giuliani. The judge awarded the plaintiffs a default judgment against Giuliani because he didn’t comply with discovery orders (probably because if he did, he would be revealing incriminating information that could be used against him by prosecutors), and set a hearing to determine damages. Giuliani will blow that off, too, figuring he won’t have to pay because he’s broke and you can get rid of civil judgments in bankruptcy court.
But here’s the real deal: Freeman and Moss are black, so it’s not a valid debt, because white people don’t pay black people for white transgressions against blacks, which smacks of reparations. In Giuliani’s world, whites do whatever they like to blacks, and the idea of a white person being liable to a black person is ridiculous on its face. So Giuliani will continue to blow off this lawsuit, until Freeman’s and Moss’s lawyers wipe that stupid grin off his face.
You learn something new every day, and today I learned Wall Street turns student loans into derivatives and trades them.
This you?
Twitter updates privacy policy to allow AI training on your content
“Unless you want your art to be used to train one of xitter’s image models, you need to leave. There is no way to opt-out other than leaving the site, or potentially privatizing your account if you trust Elon’s words that he will only use “public” data. Note that they said data and not “text” so everything you post there is fair game – text, images, videos, etc.”
@81 It’s Elon’s plaything now. He’s the only guy who can spend $44 billion to play with himself.
Demorat-Pfizer Party Of Vax Mandates & Chickenhawk Warmongers News –
Blacks For Biden Chairman Thanks Biden And Demorats For New Vax;
Bob loves how this ape treats the LEO.
Bitch , you dead. You’ve been striken with The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
And Bob gets to pay for The Neanderthal’s prison cell, food, clothing, laundry, shoes for the rest of his life.
You go man! Nice way to figure out how to get taxpayers to pay for yous shit without any objections!
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus, killing and wasting the taxpayers money. Why? Because the disease is enjoyed by every grooming heterosexual neanderthal man!
This Bud (Light) is for you!
Even Dimentia won’t stop The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus!
Probabaly it will just become a convenient excuse. Hey Mom, I got dimentia at 45 years old!
Ladies, you dumb bitches, you need to stop with this wedding into a groomer! You casued this, you dumb bitches!
Call 1-666-YOU-FUCKING-DEAD. Dial those extra number, it could save you.
Wedding Day? Nah, start to thing about the Day the Virus Comes for You!
Penn Yan Police? Chi Chan Chong
HA! Grab’em by the Pussy! Fake Mum shows concern that she aint got no pussy to grab.
Happy Friday Y’all.
Stay away from the Virus. All you Wives, you need to put a mask on you pussy, after washing you labia.
Do horses have Pastors? They probably need one
The vidoe posted @89 is actually at one of the GOP Conventions.
The best thing is at the 1:52 minute mark of the white man dressed real nice in the background keeping crowd control. You can’t let things get out of hand and want everyone to get their vagina housed demons out all at once.
Not one Drag Queen present, oh except for a couple of the actors that had stripped shirts, I think that was subliminal for Pride flags, the demons forced those people to where striped shirts against their own willingness.
It’s a real delight for me to watch all the squirming and cowardly ways Republicans are now attempting to side shuffle away from Trump without admitting the true reason they are doing it.
We could always talk about his age and make shit up about Ukraine, tho.
Doubling down on his efforts to drive away users, Elon will now “start collecting [and using] the biometric and employment information of its users,” including “data on people’s employment history,” in order to enhance Elon’s Ruler of the Universe experience.
Casey DeSantis calls 15-year-old a liar to his mother’s face after her husband’s goons manhandled him for asking the Florida governor whether he believes Trump violated the peaceful transfer of power.
I guess the DeSantis family doesn’t like being put on the spot about their refusal to criticize Trump’s attempt to overthrow our democracy.
It’s cute how CNN here has ignored that hardliners are also going to force McCarthy into a payback impeachment vote when they could be working on a budget that they probably can’t pass anyway.
The electorate is watching this shit show as campaign season gets into full swing.
“Impeach him? Impeach him for what?”
Went to the Puyallup yesterday. Because of my general age and skin color it’s always fun to have a conversation with the volunteers over at the Pierce county Republican booth.
Verbatim, “I had a good friend who fell off my boat about 30 years ago. Went to high school. Anyway, I pulled him out of the water and now I have to apologize to everyone because he went on to be Jay Inslee’s campaign manager.” (ha ha ha because the moral and Christian thing to do is kill your political opponents.)
Paraphrased because JESUS this was a long rant. Crazy Maize (Hirono), that’s why. They did this on purpose to the water. Then someone set the fire and now Facebook is going to buy up the land to make Zuckerberg rich! (Richer?) It was definitely arson so they can grab the land from the Native Hawaiians. (Editors note, the white rich liberal and conservative gentrifiers grabbed the land already over the last 30-50 years especially but whatevs)
Verbatim, “Well they’re going to bring the mask mandate back and then probably around September next year there will be another lockdown but it won’t be as strict in Democrat King County. That way they can rig the election.” (Because Semi Bird has a shot in hell and something something, all mail election in Washington, logic and something)
Side note not a person under 70 or darker than a chicken breast manning the booth all day. They gave me a bunch of stickers and someone named Ezra Meeker signed all 8 of the petitions. Like guys, none of you know who Ezra is and sniffed me out?