Inside is an excerpt from Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1936 speech at the Democratic National Convention.
For out of this modern civilization economic royalists carved new dynasties. New kingdoms were built upon concentration of control over material things. Through new uses of corporations, banks and securities, new machinery of industry and agriculture, of labor and capital-all undreamed of by the fathers—the whole structure of modern life was impressed into this royal service.
There was no place among this royalty for our many thousands of small business men and merchants who sought to make a worthy use of the American system of initiative and profit. They were no more free than the worker or the farmer. Even honest and progressive-minded men of wealth, aware of their obligation to their generation, could never know just where they fitted into this dynastic scheme of things.
It was natural and perhaps human that the privileged princes of these new economic dynasties, thirsting for power, reached out for control over Government itself. They created a new despotism and wrapped it in the robes of legal sanction. In its service new mercenaries sought to regiment the people, their labor, and their property. And as a result the average man once more confronts the problem that faced the Minute Man.
The hours men and women worked, the wages they received, the conditions of their labor—these had passed beyond the control of the people, and were imposed by this new industrial dictatorship. The savings of the average family, the capital of the small business man, the investments set aside for old age—other people’s money—these were tools which the new economic royalty used to dig itself in.
Those who tilled the soil no longer reaped the rewards which were their right. The small measure of their gains was decreed by men in distant cities.
Throughout the Nation, opportunity was limited by monopoly. Individual initiative was crushed in the cogs of a great machine. The field open for free business was more and more restricted. Private enterprise, indeed, became too private. It became privileged enterprise, not free enterprise.
An old English judge once said: “Necessitous men are not free men.” Liberty requires opportunity to make a living-a living decent according to the standard of the time, a living which gives man not only enough to live by, but something to live for.
For too many of us the political equality we once had won was meaningless in the face of economic inequality. A small group had concentrated into their own hands an almost complete control over other people’s property, other people’s money, other people’s labor, other people’s lives. For too many of us life was no longer free; liberty no longer real; men could no longer follow the pursuit of happiness.
Against economic tyranny such as this, the American citizen could appeal only to the organized power of Government. The collapse of 1929 showed up the despotism for what it was. The election of 1932 was the people’s mandate to end it. Under that mandate it is being ended.
The royalists of the economic order have conceded that political freedom was the business of the Government, but they have maintained that economic slavery was nobody’s business. They granted that the Government could protect the citizen in his right to vote, but they denied that the Government could do anything to protect the citizen in his right to work and his right to live.
Today we stand committed to the proposition that freedom is no half-and-half affair. If the average citizen is guaranteed equal opportunity in the polling place, he must have equal opportunity in the market place.
Lots of the basic analysis in this FDR speech still holds. Some of the details are a little different today, but the royalists have once again wrecked the American economy.
The best way to counter the absurd claims from the right about FDR may be to just quote FDR. I wish President Obama would do so.
FDR once said he welcomed the hatred of the right, because it proved he was on the side of regular folks. So when Rush Limbaugh or CNBC or whomever starts in with the lies, it means Obama is starting off in the correct direction.
The more they lie, the more likely it is that the current incarnation of conservatism will completely crash and burn, just as its predecessor did seven decades ago. When people are losing houses and jobs, and can see that neighbors and friends are terrified that it may happen to them, they aren’t going to buy a bunch of baloney from rabid talk show hosts, even if those rabid hosts control 90% of the genre because large corporations insist on spewing right wing nonsense.
Nothing is going to justify the misery still to be caused by this economic catastrophe, but the utter destruction of so-called movement conservatism and its mindless media spokesbots would have a distinct long-term benefit in terms of moving our politics back from the edge of utter madness. People consuming oxygen to claim that FDR started or exacerbated the Great Depression with his New Deal policies deserve neither respect nor a platform, let alone a following.
Yes, people have a First Amendment right to say most anything they want, but that doesn’t mean any old nonsense should justifiably be disseminated by media conglomerates. If you wouldn’t give Britney Spears a platform on CNBC, you shouldn’t give Rick Santelli a platform on CNBC, because they likely have about the same understanding of basic economics, apologies to Ms. Spears.
Accusations of “socialism” in our time against Democrats, a few short months after a Republican Treasury Secretary and a nominally Republican Federal Reserve chairman threw untold billions at the big investment banks, to no lasting effect, is a kind of willful ignorance that threatens all of us. Why any journalist with even the most cursory knowledge of American history would entertain such folderol, let alone spout it, is beyond me. It is on a par with celebrity gossip and horrific crime stories, and has no more use.
Despite my occasional (or perhaps frequent) rants, I don’t think I’ve ever actually posted the ultimate, and shortest, rant possible, known internet-wide by the initials STFU. And I’ll try to refrain a few moments more, even days or weeks longer, if I can somehow manage.
But for crying out loud, this economic situation is serious. I’m relatively certain the Obama administration intends to restore the economy with or without the support of the current economic royalists, but to the extent the royalists are ensconced in places like the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and Wall Street, it might be helpful if the good and rational among them urged their more ignorant colleagues to consider the true gravity of the situation.
People are not losers, as CNBC’s Santelli called them, if they get a serious illness, lose their job or were the victims of the pernicious fraud that infected our financial system. Their kids certainly deserve better than to be insulted like that. The rapid deterioration of neighborhoods, schools and basic municipal services is not something that can be dismissed by the bloated financial parasites that have sucked the economy dry, thus causing the problem in the first place.
You know, maybe they can STF….well, I’ll hold off, for another instant at least.
“There are none so blind as those who will not see”.
As long as you are blind to the fact that Democrats are complicit in our meltdown, you don’t make sense. An honest review of politics and history reveal that Dodd, Barney Frank, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (both Democrat leaning or Democrat controlled) are hip deep in this fiasco.
Yes, It happened on Bush’s watch and he has to carry that onus. But…to deny ANY participation by Democrats over these last ten years is ridiculous.
Wall Street executives contributed much more the the campaigns of Clinton and Obama than McCain.
“Sen. Clinton of New York is leading the way, bringing in at least $6.29 million from the securities and investment industry, compared with $6.03 million for Sen. Obama of Illinois and $2.59 million for McCain.”
HA and it’s supporters are donkeys with blinders on when it comes to the truth.
If you notice in their view they have no bad democrats or legislation. It’s the mean R fault even today. They have run the Gov. since 2007 you would think they gain power today.
OB was to united the country and to have hope the only change we received from him is an stock market crashing and gloom and doom coming out of his mouth everyday. The Rats don’t believe in the American people to them we are children.
The free market is great until those who profit most from it try to own it.
Then the market isn’t free anymore. That can’t be allowed.
That’s the bottom line of the sucky trolls here. They want nothing to stand in the way of the few, the “economic royalists”, owning it all.
You’re right. The market isn’t free. I just showed that Obama and Clinton have been bought and paid for by Wall Street.
5 – Yeah right
Once again, the conservative puppets on the dole from some right wing think tank have posted their distractions so we don’t talk about the real truths of the issue.
The question is, does this country want a vibrant middle class, with the opportunity for the poor to become middle class?
The policies of Reagan through Bush, while they look good on paper, are not working, if your goal is a middle class.
So why keep doing the same things, that don’t work? The economic royalists and their puppets are terrified of the change and are lashing out.
The way I see it, we need to have a controlled change, that we can guide, or the whole thing will collapse. Then the economic royalists and everyone one else will have to deal with lawlessness and disaster. I don’t want that. Do the conservatives?
So? All Santelli said was let’s have a referendum. Why does that anger you?
As a friend of mine says “they don’t want much, they just want it all”.
Where was the strict Republican oversight on the first bailout under Bush?
Why didn’t the Republicans apply strict reforms to the housing market when they had control of Congress and the White house for 6 years?
Cause that would interfere with their economic royalist patrons making money.
I agree, liberals want it all. They eventually want the tax rate to be 100%.
@12, don’t be an idiot.
Not 100%, Only 90% on anything over the first $3.2 million! I know it’s hard to live on only 3.2 mill but I hope the economic royalists will have to try.
Hey Blue John you bonehead…you ought to be outraged by this Obama Homeowners package as it will artificially keep home prices up beyond your dream of the $200,000 Seattle house you long for.
BJ, one of your many problems is you are such a blind ideologue, you cannot feel the pulsing member of Obama in you poop-shoot.
It doesn’t pay to work & save BJ.
Wake up and Wise up.
“liberals” are not the “they” my friend refers to.
Try the economic royalists FDR is referring to.
Not ridiculous, it’s required.
Remember… power first, country second.
Then arrest/jail the criminals and allow the market to be free.
Did you throw out your kids with the dirty bathwater?
@12: Another Troll idiot comment:
Care to back that up anywhere?
You have again shown that you lack the ability to argue anything effctively. Instead, you engage in name calling and pathetic generalizations that have no basis in reality.
Troll – it is time for you leave in embarassment.
You are not adding anything and have detracted from the discsussion with your ad hominem attacks that have no basis in reality.
Instead of talking in general terms, explain how you personally don’t have the opportunity to become rich.
@17: We would be arresting all the republicans and all the crooked CEOs and others would just take their place. There is no free market.
By the way, oil prices for the barrel are down but oil prices at the pump are up…more free market? Light Texas crude (what we make) is down yet the oil cartel is causing increased prices.
What happened to the theory that if we drill more oil prices will go down? guess that free market crap doesn’t apply – the only thing that drove down oil (for a time) was decreased demand. Looks like supply doesn’t matter when there is a monopoly.
@19 Idiot
Poor Marvin – individual stories are “cute” but statistics tell the real story – when you get to fourth grade you will figure that out and learn about statistics.
Since you wanted to jump in…
Why don’t YOU have the opportunity to become rich.
Of course if your reply would prove my point, feel free to not answer.
1 J4
Favorite conservative stalking horses Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were NOT the cause of the meltdown…
The authors of the Pew Charitable Trust’s Economic Mobility Project concluded in a recent report (pdf) that only 6% of children born into the bottom socioeconomic quintile move to the very top quintile. The authors found this after comparing the income of parents in the late 1960s with the income of their offspring in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
What’s more, anyone raised by middle-class parents was almost equally likely to move down a rung on the socioeconomic ladder as to move up. “Recent studies suggest that there is less economic mobility in the United States than has long been presumed,” the authors wrote. “The last 30 years has seen a considerable drop-off in median household income growth compared to earlier generations. And, by some measurements, we are actually a less mobile society than many other nations, including Canada, France, Germany and most Scandinavian countries. This challenges the notion of America as the land of opportunity.”
Yeah, and get a load of FDR’s speech in January 1937, after almost four years of New Deal, in which he saw “one-third of a nation” in abject misery.
Maybe those liberal fat-cat empire builders and bureaucratic royalists in Washington didn’t know what they were doing. Maybe they don’t know now.
Your turn…
Why didn’t you have an opportunity to move up?
And regarding the statistics to linked to, I won’t dispute them. What kind of parent do you feels sets a better example, someone that is successful or someone that dropped out of school to have children. Would a father that graduated college set a better example than a single mother that never finished school? Being poor is a terrible mindset that is passed on from generation to generation. With higher expectations higher goals will be achieved. No doubt the parents of goldy or lee expected them to go to college, it wasn’t really an option. That’s not the same mindset for poor families.
What or who stopped you from becoming rich.
re 1: Bush is carrying an onus?
27 MS
Good. Don’t dispute them, because you’ll look really stupid if you do.
As someone else in here rightly observed and I paraphrase, the plural of “anecdote” is not “data.” Anecdotal evidence establishes nothing.
3 of the richest men in america grew up middle class…
Sam Walton (Wal-Mart), Bill Gates (MicroSoft) and Steve Jobs (Apple)
What do they have in common?
Bring this up to Democratics Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, Gregory Meeks, Lacy Clay, Artur Davis, and Chris Dodd fool. They said Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had no problems and it was an act of racism to attack Franklin Maines.
Butt HAs village of moronic libtards will give these Democratics a pass.
Why are you so reluctant to say why you aren’t rich. It’s not as if you don’t like to blame others for everything? Does the blame lay at your feet and not someone else.
Do you agree that success starts at home with the example the parents set?
Dr NotRight farted: @12:
Look at blew twitter comment in #13.
Dr NotRight asked:
Ummm foolish one, your side killed it. Where are we “drill baby drill”[ing] anywhere? Pelosi told Republicans to fuck off on that one.
Facts are facts.
More black children die from violence in cities controlled by democrats.
That’s a fact. Even you can’t dispute it.
But it can be explained.
What is the explanation for why there aren’t “opportunities” for the poor to become rich.
Parents, or the lack there of.
“they don’t want much, they just want it all”.
+ That can surely be said of government!! There’s not enough wealth in the universe to satisfy government’s hunger for revenue.
john is bitter because he is screwing up his life. He’s so jealous of others that it’s bordering on mental illness.
Troll: Obama had close to a $$$billion in small donations. I don’t think the pikers on Wall Street bought much with their 6 mil.
Numbers don’t lie, but liars use numbers — and you are a liar.
“I don’t believe you. You’re a liar.” Bob Dylan
While Mr. Gates made much more money than his father ever did, his father was hardly “Middle Class”. The Sr. Gates was a partner at the firm that eventually became K&L Gates. Mary Gates father was a bank president and she served on the board of First Interstate and was chair of the national United Way’s executive committee.
Bill went to Lakeside school and Harvard. Mary Gates introduced IBM CEO John Akers to her son.
Did Bill Gates work hard and take advantage of opportunities he saw? Sure he did. However he also benefited from his parents being able to pay for a good education and from their connections.
re 35: There are more GM vehicles in those cities. General Motors is killing black children.
re 35: I’m sorry, Marvin. Those are the facts.
@1 “As long as you are blind to the fact that Democrats are complicit in our meltdown”
You are utterly and totally full of shit. Like all the other fiascos of the Bush years, this disaster was Made In G.O.P.
Dr NotRight is in mantra mode today…
gave money to Obama
Trohl @2 “Wall Street executives contributed much more the the campaigns of Clinton and Obama than McCain.”
That’s true. Bush’s economic policies were so disastrous even his Wall Street and corporate buddies bailed on the Greedy Oligarchs Party and supported the Democrats. To. Save. Their. Own. Skins.
leadless douchy moron@40:
There are Democratics in those cities. Therefore they are killing the black children
@3 “If you notice in their view they have no bad democrats or legislation.”
This is a liberal propaganda site. Deal with it.
@7 The real truth of the issue is that the thieving right wants to line their pockets with our money and the fruits of our labor. That’s why their economic ideology is called “pirate capitalism.”
@8 I say let the Bernie Madoffs of the world steal from each other until the whole fucking thing collapses. Then everyone will be equal. For every dollar I’ve lost in the stock market the billionaires have lost a million. I look forward to living in a cardboard shack with Sam Wyly as my next door neighbor in his cardboard shack. That’s better than the arrangement we have now where I live in a fucking hole in the ground in a public park and pay my taxes, and he lives in a fucking castle and owes the IRS hundreds of millions.
Trohl @9: “All Santelli said was let’s have a referendum.”
We just did, on November 4, and you asswipes and your discredited ideology LOST.
re 45: Or, there are more black people in those cities and they vote for Democrats. Since there are more black people, there is a higher amount of black children dieing there.
But, the % of black children dieing in Republican controlled cities is higher than in Democratic cities.
That means that Republicans are more vicious toward black children that a pack of pit-bulls in an old folks home.
Sorry, Wax, but those are the indisputable facts.
Obviously that’s not true.
After all…
@14 Don’t worry, Cynical, there’ll still be Foreclosure Specials in your neighborhood for under $100,000.
rogerwabbit is distracted and fingering his vagina again. Democrats are completely blameless for the mess, eh? And I have a frikken bridge I’d like to sell you. So…who’s in charge of WA state’s financial mess?
You apparently suffer from the same malady that Ted Kennedy has.
I’m sure you have a link to prove this pile of cow excrement.
Leggo! Leggo my arm you crazy old Pit Bull!!!!
See, I told you so. It’s the Republican politicians setting pit bulls loose in my retirement community!!
@51 I’m a Democratic Party hack and liberal propagandist. Deal with it. Better yet, kill yourself.*
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter humor.
re 54: Link Shmink. I don’t need no fucking links.
Pelletizer here is one of your economic royalists…
“http://www. /blogs/index.php /wehner/55312”
@53 “So…who’s in charge of WA state’s financial mess?”
Washington’s financial mess was created by the Republicans who ran the national economy into the ground, dumbass. And, as usual, Democrats have to follow behind you Republican incompetents and clean up the mess you made.
Pelletizer farted:
I agree. He should steal all the Democratics money. They only use it to lie, cheat, and not pay their taxes.
The cheap labor conservatives are out of sorts because they have no customers left for their overpriced crap.
leadless douchy postulated:
Are you calling Bloomberg a Republican.
First I need to know what they are dieing? Was that dyeing their clothes, headband, gloves, keffiyehs?
You mean the rabbit showed up to his government drunk?
You mean the rabbit lives off a trust fund that doesn’t pay taxes?
The democrats are the party known for turning dogs and hoses on people.
Funny that you wouldn’t know that headless… after all, you have that problem with african-americans.
@60 “not pay their taxes”
You mean like this guy?
Of course, the Republicans’ preferred way of not paying taxes is doing it legally. Their philosophy of taxation is there should be no taxes on corporations, dividends, or capital gains and no AMT tax relief for wage earners. Last week, 216 of the 219 Republicans in Congress voted AGAINST the largest middle class tax cut in history.
@62 “HAR HAR HAR …”
If you want to use my literary property pay me royalties, you fucking plagiarist.
@63 “You mean the rabbit lives off a trust fund that doesn’t pay taxes?”
I’d love to! I’ve never been against living like a Republican, or paying Republican taxes! Can you direct me to the whereabouts of this trust fund?
@64 “The democrats are the party known for turning dogs and hoses on people. Funny that you wouldn’t know that headless”
What’s even funnier is all those southern swine are in YOUR party now! Good riddance. We don’t want them.
Sam Wyly is in the Obama Administration?
I see you almost stood up to manoftruth the other night, Puddy. Almost. That one post of yours was quite admirable. And then… I forget now, what was that excuse he offered up for his hating on Jews and blacks that you bought into? The New York Times hates Jews too, or something like that? Help me out here. I don’t want to misrepresent your brief confrontation and the following reconciliation with our resident racist/bigot, manoftruth.
@64 “The democrats are the party known for turning dogs and hoses on people.”
We disapproved so they all became Republicans something like 45 years ago. They now constitute your base. Besides, these days they prefer to drag folks behind their pickup trucks until they’re dead. Do try to keep up.
Lets see…
Robert “grand kleagle” byrd did his best to filibuster the civil rights act, he’s still a democrat.
Al gore sr helped all he could to stop the civil rights act, his family is still democrats.
Fulbright- democrat.
I’m sure you’re right, there has to be someone that switched parties.
Are you so far left you see doing things legally a problem?
You’ve been a democrat waaaay too long.
New York Times, 7/14/05
It was called “the southern strategy,” started under Richard M. Nixon in 1968, and described Republican efforts to use race as a wedge issue — on matters such as desegregation and busing — to appeal to white southern voters.
Ken Mehlman, the Republican National Committee chairman, this morning will tell the NAACP national convention in Milwaukee that it was “wrong.”
“By the ’70s and into the ’80s and ’90s, the Democratic Party solidified its gains in the African American community, and we Republicans did not effectively reach out,” Mehlman says in his prepared text. “Some Republicans gave up on winning the African American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization. I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong.”
Eat shit, Marvin.
Of course, all those elected republicans drag black men behind trucks.
Are you talking about those 3 assholes in texas? At least they were sentenced to death for their crime, you can’t say the same thing about the grand kleagle currently in the democrat party. How many slaves do you think were killed on the gore tobacco plantation? Wanna make a guess or have you forgiven those hideous acts.
A political strategy is much much worse than keeping blacks as slaves, beatings, rapes, lynchings, hoses & dogs, internment camps, etc.
Strange set of priorities you have there steve.
Say, how many blacks were hung until death with that political strategy?
Nixon’s Southern Stragegy, you ignorant, lying fucktwit.
35 MS
That’s not a “fact,” that is what we call an assertion. Perhaps you could cite a source for your claim. ANd while you’re at it, “more” is a relative comparison, not an absolute one. DO you mean:
– More black children die from violence in cities controlled by democrats than from other causes? I’d love to see that cite.
– More black children die from violence in cities controlled by democrats than in cities controlled by Republicans? Because Democrats tend to predominate in much more populous cities, absolute numbers would certainly be misleading here. You should instead cite a rate such as deaths per x population.
– More black children die from violence in cities controlled by democrats than are just wounded from violence?
That’s the problem with using relative comparisons. You have to say “more this than that.”
It IS true that most of the largest and most populous urban areas in our country tend Demcratic. When the Senate was evenly split in NUMBERS between GOP and Dem, Dems still represented much larger portions of our population.
Yes, wherever there are both large concentrations of educated people AND large concentrations of poor people, they tend to vote Democratic. The educated realize that Republicans are incompetent ideologues with an agenda that is divorced from reality, and the poor know that Republicans don’t care if they live or die.
What I want to know is if there is a fucking white history month is African countries???
Like I said, strange set of priorities. Believing that a political strategy was worse than the beatings and all the other horrendous acts that democrats perpetrated on blacks for decades.
Face it, when it comes to killing blacks, the democrats won. And considering their support of abortions, democrats are pulling away.
Robert Byrd has not only renounced the KKK and his earlier positions, but also he is a leader in civil rights legislation subsequent to that renunciation.
Who’s the first Republican to admit that the GOP was wrong on Katrina response? I haven’t heard one.
It’s a fact.
Tell me how many blacks died from violence in 2008 in chicago or philly.
Pick a republican controlled city with more.
Like I said, facts need explanations. Like there are more blacks in chicago that podunk kansas.
And the subject we were talking about was the “fact” that the poor didn’t earn wealth at the same rate as those growing up in a higher economic level. Your message #25. But you didn’t want to explain your facts. WHY don’t the poor raise themselves at a higher rate.
You and I were both 100% accurate in our facts. I intentionally left off the explanation. You, like eric holder said, were too cowardly to address WHY the poor stay poor at such a high rate.
Why do you think so many of the winners of state lotteries end up bankrupt? Why so many of the winners of “Extreme home makeovers” lose their houses.
Diddly Love@78:
Look at the FBI Stats Dipstick!
You’re delusional as usual, Marvin. The racists and abusers of farm animals long ago left the Dems and joined with the Republicans. Hey, clueless one, why do you think you’re a fucking Republican? They gladly welcome weirded-out, dumbfuck racist haters like yourself. It’s the Republican notion of a “Big Tent”.
Steve@70: And you haven’t answered my post#45 Here’s Your sign.
You need to reread what manoftruth wrote because you have it wrong. Let me know when you’re ready to deal on the Bible.
Steve, there is only one clueless one. He’s HAs clueless village idiot, your leetle brother.
My bet, never. steve only believes when it suits his purpose.
Excellent comeback. Name calling and profanity. You’re sounding more like byebyegoober everyday.
Do you feel that an apology from the grand kleage makes up for what he did to earn his rank?
Do you think teddy kennedy made up for killing that woman by apologizing?
@88 Kennedy?? Oh well, it looks like Marvin’s losing it again.
To put it in a nutshell, Republicans are today the party of manoftruth and Marvin. Why Puddy hangs with these racist creeps beats the hell out of me. In fact, why do you hang with them, Puddy?
@85 I thought @45 was directed at “leadless douchy moron”.
“Sign”? Whoosh, that one went by me. What sign are you talking about here?
Another whoosh, what do you mean by, “deal on the Bible”.
I’d like to respond but I’m not sure what you’re really saying.
Look, I can be very critical of Democratic programs such as Affirmative Action and how it failed blacks. I can also go on and on about how Democrats failed at “lessons learned” after decades of the Great Society. But I have no intention of ever having any such conversation with a Republican who is incapable of even admitting to the existence of the Nixon Southern Stragegy, such as your friend Marvin. It’d be a great conversation to have – a Democrat and a Republican both admitting to their failures and wrongs, examining where it has led us, and anticipating where can we go from here. Are you capable of having that conversation, Puddy, or should I look elsewhere?
Have you met obama? He seems to know you.
Speaking of ignorant, racist losers, I see Marvin’s still here.
@78 Perhaps you could cite a source for your claim.
Perhaps you could actually read the sources you cite!
Steve, drinking Steve’s Stupid Solution again…?
And you haven’t answered my post#45 Here’s Your sign.
It’s a thread Steve, it’s a thread. Pay attention to the blog Steve. Can you do that or are you acting like HAs clueless village idiot now?
Steve, no HA Moonbat! admits Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, Greg Meeks etc. stopped Fannie and Freddie Mac reforms in 2004 because of CRA and Acorn. They blame it on Bush when the YouTube evidence says otherwise. Acorn is telling people in Oakland to stay in their foreclosed homes and maybe civil disobedience?
Steve@89 asked:
To steal a line from Pelletizer and modify it for additional effect… I like my “non-racists” (racist per your lousy definition) better than your real admitted racist friends.
I wonder how liberals would feel if people buying their properties didn’t pay their mortgage and then refused to leave the residence. Obama has exposed how liberals don’t believe in the tax system.
ACORN Trains Citizens To Protest Home Foreclosures
A community organization breaks into a foreclosed home in what they are calling an act of civil disobedience.
A community organization breaks into a foreclosed home in what they are calling an act of civil disobedience
“This is our house now,” said Louis Beverly, ACORN.
And on Thursday afternoon, they literally broke the foreclosure padlock right off the front door and then broke into the house, letting Hanks back in for the first time in months.
It’s a good thing that acorn is getting part of that payday-advance loan the democrats call the stimulus bill. Someone needs to pay all those legal bills, better the people paying taxes than the people committing the crimes.
@94 “And you haven’t answered my post#45”
Oh, I didn’t see the reply. I’ll look at it this weekend.
“It’s a thread Steve, it’s a thread. Pay attention to the blog Steve. Can you do that or are you acting like HAs clueless village idiot now?”
Need I point out the posts of mine directed to you that you’ve either missed or ignored? I concluded that you either simply missed them or ignored them, not that you’re an “idiot”. I’ll reconsider, if you wish.
“Steve, no HA Moonbat! admits Barney Frank”
Is that your way of telling me that I have to admit to Democtratic faults but that you’ll never do the same with Republican shortcomings? Shame, apparently the conversation has ended before it had a chance to begin. Well, here – Republican shit stinks to high heaven but Democratic shit smells like roses! Yeah, looks like a non-starter, Puddy.
“I like my “non-racists” (racist per your lousy definition) better than your real admitted racist friends.”
Well, you just go ahead and bunker down with your little “non-racist” buddies, manoftruth, Cynical and Marvin. Maybe you all can get your rocks off together bad-mouthing Jews and “black” mayors of American cities. Of course, there’s nothing racist or bigoted about any of that.
And it’s really good that some idiots who call themselves “conservative” believe that somehow ACORN is going get almost 5 billion dollars of the stimulus package.
It confirms everything we’ve known about those fools for years. And this will keep them out of the majority.
We can’t afford mentally ill people running the government.
Roger @46
This is a liberal propaganda site.”
Please you’re trying to build this site into something it isn’t. Reading liberal post makes my day as it will for many of my fellow Patriots. Carry on HA.
re 64: And those Democrats you speak of are now avid Republicans. Do you think it might have something to do with Nixon’s southern strategy and the object lesson Ronald the Retard made by kicking off his presidential campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi?
YOU are the racist, Marvin.
Did I say they were getting 5 billion?
If you believe I did, all you have to do is back up your words with a link.
So simple even a “conservative” could do it. Not sure you are up to it.
Huh? Robert sheets byrd is a republican? Al gore is a republican?
In your mind, kicking off a campaign in philadelpha is worse than keeping blacks as slaves, killing blacks, etc?
Obviously you are still having problems being around black people? Why is that headless?
What you “say” around here couldn’t matter less.
The crowd you run with says it all and many, many of those fools hold Limbaugh, Savage and Sludge in high regard and believe nonsense like ACORN getting 5 billion dollars.
One of those was even a Congress critter called Michelle Bachman.
So is it any wonder why this insane crowd was rejected last Nov 4?
HAs clueless village idiot,
Why do you ignore facts? Last week you asked where was ACORN’s $4.19 Billion in the Porkulus package. Puddy gave you the page, the item and the (A) and (B) qualifiers. Puddy also gave you historical ACORN guvmint grants.
Do you really think asking the question again in another obscure thread will make you intelligent? Must be you are trying again.
Nothing makes you look intelligent. You should attend a DL and ask what the loons think of you. Enlightenment will set you free…and the DL regulars will gladly educate you on how they know you are stupid.
How do I know this? I asked them when I was at a DL fool!
104 – You’re either a liar or your stupidity is breathtaking.
It’s both of course.
Moron@105: Go to DL and ask what they think of you.
Be a man!
Grow some cojones!
I’ll meet you there and buy you a brewski so you can swallow the bitter pill with some CO2 bubbles. I won’t ask for you so you can take your bullet between the eyes…
I happen to think quite highly of YLB. He’s earned my respect. He puts country before party. Same with Right Stuff. We disagree on just about everything, but he too puts country before party. There’s some people here I don’t respect. They should know who they are by now.
106 – How many times do I have to repeat myself?
Me and you being in the same room is never going to happen.
Insane people don’t add anything to my life. They subtract.
Now if I was paid like a mental health professional to do an evaluation or analysis that’d be a different matter.
Then go to HA by yourself and get yer medicine…
Daddylove@#81: “Who’s the first Republican to admit that the GOP was wrong on Katrina response? I haven’t heard one.”
Yo-daddy…Tell me again how much additional “stimulus” funding Obama has set aside for Katrina and New Orleans? Answer: Not a fucking dime.
Fucking phonies!