This morning HA joined with dozens of other blogs nationwide in an impromptu fundraiser to help give Darcy Burner the time she needs to tend to herself and her family in the aftermath of yesterday’s devastating house fire, and without having to worry about the demands of the campaign. $5,000 a day… that’s about how much money Darcy needs to raise to keep pace with Reichert at this point in the campaign… and each $5,000 chunk we raise online is one less day that she has to spend fundraising during the month of July.
Well, by 3PM this afternoon we’d already raised over $50,000 $60,000 $75,000… the equivalent of a ten twelve fifteen day breather for Darcy and her family. Amazing! And Markos at Daily Kos has now set an ambitious goal of raising her entire $150,000 July target:
We can’t help with the “campaign” side of things, but we can help with the money side of things. Darcy would have to raise about $150,000 in the month of July to keep up with her Republican opponent. Us bloggers are going to try and raise that for her.
Your generous donation is more than just an investment in WA-08 and the US House, it is a precious gift of time… time that Darcy and her family need to put their lives back together. So please join us in giving today.
good work, goldy. now everybody check those smoke detectors again, okay?
Since Darcy is a Dem, perhaps she can also get a sweetheart mortgage
bribedeal on her new house — just like Chris Dodd (D-Con) and… Obama (D-conIL)!@2 I do hope that your ignorance is blissful for you.
“He locked in an interest rate of 5.625 percent on the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage, below the average (italics mine) for such loans at the time in Chicago.”
More hatred from The Real Mark @2. Pathetic.
@2 Stoopid is as stoopid does.
Is that a wingnut face mullet?
@5 Obviously, one can identify a fascist by their facial hair.
I gave $50 at Darcy’s site. This is just an awesome show of support for Darcy.
If, Rep. Reichert has any sense of being a class act, he’d at least donate a $100 to the charitites Darcy mentioned.
Oh, wait, he’s a “compassionate conservative” which means; tough shit, Bub.
@7 As a cat lover who recently rescued a cat from the Seattle shelter, and being deeply grateful for the care the shelter gave that cat, I’m going to contribute to the shelter in her kitty Charlotte’s name. I checked it out earlier and there’s no on-line way to donate. I’ll have to mail a check. I couldn’t say how much Darcy cared for her cat, but having lost two deeply loved cats recently, I know it can hurt an awful lot.
It’s my understanding that Darcy’s lakefront mansion had full insurance.
@9 Mansion?? You might go outside now and then and check things out. There’s a real world out there that you seem to be missing out on.
Troll @9,
The property was assessed at around $500K. That’s not all that much above median in King County.
And you have no fucking idea what her insurance coverage was. Absolutely none. Way to constantly discredit yourself.
I’d bet money some bitch like the fake Mark was involved in setting the fire at Darcy’s house. And troll is too busy getting butt-fucked to know anything other than the fact he’s a cum-drunk slut.
@5 and @ 6 “Obviously, one can identify a fascist by their facial hair.”
Be careful what you say about your Fearless Leader. The Gravatar is a parody, an editorial “comment,” of Goldy sucking on a pacifier.
I heard that the Freedom Concerts organized by sean hannity to raise money for the children of fallen soldiers is still waiting for a democrat to show that they are a class act and donate to help children.
I know it’s tough for dems to donate to help children, they are too busy contributing to politicians and political causes.
I challenge you right here and now to show you have some class and care about the families of fallen soldiers. Go to sean hannity’s website and get the link. Of course, if you don’t support the troops or care about their families you don’t have to. Like you wanted someone else to show some class, I was hoping you would show some class.
@14 Hannity? What a fucking joke. Like yourself, that fascist bitch couldn’t care less about our troops. He does this shit for his own glorification.
Call the police. Call the fbi. Call the secret service.
Otherwise you’re just some little punk talking like a grownup.
Call the police. Don’t be a coward like the democrat leadership in congress.
Of course you won’t call the police. I’m telling you not to and you will obey me. You have no choice but to obey me.
Goldy is right, it is appraised at $500K, exactly, which is interesting, because they bought it in 2002 for $550K. Sounds like it’s a tad under appraised.
@17 “Sounds like it’s a tad under appraised.”
As most homes are, Sherlock. If you could afford one, then perhaps you’d already know that.
A big “fuck you” to everyone involved in losing the Sonics. Damn you all to hell.
Most homes aren’t under appraised by half their value. Would you agree that most homes in this area have doubled in value since 2002? Well, even if you don’t agree, many have, especially waterfront homes. Burner’s home was easily worth 1 million dollars. Case in point, the one right next to her’s sold for 1.1 million dollars last year.
@20 “Most homes aren’t under appraised by half their value.”
Mine certainly is, as was a house I recently sold.
I’ll just say I am happy the family (minus the unfortunate cat) all got out safely.
Nuf said.
Troll @20,
Um… but Darcy’s house isn’t the one right next to it, is it?
Since you obviously know where she lives if you know the sale price of the house next door, then you could have Zillowed her house and found the “Zestimate” to be a relatively modest $641K (about 100K more than my house.)
In fact, I’m guessing you did, and you know very well that you are deliberately attempting to spread untruths.
Awesome news…
And hating trolls like Surreal Mark suck totally.
Even GS of all the trolls had way more class. All but impossible to believe.
Marvin I bet you talk like that to the little boys you rape. Does it give you a boner? What would happen if you had to face the people you talk shit too? You’d prove your wife is the man of the house. While she was sucking my dick last night she said she regularly fucks you with a dildo.
Maybe you are the one who set the fire. Might be worth that call after all.
I think there should be an immediate investigation Burner’s house. The County Assessor’s are REQUIRED to value property at the fair market value. The reason is simple….there is a State of Washington component to property tax. As a result, Assessor’s are REQUIRED to fairly value property. If one County is fair and another undervalues, the residents of the fairly valued County get screwed.
22. Steve spews:
@20 “Most homes aren’t under appraised by half their value.”
Mine certainly is, as was a house I recently sold.
If that is the case Steve, your County Assessor has a huge problem.
There is even a process to evaluate each Counties fairness.
If your property is undervalued by half, others fairly valued are paying more.
There was a famous case where theSpokane Assessor failed to properly value the house of a coach at Gonzaga.
Ask Richard Pope.
He knows the assessment rules quite well.
This came off the King County Assessor’s website:
Real Property Assessments
Real property (real estate) assessed includes land, improvements attached to the land (buildings, etc.) and improvements to the land (driveways, bulkheads, etc.). Mobile homes and floating homes are valued as real property but administered by personal property staff.
In Washington State, assessment for tax purposes means establishing the full market value of your land and the improvements on it. This is the job of an appraiser. Appraisal methods used in King County follow basic practices and procedures used in the appraisal profession. Three approaches may be used to determine real property value: They are:
Market: The market data (sales comparison) approach.
Cost: The reproduction or replacement cost new, less accrued depreciation approach.
Income: The income or capitalization of economic rents approach.
All three techniques are applied, if appropriate, in appraising improved commercial and industrial properties. The market and cost approaches are the bases of appraisal of improved residential properties. The value of vacant land is most often determined using the market approach. Whenever the Assessor revalues your property, you will receive a “Valuation Change Notice.”
The assessment procedure begins with establishing land value. Appraisal theory and state law require land to be valued as if vacant. This value is determined by analyzing sales of comparable bare land. Our next step is to study sales and market trends of improved (developed or built-on) properties in a selected area. This sales analysis is used to determine total market value based on square footage, year built and other characteristics of the property. From this total value, we subtract the amount determined for land. The balance is allocated to improvements.
Real property valuations are made by our staff of accredited real estate appraisers. The total valuation represents 100% of fair market value. Market value is the amount of money a buyer, willing but not obligated to buy, would pay to a seller willing but not obligated to sell. For residential parcels, fair market value is determined by analyzing recent sales of comparable properties in the same area.
So Richard Pope:
Is Cynical@27 right or HAs Biggest ASShole Steve@22 right?
I trust your judgment.
I think there should be an immediate investigation of CynCyn. He’s the type who would start a fire. He’s an old cunt who knows his lies and the lies of his ilk won’t get that cowardly Big Hair Reichert re-elected.
In fact CynCyn is probably getting his rocks off thinking of all the tragedy he caused. Hopefully some will come back his way soon due to his Karmic debt!
I won’t give the darcy any cash… I despise beggars… but I will give her some advice: HEY BITCH: pay attention to your son, stop buying his crap at thrift stores and maybe, just maybe, you won’t lose HIM in the next fire. How could you possibly not know that a piece of shit lamp in your kids room was dangerous… get goldfucks nose out of your backside, get your backside out of your video road trip car and be a MOTHER.
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others?”
— Martin Luther King, Jr.
Speaking of MLK, what’s up with his face being plastered everyhere by our county government? I feel like I’m living in one of those counties like North Korea or Turkmenistan where you can’t go one minute without seeing a statue or portrait of the sainted leader watching over you. I know he’s the new logo, replacing the crown, but come on! It’s bad enough that our county was renamed after a Christian minister.
Get his scowling face off of my county property!
33 T
Off-topic, but…
Yes, it’s strange, isn’t it, that Martin Luther King Junior County would use the image of Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. And even stranger that they would not consult your preferences first.
Nice. You kiss you mother with that mouth? Speaking of your mother, yo mama’s so stupid, she thought Grape Nuts was an STD. She’s so fat, when she ran away, they had to put her picture on the milk truck.
What are you, 12?
Thanks Troll for reminding us that when your mom and dad who are also brother and sister spawned you in the hills of Alabama that you were born an ignorant racist cunt.
Troll is actually 33 but has the mind of a 12 year old. That’s what happens when your parents are siblings.
Then you would have been okay with King County renaming itself Falwell County, after another, but more conservative Christian minister, Jerry Falwell, and having statues and portraits and logos of him placed every 100 feet throughout our county?
And if your answer is no, that you would not have been okay with that, then you are a hypocrite.
Announcement. I am thinking of changing my name. I am tired of being thought of as a troll. It’s between Respected Elder, Respected HA Analyst, or simply Gravitas. Thoughts?
I’ll blame your misogyny and rigid outlook on gender roles on your father, but your ignorance is your own fault. Had you read any of the news accounts recently, or indeed has you been able to read at all, you would know that Darcy Burner’s husband has been at home caring for their child since 2005 while Darcy runs for office.
Personally I cannnot think of a better example for a child of hard work, dedication, civic-mindedness, and love of country than Darcy’s.
38 T
What, you think it is a church-state violation for KC to rename itself from that of an obscure slaveholding VP to that of the greatest civil-rights leader in our country’s history? Why do you pretend that it was not Dr. King’s secular achievements for which he is being honored?
@Troll I have several suggestions…
1) Traitor
2) Coward
3) Cum-drunk Bitch
4) Baby Raper
5) Ass-licker
6) Ass-wipe
Pick one.
Troll: I suggest Mentally Superior.
Shit, having two brain cells makes you 100% mentally superior to bybygoober@42.
Its a shame about those faulty AIPAC menorah’s causing fires like that.