I just want to thank everyone who supported the successful passage of the Death with Dignity law this past year. It reminded me why this corner of the country is truly a special place.
UPDATE (Goldy):
Compassion and Choices has a page up explaining Washington’s Death With Dignity Act, and providing many useful links for patients and their families.
Thank you. It was fun and interesting to hear all the comments, especially from the medical people.
When do YOU plan on taking advantage of the law personally??
Kountry-Klubber steve is for this law because he hopes some of his fellow Kountry-Klubbers will take advantage of the law to make prime tee times more available for him.
Kountry-Klubbers like steve have little patience for slow play by the old farts and deep-down hope they die.
After all, it’s all about steve.
Hey steve, I thought you were an environmentalist?
Yet, you talk about all these Kountry Klubs which pour millions of gallons of weed kill and fertilizer that leeches deep into our eco-system?
You talk one way and walk the opposite dude.
I caught ya!!
No wonder AL GOREBASM is your hero.
KLOWNS of a feather flock together steve.
I’ll bet you drive a gas powered gold cart and come to the course in your SUV.
You are a funny fellow steve.
@3 Do you have any notion of how ludicrous the concept of a wingnut lecturing liberals about the environmental actually is? You guys are the anti-environmental party. What’s your contribution to the environment? Bathing in goat shit after having goat sex?
Free to die. Well, that’s a start.
@3 Fixated on me, are you? How creepy.
Steve, Pelletizer is fixated on the goats.
Pelletizer, after you abuse them do you broil, bake or fry them? Curry? Grilled?
What a loon!
Self congratulations on getting the law passed are very different from the real work of seeing that it is implemented fairly, especially given the development of a more nationalized health care system. Issues that should be addressed while we can:
1. Rationing Many planners here are enthusiastic about Britain’s NICE system. NICE is a rationing system that decides which terminal therapies will and will not be paid for based on a cost benefit ration.
2. Reporting As written the law changes how we diagnose death. This is unscientific and, if the law is used a lot, will require a change so that patholgoists can accurately describe cause of death.
3. Meeting Real Need DwD in Oregon serves very few people because it is not available to those peopel who need ti most .. e.g. people suffering from pain or extreme disabilities.
Given the fervor of the DwD campaigners, I hope they will contribute to efforts that need to be made now to implement the law.
You will regret wining this bad law.
What’s next kill newborns because of the color of their eyes. Maybe kill the terminal ill to save on medical cost.
This is nothing to be be proud of
booth gardner who fought hard on this bill, I thought wanted this law for himself said last night he’s not qualified due to his illness.
Of all who supported this who will be first to go on HA ?
@2 When do YOU plan on taking advantage of the law personally??
He already has.
7 Interesting point. Freedom to croak doesn’t necessarily mean that, like with just about anything else, there won’t be “deluxe packages offered to those who can pay the freight, while those who can’t might still have to be satisfied with something more basic. Hey, I’ll sell you a lamp cord with a couple of alligator clips for $1.98.
4 Regrettably, this wasn’t always the case. Roger, you and SJ and I are old enough to remember when Barry Goldwater declared himself in favor of conserving “gold…and water” and was damn well serious about it.
Unfortunately Republican wingnut trolls can never die with dignity. As long as they remain Republican wingnut trolls, they will never do anything with any dignity.
And you leadless douchy@12 are a racist 24×7. You’ll die being that.
That’s a fact Jack – Bill Murray
13 At least he won’t die being Puddy…
Yes, a handsome black man he’ll never be. – Yoda English.
@15 Handsome??? as in Red Dwarf?
Actually, rabbit, Nixon was the guy who signed into law the bill creating the EPA, and he was an enthusiastic supporter of the EPA. I heard that little tidbit on Thom Hartmann’s show on Air America. You know Thom, don’t you rabbit? He’s the Clown Prince of Air America, and the biggest over-educated dolt on radio. I listen to his shit because it’s so ridiculous it makes me laugh.
@17: Yes, the EPA started with Nixon – but he stymied the work there under Ruckleshouse.
Nowadays, the republican party is allied with business and is staunchly anti-conservation (interssting juxtaposition of terms there – conservatives against conservation).
For instance, the National Review tried to pick the top 10 conservative movies (a jok in and of itself). One of their top movies was ghostbusters (als a joke) because the bad guy was from the EPA and he tried to close them down (of course, the whole movie was a farce, which the NR people did not even get).
Also, the idea that Ghostbusters would be in anyones top ten list is ridiculous and shows how lame and how low the author had to go to find “conservative” movies to include.