The Washington Poll released additional results today based on an expanded number respondents on top of last week’s survey, and Sen. Patty Murray still leads real estate speculator Dino Rossi 44-40, only this time with only a 2.3% margin of error. Perhaps Darryl will update his Monte Carlo analysis to put that in perspective.
Today’s results also include a number of questions intending to gauge the attitudes and breadth of the teabagger movement, and after a quick glance at the results, honestly, I don’t see what Republicans have to gain in the general from playing to this crowd. As one might expect, Republicans and Democrats approve and disapprove of the teabaggers in similar numbers, with independents slight leaning in approval, just like the way they tend to slightly lean Republican.
Looks to me like Tea Party is simply another name for “conservative Republican,” at least here in Washington State. A stinking pile of poo by any other name, and all that.
Goldy, this is what I feared. But with the kids kicked outta Rossifaria HQ, I’m sure the SecDefWA is just loving being one-half of some “dream team”.
We’ll see if King County can count, come November. I’m sure the SecDefWA can teach them in English and French. As SecNavyWA, I’ll teach in Latin as well.
After all, this is Marummy Time!
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with a 44/40 split, does that mean that 16% is still undecided?
You would think that with Patty Murray being in the Senate for three terms, and Dino Rossi having run for governor twice in big-profile races, the undecideds must be the those who completely avoid all contact with the news and public events over the past ten years.
I think the 44/40 is pretty solid, representing each side’s base. Republicans could dig up Richard Nixon and run him as a corpse and he would still get 38% to 40% in this state, mostly from the rural areas. Patty Murray is likewise pretty solid on her 44%, with the more urban Puget Sound area providing a rock-solid base for her support.
But aside from the prospect of either side’s base not voting for one reason or another, Rossi can’t split the undecided vote evenly to win. He’s got to get well over 60% of the undecideds. That’s a pretty hard task for a challenger for an encumbent seat.
rhp @ 3: ” . . . the undecideds must be the those who completely avoid all contact with the news and public events over the past ten years.”
Unfortunately, those you describe–the unthinking, incurious, and oblivious–tend to vote Republican. So, Rossi may pick off his fair share of the undecided.
Josef @ 2,
Please confine your bizarro Mary Lane fantasy emissions to open threads.
@2, sorry Goldy about that.
Or maybe people who just moved here.
@3..or perhaps the undecideds arent partisan party lemmings like yourself…..