While teen smoking rates have leveled off nationwide after years of decline, they continue to drop in WA state, which has one of the nation’s most aggressive and successful teen anti-smoking campaigns.
Around the state a 2004 survey showed 19.7 percent of 12th-graders — down from 22.7 percent in 2002 — and 13 percent of 10th-graders — down 15 percent in 2002 — reported having smoked, said Tim Church, spokesman for the state Health Department.
That compares to an overall 23 percent rate from the 2004 national survey.
What’s our secret?
Washington spends roughly 80 percent of a $100 million settlement from a 2000 tobacco-industry lawsuit on preventing tobacco use, putting it in the top tier of states nationwide, Valdez and Church said. While tobacco prevention covers all ages, youth are a particular focus because 80 percent of adult smokers begin under the age of 18, Valdez said.
Of course it was Gov. Christine Gregoire who led the fight against the tobacco industry, who brought the settlement money to WA state, and who has championed our state’s teen anti-smoking efforts. That’s a great example of effective government that saves lives.
You’re wasting your breath Goldy. Christine could have cured cancer and the angry taliban controlled right would have complained she didn’t do it fast enough. Her popularity increases every day and the GOP has NOTHING to run on other than “we was robbed” so they’ll loooooooose again. And boy it will be fun to watch!
Hey look at this…http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....it10e.html
Darcy has Sheriff Davie on the run so they’re resorting to bringing in the Taliban In Chief Baby Bush. Notice how McGavick is smart enough to stay away? Association with the least popular President since Nixon could be a surefire way to ruin a campaign!
Maybe McGavick took some heat from his associates over how dumb he looked in that picture sucking up to Ted Stevens.
Despite the noise from the wingers, Bush showing up to help sell $2000 servings of rubber chicken to some rich old men, but in the eyes of the general public he may be giving Reichert the kiss of death.
Left Turn I don’t understand your analogies. You love the Taliban, right? The evil Bush Administration went after them in an unjust war and overthrew them illegitimately and Bush is the real evil, isn’t that right? So why do you associate republicans who you hate with the Taliban who you love?
Goldy, Wasn’t the tobacco settlement a whole lot more than $100 mil? Seems to me the legislature spent a bunch of it two sessions ago on day to day gov spending. That 80% you quote is pure BS. 80% of what?
das: nobody on the left misses the Taliban – the afghan Taliban that is.
Unfortunately, the American Taliban (of which you are a member, did you vote for Craswell?) will be causing trouble for generations to come after their downfall. I guess this is something Talibans all over the world share in common.
This is why christine gregoire was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, along with John Kerry, Jimmy Carter and Tookie Williams
“Left Turn I don’t understand your analogies. You love the Taliban, right?” Commentby das— 6/10/06@ 9:16 am
Let me try to explain our analogies to you. They’re approximate. For example, when we say “das is dumb as a rock,” it’s not a perfect comparison, because the rock is actually smarter than you.
4 (continued)
Perhaps we should rethink the rock analogy. Comparing a rock to a lying fuck like you slanders the rock.
The trollfucks amuse me. They think a government that has a right to spy on its citizens doesn’t have a right to tax its citizens.
Know why you should pay taxes? I’ll tell you why. Let’s skip the discussion of tax policy, tax fairness, balancing the budget, etc., and cut to the chase. Here’s why you should pay taxes.
You’re ugly, and you married an ugly woman. Your kids are ugly. Your mother is ugly. You have an ugly sister. You own an ugly dog. Even your goldfish are ugly.
So, you have to pay an Ugly Tax.
If you don’t like it, shove it up your ugly ass.
Another exaple by Roger, the reason washington statew laeds the nation in education is due to the Democratic leadership in this state
Roger you are (or do a striking imitation of) an asshole. Your shtick was amusing for about the first 2 weeks and is the one and only reason these comment threads have degenerated into crap. I’ll be interested to see if you have the balls to call into Goldy’s show “in person” and spout off like you do over the internet.
Gregoire’s tobacco settlement brought in $4.2 billion for Washington taxpayers. That’s $4.2 billion of taxes state residents won’t have to pay in the future.
Republicans rant about how a lawyer working in Gregoire’s office cost the state $20 million, as if Gregoire had blown that case herself. Their rant is bullshit, as I’ll explain below, but let’s say Gregoire did cost the state $20 million as attorney general. Subtract that from $4.2 billion, and we’re still $4.196 billion to the good. She can be my lawyer, or my governor, anytime. She’s light-years more capable and qualified than the part-time janitor the goopers ran against her.
Now, as for the $20 million case, the verdict was $16 million, not $20 million, and if the assistant attorney general hadn’t missed the appeal deadline, the state probably would have paid it anyway. It’s pure SPECULATION that an appeals court would have thrown out that verdict. Overturning a jury verdict is very, very, very uphill and rarely succeeds. So, at most, the goopers are ranting about a bird in the bush.
Furthermore, you can make a strong argument that the jury was right. This verdict arose from the OK Boys Ranch case, and was against DSHS, which totally failed to do anything about sexual abuse of the boys in foster care at that facility even though DSHS knew about it for years.
The morally and intellectually dishonest lying Republicans tried to get voters to believe Gregoire was somehow personally responsible for what DSHS did. Gregoire was only the state’s lawyer, and was required by statute to defend state agencies including DSHS, no matter how badly DSHS fucked up. It was an unwinnable case, DSHS’s conduct was so bad a large jury verdict against the state was inevitable. Trying to argue this appeal before a higher court would have been embarrassing — how the hell could anyone defend what that agency did in that case? Gregoire’s office was stuck with representing an indefensible client in an impossible-to-win case.
For the Republicans to say Gregoire “cost” the state $20 million is a fucking lie. The idiots at DSHS cost the state $16 million, and got what they deserved — the DSHS secretary and her underlings lost their jobs. This particular DSHS secretary was a Lowry appointee, and if you wingfucks quit lying and are nice to me, you might even get me to say Lowry made some stinking appointments. He wasn’t very smart about some of the people who picked for important jobs in state government.
I never said John Kerry was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, you fucking liar.
7 (continued)
I said “John Kerrey” won the Medal of Honor. Anybody but an idiot like you would immediately realize I meant Bob Kerrey, (whose first name is Joseph, not John). You’re the idiot who can’t spot the spelling difference between “Kerrey” and “Kerry.” Are you the same wingnut dolt who spells “to” as “too”?
I am far enough to the left to have worked in the SDS, to read Lenin with interest, treasure a McGovern button, and to donate to Jimmy Carter. However, coronating Gregoire is an example of why our party is failing to convince the public we are ready to return to power,
Here are some facts:
1. Atty General Gregoire’s role in the tobacco negotiation is controversial among leftish lawyers who feel the companies were let off too easily. Yes they paid a settlement, but that cost came out of their raised prices for cigs so the consumer really paid. That might be OK IF the settlement had required an ONGOING penalty, It did not. In effect, Gregoire negotiated as ransom payment that let the companies free to do whatever they wanted in the future. They adapted their advertising technique, maintained their profits.
2. Atty General Gregoire was unsuccessful in convincing the legislature to use these funds for tobacco related issues. The settlement in this state has mainly gone into the general fund. The reported 350 mill for research is welcome (I am a scientist) but the allocation has let the legislature off of what might otherwise be pressure to support the development of the biotech industry in our state. 350 mi is tiny $$ compared to the funds being spent to support biotech initiatives in North Carolina, Massachusetts or Michigan. W State, despite the strength of the UW and a lot of hype, is not competing well in attracting new biotech $$.
3. As the official UW attorney, Attny Gregoire presided over horrible legal messes, including the huge fines the medical school received. Legal experts I know feel the case was bungled by the attorneys representing her in court. The there was that mess with the football coach and the mess in her own office.
4. Under her aegis (and, to be fair, continuing with the current amateur lawyers), the UW has developed a prolix and fragile legal apparatus of non-attorneys who have greatly complicated and raised the costs of education at the UW.
5. On critical issues … immigration for one, the National Guard for another, Gov. Gregoire is feckless. Or maybe we are not a border state with lots of immigrant farm workers?
6. Candidate Gregoire ran dirty campaigns against Sims and then Rossi. Her charges against Rossi for his religious beliefs turned a lot of voters off … YAY for Washington State voters.
7. As governor, Ms. Gregoire gave one of the most sexist speeches I have ever heard, extolling our state for electing three women …as opposed to electing equally competent vagina deprived males? WADR, we should be long beyond gender identification as a criteria for office … unless you want Anne Coulter as your next President.
7 (continued)
Jimmy Carter was awarded the Nobel Prize, not the Medal of Honor.*
* NOT “Congressional Medal of Honor;” it’s not called that anymore, and hasn’t been for years.
Are the same wingnut idiot who posted on AOL this morning that “the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor”? I’ll bet you are!! Another home-schooling failure.
Yes, but as your post shows, we still have a lot of work to do on basic education. And I do mean BASIC. As in, “special education,” which is a euphemism for “kids who can’t learn because they don’t have any functioning brain cells.”
“Roger you are … an asshole” Commentby zip— 6/10/06@ 9:55 am
You’ve been on this board, how long? Over a year? It took you this long to figure that out?
How many times have I posted that I used to be a Republican, and still behave like one?
God, you are S-L-O-W.
“I’ll be interested to see if you have the balls to call into Goldy’s show ‘in person’ and spout off like you do over the internet.” Commentby zip— 6/10/06@ 9:55 am
Tell you what. How about if you listen to Goldy’s show — all 3 hours of it — every Sunday for the next year. If you do that, I’ll call in at least once sometime during the next 12 months.
Actually Roger I gave up on this board long ago, mainly because you ruined the comment threads so consistently. Way to go! Maybe you should call in to Goldy’s show and ruin that. See how long it takes until he won’t accept your calls.
1) Since every cent the tobacco companies have, or ever have had, came from/comes from consumers — how could the settlement NOT be paid out of the price of cigarets?
Of course they raised cigaret prices to cover the settlement costs! How else would they pay it? But the higher prices have the effect of making smoking less affordable, which deters some people from smoking, encourages others to quit, and causes some smokers to smoke fewer cigarets — all of which are desirable goals from a health standpoint.
You do, however, understand there are valid criticisms of the settlement. I’ll tell you what they are. First, if Gregoire and the other state attorney generals were really, really, REALLY serious about protecting public health, they would have tried to outlaw the product, not grab a slice of the revenue it produces. Second, they did nothing to prevent the tobacco companies from shifting their marketing efforts to Third World countries, where cigarets are less taxed and less regulated. And that’s exactly what happened: Part of the tobacco settlement will be paid by selling more cigarets in countries whose governments don’t give a damn about the health of their citizens, at the expense of more lung cancer and premature deaths among poor Third World schmucks. They were more interested in getting their hands on the money.
Despite all that, the tobacco settlement was a huge victory over one of the world’s most powerful — and destructive — industries. Tobacco was a classic case of an industry reaping enormous profits by shifting the enormous damage it did onto the pocketbooks of taxpayers. The basis of the lawsuit was states were paying for the health care of many of Big Tobacco’s victims under the Medicaid program. For example, I had a neighbor (now deceased) whose medical treatment for smoking-caused lung cancer cost the taxpayers over $150,000. It was all paid by Medicare and Medicaid, he didn’t have any money. Multiply that by millions of cases, and you’ve got a big drain on the public treasury. Gregoire and the other AGs sued to get some of it back. Many other industries (e.g., mining, and industrial polluters) rip off the taxpayers in the same fashion — by shifting the costs their products inflict on individuals and society to taxpayers. These are tough battles to win, and it takes very smart lawyers and politicians to win them. Gregoire is a very smart lawyer, and a very smart politician as well.
Is she perfect? Naw. And as a hard-core lefty, no doubt you take issue with many of her policies, which are thoroughly mainstream. But she is light-years more qualified to run our state government than Dino Rossi, who apart from being ethically challenged, has no management experience, knows next to nothing about law, and whose biggest accomplishment in his six years (or whatever it was) as a state senator was to write a budget that threw 40,000 poor kids off health care. Do you want THAT guy running our state?
2) Well gee. When you figure out how to make 98 representatives and 49 senators do exactly what you want them to, patent it. Do you think Gregoire is God? But even if she were, I doubt that even God could get the legislature to do what She wants it to do. You need to have more realistic expectations.
3) Since when is a lawyer responsible for what his/her client does? As a fellow lawyer once told me, “God makes my clients; I only represent them.” I think what he meant is that clients are an act of God, like lightning bolts and volcanic eruptions, and nobody can do anything about them.
4) I seriously doubt the UW’s lawyers could significantly raise the cost of education even if they wanted to, which is a function of (a) buildings, (b) salaries, (c) equipment, and (d) utility bills. Do you think education at UW would be free, if the UW didn’t have any lawyers? Being a lawyer myself, I am bemused by your apparent belief that we lawyers have such omnipotent control over the world — but, alas, it’s not true. We lawyers are mere pimples on the collective ass of humanity.
5) Gregoire refused to send the Washington National Guard to Arizona’s border. One of her stated reasons is we have an international border right here in our own state to worry about. What’s your problem with that?
6) How so?
7) Why is it “sexist” to celebrate the fact our state is finally electing women to high offices, but the fact our state elected only white males to those same offices for over 100 years is not sexist?
You know what, Smoke? Reading your post as a whole, you sure smell like an ex-Trotskyite-turned-neocon. You’ve got “neocon” written all over you. Gregoire didn’t run a “dirty” campaign. Neither did Rossi, although he ran a dirty propaganda campaign after losing the recount, fucking sore loser that he is. The fact your post at #17 makes absolutely no mention of that convinces me you’re one of those recycled commie fucks who has turned into a fascist. I will grant that you’re more articulate than most of them, who typically can’t even spell their own names or simple words like “to,” but an articulate neocon is still a stinking neocon.
Funny this asshole ZIP says he gave up on the board but yet. like a boil on Lush Flimbaugh’s ass, he won’t go away…
If I ran YOU off this board, somebody should give ME a medal, you unpatriotic fascist piece of shit.
22 (continued)
It appears Zip is admitting he’s a wimp like that John McDonald guy, who lasted here only about three weeks or so.
So typical. These rightwing fucks swagger and put on military pretensions and talk about how tough they are, but are nowhere to be seen the moment after a shooting war or a 10 3/4-lb. bunny shows up.
I need to revise my statement about Rossi not running a dirty campaign, because I forgot about the “Gregoire cost the taxpayers $20 million” ads in the final two weeks of the campaign. That, as I pointed out in #14 above, was a fucking lie. I eat my words; Rossi did run a dirty campaign.
Vent away lefties! Keep listing make believe attributes I have NEVER exhibited here.
That’s why there are no normal people left here at HA: only over the top dicks like you guys. If you all call in to Goldy’s show you will doom him to a short run at KIRO. Knock yourselves out gang.
And you, Smoke, are a fucking hypocrite for accusing Gregoire of running a “dirty campaign” while saying nothing about Rossi’s dirty campaigning or his dirty propaganda campaign after the sore loser lost the election.
“there are no normal people left here at HA: only over the top dicks” Commentby zip— 6/10/06@ 10:59 am
If that’s true, it includes you, because you’re still here.
Just checking in. I enjoy Goldy’s writing. It’s the comment threads (and what you’ve done to them Roger) that are a turn off.
I want to make something perfectly clear: I DON’T LIKE commies and socialists!!! I’m a capitalist, stock and real estate owning, profit-seeking bunny! Furthermore, I went to Vietnam, where commies tried to kill me and I tried to kill them! I don’t like fascists either — I lost relatives fighting fascists in World War 2. Now, when an ex-commie turns into a fascist and calls himself a Republican — you’ve REALLY got someone I DON’T LIKE!!! Neocons, in many cases, are the middle-aged permutations of the radicals who were spitting on our troops and destroying government property back in the ’60s. Having fried their brains on LSD forty years ago, and grown even more anal retentive since the days when they turned their communes into a hybrid between a cult and a dictatorship, these assholes haven’t improved an iota with age — they’ve only grown greedier and more selfish. FUCK YOU NEOCONS!!! Fuck all of you! You’re going to hell, and when you get there, you’re going to live in a tent with 40 ex-hippie chicks, none of whom are virgins, and all of whom have STDs and round-the-clock PMS. I’m probably going to hell too (for being a Republican back when I was young and stupid), and I can hardly wait to see you assholes in your cardboard shacks with your 40 wives!!! That, by itself, will make the lack of air conditioning worthwhile.
If I’ve ruined the comment threads, why are you still here? You haven’t left yet? What’s the matter, boy, are your shoes glued to the sidewalk? Why isn’t your ass in gear? Don’t let the door hit your hemorrhoids on your way out.
Neocons were worthless unpatriotic fucks forty years ago when they were hippies and radicals, and they’re still worthless unpatriotic fucks after turning into facists.
Hopefully, zip has left now. He chose a good screen name for himself — “zip.” Synonomous with Nada, Nothing, Zero.
I mean synonymous. My bad. Still working on first cup of coffee this morning.
It’s hard to break those old Republican habits, e.g. phonetic spelling.
Fortunately, I was a Republican back when Republicans believed in balanced budgets, so at least my habit of wanting a balanced budget isn’t as destructive as my other Republican habits (e.g., lying, stealing elections, slandering, and killing — all of which I still occasionally have repressed urges to do).
Just to clarify my previous comment, I haven’t stolen any elections lately — the results of the last few elections speak for themselves, all the stealing has been on the GOP side — but I sometimes do think that since they’re stealing elections our side ought to steal them back. You understand, I’m not actually advocating that. That kind of talk is just my old Republican habit bubbling to the surface now and then. I’m not kidding about killing fascists if they try to kill us, though. If they build concentration camps and gas chambers for liberals, and send death squads out into the community, we ought to kill them before they kill us. Self-defense is perfectly moral, and perfectly legal. It’s not even necessarily against the Ten Commandments, which Republicans plaster all over public buildings and otherwise never pay any attention to, as they swear and commit adultery and kill people far more than the rest of us do. Some Biblical scholars argue the original wording was, “Thou shalt not murder,” not, “Thou shalt not kill,” which certainly leaves the door open to self-defense, which is not “murder” by any legal system’s definition.
Liberals must arm! The fascists (e.g., Ann Coulter) say they want to kill us, and I don’t think they’re kidding.
Isn’t if funny that a neocon fuck like Smoke bitches and complains about tobacco settlement money being diverted to the general fund instead of being spent on anti-smoking ads, but if Gregoire spent that money on anti-smoking ads, Smoke would be bitching and moaning about paying higher taxes because she didn’t divert it to the general fund.
Woger Wabbit
It is hard to reply rationally when you fill the threads with so much excrement.
1. Gregoire, a “democrat,” ran a against Sims based on his proposal for a responsible tax system. That, in my book, is dirty politics.
She then accused Rossi, a Catholic, of being against abortion. He is but has consistently NOT advocated enforcing his beliefs on others.
2.The misdeeds at the UW were done by the Athletic Dept and by the Dean of the School of Med. Her lawyers incompetently defended those, costing the taxpayers millions of dollars.
3. The UW has acquired a huge corps, I am told it is now in the hundreds, of illegal attorneys .. people who can not legally represent the UW under state law but are employed as legal experts. These folks themselves cost a good 100 to 200k each a year .. so lets say the UW is spending at least $10,000,000 a year … redoing what the AG’s office is supposed to do. Worse, there is NO oversight over this “firm” of attorneys and they often work in conflict with each other. The result is chaotic regulations that are very costly.
4. Maybe people’s genitalia are important to your decisions as to who you want, after all you are a wabbit. I am far more concerned with a person’s competence and concepts than I am with his or her genitalia.
Other than being in bad taste, the gubernata’s remarks were politically stupid. All she achieved was alienating voters like myself who wanted to believe in her as a liberal. Ron Sims has made similar remarks on re the stupidity of the Party’s supporting political hacks like Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton rather than featuring impressive people like Powell and Condy. Lets hope they do not abandon Obama because he is too white for them.
As for Trotsky and the neocons .. you seem prone to illiterate misuse of jargon. Trotsky would never have been at home with the neocons. Trotsky was a radical Marxist who opposed the psychosis of Stalin AND the moderation of Lenin (such as it was). Hew as antiJewish identity. Hardly a neocon my furry friend.
BTW .. are rabbits mammals or vegetables? I hear they reproduce like cabbages.
For someone who calls himself a lefty, you sure blow a lot of smoke out of your ass.
As for the left-wing and Trotskyite origins of neo-conservative philosophy, try doing some research, you fucking moron:
“The prefix “neo” can denote that many of the movement’s founders, originally liberals, Democrats or from socialist backgrounds, were new to conservatism, but can also refer to the comparatively recent emergence of this “new wave” of conservative thought, which coalesced in the early 1970s from a variety of intellectual roots in the decades following World War II. …
“Left-wing roots of Neoconservative organizations
“The neoconservative desire to spread democracy abroad has been likened to the Trotskyist theory of permanent revolution. Author Michael Lind argues that the neoconservatives are influenced by the thought of Trotskyists such as James Burnham and Max Shachtman, who argued that ‘the United States and similar societies are dominated by a decadent, postbourgeois “new class”‘. He sees the neoconservative concept of ‘global democratic revolution’ as deriving from the Trotskyist Fourth International’s ‘vision of permanent revolution’. He also points to what he sees as the Marxist origin of ‘the economic determinist idea that liberal democracy is an epiphenomenon of capitalism’, which he describes as ‘Marxism with entrepreneurs substituted for proletarians as the heroic subjects of history.'”
“War Party’s leftist and elitist roots exposed
” … As anyone with even the most rudimentary knowledge of how to use Google could discover in a moment, the neocons’ enemies have long been aware of Strauss’s cult and its baleful influence. Libertarians are naturally horrified by the Straussian devotion to the benevolent dictatorship of a self-appointed elite …. While Shadia B. Drury’s 1999 book, ‘Leo Strauss and the American Right,’ provided a critique of Strauss’s influence from the left, paleoconservatives such as Paul Gottfried were among the first to raise the alarm. But I’ll leave it to my old friend Burt Blumert to capture the essence of the antagonism that has long existed between the followers of Strauss and the Old Right gang centered around LewRockwell.com:
“‘Neocons, as ex-Trotskyites, are bad enough, but those who follow the pro-pagan Leo Strauss are deadly. He advocated the Big Lie. Forgive me for all the gory details, but these people – with their other leaders like Bill Buckley and Irving Kristol and the help of the CIA – perverted the American right into loving the welfare-warfare state.'”
and if that’s not enough, here’s some more:
“The Trotsky Hour,” by Paul Gottfried, htp://www.lewrockwell.com/gottfried/gottfried46.html
“Outing the Neocons,” by Justin Raimondo, http://www.antiwar.com/justin/j052303.html
“NeoConservatism – Where Trotsky Meets Stalin & Hitler,” by Srdja Trifkovic, http://www.rense.com/general39/meets.htm
How’s it feel to be duped by the commies into becoming a commie, dummy? However, my department will pay you $75 to kill that damned rabbit.
Smoking stinks and I’m glad that anti-smoking initiative passed. I wish they’d expand it to include parks. (yah, that makes me extreme on this issue, but so what)
That would be great to have you on the Goldy show.
Especially if it meant you flying to Seattle for the show. Anything to get you out of here.
Goldy, just look him up in the Pahoa White Pages.
Animal Control Officer
Hmmm… are you expecting to see an ice pick in Wolfowitz’ skull some day? I can just see Leon as President of the World Bank or consorting with Pat Robertson to protect Israel or promoting the
class interests of the Bush bourgeoisie.
Of course that s a part of the fun today, instead of actually reading Trotsky, any superficial appartchnik with a grand to buy a PC can connect to the unreviewed Wikipedantia and create himself as an expert.
All that said, Smoke likes the image … I can see it now, as the smoke clears ….
(Fox news) Today Former President Bush traveled to Mexico City along with the head of the World Bank, Paul Wolfowitz to dedicate the new “Trotsky Center For NeoConservative Thought. The ex-president was joined by former Mexican President Fox and his successor President Calderon met Air Force One and listened as Mr. Bush brought the congratulations of US President Rice, “This new Center will recognize the unity of not only Mexico and the USA, but of the world wide revolution started by the Trotsky and carried on today by his spiritual brothers and sisters around the world. We know that Tovarisch Trotsky would be proud of the Alianza of Freedom Forces, the Trotsky Brigade, that only a few weeks ago liberated the peoples of Cuba and Venezuela from the atheistic clutches of their communist rulers.”
Senor Scooter Libby, co-director of the Trotsky Institute, guarded by a contingent of the Swiss Guards sent for the occasion by Pope Benedict, led the two former Presidents to pay their respects at the Great Leader’s grave site with its headstone based on paintings by the great conservative feminist and love of Trotsky, Freda Kalho.
During the visit, back in Washington DC, Pat Robertson, Eliot Abrams, James Woolsey, Richard Perle joined President Hu of China Beijing breaking ground for a Trotsky-Deng Center to be built on the former premier’s home.
Long live the Volurevotion.
If Woger Wabbit or animal control officer wants to retort to my ramblings they might try my blog .. lots less traffic … seattlejew.blogspot.com.