Since posting the audio of Sen. Pam Roach’s infamous “Roses” speech, several Olympia insiders have emailed me to fill in the back story.
Apparently, Roach’s floor desk was right behind that of much beloved Sen. Irv Newhouse, a Republican so well respected on both sides of the aisle that they renamed the Senate office building after him. The story goes that Roach insisted on keeping a fresh bouquet of roses on her desk, despite the fact that they were aggravating the ailing Newhouse’s allergies. A former Republican staffer recounts the tale:
At that time Irv had many health problems including allergies. He was sneezing and congested. He was so beloved everyone was concerned. She had been asked politely by several members from both parties to remove the roses just in case that was the source of problem. Anyone else would have removed them. But hell no with that bitch, just let the beloved elder statesman suffer.
Oh, and by the way Pam… sources tell me it was Sen. Bob McCaslin, a fellow Republican, who removed your damned flowers.
For those who missed it, here’s Roach’s legendary “Roses” speech once again:
Oh yeah… this year the Democrats have their best shot at unseating Roach — possibly ever — in the form of challenger Yvonne Ward. Observers tell me this race is a dead heat, so go show Yvonne some love.;search=
Goldy is this the speech of the legendary “roses” Trailer you were talking about?
For those who missed it, here’s Roach’s legendary “Roses” speech once again check out the link.
This is a democracy. Voters are allowed to behave irrationally. They can — and do — elect nutsacks to legislative bodies.
As I type, American soldiers in dying in Iraq to bring the blessings of this system to the Iraqi people.
Hey — I’m not dissing on democracy … I don’t want any other system. But why is it so hard for some people to understand that other countries, peoples, and cultures may have a different way of government that works for them — and might not want ours?
Wow. This kind of attitude is not unncommon, sadly. I know because I have a family member with chemical sensitivity whose life is much more isolated and restricted than it should be simply because in any work or social group, it seems, there’s at least one person who’s just not gunna do a simple thing like refraining from wearing perfume and hairspray. There’s always going to be at least one person who gets angry when someone tries to explain that they need their help in a small way.
Now, for a million quatloos, do any of you know WHO sent her the flowers in the first place?
I know….I’ll tell only if you can’t get guess
1. I know because I have a family member with chemical sensitivity whose life is much more isolated and restricted than it should be simply because in any work or social group, it seems, there’s at least one person who’s just not gunna do a simple thing like refraining from wearing perfume and hairspray. There’s always going to be at least one person who gets angry when someone tries to explain that they need their help in a small way.
Commentby noemie maxwell— 10/19/06@ 9:56 am
Noemie everybody has their problems, and being overly sensitive about it will not help. If everybody adjusted to those sensitivities then nobody will enjoy life. Just because Roger throws up at the sight of a Republican, do we have to ban them from public life. Roger has to make adjustments in his life style because of his disabilities. Now it is hard for Roger to deal with his sensitive self but everyone will appreciate his many sacrifices. You should know that the world will never love this country no matter who is running it, so forget about pleasing everybody. So adjust your life style to your disabilities and expect nobody to adjust their life style to your short comings. I know that does not play with the sensitive Socialist Democrat but they will get over it and move on to bigger and better things.
Holy crap, folks. The DCCC just sent $350K of love Darcy’s way.
Boy, she’s such a weak candidate…
Pam Roach aka Janet S is a fucking cunt!
Greg @5,
Truth is, I’m really not much of an Olympia insider, so the only lobbyists I know by name are Vito Chiechi and Jim King Jr. Just for fun, I’ll guess Jim.
Now will you tell us?
The last known American defector to North Korea says in a new documentary that he feels at home in the North. Saettle. WASH, native GBS says he wouldn’t trade his defection for anything. [………………………………………………………..North Korea, a new “Hillary Village” for Democrats??]
Klake at 6
Are you saying that a person with allergies should have to adjust to someone sticking flowers in his face, rather than the other way around? How about the selfish pig who likes flowers on her desk adjusting to the guy with allergies? Who has the burden of adjusting to the other here? Attitudes like you have apparently expressed are so selfish that they reflect more the schoolyard playground rather than adult experience. Societies in which such attitudes prevail cannot survive. I hope I’ve read your post wrong.
LT Puddle Pirate JCH @ 10,
No, NK isn’t a village for Democrats, it’s a place where a rogue dictator builds nuclear bombs on Bush’s watch and threatens the United States while Bush firmly plants his tail between his legs and pisses on the floor.
Bush, he’s your kind of guy, a pussy.
It’s official. The GOP simply cannot find new candidates who are not crooks, liars or peds!
And the party of dirty tricks, cheaters and liars just keeps on keepin on.
I think we should just put all the rethugs in prison and get it over with.
1. Societies in which such attitudes prevail cannot survive. I hope I’ve read your post wrong.
Comment by proud leftist— 10/19/06@ 10:39 am
Proud leftist you did not read it wrong and those societies will prevail and survive much to your disliking. No matter how much you want to be like or love, the other party will display the opposite affection. So get a life your own, adjust to your own short comings, and don’t expect others to do it for you. Now that is not what you wanted to hear, but then you can otherwise live a life of a victim. Suck it up and move on to bigger and better things.
Yvonne Ward… is this the nut that has herself confused with a now defunct can of Rainier Beer?
hey, Yvonne Ward NORMAL foks don’t confuse themselves with cheap beer!
Klake is an unAmerican proto-fascist. Never forget that when dealing with lower forms of life, they have no empathy or higher cognitive functions.
I feel sorry for you. Anyone who believes that extending common courtesy to another human being is a shortcoming should really go live in a cave somewhere. We don’t need you. A political ideology that promotes greed, unenlightened self-interest, and stepping on the rights of others is doomed. That is why the current version of Republicanism is headed for political insignificance. Respecting others is not a sign of weakness, nor is it a promotion of “victimhood.” It’s what used to be known as The Golden Rule–you know, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” A political party that rejects such a basic precept of community will end up in the political wilderness. You truly are pathetic.
Unstead of meaningless floor outburst, why didn’t Pam Roach get Richard Pope to file a Public Disclosure Commission complaint over the missing roses?
Commentby klake— 10/19/06@ 10:24 am
“Just because Roger throws up at the sight of a Republican, do we have to ban them from public life.”
We’re working on that. We’ll talk again after the election. ;-)
Rather than just raining all over you about your answer, I’m going to ask you to re-think it.
If you had a co-worker with allergies, and that person asked you politely not to have fresh flowers on your desk, what would you (a presumably reasonable person) answer?
One of the reasons we get into a lot of the more absurd “political correctness” is that some folks are just not reasonable, and will not respond to reasonable requests.
I like fresh flowers too, but if I had a collegue with allergies, I would find a different way to brighten up my office. Most folks are reasonable enough to feel the same way, and when someone declares publicly that their desire for fresh flowers is more important than another person’s need to breathe, considerable social disapproval is likely to follow.
That’s how reasonable people deal with that situation.
Greg @5,
New guess: Mark Gjurasic?
Goldy- you really need to do your research instead of regurgitating what someone with an agenda spoonfeeds you.
You might start by checking the seating chart for the year in question. Then you might look at who was being seated around Roach, and ask what else was going on at the time.
You might even check and see if Newhouse was even on the floor much.
As for senators and floral arrangements, you might ask Jim Hargrove just how much sympathy and willing compliance he got from his colleagues when the Senate floor looked more like a florist’s shop, and he had to keep excusing himself from votes because of the pollen pollution.
Of course, getting to the treue stories of the Senate and flowers would divert everyone from their Roach-bashing…
By the way- did you have the courage to ask Andy Stern about SEIU’s support for Roach?
Jim… defend the “Roses” speech. Explain how this shows Roach in a good light.
Goldy- I’m not defending the Roses speech- but I know what was going on then, and in many other instances involving Pam. You folks so focus on that speech, you miss the other stories floating around. Why don’t you ask why Bob McCaslin and other senators were allowed to be seated around Pam and to pick on her like they were all in kindegarten? A lot of childish behavior, but the focus goes to the one whom everyone knew has buttons which can be pushed. If you had been Majority Leader Dan McDonald, would you have not realized at some point that some childish senators needed to be separated?
Newhouse was never the issue- beware of info you get from certain former Republican staffers who were not sober enough to realize their senator wasn’t even on the floor most of the time.
And I take it you didn’t have the cajones to ask Stern why SEIU supports Roach?
Seems like Pam Roach is just basically not a nice person. Not that niceness should be a necessary prerequisite for holding political office, but she also happens to be an idiot.
Klake – you’re a moron. Pam Roach is a Mormon. What’s the difference? Not much – you both just need to go….
When you have one of these “Where’s my strawberries” moments from a rethug, no amount of spin will change the fact that you have seen the true soul of the GOP!
Oh, let’s not forget to mention that Pam (fucked up beyond all belief good Mormon) Roach’s son was arrested on a drug charge. How do we spell Republican H-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y?
The Roach Roses Speech is outrageously funny.
Irv Newhouse was a legend and deserved to be beloved. The guy was the antithesis of Senator Roach, and in many ways, Senator Dan McDonald.
And whether or not he was on the floor all the time doesn’t really matter.
It is a great story Goldy. And I’ll take it as true enough knowing all the personalities involved.
Kim King at 24 said: “Why don’t you ask why Bob McCaslin and other senators were allowed to be seated around Pam and to pick on her like they were all in kindegarten? A lot of childish behavior, but the focus goes to the one whom everyone knew has buttons which can be pushed. If you had been Majority Leader Dan McDonald, would you have not realized at some point that some childish senators needed to be separated?”
I have no idea what was going on in Olympia at the time. But I’ve been unwillingly involved in some pretty nasty business disputes, including partnership break-ups, and I’ve seen some pretty childish behavior and outright harrassment in those contexts. But surely we would expect our representatives to be able to stand above such behavior, and to be strong even in the face of childish behavior by others? Shouldn’t our representatives not be so easily subject to “having their buttons pushed”, which allows them to be manipulated by others? It seems to me she lacks the basic character virtues (i.e., leadership skills) which are prerequisites to holding public office. She also seems to have a very unhealthy case of paranoia and a persecution complex.
Not to Pam: Go get S.D. Freeman’s biography of Robert E. Lee, study it, and try to emulate Lee’s public and private life. Consider the following, from a story told about Lee’s life after the war:
“When one of a company of callers, a minister, declaimed bitterly against the indictment, Lee said simply: “Well! it matters little what they may do to me; I am old, and have but a short time to live anyway.” And he turned the subject. A little later, when the clergyman was leaving, Lee followed him to the door and spoke with much earnestness. “Doctor,” he said, “there is a good old book which I read and you preach from, which says, ‘Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you.’ Do you think your remarks this evening were quite in the spirit of that teaching?” The preacher apologized for his bitterness, whereupon General Lee concluded: “I have fought against the people of the North because I believed they were seeking to wrest from the South dearestº rights. But I have never cherished toward them bitter or vindictive feelings, and have never seen the day when I did not pray for them.”
D.S. Freeman’s Biography of Robert E. Lee, Volume III, p. 206.
Maybe Pam will decide to send her drug addict son to Iraq to fight in America’s
so-called War On Terror? NAH!
@29- Thor, they don’t repeat the stories that ought to be repeated- the stories that had Sgt-At-Arms pulling suicide watch on young female pages, for instance. Or the free-flow of booze on the fourth floor of the Capitol in Olympia.
Keep enough people compromised and the truth never gets out.
And it is easier to pick on the outsider than tell the truth on the insiders. If Jim West hadn’t been an insider, do you think his story would have been covered up so long? If Bob McCaslin wasn’t such a terrorizor do you think the old biddy would get away with all the bullshit he pulls?
Be very careful who you think is truly beloved, or worthy of having names on buildings. The truth rarely makes it into the oral histories.
Maybe Pam will decide to send her drug addict son to Iraq to fight in America’s
so-called War On Terror? NAH!
Commentby RightEqualsStupid— [Remember when Al Gore’s son was stopped doing 85 in a 55 with drugs in the car? Just “axing”……]
Pam Roach’s kid busted for possession, but Idiot Pam still votes against drug treatment programs.
Remember when the Bush Twins were busted for whoring around a college town and underage drinking?
Just asking.
@goldy- BINGO!
Yes, Mark Gjuasic. one of the kindest, most honest people I know. and I do not say that with any hint of sarcasm. He is a really good person and honest about what he does. He always did right by me, and he is an extraordinarily good family man. Seriously, if this guy asked me to do something for him, I’d do it because of what a truly good guy he is. Anyone who interprets my comments as sarcasm can go f*ck themselves.
that said, he sent some flowers to pam on some issue, and because they were “moved” Ms. Roach had a fit like a terrible two year old. That is NOT mark’s fault.