The Washington Post’s top political handicapper Chris Cillizza has updated his list of House seats likely to change party hands in November, and look what makes the top twenty:
19. WA-08 (GOP-held): Rep. Dave Reichert (R) is a very strong candidate but the demographics of this Seattle-area district are trending in the wrong direction for the incumbent. Democrat Darcy Burner came within 7,000 votes of beating Reichert in 2006 and is back for a rematch. Reichert could do everything right in the next five months and still lose. (Previous ranking: N/A)
Keep in mind that 13 of the races ahead of WA-08 are for open seats, and that Cillizza ranks Reichert as the second most likely Republican incumbent to lose his seat. And this analysis coming from a guy who thinks Reichert a “very strong candidate.” (Perhaps Cillizza was just referring to Reichert’s biceps?)
19th most vulnerable seat, 2nd most vulnerable R-Brand Congressman, but who cares, he’s toast. Cillizza says the Dems could gain 20 seats. I say that’s conservative.
Oh, no he’s not, Reichert’s seat is safe. Just ask The Piper.
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Like the name says – BYE BYE GOP!
“(Perhaps Cillizza was just referring to Reichert’s biceps?)”
Naaaaaaahhhhhh, he’s referring to the strength of his hairspray. Which is apparently better than Jimmy Johnson’s.
Any security guard jobs opening at Bellevue Square next January?
You can always tell when it’s a slow day at the Peeper’s office. The stentorian artifice of his autodidactic little screeds graces nearly every comment thread.
I waited to give the conservatives a chance to prove they support and honor the troops, but of course they don’t, so I’ll do it.
Memorial Day weekend is not just a three-day weekend for BBQ’s, camping and taking a long weekend. It’s to remember and memorialize the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives for our freedoms, our liberty and our way of life. Take a pause this weekend from your recreational activities, just once mind you, and give thanks and remembrance to our fallen brothers and sisters.
GBS @ 6, my flag is out as we honor our soldiers everyday, it comes in at dusk and back up at sunrise…following in my grandfathers footsteps!
Time To Change Horses
From the Associated Press:
“SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) – Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton quickly apologized Friday after citing the 1968 assassination of Robert F. Kennedy as a reason to remain in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination despite increasingly long odds. …
“Responding to a question from the Sioux Falls Argus Leader editorial board about calls for her to drop out of the race, she said: ‘… We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. You know I just, I don’t understand it,’ she said, dismissing the idea of abandoning the race.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This woman is too stupid to be president. I sure am sorry I voted for her in the caucus. I’m now an Obama supporter.
Truly remarkable. I’m starting to believe the critics that say Hillary would do absolutely anything to win.
Meanwhile, there are reports that Mike Huckabee’s equally offensive assassination “joke” in his NRA speech was scripted and the loud offstage noise that prompted his remark was planned and staged.
I’m waiting for Goldy’s eloquent post honoring the sacrifice over the years made by American men and women in uniform – his moving ode to those who gave the last full measure of devotion so that he and the rest of the HA Happy Hooligans can spew from the cesspool.
Are you preparing such a thread, Goldy?
BTW…the staff sergeant called today, and as of June 1st you must address him as sergeant first class – a mouthful, I know, but he’s earned it! E-7 in seven years – 7 in 7 – and exactly three years since his promotion to staff sergeant.
Well done Ser’nt!
A link to one of his recent Stars & Stripes articles:
My youngest, the lance corporal, is currently on assignment in Thailand, but he should be returning soon, and we anicipate his promotion to full Marine corporal soon – just a few more pounds to lose!
The Piper
10 That would suggest that Huckabee was a knowing sacrificial lamb for Rove & Co. to see if they could get away with playing the race card in “cracker country”.
Oh? Reports you made up yourself? If they exist, why don’t you post links to them – nothing like original source material – but that’s not your style, is it?
The Piper
As a former Eagle Scout, I learned that you don’t fly a flag in the rain. So I only put it out on national holidays, in accordance with the weather. If it isn’t raining, I’ll put it out starting tomorrow morning and keep it up through Monday, depending upon the weather.
I know that with newer nylon flags the rain doesn’t really damage them, but old habits are hard to break.
But it does bother me a bit to see businesses using the U.S. flags as an attention-getting device, and then leaving up tattered or badly faded flags long after they should have been replaced. If you are going to fly the flag, do it properly.
Once an Eagle Scout, always an Eagle Scout…good for you!
Thank you for honoring the colors. I must admit that I fly my flag year round, and have for many, many years. I keep a fresh one always on hand in order to replace one that becomes old and faded, which nylon ones can do over time.
But you are 100% correct about flying it correctly or not flying it at all.
The Piper
11 Well, Piper, I don’t know what Goldy might have been planning to do on that score, but since we’re all contributors on this bus, allow me to share the following Memorial Day prayer from Education for Justice.
(I make no apology for the Catholic-ness of part of this. That’s what they’re about, and so am I.)
On this Memorial Day
Grant peace to the souls
of all those soldiers who died in war.
We remember the tears and grief of their families,
The pain of mothers, wives, husbands and children
Who lost precious loved ones.
To build a meaningful memorial to them,
We ask God to give us all the will
To work for peace around the world
So no more sons, daughters, husbands, wives, fathers, nor mothers
Are slaughtered by the guns and bombs of war.
We ask Mary, who held the lifeless body of her son
And was pierced by the sorrow of his suffering and death,
To grant us the compassion and wisdom to affirm life
And honor the dead through forgiveness and peace making.
May God have mercy on the souls of the departed.
Grant them peace, O Lord.
May we have mercy on the living.
Grant us peace, O Lord.
In Your name we pray.
@11 If you really support our veterans, put a dollar in the “Help U.S. War Veteran Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican” box, otherwise shaddup.
@13 I heard it from Mrs. Rabbit, who has been a reliable source in the past.
C’mon, piper, it makes perfect sense! It’s vintage Karl Rove, and of course, to test-market it he used a politician who’s expendable before handing it to the McShame campaign.
RHP and Piper, the ones that really iritate me are the ones who show no respect to the flag when putiing it up or taking it down, ie: rolling it in a ball, dragging it on the ground. I was in ROTC and come from a long line of military family and it seems a lot of people (mostly younger) have no idea how to handle the flag.
No apologies necessary…
Very reasonable and fair…
The Piper
Sorry…Mrs. Rabbit’s testimony is hearsay upon hearsay, and you know it. Try locating legitimate source material, then perhaps you would have some credibility.
The Piper
Piper, here’s the story RR is referring to:
Piper, here’s the story RR is referring to
@21 If double hearsay is good enough for George W. Bush, it’s good enough for me. I’m not a judge anymore, so I don’t have to be so fussy about things like that.
22 Ugh! She’s really jumped the shark. It’s not only immoral, but illegal and fattening.
Yeah, Reichert is a poor candidate – but how can you get any poorer than this goof-up by John McCain. He really is dangerously off-base…calling Putin President of Germany…even a third grader knows better. Not to mention the sunni insurgents that “Iran” was supporting or when he forgot all about Iran-contra.
Seriously, I think a competent 72 year old could be president – but he will only go down not uphill and he ain’t starting out on too high a level.
Piper: Congratulations on raising two fine sons. Any father would be proud.
Is anyone stupid enough to actually hire Pooper? I’d be shocked if so. As for the flag – as long as people associate it with the GOP – I’ll be burning mine.
BBG @ 27 – Sad you would desecrate the flag because people you disagree with associate with it. BTW you finally got your medical records!
How would anyone get the idea that Dave is a “strong candidate?” He has never won a Congressional election by more than 5% (4.8% in 2004) and his margin of victory is diminishing, not growing, as time goes on (2.9% in 2006). He’s a dinosaur, just staring into the sky and waiting for the comet.
29 H
Flag desecration has a long and honorable history as an action of protest. For example, the US has currently stationed the world’s preeminent war machine in a country that never attacked us and are proceeding to murder and displace their population while spinning the story that we are fighting “terrorists” and not a nationalist movement against a foreign army of occupation.
I imagine that many Americans who oppose our nation’s policies in this regard might think that burning a flag would be an appropriate symbol thereof.
@30 Mommy Love:
And you think the ditzy pant-suit would be better? Be sure and let me know when you return from the hairdresser you wimp.