I felt a little like Rip Van Winkle this morning, watching President-elect Barack Obama’s news conference, as he not only appeared awfully damn presidential, he pretty much sounded like he was already president.
Has anybody ever seen a cabinet take form this quickly, or a presidential administration seize control of the public and policy debate so soon after an election? I suppose extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures, but the fact the transition team has been able to act this swiftly is encouraging in itself.
It’s no surprise, given there’s been a power vacuum in D.C. for 8 years.
Obama has been criticized for not taking charge quickly enough, even though he’s doing it faster than other presidents-elect. Bush has basically dropped out, focusing mainly on salvaging what little he can, killing the ESA, and undoubtedly preparing for this final pardons. The Hoover-FDR transition was devastating due tot he power vacuum then, and Obama, after initially hanging back, is now realizing that it’s time to take charge. basicially he’s assessing the situation and then doing what’s best for the country. Refreshing indeed.
While Obama’s been getting all the attention, Bush and his pals have been busy little vultures indeed, issuing a bucketload of executive orders designed to monkeywrench the works of government, stuffing civil service jobs with Monica Goodling-esqe political guerillas, and draining the treasury as quickly as possible into the Swiss bank accounts of Wall Street thieves-er, I mean “executives”.
Obama’s speech this morning was the same rhetoric as his campaigns stump speeches. Obama is elected and the stock market falls 20 percent since election day. Obama speaks and the stock market falls 120 points. He’s totally naive and investors know it. Let’s hope these Clinton era democrats he’s chosen for his economic team (some “change”, eh?) can lend a bit of experience because the president elect sure doesn’t offer any.
For comaprison, keep in mind the British parliamentary democracies, the winning party takes over the government within hours of the election. The Queen “hands you the whole kit”, to paraphrase Tony Blair. Of course, the Prime Minister has only 100 or so political posts to fill in their national government, compared to 7,000 in ours.
4 – Right wing bullshit.
So far the Dow is up 248.18.
That chimp you voted for twice certainly had a lot of experience running businesses into the ground, getting drunk all the while, drying himself out (barely) only to move on to running the country into the ground. Great experience indeed.
6 The market took a joyful leap this morning, reacting to the news of Citi being the latest recipient of $20 billion worth of corporate socialism.
Since then it’s leveled off as details have come out about the people Obama intends to appoint and how he plans to do something with Uncle Sam’s money other than just give more and more of it to rich crooks.
ylb @6 – the market was up nearly 320 when BHO stepped up to the microphone and went as low as 198 while he was speaking. It rose to its current level AFTER he stopped speaking. Before you launch into your left-wing nutroots diatribe, next time, check your facts.
We’re just unused to this because the last time there was a party switch at President, or even a Presidential switch, that didn’t involve a drawn out election challenge was way back in 1992 when Bush I was replaced by Clinton.
bigfart @ 7 – what speech were YOU listening to? BHO offered NO details, not one, nada, about what he plans to do with Uncle Sam’s money. Even when asked by reporters whether or not he’d continue Bush tax cuts, he wouldn’t answer. BHO is the master of non-speak
Before you launch into your left-wing nutroots diatribe
Your right wing bullshit has worked out just great for you and the country.
The Dow is now up 298.20 and that’s in addition to a 6 percent gain when Geithner was announced last Friday.
The markets may not be signaling optimism but they’re most certainly signaling relief that adults are being put in charge. They have their work cut out for them cleaning up after the spoiled children.
Even when asked by reporters whether or not he’d continue Bush tax cuts
On the middle class and poor they will continue and even be lowered a bit. These segments of our society are tapped out and need relief.
On the more well to do the tax cuts will not be continued which is only right. Someone has to pay for the profligacies of the Chimpanzee regime who couldn’t think straight or shoot straight for that matter.
Bush and Cheney can do this country the highest and best service (not like they’ve ever given a shit about that) by STEPPING DOWN NOW.
btw-Fuck Off “diamondshards” you ignoramus.
By the way, I remember Obama stating that the budget will be examined line by line.
So spending cuts are in the mix. So much for no details.
The competence of Obama and his team is truly something to behold. We are so used to inarticulate inadequacy that this change is a bit breathtaking. We can actually look forward to a government that works.
13 – Rujax, there’s still a lot of damage to be done to the country working up to the most massive release of right wing Republican criminals in history.
This criminal regime is going to be working overtime right up to Jan 20 and relishing every bit of it.
The regulatory rules changes are really depressing. They’re very hard to undo.
Since the Democratic-controlled Congress, of which Obama is a member, fell asleep at the switch the past 2 years, seems a bit feeble to somehow credit Obama for fixing the problem he had a huge hand in creating.
I’m waiting to see:
How he will pay for them.
I’m tired of empty speeches….Obama’s specialty.
Pinheaded KLOWN:
We only have one President at a time. Everything bad that’s going on now must be laid at the feet of the dry-drunk primate you voted for twice and his enablers in the Congress (and yes that includes some Vichy Bush-Dogs).
Right now he’s assembling a competent team. Not a bunch of slavish bootlickers that you cheer-leaded for.
Hey Rog! Here’s my post from Last Friday–
11/21/2008 at 7:15 am
Which is EXACTLY what a wise person did last Friday!! Do you KLOWNS ever listen to sound advice and take risks???????
Obama is going to do NOTHING to punish people like me. His economic advisors have told him that is a surefire way to economic disaster.
Obama will be like Clinton…he will make you FEEL like you are in charge and he is doing all these great things for you. But at the end of the day, your pathetic lives are still dogshit. And folks like me are doin’ just fine.
Now, let’s hear all the whining, envy & jealousy. It’s music to my ears.
ylb@11 said: The Dow is now up 298.20 and that’s in addition to a 6 percent gain when Geithner was announced last Friday.
So let’s do the math, shall we? Dow close on November 4, 2008 (three hours before polls closed) = 9625. Current Dow – 8335. DIFFERENCE = MINUS 1290. Reason: BHO economic campaign rhetoric
I though Obama was promising “Change”.
Most of his appointees are merely recycled Washington Insiders.
YLB, like the other PINHEADS, is caught up in the Obama Fantasy…..where being in charge is more important than ACTIONS.
You KLOWNS repeatedly told me how Obama was going to PUNISH people like me. Tell me how???????? You have been duped KLOWNS.
But at least you can feel good that YOUR GUY is in charge…whatever that means in terms of ACTION.
To you Idiots on this board.
Obama is a empty suit, democrats have ruined this country since gaining control of congress in 2006.
Congress makes laws some good however, mostly bad.
These idiots you elected can fix problem cause they know exactly what they created.
Too bad it takes a democrat at least 3 times to figure it out it’s called payback.
Your all a bunch of jokers with no moral values.
Cynical: “Now, let’s hear all the whining, envy & jealousy. It’s music to my ears.”
Oh, man, that’s rich. Please serve us up another heaping portion of such deflection. The entertainment value is high.
proudleftist @15 says: The competence of Obama and his team is truly something to behold.
Exactly what should I behold? Obama hasn’t done ANYTHING to demonstrate competence. (Oh wait, he campaigned, right?). And of course, there’s his community organizer competence. And don’t forget his competence as Illinois State Senator where he never took a difficult position and voted “present” over 160 times. And his vast competence as a US senator prior campaigning (143 days, right?)
The only thing truly amazing to behold here, is your penchant for group-think and drinking the BHO kool-aid.
Obama will be like Clinton…
He will be more. Clinton left the country’s finances in great shape. Obama will do at least that.
I predict there will be no right wing shitheaded faux scandals like Whitewater to distract the public. Right wing hate talk radio already hobbled will decline even further in influence. Fixed News will be a shell of its former self.
Right wing billionaires like Scaife and Adelson will waste their money on another Arkansas-like project or two but will get nowhere as usual.
Americans will put their noses to the grindstone because they have to – everything from the right wing is just noise. The people themselves will filter it out. It’s what got us into this mess.
“I felt a little like Rip Van Winkle this morning, watching President-elect Barack Obama’s news conference, as he not only appeared awfully damn presidential, he pretty much sounded like he was already president.”
This is a laugh goldy, your still sleeping if you seen this happen
obama, better hope he never loses his teleprompter without it he can’t speak as you all know.
Cynical @ 17:
You know full well that the Republicans in the Senate (using their filibuster for a record number of times) and the Bush veto (actual and threatened) has stopped all Congressional action for the past two years unless the Republicans agreed to it.
Yet you continue to try to blame the Democrats for the mess you Republicans made of the economy, cutting taxes despite the deficit it caused, spending money like a bunch of drunken sailors on shore leave, and putting a good deal of it directly or indirectly from the federal treasury into the back pockets of Republican friends and financiers.
Yet you continue to lie, in a Rovian fashion, that somehow it is the Democrats fault.
There are lies, damn lies, and statistics. But you and your Rovian mentors have created a class of lies in a catagory all their own. History will damn you for your kind for your irresponsibility.
“Obama is going to do NOTHING to punish people like me. His economic advisors have told him that is a surefire way to economic disaster.”
We’re going there anyway, Cyn. Just like after 1929, it’s going to take another two or three years before we hit rock bottom. It’s up to the incoming administration to take some steps to reduce the amount of time we stay there.
24 – You really swill the Limbaugh and Fixed noise. I bet since Nov 4 you’ve been mainlining that crap.
Obama ran the most effective, competent campaign in history. He was the CEO of that operation. All the odds were against him. He beat a formidable Dem machine and deftly handled everything the GOP could throw at him. He had the people’s support 100 percent. On the ground and through mostly small donations. Not too much hopping from one 1000+ per plate dinner to another.
His community organizing experience was important to be sure but that was leveraged into being President of the Harvard Law Review and then when he could write his ticket with any big name firm he chose public service. Civil Rights law practice, Constitutional Law instruction and finally politics.
The “voting present” meme is bullshit. 160 votes out of 4000? Is that all you got?
He’s hit the ground fast. People can’t believe we now have a President who can speak in complete sentences.
DIFFERENCE = MINUS 1290. Reason: BHO economic campaign rhetoric
Reason: failed Chimpanzee domestic policies.
just like 9/11.
DOW is up 467.69.
What was that again about Obama’s press conference?
“He had the people’s support 100 percent. On the ground and through mostly small donations.”
You didn’t see or what to the zogby poll that showed most of obama voters didn’t know why they are voting for him other than being black.
Another puppet of the left.
mlwiscrying @ 32 – Exactly right! Over 50% of Obama voters didn’t even know who held the majority in the House and Senate. A full 80% of Obama voters had no idea he drove all three of his primary opponents off the ballot with legal challenges during his first run for the Illinois Senate seat. And a large majority had no idea Joe Biden had dropped an earlier presidential bid after he plagiarized a speech. My guess is that a lot of the people polled by Zogby are lefty kool-aid drinking posters on this thread…
33 (YAWN…)
Your guys fucked up, and the people got fed up.
You lost, big time. Deal with it.
@ 33 100% of Real Americans know that you are a whiny piece of shit spouting the same wingnut lies.
The crap your spewing didn’t work on Nov. 4th, and they ain’t gonna work anytime soon.
Get used to having real patriots in charge fixing the damage traitors like you have brought on this great country.
Hell, if you just quit drinking the wingnut kool aid, you might even begin to enjoy peace and prosperity.
You didn’t see or what to the zogby poll that showed most of obama voters didn’t know why they are voting for him other than being black.
That poll was a piece was a piece of shit so typical of Zogby’s decline.
Any self respecting pollster would have tested ALL voters not just Obama voters. That was only the start of the problems with that poll.
The poll also tested the voters on old issues like Biden’s so-called plagiarism scandal. Most voters would have forgotten stuff like that. Same thing with Obama kicking his rivals off the ballot – very obscure factoid.
When questioned about it by Nate Silver, the propagandist Ziegler just shouted vulgarities. Yet another losing gambit by the right wing.
Bloomberg has this to say about the stock markets today:
Obama is having a terrible effect on investor confidence, just terrible…
And and an EVEN WORSE effect on WINGNUT confidence!
YLB @ 36 said: The poll also tested the voters on old issues like Biden’s so-called plagiarism scandal. Most voters would have forgotten stuff like that. Same thing with Obama kicking his rivals off the ballot – very obscure factoid.
You don’t refute those facts, do you? -Thanks for so clearly illustrating, two very important points: 1) history of ethical wrongdoing means nothing to left-wing voters. And 2) The left-wing favoring media failed miserably at reminding voters of these ethical lapses.
Biden’s sin was enough to prevent him from running in a previous election – back in the days when the media exposed facts on both sides. In 2008, this fact interfered with the left-wing media’s agenda, so they chose not to cover it.
By the way, Zogby was only commissioned to survey Obama voters. Learn something about the facts before shooting off your mouth.
Reading the wingnut posts here, you’d think they swept the last election and that Democrats had been relegated to the dustbin of history. I see virtually nothing suggesting that they will learn from the shitstorm that just hit them. The wingnut tether to reality is but a gossomer thread with a gale force wind headed its way.
38 – You don’t refute those facts, do you?
That’s BESIDES THE FREAKING POINT. Even most shithead right wing McSame voters would not have known that stuff. The poll proved nothing!
-Thanks for so clearly illustrating, two very important points: 1) history of ethical wrongdoing means nothing to left-wing voters. And 2) The left-wing favoring media failed miserably at reminding voters of these ethical lapses.
That’s bullshit you brainwashed Limbot. Biden got into trouble not because he copied a speech. Politicians do that all the time but because he lost his cool and ran his mouth off.
Clearly, at least Biden’s sin was enough to prevent him from running in a previous election – back in the days when the media exposed facts on both sides. Now, if the facts interfere with the media’s agenda, they just ignore them.
That’s bullshit. Biden ran for President in 2008 too and his past behavior didn’t help him nor did the media. The right wing has nothing else so they always blame the media. Biden copying some lines from some other person’s speech doesn’t disqualify him from office. It’s a total non-issue.
By the way, Zogby was only commissioned to survey Obama voters, you moron. Learn something about the facts before shooting off your mouth.
Some people will do anything for money. Where did Ziegler get his money? He refused to say when asked. It was probably the RNC or some rich right wing asshole.
The “fact” is that those questions are meaningless unless they’re asked of ALL voters whether they support Obama or not.
That poll has been so discredited I bet that Ziegler documentary doesn’t see the light of day except of course as a dvd insert in some right wing magazine or book of the month club.
@8: What a MORON!
Puhleeeese, spare us your minute to minute account of the pathetic market. A good long term plan that works, intelligent experienced people and no more wasting unnnecessary money on Iraq mean a hell of a lot more than your pathetic ranting.
@33: Obama voters have higher levels of education – your fake poll means doodly squat and if you are an example of a republican, than brains are certainly not a requirement.
Go fly away with your pathetic little mind.
@41 and @43 and the rest of the losers.
When April 1,2009 is renamed to Obama and it’s reported on this blog. Then I would say this blog has some ethics. LOL!
41 and 43 lead this pack of Idiots!
@39, @40 @42 – It’s so much fun getting you lefties cranked up!
46 – In your dreams. We won. You lost.
And you’re going to keep on losing. We’re tired of the dittohead mentality. There’s no going back.
“Obama voters have higher levels of education”
obama is a smoker which reflects on his lack of ability to think or lead. This is why he has over 3000 advisers.
BTW the stock market continually went down when he started to read his teleprompter.
You gals are funny!
Diamondshards – Diamonds are hard, apparently not as hard as your head.
47 – Nov 4 was a pretty funny night.
And the joke was on you.
Ronald Reagan looked more coherent during his last years than GWB looked today. Paulson is a thief.
@48,49 and 50
These post prove why you voted for obama not caring where he came from or that he never achieved. The dummy down of the voters is a democrat medal of honor you should be proud of.
51 – All your posts prove is that you’re an idiot. We whipped your silly ass on Nov 4.
We registered voters, canvassed neighborhoods, got out the vote. We asked people if they’d had enough of the last 8 years and wanted change. The answer was overwhelmingly YES, YES!
What did you do besides blast Limbaugh, Sean Insanity, Savage-Weiner, O’Felafel and Faux Noise?
SHEEP leading the sheep off a cliff.
On 5/20/2009 you better run for cover as your neighbors will be after you for lying to them sucker.
“What did you do besides blast Limbaugh, Sean Insanity, Savage-Weiner, O’Felafel and Faux Noise?”
I would respond if I knew what your babbling about. LOL!!!!!
No worries, Goldy: the Milk Chocolate Messiah and his Merry Band of Dolts will be in there in just 57 days!
Then the comedy really begins!
Fox News the best job of reproting the news than any of the other networks.
You should give O’Reilly’s new book a read. If you went to Catholic school, you’ll understand O’Reilly just fine.
“If you went to Catholic school, you’ll understand O’Reilly just fine.”
Keep showing us what a idiot you and your kind are.
As is the case with most HA threads, this one has deteriorated into low-IQ name calling. But it has been amusing watching you lefties regurgitate the Kool-Aid you so readily consume in the name of your Soros religion.
Next time Obama steps up to the mic, watch his face: it speaks volumes about how little he knows and how truly little confidence he has. The soaring rhetoric he spews worked on lower IQ voters as well as in the coastal liberal echo-chambers during election ’08. But rhetoric does not equal action. The next four years should be interesting to watch… I just hope Obama doesn’t damage our great country too much and I pray our Muslim fundamentalist enemies don’t see his weakness and naivete as an opportunity to attack.
God Bless ALL of us in the USA
55 – Ha! I did go to Catholic school and I perfectly understand why O’Reilly would harass a female subordinate over the phone while sticking a vibrator in his ass.
That religion will screw with your head like nothing else.
Idiot @ 56
55 is one of your fellow deluded right wingers. His main delusion is that he thinks he’s an independent and not like the rest of you and sheep.
The rumor is that you’re that old loser DOOFUS who just crawled out from under his rock.
If that’s true then eat shit cur!
57 – Soros huh? Don’t know a heck of a lot about him although I do appreciate the Center for American Progress which I believe he has a hand in funding. Debunks right wing bullshit every day and formulates plans to pull this country out of the terrible mess it’s in due to right wing mis-governance and corruption.
Idiots like you go on and on about Soros and ignore the legions of right wing billionaires and multi-millionaires who fund the stink tanks which have churned out reams of right wing bullshit for the last 30-40 years.
Wow! Look at things right now. Lot of good that right wing bullshit did!
on topic. Maybe so. Time will tell. Or maybe obama isn’t thinking through his appointments as quicky as he has to pay off his debts for getting him elected.
59- not all liberatarians and conservatives march in lockstep like the left. Most of us actually have brains and are capable of free thought.
I also note that for the most part, the left can’t engage in civil disourse without resorting to ad hom attacks.I don’t know what purpose that serves other than to blow off steam when logic fails them.
@55 If you think Faux News is the best, then that explains why you fail to express any cogent opinions or grasp any ideas that consist of more than a single sentence consisting of monosyllabic words.
Even Faux news has admitted that they are biased. And they have also admitted that the real facts tilt towards liberals – so I guess they compensate by making up their own facts.
I especially like how they mislabel corrupt republican politicians as democrats sometimes. Talk about unprofessional and pathetic.
And O’Reilly – what is there to understand except that he is blowhard who can’t handle people who disagree with him and are smarter than him (which would be most liberal commentators).