Washington state’s unemployment rate rose slightly to 9.3% in October… well, sorta. That’s the same rate that was originally reported for September, before being revised downward to 9.1%.
By comparison, South Carolina’s unemployment rate currently stands at 11.6%. Hey Palmetto State… how’s that race-to-the-bottom cheap labor strategy working out for you?
Look at the bright side — millions of people are finding out working isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. By the time you figure out what it costs you to work, you’re pretty close to even-money by not working. I don’t work! And I’m better off than ever before!
By the time you pay for daycare, a second (or third) car, gas and so on a lot of two-earner households would be better off as one-earner households.
Our current culture and economic system seems to be based on the concept of ‘running to stand still.’
Another bright spot: with more people staying at home the burglary rate is going down.
Buried in the Seattle Times unemployment article was this….
You must have missed it Goldy.
This is BAAAAAAAD News…despite your sterling efforts to put a smiley face on it.
Cynical @3,
So you’re suggesting that eliminating even more government jobs right now would be good for the economy, and would lower the unemployment rate?
The actual unemployment rate is likely in the teens when you consider the (uncounted) number of people who have gone off the unemployment rolls but haven’t found jobs, and those who are working only part-time at minimum-wage jobs.
Those who are trying to support a family on two minimum-wage jobs don’t have the option of having one partner stay home because it doesn’t “pay” to have two working. Childcare often is by unpaid relatives or latch-key children. Michael, you must be talking about people who work to help the family afford a bigger TV set. We don’t need to worry about those. Roger, I assume you’re being cynical, or maybe you’re too old to work, as I am.