As my regular readers know, I am not often at a loss for words, but I’ve been struggling all day to give voice to my feelings about the horror we have watched unfold in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. And so as I finish putting order to my thoughts, I’d like to quickly point you towards what the editorial boards of some major newspapers are saying, as collated by the folks at Editor and Publisher. Note that some of these are very conservative newspapers.
Dallas Morning News
Who is in charge?
Losing New Orleans to a natural disaster is one thing, but losing her to hopeless gunmen and a shameful lack of response is unfathomable. How is it that the U.S. military can conquer a foreign country in a matter of days, but can’t stop terrorists controlling the streets of America or even drop a case of water to desperate and dying Americans?
President Bush, please see what’s happening. The American people want to believe the government is doing everything it can do — not to rebuild or to stabilize gas prices — just to restore the most basic order. So far, they are hearing about Herculean efforts, but they aren’t seeing them.
The Washington Times
Troops are finally moving into New Orleans in realistic numbers, and it’s past time. What took the government so long? The thin veneer separating civilization and chaos, which we earlier worried might collapse in the absence of swift action, has collapsed.
We expected to see, many hours ago, the president we saw standing atop the ruin of the World Trade Center, rallying a dazed country to action. We’re pleased he finally caught a ride home from his vacation, but he risks losing the one trait his critics have never dented: His ability to lead, and be seen leading.
Philadelphia Inquirer
“I hope people don’t point — play politics during this period.” That was President Bush’s response yesterday to criticism of the U.S. government’s inexplicably inadequate relief efforts following Hurricane Katrina.
Sorry, Mr. President, legitimate questions are being asked about the lack of rescue personnel, equipment, food, supplies, transportation, you name it, four days after the storm. It’s not “playing politics” to ask why. It’s not “playing politics” to ask questions about what Americans watched in horror on TV yesterday: elderly people literally dying on the street outside the New Orleans convention center because they were sick and no one came to their aid.
Minneapolis Star Tribune
But whatever the final toll, the wrenching misery and trauma confronting the people of New Orleans is much greater than it should be — as it is, in fact, for tens of thousands of people along the strip of Mississippi that was most brutally assaulted by the storm. The immediate goal must be to ease that suffering. The second goal must be to understand how we came to this sorry situation.
How do you justify cutting $250 million in scheduled spending for crucial pump and levee work in the Southeast Louisiana Urban Flood Control Project (SELA), authorized by Congress in 1995?
How do you explain the almost total lack of coordination among federal, state and local officials both in Louisiana and Mississippi? No one appeared in charge.
Des Moines Register
The devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina was the first practical test of the new homeland-security arrangements and the second test of President Bush in the face of a national crisis.
The performance of both has been less than stellar so far.
Katrina was a disaster that came with at least two days of warning, and it has been more than four days since the storm struck. Yet on Thursday, refugees still huddled unrescued in the unspeakable misery of the New Orleans Superdome. Patients in hospitals without power and water clung to life in third-world conditions. Untold tragedies lie yet to be discovered in the rural lowlands of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.
What the Philadelphia Inquirer said about “Playing Politics” is true. It’s not ‘playing politics’ to criticize the bad job the president has been doing and his continued failure.
This is the guy who listend to My Pet Goat for 5 to 7 minutes after learning the 2nd Trade Center tower had been hit. He’s dimwitted and slow to react. It’s not playing politics to criticize him, it’s playing with our lives not to.
What the Philadelphia Inquirer had to say about the President’s reluctance to be criticized is right on. It’s not us who are ‘playing politics’ by criticizing him, it’s him who is playing politics by calling all criticism politics-playing.
I believe this will be the ‘straw that broke the elephants back’ during the early years of the 2000’s. This should absolutely spell doom for the neocons and their groupies and the public will change the balance of power once again. They had it all……..and BLEW IT BIG TIME
Washington Times – and even Republican state legislators in Louisiana are complaining…
A story came through last night from a New Orleans hospital. Doctors and nurses who had been on duty there since the hurricane struck have been moving patients to higher floors as the looters invade the floors below them. These hospitals have helicopter pads on the roofs. These are hospitals, dammit. Why aren’t helicopters landing troops on the roofs of these hospitals to find these predatory looters and kill them? [Democrats [“progressives”] are a hoot, aren’t they?
Note the disappearance of EVERY Democrat New Orleans local official [from the Mayor on down to EVERY “guvment” public sector elected official. Plenty of Democrat “guvment” hack around to make sure these young black “progressives” [looters] vote Democrat several times at every election.
It’s great to know all our tax dollars going to Homeland Security was so well spent, eh? It’s great having Republicans in charge!
I’m suprised Bush didn’t apply his preemptive methodology to the hurricane. It would have worked for him this time.
Ya’ll gonna be late for Bumpershoot. Time to put your ty-dye outfits on.
mark @ 4,
Huh? The Mark that usually posts as “mark” is a right-leaning individual who is sometimes reasonable (not to be confused with “marks” who is downright thoughtful, if conservative).
So, are you a new “mark” or has the old mark seen the light? If the former, perhaps you will want to call yourself something like “leftie mark”.
righton @ 6
You’re gonna be late for your Klan’s meeting. Time to put your sheet in the dryer.
dj; only if you wear your black pajamas
4 years post 9/11 and this is the “best” our disaster response is from the federal government and Home Land Security?
Where did the billions and billions and billions of dollars go that all the FUCK HEADS like Mark The Yellow Neck, righton, Ms Chickenhawk, NoWonder, dumb ASS et al bitch about?
Don’t answer that question, it’s rhetorical I know: It went to Halliburton and we all know how Cheney got an extra $80,000 in his pocket this year from the Bush tax cut. This scenario was played out all over Bush’s America for his base: The Have’s and the Have’s More crowd while New Orleans was lost. This is the crowd who blames the victims because they “choose” to stay behind instead of evacuating. These pieces of shit cannot wrap their mind around the fact that many of poor in New Orleans can’t afford a car, how the Hell are they going to afford a bus ticket out of town to an area where they can’t pay for accommodations?
Yeah, those fucking looters. Those dark skinned son’s o bitches. Those fuckers who are always putting their hands in Mark The Yellow Neck’s pocket. They deserved what they got didn’t they?
If this doesn’t prove to those fucking idiots who voted for and or continue to support Bush that he is a FAILED president and Commander-in-Chief, then God help us all because they are making us into the Divided States of America.
While you’re at it tonight, you fucking miserable anti American scumbags, enjoy your cake, too, 8/29/05!!! Perhaps a few thousand dollars worth of new shoes ought to display your compassionate conservative side more accurately!
Now, we have to stand out on the worlds stage, cap in hand hoping for a hand out and help from foreign countries because Bush left us so unprepared by sucking all the resources out of our country and is attempting to build an Islamo Fascist country in Iraq.
You know things are getting bad for the prez when even the Moonie rag (Washington Times) criticizes him.
Turns out the levee underfunding probably didn’t have anything to do with the levy breach. In fact the breech occurred at a recently upgraded part of the levee.
It’ll take some time to figure out how much (if at all) reduced funding levels of the Corp and FEMA really made a difference.
Interestingly, Clinton seems to defend the administration here: http://www.captainsquartersblo.....p#comments
The Daily Mirror asked the question, and after recent events I believe it needs to be asked again:
How can 59,054,087 people be so DUMB?
Really? How can you be so fucking retarded? Inbreeding seems to be the leading candidate.
Chris, don’t confuse these folks with the facts.
@ 13
There’s no excuse for the slow response. We are not prepared for another terrorist attacks on the scale of 9/11. This is on Bush’s watch and the Republican led congress.
The blood is on their hands. Only if that made them lose any sleep. Fuck, Denny Hastert wants to cut-n-run from people and city of New Orleans.
My initial reaction was that federal, state and local officials really botched this thing up. That being said, I’m not expert on disasters, nor are most reporters. Right now we’re caught in a storm of spin based on very scant information. My point is it’s going to take away to really figure out who screwed up and how to fix it.
when the neocons only marry their cousins because no ‘normal’ people will have them…what do you expect Daily Mirror?
I think GBS needs to take his medication.
The clock started running on Tuesday, when the levees were breeched, not right after the storm. That means the Feds were there today in full force within 3 days. Seems like the promised time, from all that I’ve read.
The New Orleans Mayor and Louisiana governer were suppose to keep the peace for those three days, and they failed miserably. The governor didn’t call for martial law until Bush told her to.
Even now, the mayor is stating that if anyone interferes with the relief effort, the relief effort will stop. What he should have said is: those who interfere will be shot, and the relief effort will continue.
Why didn’t the mayor provide buses to help people out of town “before” the storm? (excuse given these people were too poor to drive their own cars
“…but he risks losing the one trait his critics have never dented: His ability to lead, and be seen leading.” Hmmm. Just don’t get it. I can see being a Republican — I don’t personally swing that way, but I can see it. But: “His ability to lead”? Seriously? This …um…concept reminds me of the great exchange from Catch-22 — sorry I don’t have the text with me to quote exactly:
“He has a remarkable ability to get people to agree.”
“He has a remarkable ability to get people to agree what an asshole he is!”
W has an ability to lead all right. To lead the country and possibly the entire world off a cliff.
Hey GBS – Instead of sitting here blogging about it, why don’t you open up your home to the Adopt-A-Looter program. Put your money where your mouth is.
When I say that the mayor of New Orleans and the Governor of Louisana screwed up, I am not disparaging their character. They are just in over their heads, dealing in a political culture that prevents swift and sure action.
It’s too bad that the Hate-Bush crowd doesn’t argue on the same lines. You might actually be able to persuade someone on the other side if you weren’t so rabid. Telling half the voting public that they are stupid, or that the president wants people dead, is not going to convince someone that you are sane, let alone have a good argument.
“My point is it’s going to take away to really figure out who screwed up and how to fix it.”
No it won’t. We have a 1-party government — they’re supposed to be in charge. Simple as pie.
“The clock started running on Tuesday, when the levees were breeched, not right after the storm. That means the Feds were there today in full force within 3 days.”
Janet, this is a stupid comment … even for you.
Rabit, come on,
New Orleans is a city, in a state. It has city, parish, state government.
Or shoudl we federalize the city and put the congress in charge of it?
So, RR – that means the democrats are off the hook for everything, and have no power to do anything? Good – tell Ron Sims! Let’s find a replacement immediately!
MTR @ 25, I talked it over with my wife and we were considering the adoption program. But since she reads this blog also she was scared shittless that you might be the adopted one. LOL
MTR @ 25
Hey Mark — I thought you’d be packed and gone to New Orleans by now! That city is perfect for you — no government — survival of the fittest — your dream come true!
You haven’t left yet? Why are you still here?
“So, RR – that means the democrats are off the hook for everything, and have no power to do anything?”
That’s riiiiight … when 1 party controls all 3 branches of government, they’re responsible for what happens.
Moonbats – Tell me something. Did local and state authorities have ANY responsibility to prepare for the hurricane that they saw a week in advance? Did they have any responsibility to deal with the immediate aftermath? Did the people who chose to stay behind have any responsibility to deal with the problem themselves? Or do you really believe the whole thing is the fault of fed government and GWB.
33……RR…….The Mayor, sheriff, and every major city official in New Orleans are Democrat and black. Duh???
Writeoff – Good. Don’t EVER do anything without your wife’s permission.
OKKKKKK…..And you hope to accomplish what?
This is the worst natural disaster in the history of our Country.
It’s horrible.
Should many, many LOCAL, STATE and NATIONAL Agencies been more prepared? YES.
To precisely what level of disaster and what level of response SHOULD we be prepared for?????
What responsibility do citizens have to HEED ADEQUATE WARNINGS???
Do rescuers have a responsibility to risk their lives being shot in order to render assistance???
The list of questions goes on & on.
LEFTIST PINHEADS expect the Federal government to save them from any and all danger….even if citizens do not do what they were asked to do to help themselves.
Mrs. Cynical sent money to the Red Cross. We grieve the loss of life and chaos every bit as much as any of you self-righteous cocksuckers from the LEFT…..probably more since we have family AND friends who have lost their homes in this mess.
I have watched your disgusting efforts at self-gratification bragging about contributions. You give money because it is the right thing to do.
Everyone wants a scapegoat in a disaster…
Goldy’s JOB is to criticize Bush at every turn. It’s his JOB. But the rest of you do it because it feels good. Right? Come on now…you do it because of P-O-L-I-T-I-C-S!!
I want to know which of you LEFTIST PINHEADS has the guts to admit it….
If I recall listening to the news on Monday, there was a general sigh of relief that the storm had missed New Orleans. One could hear a bit of disappointment that disaster had not happened. Yes, the power was off, and there was damage. But the hurricane had not done signicant damage.
The damage happened on Tuesday when the levees failed. That’s when the flooding happened.
It is sad that such basic facts have to be explained on this site.
By the way, is it the Republicans fault that the mandatory evacuation was largely ignored? Is it the Republicans fault that school buses that could have been mobilized were left in the parking lots to be covered in flood waters? Is it the Republicans fault that basic food and water were not supplied in advance to the Superdome, where people were being encouraged to go? Is it the Republicans fault that gangs were allowed to rule the streets?
What a crock.
Hey dummy — has it occurred to you that local and state recsources were OVERWHELMED? That city disaster relief resources very likely were incapacitated or destroyed? Why aren’t you down there in New Orleans shopping for your Street of Dreams? No government — survival of the fittest — social Darwinism at its finest!
Wabbit @37 – Just as I expected… try to dodge the question. Just tell me yes or no.
Are you still here, Mark? Yes or no what? Did you ask me a question?
For years, we’ve listened to the rants of government-haters. Now that New Orleans is an open city, with no government, why aren’t they flocking there in droves? You’d think they’d be eager to live in a place where people can do whatever they want.
So — why is Mark still here? Because his possessions would belong to whoever feels like taking them? Because the streets are running with feces? Because there’s no drinking water, intact roads, no law and order?
So Mark, what do you think of your government-free utopia now?
righton@29 –
The whole purpose of FEMA is to take an area under Federal government for the duration of an emergency.
So: “Yes, what you said. Good idea.”
36 – Well that blows the talking point then about the category 4 and 5 hurricanes being responsible for the levee breach – that just leaves oh budget cuts to the corp of engineers for 5 years in a row to Louisiana.
Can’t keep those funds from fighting the war on terror otherwise you’re called unpatriotic or a traitor.
So it sounds like there is unanimous consent on this blog that FEMA should take over all emergency services. Great – call them in to King County and the State of Washington immediately! You never know when that big earthquake will hit, so better turn over the government NOW!
Maybe then we will get some honesty about the Viaduct. If it is in imminent danger of collapse, then FEMA will have the political will to shut it down. If it isn’t, and all the caterwauling is just to defeat I-912, then we won’t have to listen to Ron Sims or Christine Gregoire threaten us with large loss of life any more.
Wabbit – Go to 33 and just tell me yes or no. no bullshit. Just yes or no
JanetS@43 –
If we had two days’ warning of an earthquake, I would sure hope FEMA would be here.
Lots of Federal support was here on New Years’ Eve 2002 – when Ahmed Ressam’s plan in Seattle was feared. It was a good thing.
For city-sized, or state-sized disasters, we need a Federal-sized agency to be available. There should always be something around bigger than the problem. Whether that is National Guard units, an agency like FEMA, or whatever, I would expect them to be here right after the earthquake and be there right before a hurricane.
Any time the official plan is to evacuate a city, you would expect the leaders to think: “Hey, that is going to be a disaster just in terms of looting if nothing else.” At least, I would — after living in LA for earthquakes and riots, and watching riots in Detroit, and then living in Seattle during earthquakes and riots — I have a lot of hope for Federal help in an emergency.
On the other hand, I have no illusions that the Feds can save us. I keep lots of emergency supplies around, enough for several extra people. After seeing what is going on in Louisiana, I feel more than ever that we are all on our own. It’s time to check all our basement survivalist stashes, and our gallon of water in every closet for when the big earthquake knocks our house down.
I think the local governments did have some responsibility, yes. The governor should have called our her National Guard when the city was evacuated, because obviously looting was a risk no matter how bad the storm. A 90% vacancy rate in the Big Easy? C’mon – that’s National Guard time.
Heath @ 47 – OK. You get a D-. But go on… should the mayor have allocated all city and school buses to evacuation before it hit? Should they have been put on high ground after the evacuation. Should the people who CHOSE to stay behind have taken more initiative to be ready? Was it smart or dumb to shoot at the people trying to help them?
Oh, come on, Redneck. Yeah, this is a major FUBAR, and a lot of people contributed to the FU.
The reason we are so specifically annoyed with the Pres. has to do with his response to it, and also how he set the area up for failure by deploying the National Guard.
Furthermore, the overall policy of spending money on war, and not on domestic expenses, is at the root of our reaction. I fear that the whole nation is crumbling under stupid investment policies. Yes, $35 tabs are cheaper than $400 tabs. Nice roads was a better deal, though.
Our National Guard is deployed, too, although we aren’t as thin as they were in Louisiana.
Where is the NAACP and Jesse Jackson with DONATIONS of cash instead of bitching? Classic Democrat “victim” response: bitch, and blame others.
“Good politics doesn’t make for good policy and the opposite of this is also true.” PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON
The neo- cons are very good politicians, but they are incompetent boobs in the real world. Their primary mission even now is still just to get a positive media spin for themselves out of this disaster.
@ 50….
You know, it occurrs to me that whenever a democrat screws up, the republicans get the blame.
Doesn’t the city and state of Louisianna have a disaster plan?
They may have thought for a second…people have been telling us for decades that this could happen, we are below sea level after all…
So now, the federal government is coming in to help. How are they doing it? Declaring martial law and shooting looters on site.
Maybe that’s what we should have done during the WTO Riots years ago.
Just think, if that would have happened, Queen Christine would have had a harder time stealing this past elections.
Who had the keys to all the school busses, Rove? Count ’em, over 200 sitting idle.
Hey Cynical! What happened with your scoop about ALF and ELF being behind the looting?
If the Wa. Times is turning against Bush he’s pretty hosed. I happened to catch about 30 seconds of savage nation today, and Even Mr “Savage” is railing against Bush. Even the most insane rightwingers know this is a botch.
prr @ 51
What the fuck? Have you been skipping all the comments that address your idiotic questions? Please, prr, do some research before you spew shit.
“Doesn’t the city and state of Louisianna have a disaster plan?”
Yes. They do.
“They may have thought for a second…people have been telling us for decades that this could happen, we are below sea level after all…”
Yes. . . they have. FEMA is a critical component of the disaster plan. Local, state and federal emergency agencies work together to develop these plans.
“So now, the federal government is coming in to help. How are they doing it? Declaring martial law and shooting looters on site.”
You fucking asshole. The federal government is SUPPOSED to be coming in after a hurricane of any magnitude. The whole point is that most of the state and local resources are inadequate to handle a catatrophy. And for some mega-disasters, like this one, the local infrastructure to do anything has been destroyed or disabled.
Perhaps you simply fail to understand the magnitude of this event? Or, perhaps you don’t know sqat about local, state, and federal disaster planning? Hard to say, but your comments suggest you don’t.
“Maybe that’s what we should have done during the WTO Riots years ago.”
Yep. . . you clearly have no concept about the magnitude of this disaster. What a fucking asshole you are for belittling the magnitude of this disaster with this statement.
“Just think, if that would have happened, Queen Christine would have had a harder time stealing this past elections. “
What the fuck? Have you been drinking? That might explain it.
zip @ 52
“Who had the keys to all the school busses, Rove? Count ‘em, over 200 sitting idle.”
They were burried in a lock box under the rubble, and underwater.
49 – Spending for stupid wars and taxcuts for the rich. Now they’re close to making the estate tax permananent. This little disaster gives them cover.
Hey Clueless – Can you explain what’s wrong with “tax cuts for the rich”? Keep in mind, only the rich can get income tax cuts because the upper half pays 96% of total taxes. You can’t cut taxes for someone who doesn’t pay. Right? Do you underfuckingstand that? Also, what’s wrong with letter people pass money on to their chirrens?
57..Mark, Democrat NEVER have enough of other people’s money. And, Democrats have unlimited needs. They are like ticks sucking blood. They will never stop.
Black people are looting, but according to media experts, white people are, “finding things”…
I guess the thing that gets me is the quotes from the governor make it sound like the Federal agencies have been overpromising and left him waiting for reinforcements. Maybe nobody knew how bad it would be just to get to the city.
As for the governor, maybe she should have complete authority over the State National Guard. I wonder how many Governors would choose to deploy their State’s National Guard overseas right now…
It doesn’t seem like much productive can be done from here, other than fund relief organizations.
The rich do not pay 96 percent of all the taxes. The consumer does. The idle rich live on the backs of everyone else. They are the bloodsuckers.
Lucy – Tell me… be honest now…. are you really as fucking stupid as your posts?
It was interesting to watch FOX “news” tonight. Both O’Reilly and hanniity were having a severe “keeping control of facts on the ground” problem. Even Shepherd Smith was pointing out some rather embarassing observations that the Federal relief efforts were long on promise and way short on delivery. He wasn’t “blaming anybody”, just pointing out that the so far, the federal relief effort had been all hat and no cows.
Thank goodness w has finally seen fit to cut the stay Crawford and get back to the campaign trail. Maybe he’ll actually get someone off their duff and get some water to those poor, dumb bastards down in Nawlin’s who didn’t have the good sense and finacial stake to get out before the big blow like all the smart white folks.
A reporter on CNN just told Aaron Brown that non-essential staff from a private hospital were evacuated, while patients from New Orleans’ largest public hospital stood by in a parking garage across the street.
Who’s setting the priority on these evacuations anyway?
Unkl Witz, Is your real name Kanye West? [hehe] During NBC’s live broadcast of Concert for Hurricane Relief rapper Kanye West, in what appeared to be an impromptu address, told viewers that National Guardsmen were given the unfair order to shoot at African-Americans looters on the streets of New Orleans. . . . West then declared “George Bush doesn’t care about black people.” Before the rapper could complete his statement, NBC producers cut away.
I have a way to fix this whole mess. Just move up the next election to tomorrow. There will be more donks out in boats picking up transients to get them to the polls then you can shake a stick at.
Black people are looting, but according to media experts, white people are, “finding things”…
Knowing the media the white people are finding their houses looted.
It is Bush’s fault that black Democrats in New Orleans are looying gun stores and stealing 42 inch Sony plasma TVs. Or, maybe it is Newt’s fault. NEVER is it the responsibility of the individual. NEVER!!!! [hehe]
A reporter on CNN just told Aaron Brown that non-essential staff from a private hospital were evacuated, while patients from New Orleans’ largest public hospital stood by in a parking garage across the street.
Who’s setting the priority on these evacuations anyway?
Comment by LiberalDave— 9/2/05 @ 7:33 pm
Did your good buddy Aaron happen to mention the report from the hospital that had to repeatedly wave off the rescue copters because those exemplary democrat state controlled citizens were shooting at it with ill-gotten weapons?
I thought not.
I ask one question. If NO knew they are below sea level, why didn’t they have boats?
I think the media got caught up in images. The reporter saw someone taking electronics, and called it looting. He saw someone else taking food and water, and called it “finding things”. The problem was the image for the “looting” was a black person and the “finding things” was a white person. I do not attribute racism to the reporter. But, the disparity of description was a case of poor journalism.
In any case, can we not play the race card here? Response was slow for lots of reasons, none of which I can guarantee you was because the majority of victims were black.
Did your good buddy Aaron happen to mention the report from the hospital that had to repeatedly wave off the rescue copters because those exemplary democrat state controlled citizens were shooting at it with ill-gotten weapons?
I thought not.
Sorry ASS, nice try. This was TODAY and had nothing to do with a sniper.
Unless, of course, you think the hospital would keep patients outside where they could be shot by a sniper.
I thought not.
Here you go, ASS. You were wrong as always.
From yesterday:
BROWN: By mid-afternoon, the mayor told us: “This is a desperate SOS. We are out of resources at the Convention Center and don’t anticipate enough buses. We are running out of supplies,” he said, “for the 15,000 to 20,000 people there. We are now allowing people to march.”
Those who tried to leave the center on their own did not get very far. It is hard to fathom some of what we report, the looting and the carjackings not so much, but how do you explain snipers firing on a medevac helicopter trying to get the sick to safety?
Search and rescue operations have been slowed by the lawlessness. Everything has been slowed by the lawlessness. Hospital evacuations halted because of sniper fire. Trying to make sense of that one. Patients dying while waiting to be evacuated.
Considering your buddies here like Rufus are making numerous blantatly racist comments, it’s hard to not point out the blatant racisim at work here.
Unless, of course, you think the hospital would keep patients outside where they could be shot by a sniper.
I thought not.
Comment by LiberalDave— 9/2/05 @ 8:48 pm
Please, tell me you are really not that dumb.
Let’s use simple words here for you:
*Helicopters fly in the sky.
*The sky is OUTSIDE.
*The helicopters have to come DOWN to the ground from UP in the sky to pick up their passengers.
*Rescue transport helicopters do NOT meld into and out of buildings or through through solid walls (or even semi-solid ones).
*Rescue transport helicopters do NOT park on the curb while the pilots take a coffee break waiting for their patients to just come meandering over with their little helicopter ticket tucked into the tie of their hospital gown.
*The purpose of rescue transport helicopters is to RESCUE and that implies some semblence of EMERGENCY which leads one to expect FAST ACTION.
So yes, dumbass, I do expect that patients, along with their attendant hospital personnel were outside, waiting for a very quick touch down, load and take-off again from their rescuers …which was prevented by selfish, pig, looter/citizens of a liberal democrat controlled city/state (which logic tells us makes them liberal democrats, for who the hell else would vote for liberal democrats.
re 61: That’s it? That’s your carefully reasoned response? OK…. Track the money from any raw material and as it wends its way through the economy, tell me: Who pays the tax? A merchant collects the tax from you. But he is not the one who is really paying the tax, is he?
Who would that taxpayer be? The merchant or the consumer?
Even the “fair and balanced” coverage on FOX News is highly critical. Bill O’Reilly was critical, and now Hannity & Colmes are critical. You should have seen Geraldo Rivera’s emotional pleas from the New Orleans Convention Center.
“Did your good buddy Aaron happen to mention the report from the hospital that had to repeatedly wave off the rescue copters because those exemplary democrat state controlled citizens were shooting at it with ill-gotten weapons?”
Naaa, that is the small percentage of Montana-style white supremist survivalist trying to keep the government from reestablishing control.
Considering your buddies here like Rufus are making numerous blantatly racist comments, it’s hard to not point out the blatant racisim at work here.
Comment by Topher— 9/2/05 @ 9:06 pm
Whatr is so racist about pointing out that the donk media is racist. They are racist through and through.
Please, tell me you are really not that dumb.
No, but clearly you lack even basic reading comprehension skills. Look carefully, I’ll put it in big bold letters so maybe it will sink through your thick skull.
Think, ASS. It isn’t hard, even for someone as fucking dense as yourself. The people who were evacuated were across the street from the public hospital. In other words, had there been a sniper nobody would have been evacuated.
Furthmore, Aaron Brown did mention the sniper yesteryday. Your head was just so far up your ASS you didn’t bother to check before you declared otherwise.
*The purpose of rescue transport helicopters is to RESCUE and that implies some semblence of EMERGENCY which leads one to expect FAST ACTION.
Unless the HOSPITAL is surrounded by WATER and can only be evacuated by HELICOPTER, even if that doesn’t require FAST ACTION.
Lucy @ 74 – fercrisfucking sakes, after you finish your GED take an econ 101 class. I pay a lot of taxes that go to lavishly funded universities. Pick one and go. In it, you’ll learn about a concept called “elasticity” that destroys what you’re saying. In the meantime, please don’t vote; you’re too fucking stupid.
… The President of Venezuela offers armed troops to help with the New Orleans disaster. Now I know what it feels like to live in a third world country. Thanks George.
Without a doubt, HA either has the stupidest wingnuts in the country, or the most insanely blood-visious.
Bush had ample warning that an unpresidented disaster was headed to New Orleans, and he did NOTHING!!!!
These are American citizens DYING in front of us, and the fucking trolls of the right act like it is happening somewhere else, and that it is a political attack against that profoundly inept and emensely psychotic GWB.
You fucking wingnuts sicken me.
how about the charity special. That jerk kanye west was a piece of work. and elsewhere, stone phillips laid some political nonsense into the midst of a decent appeal for help
shame on the politicos..
proudASS “which was prevented by selfish, pig, looter/citizens of a liberal democrat controlled city/state (which logic tells us makes them liberal democrats, for who the hell else would vote for liberal democrats.”
La. a Democratic state? You would have to be proud to be an ass who does not realize that those are RED staters who are “alleged” to be firing weapons on helicopters.
You, proudASS, are a complete, out of your fucking mind, out of touch with reality, Neo-Con wingnut asshole licking, diliverer of right wing death.
Do the world a favor and die.
Without a doubt, HA either has the stupidest wingnuts in the country, or the most insanely blood-visious.
Definitely both!
righton @ 82 “stone phillips laid some political nonsense into the midst of a decent appeal for help”
Any political discussion making clear the miserably failed and dangerous policies of the Neo-Cons is a PLEA FOR HELP!
Mayor Ray Nagin had ample warning that an unpresidented disaster was headed to New Orleans, and he did NOTHING!!!!
Governor Kathleen Blanco had ample warning that an unpresidented disaster was headed to New Orleans, and she did NOTHING!!!!
Gosh… wasn’t that the job they were elected to do?
You whining, Nannystate, cradle to grave “somebody else take care of me” liberals sicken me.
Kong TV at 10pm said 1/2 of the police had left their jobs…
So why do you blame only the Feds? Locals ditching their fellow locals?
Donna; you mean good old boys were in the poor black neighborhoods shooting deer rifles into the air?
You don’t know zip about that place…
Hey Lucy – Answer the following question true or false:
50% of the people are of below average intelligence.
La. a Democratic state? You would have to be proud to be an ass who does not realize that those are RED staters who are “alleged” to be firing weapons on helicopters.-Comment by Donnageddon— 9/2/05 @ 9:57 pm
All those “RED staters” elected these BLUE state peabrained liberals:
Louisiana DEMOCRAT Governor: Kathleen Blanco
Louisiana SENATE: Democrat seats in the Senate: 24 of 38 total, 63.16%
Louisiana HOUSE: Democrat seats in the Senate: 67 of 104, 63.80%
New Orleans DEMOCRAT Mayor: Ray Nagin
You, proudASS, are a complete, out of your fucking mind, out of touch with reality, Neo-Con wingnut asshole licking, diliverer of right wing death.
Do the world a favor and die.
Comment by Donnageddon— 9/2/05 @ 9:57 pm
Smooches and Kisses right back at ya, oh sweet, kind compassionate liberal.
Donna, how about only 1/2 of the corrupt N. Orleans police force is still on the job; rest went fishing…
ouch, must be hard to argue w/ no facts..
proudASS @ 88 “Smooches and Kisses right back at ya, oh sweet, kind compassionate liberal.”
You make the mistake most wingnut morons make. I am compassionate. To those who deserve it. For the assholes shoving a knife into the heart of the world…? They get absolutely NO COMPASSION!
Your knowledge of progressives is completely skewed by the lies from Limbaugh, Hannity, and Savage-Wiener.
The Neo-Cons keep it up and they will soon see how compassionate we are to fascists.
Woody Guthrie’s guitar “This machine kills fascists”
Thinking of changing my nickname to “Woody Guthrie’s guitar”.
I will keep you informed.
The Neo-Cons keep it up and they will soon see how compassionate we are to fascists.
Comment by Donnageddon— 9/2/05 @ 10:26 pm
We already did babe – on the big screen pics of WTO anarchy… on the big screen images from New Orleans anarchy…were you the guy in the ugly turtle suit or the one with his underwear on his head, the stolen gun on his hip and pushing the stolen grocery cart full of stolen Nikes?
Ass @ 92 “We already did babe – on the big screen pics of WTO anarchy… on the big screen images from New Orleans anarchy…were you the guy in the ugly turtle suit or the one with his underwear on his head, the stolen gun on his hip and pushing the stolen grocery cart full of stolen Nikes?”
Moron, The “looters” in New Orleans?
You think that is Liberals? Progressives? How about Starving people living in a sewer with the added attraction of dead bodies all around them, and absolutely no help from the Bush Government?
How long do you think you would last in the Superdome, or the convention center with no water, food… and no help coming?
I imagine you would be shooting down everyone too suck their blood, you overstuffed Neo-Con anus spelunker.
Spin, Spin Spin. You can try forever to make this a “Liberals and progressives caused this” until the end of time. But fortunately, not every one is as psychotic as your demented ass.
How much success do you think the fascist Neo-Cons will have trying to make the Tax Cuts For The Rich permanent?
I really hope they try! Please, wingnut morons! Try to ask congress to make the Tax Cuts For The Rich permanent!!
How long do you think you would last in the Superdome, or the convention center with no water, food… and no help coming?-Comment by Donnageddon— 9/2/05 @ 10:45 pm
Terrific questions for the eminenty and clearly unprepared
1. The Louisiana DEMOCRAT Governor: Kathleen Blanco;
2. The Louisiana SENATE: Democrat seats in the Senate: 24 of 38 total, 63.16%;
3. The Louisiana HOUSE: Democrat seats in the Senate: 67 of 104, 63.80%;
4. The New Orleans DEMOCRAT Mayor: Ray Nagin;
Did you happen to see that pic of the 200+ school buses clever Mayor Nagin let drown rather than use pre-emptively?
I imagine you would be shooting down everyone too suck their blood, you overstuffed Neo-Con anus spelunker.
No the shooters would be some of your biggest constituents. You know the thugs you give crack to for a vote. They are to ones shooting and looting the city.
Ass @ 95 La is a National Disaster Area. You mean to think that New Orleans was left to itself???
Bush and his “priorities” are the real cause of the disaster. Spin Spin SPin.. keep trying.
I love seeing you make a complete fool of yourself.
Bush : I want every American to do all they can to stop these terrorists. Now check out this golf swing!”
The Bush Administration is over. And until the Republicans completely disavow them, they are over as well.
I just can’t wait to see how many of those competant Louisiana liberals are turned out of office come the next election..if, of course, those poor citizens recover from the debacle of the ones they elected the last time around.
Can’t wait to turn out this incompetent president who views FEMA as a fime place to put a political crony.
RUFUS @ 97
I would like to nominate you for the poster boy for the Rove Institute of Conservative Aim to Kill More American Citizens and the do a Horrible Job of Spin Control. AKA: RIAKMACHJSC
Bonfire of the vanities (what i thought of watched that dufus mayor in action)
The Bush Administration is over. -Comment by Donnageddon— 9/2/05 @ 10:59 pm
You’ve been singing that song for a while now …since Nov 200, to be exact.
Don’t give up your day job, babe, (Donnageddon wants to know if you’d like fries with that order) the psychic network doesn’t want you.
I just can’t wait to see how many of those incompetant Neo-Cons are turned out of office come the next election..if, of course, those poor citizens recover from the debacle of the President they elected last time around.
He’s over his head. He quite reasonably expected help. He was left to hang out there.
You mean to think that New Orleans was left to itself???
Actually in a sense there are people who are being left to fend for themselves there. Everyone now housed in the convention center are being refused if they even try to leave the city!! Can you believe it? There’s a town across a bridge right next to them that has electricity, food, water, all the things that they’re not getting, and the government is keeping them locked down with NOTHING in stinking filth.
You won’t believe it, I didn’t really, but Shep Smith and Geraldo from FOX were incensed by what they’re seeing. Hannity kept trying to minimalize it but they wouldn’t let him.
The Bush Administration is over. And until the Republicans completely disavow them, they are over as well. -Comment by Donnageddon— 9/2/05 @ 10:59 pm
You’ve been singing that tired old song for a while now… since Nov 2000 to be exact.
Don’t give up your day job, babe, (Donnageddon want to know if you’d like fries with that order) the psych*c (psychotic??!) hotline doesn’t want you
LiberalDave @ 103
True enough. I used to live in New Orleans. They could have transported those folks to the other side of the river relatively easily, and let them stay at a high school or some other place with toilets and showers.
…the VERY RIGHTEOUS Steve Gilliard:
“A note to our conservative friends:
Ever wonder why New Yorkers detest George Bush?Because we experienced his incompetence up close and person. We knew this guy was full of shit, absolutely full of fucking shit, after they started to play games with the funding and gave Wyoming terrorism money. We knew he was an assclown then.We thought DC 9/11 was a comedy, because the Bush we saw hid in AF One like the scared bitch that he is.But did you listen?Fuck no. Until last week, Ann Coulter was calling New Yorkers cowards for not endorsing Bush’s folly in Iraq.We have been screaming for two years that Bush and his team sucked. That they had no clue. They sent soldiers to be wounded in Iraq without armored anything. And you idiots cheered him on from the safety of your keyboards. We told you he was fucking up Iraq. But no, we supported Saddam, we were racist, we blamed America.
*** snip, snip ************************************************************************
Bush, the man your fever dreams built into the next Winston Churchill when he is really the live action Chauncey Gardiner, has failed to everyone, in plain sight, without question. Rick Perry is trying to save his ass, but it ain’t working. NOLA looks like ANGOLA and that ain’t flying.
Say 9/11 changed everything now, motherfuckers. Ooops, 9/11, 9/11. 9/11. Doesn’t work anymore? Gee, maybe the sea of alligator MRE’s once known as the citizens of New Orleans has something to do with that. Now you can shut the fuck up about 9/11. Bush just proved what would happen with another 9/11. Dead Americans as far as the nose can smell.
Just read the WHOLE THING it rocks! (kos loves this guy…and I do too)
…the republican party-when it ABSOLUTELY has to be fucked-up OVERNIGHT!
I heard something about the fear of disease. Is New Orleans being quarantined, do you think?
righton @ 100 “Bonfire of the vanities (what i thought of watched that dufus mayor in action)”
Yes Nagin cut the funds for FEMA, the Army Corps of Engineers, the Oil Industry raping of the natural buffers for natural disaster. Nagin did not provide the Federal Medical ships that every other President puts in place for these disasters. Nagin did not call the La National Guard (Now stationed in Iraq to ensure that an Islamic Govermenat is n charge of Iraq) to buttress the levees and dikes. Nagin ensured that military helicopters where in Iraq hunting for
Bin Laden, WMD, democracy… er.. securing oil, so that we pay 3 dollars a gallon and we quickly dip into recession, followed by depression.Yeah, Nagin did that!
Oh, I forgot. That is all the Bush Admnistrations fault.
Never mind. Go on worshipping the WORST.PRESIDENT.EVER.
You forgot something
Nagin put police on the ground right after the disaster hit.
Yeah, Nagin did that!… not
RUFUS @ 109 Spin Spin Spin until the vultures pick the flesh from your self-denying ass.
I don’t care. No Compassion for those who should no better.
LiberalDave @ 106
It’s fear all right, but it ain’t fear of disease.
Did Nagin send in 100% of the police force, or the 50% still on the job?
What’s up w/ that kind of leadership?
Yeah. I hear ya.
I don’t care. No Compassion for those who should no better.
Comment by Donnageddon— 9/2/05 @ 11:25 pm
Are you talking about the people who did not evacuate when told to? Where were the police making sure everyone was evacuated? Does anyone know the answer? Did they not know any better? Even better are you politically incorrect in even asking the question?
No “RUFUS” I am talking about you.
There were a lot of areas other than New Orleans that were flooded. For example, the east bank of St Bernard Parish — just downriver from New Orleans and overwhelmingly white. The levees there were overtopped by the storm surge, and flooded to about 16 feet or so above sea level — water that is trapped from going out by those same levees. Probably a lot of people who stayed behind were killed by the very sudden storm surge. Here is the official Saint Bernard parish website:
4:00 P.M. Tuesday, August 30, 2005
U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu, viewing the damage in a helicopter, quietly traced the sign of the cross across her head and chest as she looked out at St. Bernard Parish, where only roofs peaked out from the water. “The whole parish is gone,” Landrieu said. “It’s completely gone,” she repeated later, in disbelief. –
And “RUFUS”, the people who did not evacuate, could not. They are the poor. They had no cars. They could catch no trains. No Bus’s for them.
They were not stupid. They were not expendible.
They were killed by the Bush Administration prioroties. Just as we all will be, if we do not stop them. We are nothing but “money” to them.
That is their only god.
Goldy, you missed your calling. You should have gone into acting. Reading the first sentence of this post reminded me of watching an NBA game where a 275 lb. center gets lightly bumped and then goes flailing backward in a showy display designed to call attention to the “foul.”
You don’t give a rats ass about the victims of Katrina except that they are a great way for you to shamelessly exploit the hurricane and emergency response as Bush’s fault. You can’t comprehend that Louisiana or New Orleans would have any responsibility or culpability in the circumstances that led to this disaster, or in the immediate response. Hint: no one was closer to New Orleans when the levees broke than the local authorities.. But hey, blame a conservative and then ask for more money, that’s your mantra.
You’ve learned well from Cindy Sheehan. Victim politics at its ugliest.
Don’t know when you are your sycophants are ever going to learn that this faux compassionate hauteur that you practice, does not win hearts and minds. The tone of your post is similar to that of campaign speeches of both Kerry and Gore. And you wonder why you keep losing.
100,000 people in New Orleans don’t even own a car, and 30% of the city lives below the poverty level. It really isn’t that hard to figure out that those are who we’ve been seeing on CNN and Fox the last week, desperately begging for help that seemingly isn’t coming.
What a joke @ 117
You are the hemeroid on the Bush Administration Asshole.
Hey ASS, changing your name does not change who you are. It’s pretty lame, actually.
To pretty much sum up the collective (God, don’t liberals just love that word??) mindset here:
The horsesass got a hemorrhoid/hangnail/bloodynose (take your pick)…it’s all Bush’s fault.
Hey ASS, changing your name does not change who you are. It’s pretty lame, actually. -Comment by LiberalDave— 9/2/05 @ 11:51 pm
Sorry sweetcheeks, you’re just not as smart as you think you are.
Ass @ 121 “it’s all Bush’s fault.”
He has been “on the job” for five years now. About time he takes the blame for his policies.
Uh huh, sure thing ASS.
Ass, you are not as smart as you think I am.
LOL! Donnageddon, thank you for that. =)
LOL LibDave!
The Hard Core Trolls are really reaching now. I think they sense that their House Of Hatred is crumbling on thier asses. I am just sorry that destruction of La had to Be the call to senses.
Long Live America.
Death to the Fascists!
ain’t it just ever so cute: sweetcheeks and donna, their mutual admiration society and the half a brain between them.
Smooches kiddies – now go to bed; it’s past your bedtime, you’re annoying the adults and if you ever expect to grow past 4’7 you have to get your rest.
Don’t let the bedbugs bite…but if the do, BlameBush.
Naah, our mutual laugh at your expense.
Ass, you can try to spin the blame away from Bush.. But, America is a hardened country. You can only ignore disaster once and be forgiven.
The Neo-Con experiment is done. Put a fork in it.
And if not.. as the wabbit sayz. “We are armed. And we will not let you destroy America without a fight”****
*** I am paraphrasing the rabbit. RR I apologize.
In other words ASS, I love America so much, I WILL fight for it.
Woody Guthrie’s Guitar
In other words ASS, I love America so much, I WILL fight for it.
-Comment by Donnageddon— 9/3/05 @ 12:12 am
whoop de frickin do – promises on what might be.
Call me when you HAVE FOUGHT for it, kiddo.
Call me when you HAVE PRIDE in it, kiddo.
Or shall I just keep an eye out for you in the NEXT Seattle riot – although, NEWSFLASH babe, anarchy and rioting are NOT fighting FOR your country.
Ass, you can try to spin the blame away from Bush.. But, America is a hardened country. You can only ignore disaster once and be forgiven.
The Neo-Con experiment is done. Put a fork in it.
And if not.. as the wabbit sayz. “We are armed. And we will not let you destroy America without a fight”****
*** I am paraphrasing the rabbit. RR I apologize.
Comment by Donnageddon— 9/3/05 @ 12:07 am
ME at 113: The Bush Administration is over. And until the Republicans completely disavow them, they are over as well. -Comment by Donnageddon— 9/2/05 @ 10:59 pm
You’ve been singing that tired old song for a while now… since Nov 2000 to be exact.
Don’t give up your day job, babe, (Donnageddon want to know if you’d like fries with that order) the psych*c (psychotic??!) hotline doesn’t want you
Comment by HowCanYouBePROUDtobeAnASS— 9/2/05 @ 11:12 pm
Snoozefest, babe… time for a new tune, cuz you still ain’t you made that one fly.
Ass, I am not talking about anarchy, I have no use, or respect for anarchy. I love Democracy. And Freedom. Of Press. Of Religion. Of thought.
i.e. I am against the Bush Neo-Cons.
Is that too hard for you to understand.
Let me make it simpler.
Bush = Fascism, Mass death, Class War, Depression, Endless National Debt, Environmental degradation, Climatic Extinction, Endless War.
Neo-Cons think Bush Means = Never worry the Rapture is coming.
I prefer to be more patriotic and loving of our ancestors.
But, you could be agaisnt all I am in favor of.
“loving of our ancestors”
I meant “loving of our descendents”
I am against the Bush Neo-Cons. -Comment by Donnageddon— 9/3/05 @ 12:28 am
Finally a liberal that admits the TRUTH about himself and his motives.
Goodnight, Mr Moon;
Goodnight Seattle Loons.
Goodnight, tellers of fibs;
Goodnight, googy libs.
Goodnight, kettles of noxious gas;
Goodnight, HorsesAss.
Goodnight, America’s best and bright;
Goodnight, thinking RIGHT.
Goodnight, Mr Moon;
Goodnight Seattle Loons.
Hells bells, fingers that work would be nice:
Goodnight, Mr Moon;
Goodnight Seattle Loons.
Goodnight, tellers of fibs;
Goodnight, goofy libs.
Goodnight, kettles of noxious gas;
Goodnight, HorsesAss.
Goodnight, America’s best and bright;
Goodnight, thinking RIGHT.
Goodnight, Mr Moon;
Goodnight Seattle Loons.
Ass @ 147 “Finally a liberal that admits the TRUTH about himself and his motives.”
What illusions have you held!!! JFHC! Any liberal/progressive worth his/her salts adamently against fascism!
Are you drunk?
Editorial: Not Acceptable 09/03/2005
The (New Orleans) Times-Picayune Editorial Board
A day after a normally easy-going Mayor Ray Nagin blasted federal officials’ seeming indifference to the plight of New Orleanians who are stranded and dying, President Bush stood on the lawn of the White House and conceded the point: The federal government did not move quickly enough or forcefully enough to help those people hit hardest by Hurricane Katrina. “The results are not acceptable,” the president said before boarding a helicopter to go survey the storm’s damage.
It’s good to hear the president admit his administration’s shortcomings, and it’s even better to hear his promise to help all of us who are in need. But the sad truth remains that the federal government’s slow start has already proved fatal to some of the most vulnerable people in the New Orleans area. Water has killed hundreds, if not thousands, of people. A lack of water to drink is exacting its toll on others.
“I don’t want to see anybody do anymore goddamn press conferences,” the mayor said during a WWL radio interview Thursday. “Put a moratorium on press conferences. Don’t do another press conference until the resources are in this city.”
The mayor had obviously become fed up with federal bureaucrats’ use of future tense verbs. “Don’t tell me 40,000 people are coming here,” he said. “They’re not here. It’s too doggone late. Now get off your asses and do something, and let’s fix the biggest goddamn crisis in the history of this country.”
We applaud the mayor for giving voice to an entire city’s frustration. How could the most powerful and technologically advanced nation in the history of the world have responded so feebly to this crisis?
The president’s admission of his administration’s mistakes will mean nothing unless the promised help is deployed immediately. Each life is precious, and there isn’t a second chance to save a single one of them. No more talk of what’s going to happen. We only want to hear what is being done. The lives of our people depend on it.
RP @151
Good Post. Now if you will disavow all the claptrap the Bush administration has spouted about “Homeland Security” and the “Iraq Disaster” you might get my vote.
And yes, if you proclaim a return to old fashioned conservative (no phony “compassionate conservatism) fiscal policy… you will be my hero.
Don’t dissapoint me. Denounce the Neo-Con traitors NOW!
FYI “Woody Guthrie’s Guitar” has voted for many Republicans before they lost their way.
I hope I have a reason to vote for one again.
2 words, Kanye West (prototyical Dem; rude and stupid)
Since Bush listened to the reports of the approaching storm and declared a disaster area TWO DAYS before Katrina hit land , why isn’t there any questioning of why the Governor and Mayor did nothing?
Hard to expect a town built on vice and good times would also be able to build disaster plans. New Orleans is our happy go lucky cousin of sorts, who drinks, smokes, and never saves a dime. We’ll bail her out though..
150 – Don, after Schiavo and the election contest, ASS, the proud private school product, is drunk with hate.
I find it interesting, ok disgusting, to hear the local contrarians pontificate about response, results, and conspiracies. While you all are comfortable, with electricity, eating, and enjoying the leisure to comment, real people are suffering, dying, and lost.
Do something!
Hey, we set up tent cities in the 70’s at Murray for Cambodians, why the hell aren’t we doing the same thing for NOLAs? We have 48 C-17s at McChord, and aircrews that would like to see their families, and capacity to carry survivors. We did it for people a lot farther away, we can damned well do it here.
And yes, let’s just tap into the state funds to provide for these people. Stop pontificating about a mythological federal budget, and bring it home. Spend our money, even if we had to tap into your local favorite program to help.
Give till it hurts.
Those people are democrats, you owe them a special duty to protect them from your described evil right wing. Show the nation that you protect your own and demand that Gregoire, Sims, Ladenburg, and company will use state and county monies to contract airliners to bring them into the state, put them up, house clothe, feed, educate, and care for them.
Otherwise, shut the hell up!
158; yeah, let Ron Sims run it, and register them all to vote in KC.
Watch for a lot of political spending to look nice and kind.
Of course the ultimate in political incorrectness would be to take an opposite position in all this, seems the only safe questions to ask are how come bush didn’t fly there day 1…?
Hey, Seattle is going to buy garbage trucks for their contracted waste company for $180K
That’s 372 NOLAs you could put on a plane up here.
Unless spending taxpayer dollars to benefit a private company by buying them equipment to service you is more important than say, HUMAN LIFE!
NEVER apologize in front of those right-wing assholes. They don’t, why should we. Stick a fork in ’em! And don’t forget, we don’t use rock salt, stock up on double-ought buckshot for your Streetsweeper, for when Ann Coulter comes to put us in concentration camps and execute us! God I hope she personally comes to my house to arrest me for being a liberal, if she does the Rapture will arrive early for her ….
“To pretty much sum up the collective (God, don’t liberals just love that word??) mindset here”
Just can’t resist the “commie” name-calling, can you? Fuck you, Nazi! And fuck the horse …
Pervert @ 161 “Unless spending taxpayer dollars to benefit a private company by buying them equipment to service you is more important than say, HUMAN LIFE!”
Right you are Pervert, Bush’s stuffing of billions of dollars into Haliburton while human lives are lost by the hundreds of thousands in Iraq is OBSCENE!
No argument on that.
Now, demanding your President change those spending priorities is going to have what effect? Has he listened to you before, and do you have any hope that he will listen now? Or do you have more effect on calling on your local politicians to pony up for your priorities?
Are you willing to put your local money where your mouth is, or you just going to find opportunities to snipe and NOT help people? Rants about Halliburton and Bush aren’t going to stop people from dying. And, mind you, a failure to act in the defense of life and safety on your part when you have the opportunity to help makes you just as culpable.
Great, the news just showed another couple of corpses of people that died in the past couple of hours. Shame on you.
As an afterthought, do the world a favor. Since it seems that the people on this board are about differentiating themselves from their evil couterparts by whining about inaction when their time could be spent actually helping people, do myself and other responders a favor:
Go to your phonebook and take to heart the emergency action section. Evaluate the threats to your home, plan, prepare, and live your life. Have an extra $100 in cash with you to buy gas if you have to evacuate at any time. If the government tells you to leave, get OUT! If you didn’t plan well enough to have a series of followon actions, or your original plan was disrupted, get out and adjust your plan! Do it from a place of safety. Have 72 (my opinion is 180 hours, since you will need to care for your neighbors) hours of full food and water available. Keep a gas stove with some extra propane around. First aid kits, have them onhand. Stay fit. Expect as much as a 20 mile hike through woods, devastation, water, rain, and other hazards to get to safety.
A lack of preparation on your part contributes to the difficulty of rescue/recovery. Just put on any news channel and see the results.
Having said that, we who respond will get to you as quickly as we can, and through the priorities we establish when we assess the scene, dangers, and needs. We have compassion and want to help, but you have to accept that we cannot allow someone to die if you are merely discomforted as a result of your poor response to warnings. We’ll deal with your discomfort at the soonest opportunity, but only after we save the lives we can. Yelling, threatening, whining, shooting at me, or demanding does nothing to distract me from my mission of saving lives in the order of highest priority, and may further jeopardize your life by delaying the response to you.
Take heed, people of the Puget Sound. You are merely a lahar, earthquake, or tsunami (read up on the Whidbey Island fault sometime), chemical release, or terrorist act away from living and dying the in the fashion that the NOLAs are going through.
My request. Stop the sniping, get to work and actually help your neighbors in the deep south. Then, take their lessons to heart and make sure YOU never end up in that position.
@43 – Well that blows the talking point then about the category 4 and 5 hurricanes being responsible for the levee breach – that just leaves oh budget cuts to the corp of engineers for 5 years in a row to Louisiana.
Can’t keep those funds from fighting the war on terror otherwise you’re called unpatriotic or a traitor.
The federal government spent $430 million on the levee, the state and local government spent $50 million. One of these didn’t pony up its fair share. Hint: it wasn’t the federal government.
@127 And “RUFUS”, the people who did not evacuate, could not. They are the poor. They had no cars. They could catch no trains. No Bus’s for them.
They were not stupid. They were not expendible.
They were killed by the Bush Administration prioroties.
Again, have you seen the pictures of the buses underwater? Bush didn’t have the keys to those buses. Who did? Maybe a democrat?