The Washington Farm Bureau came out with their primary election endorsements today, and they’re almost entirely Republican of course. For example, at the Federal level they endorsed Republicans John Koster (R), Jaime Herrera (R), Rep. Doc Hastings (R) and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R) in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Congressional Districts respectively.
But what I found most interesting was this little comment on the U.S. Senate race:
No candidate for U.S. Senate received sufficient recommendations to allow for an endorsement.
And of course by “no candidate” what they really mean is Republican “Dino Rossi.”
So why did Rossi, who the Farm Bureau previously endorsed for governor, get snubbed when a do-nothing seat-warmer like Hastings easily gets the nod? Was there a large contingent of Clint Didier supporters? Or perhaps incumbent Sen. Patty Murray, who won the Friend of the Farm Bureau Award in 2009, has a few, um, friends on the Farm Bureau who appreciate her work on behalf of Washington’s agriculture industry?
Bingo! Murray pulls in plenty of votes in the red part of the state. The FB might not endorse her in an election year, but they’re not going to work to unseat her.
This speaks more to what Murray is, then what Rossi ain’t. That she would be a better avocate for agribusiness is not saying a whole hellava lot.
Nice Try Goldy==No Sale
It’s totally about Didier. He’s an actual real-life farmer for cryin’ out loud!!
Once the Primary is over, Rossi will be endorsed.
Do you know what “grasping at straws” means Goldy?
Murray is a A#1 dumbass who wouldn’t know a carrot from her ass.
Cynny spews: “Murray is a A#1 dumbass who wouldn’t know a carrot from her ass.”
Cynny is an authority when it comes to not knowing the difference between a carrot and his ass.
Except for the gratuitous swipe at Patty, carrots and whatever, Mr Cynical has it right. The FB endorsement story is about Didier NOT getting the nod even though he is a farmer. It also says volumes about a Friends of the Farm Bureau just last year (Patty) not supported as well. This is probably a prelude to a General Election Dino endorsement.
Mr. Cynical is not cynical enough. It’s a combination of support for Didier and a desire to play both sides in the matchup between Dino and Patty. Why put your – figurative – money on the line when you can straddle the fence? Or ride both horses? My metaphors are not working well here.
I just came back from an excursion into rural Washington. I was surprised both by how many Didier signs I saw, and how few Rossi signs were up. As near as I could tell, the number was holding steady at or near zero.
It’s early of course. I doubt many people off the pages of HA are thinking much about the election just yet. Just the same, the lopsidedness of the support makes me wonder if an upset might be in the works.
Of course, I look forward to seeing Didier in the general election. George Nethercutt and Ellen Craswell (two recent sacrificial lambs for high office in WA state) at least did know what an election was and were elected by a majority of their constituents before they tried for bigger and better things. Didier as the GOP’s standard bearer will result in a happy romp for Murray as opposed to a race with Rossi which promises to be a slog.
There are a dearth of farmers in the Farm Bureau- like the Grange, it’s really just a health and life insurance broker with great lobbyists. They represent no real constituency of voters.
@3 Typical childlike response from the crowd of magic and superstition. “Murray is a A#1 dumbass”. You might disagree with her politics, and she’s a lot of things, but dumb ass ain’t one of them.
When magic and superstition have failed, childlike name calling always works. Pathetic.
It’s good to see 2 half wits like Dino and Didler fight it out which means the west side will provide the necessary brain trust to crush any right wing attempt in Nov.
I can assure you all that Mr. Cynical definitely knows the difference between a carrot and his ass. He really likes it when I peg him, preferably with a carrot.
That does it…Didier EARNED my vote!