Daniel Kirkdorffer has the latest on the ballot counting in the Burner/Reichert race, so really… why bother repeating it here?
Though I do have a couple things to add about those bursting ballot bags that have been widely reported. First, these votes will be counted. A similar problem occurred during the primary, and all those ballots were counted.
Second, these ballots absolutely should be counted. Over on (u)SP my beer-buddy Stefan writes: “What would Democrats do without ballots of questionable provenance?” Questionable provenance my ass. Of course, that’s just his fallback in case Darcy wins.
The fact is, these are absentee ballots, sealed in their envelopes, that were dropped off at the polls on election day, and for which there was a chain of custody from the polling place to the cage. It has been suggested that because the seals were broken on these bags, ballots could have been added after the polls closed, but again… these are absentee ballots, sealed within their envelopes, that must have their signatures verified before the ballots are counted.
Besides, the real risk with the broken seals is not ballots being added, but ballots being removed.
The idiots over on the pro-terrorism conservative blog are indulging in wild, irresponsible speculation about “ballot bag stuffing.” They’re full of shit! But I think it’s a good thing when they go off the deep end like this, because it proves they’re nuts and guarantees no one will ever take them seriously. Hey kiddies just to enhance your credibility further, let’s have some more posts like this one:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago.
Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
The GOP playbook calls for declaring “victory” before the votes are counted then feigning outrage and claiming the election was “stolen” if it flips in the late count.
It’s intellectually dishonest — and Stefan is intellectually dishonest, too, for inciting his crazy followers when he knows damn well the overstuffed ballot bags are anything but the normal sort of glitch that occurs in election administration and there’s virtually no chance anyone put any illegal ballots in those bags.
But what would Stefan know about election administration? He couldn’t even hold a pollworker job for one day.
The TRUTH (a word much-misused by wingnuts) is … we DON’T KNOW who won the Reichert – Burner race; and won’t know until the ballots are counted. Duh-uh, how hard is that? Too hard for intellectually dishonest wingnuts liars, apparently.
Don’t let these lying bastards get away with trying to call this race. The counted ballots DO NOT predict how the voters who cast the uncounted ballots voted! There’s no cause-and-effect relationship there, folks! The uncounted ballots could contain anything.
So, let’s just wait until the votes are counted, then we’ll declare the race. Is that too hard for you pea-brained wingnuts to understand?
“What would Democrats do without ballots of questionable provenance?â€
Sharkansky is just throwing his sycophants red meat. They’ve been craving some since their Nov 7th thrashing. He obviously didn’t read Jonathan Martin’s article closely enough to understand there is little doubt or concern about these ballots and that they will be counted.
I mean really, you disqualify 200 ballots because a zipper broke? I don’t think so.
I admit it, I opened those ballot bags. I was searching for proof that, despite all his whining all these years, Stefan actually votes by mail. I found his absentee ballot, and you’ll soon see the scan of it in my upcoming, sure to be Pulitzer winning, article: “The Shark Tanks – Liar or Hypocrite, You Make the Call!”
Sharansky, in addition to be an illiterate who can’t spell his own fucking name, is nothing but a wingnut bomb-thrower and agitator. He’s no “investigative journalist,” he’s a propagandist in the tradition of Dr. Goebbels, and a partisan hack in the tradition of Roger Rabbit.
“being an illiterate”
damn it’s hard to type with furry paws
How do you know they have clear chain of custody?
I think you are just repeating what that KCRE guy said.
Do you always trust 100% of what gov’t officials say?
The ballot-bag controversy is a great example of the difference between people like the Minnow and many in the Republican Party, and normal people.
The minnow’s first reaction is to prevent 20,000 people from having their vote counted because some poorly paid poll worker did not follow procedures perfectly.
Normal people understand that it is more important to count peoples votes. Errors happen, but you do not disenfranchise people as your first resort.
Before you throw out a ballot, the burden is on you to prove there is a problem first. Do you have any proof that there is anything wrong with the ballots?
And isn’t it interesting that in part you probably have this problem because the minnow insist that mailing in your ballot is a bad idea?
Why is the risk of ballots being added not real? (Even a ballot from a signature-verified registered voter should not be counted if it was cast after election day.) I should think that, in principle, the risks of ballots being added and ballots being removed are both real. And in practice, it’s certainly reasonable for Republicans to be nervous about bags of ballots handled in a way that violated the security protocol by an election apparatus appointed by Democrats, in a county dominated by Democrats.
It’s also incredibly stupid for Burner to say “If you were going to have a Democrat win this district … this would be the way it would play out”. What does that mean? That she thinks the way for a Democrat could win in 8th district is for King county to unexpectedly find bags of ballots handled in a way that violated the security protocol?
Even though the handling of these bags did violate the security protocol, and it is therefore entirely accurate to characterize the ballots in them as “of questionable provenance”, I have little doubt that, in the absence of specific evidence of tampering, any court would find that the danger of disenfranchisment outweighs the danger of tampering, and thus would order the ballots to be counted.
“Do you always trust 100% of what gov’t officials say?
Commentby righton— 11/13/06@ 11:43 am”
Oh-my-God! What a fucking hypocrite!
What kind of right-wing nut do you have to be in order to make a statement like this after all the blind allegiance the neocons have sworn on the alter of conservatism and George W. Bush?
The reason nearly 3,000 American soldiers have died and nearly 20,000 wounded and half a trillion dollars spent in Iraq and the loss of our credibility in the world is precisely because asshole jerk offs like you have trusted 100% of what George W. Bush and the RNC has spoon fed you. You fucking idiot!
Grow the fuck up before you ever vote again, asshole. Your vote for Republican candidates are a votes against our soldiers.
Thank God, the honest adults are in, and the Culture of Corruption is out.
12 David Wright
“If you were going to have a Democrat win this district … this would be the way it would play out”. What does that mean?
It means
(a) The race would probably be close.
(b) That being the case, absentee and provisional ballots would ultimately decide it.
How do you know they have clear chain of custody?
Commentby righton— 11/13/06@ 11:43 am
Because the poll workers are willing to testify, under oath, that they had full posession of those ballots from the pulling place to the cage.
12 DW
it’s certainly reasonable for Republicans to be nervous about bags of ballots handled in a way that violated the security protocol by an election apparatus appointed by Democrats, in a county dominated by Democrats.
It would be reasonable IF they had some valid evidence of wrongdoing or a known history of machine politics in the area. But they don’t, outside of the hysterical Republican fever swamp dreams of the “stolen” 2004 elections that was (in RealityWorld)actually played by the book and held up under intense courtroom scrutiny, in which Republicans got to take their best shots at proving some (or ANY) kind of malfeasance and failed.
So no, it’s NOT “certainly reasonable” at all.
Should I have added the “handpicked Republican judge in eastern Washington’s Chelan County” bit? I thought it didn’t really need it.
Here’s the skinny, from the ever-reliable Seattle Times (my Republican father used to call them “the Seattle Timid”)
“King County Elections staff said about 100 bags — containing up to 20,000 absentee ballots that had been dropped off at polling sites on Election Day — remain uncounted because of an array of problems caused by the bags’ being overstuffed.
That’s a lot of ballots.
Jim Buck, King County’s interim elections director…said the bags had a clear chain of custody until they reached the counting-room floor, and were never outside the control of poll workers. “I think poll workers who take an oath had these under their control all the way through election night,” Buck said. “I don’t think there is any question that they were timely received.”
Sounds like they’ll have testimony from poll workers who took an oath to conduct the elections fairly and impartially (or whatever; I don’t know their oath). But Jim Buck isn’t the one who decides, it’s the bipartisan board…
At a county elections canvassing-board meeting on Tuesday, Buck will recommend that the ballots be accepted and opened for verification and processing.
He’ll make a recommendation and the board will decide. It wil be their Second Post-election Meeting. Election observers will also be present.
You want more? I’m looking for the names of the Canvassing Board.
All I have come up with so far is that the King County Cavassing Board has three members, and their meetings are all public.
From the same story…Jim Buck, King County’s interim elections director:
“The question is not whether it is a valid ballot, because we will be doing signature verification, but whether it came in on election night,” he said. “All these bags came back on election night and were locked up in the cages.”
Any questions?
David Wright,
It’s certainly just as easy to add a bunch of absentee ballots as it is to remove them. The problem with adding absentee ballots is to figure out how to do so in such a way that the ballots actually get counted. The consequences of getting caught are grave enough, and the odds of actually altering the outcome of the election slim enough, that the risk-benefit calculation turns the possibility of adding ballots into a purely theoretical possibility.
As for the Burner quote, not that even in the article itself, her comment was solely in response to the fact that there are more ballots to be counted, and that the final Democratic push would come from absentee and provisional ballots.
It’s also worth noting that the Burner quote is incomplete as signified by the presence of the ellipses. We don’t even have her full remark, let alone the full context of her remarks. And, of course, we all know just how accurate the press can be in conveying context when there are length limitations for their stories. Don’t we?
Lastly, with respect to the phrase “questionable provenance,” I have to call bullshit on that one. It’s complete, and unmitigated, bullshit. Stephan knows full well that the “provenance” of those ballots is fully established by the willingness of the poll workers to testify, under oath and facing the full penalty of purgery, as to the chain of custody. He’s purposefully playing to sycophants like you who have yet figured out how to think critically about anything that’s said by people who declare themselves to be Republicans. He’s playing you for a fool, and you’re letting him get away with it.
Someone else writes:
Ballots from Gay Pride Dave’s stronghold of Pierce County are all about counted now, and absentees and provisionals from KC are just swinging in. So if the gap between the candidates changes, it’s probably to be expected, though the wingnuts will scream bloody murder every time Darcy edges closer.
“The Nov. 21, 1994, edition of Time — published after the midterms, in which Republicans gained control of the House of Representatives and the Senate — featured the headline “G.O.P. Stampede: A Special Report” on the cover and a graphic of an elephant trampling a donkey. The Nov. 20 edition of Time — after the 2006 congressional elections, in which Democrats gained control of the House of Representatives and the Senate — features as the cover story “Why the center is the new place to be,” with a graphic of a Venn diagram.”
Read More http://mediamatters.org/items/200611130001
Damn, I hope the three ballots I filled out got there.
How neutral and unthreatening.
Then again, the Republicans of the time were pretty much fire-breathers. I don’t know how closely any 2006 Dem rhetoric matches up. Has anyone looked into it?
Besides it (1994) was a first-term midterm and those are usually not as poisonous for the president’s party.
24 Dave
If they don’t all have valid, non-duplicated signatures of registered voters, it won’t matter if they’re there or not.
I just thought I’d point out, that your cute little fuzzy Mrs. Burner is going to LOSE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Try running a qualified candidate next time. It’s amazing what having qualified candidates can do for you. Worked pretty well in races like the Virginia Senate race for you guys.
64K ballots ouitstanding in Pierce/86K in King.
Now, granted, the 8th is a much smaller slice of Pierce than King, but I’ve been hearing about OMG THERE’S THIS MASSIVE OUTSTANDING VOTE FOR DARCY THAT WILL MAKE HER TEH WINNAR!!1111 for 5 days counting, and it ain’t shown up yet. If the Monday vote reports don’t start making some progress, I think the fat lady gets to sing tonight.
Try running a qualified candidate next time. It’s amazing what having qualified candidates can do for you.
This shouldn’t be a problem (even if I take your faulty premise that citizens shouldn’t try to get elected to Congress without taking another elected office first): Democrats holding House and Senate seats outnumber Republicans 15-6 in the 7 legislative districts that comprise the 8th CD (2nd, 5th, 31st, 41st, 45th, 47th, 48th).
Sheriff Dave has a VERY deep bench to be facing come 2008.
27 Cliff
I just thought I’d point out that you have no fucking idea.
But here, Darcy may actually be qualified!
US Constitution Article I Section 2.
Dang, who knew? Why’d they keep this a secret for so long? Goddamn KC Elections!
27 Cliff
But speaking of “qualified candiates” and Virginia, what’s up with Macaca Allen? Is he the best you could do?
Don’t dismiss Pierce County just yet. They still have over 15,000 absentees from 8th CD voters left to count and report. This information was found on Pierce County Auditor’s web site.
Hell, they might just be what’s needed to propel Richard Pope to a come-from-behind victory in the judicial race.
32 Metro
If they break like the rest of Pierce County, that’s an increase of 2000 votes for Dave.
What is the hurry? Neither candidate has to be sworn in until January 2007. Get it right and then move-on, whoever the winner is.
I think they elected him because they thought he’d be someone they could manipulate. But Bush genuinely feels like he was elected to govern. — Jules Carlysle, Author of DUMBASS
Get ready for all War on Christmas all the time as O’Reilly’s numbers are tanking and he will need something to keep the old folks tuning in:
On the November 10 edition of MSNBC’s Countdown, host Keith Olbermann noted that while his own ratings have significantly increased since the November 7 midterm elections, Fox News host Bill O’Reilly’s ratings have gone down. As Olbermann stated, “Not counting Tuesday’s election coverage, [O’Reilly’s ratings] are down another five percent just from last week. Countdown’s, coincidentally, are up another 32 percent. A look at that clichéd but coveted 25-54-year-old audience from last night: The O’Really Factor, 405,000; Countdown, 321,000; CNN, 210,000; Nancy ‘I Know What You Did Last Summer’ Grace, 200,000. That’s right — we were doing 79 percent of Bill O’s business.” Olbermann also pointed out that other Fox News shows have slipped since Election Day, stating that Fox News’ Fox Report with Shepard Smith finished third in its time slot. Olbermann added, “He [Smith] will be severely punished!”
How do you know they have clear chain of custody? I think you are just repeating what that KCRE guy said. Do you always trust 100% of what gov’t officials say? Commentby righton— 11/13/06@ 11:43 am
How do you know the moon is green cheese? You haven’t walked on it. righton, you are a fucking idiot.
I take that back. You’re too stupid to know how to fuck.
You’re a virgin idiot.
Why is the risk of ballots being added not real? Commentby David Wright— 11/13/06@ 12:05 pm
Because, David …
1) This “risk” is wholly speculative on your part, i.e., there is absolutely no evidence suggesting ballots WERE added;
2) The public never had access to these bags or ballots;
3) To add ballots (a) someone would have to steal blank ballots, (b) obtain names and signatures of voters who hadn’t voted, (c) forge their signatures, and (d) get those signatures past election workers;
4) Realistically, that could be accomplished only by a large and sophisticated organization by an operation set up well in advance of the election, even though no one knew or could have anticipated an opportunity to insert ballots into ballot bags that were split open.
Now how “realistic” is that “risk?” You are blowing smoke out of your ass.
It’s also incredibly stupid for Burner to say “If you were going to have a Democrat win this district … this would be the way it would play out”. What does that mean? That she thinks the way for a Democrat could win in 8th district is for King county to unexpectedly find bags of ballots handled in a way that violated the security protocol? Commentby David Wright— 11/13/06@ 12:05 pm
She was referring to provisional ballots, dolt.
How do you know they have clear chain of custody? Commentby righton— 11/13/06@ 11:43 am
If you allege otherwise, the burden of proof is on you.
The smoke blowing by wingnut liars has begun — they must be afraid that 8th C.D. voters followed the trend in the rest of the country … throwing Republicans out of office wherever they could get their hands on them.
And actually, Burner’s wrong, if “If you were going to have a Democrat win this district … this would be the way it would play out” weas what she said (cite, please).
D’s have been elected in EVERY LD that’s part of the 8th, except for the 5th (and I bet that won’t stand for long, someone will get in there sooner or later as places like Duvall and Carnation become suburbs instead of exurbs. Heck, we might have picked up one if we hadn’t let the district go uncontested).
18, 19
The canvassing board consists of
(a) the county elections director, and since we don’t have one, I assume this member will be Jim Buck, who has already said he thinks the ballots should be counted;
(b) the prosecuting attorney or his designee, who was Dan Satterberg in 2004, but whoever it is probably will consistently vote the GOP party line as happened in 2004; and
(c) county council member Julia Patterson, a Democrat.
I know they have a clear chain of custody because I witnessed it.
He’s playing you for a fool, and you’re letting him get away with it. Commentby Don Joe— 11/13/06@ 12:57 pm
I would add that Mr. Wright is a willing fool.
Damn, I hope the three ballots I filled out got there. Commentby Dave— 11/13/06@ 1:07 pm
Is that you, Sheriff?
Try running a qualified candidate next time. Commentby Cliff— 11/13/06@ 1:17 pm
That’s never kept Republicans from getting elected.
I think the fat lady gets to sing tonight. Commentby eponymous coward— 11/13/06@ 1:18 pm
What do you mean, tonight? The wingnut frogs have already started croaking they’re “our guy won!” bullshit. The fat lady doesn’t sing until all the ballots are counted; and, at a minimum, that won’t happen before Wednesday (and probably later) because the canvassing board doesn’t meet until tomorrow to decide whether to count the ballots in the 100 broken bags.
Hell, they might just be what’s needed to propel Richard Pope to a come-from-behind victory in the judicial race. Commentby joel connelly— 11/13/06@ 1:54 pm
Joel — do you think that’s a “reasonable risk” … or just theoretical musing?
Roger Rabbit Opinion — If I were Richard, I wouldn’t be buying a black robe just yet.
Get ready for all War on Christmas … Commentby JDB— 11/13/06@ 2:24 pm
Yep, we’re only days away from launch; meanwhile, if you want to listen to Christmas Carols, tune in 1090 AM, Air America — they’re playing ’em.
wouldn’t it be terribly amusing if your own [democrats] BS with the vote fraud that went on during the governor’s race was coming back to bite you guys in the ass?
not THAT would be karmic justice!!!
The vote fraud in the guv’s race was all on your side, ghost. Your candidate spent $2 million on legal fees proving to a hand-picked Republican judge in a hand-picked Republican county that he got 4 fraudulent votes. Every person who voted a dead spouse’s ballot, who was willing to be interviewed by the media, was a Rossi voter. 9 out of 10 felon voters who talked to reporters were Rossi voters. So shove this “fraud” crap up your ass, ghost, because the only cheaters around here are your side!
As of 4 PM today, the Pierce County Auditor reports 100% of votes counted:
D – Darcy Burner 13,602 43.24%
R – Dave Reichert 17,760 56.46%
The WA SecState web site shows the same numbers for Pierce.
That leaves Sheriff Hairspray 3514 votes ahead of Darcy Burner. If there are exactly 20K ballots left uncounted, and the canvassing board votes to count them, which I think is likely, Darcy would have to get a bit more than a 59%-41% split in her favor to win.
Are those all the uncounted ballots? It seems so from what I have read.
Dammit. Pierce County Auditor. There.
66 – That 100% is precincts (poll votes) . Pierce County has not finished counting absentee ballots. In fact it is unlikely they have received all valid absentees yet. Same for King County.
The nation’s closest congressional race got even tighter today when a counting error was discovered. Of 10 undecided races, a Democrat leads in only one, and in that race (Conn. 2d Dist.) Democrat Joe Courtney’s lead dropped from 166 votes to 66 votes when election officials discovered his total on one voting machine was misread as 363 instead of 263 votes. An automatic recount is underway.
“These things … happen,” GOP state chairman George Gallo mused. The GOP incumbent, who is trailing, has REFUSED TO CONCEDE.
by Goldy, 11/13/2006, 11:16 AM
“Besides, the real risk with the broken seals is not ballots being added, but ballots being removed.”
What factual basis do you have for this statement? It seems to me there is equal risk of ballots being added or removed to the bag if the seal is broken. The fact that the bags are overstuffed makes removal less likely, in my opinion, than ballots being added. (Note to the logically challegned, I’m not arguing ballots were added. Or removed for that matter.)
What I think what this situation shows is how unprepared King County was, yet again, to handle large voter turnout. That’s two general elections in two years that the process they’ve created to ensure the integrity of the election has broken down. Are you lefties ready to hold Ron Sims, and those who report to him, accountable?
Attention wingnuts: Conn. 2d C.D. is a race where ALL the votes have been counted and your candidate LOST but he still REFUSES TO CONCEDE until the RECOUNT is completed so SHUT THE FUCK UP about Burner conceding while there’s still tens of thousands of uncounted ballots.
What factual basis do you have for this statement? It seems to me there is equal risk of ballots being added or removed to the bag if the seal is broken. Commentby ConservativeFirst— 11/13/06@ 4:35 pm
Once again, FascistFuck proves he’s an unthinking boob. Memo to FF: To remove ballots, all you have to do is grab them and run! To add ballots, you’d have to (a) steal blank ballots, (b) steal voter signatures, (c) make exact copies of those signatures, and (d) somehow get the fraudulent ballots into those bags when they’re in custody of election officials and while no one is looking AND (e) accomplish all this in about 1 hour’s time. You are a fucking idiot.
Are you lefties ready to hold Ron Sims, and those who report to him, accountable? Commentby ConservativeFirst— 11/13/06@ 4:35 pm
Well let’s see. Dean Logan left his job, Bill Huennekens lost his job, Nicole Way lost her job … if that’s not enough for you, here’s what we’ll do. When you hand over Kate Harris and Ken Blackwell to our torture squads, we’ll give you Ron or his designee.
As for what torture we’ll use … we’re going to make them count hanging chads until they fucking die.
I want to remind everyone that Republicans kept Ohio soldiers in Iraq from voting. http://tinyurl.com/jv9nf
The Democrats would have won an even bigger victory if the GOP hadn’t interfered with the military vote. Fucking traitors.
Those troop-hating bastards should be jailed.
County Candidate Party Vote %
Last tabulated:
11/11/2006 6:08:58 PM Darcy Burner
Democrat 81593 50.1981%
Dave Reichert
Republican 80949 49.8019%
Last tabulated:
11/10/2006 10:53:05 AM Darcy Burner
Democrat 13602 43.3710%
Dave Reichert
Republican 17760 56.6290%
U. S. Representative District #8
King*, Pierce* Totals – Last updated 11/13/2006 4:37:45 PM
Candidate Party Vote %
Darcy Burner
Democrat 95,195 49.0939%
Dave Reichert
Republican 98,709 50.9061%
Vote Totals 193904 100%
Now the Socialist Democrats will start the recount and ballots will appear out of now where. Three times are always a chirm and the lead swaps and they win again.
Before I forget — klake is a nazi.
Hey klake, what do you think we should do to the GOP bastards who interfered with the military vote in Ohio?
Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque to be inaugurated in September 2007
Abu Dhabi, Oct. 29, 2006 (WAM) — The Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque would be ready for inauguration in September 2007. The Mosque, which has an area of 22,412 square metres, is the third biggest mosque in the world in terms of total area, trailing only the two Holy Shrines in Mecca and Medina. It is among the world’s ten biggest mosques in terms of the size of the building structure, which is being constructed at a total cost of AED2.167 billion.
The late UAE founder and leader, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, gave the directives in 1996 for the building of the mosque to be provide another Islamic edifice that would contribute to the deepening of Islamic culture, values and understanding and to serve as a centre for Islamic Science.
Construction work on the mosque, which started in 1998 is now 70% complete and is expected to be fully completed in September next year following the directives of President H.H.
Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan to expedite work on the mosque, whose construction is being followed-up closely by Abu Dhabi Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces and Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Executive Council, General Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan.
Statistics about the mosque, recently provided by the Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA) to the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) showed that the dome on the main building of the mosque is the biggest dome in the world with a height of 83 metres and inner diametre of 32.8 metres. The statistics also showed that the dome which weighs about 1000 tons has been designed from the inside with fibre- solidified gypsum by Moroccan artists.
The mosque, which has the capacity of 40,000 worshippers, has a total of 57 domes of various sizes, with four 107-metre high minarets at its four corners.
Another exceptional feature of the mosque is the fact that it will have the biggest rug in the world cover the floor that spans 5,627 square metres. More than 1,200 weavers, 20 technicians and 30 workers are putting efforts together to weave the carpet which is made of the finest wool being used in this kind of industry.
The mosque, which sits on a platform of about 9 metre high, has 80 toilet facilities and 100 ablution points around it. The height of the platform lifted structure higher to make it clearly visible from all angles.
IRCICA said in a letter to the OIC which contains the statistics that the mosque would be a great attraction to those studying the art of modern Islamic architecture.
Osama Bin Laudin thanks you and Senator Murray for your many donations and support during these trying times. With you help we can beat Bush and his criminals supporting him in this War.
Just think, if Darcy does manage to eek in, her vote for Majority Leader will not count. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.
I love it when Moonbats! go nuts.
Even George Soros has something right Furball.
Culture of Corruption. You are for it when it’s donk by donk Moonbats! Looks like he calls Furball the scumbag he is!
Furball and Ethics: Diametrically Opposed Poles. No, not Poland either!
Yes, Furball was a lawyer, a hack govmint lawyer in a Moonbat! state. No ethics there.
This is one time George Soros and I AGREE!
Good Clueless is GONE! Well I will post from the Muck too since it isn’t mainstream but it is Moonbat!
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 11/13/06@ 4:40 pm
“Once again, F****Fuck proves he’s an unthinking boob. Memo to FF: To remove ballots, all you have to do is grab them and run! To add ballots, you’d have to (a) steal blank ballots, (b) steal voter signatures, © make exact copies of those signatures, and (d) somehow get the fraudulent ballots into those bags when they’re in custody of election officials and while no one is looking AND (e) accomplish all this in about 1 hour’s time. You are a f**ing idiot.” (expletives deleted)
No, all you’d have to do is collect ballots from those that didn’t get them sent in the mail in time and put them in the
bags. No stealing required. Again, just because the seal on the bags is broken, in and of itself, doesn’t make it more likely that ballots were taken or added.
I take if from your choice to not address my argument about the continued incompetence of KRCE as an agreement that changes should be made. That would require intellectual honesty on your part Roger. Are you up to being intellectually honest, or are you a “Rethug”?
More good stuff:
The fat lady doesn’t sing until all the ballots are counted
It’s her right to concede when she wants to, but Reichert’s lead’s gone from 2700 votes to 3100 votes to 3500 votes the last few days, and the number of ballots outstanding have been shrinking.
I’m finding the theory of The Amazing Proivisional And Absentee Vote That Will Push Darcy Over The Top to be rather lacking. There are maybe 45K votes out there. Darcy has to win nearly 54% of the outstanding votes to pull even. She’s not even pulling that in King County so far. I saw Cantwell and Gregoire pick up ground from election day as things went on- but I don’t recall Gorton and Rossi’s lead ballooning out on every vote count for several days.
But hey, I’ll be happy if someone wants show me to be wrong. But if Reichert keeps adding to his lead (or even treading water) once tonight’s vote count shows up…well, maybe there’s a point until waiting until the full results are certified, but I wouldn’t be picking out office furniture.
By Furball Murtha is a Republican. I say no he’s acting like a good donk Moonbat!
“Murtha, according to Sloan, was also instrumental in undermining the House ethics committee. In the late 1990s, he successfully pushed (with other legislators) to change the committee’s rules to prevent it from accepting ethics complaints from parties outside Congress. He also pressed Democratic leaders to name Representative Alan Mollohan of West Virginia the senior Democrat of the ethics committee. Mollohan has had his own ethics troubles–which have forced him off the ethics committee–and is a member of CREW’s Top (or Bottom) 20. (See here.) “Murtha really doesn’t like the ethics committee,” says Sloan, speculating this may be due to Murtha’s involvement in the Abscam bribery scandal of the late 1970s and early 1980s. (The ethics committee chose not to file charges against Murtha, after which the panel’s special counsel resigned in protest.) “Murtha seems like a bad choice from our perspective,” Sloan said.”
“‘I long for the day when we will return to a debate that is not about who’s a good person and who’s a slug, not about who represents the religious truth and who is basically running for office on his or her way to hell,’ (former President Clinton) said. ‘I long for the day when Republicans and Democrats will sit around and have these raucous, exciting arguments and actually love learning from one another and we create the common good out of the dynamic center.’
Tracey Schmitt, a spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee, responded by saying: ‘It’s not surprising to hear these attacks from a man widely recognized for repeatedly playing the blame game to cover his own mistakes.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Not needed; it speaks for itself.
How come the troops aren’t scheduled to come home yet?????
“Report skeptical of fraud at polls
“Little evidence found despite pending bills
“By Richard Wolf
“WASHINGTON — At a time when many states are instituting new requirements for voter registration and identification, a preliminary report to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission has found little evidence of the type of polling-place fraud those measures seek to stop.
“USA TODAY obtained the report from the commission four months after it was delivered by two consultants hired to write it. The commission has not distributed it publicly. …
“The … report … casts doubt on the problem those laws are intended to address. ‘There is widespread but not unanimous agreement that there is little polling-place fraud, or at least much less than is claimed, including voter impersonation, “dead” voters, non-citizen voting and felon voters,’ the report says. …
“Conservatives dispute the research and conclusions. Thor Hearne, counsel to the American Center for Voting Rights, notes that the Justice Department has sued Missouri for having ineligible voters registered, while dead people have turned up on the registration rolls in Michigan. ‘It is just wrong to say that this isn’t a problem,’ he says.
“That’s one reason the commission decided not to officially release the report. ‘There was a division of opinion here,’ Chairman Paul DeGregorio says. ‘We’ve seen places where fraud does occur.’
“The consultants found little evidence of that. Barry Weinberg, former deputy chief of the voting section in the Justice Department’s civil rights division, reviewed their work. ‘Fraud at the polling place is generally difficult to pull off,’ he says. “It takes a lot of planning and a lot of coordination.'”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://tinyurl.com/ykevmo
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Let’s review the key points of this news story: (a) the GOP-controlled Federal Election Commission commissioned a study of voting fraud, (b) the study was conducted by bipartisan experts, (c) their report said there’s very little evidence of the kind of fraud that GOP-backed laws that would make it harder to vote are supposed to prevent, (d) so the FEC suppressed the report.
BTW, the “American Center for Voting Rights” has been exposed by Brad Blog as a GOP front organization, and Thor Hearne was legal counsel to the 2000 Bush-Cheney campaign.
Please help my friend Saddam or many will die for nothing. Help right all the wrongs bring home all your troops and I will spare you from death. Praise Allah!!!!!!!
An expert on Shia politics and culture in Iran and beyond, Juan Cole of the University of Michigan tells Al Jazeera.net that the Saddam Hussein death verdict is unlikely to end the violence and bring peace to Iraq.
Saddam and two of his former senior aides have been sentenced to death by hanging.
The former Iraqi president was on trial for crimes against humanity in the massacre of 148 Shias after a failed assassination attempt against him in 1982.
The news of the verdict set off protests and celebrations, showing just how deeply divided Iraqis have become since Saddam was ousted from power more than three years ago.
Al Jazeera.net: What does the Saddam verdict mean to the ordinary Iraqi?
Juan Cole: It means different things for different ordinary Iraqis. I think for the Shias and for the Kurds, there’s a sense that, at long last, a great injustice will be rectified.
For the Sunni Arabs, not all of them, there’s a sense that a symbol of Arab nationalism and Iraqi unity is going to be destroyed by an unfair court process.
To sum up the preceding news story in a nutshell: Republicans are fucking liars.
Commentby Kiroking— 11/13/06@ 5:18 pm
“How come the troops aren’t scheduled to come home yet?????”
Don’t be so obtuse. The Democrats don’t gain control until January 2007.
Commentby Osama Bin Laudin— 11/13/06@ 5:24 pm
Another wingnut who can’t spell his own fucking name …
Did Saddam Hussein get a fair trial?
a. Yes 31%
b. No 56%
c. Don’t know 13%
Number of Pollers: 30807
Is Iraq right to extend the presence of US forces for another year?
a. Yes 32%
b. No 59%
c. Don’t know 9%
Number of Pollers: 15046
Should the US “cut and run” from Iraq?
a. Yes 63%
b. No 31%
c. Don’t know 6%
Number of Pollers: 20031
Is North Korea’s nuclear test a threat to world peace?
a. Yes 47%
b. No 48%
c. Don’t know 5%
Will US Middle East policy change with the Democrats controlling Congress?
a. Yes 37%
b. No 54%
c. Don’t know 9%
Number of Pollers: 14382
Afghan and US forces arrest key al-Qaida member in southeast Afghanistan
Boston Herald U.S. and Afghan forces have arrested a senior al-Qaida member in southeastern Afghanistan, a provincial police chief said today. The troops detained four Afghans, an Arab and a Pakistani in the city of Khost, said Mohammad Ayub, the provincial police chief. A report today in Pakistan’s The News daily said one of the detainees was Abu Nasir al-Qahtani, one of four Arab al-Qaida operatives who escaped from the U.S. prison in Bagram in July 2005.
Look what happens when the Democrats win.
Al-Qaida Member Arrested in Afghanistan
The Guardian KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) – Meanwhile, Insurgent activity in Afghanistan has risen fourfold this year, and militants now launch more than 600 attacks a month, a rising wave of violence that has resulted in 3,700 deaths in 2006, a bleak new report released Sunday found. On Monday, a provincal police chief said U.S. and Afghan forces have arrested a senior al-Qaida member in southeastern Afghanistan, a provincial police chief. The troops detained six people – four Afghans, an Arab and a Pakistani – on Thursday in the city of Khost, said Mohammad Ayub, the provincial police chief. He said the detainees are under the custody of U.S. forces. Pakistan’s The News daily reported on Monday that one of the detainees was Abu Nasir al-Qahtani,
They just starting to surrender because we won the election.
What The Bush Administration Won’t Tell You
About The War in Iraq
The United States has thoroughly destabilized the Middle East by invading Iraq. The task of the occupying forces is no longer confined to fighting a Sunni insurrection; they have to contain an incipient civil war. The country has divided along sectarian lines and each faction has established a fighting capacity.
Now the situation in the Middle East is dire. Iran threatens to become a nuclear power. The low-grade civil war in Iraq threatens to broaden into a regional conflict. We are facing a clash of civilizations and/or armed sectarian conflict. And all this in a region that is responsible for the bulk of the world’s oil supply.
Something is fundamentally wrong with President Bush’s contention that he has made us safer at home by taking the war on terror abroad. There are many more people willing to sacrifice their lives to kill Americans than there were on 9/11.
The Bush administration shows no awareness of the contradictions in its policies or of the negative consequences. Here is President Bush’s introduction to the 2006 National Security Strategy so that you can judge for yourself.
King and Pierce Counties have both reported new numbers. Reichert now leads by 4,727 a gain of 1,213. He also now leads by 9 votes in King County. Not a good day for Burner.
Commentby Kiroking— 11/13/06@ 5:18 pm
“How come the troops aren’t scheduled to come home yet?????”
Don’t be so obtuse. The Democrats don’t gain control until January 2007.
Commentby ConservativeFirst— 11/13/06@ 5:25 pm
So we can begin preparations for January homecomings then. You would think the planning would be taking place.
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 11/13/06@ 5:54 pm
“Look what happens when the Democrats win.”
Nice “fact”. The Democrats won on November 7th. The arrest occurred on Nov. 6th. Are you saying the terrorists have a time machine?
“Coalition forces in Afghanistan last week said that a ‘known al-Qaida terrorist’ and five other extremists were arrested on Nov. 6 near Khost city.”
If you’d bothered to read the rest of the story by clicking on “click here to read more”, you’d know this already.
Commentby JDB— 11/13/06@ 5:59 pm
Same thing. The arrest was on Nov. 6th.
Common guys, we know that Malarchy Burner will win, King County will find the right votes to put her off ahead by a few dozen, don’t forget how we won the fraudulent Governor’s race in 04, and how Marial Cantwell won in 2000. Common one thing we are good at is stealing elections, we always have good reasons. Keep up the Good Work Goldy.
We need to gerrymander the 8th so that we win every time.
re 70: We shouldn’t let the rubes in Pierce county determine who represents us.
re 70: We shouldn’t let the rubes in Pierce county determine who represents us.
Commentby headless lucy— 11/13/06@ 7:16 pm
You are losing in King County too headless.
roger……can you even comprehend any language that ISN’T foul? my god, you are one arrogant and stupid man.and boring….geez…no wonder you have so much time on your “paws”, no one in their right mind would want to listen to you for five seconds.just cut to the chase from now on rog….just type in NAH NAH NAH over and over. that’s what you are doing anyway.
and “facts”…..facts??? you must be kidding. mr. cut and paste ,lookee-here i can google too, know nothing.
i’ll bet you’re wearing your tinfoil hat right now, aren’t you?
Read it in the PI. Reichert wins second term in Wash. 8th District
“I am urging, with all due respect, the president today to urge Mr. Allen to forego this futile recount and contestation policy, which will simply delay the inevitable, which is that Jim Webb is going to be the next senator from Virginia,” — Chuck Schumer
4727 votes
BREAKING: The Associated Press has declared WA 8 CD incumbent Dave Reichert the winner of Tuesday’s election against Darcy Burner, based on more absentee ballot returns and a nearly 5,000 vote lead… Developing…
Why can’t we do something about the spam on this board?? Maybe it is time to have community mods who can do the cleanup work.
from the Puke Inducer, referenced above:
“Burner’s campaign refused to concede the race, saying it believed the Democrat could stay alive after some 20,000 absentee ballots dropped off at polling sites are counted.”
What a smarmy, whiny little bitch.
Give it up and go sing, fat girl.
the spam uses “key words” and is generated from the pukes liberal use of foul language.. you reap what you sow.
WTG Roger Rabbit!
check the posts prior to the spam and see for yourself!
This week, Michigan became the third state to ban affirmative action in the public arena based on race, gender, and ethnic status. It follows California and Washington.
Michigan voters passed the ballot initiative by a wide margin.
Figuring out the proposal’s effects will not be simple, says Kari Moss, who heads the Michigan ACLU. She worries that some perfectly legal programs may close over fears of being sued. Her office began receiving a barrage of calls early on Wednesday morning.
And the University of Michigan is taking a defiant stance, promising a challenge in the courts. The school has previously mounted a successful multi-million-dollar defense of affirmative action, in a case that went to the Supreme Court.
Folks when will Seattle bring back affirmative action and balance the city with Republicans?
But speaking of “qualified candiates” and Virginia, what’s up with Macaca Allen? Is he the best you could do?
Alan may have made mistakes as a candidate, he may even be a racist jerk, I’ll leave that up to you to decide, but he was a ‘qualified’ candidate.
1. FINISHED Law School, didn’t drop out when he got bored.
2. Served in the Virginia State House for 10 years before he ran for Congress
3. Was involved in party politics for years when he was growing up.
And this is before serving for one term in Congress, a term as Governor, and a term as Senator.
Sorry, as far as ‘qualifications’ go, it’s not even remotely close.
Jim Webb was also qualified. Distinquished military career. Secretary of the Navy. History of political involvement. He also seemed to me to be an opprotunist who was very confused about what he believed and why, but that’s a different debate. He was clearly a qualified candidate.
As opposed to Burner who dropped out of law school, hasn’t ever served in any elected office, and hasn’t even been involved in party politics till she randomly decided she wanted to run for Congress.
Her entire resume: I went to Harvard. I worked at Microsoft. I’m a Law School dropout.
If she were a Republican candidate in a serious race, I’d be embarassed.
She’d be underqualified for City Council, let alone Congress.
But anyhow, she lost, as you now know, so HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
We havnen’t heard anything about voting machines from the left this election. Anyone want to do a high/low on when this will start? I would say by tomorrow morning.
Commentby headless lucy— 11/13/06@ 7:16 pm
“We shouldn’t let the rubes in Pierce county determine who represents us.”
I thought Democrats professed to represent the “common man”. It appears that you have disdain for the “common man”. Ironically, this is exactly what the left criticized Bush for, regarding religious conservatives. Apparently you are what you loathe.
Hey righties – we’re coming for you. Better run and hide or you’ll end up in jail giving BJs to large horny male inmates! HE HE!
In an election where Democrats won a landslide victory, in Democratic strongholds like Mon-fucking-tana and Virginia, we lost. I hope we can run an adult in District 8 next time, with a real resume. With a real resume and a professional, D8 would also have been a Democratic seat.
Darcy was woefully mismanaged and painfully inexperienced. Money raising aside, her skills were being cute, fuck-able, smart, well spoken, and …then we go to having next to no resume whatsoever. It seems like we’d realize, living in a region dominated by a company from a Harvard drop-out, that being a Harvard grad doesn’t mean you have the world conquered.
Darcy was sold relentlessly as a MS executive (not even close to bullshit), and then that was backed off to her being a manager (barely first line – 5 employees). Very weak. Her resume is so full of holes, with the one consistent item clear: she has quickly dropped out of everything she has ever started. It apparently took her 10 years to earn her Harvard degree. Multiple jobs. Short stint at law school. It’s hard to point to a successful track record when the longest employment on the resume is all of 3 years. Yet, that was pitched as a ‘successful career’. Puh-leeze…. Furthermore, the rumor was rampant, and never addressed, that she had shitty job reviews at MS, and didn’t really leave triumphantly. But she slung the shit: “If this congress was at MS, they’d be FIRED!”. Like she would know…
Darcy rubber-stamped the Democratic platform while yelling ‘rubber-stamp’ repeatedly. It was a negative campaign, and we ran a rookie against an established well-known and (apparently) well-liked sheriff. The results were predictable. It’s surprising we only lost by so little…
What did Clinton say? Being wrong and strong beats being right and weak? We offered up a weak candidate….
Conservative First. I was in here the other night and Headless Lucy was opining how it was good that gas prices were so high because that way poor people couldn’t even afford to shop at Walmart and that was good for America.
She has a bit to high opinion of herself. Just sayin.
seattle times says without a story that “reichert claims victory” and seattle pi has an ap story that says reichert wins but quotes burner’s press guy saying no concession and keep counting the votes. personally i have estimated total votes to be 270,000, meaning nearly 62,000 would remain to be counted and that burner would need ~54% of remaining to pull it off. could happen. don’t concede. count the votes. oh and screw the seattle times and its blowhard who pigheadedly “moderated” the meydenbauer debate.
Darcy was woefully mismanaged and painfully inexperienced. Money raising aside, her skills were being cute, fuck-able
Commentby alex— 11/13/06@ 7:48 pm
maybe after midnight.
You had one thing completely WRONG Alex…
her skills were being cute, fuck-able,
what is it with liberal men and fat, ugly, bitchy dominatrixes?
Blech. No wonder there’s a liberal fertility gap.
alex at 125–the “we” you speak of has nothing to do with the hardworking democrats of the 8th district or the most excellent candidate, darcy burner, so take your concerns and troll away.
” hardworking democrats “
You had one thing completely WRONG Alex…
her skills were being cute, fuck-able,
what is it with liberal men and fat, ugly, bitchy dominatrixes?
Blech. No wonder there’s a liberal fertility gap.
Commentby Anonymous— 11/13/06@ 7:56 pm
It could be the fact that she looks like a man.
Commentby RightEqualsStupid— 11/13/06@ 7:47 pm
“Hey righties – we’re coming for you. Better run and hide or you’ll end up in jail giving BJs to large horny male inmates! HE HE! ”
Just how does this one person’s act justify putting “righties” in jail? Hmmm, and you think right equals stupid. Nice work.
Why are so many lefties here so gleeful about conservatives going to jail and being sexually molested? While it’s a reality of prison life, should it really be something a person should revel in? Personally, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, regardless of the circumstances.
Commentby rob— 11/13/06@ 7:49 pm
“She has a bit to high opinion of herself. Just sayin.”
These comments are tame. If lucy bothers to answer, the post will be an insulting tirade full of expletives, and completely lacking in substance or refutation. That’s been my experience, at least.
Nevertheless: We’re going to gerrymander the districts to suit us. KMA, loooooooosers!!!!
These comments are tame. If lucy bothers to answer, the post will be an insulting tirade full of expletives, and completely lacking in substance or refutation. That’s been my experience, at least.
Commentby ConservativeFirst— 11/13/06@ 8:12 pm
That’s how libtardians communicate, then they surrender.
Nevertheless: We’re going to gerrymander the districts to suit us. KMA, loooooooosers!!!!
Commentby headless lucy— 11/13/06@ 8:14 pm
uhmmm Lucy, I hate to bring this up again but you are losing in both King/Queen count and Peirce County. Just to keep you up to date.
They just starting to surrender because we won the election. Commentby JDB— 11/13/06@ 5:59 pm
Surrender to cut and runners? Remember my posts two weeks ago from the islamofascists? They said Nancy Pelosi was delusional. Did they just figure that out?
Conservative First. I was in here the other night and Headless Lucy was opining how it was good that gas prices were so high because that way poor people couldn’t even afford to shop at Walmart and that was good for America. She has a bit to high opinion of herself. Just sayin. Commentby rob— 11/13/06@ 7:49 pm
Rob: It has been determined that lucy is a male teacher in the Seattle School District. Once he was a wrestling coach. Some thought he was Chester the Child Molester. Some have guessed his college education was Arizona State.
You mean Darcy Moonbat! is losing even more? This is muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusic to my ears!
Will Darcy really tell us what she did at Microsoft? It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day in the neighborhood, Darcy is still my neighbor!
OXYMORON ALERT! ” hardworking democrats “ Commentby Anonymous— 11/13/06@ 7:59 pm
No just MORON Moonbat! Alert!
Furball, you haven’t commented about Soros on Murtha? He called you out! Little Rabbit Penis shriveling from the truth?
It has been determined by the back of my hand that the poster “Mike Webb SUUUUCKS” had better get back on the street and earn some money for Papa.
I cannot stand how much time that man-whore, MWS spends posting on HA.org.
Now go out on 99 and sell that flat ass of yours for the Republicans cruising the streets trying to take out their despair on your drug addled frame.
Don’t make me teach you respect!
Burner-Reichert: It’s Over
Reichert secures lead in 8th District race
By Jonathan Martin
Seattle Times staff reporter
Monday, November 13, 2006 · Last updated 7:04 p.m. PT
Reichert wins second term in Wash. 8th District
6. Well Darcy just conceded…
Posted by Brad at November 13, 2006 08:54 PM
Burner will make a statement Tuesday, her campaign said. She had hoped for a miracle comeback, but her lead in King County evaporated Monday and she fell further behind Reichert in Pierce County.
Is Darcy coming out of the closet?
Personally, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, regardless of the circumstances. Commentby ConservativeFirst— 11/13/06@ 8:05 pm
As you’ve pretty much endorsed everything that conservatives do to everybody, this rings hollow.
133 (continued)
Why are so many lefties here so gleeful about conservatives going to jail and being sexually molested? Commentby ConservativeFirst— 11/13/06@ 8:05 pm
See #128 for example of why.
133 (continued)
Why are so many lefties here so gleeful about conservatives going to jail and being sexually molested? Commentby ConservativeFirst— 11/13/06@ 8:05 pm
See #128 for example of why.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 11/13/06@ 9:20 pm
So you believe Darcy is a man too rabbit?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 11/13/06@ 9:19 pm
“As you’ve pretty much endorsed everything that conservatives do to everybody, this rings hollow.”
You only have to look on this thread to see that I don’t agree with ruminations of the uninformed regardless of political strip. I’ve done this on other threads as well. Not everyone here fits into the box you want to put them into. Open your mind.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 11/13/06@ 9:20 pm
“See #128 for example of why.”
While Burner’s attractiveness is really irrelevant to her ability to serve as a member of Congress, I wouldn’t think it justifies advocating sexual assualt for someone you disagree with politically. Apparently you think it does.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 11/13/06@ 9:20 pm
I also noticed you didn’t respond to my post at 5:09 pm. In the 2004 and 2006 general elections, KCRE has made some critical mistakes. You seem to demand accountiblity from the Congress in Washington, yet are strangely silent when the body in question is controlled by Democrats, i.e. KCRE and the King County Excecutive’s office. Am I to take from this you endorse everything Democrats do?
put a fork in her.. she’s DONE!
Reichert said Burner called to congratulate him on a second term, and the two shared their frustrations about the slow pace of Washington’s largely vote-by-mail elections.
the only burning question remaining is.. does she look more like Chip or Dale?
Nice job with your candidate nutroots! She couldn’t even win in a democrat landside accross the US. You EASTCOAST transplants are goooood!
Your words are like a vampire sucking on my neck. Fortunately, I’m wearing a garlic necklace.
It’s a good thing Reichert posed for the picture with Bush on the starwaiy to Ariforce One. Without he was just another libtard.
It’s over. Reichert will “represent” us for another 2 years. Here’s hoping he starts representing us….hopefully, this squeak victory against a complete unknown and inexperienced opponent will wake him up a bit.
It’s over. Reichert will “represent” us for another 2 years. Here’s hoping he starts representing us….hopefully, this squeak victory against a complete unknown and inexperienced opponent will wake him up a bit.
Commentby Thomas Trainwinder— 11/13/06@ 10:43 pm
Obviously Darcy Burner was the best candidate liberals could come up with. To quote a famous American “you go to war with the army you have, not the army you want” Donald Rumsfeld.
It has been determined by the back of my hand that the poster “Mike Webb SUUUUCKS” had better get back on the street and earn some money for Papa. I cannot stand how much time that man-whore, MWS spends posting on HA.org. Now go out on 99 and sell that flat ass of yours for the Republicans cruising the streets trying to take out their despair on your drug addled frame. Don’t make me teach you respect! Vomit by MWS\’s Pimp— 11/13/06@ 9:05 pm
Time to biatch slap you into the 21st Century. As they say Who’s your daddy?
Just think Moonbats!, Goldie called for $$$$$$$ from you all and like the Pied Piper he is, he took you children OUT of HERE. Mommy said be careful how you spend your hard-earned cash. Too bad you didn’t listen to mommy! Do libtard Moonbats! have mommies?
This is why we hold the courts so dear to us and dislike when Moonbats! go nuts over SCOTUS. Listen to this thoughtful exchange from a SMART man!
And notice Moonbats!, it’s from the librul MSM!
146 rob
No one “came up with” Darcy Burner. She selected herself, started with virtually no outside support, built a first-class campaign organization from the ground up, and took a sitting Reprentative in te Cngressional majority to the wire. We still don’t know how the last votes will fall.
I don’t know about you, but I do not believe our choices of how to consider this race are limited to “victory” or “utter failure.” Wold yuo sa that about Dave if he lost?
Darcy ran a long, hard, and honorable campaign and at the very least nearly succeeded (still waiting on 20K+ ballots).
Next time around Dave Reichert will have even less to run on as a barely competent back-bencher whose leadership has bigger fish t fry than giving him symbolic positions to take. Electing a Democrat frm this district in ’08 will be a sure path to joiing the majority’s power and influence.
148 MWS
Next time I’ll spend a lot more.
19 MWS
ABC is owned by Disney and is not exactly “liberal.”
136 rob
Very conventional Republican misogyny. I never could understand why you guys hate and fear women the way you do.
114 Alex
Darcy only ran the strongest campaign that has ever been run in this district. I saw you use the pronoun “we.” You sound like no Democrat I ever heard.
“…the rumor was rampant, and never addressed, that she had shitty job reviews at MS, and didn’t really leave triumphantly”
Gee, Mr. “We Democrats”, why do you pass on this rumor as if it could have substance instead of denouncing it in the light of the total absence of a single shred of evidence that supports it? You’re not doing the Democrats any favors.
Hey, you don’t have to. You can be a Republican if you want (and I think you are), or call youself Independent, and it’s no one’s business but your own. But if you’re not prepared to fight for our candidates, don’t fucking say “we.” You’re not one of “us.”
Daddy Love:
Ah here we go, you are with us or you are against us, but don’t dare say anything bad about our girl. Rubber-stamp our candidate! Or, you’re not one of ‘us’. I’d say, too bad there isn’t more of ‘you’…
DOES the rumor have substance? A candidate who is running nearly exclusively on her MS ‘executive’ experience might want to answer this. It’s easy to prove wrong. The rumor was quite well played, especially in MS circles. She sure responded to ‘raise your taxes’ charges. But this one, she ignored. Hmmm….
Unless, oh, damn, I forgot her other executive experience: high school Civil Air Patrol….I nearly choked on my cherios when I heard that. I expected to next hear that she won the 4th grade Spelling Bee, and so therefore, deserved my vote.
Nope. Not even close.
You’re a Democrat who has everything bad to say about Darcy and nothing bad to say about Dave Reichert? Spare us. I’m sure that the “us” in here who ARE Democrats find you completely unconvincing as one.
Here’s where you first let the elephant show through, Republican. “…her skills were being cute, fuck-able…” Yes, you measure married women with children running for the Congress whom presumably you would like to see elected by their sexual availablility? Again, completely unconvincing.
So, even if you were a Democrat, which you aren’t, I’d advise you to find a party more in line with your obvious misogyny. I think I know the name of one.
“You are with us or you are against us.” I didn’t say that. Your hero did.
Bullshit. Wrong. Dead wrong. You must be grieving. I was criticizing the loser. I think Reichert is an idiot. But he has a career to point to, a L-O-N-G career..Darcy was oversold, badly.
Let me re-word it and take out ‘being cute, fuck-able…’. OK, she’s NOT that cute, and not fuck-able. What does that change?
WE Democrats won in Montana beacuse WE put forth a strong candidate. We lost in D8 because we did not. Our candidate was NOT strong. Her ‘executive’ status was a joke. On the other hand, hairspray was a popular sherrif for a long time.
Other bloggers are writing the same thing. That’s WHY she lost.
George Bush my hero? Funny.. little rich shit inherited everything, earned nothing..