King and Pierce counties have now reported their latest results from WA-08. Dave Reichert’s lead over Darcy Burner has expanded slightly to 3120 votes.
However, I am now absolutely confident that the race will narrow substantially over the next few days as King County continues to tabulate over the holiday weekend… and Pierce doesn’t report again until Monday.
(Oh… and I still expect the race to narrow.)
I’m just curious, on what basis do you expect the race to narrow significantly?
We’ve both reported that the breakdown between King and Pierce is roughly 80/20. Reichert has a 13% lead in Pierce. If those two factors hold constant, then Burner would need a 3.25% lead in King to tie. She currently has a 0.75% lead in King and the last two days of new ballots have both had Burner leading with less than 1% (not the totals, the new ballots). What do you predict will change in her favor?
Stefan… hmm… actually, if I wanted to share my methodology, I would have in the post.
I’ll admit that I’m a bit surprised and disappointed that we’re not yet seeing the trends I expect to see, though I still have reason to be hopeful. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. There’s no harm in that.
He expects the race to narrow over the weekend because only King Co will be updating since they will be taking the weekend off in Pierce Co. That’s what he said.
I would love to see Darcy get the win and the R’s in the 8th should as well since their voice is totally unheard if Reichert wins. He isn’t a Neo-con and that is the only substantial group of R’s left in the House. They won’t want a West Coast left leaning Republican to have anything to do with them so he won’t even get a voice in the Minority caucus. If Dave isn’t out this election he will be beat substantially in ’08 as the 8th goes even stronger to the Dems.
Two Dogs @3,
I assume Stefan got the joke, and was merely asking about my overall prediction that the count would tighten.
As I said before, I expect the count to gradually tighten, with a sudden swing towards Darcy when the provisional ballots are counted at the end. Provisional ballots almost always trend towards Democrats. Almost everywhere.
I wondering if dave could be persuaded to switch party’s?
I hope so goldy.
I have a hard time seeing how counting about a third of the outstanding votes and going from 2700 down to 3100 down is good news.
sorry for my crudeness. I’m s not as sophisticated as you lattie liberals. :-/
and there is nothing wrong with latties I just can’t afford one
The X-factor in the equation has to do with the unknowns. We don’t really know where the votes are coming from that are outstanding in King County, although some believe they can deduce that somehow. We don’t know how many more Pierce has, although it appears that they have had a lower turnout than in 2002 and may be drying up given the long delay before the next tally is released. Perhaps by Saturday night we might have a better sense of how big the turnout was in King.
Daniel K –are you really paraphrasing Rumsfeld and citing the unknown unknowns? ;)
Heh. Not quite. But if anyone knows what seems to be unknown, I’m all ears.
Goldy @5. Well, whatever happens I don’t think the money I sent to the Burner campaign went to waste. This overall victory was definitely a team effort. Good job everyone.
I no nobody gives a shit but a homeless woman was stabed to death is king co
If it’s left to King County, then I agree – the race will narrow. Even if it doesn’t look possible, they will recount until it works for Burner.
Steffy must be lonely. No one will hang out over at the looooooooooooooser’s blog so he’s sticking his foul nose over here where everyone thinks he’s a dicksucking punk.
You lost bitch. Get over it and get used to it.
I sure hope so
It looks to me like it’s 2 more years of the good old boy sheriff being behind the wheel in the 8th. My hat’s off to Darcy and everyone that worked their asses off to show that the 8th wasn’t a safe seat. All the unplanned time and money the Republicans had to dump into the 8th helped win other seats else where.
What we need now is a Reichert Watch blog to keep good old Dave’s feet to the fire for the next 2 years. Any takers?
right[hah!] as usual you are just another foul-mouthed poor “winner”.
honey…we know what your IQ is already you don’t have to keep trumpeting it far and wide, okay? didn’t anyone ever tell you that foul language is the hidey hole of ignorant cowards with nothing to say?
no? well, i just did.
and socialist….now i am very curious. where are you originally from? and why are you a socialist?
that’s VERY sad about the homeless woman being stabbed to death…you would think a few of the latte drinking liberal bores on here could have given her a room and sanctuary, don’t you think? or are they waiting for the government to act human so they don’t have to?
but i really am interested in why you believe what you do…and why the lefties are so studiously ignoring you.
Well I think the lefties ignore me because I am so far left I make them look like neo cons I think.
How I became a socialist is republicans were all ways calling me a socialist or a communist. So I decided one day to look up Marx on the internet and read some of his stuff. and bye god it was like a miracle happened I discovered the righties were right for once. I was a Socialist :-)
And I also figure something else out . I learned that being a Socialist was a good thing just like being a liberal is a good thing. And that they had done the same thing to the Socialist name that they were doing now with the liberal name trying to make it something bad. Just like they do with the horrid A.C.L.U. To here them talk you would the the A.C.L.U. was equivalent to the nazi party or something and not the biggest protector of all of our civil liberties and the constitution it self . Or the turn feminist in to the femma nazi’s .
Plus it drives the righties up the wall me being a Communist that is the best part and besides if they can be ok with the KKK and the american Nazi party I figured being a Socialist was just evening up the playing field a little bit.
Plus I do believe in what marx wrote and think it is the best coarse of action if done right democratically not like the chinnieas or the old U.S.S.R. that is not how Socialism is suppose to work . It is suppose to be democratic and constitutional . I really don’t think Socialism has been tried yet . The closest thing to Socialism today is in Vennizwalea with Hugo Shaves.
christmasghosthere are is a good site you can learn about marx this is my main study site it is the one that I first visited
You should really give it a read . The weirdest thing is it is like marx is talking about today. Thing’s really haven’t changes so much from 1847 except now the capitalist abuse other counties workers and ship our workers jobs away .
That is why wall mart is now the biggest employer here in america
Oh and I have lived here in Washington all my life. I was born in Seattle
goldy, the reason you predict come from behind victory
a) Dems encourage provisionals, to point of getting more than 1 ballot per person in the box. Yes, evidence shows that. And that leads to Tomfoolery; you cannot have 100% accuracy in divining intent from these double votes.
b) Dems run the KCRE right? Majority of staff, majority of workers?
c) Flood of course gives excuse to carry this a tad further, adding in “flood ballots”
d) at same time, legit flood disenfranchised voters undervote (largely cuz pain in neck amidst saving your belongings to go vote).
I do belong to the Socialist Party of the U.S.A. to I am a member that means I send them money :-)
rom the SPUSA Statement of Principles
The SOCIALIST PARTY strives to establish a radical democracy that places people’s lives under their own control — a non-racist, classless, feminist, socialist society in which people cooperate at work, at home, and in the community…A society based on radical democracy, with power exercised through people’s organizations, requires a socialist transformation from below. People’s organizations cannot be created by legislation, nor can they spring into being only on the eve of a revolution…Our tactics in the struggle for radical democratic change reflect our ultimate goal of a society founded on principles of egalitarian, non-exploitative and non-violent relations among all people and between all peoples…Our aim is the creation of a new social order, a society in which the commanding value is the infinite preciousness of every woman, man and child
Socialism is not mere government ownership, a welfare state, or a repressive bureaucracy. Socialism is a new social and economic order in which workers and consumers control production and community residents control their neighborhoods, homes, and schools. The production of society is used for the benefit of all humanity, not for the private profit of a few. Socialism produces a constantly renewed future by not plundering the resources of the earth.
Under capitalist and “Communist” states, people have little control over fundamental areas of their lives. The capitalist system forces workers to sell their abilities and skills to the few who own the workplaces, profit from these workers’ labor, and use the government to maintain their privileged position. Under “Communist” states, decisions are made by Communist Party officials, the bureaucracy and the military. The inevitable product of each system is a class society with gross inequality of privileges, a draining of the productive wealth and goods of the society into military purposes, environmental pollution, and war in which workers are compelled to fight other workers.
People across the world need to cast off the systems which oppress them, and build a new world fit for all humanity. Democratic revolutions are needed to dissolve the power now exercised by the few who control great wealth and the government. By revolution we mean a radical and fundamental change in the structure and quality of economic, political, and personal relations. The building of socialism requires widespread understanding and participation, and will not be achieved by an elite working “on behalf of” the people. The working class is in a key and central position to fight back against the ruling capitalist class and its power. The working class is the major force worldwide that can lead the way to a socialist future – to a real radical democracy from below.
Well I guess she knows why no body talks to me now heheheheee
Are you ever going to write about the significant gains we made in the legislature??? A minimum of 6 and possibly 7 seats in the house depending on further counts and 6 seats in the Senate. This is huge!!! We now have a larger percentage of Dems in both chambers than they do in California. I think it’s the largest advantage in about two decades. With Kilmer (South PS), Kauffman, Oemig, Tom (all Eastside), Marr (Spokane), and Hobbs (Snohomish Cnty) those seats will probably not go back Red anytime soon especially with the Republican’s stone-age social policies. All six of them were endorsed by Equal Rights Washington, and, guess what???…they all won by sizeable margins. In those districts, future candidates can use the anti-gay schtick to their own peril as we don’t evolve backwards. This may be the final nail in the coffin of some of those seats for the Repubs.
I donated to Burner too and want her to win, but let’s not lose site of some of the truly great local accomplishments we had.
Socialist Society
Freedom & Equality
Democratic socialism is a political and economic system with freedom and equality for all, so that people may develop to their fullest potential in harmony with others. The Socialist Party is committed to full freedom of speech, assembly, press, and religion, and to a multi-party system. We are dedicated to the abolition of male supremacy and class society, and to the elimination of all forms of oppression, including those based on race, national origin, age, sexual preferences, and disabling conditions.
Production For Use, Not For Profit
In a socialist system the people own and control the means of production and distribution through democratically controlled public agencies, cooperatives, or other collective groups. The primary goal of economic activity is to provide the necessities of life, including food, shelter, health care, education, child care, cultural opportunities, and social services.
These social services include care for the chronically ill, persons with mental disabilities, the infirm and the aging. Planning takes place at the community, regional, and national levels, and is determined democratically with the input of workers, consumers, and the public to be served.
Full Employment
Under welfare capitalism, a reserve pool of people is kept undereducated, under-skilled and unemployed, largely along racial and gender lines, to exert pressure on those who are employed and on organized labor. The employed pay for this knife that capitalism holds to their throats by being taxed to fund welfare programs to maintain the unemployed and their children. In this way the working class is divided against itself; those with jobs and those without are separated by resentment and fear. In socialism, full employment is realized for everyone who wants to work.
Worker & Community Control
Democracy in daily life is the core of our socialism. Public ownership becomes a fraud if decisions are made by distant bureaucrats or authoritarian managers. In socialist society power resides in worker-managed and cooperative enterprises. Community-based cooperatives help provide the flexibility and innovation required in a dynamic socialist economy. Workers have the right to form unions freely, and to strike and engage in other forms of job actions. Worker and community control make it possible to combine life at work, home and in the community into a meaningful whole for adults and children. Girls and boys are encouraged to grow up able to choose freely the shape of their lives and work without gender and racial stereotyping. Children are provided with the care, goods and services, and support that they need, and are protected from abuse.
Ecological Harmony
A socialist society carefully plans its way of life and technology to be a harmonious part of our natural environment. This planning takes place on regional, national, and international levels and covers the production of energy, the use of scarce resources, land-use planning, the prevention of pollution and the preservation of wildlife. The cleanup of the contaminated environment and the creation of a nuclear-free world are among the first tasks of a socialist society.
Socialist Strategy
Socialist Feminism and Women’s Liberation
Socialist feminism confronts the common root of sexism, racism and classism: the determination of a life of oppression or privilege based on accidents of birth or circumstances. Socialist feminism is an inclusive way of creating social change. We value synthesis and cooperation rather than conflict and competition.
We work against the exploitation and oppression of women who live with lower wages, inferior working conditions and subordination in the home, in society and in politics. Socialists struggle for the full freedom of women and men to control their own bodies and reproductive systems and to determine their own sexual orientation. We stand for the right of women to choose to have a safe and legal abortion, at no cost, regardless of age, race, or circumstance.
Women’s independent organizations and caucuses are essential to full liberation, both before and after the transformation to socialism. Women will define their own liberation.
Liberation of Oppressed People
Bigotry and discrimination help the ruling class divide, exploit, and abuse workers here and in the Third World. The Socialist Party works to eliminate prejudice and discrimination in all its forms. We recognize the right of self-defense in the face of attacks; we also support non-violent direct action in combating oppression. We fully support strong and expanded affirmative action programs to help combat the entrenched inertia of a racist and sexist system which profits from discrimination and social division.
People of color, lesbians and gays, and other oppressed groups need independent organization to fight oppression. Racism will not be eliminated merely by eliminating capitalism.
International Solidarity & Peace
People around the world have more in common with each other than with their rulers. We condemn war, preparation for war, and the militaristic culture because they play havoc with people’s lives and divert resources from constructive social projects. Militarism also concentrates even greater power in the hands of the few, the powerful and the violent. We align with no nation, but only with working people throughout the world.
Internal Democracy
Socialism and democracy are one and indivisible. The Socialist Party is democratic, with its structure and practices visible and accessible to all members. We reject dogma and promote internal debate. The Socialist Party is a “multi-tendency” organization. We orient ourselves around our principles and develop a common program, but our members have various underlying philosophies and views of the world. Solidarity within the party comes from the ability of those with divergent views on some issues to engage in a collective struggle towards social revolution. We strive to develop feminist practice within the party.
Cultural Freedom
Art is an integral part of daily life. It should not be treated as just a commodity produced by the activity of an elite group. Socialists work to create opportunities for participation in art and cultural activities. We work for the restoration and preservation of the history and culture of working people, women, and oppressed minorities.
The Personal as Political
Living under domination and struggling against it exact a personal toll. Socialists regard the distortion of personal life and interpersonal relations under capitalism as a political matter. Socialism must ultimately improve life; this cannot be accomplished by demanding that personal lives be sacrificed for the movement. We cherish the right of personal privacy and the enrichment of culture through diversity.
Electoral Action
Socialists participate in the electoral process to present socialist alternatives. The Socialist Party does not divorce electoral politics from other strategies for basic change. While a minority, we fight for progressive changes compatible with a socialist future. When a majority we will rapidly introduce those changes, which constitute socialism, with priority to the elimination of the power of big business through public ownership and workers’ control.
By participating in local government, socialists can support movements of working people and make improvements that illustrate the potential of public ownership. We support electoral action independent of the capitalist-controlled two-party system.
Democratic Revolution From Below
No oppressed group has ever been liberated except by its own organized efforts to overthrow its oppressors. A society based on radical democracy, with power exercised through people’s organizations, requires a socialist transformation from below. People’s organizations cannot be created by legislation, nor can they spring into being only on the eve of a revolution.
They can grow only in the course of popular struggles, especially those of women, labor, and minority groups. The Socialist Party works to build these organizations democratically.
The process of struggle profoundly shapes the ends achieved. Our tactics in the struggle for radical democratic change reflect our ultimate goal of a society founded on principles of egalitarian, non-exploitative and non-violent relations among all people and between all peoples.
To be free we must create new patterns for our lives and live in new ways in the midst of a society that does not understand and is often hostile to new, better modes of life. Our aim is the creation of a new social order, a society in which the commanding value is the infinite preciousness of every woman, man and child.
If you agree with these principles, then we would encourage you to join the Socialist Party.
The brutal, inescapable reality of this election is the repudiation of the republican and neo-con agenda. While the gerrymandering that has prevailed around the country is not so much a factor here in Washington where we have a more or less impartial process to draw districts, you have to recognize that for the Democratic wave to occur, a significant number of nominal republicans had to cross over the aisle. That is a vote for repudiation. That is a vote for America.
A Congress, and a President that wanted to criminalize grandma for trying to save some money on her prescriptions by buying in Canada, that wants to demonize a popular actor stricken with a degenerative disease because he advocates the hope seen in stem-cell research, who wanted to intrude into the very private decision making a family must make at the end of life of a loved one, all have been repudiated. Repudiated by Americans. I think the charge that has been given to Pelosi and the Democratic party
is to serve this group of Americans. I’m hopeful that they can.
I was just wondering how come Virginia which cast over 2.3 Million votes for Senator is done counting already and done canvassing and elected a new senator and our system run by democrats can’t deal with only 160,000 votes for a representative? Of course I also wonder how a state controlled by liberals for so long tell me that now I can’t eat the salmon out of the sound and that the dead bodies of Orcas are considered to be hazardous waste. It didn’t use to be that way but I guess that is progress by the progressives
Actiuly I am pretty hopeful to frog
Hey Christmas Ghost. While I was fucking your sister in the ass last night, she told me you were president of the Log Cabin Republicans. I thought that Steffy held that post?
How’s it feel to be repudiated you fucking inbred moron?
socialist…thanks for answering me. i , personally, don’t know any conservatives that accept the KKK or the nazi party. i have never met any…have you? they are the exact opposite of what america should be don’t you think?
socialism…..hmmmmmmmm. it’s never really worked. it was a “beautiful idea” so to speak but in putting it in place it never worked….have you wondered why?
it all sounds good doesn’t it? but can you really imagine a classless world where no one notices each other’s differences? noticing is not necessarily a bad thing [can you imagine how boring and dull it would be if we were all alike????]…we assume it is nowadays because people harp on it so much. but it’s no different than noticing one especially beautiful sunset is it? that doesn’t mean you didn’t like all the other sunsets does it?
rather than socialism i would rather see freedom. and socialism isn’t free. when you have to tell people how to act in every aspect of their lives…what does that really accomplish…. and is that fair? are we slaves? and who gets to dictate what we are supposed to feel and think?
then there is that whole issue that marx talked a good story but he did very bad and controlling things. does that make socialism a non-starter? not really….but marx shouldn’t be admired too much. he had interesting ideas but he was all too human [and so are the rest of us]…for them to work.
socialist…we are tribal by NATURE. just read what people write on here for example. they say they are for everybody….but they wouldn’t have helped that homeless woman for ANYTHING.
i would have and do…yet i am considered an evil republican.
go figure…..
and ,really, thanks for answering me…i really appreciate it.
I am just so happy Burnie Sanders was elected in vermont He is the first Socialist Senitor ever!!!!!
No problem christmasghost it was my pleasure :-)
Hi rob @ 37
It’s because about 2/3 of our state votes absentee and they only have to be postmarked by election day (as opposed to received). Virginia doesn’t have no-reason on-going absentee enrollment for voters like we do therefore they have just a fraction of what we do. You have to request each election and have a qualifying reason.
You might want to check with Sam Reed, our Republican Secretary of State for further election information. (He’s one of the decent Republicans and therefore on the endangered species list.)
Do you have anything good to say, Debbie Downer? The sun rose today.
we dislike our sec’y of state becauses he’s barely competant. He seems personable but i wouldn’t hire him to do my taxes or track a few million ballots.
we dislike our sec’y of state becauses he’s barely competant
Translation: he does the right thing for all the people of Washington not just the Republican Party.
Hmmm. “we” dislike our SOS? Some of us like him just fine. Take your partisan goggles off and take another look.
Sam Reed may have to emulate Rodney Tom. Although the truism is that they haven’t left the “Republican Party” so much as the party has left them. The fate of I-920 and I-933, as well as the emergence of such marginal candidates as Ellen Craswell and Dino Rossi tell the story of the demise of the Washington GOP better than I ever could.
re 26: What you are actually describing is anarchism. Noam Chomsky is an anarchist. They believe that people are smart enough to take care of their own affairs without any central AUTHORITY or PARTY.
And if you think about it, the majority of people behave that way every day. People who believe that AUTHORITY is needed believe that without it there would be disorder and “anarchy”.
A very basic misunderstanding of the term.
But, since “Socialism” has been given a bad rap, it is a total waste of any slight politicalclout you may garner in your life to waste it by calling yourself something that people have been trained for generations to loath.
You can be a socialist, but call yourself a progressive or liberal. “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”
I am not afread to call my self a Socialist Just like the liberals shouldn’t be afread to call them selves liberals.
Just resurching Marx I relisised that 99% of the stuff I allways beleaved and was tought about it was B.S. And that it was really a good thing as Martha would say.
And we actuily had a very rich history of Socialisum here in America and that there was really nothing to be ashamed of in being a Socialist. And I hope maybe bye me being an open Socialist maybe it will make some people think agien about it and really look at what Socialisum is all about.
Like Burnie Sanders :-)
And Actuily most of the rest of the civilized world is becomeing more Socialist not less.
And this terrifies the capitalist and the big corporations that is why they do everything they can to make people think it is bad like they do national health care and unions and helping anyone.
I mean what are you going to do when progressives becomes a bad word. I never herd of a progresive till after kerry lost in 04 then suddenly everyone was a progresive.
The other reason I became a Socialist is becoase Socialisum is the sworn enimy of the fashist and that is really what the republican party has become.
Hopefully in a few years I will be able to say. Yeah I was a Socialist when it wasn’t kewl to be one hehehehee :-)
Lincoln Chafee (R-RI) signaled to reporters that he may leave the Republican Party to become a Democrat or independent. Chafee, 53, held a seat that his father held before him — in a state that is now heavily Democratic. The most liberal of the Senate Republicans, he stayed with the GOP to bring federal dollars to his state.
Good Evening Rabbit :-)
GOP Sen. Chafee (Rhode Island) says his defeat “may have helped the country by switching control of Congress.”
“The people have spoken all across America. They want the Democrats and Republicans to work together,” he said. “I think the president now is going to have to talk to the Democrats. I think that’s going to be good for America.”
wow thats great roger I actiuly like him
Hey do you were I can get a Bernie Sanders for prezident shirt made up
there are still about 5 or 6 seats there still counting so we could see more demercratic seats still
In a previous thread, I wrote:
“Dear Republicans:
This is a letter from my heart. I am willing to discuss re-admitting you to the human race, but there are conditions. Here are my terms. There aren’t very many of them, and they’re simple and easy to understand:
1) You don’t have to agree with me on issues, but you must agree that we will treat our disagreements as honest differences of opinion among well-intentioned people.
2) You don’t have to like me, but you may not impugn my patriotism.
3) Politics is not war; it is competition, and sportsmanship and fair play are expected.
4) We will treat each other with civility and respect.
Sincerely yours,
An American Hare”
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 11/9/06@ 2:01 am
Almost immediately, ProudAss (now posting as “Truth2006,” a misappropriation of a perfectly good English word if there ever was one) belligerently replied:
“First of all, you don’t have a heart. … After all the vitriol you … have spewed, I find it ludicrous to believe anything you write. I can only think the DNC sent out the word to get the crazies under control. … You are not sincere. You sir are a liar, not worthy of the great tidings the greatest nation on earth bestows upon its citizens. And that is not because you are a Democrat. There are good Democrats and you sir are not one of them.”
Commentby Truth2006— 11/9/06@ 3:06 am
Well actually yes, I’m dead serious about Sen. Chafee says. He’s right. Pelosi is right. For all the blessings it lavishes upon us, this country won’t work if we don’t work together. I’ve always understood that. But now let me explain something.
My father’s generation were decent men endowed with compassion, humanity, and all the other normal equipment that a merciful God and proper social upbringing endows the great mass of ordinary Americans with. But when they landed on the Pacific Islands in World War 2, they found themselves against an implacable, fanatical, suicidal enemy who would rather die for the emperor than surrender, even when utterly defeated. The only thing to do was kill them. And when they were dug into caves and reinforced bunkers, sometimes they had to be killed with flamethrowers, napalm, and other cruel weapons. It was kill, or be killed, our fathers had no choice but to fight savage battles against an enemy so savage the Japanese routinely starved, tortured, and brutalized prisoners — even dissecting people alive in medical experiments. Unlike some of my fellow liberals, I have absolutely no qualms or regrets about dropping the A-bombs on a nation and people who committed such things.
What does this have to do with the subject at hand? Simply this. ProudAss, you sir and unfortunately your ilk are fanatical savages. You don’t know how to be reasonable, and don’t want to be. Middle America just handed you a decisive repudiation — but you still want to fight to the last man. I say that’s too bad, I wish you were more flexible, but if you insist on destroying yourself and your political party as you forge ahead in your blind and suicidal determination to destroy our country and all it’s blessings, then unfortunately I can’t stop you. I’m just gonna have to fucking nuke you. I won’t enjoy it, but a rabbit does what a rabbit has to do.
Chafee got it right; you, sir, are utterly and abysmally and damnably wrong.
Any questions?
Bush: Alone, isolated and universally hated
George W. Bush is the epitome of isolation, the ultimate pariah in his own country after divorcing Washington from the rest of the world, the result of six years of blind, pig-headed arrogance which has seen hundreds of thousands of families across the globe crying over their loved ones. This is the legacy of Bush, with or without the incompetent Rumsfeld.
Bush condemned to failure due to his disastrous policy in Afghanistan and Iraq. The ‘War without Success’ policy pleases nobody, except the clique of elitist corporative crypto-fascists which gravitate around the White House, turning multi-millionaires into multi-billionaires at the expense of the North American people and the hundreds of thousands of civilians slaughtered by the Bush regime.
Are we moving towards a lawless world in which only countries with second-strike nuclear capability will have real national sovereignty? Some countries seem to think that the only way a country can be protected from the actions of international (nuclear) bullies is to acquire the deterrence that having nuclear weapons offers. Countries such as North Korea, Iran, Israel, Brazil and others seem to have reached the conclusion that in a world where international law is violated with impunity and where the United Nations Charter is a dead letter, a government that does not plan for the acquisition of nuclear armaments is derelict in its duties toward its citizens. In fact, it is estimated that between 30 and 40 non-nuclear countries have the technical skill, and in some cases the required material, to build an atomic bomb. What is required for these countries to jump onto the nuclear wagon is a few more years of irresponsible US foreign policy.
Good discussion of Socialism.
Fundamental to the theory of Capitalism is that there are three classes: Landowners, who will own the property; Capitalists, who will own the means of production, both financial and material; and Labor, who “own” only their labor. And in the end, Labor will exist at just above the subsistence level.
Don’t believe me? Go read Smith, Malthus, et al. Capitalism is by it’s very design a system of class warfare.
Put Marx in perspective. He was living in London in the early-mid 1800’s when he was writing “Das Kapital.” He saw the very worst abuses of unregulated Capitalism combined with the worst abuses of the Industrial Revolution. It’s no wonder his philosophy is what it is.
And what really is wrong with the statement “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” What more can you ask of anyone?
I find that to be a very defensible statement, not only ethically, but also from a Christian standpoint (I’m not Christian, but it is supposedly the primary religion in this country, even if most Christians don’t seem to act in a very Christlike manner).
I believe there are inherent flaws in Marxist theory that render it unworkable, but that isn’t one of them.
The class warfare theory of Capitalism correlates quite closely to the elitist political theories of Edmund Burke, whose writings strongly influenced the Federalists in America.
Conservative political philosophy has flowed from this belief that only the elite should be allowed to vote. I see it as not surprising at all that conservatives are so willing to manipulate vote counts, disenfranchise minority voters, etc. It is a natural part of their political philosophy.
In the same way, conservative Capitalists work towards the establishment of an economic elite that draw their income from dividends and capital gains, which they would like very much to see exempted from taxation. Eliminating the estate tax will then allow them to accumulate untaxed wealth over multiple generations and have complete dominance over both the economy and the government.
But even Adam Smith (the Father of Capitalism, not the WA State Rep) had some misgivings about unregulated Capitalism and thought some regulation might be necessary to control unrestrained greed. I think his misgivings were well-founded.
Capitalism will naturally drive a society towards a condition of extremely uneven wealth distribution. Looking at our own history shows that our nation has been strongest when that distribution is more even (I know it will never be totally even, and I don’t expect that). Go investigate the GINI Index if you want to understand what I mean, and look at the overall social conditions in this country and others as correlated with the GINI Index.
And that is why I am a Liberal who supports taxation of capital gains, taxation of estates, close regulation and monitoring of businesses, etc. Conservatives call that Socialism, but it isn’t.
Thanks Pale Rider and very well sead . I think there are some flaws in Socialism to but I think there are more flaws in capitalism and the free and un fair market system.
Actually I like the Holland Denmark model of government very very Socialist but capitalist to . And the Capitalist do very well there but so does every one else all so from the very poorest to the oldest people there are very well taken care of and happy. Bye every one working together with there tax dollars to have national health care for all and a good wealfair system so people do not fall threw the cracks and a very good education system that educates everyone as long as they want to learn for free there schools are free all the way threw collage.
And the rich people are still plenty rich enough.
Socialist — I agree that Bush’s policies have, in effect, told the world, “If you don’t have nuclear weapons the U.S. will invade you, and if you do we’ll leave you alone.”
FDR and the New Deal saved capitalism. Capitalism, left unregulated, will always destroy itself and society. The inevitable result of freebooting capitalism is greater concentration of wealth and spreading poverty until the exploited masses overthrow the economic and political system in tandem.
Lately I have been wondering if a country like china could move to democracy if they would write a Socialist constitution.
So it would just be the law so no matter who was elected Socialism would be there base like our constitution is our base
Marx wrote about having a Constitionnel democracy as a intercalate party of the new Socialist experiment. That is why I say true Socialism really hasn’t been tried yet.
Just some countries that have called them selves Communist with Socialist policies but totalitarian or dictoreal leaderships.
There have been several capitalist dictatorships to and they didn’t work ether. Penosha comes to mind .
FDR and the New Deal saved capitalism. Capitalism, left unregulated, will always destroy itself and society. The inevitable result of freebooting capitalism is greater concentration of wealth and spreading poverty until the exploited masses overthrow the economic and political system in tandem.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 11/10/06@ 12:12
Mexico comes to mind :-/
they seam like there on the verge of a shooting revolution down there
Stefan, both you and Goldy are speculating. We won’t know who won until all the votes are counted, it’s that simple. Of course I see right through the game you and other Republicans play — you prematurely declare victory, then if the race flips in the late count you’ll claim it was stolen. Fuck you, Stefan! You’re dishonest. And you’re nothing but a partisan hack like me.
Roger do you go to these drinking things on tuesdays?
Unlike Stefan or Goldy, I haven’t tried to call this race. The fact X-percent of the counted ballots in Pierce County are for Reichert doesn’t mean X-percent of the uncounted ballots in Pierce County are for Reichert too. Voters aren’t governed by laws of mathematics or statistics, they act individually. As long as there’s more uncounted ballots than the margin separating the candidates, it could go either way. All you guys are doing is playing with probability. Just remember, on any bell-shaped curve, some outcomes do fall in the 1% probability, 5% probability, and 20% probability quadrants.
It’s dishonest to call a race when only half or two-thirds of the ballots are counted, then claim it was “stolen” if the remaining ballots change the outcome.
Stefan’s blog is nothing more than partisan rant dressed up in educated language to make it look respectable.
@ 66 re Denmark
Yes, Denmark had a GINI Index of 23.2 in 2002 figures. The US had a GINI Index of 45 in 2004.
The GINI Index ranges from 0 (at which point everyone would have exactly the same amount) to 100 (at which point one person would have everything and no one else would have anything).
You will see different GINI values for the same country, probably depending upon what basis numbers are used for the calculation. I have seen recent numbers for the US approaching 50.
For comparison, Brazil had a GINI of 59.7 in 2004, and look at their social conditions: massive slums, 22% poverty rate, 10% unemployment, infant mortality rate of 28.6 deaths per 1000 births, huge crime problems, particulary kidnapping for economic reasons.
BTW, in the US in the 1950’s the GINI was in the low 30’s. We had a booming middle class, strong unions, high maximum income tax rate, single-income families were the norm, and college was an expectation for many kids.
Hey Stefan — do you think it’s appropriate to put stuff like this on the internet in your blog?
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago.
Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
And don’t give me any b.s. about not censoring your blog. You censor your blog. We all know that. You would never allow Roger Rabbit to post the stuff I post on HA on your blog. We all know that. So, why do you think it’s okay for someone to use your blog to say “we need” a terrorist attack on American soil that kills innocent Americans because the American people voted in a Democratic Congress? Why is it okay to be in favor of terrorists killing Americans in order to make them elect a GOP Congress again, but it’s not okay for Roger Rabbit to say wingnuts who post such garbage are unpatriotic America-hating fascist fucks?
yah that was mostly becoase of strong unions and socialist programs of rosivelt
and very high taxes on the rich
Thank you for not calling them communist Roger :-)
Hey Stefan — we all know you censor your blog! Would you let someone post this on your blog?
“Steffy must be lonely. No one will hang out over at the looooooooooooooser’s blog so he’s sticking his foul nose over here where everyone thinks he’s a dicksucking punk. You lost bitch. Get over it and get used to it. Commentby RightEqualsStupid— 11/9/06@ 8:23 pm”
No, I think not. So why do you let an unpatriotic America-hating fascist fuck use your blog to post that America “needs” a terrorist attack that kills innocent Americans because people voted in a Democratic Congress?
If it were my blog, that post would be removed, and “FullContactPolitics” would never be allowed to post on my blog again. I’m for free speech, but even free speech has limits.
Stefan — the fact anyone can go to your blog and find a post saying terrorists should kill Americans because they voted in a Democratic Congress proves you are a pathetic hypocrite.
Republicans trully have no morals.
all they care about is winning at any cost
They used to be commies. Most of the neocon leaders are ex-sixties lefty revolutionaries who decided fascism pays better than communism. Six of one, half a dozen of the other. Hitler and Stalin deserved each other. Their people didn’t deserve them … well, some of them did.
“all they care about is winning at any cost” Commentby The Socialist— 11/10/06@ 12:40 am
Let’s be more specific.
1) Because they have more money than anyone else, they think God has especially favored them, therefore they rule by divine right.
2) Because they believe only the moneyed property-owning class should vote, they have no qualms about disregarding laws that give the right to vote to others, or about violating those rights, or about depriving others of their right to vote by any means that works.
3) They don’t realize their behavior is illegal or immoral. They think they’re doing God’s work. After all, if God didn’t want them to be rich, they wouldn’t be rich.
4) But it goes even deeper than having God on their side. (After all, if God wasn’t on their side, they wouldn’t have all that money would they.) There’s also a Devil. And people who don’t vote the same way they vote obviously are doing Satan’s work, and must be stopped at all costs. Therefore, preventing Satan’s disciples from voting is doing God’s work, and is a duty of the highest order.
5) Finally, if you’re not rich like them it’s because you’re immoral, lazy, and didn’t work hard enough in your 12-hour shift in their factory.
Well, one thing I’m not worried about is running into any Republicans where I’m going after I die.
The Republicans who have already died had no idea that Heaven would be so damned hot. It must be Heaven, though, because it’s full of Republicans.
They call us “commies,” “traitors,” “unpatriotic,” and “terrorists” — then ProudAss (aka “Truth2006”) complains about my posting “vitriol.” Pathetic.
Roger, sounds like you’ve read one or two of Lakoff’s books. And you’re right.
Hey ProudAss you troop-hating anti-American fascist fuck — do you also think a terrorist attack on America would be a good thing, like Stefan’s blog says?
Roger, sounds like you’ve read one or two of Lakoff’s books. And you’re right. Commentby Pale Rider— 11/10/06@ 12:53 am
Actually I haven’t, but it doesn’t surprise me that someone smarter than me (after all, I’m only a rabbit) reached the same conclusion.
The old U.S.S.R. was communist in name only . They were really just a dictatorship.
I hope some day people will realize this I mean Stalin was no more of a Socialist then Hitler was a Humanitarian
I tried to predict the 2004 governor’s race from early returns. My methodology was to apply the percentages from the votes already counted to the uncounted ballots, county by county. Here are my projections:
Spreadsheet 1 (11/3/2004 @ 1:30 PM) – Gregoire by 24,399
Spreadsheet 2 (11/3/2004 @ 4:30 PM) – Gregoire by 22,927
Spreadsheet 3 (11/4/2004 @ 10:30 AM) – Gregoire by 21,283
Spreadsheet 4 (11/4/2004 @ 7:45 PM) – Gregoire by 14,237
Spreadsheet 5 (11/5/2004 @ 4:00 PM) – Gregoire by 1,300
Spreadsheet 6 (11/5/2004 @ 11:45 PM) – Rossi by 2,258
Spreadsheet 7 (11/8/2004 @ 4:45 PM) – Rossi by 2,404
Spreadsheet 8 (11/8/2004 @ 6:45 PM) – Rossi by 590
Spreadsheet 9 (11/9/2004 @ 5:15 PM) – Rossi by 3,045
Spreadsheet 10 (11/11/2004 @ 5:15 PM) – Rossi by 4,495
Spreadsheet 11 (11/12/2004 @ 8:45 PM) – Rossi by 3,402
Spreadsheet 12 (11/15/2004 @ 12:45 PM) – Rossi by 1,430
Spreadsheet 13 (11/16/2004 @ 7:15 PM) – Rossi by 611
Spreadsheet 14 (11/17/2004 @ 9:30 AM) – Rossi by 261
As you can see, it doesn’t work worth a damn, even when you get toward the end when most of the ballots have been counted.
Let’s say Reichert is leading Burner 50.9% to 49.1% after 80% of the ballots have been counted. That doesn’t mean the remaining 20% of the votes will break 50.9% to 49.1%, or anything else. Why? Because there’s no cause-and-effect relationship between how the 80% voted and the 20% voted. They’re completely independent. When the voters who cast the uncounted 20% of the ballots voted, they didn’t know how the voters who cast the 80% of the ballots that have been counted voted, nor did they care. They voted the way they felt like voting. How the other 80% voted has nothing to do with how the 20% voted. Do you see why these kinds of projections are bunk? Complete, total bunk.
Bottom line: You don’t know how the uncounted ballots will break until you count them. You don’t have to be a George Lakoff to figure that out. Even a rabbit can do it.
yeah, yeah, tryingt to spin the Reichart reelection into something else..
in the Gov race, with like 99.5% of votes in, it was Reichart. Fair to call the win his. But then you found those provisionals in the closet…
Now you are saying w/ 60% in, its too early.
ps, how come Repubs in close races elsewhere, like Va w/ a slim diff, the Repub has class and admits defeat…..what’s up w/ immature darcy?
Does anyone understand why it is taking so long to count the ballots? LA is much bigger than King County and they are finished………. what is the problem?
re 44; I think the best thing you could do to further your sause would be to use spell-check.
87 RR
Which is why we count ’em. It ain’t over ’til it’s over.
Hey moonbats did you see Nancy Pelosi in interviews admit she had no “real” power to stop the Iraq War?
Dream on, the one you cared the most about is going down. She was a horrible candidate incapable of anything but breathy Bush-hatred and promotion of veterans issues that no one gave a shit about. Had she made the war the whole focus of her campaign she would have won but she lacked the balls to do so.
Moreover you sold out by acquiescing to the real democrat being shoved out of the 48th Senate primary…does anyone seriously doubt she would have won now?? Now we have an anti-labor Senator who supports developers and voted against oil spill legislation.
Spare me your bullshit about being a principled “net-rooter”.
Hey, MWS, do you understand the fact that the Administration sets foreign policy? If this had been a Presidential election, Bush would be out and then something substantive could be done.
Congress’ influence over foreign policy, even undeclared wars, is indirect at best. But at least with Dems in control of the Congressional agenda and the purse strings, there is some hope for influence.
But, no, the Speaker of the House can’t arbitrarily stop the occupation of Iraq.
92 MWS
Weird, huh? Congress is actually not the Commander in Cheif. Gee, maybe someone should have told the voters earlier and they’d have voted Tom DeLay and Mark Foley back into office instead of turning the Congress a pleasant shade of Blue.
roger roger roger…posing again are we? which is it? the roger who brags that he has lot’s of stock in oil companies or the roger that now says capitalism is evil? what a phoney you are….shame shame shame……..
and socialist…..evil rich people? so anyone that owns a company and provides JOBS and income for other people is bad?
here are some evil rich people for you…they also happen to be progressives….bill clinton, john kerry, bill gates, nancy pelosi, dianne feinstein ,gavin newsom,…and they are so progressive they are all white….hmmmmmmmm…….
how do you square your beliefs with adulation of these people?
and without jobs what would you do to support yourself?
@ 96 christmasghost
And tell us, when you fully automate your company (as you were talking about elsewhere) and put all your workers out of work, who will have any money with which to buy your products? Or do you just cater to the rich?
The thinking of business people never ceases to amaze me with its shallowness. And I say that from a background of 35 years developing business applications software.
2/3 of all economic activity in this country is retail activity. The best way to have a strong business environment is to have a strong and broadly-based middle class. And that means good-paying jobs. Median real-wage income dropped over 6% between 2001 and 2004.
I would encourage you to take a long-term look at the trends.
pale rider @98……..when the manufacturing is fully automated it will simply mean that i don’t have to hire any new people, or train them for that matter. it’s not just a matter of economics it’s a matter of quality control and time. you say that you design business applications software…right? well, how many people have you put out of work? didn’t think about that did you? it’s the evolving world of business, isn’t it? and if it weren’t for that what would you be doing?
i suppose you could say that we cater to the rich. big pharma and the EPA are our largest customers.and they employ alot of people. we developed the equipment and techniques that are used today in modern drug testing. we have just developed a way to test for steroids directly from plasma. those are just a couple of items.what we do increases the chances that if/when you get sick you will be diagnosed more accurately than ever before. and with our latest discovery the tests that are done by ,say, the EPA for example,will not use the VAST ammounts of toxic solvents that were once used to test for pollutants. it was the ultimate irony…and something that the average person doesn’t know…that vast ammounts of toxic chemicals are used everytime they needed to test for,guess what?…. toxic i guess in progressive-land we are big nasty evil “corporate” people. but i dare any of you to stop using everything that comes from “big oil” and corporations. you couldn’t go one day. you sure wouldn’t be working on a computer [big oil] or having any medical care [big oil, big pharma] or walking [big oil…your soles haven’t been rubber for eons…ditto for your bike tires]and forget the starbuck’s lattes you so love up there [big nasty corporation, remember?] etc.
time moves on and sometimes, as in today’s world, things actually improve….BUT people have take on the personal responsibility and adjust with the reality of the times. would you feel sorry for a man that was complaining that there just weren’t any jobs for him as a whale hunter, lighter of gas street lamps,ice delivery man?
no, of course not.
the job market changes……you create software that puts the people that used to sit there and type in the data manually,out of work right? it’s not so different from when we were using whale oil versus today…petrolium. do you want to go back to whale oil?
there are no free rides….no actions without reactions…no matter how small you think your personal “footprint” is…it’s not really that small.
here’s something to try. keep track of everything you buy or use every day that comes in plastic. keep all the plastic in one bag and at the end of the week…take a good look. you will be amazed. recycling is oh so important BUT it has a downside too. vast ammounts of water and energy are used and toxins produced to recycle. see what i mean? no free rides.
you brought up good paying jobs right? well…how did you get yours? if you had just walked in to the company you work for and demanded a “good paying job” with absolutely no experience or training on your part….would you have expected to get it? in this country ANYONE with determination and hard work can do anything. what more can you ask for?
it seems well meaning on your part to talk about well paying jobs.but doesn’t everyone also have a responsiblity to get the education/training they need for their own goals? you did it ,right? so …..what? you think everyone else is too stupid to do it?
that’s pretty insulting to the rest of the people don’t you think? and you know as well as i do that some people are just incredibly lazy. and that’s why they don’t have “good paying jobs”. they are being payed their worth….and you know it.
on another subject…it seems to me that our friend the socialist feels as if he doesn’t have a “place at the table”. none of you would even answer him or acknowledge his presence until i talked to him….now why is that? and now, suddenly, roger is a socialist?
perhaps it would do everyone on this blog alot of good to examine their own motives……….