I was listening to this week’s edition of Podcasting Liberally yesterday while writing up the blurb, and one particular point just sticks in my mind.
The Reichert campaign finally went on the air this week, and they immediately came out negative against Darcy Burner, following the lead of the NRCC attack ads that had already been running. Joel Connelly pointed out that it could be a self-defeating strategy for an incumbent like Reichert, with such a huge name ID advantage, to be out there pushing Burner’s name and face before voters. And as is Joel’s wont, he made his point by recounting an anecdote from WA political lore.
Then state senator Jack Metcalf was running against the legendary Sen. Warren Magnuson, adopting the campaign theme: “Wrong Again Maggie.” When asked to comment on Metcalf’s relentlessly negative campaign, Sen. Magnuson reportedly quipped: “Well, if this fellow wants to spend his money producing TV commercials using my name, I’m not going to stop him.”
No doubt, negative advertising generally works. Else candidates wouldn’t use it. But you’ve got to wonder about a campaign strategy that focuses almost exclusively on driving up the negatives of an opponent whose biggest weakness is her relative lack of name recognition.
You also have to wonder about the decision to focus on taxes as their main line of attack. Republicans always accuse their opponents of wanting to raise taxes — in their lingo, that’s part of the definition of being a Democrat. So while I understand that he wants to use his cash-on-hand advantage to define his opponent, I’m not so sure that defining her as a Democrat is gonna hurt Burner all that much in a district where polls show that voters are much more concerned about ballooning federal deficits than high taxes, and where President Bush’s approval ratings threaten to plunge below thirty percent.
The fact is, voters in the 8th CD are very fortunate to have a distinct choice in November’s election. If you want to stay the course in Iraq, and you want a congressman who will vote 90 percent of the time with President Bush and the Republican leadership, then cast your ballot for Reichert. But if you oppose a permanent occupation of Iraq, if you want new leadership, and you think our nation needs to take a new direction both at home and abroad, then cast your ballot for Darcy Burner.
The Reichert folks chafe at the description of their candidate as rubber-stamp Republican, not because it isn’t basically true, but because it’s not a popular thing to be in the current political climate. But by using the same tired old themes in attempting to define Burner as a “tax-and-spend” Democrat, they end up, by comparison, defining Reichert as an establishment Republican.
And in this district, in this race, in this year… I’d rather be an ass than an elephant.
I felt sorry for Reichert. I just wonder if he knew what was going to hit him.
Well Dave, I guess Darcy came out of the bushes (cop term) and make you look like a fool. You know, I even started feeling sorry for you. I don’t know why, I shouldn’t feel sorry for anyone with a -R after their name.
Watching you reminded me of Bush. I would feel sorry for him, if not for the damge he has done to my country (with the help of rubberstamps like yourself).
So you were a cop. Who cares. What will you do? What have you done? ZERO!!!! and ZERO!!!!!
All the predators running around your party, and you don’t say a word.
Dave Reichert does not care about accountability, and will not do ANYTHING to change our current govbernment’s dysfunctons or wrong courses. Dave Reichert is all about “stay the course” in every area. Deficits mounting debt on debt? Stay the course. Iraq blowing up? Stay the course. Medicare precription coverage doesn’t work? Stay the course. Lack of faith in government? Stay the course. Sex predator coverups? Stay the course. “Pay for play” corruption in Congress? Stay the course. Contractor fraud and irregularities in Iraq and NOLA? Stay the course.
I’m getting sick of the “course” and Dave along with it.
I listen to the press conference yesterday by Commander Codpiece A.K.A. the Fight Suit in Chief. He decided the stakes were high enough to pull out the usual cliché’s, but as Froomkin points out in the Post, Bush has been having a devil of a time making anyone pay much attention to him of late:
…On Tuesday, though, the parts of Bush’s remarks that went after Democrats on taxes were given to the reporters traveling with the president on Air Force One and also, to maximize their exposure, disseminated by e-mail to hundreds more on the White House press list…
…The e-mailed excerpt was so partisan that it made me wonder: Is there any distinction between the Republican National Committee press office and the White House’s?
The Republican Party is loosing it, and thus is Reichert’s dilemma. He can not stay above the mud that he must sling. But if he slings the mud, it identifies him as a rubber stamp Republican, killing his image of alleged “independence”. Talk about dancing on the head of a pin
as Froomkin points out in the Post
I heard that even Schwartenzager (sp?) is trying to run from Bush. On Leno’s show, he said something to the effect that trying to link him with Bush was the equivilent to linking him with an Oscar.
You know, I’ve gotta be honest. I still don’t know much about Darcy Burner, even though the election is just a few weeks away. I guess I can be forgiven for not investigating more, since I don’t live in that district and can’t vote for or against her anyway.
But I do know all I need to know about Dave Reichart, and I figure she can’t do any worse than him. So given an equal choice between a known “warm seat” Republican who will vote with his party every time, and an unknown Democrat who can be expected to vote with the Democrats most of the time, I will pick the unknown Democrat.
Interesting book coming out, about how the Bush administration was just using the religious right for political purposes. The author, David Kuo, is an evangelical Christian, a Republican, and former second-in-command of the Office of Faith-Based Initiatives, who just got fed up. He says the “faith-based initiatives” program was actually used to spend federal taxpayer money for political organizing to support the Republican party.
I’m also an evangelical Christian, but I’ve always argued that the Republicans were trying to use us to further their real agenda – tax breaks for the rich folks. I’m finally making some headway with my church members.
Haven’t seen Reichert’s negative ad against Darcy, but it sounds like the same script as McMorris’ against Peter Goldmark – calling him the Tax Man instead of the Ranch man, followed by Cathy’s whiny voice saying she approved the message. It’s a remarkably lame, ineffective shot, and sounds exactly like she’s following the talking points given to her by Rove, et. al. Incredibly lame.
You’re welcome being an ass in the Seventh CD Goldy. Situation is a bit different over here in the Eighth.
Don – Actually, perhaps that’s your view, but from my standpoint, in the 8th, the situation isn’t different. What is interesting is how you spun the debate at SP, and how it was quite different from your comments after the debate.
Reporterward @10,
See, the difference between you and me, is that I truly believe there is a huge amount of common ground between urban and suburban voters, whereas you and your comrades insist on divisively accentuating the differences, and demonizing us Seattlites.
COB Friday, Daddy Love, you may make a 20 dollar donation to the Nation Cystic Fibrosis Foundation under the name of DR JCH Kennedy, ESQ [IF Hastert is still speaker, and he will be.] Info Goldy in your web donation as proof. Now, If you win, I’ll follow your instructions. As all democrats are victims and ALWAYS spend other people’s money, this will be new for you. CF will thank you, and I’ll enjoy reading about your donation. Too bad we didn’t bet a few grand. JCH
You know the worst thing about the claims Darcy made exposing Reichert. They were all vetted, and can be proven.
I just wonder if he lied in responding to her accusations.
10 Reporterward
I live in the 8th, and Bush is still just as much of an idiot here, and Reichert’s nose is still stuck in Bush’s behind.
Funny JCH, that I have never offered to bet on anything and have never predicted Hastert stepping down.
“You know the worst thing about the claims Darcy made exposing Reichert. They were all vetted, and can be proven.
I just wonder if he lied in responding to her accusations”
You keep saying facts support your positions but NEVER post any.
Funny JCH, that I have never offered to bet on anything and have never predicted Hastert stepping down.
Commentby Daddy Love [You lib POS……..You bet 20 bucks…..I covered. Typical POS Democrat. You love spending other people’s money, so cover your bet.]
Who is Darcy Burner? I know about her family, but not her. I saw some stuff, but most was false…executive at MS, president of ames lake. I’ve seen some of her positions and it seems she doesn’t have any that are good of the people of WA. I’m in the 7th and so I’m used to that with Goldy’s best buddy Baghdad Jim, but you think this gal could do better. She must have been a good speaker/interview to get a job at MS, but I wonder why she didn’t stick it out? I know to become a law school drop out. (cheap shot, but it’s HA so fits)
I’ve also seen most comment here that Dave is a rubberstamp….what would Darcy be for Nancy Pelosi? Do you think 100%? Probably not, but more than the 90% I see being quoted by people online for Dave.
Nope. Never offered.
“Who is Darcy Burner?”
“executive at MS, president of ames lake.”
Both true.
“I’ve seen some of her positions and it seems she doesn’t have any that are good of the people of WA.”
I’m sure you mean “good for.” Holding the administration accountable for it’s actions, it’s incompetent decisions, and it’s use of tax dolalrs would be really good for the people of Washington. Protexting SS from privatixzation and it’s accompanying trillion dollar transition costs would be good for the people of Washington. Providing more affordable healthcare to all our citizzes would be good for the people of Washington. Protecting teh Puget Sound from oil spills would be good for the people of Washington. You can look at her site, Jack. Or if you write her and ask questions, she might have time to respond.
“I’m in the 7th and so I’m used to that with Goldy’s best buddy Baghdad Jim, but you think this gal could do better.”
I don’t know. McDermott is a doctor and a longtime represetnative at the state and federal level. Darcy has a learning curve to vercome to amtch him, but Microsoft does not hire idiots. Unlike Harken and Arbusto.
“She must have been a good speaker/interview to get a job at MS, but I wonder why she didn’t stick it out?”
How many years equals “sticking it out?” She worked there, and then did something else. The smart, driven people in the software industry often seek out other challenges.
“ I know to become a law school drop out.”
And you went and graduated, right?
“I’ve also seen most comment here that Dave is a rubberstamp….what would Darcy be for Nancy Pelosi?
Dave Reichert is a rubber stamp for the failed policies and stupid ideas of George W. Bush. It’s not his alignment with them per se, but rather his objection-free association with the failures and deceit of the administration that is to his discredit.
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