The headline on Postman’s blog was “Reichert bests Burner, a bit, in latest money totals,” but a closer look at the numbers doesn’t bode so well for the incumbent. According to Postman, Dave Reichert will report raising $340,800 from July through September, compared to $304,901 for Democratic challenger Darcy Burner. So yeah, Reichert raised a bit more than Burner in the third quarter.
According to Postman, Reichert also leads Burner in total dollars raised Year To Date (YTD), $830,440 to $518,630, but of course, the whole point of raising money now is to spend it later, and despite Reichert’s presidential fundraiser, Burner still leads $370,228 to $339,400 in the all important category of Cash On Hand (COH).
That puts Burner in a pretty damn good position heading into an election year against one of the GOP’s most vulnerable incumbents. How good a position? Well, a quick comparison of the numbers this cycle to those at the same point in the previous cycle is quite stunning.
Reichert: | Burner: | |
Oct. 2005, YTD: | $937,829 | $105,156 |
Oct. 2005, COH: | $455,120 | $43,952 |
Oct. 2007, YTD: | $830,440 | $518,630 |
Oct. 2007, COH: | $339,400 | $370,228 |
In October of 2005, Reichert led Burner by a substantial ten-to-one margin, with over $455,000 in the bank (both went on to raise about $3.1 million each,) but this time around Reichert’s fundraising is noticeably down while Burner’s — fueled by her $123,000/3,200 donor netroots fundraiser — is way up, actually giving her a $31K lead in the number that really matters, Cash On Hand… and that’s after Reichert brought President Bush into the district for a high-donor fundraiser. And note, the YTD numbers represent “net receipts”; if you only look at contributions and subtract out Reichert’s $64,000 2Q “committee transfer,” Reichert’s fundraising is running about 20-percent below last cycle’s efforts.
It’s harder to raise money when you are in the minority, as Reichert is discovering, but it still ought to be easier as an incumbent than as a challenger, especially this early in the contest. If the Reichert folks were as pleased with their candidate’s anemic showing as they claimed to Postman, I’m guessing they wouldn’t have buried their announcement on a Friday afternoon.
And yet Marcy still Lost.
Darcy has a massive lead in tears cried. She will have even a bigger lead after 2008. hehehehehe oh I mean roof roof
Dave should bend over and kiss his ass goobye.
Go Darcy!
Oh, and I am helping out with NOW Washington’s Women of Color and Allies (WOCA) campaign that will bring lots more single women and women of color to the polls. Democrats, babay!
Did I mention Dave should kiss his ass goodbye? I thought so.
Burner beats Reichert in Q3 performance —
where it counts, i.e., net increase in Cash on Hand.
Net change in CoH for Darcy: +$184,900.
Net change in CoH for David: +$177,300.
So Darcy leads in both results to date (Cash on Hand) and true current quarter performance (net change in CoH) … even though (or even because?) Dave had a presidential fundraising event in the mix.
Additionally, Dave has probably maxxed out more contributors, and added fewer names to the contributor list — both of which steepen the hill he has to climb in the next four quarters.
Yup. I suppose IAFF will just have to get used to referring to her as Representative Marcy come November.
@1 Who’s Marcy?
To use a stock market analogy, Reichert is like a fading stock of years gone by, and Darcy is the hot new growth stock!
@2 Dufus, I remember when you were predicting massive wins for Motherbeater Irons and Roadkill McGavick — both of whom got beaten at the polls by … cigaret smoke.
Roger Rabbit,
IAFF Fireman has some kind of obsession with Marcy Bruner, an awesome basketball player from Waco, TX.
Too bad she’s still bankrupt in ideas.
She’ll be spouting off about ending the war in Iraq when even the Dem Presidential hopefuls told the American people straight up that the war in Iraq will not be over during their first term.
If she didn’t beat him last time around, it sure as hell ain’t going to happen this time. She might as well use the cash on hand to buy more minority votes like Dems did last time *cough* ACORN *cough*
It will be funny to read the stories of liberal nutroots out slashing tires and burning republican polling places this time around.
It’s an expensive one, but the fact still exists that Darcy Burner jumped the shark a long time ago. Might as well trot out Heidi Wills-Behrens or Behrens-Wills or whatever for the good all that cash will do.
But the point made @11 by SandM is a good one: her election will be immaterial since the top Demo prexy candidates are now on record saying they’ll do exactly what The Darcy will campain against.
Can’t these people all get on the same bus?
The Piper
S&M and Piper Scott,
…her election will be immaterial since the top Demo prexy candidates are now on record saying they’ll do exactly what The Darcy will campain against.”
But, but, but, but doesn’t that make it ALL THE MORE IMPORTANT to elect Darcy? I mean, if we get a “neocon in Democrats clothing” elected President, then a stronger anti-war Congress is absolutely essential!
Dipshit @ 11 said
“the Dem Presidential hopefuls told the American people straight up that the war in Iraq will not be over during their first term.”
Nope they didn’t. They said the could not promise troops would be out of Iraq by the end of their first term.
You see, Dipshit, it may take longer than we would hope to clean up the disastrous mess left by the promises that turned out to be LIES that the Neoon Bush administration and their laughable ignorant bootlickers repeatedly told.
Dipshit’s brother “DIppershit” said @ 12
“the top Demo prexy (sic) candidates are now on record saying they’ll do exactly what The Darcy will campain against.”
See above. And shut the fuck up, you filthy fucking lying neocon asshole.
And Dippershit @ 12 if you think my language is foul, you have no idea how offensive the lies you state every day are to anyone who actually understands the crimes the Bush administration and its brain dead supporters have committed against the US and its constitution.
You lies are the filthiest language imaginable.
I used to enjoy seeing people refer to McGavick as “Mike!?!?”
No!No!No!No! That’s not IRONY!!!!
It’s drollery!!!!
……razorblades! Yada,Yada,Yada ….
# 12: Yeah. Maybe you have a point. It’s kind of like what’s his face ‘Rossi'(who is not the current governor, if you recall) running for governor again.
Piper: You should change your handle to ‘TH III”!!! It’s kind of like THC, except it stands for Thurston Howell III.
Feathers in your hat:
1- It would reflect the tone of your addresses to the HA readership and your personality.
You’d seem way-cool for the double-entendre/pun.
Black Eyes:
You’d appear foolish — but , then again, you already do.
Gargle with razor blades.
Then tell me face to face…mano y mano…
No guts, no glory!
It would almost be worth the price of admission to see The Darcy do her Blonde thing and have her get waxed when she finds Washington, D.C. neither knows nor cares nor cares to know what she thinks, feels, does, or whether she goes on trips to Disneyland with her children. They’ll throw her chin music, high, tight and inside, and she won’t have the brains to be brushed back by it.
She’ll be aghast and agog that even a Demo prexy (not sic…a common shorthand term for it known by anyone with a political education above pre-school) won’t follow the timeline that she, The Darcy, has established for everthing from Iraq withdrawal to getting a pedicure.
She’ll have to fly netroots in to tell her what to do and how to vote…She’s the Carolyn Edmonds of her time…needing someone to pull the little string at the back of her neck before she says anything.
The Darcy…there’s a sitcom in there somewhere starring Paris Hilton and K-Fed.
The Piper
Piper Scott @ 20,
What the….
Holy shit, man…you went away from the comment threads for awhile and came back shit faced.
Please…don’t blog drunk…you are incoherent enough while sober!
Stone cold, Darryl…Commenting only in proportion to the lunacy I read from others.
Shouldn’t you be listening to your master’s voice on the radio or something??? He needs at least a listener.
The Piper
Stone cold, Darryl…Commenting only in proportion to the lunacy I read from others.
I suggest you spend less time over at (u)SP.
Regarding # 20: I smell blood Piper. Yer goin’ DOWN!!
Gargle with razor blades!
Piper’s been down so long, it looks like up to him. Every time he tries to put together a cogent argument, it gets shot to pieces.
I actually feel pity for Piper. He’s completely oblivious to the extent of the damage the Republican party has done to this country. Oh, he’ll pay lip service to the way Republicans have run off the tracks, but he really has no idea just how far off the tracks they’ve run. A partial list:
* The process changes in Congress that lead to things like appointing Randy (Duke) Cunningham chairmain of the House Appropriations Committee, completely shutting Democrats out of sessions of important legislative committees, extending votes well beyond the customary 15 minutes so that the House leadership can twist the arms of recalcitrant members thereby inducing them to toe the party line, and the rather novel approach of allowing government operations to shut down entirely over budget squabbles.
* The shameless packing of the Supreme Court, including outright perjury on the part of Justices Thomas and Rehnquist during their confirmation hearings, with idealogues who would completely eviserate the selective incorporation of the Bill of Rights into the XIVth Amendment of the Constitution. Would you like to see, say, Utah declare LDS the official state religion? That would be completely consistent with the interpretive theories of four of the nine members of the US Supreme Court.
* The invention of the novel concept of a “unitary executive”. This combined with the oppressive secrecy of the Bush/Cheney Presidency has lead to such unconscionable abuses as warrantless wire taps, redefining “torture” beyond recognition in violation of both the Constitution and our treaty obligations, transforming the Department of Justice from a largely independant government agency into a politically-motivated policy arm of the White House and bringing the country to war through the use of false pretenses and the politics of fear. The last part being precisely the reaction al Qaeda wanted when they flew two jet liners into the World Trade Center buildings.
* This philosophy of a “unitary executive” and Congress’ almost complete abdication of their oversight responsibilities, have effectively transformed the Presidency into an elected monarchy. We no longer have a government of Checks and Balances as envisioned by our progenitors.
Bush is quoted as saying, “Stop throwing the Constitution in my face! It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!” Which is exactly what the core of the Republican Party think of the Constitution, except when they can appoint judges who will “interpret” the Constitution in such a way as to achieve the ends they wish.
None of these things are new. Many of them began back during Nixon’s presidency, were extended during the Reagan and Bush I presidencies, and have culminated in two terms of the worst president in history.
In short, the Republican Party as it’s currently constituted, is only capable of ruling, at times with an astounding level of ruthlesness, and only for the benefit of those who have the means and willingness to assist them to retain power. They are completely and utterly incapable of actually governing.
This is why Republicans like Reichert must be ousted from Office and replaced by Democrats like Darcy Burner.
Not much time…but Rehnquist??? C’mon! His confirmation as Associate Justice was nearly 36-years ago! Why not argue that John Jay or Stephen Field were tainted!
BTW…Stephen Field…My favorite SCOTUS case, In Re Nagle, involving an old west shootout on a train involving a U.S. Marshall guarding Justice Field…Reads like an episode of Have Gun, Will Travel. Some of the weapons involved in that fight were auctioned off a few years ago for a lot of money!
Lawyers are entitled to whatever views they wish to hold on the application of the Bill of Rights to the states via the 14th Amendment. There is no such thing as an absolute opinion on that question. Stare Decisis may control in some instances, but it’s not as rigid as you contend.
The Darcy, BTW, about whom this thread discusses, will have nothing to say about any nominee to SCOTUS since she not only won’t be sitting in the Senate, she probably won’t make it to the House, either. Unless, that is, it’s an outhouse.
Just because Halloween approaches doesn’t mean you have to look for spooks and goblins under your bed. There are just as many who consider your POV to be tyrannical and unjust as anything. You may be a Democrat, but you have little regard for democratic process and principles, which is pretty typical for most Democrats.
The Piper
Not much time…but Rehnquist??? C’mon! His confirmation as Associate Justice was nearly 36-years ago!
The Rehnquist confirmation is evidence that the Republican disregard for democratic principles and processes is a long-standing pattern of behavior and not just an aberration.
There is no such thing as an absolute opinion on that question. Stare Decisis may control in some instances, but it’s not as rigid as you contend.
If stare decisis were rigid, there’d be no reason to have concern about Republican efforts to roll back more than a century’s worth of landmark Supreme Court decisions through questionable appointments.
The Darcy, BTW, about whom this thread discusses, will have nothing to say about any nominee to SCOTUS
True, but the point of discussing the composition of the Supreme Court was to provide a relatively complete account of the efforts of Republicans to eviscerate the Constitution. Of all the points I raised, why choose this particular point?
There are just as many who consider your POV to be tyrannical and unjust as anything.
Oh, there are the Ann Coulters out there who think they have a God-given right to “Perfect” Jews, and that any attempt to resist their efforts is unjust tyranny. I have no idea how many there are, and neither do you, for that matter. But, if there are just as many people who believe in this Coulteresque form of religious manifest destiny, then this Republic is doomed.
By the way, Piper, I’m not a Democrat, though I make no bones about having a generally liberal stance on issues. There was a time when I would have sided with Republicans on some issues, but that ended pretty much during Iran/Contra. It was then that the disregard most Republicans had for the law and the principles and processes of Democracy became readily apparent to me.
?? Does the money make you smarter.
Vote Reichert