So we finally find out what Denny Heck thinks about health care. He urged passage the weekend the vote was happening in the House.
Talk about the worst of both worlds. The Tea Party/Republicans will attack him anyway, and by not taking a stand until the 11th hour he’s shown that he’s afraid of the heat. Not exactly what voters are looking for this year, IMHO. Then he complains in his “open letter” about politics? Geebus. How’s he going to handle the right if he can’t handle the left?
UPDATE (Goldy):
Let’s be clear, State Sen. Craig Pridemore came out unequivocally for health care reform well before the vote, at a time when it wasn’t at all clear that Democrats had enough votes to pass it, whereas Heck waited until it was pretty much a done deal. I’ve got nothing against Heck, but I’m personally convinced that politics as usual is a losing ticket for WA-03 Democrats this November, and that’s what he brings to the table, while Pridemore is the kinda populist go-getter who really connects with voters.
Locked in special session, and unable to devote himself full time to campaigning and fundraising, Pridemore sure could use your help.
Health care insurance reform is nice but let us not forget what we really need, Health CARE reform: systematic and complete. Denny Heck is nice if what we want in D.C. is another old state politico trying his hand at something new. Unfortunately, what we need is leadership that will continue to push the bounds so that maybe we can finally accomplish the goal President Truman set out to do over half a century ago! Craig Pridemore is what we need. Fuck the old hat, lets go with a new look!