I’ve been trying to track down the details of this story since late last night, but since The Stranger’s “Slog” has broken it first, here’s the link:
If this is real, this is an outrage. If the Rs of King County are knowingly, falsely challenging legit voter registrations in an effort to suppress Dem votes then they should be PUNISHED.
if this is the kind of “reform” that Republican David Irons intends to inflict on King County, then we’re in real trouble if he beats Ron Sims next Tuesday. Everyone in this apartment building whose registration was challenged should call a press conference, and this woman
oh please……….YOU of all people are bitching about voter intimidation? aren’t you and the other lefties in king co. the poster children for voter intimidation?
of course if someone did this it’s wrong…….but when are you going to start calling your own “side” on this baloney?
so far….you have been the chief ass kisser of dean logan…..and doesn’t that just say it all?
Hey josef!
Is this ‘fair elections’ where ‘every legal vote is counted’?
or is it more ‘for elections only republicans can win’?
Wait….you guys steal votes after we cast them; that’s ok. ….splain that to me…after the fact cowardly intimidation…
When i’m asked for my ID
to drink
to rent a car
to get a building permit
is that intimidation?
Class action lawsuit time. Bury them with lawyers. An asshole stunt like that deserves it.
you scumbag apologists have no idea, do you?
You’re so utterly without morals and ethics in your effort to ‘win’ and steal more that you just go on blathering about (DISMISSED!) claims of fraud and known lies to justify an utterly reprehsible and morally repugnant action by ‘your side’.
I’d say, ‘go to hell’… But all evidence points to the fact that you’re already well on your way.
You people are the worst America has to offer. As HST said, “The dark underbelly of the American Dream”
To drink: Age limit on booze
To rent a car: Private business.
To get a building permit: Age limit on contracts? Zoning?
To vote: Poll Tax
Feigned fringie outrage – ain’t it cute!
Commander ogg;
Cool, so no IDs for voting? Do you have to be alive?
And no IDs for voting 2 or 3 times! Is this a great country or what!
Asking for ID isn’t intimidation, which is why you have to present your ID to vote.. But getting a letter in the mail from the government saying that someone you don’t know is challenging your right as a citizen is.
Not knowing the exact facts on this case, just what I’ve seen in the news and here, it seems Lori Sotelo is abusing both the letter and the intent of this law. Lori Sotelo has no personal knowledge that these voters are illegally registered, she just has a suspicion based on a database search.. And an apparently faulty database search at that. If Lori is allowed to successfully challenge these people, then it’s time for a Democrat to challenge all of the voters in Spokane and Yakima county. Sure.. I don’t know all those voters are illegally registered, but I do have a strong suspicion of this. :)
Where was the outrage when KCE mailed out the overseas military ballots late?
To the trolls…
Fuck you! Fuck you all you fascist pigs! You unAmerican, unpatriotic, undemocratic, fascist fucks!
WA state has a history of extraodinarily clean elections, with virtually no voter intimidation or suppression… until now.
Nearly every Republican election reform is designed to suppress the vote: picture ID at the polls, stricter signature matching, purging the rolls, eliminating ballot duplication and enhancement! Your whole election contest was nothing but lies… and now this.
Anybody who supports what the KCGOP did should be ashamed of themselves.
Following editorial from that Bastion of Liberalism the Macon (Georgia) Telegraph:
Republican legislators said they crafted Georgia’s new voter ID law to prevent voting fraud, although Georgia hasn’t had a case of voter impersonation for years.
Formerly, voters could show one of 17 types of ID, including a utility bill or Social Security card. Under the new law, they must show one of a few types of picture ID, such as a drivers license.
Comment by windie— 11/4/05 @ 12:48 pm
I’m just going to say this for now: If there were errors, then people need to be good citizens, make the time, and stand up for themselves.
Obviously, with the failure of King County Elections to police their own voting rolls, you will have vigilante justice. That is what you are seeing right now.
David Irons, Jr. will put an end to the vigilante justice need by appointing a competent elections director who will throw out some of these challenges by placing quick, speedy phone calls. Ron Sims won’t put in the procedures to stop the necessary vigilantism.
Addendum to 14: like shooting fish in a barrel.
Comment by Commander Ogg— 11/4/05 @ 12:58 pm
$20 for 5 years doesn’t seem like much.
Comment by Goldy— 11/4/05 @ 1:10 pm
Yeah, this is vigilante justice at its worst. Next time, just fire Dean C. Logan so the safeguards are in place to stop mailbox voters and keep apartment voters on the rolls – David Irons, Jr. will.
Comment by Commander Ogg— 11/4/05 @ 1:11 pm
Hard to find vote fraud if you don’t look…
I agree you should challenge any voter who is registered to a P.O. Box, Storage facility or personal mail box facility. If you can’t follow the requirements for proper registration than you shouldn’t be able to vote. So challenge any that are not registered to a physical residence no matter what county or party. I’m tired of people making excuses for the ones who do not follow the rules.
This just gave me an idea. The only way to beat the criminal right is to fight fire with fire. It’s not too late for us to challenge east side voters in republican heavy eastern King County. If there’s nothing criminal in what this right wing bitch has done, then why not do the same thing to her? And I don’t want to hear all this crap about we shouldn’t stoop to the republicans’ level. It’s precisely because we haven’t stooped to their level that the criminal cabal running republican politics has won success. It’s time to treat this like a civil war. And since these punks are used to having someone else do their fighting for them, it won’t last long!
James S @ 19
Why don’t you actually read the Washblog story – the people registered at the storage facility were the managers – and guess what – they actually lived at the storage facility (something about needing someone on duty 24 hours a day).
You can’t just sign a legally binding declaration without actually doing the research. Accusing 60 people in an 80 year old apartment building isn’t an attempt to protect voter integrity – it’s an attempt to suppress Democratic votes. Pure and simple.
No, Fuck you and your blind, koolaid drinking (liberally) buddies.
A challenge is just that and anyone can issue it. Let them prove they live in those PO Boxes.
I challenge you to write something more intelligent, you irrelevant pigs butt. (sorry to impune the other white meat).
OK, call me dumb… (thanks).
Where’s the famous terrible letter? I’ve looked at the blog, stragner, stranger forums….
Is this just hearsay by Goldy?
Comment by LeftTurn— 11/4/05 @ 1:18 pm
I second: Fair game.
Biggest mistake Democrats made for their supporters – and to the swing voters – was not to join w/ the Republicans, offer to trade intel and come up w/ 1 joint, bulletproof list.
Instead, vigilante justice.
goldy @13 getting his knickers in a real knot……
“Fuck you! Fuck you all you fascist pigs! You unAmerican, unpatriotic, undemocratic, fascist fucks!
WA state has a history of extraodinarily clean elections, with virtually no voter intimidation or suppression… until now.”
god..that was the funniest thing you have ever written!!! you are on a roll….keep up the good work.especially the part about washington having such peachy elections. gawd.you are too funny. forget the radio show….go for stand-up….you would make a bundle.
and need i even point out to everyone here just how much goldy sounds like alot of his ” posters”…WOW…..it’s eerie.
and all of these new names…….oh, david, shame on you!
SO it’s only 60 people out of how many thousand that were challenged? Also how many absentee votes are missing this last primary in King county? So 60 voters are more important than 390 voters that didn’t get thier legal ballots not counted/lost. I didn’t see nothing on this blog about that one. I guess it depends on which party you support not what is right.
These fucking assholes. They know that if they challenge poor folks, then they probably won’t make the time to got to some fucking hearing downtown to clear a bogus charge. But I bet this Lori Sotelo has plenty of time to go to hearings, and to spend time to make bogus charges against people who do infact live in Belltown.
I’m copying this over to here so this gets the appropiate response:
windbag: Cynicism and distrust over a still broke elections department! You can’t stand the truth. Do YOU agree that 390 votes went POOF? Do YOU agree that this is a still broke problem? Do YOU agree that there are problems? But then again you are a windbag. Maybe you need a fresh air change!
Comment by Puddybud — 11/4/05 @ 12:44 pm
Comment by James S. — 11/4/05 @ 1:25 pm
Sure, but I agree: 60 persons who will now, God willing, have the balls to stand up for themselves.
[Oh and I just called Irons HQ as a tip-off.]
and…….”I am enraged to the edge of violence.”
tsk tsk tsk………aren’t you a card carrying member of liberal touchy feely party? oh, wait….by violence i guess you mean you have a set of car keys and aren’t afraid to use them, right? LOL.
Comment by Belltowner — 11/4/05 @ 1:26 pm
Why not join w/ me in telling them to get off of their butts and stand up for themselves? Come on! Don’t be a cynic, be a patriot and demand that every legal vote be counted – and undiluted!!!
Hey, this is vigilante justice because of Dean C. Logan’s incompetence and you know it, I know it, and sadly they don’t.
Having voted since I was legal at 18, I have noted a nasty, two part strategy by my Conservative friends in the last 25 years.
Part I is to convince the population that all politicians are crooks and there is no way to fight city hall, so why bother voting. The last thing my right wing friends want is power to the people.
Part II is suppresion of the vote. Now in the day it was enough to simply refuse to allow minority/poor citizens this option. Then came those nasty civil rights laws, darn them. What to do?
The old bait and switch. Set up a law that prevents people from voting but appears to effect everybody. Felon votes are illegal.
But darn it, we do not want the minorities/poor voting, but how do we arrest them. We can not put them in jail for looking at a white women or vagrancy.
Drugs, my friend. Make it a bigger crime if you sell a certain drug used in minority/poor neigborhoods. Make sure the police only target those neighborhoods. We ride high on law and order, clean the streets of undesirables, and make a fortune in the prison industry. Brilliant.
XmasCrank looks down her very, very long nose from her wingnut perch in CAALEEEFORNEEAA.
BonzoBananaDanno and Josef the pathetic chime in…
So typical of the wingnuts and their assorted toadies…
belltowner@27…….well, aren’t you just the most bigoted guy? poor folks won’t make the time? and just why is that? if you don’t have money….you don’t have moral fiber? you can’t think for yourself?
behold the self-rightious leftie…….HE knows better for you “poor folks”.
god…just how patronizing can you get?
Comment by christmasghost — 11/4/05 @ 1:35 pm
Thank you!
“I am enraged to the edge of violence.”
There is an intimidating thought…….
Poindexter on the warpath. What are you gonna do Goldy, through your pocket protector at someone?
Now wait just a second here Goldy—-
Don’t pull a CLOWNstein on us!!
You know as well as anyone that it is perfectly legal to challenge a voter.
There is a process prescribed in the law.
The person challenged has every right to respond and a decision will ultimately be made.
All everyone heard from you during the Governor’s Race challenge is that it was required by LAW to reconcile votes & voters.
Every single common sense challenge was met my you with FOLLOW THE LAW!
Well, it appears by your own admission that the LAW is being followed. Appeals are legally being filed. Voters have every right to challenge.
Frankly, with LoganCLOWN’s attitude of COUNT EVERY VOTE (as opposed to count every LEGITIMATE vote), I’m surprised someone has challenged virtually every voter in Seattle! It’s LEGAL to file a challenge, isn’t it???? Show me where in the LAW it says you can’t file a challenge??? That’s all it is is a challenge.
Once again, a list second SHITSQUAD tactic by a desperate Sims Campaign.
Take a deep breathe dude!
Every time you panic, it reminds why I HATE CLOWNS!!
I’d be mad too if my vote was challenged, but I’d stand up for me and work this out.
Let cooler, patriotic heads prevail…
Oh no, the fringie, fruitcakes got their panties in a twist. I love it when Goldy goes into dj mode. It proves to everyone he is devoid of further commentary once his initial spurt is over. He can’t get it up again to argue with the big boys who call BULLSHIT to his initial deposit.
If you all had agreed with us over the KCREALS problems instead of call Dino Rossi Dino “Lossi”, Dino the Idiot, Ron Sims is right, an election banks would be proud of, etc. we could be in agreement here over some of the continuing KCREALS problems. Instead the fringie fruitcakes called PorkASS now are atwitter over the rule saying you can’t use a PO Box as an address. So, if these people really live at a PO Box, then why wasn’t this challenged by KCREALS first? Because they are incompetent donks there. Wake up lefties. We would support you if you would open your fucking eyes and admit Dean Logan is worthless as leader of the KC Voting pac.
I haven’t seen this noted anywhere else but the GOP has been including hundreds of INACTIVE registrations in their various challenges and lists.
A third of their list of duplicates was inactive, WEEKS before they turned it over to King County. The same thing applied to their other various challenges. Sloppy sloppy work, totally in keeping with how they behaved during the trial.
These are OBVIOUS errors. Dean Logan’s error rate is, at most, .001%? The Republicans can’t produce any kind of list without a huge chunk of it being dismissed at a single glance.
Do we want people who get it wrong a third of the time running King County?
I agree you should challenge any voter who is registered to a P.O. Box, Storage facility or personal mail box facility.
Except, of course, King County already removes people registered at PO Boxs, PMBs and known mailbox businesses.
It’s just an extension that has become the culture of corruption within the conservative mindset.
goldy’s ring finger @33………actually it’s a short straight nose. try to get it right, okay? i realize that “facts” aren’t really popular with you guys but throw a few in every now and then just for laughs okay?
and you’re just jealous because you are stuck up there…heh heh heh……..
Josef: You’ll die before windbag gets fresh air. All lefties understand this is their last stand. If the Voting Problem is corrected, only “real” votes will count and they’ll lose.
Cynical @ 37. Yeah, it is legal, but procedure must be followed.
If you signed an affidavit that “claims personal knowledge or belief that these validly registered voters are not qualified to vote OR don’t live where they say they do” and you have never even met or contacted those voters; well makeing a false staement on an official document is a tisk tisk and a naughty naughty.
See you in court.
Comment by Puddybud — 11/4/05 @ 1:45 pm
Yeah, I agree. But I also want those citizens living in apartments to keep their right to vote. One day very soon, I too will live in an apartment, so I have some pity.
And yes, I’ve e-mailed The Shark (at BOTH of his e-mails), the Irons Campaign, called both Carlson and his producer. We’re going into overdrive here in the right lane!
Republicans will stoop to any level to win an election. Their strategy is to have a new press release everyday that can make a headline to slam Sims. They know that if Irons was to talk about issues he’d get mad and beat his mother again.
What losers. I’m all for challenging every republican registration and make THEM go through this bullshit.
It wasn’t that long ago the Republican strategist (stan shore) was busted recruiting Green Party candidates to run and siphon votes from Dems. Now they just challenge their registrations.
Anyone know what the law says on this? Can this lady goto jail?
Comment by LEFT is RIGHT — 11/4/05 @ 1:50 pm
More diversionary tactics. David Irons is talking about issues… if only you’d listen.
Go to http://www.davidirons.org and get the skinny…
David Irons, Jr.: Our last best hope to clean up King County Elections, just as Democrats have their last best hope to clean up Ohio elections…
Hey Josef,
When are you going to hold other Washington counties as accountable as you’re holding King County? This is nothing more than a witch hunt being carried out by the corrupt Republican party. King County is the largest county in Washington and because of this, it has the most by count incorrect registrations. Guess which county had the biggest from their original count and their manual recount count? I’ll give you a hint.. It’s not King…
Adams added .71%
Walla Walla added .50%
Pierce added .31
Kittitas added .30
Skagit added .28%
Grant added .26%
Cowlitz subtracted .18%
and finally.. King and Asotin added .17%
The state average was .15%. So King is slightly above average, but when are you Republicans going to start holding the 8 counties that were as bad or worse than King County?
It’s time to stop blaming King County for Dino losing the election and start blaming Dino for not running a better campaign or be happy that Gregoire ran such a crappy campaign. Losing votes is NOT a King County problem, it’s a nationwide problem.
Sounds like the Andy Rooney type of voter intimidation. “I have a problem with the term African American…The word negro is a perfectly good word. There is nothing wrong with that” Andy Rooney on Imus 11/4/05, MSNBC, 8:45am ET
FUCK YOU Andy Rooney. Ahhh, that felt as good as naming my farts windbag!
Damn, now Andy knows where be dem white ni@@ers!!!
Comment by Bobblehead — 11/4/05 @ 1:53 pm
That was then. We do not have almost 400 legal votes go uncounted in those counties according to your post.
Also w/ a manual count, you can detect things that machines don’t when you don’t follow instructions w/ your ballot. I’m all in favor of a handjob when the machine error rate is reached.
Comment by Bobblehead — 11/4/05 @ 1:53 pm
That was then, this is now – a now w/ almost 400 legal votes uncounted.
Comment by Bobblehead — 11/4/05 @ 1:53 pm
Moreover, a manual recount will catch things machines don’t.
I’m all for a handjob when the machine rate of error is reached.
Bobblehead, I can agree that losing votes can be a bigger problem, but Stefan has found KCREALS counting illegal votes after they were rejected because they were found to be illegally submitted. You want to comment on that one?
If Paramedics and ambulances had the same accuracy rate for driving to the wrong address as KCREALS and their voting problems, how many people would have had worse off medical issues?
I posted the following in yesterday’s KCRE thread, but it was held up for some reason (it’s now at #85 in “Irons violates county ethics code?”). I’m repeating it here because Josef et al. obviously didn’t see it then:
>Mail ballots counted = 246,031
>Mail Ballots tabulated = 245,641
>Mail Ballots invalid (not signed, ineligible, etc.) = 390
>Less than two-tenths of one percent of all mail ballots were
>invalid? That’s an astonishingly low percentage.
>It sounds to me as though King County Elections is doing an
>incredibly good job of accounting for voters and matching them
>with ballots. Kudos to Dean Logan and the KCRE staff! And
>congratulations to the County Executive – as I recall, his name
>is Sims – for taking strong steps, and expending appropriate
>resources, to enable Logan’s people to run such a flawless
>primary election!
>Josef, go crawl back into your little marummy-hole and stop
>bothering the adults.
To amplify, “counted” is simply that — KCRE received X number of pieces of mail in ballot envelopes. Those counted pieces were then checked for validity … were the envelopes signed? was the signature on file? was there a ballot inside the envelope? As a result of that check, 390 pieces of mail didn’t contain ballots that could be tabulated. Thus, the “tabulated” number of ballots was 390 less than the “counted” pieces of mail.
That’s a vanishingly small 0.16% of all those pieces of mail, truly an amazing feat of good citizenship by King County voters. It has nothing whatsoever to do with Dean Logan or Ron Sims or KCRE or corruption. That idiots like Josef can’t (won’t?) comprehend such an obvious fact, and that they want to see this remarkably good performance by KCRE as something evil and dastardly demonstrates how poisonous the influence of the anti-governance, anti-democratic, anti-American, anti-rationality, anti-civilization wingnuts has become.
Maybe US Air was using Ron Sims voting accuracy when the pilot landed a 737 at Ohio State airport when he was supposed to land at Columbus International. Hmmm…?
Maybe the Japan Air Lines pilot was using Ron Sims voting accuracy when the pilot burned all four engines off of a brand new 747 jet? Hmmm…?
Can you say incompetent? Can you say Dean Logan? Now, can you say Incompetent Dean Logan? Good!
Are the “facts” the wingnut fantasies spun on NewsMax, WND, WSJ Editorial Page, SoundPolitics.com, etc.?
I thought so..
Maybe we need a county government like the French have in their country.
I say again.. When are you going to start holding the other counties as responsible as you’re holding King County? When is Stefan going to start requesting records from Spokane and Yakima county and comparing votes there? Losing votes, improperly counting votes, etc, etc, is not a King County problem, it is a systemic problem caused by the voters, not by a ‘corrupt Elections Office’. It is the responsibility of the the voters to ensure that they are properly registered and that they do not vote twice.
Also, if y’all would pull your heads out you would realize that just because there were 400 more absentee ballots sent in than counted, that doesn’t mean they were lost. Logan already noted that people do not always include the ballots in the envelope, they don’t fill them out properly, don’t sign the envelope, etc, etc. There will never be a time when the number of votes received by an elections office will match the number of votes counted. People are stupid (as evidenced by Puddybud and Josef) and that’s just the way it is.
Comment by Bobblehead — 11/4/05 @ 2:08 pm
Read the form, dumbf–k and you’ll see all of that is covered.
ChristmanGhost: Ignore Karma Clueless. He has no clue, so he goes back into blame media mode. WTF? I suppose his blogs don’t want to touch this so he has to denigrate anything he disagrees with. Hence he is clueless. Even Jimmy Carter disagrees with you clueless. WTF now bonehead?
If the returned ballots are NOT in the correct envelope and/or the envelope is not filled out correctly then you DO NOT FUCKING COUNT them jackass! There are rules that must be followed. You then contact the rule breakers and tell them their vote was not counted because they didn’t follow the law! Get it dingleberry?
Puddy has a plane to catch. So I leave this thread in the capable hands of Cynical, ProudASS, christmasghost, Mark to the Right, MTR, Marks, and all other right thinkers!
Comment by Puddybud — 11/4/05 @ 2:16 pm
I’ll help, but you should have mentioned, oh, me!
Fuck every Rethug apologist on this board (and all over the great US of A) who is perfectly fine with directly denying legal voters their rights. This is a much greater evil than a few inadvertant duplicate ballots (say, for married women who changed their names and forget to update their registration) or for hammering on a few inadvertant and minor errors that are well within statistically acceptable margins.
I mean, really, fuck you all. You want war – you’re gonna get it.
for the clueless….for the RECORD….when all you can contribute to the discussion is morphing of people’s names isn’t that pretty silly?
what i want to know [i have been gone too long i see] is why they call you karma clueless? maybe a little preemptive karma coming your way????
@ 34 asshole
I know because I am poor, and if I was less politically active, I’d fuck off voting, which is what some of my neighbors might do because of this stunt
This has become funny watching the lefties act all indignant over 170 challenges. The same folks who were defending thousands of extra ballots, felon, double and unregistered voters, as when compared to the total number of votes the impact was small.
If KCE had been doing half their job all these years the repubs would not have to police the rolls. If the law did not allow for post-election challenges that could actually deduct bad votes from specific candidates, the pre-election purging would not be so important. Just remember, a few hundred out of millions is a small number, right?
*wanders over to the form* Oooo, indeed they are accounted for. :) I shall now concede that 400 absentee ballots are unaccounted for from the primary election…
I shall now return to my previous question. When will the Republican party start holding the corrupt Elections Offices (based on their standard of losing ballots) of EVERY OTHER COUNTY IN THE STATE accountable? Yet again.. Using the 2004 Governor recount as an example there was only 1 county in all of Washington state that did not change their count from the initial count until the manual count and that county had 2,000+ total votes.
It’s time to stop kicking around King County for a systemic problem in all election offices. There is no culture of corruption in King County’s election office, just as there is no culture of corruption in Adams County’s election office and the sooner you moronic wingnuts can wrap your brain around it, the sooner we can start working on election reform.
Comment by Bobblehead — 11/4/05 @ 2:44 pm
You use a statistic that is irrelevant here. If, let’s say, Skagit County had # of legal votes > # of legal votes counted – then we’ll see about my outrage. Don’t worry – I’ll get LOUD!
I mean, really, fuck you all. You want war – you’re gonna get it. -Comment by Mr. X— 11/4/05 @ 2:22 pm
Feel all better now, sweetcheeks? Want a cookie?
Bobblehead-65 ‘..the sooner we can start working on election reform.’
Interesting phrase. The dems say they already did election reform in the 2005 session.
Result – people in WA still think the system stinks:
“9. Are you confident that Washington has overcome the problems that hindered the 2004 Election and that there will be no problems with the 2006 Election?
Yes 17%
No 70%
Undecided 13%”
‘When will the Republican party start holding the corrupt Elections Offices..’
The biggest ROI is with the low-hanging fruit, or the biggest bang for the buck. If the dems thought there were points (or votes) to gain by targeting other counties they would be doing it.
Mr. X-62 ‘..you’re gonna get it.’
You mean you can dig up more ballots for dems out of existing stock?
Yeah. Like a re-vote in King County. Preferably in one month for County Executive, no matter who wins if the spread is < 1K voters. I said it first.
less than 1K votes.
Hey Goldstein,
What’s your good answer as to why someone should list a storage facility as their address in the first place? I can sort of see listing a mailbox rental place if one does not prefer to get mail at their house, but then again, it does clearly state on the registration form that the address must be a residence, and not a post office box. And there is a reason for listing the residence address instead of a post office box address. A voter is only eligible to vote in the races that apply to where they live, not where they get their mail.
So why wouldn’t it be appropriate to check out these addresses, and why wasn’t this done by King County Elections?
A voter that is challenged for listing a storage facility address is not being disenfanchised, they being asked to clarify their right to vote and to be honest. And it’s not like people can’t find out the date of an election in advance. If the right to vote is important to a person, they will take the time to make sure they are properly registered. And if they don’t, then why should we care?
Do you have something against honesty and legal voting?
Comment by John McDonald — 11/4/05 @ 2:59 pm
I copied this to the next thread at http://www.horsesass.org/index.php?p=1133
I just heard that Irons is threatening to kick his mom’s ass again if she doesn’t vote for him!
Using the Governor Recount is not a useless statistic, it is an example that proves the validity of my argument. Last year’s election represents how a ‘typical’ election is run in our state and the Governor’s vote is a representation of that election. What you can get from using the Governor recount is a valid sampling of how votes are treated in our state. Based on the Governor election, I can say that on average, Washington state undercounts an average of .15% of all ballots submitted, King County undercounts by .17%, and Adams County undercounts by .71%.
Based on the testimony presented in the trial earlier this year, you can also infer that King County’s issue with multiple registrations, illegal voting, etc, is present in every other county in Washington. The only reason King County is getting the crap kicked out of it is because of the witch hunt being carried out by the Republican party against the most populous and most Democratic county in Washington. If the Republican party wants to have any credibility in this argument, then they need to start focusing on the state as a whole, not just on Washington.
Until the Republican party requests the same information and the same accountability from the most populous Republican county, then this is nothing but a witch hunt and fear mongering that the Republicans expertise in.
Y’all make a big thing about KCE not counting 400 absentee ballots.. What about the 140+ voters that the King county republican party just illegally tried to disenfranchised. And that’s just the 140+ that we know about. The Republican Party has consistently shown this year that they are a morally bankrupt party that is not interested in showing themselves accountable for the very actions they accuse the Democrats of using.
Puddy “Freep” Koresh: Puhleeze spare us the lies about you wingnuts supporting those you disagree with under any circumstances. You know as well as anyone that it’s your way or the highway.
I’m working on an organization chart of the HA.org BUSH-DAVIDIANS. You’re still at the apex of the pyramid pal. Enjoy your flight.
Got your back Mr. X…
Fuck all these assholes.
You know…these pidgeon brains are kinda like alligators…throw a name in the pool like…Dean Logan…or Ron Sims…or Michael Moore…or Hillary Clinton…or MoveOn.org…and they ALL start snorting and snapping.
It’s funny…and ohhh so predictable.
Lefties; still haven’t seen any document or proof of this fictional “intimidation”
Along those lines, I heard a UFO landed in Yelm….
Bobblehead-75 ‘Y’all make a big thing about KCE not counting 400 absentee ballots.. What about the 140+ voters..’
What percentage of the total votes is 140+? Is it too small to complain about?
Josef and puddy-the-loathesome.
There is no ‘fresh air’ when talking to you 2 brainless hacks. In the giant echochamber that is your idiotic little lives, theres no way to break through.
How many people have brought up the same extremely valid points to you Josef? Like 10? And what do you do? Always ignore it. You don’t want the truth, you don’t want honest elections. You just want to see Republicans win.
As to puddy, yearight, ASS, mr. irrelevant et al.
I think it says it all to see you sick bastards amused by the abuse of the laws and the disenfranchisement of legal voters. You think its funny. And you think its even funnier that people would be outraged by such abuse.
There’s really nothing to say to you, not really.
On the other hand, theres good news all around. Unamerican bastards like you are falling all around us. Even Dino (the wuss) Rossi and David (mamma fell down the stairs) Irons are having huge trouble… And the best part is they’re getting trouble for just the right reasons. They’re sick bastards that don’t care about the truth, the rule of law, or anything… except their own power American (and Washingtonians) are finally waking up to you, and its starting to look like you’ve finally gotten enough rope to hang yourselves.
I can’t say it came soon enough.
Out of the 1,900+ registrations that the Republican Party challenged, they have admitted that they erred on 140+ of those registrations. That’s a 7% error rate of the ones that we know about. Imagine the outrage if KCE had a 7% error rate instead of the .16% error rate they currently have.
So, to steal a line from the Republicans.. When will Lori Sotelo be held accountable for her corruption?? When will Chairman Vance fire Lori Sotelo for running a corrupt King County Republican Party?? It’s time to hold the Republican Party accountable for their corruption. Vote Democrat.;)
Or.. If you’re a republican and feel that the democrats are corrupt as well.. It’s time to hold the Democratic and Republican parties accountable for their corruption.. Vote Green!!
So why wouldn’t it be appropriate to check out these addresses, and why wasn’t this done by King County Elections?
First off, if you list a PO BOX, a PMB or an address at a known mail facility, King County doesn’t activate your registration. So the easy pickings are already out of the way.
None of the people on the Republican’s list are obviously at mailbox locations. They all look like residential addresses. So you have to know for certain that the location isn’t a valid one. Unfortunately, the GOP obviously skipped that little step of verifying the addresses weren’t residences before swearing to “personal knowledge”. And as we’ve discovered, hundreds of them aren’t valid.
Now, KCE has obviously done some work on this list already because a quarter of it isn’t active. So, some of these are valid challenges… or they would be if KCE hadn’t already caught them.
Yeah. Republicans are challenging *hundreds* of *inactive* registrations.
When you guys defended the double count vote sytem in KC, you gave up the moral authority to complain about vote integrity. You could shut us down by getting an honest review of the system, release the documents. Give logan immunity; free dean logan!
righton, unfortunately It is you who have no credibility
Get out of my damn country before you do any more harm.
Sounds to me like one Lori Soleto should be prosecuted for felony voter fraud and sent to prison.
GOP = criminals
“oh please……….YOU of all people are bitching about voter intimidation? aren’t you and the other lefties in king co. the poster children for voter intimidation?”
No! You lying Republican fucks are the voter intimidation champions of the universe.
Well, maybe not the champions — maybe you’re not QUITE as bad as the armed thugs who manipulate elections in the former USSR — but you’re close.
Comment by Bobblehead — 11/4/05 @ 3:36 pm
I am outraged at the shitty intelligence the KCGOP used. That outrage has been rather consistent.
Name them. Now.
Comment by Bobblehead — 11/4/05 @ 3:36 pm
a) When you count and recount and recount – expect error. But every attempt to count every legal vote.
b) I am, again, outraged at the shitty intel. I, in fact, want to copycat the KCGOP in my county. BUT – and this is a big BUT – I want solid HUMINT (human intelligence) verifying what my spreadsheets tell me first.
Looks to me like the Democrats’ error rate is about 10 times as high as the Republicans’ error rate.
Apparently, 170 or so of some 1943 voter challenges by the King County GOP were not accurate, and actually represented real residence addresses. That is a GOP error rate of about 9%.
This means that about 1773 or so of the 1943 voter challenges were correct, and represent private mail boxes or storage unit lockers, instead of real residences. This is an error rate for Ron Sims, Dean Logan, and the Democrats of a little bit over 90%.
Thus far, the Democrats have been shown to make mistakes ten times as often as the Republicans. Time for a change in King County leadership.
Richard is right: For Dems, go to Gentry’s open arms.
For everybody else, go to David Irons, Jr. He welcomes ANYBODY to his team.
Gentry on KVI: Dean Logan wants to buy Diebold machines!!
ABDL – that’s how you vote. Anybody But Dean Logan.
Just like with Dino-Sore…if you can’t win it…(try to) steal it.
Worked for Chimpy…twice!
mr x @62……oh god. stop. i can’t stop laughing. what are you going to do? throw your birkenstocks at us???????
and this from the party of peace and love.you gotta love it.
too funny……has to be the best one today other than goldy threatening to get violent.
The whole thing with the Southern Strategy is that the type of person now attracted to THE REP. PARTY IS THE SORT OF LIAR AND CHEAT WHO WOULD ENSLAVE A PERSON AND THEN WANT TO COUNT THAT PERSON AS 3/5 OF A PERSON so they can get more power than they deserve . Have you ever noticed that these people feel that they are entitled to this extra power that they don’t deseve?
Richard @92: I’ll be interested to see how those numbers hold up. The 170 number being floated around is (to my knowledge) just the ones we know to be invalid at this point. The letters just went out in the past day or two. I’d expect that number to grow as more people start to report actually living at their registered address.
Plus, someone else pointed out that hundreds of the “challenged” registrations were already inactive and had been caught by KCE already. Counting them as Democratic “errors” seems rather iffy to me.
More MSM coverage, including list of names w/drawn.
Link to the MS Word doc: http://www.komotv.com/qt/elect.....110405.doc
Let me get this staight. The left is accusing the right of voter intimidation? The lying, tire slashing, property destroying left. The same party who directed union thugs to ransack a GOP office in Ohio. WEll
This means that about 1773 or so of the 1943 voter challenges were correct
Except you have to drop the 500+ INACTIVE records they’re “challenging”, you moron. And this is comparing their challenges to a KCE voterfile from the beginning of October. They’ve been inactive for weeks. There’s no excuse for challenging them now.
That leaves us with 66% of their original list of challenges. They’ve had to withdraw 170 challenges within a day. Who knows how many more they’ll have to withdraw in the days ahead? Who cares? They obviously didn’t do any checks of any kind.
The GOP only filed this so they could make a big splash in the papers. Did they bother checking the voter rolls before they ran to the press? No. Did they challenge names before the deadline? No.
The GOP is more concerned with humiliating Ron Sims than actually improving the voterfile. And their lack of confidence in their ability to do so speaks volumes about the accuracy of their data.
The King County Republicans, engaged in a tight reelection race with Democrat Ron Sims and falling fast in the latest polls, called Katherine Harris and the Florida Republican Party this week for some advice and how to squeak out a tight election.
Their s
I see in this morning’s news reports that a self-described “businessman” who illegally dumped hazardous wastes is going to the slammer because a King County judge wouldn’t give the time of day to his claim that he made a “mistake.”
Go ahead, Lori, keep saying all you want that your perjured voter challenges were a “mistake.” That horseshit doesn’t sell around here. Nope, sweetie, what you did is perjury — and it’s a felony — punishable by 5 years in the slammer. Look forward to free room and board for a while, courtesy of KCJ and WSDOC, fruitcakes.
okay everyone…….for a really good laugh.reread the last line in this post of goldy’s.”i am enraged to the edge of violence”……and now imagine him saying it. remember the radio interviews………
sorry goldy…low hanging fruit and all that…….LOL.
and roger…….buy a clue! 5 years in the slammer for perjury???…oh yeah right. this from a county that doesn’t even prosecute people who commit vote fraud? see? it cuts both ways.
which is why, BTW, everyone should not break the rules/laws just to push their agenda forward.