I haven’t spent any time talking about it, but for Seattle voters, the September 14 primary also includes a very important ballot measure, the Families and Education Levy. In a guest column today in The Seattle Times, the United Way’s David Okimoto makes a strong case for renewing the Levy: “Invest in the children and Seattle’s future“.
One of the Levy’s primary goals is providing adequate pre-school and daycare programs, so that our city’s children are prepared to learn by the time they start school. This is exactly the sort of wise and farsighted measure that Tim Eyman ridicules when he says “Seattle’s never met a tax they didn’t like.”
While I have faith that the state will eventually pass the kind of structural tax reform that Ron Sims is proposing — thus making adequate state funding of K-12 education possible — Seattle voters don’t need to wait for the rest of the state to act. Passing the Famlies and Education Levy is something we can do now to improve education for all our children.
Please turn out on September 14, and vote YES.
Ron Sims just shot himself in the foot on his proposals for tax reform. GJ RONNY!