I assume you’re all aware that today is election day. But if for some reason you’re reading a Washington State political blog on election day and didn’t realize that, here’s your helpful reminder. Get your ballot postmarked by today. If you’re dropping it off in a mailbox, check to see what the pickup times are.
Not sure if I’m going to DL or to some candidate/initiative party, but presumably there will be some results here as well.
Today is election day in Ohio, too, where polling data indicate voters will repeal the GOP’s Scott Walker-style union-stripping bill by a 2-to-1 margin.
Herman Cain Has No Traction With Black Voters!
Buried in yesterday’s NBC/WSJ poll is a startling statistic: In head to head matchups, President Obama get 92% of the African-American vote against Romney and 94% against Cain. In other words, Cain, an African-American, does worse against Obama with A-A voters than Romney, a white Mormom; and either of them does extremely poorly against the incumbent Democratic president. Cain clearly doesn’t attract an affinity vote from the A-A community. Why? My guess is, maybe because the GOP is perceived as a racist party by black voters. Or maybe A-A voters just don’t like Cain’s triple-9 tax scheme, which screws the poor (including blacks) to reward rich white guys for their bad behavior by showering them with more tax gifts.
Here are five races to watch today:
“1) the referendum on the anti-collective-bargaining law in Ohio, where polls close at 7:30 pm ET; 2) the governor’s race in Kentucky, where all polls close at 7:00 pm ET; 3) the governor’s race in Mississippi, where polls close at 8:00 pm ET; 4) the “personhood”/abortion amendment in Mississippi; and 5) the battle of control for the state Senate in Virginia, where polls close at 7:00 pm ET.”
(Same link as #2 above.)
I voted!
As long as undocumented immigrants don’t have the right to vote, I believe it would be immoral for me to vote.
Boycott voting until everyone can vote!
Looks like Berlusconi’s going to be voted out soon and Italy. It also looks like the anti-union crap in Ohio is going to be voted down. Two fascists down, God only knows how many more to go…
Over 90% of black people vote for Democrats? Who knew! What a revelation!
Yeah, right…
# 6: Apparantly Berlusconi wins a no-confidence vote, but loses his coalition? I though I understood parlimentary democracy, but Italian politics are very confusing.
But the stock market took a big dip right after upon the publication that Burlosconi won the no-confidence vote, then rose back up when the details indicate that by losing his government coalition, he still may be out of office anyway. Apparantly the world financial markets have decided that having a right-wing newspaper mogul running the country isn’t good for the economy.
Of course, it’s still a couple of hours before the trading day ends, lots of time for things to change before the closing bell.
# 7: actually, over 95% of African Americans tend to vote for Democrats. Which just goes to show that what goes around, comes around – most African Americans are looking at the actions of the Republican party, not it’s promises.
And it apparantly shows that African Americans, on the whole, may be smarter than some of the working-poor white voters (mostly Southern) who keep supporting the Republicans despite all the Republicans do to keep hitting them ‘upside the head with a 2 X 4.
Somehow, the Republicans have them convinced that it’s all part of a fraternity hazing, and someday they will be a member and be able to haze the new guys as well. But you would think after a lifetime of hazing, they would realize that the fraternity membership hardly ever changes, and only a handfull of pledges over the years ever get admitted – just to keep up appearances. The remainder are told that if they are better pledges next year, they might have a shot at membership, as well – so they keep supporting the Republicans, year after year, even though the Republicans don’t do anything for them.
Voted last week.
Re: African American votes. Leonard Pitts had a column Sunday that highlights the issue with perfect reason. African Americans have known that conservatives have never done one thing EVER for African Americans. He acknowledged that the party of conservatives have changed (Used to be Southern Democrats, of course). Interestingly, on the social issue front, African American voters are more conservative, but they know full well what monsters the current conservatives really are.
Republicans today win the poor white vote by making empty promises on social issues. Because they say they admire Jesus apparently is enough. Even though there is so much evidence that the Republicans would gladly vilify Jesus should they encounter him in the flesh.
NO on Eyman/Freeman/Duncemire
NO on Costco and Big Box Liquor
We’re just really lucky that Boehner, McConnell, Cantor and the rest of these clowns are the morons that they are. If they were you know, SMART!!!…we’d be in all kinds of trouble.
Most members of the religious right in this country would hate Jesus if they met him. They all picture him as a gun-toting, gay-bashing, tax-cutting, flag-waving white guy who hates socialism and illegal immigrants.
@10 Taking those southern “good ol’ boys” off our hands was the finest thing Republicans ever did for Democrats.
I complained about this at the primary. There are still no drop box locations in South Seattle or West Seattle – only in Ballard and at Magnuson Park. This would seem to discourage voting in lower income areas, especially where getting to a post office is inconvenient. Can someone from the 34th or 37th districts look into the reason why we don’t have ballot drop boxes there?