The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) is conducting an online poll to select three favorite candidates to receive special campaign support:
- A fundraising email from Democratic House Leader Nancy Pelosi or DCCC Chairman Rahm Emanuel to our list;
- A phone bank run out of the Democratic National Headquarters for their campaign;
- The feature spot on our Web site to get their message out, with a link to their campaign contribution page;
- An online chat with the DCCC community to exchange ideas on the campaign and the future of our country.
We all know that the battle to defeat Rep. Dave Reichert is going to be damn close; well this is the kind of extra support that could put challenger Darcy Burner over top. So I strongly urge you to cast your vote for the DCCC’s “Candidate for Change” today… and cast it for Burner. It’s also a chance to prove again how strong our local netroots are.
(And while you’re at it, why not write in Peter Goldmark? I did.)
The contest ends August 23rd, so vote now, and please pass this along as widely as possible.
I entered Dave Reichert WA-08 in the “Other box”. I wonder if the DCCC would give him the extra support, if he won.
la goldie begs: “please, please, please, make little darcy who??? the dippy dupe relevant.. please, please please”…
LMAO… now we all know what la goldies next in kind contribution…er show
hmmmm…. missing text!
la goldie begs: “please, please, please, make little darcy who??? the dippy dupe relevant.. please, please please”…
LMAO… now we all know what la goldies next in-kind contribution…er show will be all about.
la goldie: a face for radio, but a VOICE for sitting behind a computer someowhere in dark, dank room.
darcy who???? the dippy dupe will INDEED win a ‘prize’… “CONGRATULATIONS little darcy who???? you are the 1st runner-up (aka, 1st loser) in this years 8th Congressional District… if for some reason the WINNER can’t fulfill his duties… you will STILL be irrelevant!”
dark, dank room.
Hmmm. Sounds like a good description of ASS’ mind. That is, if it exists.
You’re still not taking those ESL classes, are you? Remember, someone who does not have a basic grasp of little things like grammar, spelling, and punctuation really has no business sharing her opinion. You give the lie to that old adage, “everyone is entitled to an opinion.” On the other hand, when fools like you share your incoherent thoughts, I suppose the kookiness of those of your political persuasion becomes more apparent to everyone. So, prattle on.
ProudAss@anywhere To quote Harvard S. Kaufman: You expose yourself well!
Condi/J. C. Watts 2008 [Can you see the look on Queen Hillary’s face??]
Darcy- Isn’t she the gal condemning a certain energy bill that Cantwell, Dicks, and Larsen voted for? The one with the money for alternative energy- like wind?
After she loses, maybe she can sell her hot air production and pocket some of that money.
Goldie keeps going towards that perfect election day….
READER C.J. BURCH EMAILS: “I grow more and more convinced the Republican majority will end itself by 2006 if the Left will just shut up for five minutes.”
This says it all!
Keep up the good work Goldie….
I don’t see goldy’s comment about the ad darcy is running criticizing Cantwell, Dicks and Larsen voting in favor of alternative energy. She sure is an astute campaigner! Keep it up!
I just hope the 8th district is smart enough to see through her pathetic campaign. The fact that goldy has to try to get lots of out of state money for her speaks volumes.
So janet was your attack on Darcy for getting straight As in law school or your approach that a woman’s place is in the home not working? Is this your new approach? Don’t vote for Darcy because she’s a bad campaigner? Wow you’re really struggling for talking points here.
By the way, how do you feel about RubberStampReichert’s decision to vote against money for our troops?
JCH @ 8:
Fuck Hillary’s expression, I’d love to see your face when two blacks are heading up the GOP ticket.
I can see it now, you being a the racist that you are, will in sorrow and deep disbelief, go and get your gun, pull it out, shine it up real good, give it one last cleaning, reassemble it one final time, put the barrel in your mouth, steadily pull the trigger until BANG. . .
Next stop the 7th ring of Hell, where you’ll be greeted by Ronald Regan.
CW @ 9
Yes, she’s the one demonstrating a complete lack of understanding of the $14 Billion.
The Federal Tax credit program for hybrid cars is also a part of this $14 Billion. I wonder if Dave Ross knows she hates hybrid car owners?
Darcy Who? Oh yeah the “manager” from Microsoft. She’s agains the Prius? Well blow me down. I guess Larry David won’t vote for her!
JCH @ 8:
Fuck Hillary’s expression, I’d love to see your face when two blacks are heading up the GOP ticket.
Commentby GBS [………..Er………….Dumb ass GBS, I’m the one supporting Condi/J. C. Watts 2008. Your comment indicates you still think you are back in Thailand ramming 12 year old boys up their rectums. Read first, then post.]
Whoa! Little darcy who??? the dupe can’t even manage to get any traction or attention on the blog of her own personal lackey!
PS to proud lemming… if what you are referring to is my neglect to capitalize, and I suspect it is, you should probably pay a tad more attention to detail. You see, on this little blog, I purposely do NOT capitalize the names of those for whom I have little or no use. Hence, ‘la goldie’ and ‘little darcy who??? the dupe’. While my typing may be questionable, my spelling, grammar and punctuation are beyond reproach.
Get it yet, ms. grammar police?
From the troll comments in this thread, it looks like the trolls are running scared in the 8th C.D.
GBS, My weapon of choice is a Smith and Wesson 45 with hollow points and several clips. I figure when you decide to visit I will ensure your stay is quite brief. For longer range, I enjoy a 30/40 with a tele scope that I have sighted in at 200 yards. A weak range, I admit, but quite effective with satisfactory stopping power. The mailbox is 110 yards from the from poach. [Yes, that lots of front yard to mow in Hawai’i. Oh, look for the NRA stickers on the mailbox. Best regards, DR JCH Kennedy
Who will the commie libs run in 08? “Purple Heart” Kerry? Al “SUV and Gulfstream 5” Gore? Queen Hillary? Maxine “MoFo” Waters? Jesse “Shakedown” Jacksooooooooooon? William J. “IceBox” Jefferson, DEMOCRAT, LA, Ted “Oldsmobile” Kennedy, Al “Tawana Brawley” Sharpton? Nancy “Nip/Tuck” Pelosi? OK, commie libs? help me here??
20, cont…Answer: Hillary “FUCKING JEW BASTARD” Clinton!!!!!!
From the troll comments in this thread, it looks like the trolls are running scared in the 8th C.D. -Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/17/06@ 11:45 pm
From the lack of interest in this thread, it looks like the nutburgers could give a fat d’RATs ASS about little darcy who??? the dupe in the 8th.
The mind of ASS: a dark, dank packrat’s house stinking of hate and stuffed everywhere with moldy right-wing propaganda books, leaflets and junk-mail.
A law for the clueless right-wingers:
The nuttiness of the winger is in direct proportion to the volumes of right-wing shakedown junk-mail and phone-solicitations they receive each day.
U.S. Senator Unhurt in Air Crash
The Associated Press reports that New York junior Senator Hillary Clinton, narrowly escaped injury in the aircraft she was piloting when she was forced to make an emergency landing in Southern New Jersey because of bad weather.
National Transportation Safety Board officials have issued a preliminary determination that pilot error contributed to the accident, and that the senator was flying a single engine aircraft in IFR [instrument flight rating] conditions while only having obtained a VFR (visual flight rating) rating.
The absence of a post-crash fire was likely due to insufficient fuel on board. No one on the ground was injured. She was very lucky. Photographs were taken at the scene show the extent of damage to Senator Clinton’s aircraft.
What a pathetic scam to skim names for a mailing list.
Why won’t Maria Cantwell vote to allow us to continue deducting our sale tax from our Federal Income Taxes?
I glanced at the (DCCC-written) web links for each candidate. I found no mention of Amtrak or Katrina. We are told that many Republican opponents are friends of big oil, but not that these Democratic candidates are anti-oil. Some candidates served in Iraq, but they are not saying whether the US should stay or withdraw.
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landmarks intrinsically stumping realists sprinkler tumors Negroizes
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