Senator John Edwards is committed to helping as many candidates as possible before November. He has already raised $6.65 million for Democrats and attended fundraisers for strong congressional candidates in more than a dozen states this election cylce.
This fall, he will headline fundraisers for two Democrats running for the House who have been selected by our online community. You decide who those candidates will be.
Vote for the candidates who will work hard to build One America that works for all of us. Choose among districts targeted by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
darcy who???
@ 1:
Don’t worry, you’ll have at LEAST two years to get to know her last name. And, you’ll be referring to Reichert as “former US congressman Reichert.”
another vote for Darcy!
Pffft… she’s a lightweight piece of fluffy nothing who hasn’t been able to commit or complete anything (including mommyhood)unknown in the 8th… a sacrificial warm body on the ballot.
dream on.
Too bad NonutsletaloneLeftnut nor GBS can VOTE in the 8th!
The goldyrigged ‘poll for bux’ is about the only thing the sacrificial fluff might win in the 8th.
@ 5:
Actually, I do live in WA 8. It is true I’ve donated to Burner’s campaign, it’s true that some of my fellow Democrats will be getting phone calls from me as I work the phone banks in South King County.
It’s true, Darcy Burner will win, no matter how badly you don’t want her to win.
It’s true that the Republicans will lose power in at LEAST one body of congress this fall. And, it they lose both, Bush will be impeached.
It would be awesome to see Sen. Edwards in town for Darcy.
You guys gotta stop reading the Koolaid Press or whatever it is you read/watch/listen to that tells you what you want to see/hear.
Conservatives who put conservatives in office are not going to suddenly sit up and say, “gee those guys we elected just aren’t conservative enough… let’s try a few liberals”.
HAPPEN for 2 reasons: generic polls (any GOP vs any D’Rat) go out the window in the voting booth: most voters will stick with their own encumbant AND even though they may be angry/frustrated/disappointed with their own party it won’t send them rushing to one that is ideologically opposite of their beliefs… would be like saying ‘my dog stinks when he’s wet, I’ll get a skunk instead.”
Furthermore, morons like your screaming Dean, Botox Nancy and dull Harry keep warring against their political opponents instead of terrorists that want to kill us… how well do you think that plays in the heartland?
i have no idea what she stands for, only that she’s a dem…
maybe that’s why we don’t respect her?
and off topic…
Surprise, surprise… I guess goldsteins convenient, limited and selfish outrage doesn’t include:
Fairmont Park
Dearborn Park
Rainier View
John Marshall.
Queen Hillary “Woman Of The People” pays $1500 every two weeks for a “hair style”. OK, So how much do you commie lib Democrats pay for a haircut?
Is this the John Edwards ambulance chaser who ran with Kerry?
@ 8:
Talk about Kool-aid guzzeling. Do you think the WA 8 is a clear cut republican majority? You are only FOOLING yourself and no one else. Like most contested areas around the country there is a core base left and right and a middle ground that drifts back and forth. Hence the term Regan Democrats and Clinton Republcians.
It’s this “center” group, or the “swing” voters that have been voting Republicans the last 10 or so years that is going to revolt. And, some of my republican friends have talked about voting across party oines because they’ve had it with the current crop, or should I say “crap” of Republcians. At the very least they’re not going to vote for national offices.
I’ll get a real feel for the grassroots Republican feel this weekend as I’m going to my friends annual BBQ bash. Trust me when I say I will be one of the few “Libs” in the crowd.
Until the Ass, be logical.
I don’t respect her because:
She says nothing of substance: she talks in platitudes and bullet points. Read her website… she’s a dreamer not a do-er. She tells you what she hates and what she wants BUT NOT HOW SHE INTENDS TO ACCOMPLISH THEM.
She seems to have a failure to commit.
She’s too busy wooing $$$ from Seattle and San Francisco.
Her eager willingness to abandon her very young child to daycare is despicable.
She rides the horse of her brothers service like she’s the valiant steed instead of him…. more despicable darcy.
“I’m not Dave” and “Bad Bush, Bad war” may be her opinion but they are not positive reasons to vote FOR her.
She is unknown in this district one assumes she loves enough to want to represent it: not one of my neighbors knows who the hell she is, hence, darcy who????
You be logical GBS: normal people do not simply abandon their core beliefs and will not vote for those that stand againast those beliefs.
Conservatives who put conservatives in office are not going to suddenly sit up and say, “gee those guys we elected just aren’t conservative enough… let’s try a few liberals”.
would be like saying ‘my dog stinks when he’s wet, I’ll get a skunk instead.”
Re 15:
The 8th is not a district of conservative voters – it is a slightly Dem-leaning swing district. For instance, look at the presidential winners in recent 8th elections:
2004: John Kerry
2000: Al Gore
1996: Bill Clinton
1992: Bill Clinton
Notice a pattern? It’s not conservatives Burner needs – it’s the people who vote for Democrats for President.
Way to read the darcy diary there fred… good job!
She seems to have negleected to mention the esteemed Ms Dunn and the Reagan juggernaut…
Well this explains a lot:
Tammy Bruce — conservative writer, former president of NOW in Los Angeles, former KFI-AM radio talk show host — is said to be a lover of Ann Coulter. Bruce has always disclosed on her radio show that she is a full-on lesbian. It’s said that Coulter and Bruce were seen at a women’s bar on “little Santa Monica Blvd” called Palms just west of La Cienega in West Hollywood. For her to trash Bill Clinton about him being gay seems strange, unless you recall Newt Gingrich pushing “family values” when he has had three wives and was dating his third wife while married to his first wife.
Of course Coulter’s a dyke. That’s why the righties love her.
Hey howcanyoubePROUDtobeanEVILfuckingchristianistBITCH-
Since it’s a pretty safe observation that you will have nothing more to contribute to this discussion that the torpid, tepid, turgid, and STUPID comments above (you’re claasic style!).
STFU, already.
You’re not voting for a Democrat. You’re gonna vote hate, fear, and narrow self interest. You’re gonna vote for the lying, thieving EVIL motherfuckers who are destroying this country.
I am so fucking glad you’re not a neighbor, outlaw, inlaw, acquaintance, associate or anything else. You are easily the most hateful, narrow minded, biggoted, ill-informed, self-righteous, small minded shithead I have encountered. What a useless twat you are. Imagine the horror of being MARRIED to a shrew like you. Harpies like you are what keep escorts in business. Holy fucking shit!
Get a REAL life.
Ok I voted for Darcy too
I thought Coulter was a MAN baby
I voted for Darcy! Darcy hugs rabbits, and I hug back! RubberStampReichert hasn’t done a damn thing to win the rodent vote.
To all volunteers, large & small…
Here is our latest press release to the media, detailing the efforts of
the Washington State Democratic Party to black information about our
Hong Tran.
Please feel free to pass this along to friends, fellow Democrats,
anti-war activists, local PCOs, group email lists, etc. and to pester
your state & local newspaper, radio, TV station to cover this story.
Be sure to remind other Democrats that Hong Tran is supporting the
Democratic Party Platform, while the State Chairman, Dwight Pelz’
choice (Maria Cantwell) is miles to the right of Democrats’ core
While Washington Democrats have agreed to champion important issues,
such as ending the war in Iraq, repealing the Patriot Act, withdrawal
from CAFTA and NAFTA, Maria Cantwell has taken a Republican stance on
each issue. For the Washington State Democratic Party to undermine
their own platform is shady to begin with, but intentionally
withholding information from voters subverts the entire democratic
Thank you all for your help in spreading the word!
Best wishes,
RubberStampReichert will get the votes of uneducated illiterates who spell “incumbent” as “encumbant” …
“The Socialist”: GBS???????
“I thought Coulter was a MAN baby” Commentby The Socialist— 7/27/06@ 3:00 pm
She was until a surgeon cut her balls off (not that she every had any to start with; she talks big, shakes her fist — and hides behind other men). Unfortunately, she forgot to have him remove her Adam’s apple, too, which is a dead giveaway.
I thought Coulter was a MAN baby
Commentby The Socialist [……….Roger Rabbit, Is that you??]
I voted for her, thanks!
I don’t live in the 8th, but I do work in it.
REP William J. Jefferson, DEMOCRAT, LA: GBS’s father????
Oil companies make BIG profits from making 13 cents on each gallon they buy, ship, refine, ship again.
New York State makes 75 Cents on each gallon the OIL COMPANIES buy, ship, refine, and ship again.
Who is ripping who off?
My guess is that Socialist is either you or MTR, Jughead.
REP aid at 32:
“New York State makes 75 Cents on each gallon the OIL COMPANIES buy, ship, refine, and ship again.
Who is ripping who off?”
If not for the investment of New York State and the federal government in the common network or roads and freeways, the oil companies would be able to sell very little oil, and the consumers wouldn’t be able to travel very far by car. We could go back to a transportation structure similar to what was existant in the U.S. in 1919, or to what currently exists in a country such as Rumania. The taxes on gasoline are a “use tax”, a form of taxation which I thought the Republicans preferred to other methods.
So your comparison of oil company profits and gasoline taxes is, well, idiotic.
She’s too busy wooing $$$ from Seattle and San Francisco.
darcy who????
Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeaKennedyandanASS— 7/27/06@ 1:36 pm
Well said! You hear the LeftMyTurdBehinders and the I’mSoClueless types wail over Mike and his “oil” connection. Now we know Darcy has BUTT Buddies!!!!
Hey ASS,
Have you followed through on your threats to me and Goldy?
Please tell me yes!
Hey Rudejacks: There is more intelligence in HowCan’s little pinky than you possess in your brain, your package or your ass combines. We get something to think about with her blog entries. What do you bring to the discussion other than lefty platitudes full of liberal giberish?
OK, So how much do you commie lib Democrats pay for a haircut?
$10-20, with a 2 or 3 dollar tip for the barber or hairdresser.
Her eager willingness to abandon her very young child to daycare is despicable.
Uh, huh? My sister had to do something similar (put a babyy under a year old in daycare). You know why? She has to work for a living, along with her husband. He can help out some during the summer, since he’s a teacher, but welcome to the compromises you have to make in America, now that we’ve decided we’d rather have CEOs make zillions while companies get downsized. You can’t have a family on one income any more.
So why is it more evil for someone to do that while running for office than while working for The Man?
Mark The Redneck’s Social Ettiquette Tip of The Day:
If you do not work for pay outside the home, stay the fuck off the roads between 4PM and 7PM. Do not go to the stores. If you really have to go to a store, do not bring your fucking little kids with you. We do not think they are cute. And if you must bring your fucking little monster kids, do not let them run around the store and be a fucking pain in the ass to everyone else in the store.
What the fuck does a Redneck know about ettiquette? I wish I could find your ass in a store, I would hire little kids to scream in your face!
Turns out that Ann Coulter is actually Mark The Cowardly Redneck’s father!
OK, So how much do you commie lib Democrats pay for a haircut?
$10-20, with a 2 or 3 dollar tip for the barber or hairdresser.
I cut my own hair dick breath. I have a nice crew cut would you like me to give you one, Butt lips
Ass @ 15:
You be logical GBS: normal people do not simply abandon their core beliefs and will not vote for those that stand againast those beliefs.
Ah. Welcome to the world of hard-core ideology. Please send a postcard when you get a chance.
Yes, there are hard-core conservatives in the world. You are obviously one of them. If Dave Reichert decapitated his wife on live TV and started feasting on her brains, you would still vote for him because he’s not one of those stinking libs!. That’s, by most estimates, maybe 25% of the voting population, maybe a bit more. Likewise, there are hardcore lefties who are equally dedicated to the Democratic party ticket. By most accounts, that’s a smaller number. Maybe 20%.
If the whole world was as ideological and polarized as that, we wouldn’t need to throw away so much money on election campaigns. Republicans would always vote for Republicans, Democrats would always vote for Democrats. Nobody would read the voter’s guide, watch debates, pay attention to newspaper editorials, or be swayed by those zillions of issue ads that bombard everyone except for hermits and NPR addicts.
The fact that hundreds of millions of dollars are spent in every election cycle, and that candidates go to debates, court newspaper endorsements, and run zillions of ads directly and through proxies might be an indication that the world doesn’t work the way you seem to think it does.
However, the fact that you seem to think that everyone votes based on “core beliefs” indicates to me that you’re so deep into the bubble that you wouldn’t know reality if it hit you over the head with a two-by-four.
Don’t feel bad. I have a coworker who is an equally stupid and didactic leftie. I keep trying to pull him away from talking points and actually think about this stuff, but it does no good. Maybe we should put both of you in a cage and toss down bets. It could be fun.
I am so fucking glad you’re not a neighbor, outlaw, inlaw, acquaintance, associate or anything else. -Commentby rujax206— 7/27/06@ 2:55 pm
How do you know, sweetcheeks?
The checkout girl at Safeway?
The guy that keeps your bong supplied?
The nurse that administers your monthly AIDS test?
Your parole officer?
Your mailman?
The sweet little old lady from whom you buy flowers for the grave of liberalism?
Your Moms best pal?
Your Mom?
Your great aunt Sue?
Your boyfriends secret lovers husband?
Your tatooist?
Your kids best pals dad?
Your toddlers daycare provider?
Liar, liar:
So this is why I don’t post here anymore.
Commentby Rujax— 7/26/06@ 3:24 pm
Commentby Rujax— 7/26/06@ 3:26 pm
Commentby Rujax— 7/26/06@ 3:26 pm
Commentby Rujax— 7/26/06@ 3:42 pm
Commentby rujax206— 7/27/06@ 2:55 pm
Well spoken jsa… by one with NO CORE BELIEFS.
Because if you had them, if you weren’t a mushy moral relativist, you’d quickly have seen the inanity and hypocrisy of your diatribe…
“It was only sex.”
Das hard core conservative.. punch! smash!
Good hard core liberals.. smoochy, smoochy, air kiss, air kiss.
Make me gag on the hypocrisy.
And if it ISN’T hypocrisy, it is truly frightening.
Don’t feel bad. – Commentby jsa on commercial drive— 7/27/06@ 6:02 pm
Oh, please.
Fuck off twit.
ASS — I have no respect for YOU because you’re a brainless shill for a party that doesn’t know how to do anything except kill people and steal from the taxpayers.
No core beliefs? How do you know that ass?
If you are implying that everyone who is not a hard-right Christian conservative is implicitly without values, this conversation is over. I am not conservative, I am not Christian, I never will be, so why bother?
What do core beliefs mean to you? If I believe that everyone deserves to be treated with a modicum of politeness, is that a core value? No. Probably not. If I believe you will receive from the world what you give to it, is that a core value?
Ass, I really don’t care if your values aren’t the same as mine or if you vote differently. Mostly, you’re just tiresome. Get out some more. It’ll be good for you.
Commentby Roger Rabbit [………………………………………………………..Queen Hillary pays $1500 every two weeks. Is she that much better than you??]
Q: How can you tell you’re dating Redneck’s sister?
A: She complains through the whole movie that she’s been married three times and still has the same in-laws.
Of course, I don’t have personal experience with that; but Redneck seems like the type whose sister would date furry animals.
Commie lib Democrats, You need to pay more taxes so that Hillary can pay $1500 every two weeks for a “style”. She is that much better than you!!
Roger Rabbit, are you posting under the name “The Socialist”?
Couldn’t vote, Peter Goldmark and Richard Wright weren’t on the list. I sent an email for all three instead.
Fuck off twit. -Commentby Rujax— 7/27/06@ 6:38 pm
Ah yes, a member of the intellectually eleite gang.
Thanks for proving it so well.
ASS – I have no respect for YOU because you’re a brainless shill for a party that doesn’t know how to do anything except kill people and steal from the taxpayers. -Commentby Roger Rabbit— 7/27/06@ 6:39 pm
Ho hum, boo hoo, finish your koolaid like a good little rodent.
No core beliefs? How do you know that ass?
If you are implying that everyone who is not a hard-right Christian conservative is implicitly without values, this conversation is over. I am not conservative, I am not Christian, I never will be, so why bother?
What do core beliefs mean to you? If I believe that everyone deserves to be treated with a modicum of politeness, is that a core value? No. Probably not. If I believe you will receive from the world what you give to it, is that a core value?
Ass, I really don’t care if your values aren’t the same as mine or if you vote differently. Mostly, you’re just tiresome. Get out some more. It’ll be good for you.
Commentby jsa on commercial drive— 7/27/06@ 6:40 pm
1. I didn’t imply anything let alone that the only folks with core beliefs are “hard-right Christian conservative”.
2. Politeness as a core value – sure, I agree with that.
But I also believe that a “core vale” is constant… not malleable, not ‘relative’, not for convenience, not gray.
I don’t give passes on behaviour because I like the person acting out the behaviour. I treat everyone equally, not some.
3. I’m positive your values, malleable as they may be, are NOT the same as mine.
4. “If I believe you will receive from the world what you give to it, is that a core value?” No that’s not a core value, that’s a dream.. a quite nice one, a hopeful one, but a dream nonethless. A core value is a standard by which you live and a standard by which you judge others…. I don’t so malleable standards, convenient standards or gray standards.
4. I’m tiresome? DON’T READ WHAT I HAVE TO SAY.
…and I forgot to to close a tag.
I apologize.
24- Be sure to remind other Democrats that Hong Tran is supporting the
Democratic Party Platform, while the State Chairman, Dwight Pelz’
choice (Maria Cantwell) is miles to the right of Democrats’ core
While Washington Democrats have agreed to champion important issues,
such as ending the war in Iraq, repealing the Patriot Act, withdrawal
from CAFTA and NAFTA, Maria Cantwell has taken a Republican stance on
each issue. For the Washington State Democratic Party to undermine
their own platform is shady to begin with, but intentionally
withholding information from voters subverts the entire democratic
Thank you all for your help in spreading the word!
Best wishes,
Commentby The Socialist— 7/27/06@ 3:10 pm
Bravo, Socialist – It’s good to see at least one lib who doesn’t buy Cantwell’s(D-Mexico, voted for NAFTA and CAFTA) cheap labor corporate Dem propaganda. Her concern for the working class begins and ends with their vote.
By the way, Socialist, did you know that the cheap labor corporate Dems took the 2006 Wash. State Dem platform off the web so as not to embarrass Cantwell(D-Mexico, voted to give social security benefits to illegal aliens)?
The cheap labor corporate Dems couldn’t care less what the average Dem wants; they wipe their ass on your platform and call for a minimum wage of less than $8/hr while sending American jobs to slave-labor China. Just watch and see how the cheap labor corporate Dems trash Tran after failing to buy her off like Wilson.
Das hard core conservative.. punch! smash!
Good hard core liberals.. smoochy, smoochy, air kiss, air kiss.
Make me gag on the hypocrisy.
And if it ISN’T hypocrisy, it is truly frightening.
Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeaKennedyandanASS— 7/27/06@ 6:29 pm
baa baa baa hey butt lip’s i here your wife calling you to come to bed lol
Interestingly enough, in all this liberal hype about darcy (whoo???) this and darcy (whoo???) that and darcy’s (whoo???) got more money and darcy (whoo???) buzz and darcy’s (whoo???) gonna win… there’s one “thing” glaringly missing from all this progressive plugging, harpy hyperbole and fluff puffery… anyone care to hazard a guess?
Funny little rabbit you might want to hug Darcy, she needs one now.
Darcy Burner Makes National B-Blunder List — Twice
As the only Democrat candidate to achieve the distinction of making the National Congressional Campaign Committee’s (NRCC) “B-Blunder” list twice, Darcy Burner once again proves that it’s “amateur hour” for the Democrats in the 8th Congressional district.
After Rep. Dave Reichert won the endorsement of the Seattle Firefighters’ Union last March, Democrat congressional candidate Darcy Burner’s campaign manager Zach Silk snubbed the union, and claimed that the other union’s endorsement was more important.
Silk was directly quoted, “With all due respect, the Seattle Firefighters Union is clearly out of touch with the needs of first responders in the 8th Congressional District. … The endorsement that’s really relevant for this race is the State Council of Fire Fighters and we feel like we have a strong shot at their endorsement.” (The Stranger, March 20, 2006)
The problem is Washington’s State Council of Fire Fighters endorsed Dave Reichert’s reelection bid on June 29. Oops!
According to The Seattle Times, Burner criticized Rep. Reichert for voting “to raise pay for members of Congress.” (The Seattle Times, 7/16/06)
Problem is, Congressman Reichert never voted to raise pay for members of Congress.
No member of the 109th Congress has for that matter because under the 1989 Ethics Reform Act, the annual cost of living increase (COLA) for Members is automatic.
In fact, in 2005 and 2006, Congressman Reichert supported efforts to allow an up and down vote on the pay raise.
If your education is any indication of the glories of socialism, it’s clearly not working out too well, socialist.
No im a product of our inferior capitalist education system. That is based on were you live and what color your skin and how rich of a neighborhood you live in. Not like oh let’s say France were you can go to collage for free.
Socialist – Let me guess… You didn’t fucking bother to attend a taxpayer subsidized “collage”.
There is no fucking reason for ANYBODY in this country to not have a “collage” education if they want one. The taxes paid by The Producers underwrite 70% of the true cost of university education.
The real reason people don’t go to university is NOT related to the cost. It’s because they CHOOSE not to go because it’s Too Much Fucking Work. It’s easier to get some bullshit job you can learn in a day or two and then depend on unions and socialist politicians to take care of you.
Am I wrong?
Although you could create a “An artistic composition of materials and objects pasted over a surface, often with unifying lines and color.”
Let us know how it comes out.
Off topic…. sorta…
Gotta love this headline…
Democratic Schizophrenia
In Connecticut, leftist Democrats are supporting the campaign of a former Republican millionaire who owns Halliburton stock, while the party’s superstar is stumping for a man who’s accused of cozying up to a GOP president.
oh and this one..
Democracy Alliance
The New Secret Society of the Rich and Infamous
Or, you can get your sheepskin from a diploma mill, like you did, asshole.
No im a product of our inferior capitalist education system. That is based on were you live and what color your skin and how rich of a neighborhood you live in. Not like oh let’s say France were you can go to collage for free.
Commentby The Socialist— 7/27/06@ 7:33 pm
Socialist – Let me guess… You didn’t fucking bother to attend a taxpayer subsidized “collage”.
Commentby Mark The Redneck [[…………………………………………………..MTR Kennedy, Could “The Socialist” be Roger Rabbit? Same education level, and same points of view.]
67, MTR, Totally correct. JCH
Pat – Roger Rabbit claims to be a lawyer, but I think you’re right. I think he just hung around with lawyers. There he is sitting in some shithole 50s vintage house at Greenlake bellyaching about being poor. Now c’mon… how many lawyers do you know who are poor? It doesn’t happen. I think the most than can be said is that maybe he was a paralegal… you know… one of those who doesn’t really have what it takes.
REP William J. Jefferson, DEMOCRAT, LA: GBS’s father????
“Am I wrong?” — MTR
Of course, that is purely a rhetorical question. MTR has never, ever admitted that he was wrong about anything during the entire time he has been commenting on this blog.
The point of him asking that question is not to cultivate a real discussion. Instead, it is either to elicit:
1) fawning agreement or
2) disagreement that he will obliterate with all of the fury of Hitler’s SS.
So that’s your choice: Salute or be obliterated.
Any questions?
Roger Rabbit claims to be a lawyer, but I think you’re right. I think he just hung around with lawyers. There he is sitting in some shithole 50s vintage house at Greenlake bellyaching about being poor. Now c’mon… how many lawyers do you know who are poor? It doesn’t happen. I think the most than can be said is that maybe he was a paralegal… you know… one of those who doesn’t really have what it takes. -Commentby Mark The Redneck— 7/27/06@ 8:25 pm
Yesterday he claimed he was a judge…
“…Well, I ain’t Sanders or Johnson, and can’t tell ‘em what to do; all I’ll say is, when I was a judge and Sanders was a lawyer in private practice and appeared before me on a case, he did a shitty job of representing his client….” -Commentby Roger Rabbit— 7/26/06@ 12:44 pm
Judge Bugs?
Proud, you’ve once again done a wonderful job of hijacking this thread with utter crap. I’m really looking forward to the time when you either have to say something useful or get your sorry ass kicked off the island.
A judge? I don’t think so. How many judges do you know who live in shithole houses at Greenlake and bitch about being poor. Doesn’t happen.
Besides, he has very poor judgement…
Hey Thumb – How’s that chi squared analysis coming? Any luck yet? Dumass? Or you too busy drankin’ kool aid.
Laura Bush killed a guy.
So, we have this liberal…er, progressive guy, Peter Beinart, the author of “The Good Fight: Why Liberals — and Only Liberals — Can Win the War on Terror and Make America Great Again” who takes the liberal., progressive girlyboys to the woodshed and smacks ’em around a few times …the best line of the article: “It’s jingoism with a liberal face.”
Yup, Ass, you’ve captured the essense of that book. Nailed it cold. Your mother should be so proud.
Um, did you read the article numb nuts? or are you just knee-jerking?
hint… the article has absolutely NOTHING to do with “the essense of that book”… the bokk was referenced to point out the authors liberal bent…numb nuts.
Culture of corruption…
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s brother Anthony D. Rodham has been barred from accessing his bank account while a bankruptcy trustee demands that he repay more than $100,000 in loans from a carnival company whose founder was pardoned by President Clinton, filings in federal bankruptcy court in Alexandria show.
Mr. Rodham, one of Mrs. Clinton’s two brothers, received $107,000 in loans from United Shows of America Inc. after its owners obtained the presidential pardon over the objections of the Justice Department.
Sale, pardons for sale… to the highest bidder…
So, Proud, if you happen to disagree with someone why can’t you treat them with a modicum of respect? Is this the way you treat your family and friends?
Oh, just admit it numbnuts, your definition of “modicum of respect” would be for me to shut the hell up.
AND, I don’t consider foul language an example of your respect.
Sarcasm, wit, caricature and parody all have their place in faux-political debate… and what better place than an irreverent blog whose sole original purpose was to mock and scoff someone.
The problem is that you liberals…er, progressives take yourselves oh so seriously…. until you have the opportunity to mock and parody… then it’s all fair game.
I believe that’s called thin-skinned hypocrisy.
So far, I’m the only poster on this board who has sent $99 to Operation Helmet. I don’t expect anything from the wingnut pretend-patriot blowhards, but I’d like to see some of my fellow liberals dig into their pockets and support the troops. Every time another liberal sends a check to O.H., we’re doing something the wingers won’t — we’re supporting the troops. They deserve our support. Those kids deserve to come home with their brains still inside the hat God designed for ’em. I’ve done my part. No wingnut has done, or is going to do, their part — I say this with complete confidence, because I know exactly what wingnuts are really made of. To wit: Pure, unadulterated selfishness. We liberals spend plenty of other people’s money to help others; sometimes we have to spend our own. This is one of those times. Cher gave O.H. $150,000 of her own money; I’m not a rich Hollywood star, but I dug up $99 that I didn’t really have and sent it. Like I said, I expect absolutely nothing from the trollfucks who wear their fake patriotism on their sleeve and are good for nothing, but I want to see some of my liberal pals pony up for this cause.
Have you written all those wingnut blogs about me and Goldy yet?
C’mon lets see some of that
foot-in-mouthconviction and fortitude!There is no fucking reason for ANYBODY in this country
Hey ASS – are you going to condemn the rather “colorful” language used by one of your fellow wingnuts?
So far, I’m the only poster on this board who has sent $99 to Operation Helmet. -Commentby Roger Rabbit— 7/27/06@ 10:41 pm
How would you know?
Oh right, you’re ASSuming.
I condemn all foul language.. but especially that of pompous, smarmy, self-righteous liberal hypocrites.
but especially that of pompous, smarmy, self-righteous liberal hypocrites.
Do I detect a double standard? IOKIYAR.
Why should I ASSume anyone has, who hasn’t told us about it?
I’d rather have friends who use foul language than friends who commit foul deeds.
Speaking of self-righteous hypocrites, why do you criticize foul language but not criticize foul deeds?
Oh, just admit it numbnuts, your definition of “modicum of respect” would be for me to shut the hell up.
Nope. But if you’d give an indication that there are liberals and conservatives in the world, and neither are going to go away, maybe that would be a good start.
Some of your fellow trolls (NOT YOU) associate liberal philosophy with Bolshevikism. The assumption being that if allowed into power, we’ll all go nuts like we have in Seattle where we burned all the churches down with the parishioners inside and scorched pentagrams into the lawns of people with Bush-Cheney signs.
(I’m pretty sure that happened, didn’t it?)
Your my-way-or-the-highway approach to politics is pretty indicative of the spirit of Bolsheviskism, if not the particular track. We know what’s best, we have the Right Way. Just let us run everything, stand back, stay out of the way, and the world will be a MUCH better place.
That works great as long as you’re the only person in the room whose opinion matters. In the real world, you gather a bunch of people together and develop a consensus. Decisions by consensus aren’t nearly as much fun. They’re a muddle and everyone gives up a bit for the whole.
(I know, there’s me and my malleable values again. Ah, to be young and absolutely certain of myself and my immutable values like I used to be!)
Find me a place with a small, core group of people of any ideological stripe running the place and tell me if it’s a nice country to be in? Singapore maybe? Iran? Iraq? Old Indonesia when Suharto ran it? Mao’s China?
I would argue that you are free to be as conservative as you want in a small l liberal society. It is considerably more difficult to be liberal in a conservative society. I think you know that, which is one of the reasons you present your viewpoint the way you do.
Why should I ASSume anyone has, who hasn’t told us about it? -Commentby Roger Rabbit— 7/28/06@ 12:52 am
Most folks don’t go out of their way to brag about this or that charitable ‘thing’ they’ve done… it’s a bit unseemly and vulgar to pound your chest and shout “looky, looky what I’ve done”… like it’s such a rare occurance that everyone should take note.
No thanks.
I prefer the quiet, humble approach.
Perhaps you should consider making the CAUSE the focus of attention rather than what YOU supposedly did for the cause.
JSA, I present my opinions the way I do here because that is the model set forth in this irreverent site.
It’s laughable when you accuse me of not allowing that both sides exist and have an opinion when your nutburgers and moonbats regularly scream and threaten that liberal Seattle owns this state, makes the decisions and has the population and the tax dollars so the rest of us can get used to it or get the hell out. … what was that you said about “works great as long as you’re the only person in the room whose opinion matters”? … you may want to mention that to some of the progressive children you play with here in the litterbox.
Find me a place with a small, core group of people of any ideological stripe running the place and tell me if it’s a nice country to be in? We’ve already covered Seattle and thearrogant liberals there…see the last paragraph.
you may want to mention that to some of the progressive children you play with here in the litterbox.
That’s not my job. Every now and then one of them calls me to task for being insufficiently ideologically pure. My responses are pretty consistient. Left-wing idiots bug me just as much as right-wing ones.
Most of the time, people are nice to me here, even people I disagree with. If you’re feeling persecuted, you might want to do a self-awareness check.
Find me a place with a small, core group of people of any ideological stripe running the place and tell me if it’s a nice country to be in? We’ve already covered Seattle and thearrogant liberals there…see the last paragraph.
I’ll give a quick snarky answer to that, and follow up with a longer one. Do you ever GO to Seattle, Ass? I live there. My neighbors are perfectly decent people who have proper jobs, are generally married/partnered/whatever, send their kids to school, fix up their houses, and so on. I usually don’t get into long political discussions with them, but I suspect most of them are Democrats. Are there nasty people in Seattle? Yes. Some of them write on blogs. That does not represent the majority of the population, and thinking it does is indicative of a persistent reality disconnect you keep displaying on this board.
In case you wonder, yes, I go out to “Red America” plenty often enough. It’s all right. The folks are generally pretty nice. They aren’t all fundie right-wing troglodytes, though a few of them are probably Republicans. I don’t stay there because, well, it just doesn’t seem to be all that much fun.
Seattle is a political monoculture, I’ll grant you that. I for one would love it if a Bloomberg Republican or two ran for office. Unfortunately, it doesn’t happen. Every now and then a “true believer” from the GOP runs, and loses by 85-15 because * gasp * they have little understanding of the constituency they are hoping to represent. Seattle is not in any respect run by a “small core group” though. Seattle’s biggest problem is that there are lots of fingers in any project, and issues get talked to death, even after a decision has been made. Our problem is not too little democracy and input, but too much.
Persecuted is something I have never felt… I leave that to the victims, those that exploit them and those that create them. I don’t think like a victim. I neither act nor react like a victim. I am what I am: I take responsibility for the good AND the bad in my life every single day. I don’t wear ‘pity poor me’ complex and I’d be ashamed to try it on. And that’s part of what annoys many here… how many times have I’ve been insulted because I’m too sure of myself? How many times has GW been excoriated because he stands firmly his convictions and his “cowboy swagger” confidence infuriates? Neither of us care.
I’m glad you think people are “nice” to you here… but it’s pretty darn meaningless because that pretty much falls into the category of ‘whoop-de-do’… this little blog is not real life. I sincerely doubt, with the exception of a few very immature students, anyone posting here is quite so strident, so sarcastic and vicious in real life.
Yes, I come into Seattle, but I confess not often… not because I think I’ll find only three-headed liberal jerks with whom I’ll disagree there, but simply because I refuse to spend my disposable dollars there. When I do visit, it’s certainly not to talk politics.
I’ll be spending today in Bellevue…
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ONE America? But John Edwards talks about TWO Americas. Which is it???
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