Violence erupted at health care forums in Tampa Bay and St. Louis today, as angry mobs of teabaggers successfully shut down the proceedings, and there’s every reason to expect the violence to escalate. Somebody will get hurt. Somebody may get killed.
But I wonder… would these extremists be so eager to resort to violence and intimidation if they believed that their enemies might respond in kind? Or do they really want the civil war for which they seem to be advocating?
From a personal account of a confrontation with teabaggers from the town hall meeting in St. Louis:
I am 6’4″ and 250 pounds, and not one to back down from ANYONE. I told the whiner to shut up, he didn’t run this meeting and he should wait for the Q&A session like an adult. I was then told by three male “teabaggers” sitting behind me to shut up or they would shut me up. My adrenal gland opened up. I emptied my pockets and was fully prepared to duke it out. After eight long and deadly years of the Right running this country into the ground I was not about to let those douchebags muscle me. And for them to try and hijack this meeting was making me go nuts. But reason prevailed and I got up and walked out. I had at least ten people slap my back and high five me on the way to the door.
This is the fight the right is itching for, planning for and intentionally provoking, and we can’t always count on reason to prevail. If this keeps up there will be violence.
“And the only person identified in the still very sketchy reporting appears to be a reform proponent rather than a teabagger.” From the linked article.
So the extremist you refer to, is _supporting_ health care “reform”.
Apparently, protesting is only OK when Democrats do it.
Unions and sending in bus loads of protesters is “grass roots”. An email call to rally Republicans is a vast right wing conspiracy.
Fuck you and your double standards. How’s it feel when the shoe’s on the other foot.
delbert, so you think it is legitimate protest to try to disrupt a town hall meeting? I intend on going to Adam Smith’s next town meeting, why don’t you go too? If you wait for your turn at the mike, and ask your question without shouting or attempting to intimidate anyone, you and I will have no problems. If you decide to try some of the tactics we have seen in other town hall meetings I will have the personal pleasure of teaching you proper respect for our democratic traditions.
I just posted a youtube of GoebelsBeck on Fox along with a link to a petition being circulated to boycott Beck’s advertisers. P&G and Progressive have already agreed.
I do not think I have ever recommended this before, but Beck is dangerous.
Here is the link.
I’m not in Adam Smith’s district or I would be going.
I’m in the 7th and Jimmy McDivot is off on vacation – sorry junketing – to someplace really important to study something really important, like his navel lint on a Jamaican beach.
I agree the proper decorum should be maintained. My point is when have the democrats ever done that?
ACORN (not a noted Republican outfit) getting violent at the Bank of America to force BofA into writing foolish sub prime loans. Check out the YouTube video.
Any Ann Coulter speech on any campus in the nation. Hell, any conservative speaking on any campus in the nation.
Code Pink at the Marine recruiting station at Berkeley.
Our very own Battle in Seattle, those didn’t quite look like the UW Young Republican breaking windows and burning trash cans.
Tire slashing on Republican GOTV vans election day by Democratic operatives.
Black Panthers with billy clubs at polling places in Pa.
Until your side follows the rules, don’t expect us to do any different than you.
And your thinly veiled threat doesn’t hold much water either. I’ve been whined at by small children before.
Delbert is a mouth. Nothing more. he wouldn’t attend in any case. He’s a bullshitter winger and we all know it.
@5: Bull. When you have a segment of the population getting violent that also advocates for strong gun rights and preaches revolution against liberals, there’s a big difference between “lack of decorum” and “murder”.
Funny. About the WTO riots, I seem to remember Goldy’s ilk reminding everyone it’s just a tiny minority of protesters who are causing problems. Why isn’t Goldy being consistent and saying the same thing here?
Answer: Goldy’s standards change depending on if it’s Democrats who are protesting, or Republicans.
From the right-wing Washington Post:
As a columnist who regularly dishes out sharp criticism, I try not to question the motives of people with whom I don’t agree. Today, I’m going to step over that line.
The recent attacks by Republican leaders and their ideological fellow-travelers on the effort to reform the health-care system have been so misleading, so disingenuous, that they could only spring from a cynical effort to gain partisan political advantage. By poisoning the political well, they’ve given up any pretense of being the loyal opposition. They’ve become political terrorists, willing to say or do anything to prevent the country from reaching a consensus on one of its most serious domestic problems.
There are lots of valid criticisms that can be made against the health reform plans moving through Congress — I’ve made a few myself. But there is no credible way to look at what has been proposed by the president or any congressional committee and conclude that these will result in a government takeover of the health-care system. That is a flat-out lie whose only purpose is to scare the public and stop political conversation.
Under any plan likely to emerge from Congress, the vast majority of Americans who are not old or poor will continue to buy health insurance from private companies, continue to get their health care from doctors in private practice and continue to be treated at privately owned hospitals.
The centerpiece of all the plans is a new health insurance exchange set up by the government where individuals, small businesses and eventually larger businesses will be able to purchase insurance from private insurers at lower rates than are now generally available under rules that require insurers to offer coverage to anyone regardless of health condition. Low-income workers buying insurance through the exchange — along with their employers — would be eligible for government subsidies. While the government will take a more active role in regulating the insurance market and increase its spending for health care, that hardly amounts to the kind of government-run system that critics conjure up when they trot out that oh-so-clever line about the Department of Motor Vehicles being in charge of your colonoscopy.
What’s so impressive about the Teabagging Brownshirts is just how badly informed they are. They literally have no idea what they’re protesting against.
It’s pretty obvious that they’re angry because they’ve lost several elections in a row. The health care town halls are just the most convenient vehicles for them to get their rage on.
Hi, I don’t know how to use the HA search feature. Can someone please find for me a post where Goldy and John complaining about ACORN encouraging (and even busing) people to events to protest?
Thanks in advance!
Your equating a protest with a townhall meeting? How sweet.
I laugh at the pathetic losers whose impotent rage is boiling over in their tiny, old, white, heavily Southern communities. So fucking what?
Health care reform is passing, and there will be a public option.
Oh, and you guys should tell your ancient, doddering brownshirt hordes that Medicare is government health care, because they are too fucking stupid to know.
Oh, and the escalating violence will kill your chances in 2010, besides resulting in FBI investigation and infiltration of your AstroTurf groups.
Heck, we’re only in, what, the first week of the August recess?
Violence also breeds self defense:
If we want decent, civil town hall meetings, we should do it like Republicans do: carefully pre-screen all attendees, keep out all troublemaking opposition, and then rehearse everyone according to the script until we get a reliable performance. Then hold the town hall.
Ah, you could just smell the democracy in action in those days, couldn’t you?
I believe America should be broken-up into two separate countries. One for Republicans, one for Democrats. Even though I’m a Democrat, I’d want to live in the Republican one.
Should the WTO protesters have been pre-screened?
You used right-wing in reference to the Washington Post.
Either you mean left-wing or everything you wrote past that ceased to have any meaning.
17 T
Were they shouting down the WTO atendees?
Clue: quoting socialist/communist websites doesn’t help your cause. Communism killed 100 million people in the 20th Century. It’s not a winner.
@5 delbert
How come there is no rational Republican opposition to Obama’s healthcare proposals?
Is there something wrong when the republican party identifies itself with the Black Panthers, the KKK, the Weathermen, the Nazis, the WTO protesters?
What next? White haired gents in suicide vests? Chains of Caddy SUVs blockading the light rail lines?
OF COURSE there have been radical protesters on the left BUT, who on the right is offering ANY rational discussion on healthcare? Look at this match up qand tell me what is wrong:
There may be some responsible, rational, Republican position on this issue but if so who speaks for it?
Worse. Some protesters were trying to block attendees from meeting.
Hah! Del is one of the 17 percenters here in the 7th. I see their signs out each election. Folks suffering from a steady diet of KVI, KTTH, Murdoch websites/rags, Regnery books and all the rest.
To consume that crap daily is to get a might warped view of the world indeed.
Go ahead Del, tea bag, be a sore loser – interfere with democracy, your kind never cared for it much anyway.
delbert @ 2 says it all.
The Democrats are playing right into the Tea-Party advocates hands by escalating the violence with the Union Goons. Just a page out of the Chicago/Hyde Park playbook…home of O-blah-blah-blah and Rahm!
If I were the Dems, I would simply allow the “shouters” to shout and let the tapes of the events speak for themselves. Now you have organized labor inserting itself. The people in power always lose in these circumstances.
Inchoate rage. Inchoate rage..
I remember that’s the epithet they threw at us when Bush was beating the war drums for his excellent adventure in Iraq.
“Opening a new front on the war on terror”. Those words still turn my stomach to this day.
You used right-wing in reference to the Washington Post.
Indeed, I did. It is an accurate statement, though “conservative” is probably more precise.
Either you mean left-wing or everything you wrote past that ceased to have any meaning.
I’m aware that everything that you don’t agree with ceases to have meaning to you. I suspect I’ll manage to carry on without your approval.
In Montana, we have Senator Baucus with a Town Hall meeting this Sunday in Bozeman…and President Obama supposedly coming sometime next week (the exact time is secret so the Dems can stack the Town Hall meeting) at the Gallatin County Airport.
Should be very, very interesting.
Sen. Baucus is popular among a lot of Conservative’s here…especially the Gun Rights group which is enormous and includes lots of Liberal’s too. He also brings home lots of farm bacon. He made a big mistake with Porkulous and the Bailout…and has heard it from his own Party. Will he make similiar mistakes with Health Care??
I don’t think so.
This vote is his legacy.
Republicans are bat shit insane. They loved the last guy who gave tax cuts to the richest Americans, and thought the government should be able to detain you forever on the whim of the President without your having a lawyer or being able to tell anyway, and also read your email and listen into to your phone calls. The new guys cuts middle taxes and says we should all have health care and the poor dumb Republican sheep are all upset about HIM. ROTFLMAO.
Man we’re at the tipping point. Right now the Republicans are just self parodying and crazy…but one or two more notches to the right and they’re just going to be that kind of dumb scary.
P.S. All to all the Repli-tards who are NOW worried about spending too much (after the optional $1 trillion war and $500 billion welfare drug program expansion by BUSH), remember YOUR leaders words: “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.”, Dick Cheney. This was trying to defend how much Reagan blew up the deficit. But of course NOW deficits DO matter, with a black Democrat in charge! LOL LOL LOL
7. demo kid spews:
You sound kind of scared??
What about the LEFTIST Groups of the past that have actually murdered people…Black Panthers, SDS, ELF etc.???
They actually murdered people!
Who has ELF murdered?
I donno know. I feel like it’s appropriate to fight fire with fire. What do we lose if we defend ourselves? What do we lose if we fight back back, hit for hit?
21. SeattleJew’s Sockpuppet spews:
SJ, you have said this so many times, apparently you believe it.
I have previously shared my belief that the current system can benefit from:
1) Negotiations with Drug COmpanies like Senator Baucus did saving $80 Billion
2) More Fraud control. Fraud accounts for 3-9% of Health Care cost.
3) Tort Reform. Direct cost is 2-3%…but unnecessary testing amounts to nearly 6% more per a Price-Waterhouse-Coopers study.
4) More intrastate competition between Health Insurers.
The list goes on & on.
You are being irrational SJ to ignore these major issues. they have been raised over & over again.
You are too smart of a guy to sit there with your fingers in your ears screaming “No Rational Opposition” when it has clearly been laid out.
But that’s what you are doing, isn’t it??
27 – Damn straight it will be his legacy. Either he brings a bill that 70 percent of the American people want or he sells out his country on the orders of big money.
We all know what side you’re on Mr. Klynical.
Check it out. The birthers were “punked”.
Birthers. Tea baggers. Easily led by the nose…
33. YLB spews:
Give me your source for the 70% and what the Bill says??
What, you can’t do it??
We didn’t ever have Democratic representatives and the news media backing Code Pink’s antiwar claims, the Black Panthers’ assertion about white Merica, WTO protestors’ assertion about workd trade, and so on. Nor were these groups fronts for powerful industry interests as the teabbggers are.
But listen to Jim DeMint, John Cornyn, Michelle Bachmann, et. al. supporting birthers and telling Americans that “Obamacare” will kill senior citizens and that the president may not have been born in this country, backed up by Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs, Fox News, the disgraced Karl Rove, David Gregory, and so on.
21 Cyn
Link, link, link.
Daddy spews:
You are such a kook!
Do you really think “powerful industry” is paying or motivating individuals to these protests? No one is paying me…or any of my friends and neighbors.
Just another Daily Kos mirage and typical Democrat politics.
Conspiracy theorist Daddy Love??
Seems so.
Are you scared??
I don’t recall the Democrats embracing the Black Panthers and the SDS. I don’t recall Democrats embracing Oregon anarchists. No matter the lies spewed by the BIAW, ELF is likely comprised of a half dozen extremists embraced by no Democrat. On the other hand, what’s happening today with right-wing extremists is in large part orchestrated and financed by Republican operatives and talking heads unwilling to accept their defeat laid on them last November by American voters. It’s increasingly apparent that the right no longer respects our democratic process.
So be it. Violence? Be careful what you wish for, trolls.
You guys all need to come to Montana where we have peaceful political dialogue amongst the various flavors of the Republican party. The freemen, the militias, the developers who are managing finally to sell us off to the super rich that vacation here.
There are no townhall disagreements here, because Baucus is a republican that has cleverly infiltrated the democrats.
We don’t know about those complicated government things and we don’t care, we just do what they tell us at The Holy Rolling Open Bible Tabernacle while we wait for the rapture and heal everybody of any disease if they just give us all their money for the rest of their lives.
Cynical and I know that we are better than all you liberals and when we take over you’ll feel the righteous whips of your lords and masters, as is foretold in the Bible and is clearly God’s plan for this nation.
When we finish with this country in the fashion started by Reagan and the Bushes you won’t even recognize it.
Idiot @ 35
And I said Baucus had better “bring” a bill that 70 percent of the American people want. Yes, we’ve seen no bill yet. We should have seen one by now.
P.S. Does anyone have Ted Kozinski’s address? Cynical and I miss him so…a true Montana Republican patriot.
Daddy Love–
Here is the main link to the PWC Study..
It tells you that “Defensive Medicine” is the #1 waste! That is a result of tort.
You have to click the PDF file on this web page and it will give you all the details.
Haven’t you ever heard of this study??
Guess the Daily Kos missed it, huh…like they miss everything that doesn’t support a Socialist Agenda.
“Are you scared?”
Just as I thought…far-left leaning polls and no clear definition in the question other than “Public Option”.
Try again.
38 Cyn
Un, scared? The Dow Jones Industrial Average is at an 8 month high (I noticed you forgot to tell us abot that) and the unemployment rate dropped. Aren’t you going to tell us how Obama is responsible for it, like you did when these numbers were trending differently? FAIL.
At the same time, Republican jackasses are disrupting the democratic process in increasingly off-putting ways but public opinion remains steady in favor of health care reform as proposed by the president. FAIL.
And at the same time again, Republican approval remains at all-time lows, party identification ditto, Republicans from outside the “Safe South” are retiring and their seats are in grave danger, and the GOP prospects for 2010 do not seem to be improving at all. FAIL.
I’m just eating popcorn and watching the show…
45 – LIAR!!!!!!
Lake Research, Kaiser Family Foundation, WSJ, MSNBC, Employee Benefits Research Institute (generously funded by big Business), NY Times and Consumers Union publisher of Consumer Reports,
and your favorite Rassmussen which of course is the outlier!
43 Cyn
Oh, no, Cyn, actually I have seen every study that’s ever been written since the dawn of man. Don’t be an idiot.
And thank you for the link. I’ve got a meeting and will read it and get back after…
Obama sent union thugs to a peaceful protest to start violence.
It’s the chicago way.
OH, GOOD! Here comes Marvin, the intellectual one whom Me and Cynical look to for his brilliant incisive wit and depth of thought! He’ll clear it all up for you sleazy stupid liberals.
Accept Jesus and Wayne LaPierre before it’s too late!
Disrupting the democratic process by voicing their opinion?
The motto during the bush administration was “dissent was patriotic.”
Why are you now against citizens being patriotic?
Don’t the democrats have a majority in both houses? Just pass it, don’t blame it on republicans.
Of course, the democrats want republicans in on the act, so when things go bad the democrats can blame the republicans for voting for it.
It’s time for that democrat majority to do what their voters want. Force this bill through. Like the obama said during the campaign, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said at a fundraiser in Philadelphia Friday, according to pool reports.
So it’s time for the democrats to use violence to force their ideas upon america. Just like union thugs showing up to the protests to start violence.
Liberals and many of our liberal organizations do, without doubt, have protests and bus people to them. The vast majority of liberal protests are peaceful and well-organized. When there is violence, it usually comes, as it did at WTO, from people who were not a part of the larger effort but had their own agenda. There are very few liberal protest events that are planned to shout someone down and interfere with their right to speak. When that happens, there are a fair number of liberal commentators who will take those folks to task, including people at the event. Having protests, marches, rallies and such is part of the left or liberal political culture. We know how to organize and police them.
It is not part of the right-wing political culture. Large public event, such as the Million Man March, generally revolve around religious or semi-religious themes. Anti-abortion events are as much religious as they are political. The Right generally has not done political rallies, marches and such, I believe, because of their disdain for liberal protests and protesters, probably going back as far as the beginning of the union movement but surely codified in the 60s. Since the right-wing and right-leaning institutions do engage in these activities as a regular practice, they have no skill in disavowing their fringe.
I can believe that the people spewing hatred and threats at these events are the fringe of conservatism and not the core, but the core’s response has generally been, as on this thread, “well, you do it too.” In fact, as far as I can tell the response of the right to any sort of criticism on anything outrageous any of their members do is “Well, you do it too.” And then a reach for some extreme example or, in more and more cases, an outright lie.
I have never been able to figure out how folks who would, theoretically, never let their children get away with, for example, shoplifting by saying, “Well, Sally does it too” could stand to look at themselves in the mirror the next morning when their excuse for the political misbehavior of one of their kind was “You do it too.” Aren’t liberals supposed to be their antithesis? Wouldn’t being like us in any way compound the sin rather than excuse it?
In any case, these protests will backfire on the right, the way the extremes of the 60s eventually destroyed that progressive movement and set us back almost 40 years in moving this country forward toward essential social needs such as affordable healthcare for all.
Even the liberal ny times sees the democrat plan of sending out union thugs to cause problems for ight-wing protesters.
The nation’s biggest labor unions are bringing their muscle to bear to the raucous health-care debates that have erupted over the last week in Congressional town hall meetings across the country.
John Sweeney, president of the AFL-CIO, sent out a call to arms Thursday for rank-and-file members to counteract what he called the “right-wing ‘Tea Party Patriots’ ” who have been disrupting the meetings.
And the Service Employees International Union, the nation’s largest union of health-care employees, is deploying its members to the meetings to “reclaim our democracy,” according to a statement.
“reclaim out democracy?”
I thought dissent was patriotic? What happened, has dissent now become a crime against the democrat party and needing union “muscle” to help combat a bunch of old people.
Dissent does not mean shouting people down who have a right to speak and threatening the lives of congress people. That’s political terrorism.
The people who show up with their signs and wait their turns to speak are not a problem, whether they are for or against health care reform. And when the unions do show up in large numbers (because union members are already attending these events in normal numbers), the only problems they will cause for the poor, victimized right-wing protestors is offering an alternative point-of-view.
Is this asshole fucking serious…with union membership down to it’s lowest level in 75 years the labor movement has enough members to send “muscle” to “intimidate” these poor “anti-health insurance reform protesters” that are turning out to be paid Republican agitators and operatives.
Stamn is as a moronic a pieceoffshit as any that craps in these threads.
Y’all can kiss my mutherfucking ass!
Over and over I have SEEN first hand where protest on the left has been at best profane and litter strewn and at worse violent and unlawful.
Do the Matthews and Obermans of the world decry this behavior? FUCK NO.
You can’t stand it when your own methods and techniques are used by the right.
This is on reason you hate Ann Coulter but tout the likes of Janeane Garofalo.
Face it: The shoe is on the other foot. The MSM will not spin this one away. HINT: They are part of why peeps are pissed.
I have, at the age of 66, watched the wingers destroy this country, reaching the acme in the past 10 years, where it is now beyond help by Democrats, even if they had the balls
I am retiring soon to asia, to help, in a small way, provide charity health care to the poor, because I cannot stand being in the same country with assholes like Cynical, Marvin, the childishly demented and clearly disturbed Puddybud, Mark and all their fellow slime, who wish to restrict health care for themselves.
Greedy fucking self-centered swine.
When there is NO health care except for the wealthy, which none of these idiots will ever be, they will then blame it on the minority of liberals who remain.
My disgust is only slightly tempered by the knowledge that these vermin will be totally miserable rolling in the feces that their actions will have created.
Have a great celebration when it all crashes and burns, assholes.
YOU are the real suckers here.
“What’s so impressive about the Teabagging Brownshirts is just how badly informed they are. They literally have no idea what they’re protesting against.”
Sounds like a well-trained army to me. The Second (or perhaps the Third) Civil War is already under way.
58 – It’s been under way since the late 70’s.
56 SA
If y’al want to march in protest , that would certainly be one thing. Totally fine. DO it, and you can even be profane and litter, or break a window if you feel so inclined. You WILL go to jail for the latter , though, and if you paid attention at WTO here, they were dragging protestors in and locking them up for not fucking much. Oh, and also if you paid attention at Seattle WTO, the union march was orderly, disciplined, calm, and to the point.
But if you want to stifle discussion and shout down my elected representatives in a town hal over the most important legslation in a generation, then YOU all can kiss MY ass.
51 MS
Nope, and let’s don’t play dumb, OK? “Disrupting the democratic process” by shouting down and shouting over both our elected representatives and anyone else who does not agree, and not allowing the discussion and debate that was the purpose for the town hall to take place at all.
And don’t worry Marv, we’re going to “just pass it.” Oh, yeah.
A great kos diary about a townhall conducted by Rep. Dingell.
Great pictures of the ugly FASCIST THUGS who HATE democracy in this country.
Dingell, a old man, conducted himself flawlessly before a crowd filled with ugly right wing screamers.
ctd …
The point is that this debate now is one sided as a result the result of a lack of rational, responsible debate on the other side,.
Let me switch sides and offer some ideas rational righties OUGHT to be pushing:
a. Prohibit any company from controlling more than 1/3 of any healthcare market bt creating a national pool of insurance options..
b. get companies out of the healthcare business.
c. require full funding for government healthcare mandates (Death Wi Dignity is a local example).
d. OPENLY support ratoning. You want naturopathy or breast implants? Fine, but thgese should not be paid for from universal healthcare. OK, Steve Jobs can but himself a liver but was it paid for with public dollars? Who pays for that comatose lady in the hospital w/o brain waves?
e. ban impoverishment laws. We should NEVER force the elderly to choose between impoverishment and terminal care.
f. scholarships. We PAY for students to go through med school and enter the military. Why not extend this idea to other public service?
Or .. you can cheer on Glen Beck!
That’s exactly what we want.
Only us few trolls would get healthcare.
Everyone will die within months without free government healthcare.
I’m surprised someone as ignorant as you were able to figure out our plan.
Also, part of the plan was to get you out of the country. That seems to have also worked out exactly as planned. Please keep us appraised to the date of your departure, we have a pool going to see who comes the closest to the correct date.
Before you leave, be a good comrade and report to your leader,, that we are dissenting.
Hey!!! The delusional fucking fuckhead has a PLAN!!!
Oooooooo…good plan, man. How many liters (oh…you prolly still call ’em quarts) of Old Overcoat did it take you to think THAT onee up? You are just one funny dood you are…
Go, Marvin Go…and take the rest of the asswipes with you.
Man this is too sick!
I mean c’mon… Right wingers really think this is cool or something?
Despicable, fear-driven, ignorant, right wing, Limbaugh/Beck /Hannity addled fiends.
These are marvin’s heroes
I read in the news this morning that a conservative activist was injured at one of these GOP-sponsored riots.
One thing the Republinazis haven’t taken into account is that mobs, like fires, are easy to light with a single match but once they get going no one can control them and they can burn the people who started them — as not a few careless arsonists have found out.
I thought it was hilarious. From the white-haired Medicare recipients who want government to get their hands off their health care to the pharmaceutical worker disrupting the meeting and claiming to be “just another citizen” to the Republicans chanting “just say no!” outside, it’s a wonderful window into how Republicans treat anyone who disagrees with them.
2010? Yeah, I am so lookling forward to it.
Conservatives: Much like how Bush could do no wrong, Obama can do no right.
laugh fron Kos:
@5 “My point is when have the democrats ever done that?”
Oh please, Democrats don’t behave this way and you know damn well they don’t! These riots are a uniquely rightwing phenomenon, just as every other outrage committed by the right is unique to the right.
Now, I suppose some troll will come on here and raise the specter of ’60s anti-war protests, some of which did turn into riots. But the context was a little different there; unwilling American youths were being conscripted into the armed forces and sent to Vietnam to be killed, so it’s not surprising some of the cannon fodder got a little upset about what their government was doing to them.
What these assholes are rioting about is getting health care they don’t have now — not the same thing.
BTW, in regard to the video, you wingnut guys do know that Medicare is NOT “bankrupt,” right?
69 – I hope you’re right. I’ve seen fear triumph over reason too many times in my life.
71 – Heh. That is funny. Hunter is a great writer.
Thanks for the comic relief.
What is the matter with you? How can you ignore all the legitimate issues raised squealing like a stuck pig “No Rational Responsible Debate”
I posted this this AM-
I also posted the Price-Waterhouse-Coopers study on waste in the system here:
It tells you that “Defensive Medicine” is the #1 waste! That is a result of tort.
You have to click the PDF file on this web page and it will give you all the details.
Haven’t you ever heard of this study??
Apparently anything and everything someone brings to you, no matter how well documented, is unworthy of your thoughtful consideration.
You look rather sophomoric SJ.
Why not address my points and the PWC study and stop your one-sided banter.
After all, wasn’t it you who keeps whining for a responsible debate??
Start debating my friend!
76. Given how wrong and sometimes purposely misleading you have been, it’s hard to pay attention to you. More often than not, you post off topic items, just to muddy the waters.
But NOW you want to have a intelligent discussion?
How many posts will you go before you start posting racist jokes or calling President Obama a joker?
Daddy Love @ 60
“Don’t Taze Me Bro!”
The two 800 Pound Gorillas NOBODY talks about:
Tort Reform and the notion some people have that they shouldn’t have to pay for their healthcare.
Get rid of the Lawyers and ALL third party payers…THEN you’d have affordable healthcare.
Points about Tort reform to be found by anyone who can use Google.
Tort reform will not increase employment
Tort costs have not slowed job growth
No evidence of significant effects on research and development spending
It is hard to find any evidence that increased tort costs have harmed the U.S. economy.
While malpractice litigation accounts for only about 0.6 percent of U.S. health care costs, the fear of being sued causes U.S. doctors to order more tests than their Canadian counterparts.
Malpractice a Tiny Percentage of Health Care Costs
One of the principal myths surrounding medical malpractice is its effect on overall health care costs. Medical malpractice is actually a tiny percentage of health care costs, in part because medical malpractice claims are far less frequent than many people believe.
According to the Congressional Budget Office, malpractice costs amount to “less than 2 percent of overall health care spending. Thus, even a reduction of 25 percent to 30 percent in malpractice costs would lower health care costs by only about 0.4 percent to 0.5 percent, and the likely effect on health insurance premiums would be comparably small.”
Now, lets talk about right wingers shouting down a discussion about heath care reform.
wow….big surprise….a liberal Seattle fag rag………conservatives will win this fight you limp wristed, bike riding, latte siiping idiots
Blue John Spews:
Actually, it was SeattleJew who called for the intelligent discussion. I responded. Obviously neither he..nor you…want to address the points I raised and the PWC study.
That’s expected really.
Daddy Love said he would read it after his meeting. Apparently posting nonsense took priority over studying a factual analysis.
This is where it’s at.
The Left screaming Government is the only way!
The Right showing you alternatives.
The Left ignoring or dismissing the facts without objectivity.
For Leftist Ideologues, it hurts to think.
Wallow in your mud, greedy fuckhead. And tell us again how Christian you are.
Marvin has stated clearly that he supports killing off your political opponents, as long as you have no personal connection to whomever is sitting in the Oval Office at the time. No wonder then that he is so enthralled by the fascist intimidation fo the teabaggers as they threaten congress people with physical violence.
Has any one else noticed that there are suddenly no republican townhalls? The cowardice of the right is as endlessly fascinating as it is dangerous.
The birthers storm Democratic attempts at democracy, shouting down all discussion and whining about being shut out when they make obnoxious asses of themselves while the adults try to discuss this critical life and death issue, the Republicans don’t even bother opening up for democracy.
They don’t even bother trying to pretend they give a shit about democracy, or give a shit about what Americans want, or give a shit about hearing from Americans…
This fits the Republican pattern of disregard for the average american voice.
The right wing really kicks ass in objectivity. Aren’t they the ones who thought Iraq had something to do with 9/11?
Hell, I remember Limbaugh floating that one within one week after 9/11.
That Price/Waterhouse study is besides the point. Insurance Companies HAVE DONE NOTHING to drive down waste in healthcare. Other countries with single payer have much lower costs. What did that? The “free” (greed) market?
Now don’t be swinin’ on Cyn, he know what his values are. Jesus told him to hate liberals. It was when Cyn was caught up in the spirit and speakin’ in tongues. (We know because throwing cold water on him didn’t stop him). He’s a good Christian man. Just ask him.
And he has consent from the sheep (at least the ones that don’t laugh at him).
32 Cyn
I’ve got teh study now and I think I can comment. First, the PwC study does not contain its own methodology. It is based on a PwC study in 2006 called The Factors Fueling Rising Healthcare Costs 2006 that bills itstelf as “Prepared for America’s health insurance plans” (so you know it won’t have ANY pro-insurance bias whatsoever).
That 2006 study was itself was based on a PwC report from 2002. The 2006 report is based on figures from 2004-2005, and they have an interesting graph labeled Exhibit 1 (PDF) that shows that the annual per capita growth in health care spending dropping and staying low during the Clinton administration but higher during both Bush I and Bush II.
Now as for your contentions that these are are Republican plans with true premises:
OK< Baucus is a Democrat, so you kinda can’t claim that this is a “Republican plan.” Why don’t you point us to a real Republican plan that includes this point? If Republicans thought that “negotiating with drug comapanies” for anything more serious than watering down Congrsssional bills was a good idea, they would not have specifically forbidden Medicare to “negotiate” to lower drug costs in their Medicare prescription drug bill.
This is a claim without support. Your PwC report has not one line in it nor one number about “fraud.” What is the “fraud” of which you speak? If you mean stuff like doctors billing for stuff they don’t do, then I’m all for it. But I think this is also the Democratic plan.
WTF? 6% of WHAT? THe PwC study CLAIMS (I’m digging through the 2006 study to verify) that “defensive medicine” costs $210 billion out of a possible $1.2 trillion in “waste and inefficincy” they claim exists. Do that math, bud, it’s 1.75%. And I don’t even believe them, given that duplication in tests also occurs for simple reasons such as that systems do not talk to one another.
OH right! When has reducing the profits of huge insurance companies been part of any “Republican plan?” You need to support this one with a pointer to an ACTUAL PLAN, pal.
What, like, to 5?
@76 Cynical
I did connect to your link, the “Price Water House Study” was not a study but a subectibe analysis of other studies. Nor does it support your conclusions.
What it does claim is that these other studies show that there are potential saving of as much as 1 trillion (though the time course of these is not clear) from a number of sources. NONE of the sources actually includes tort reform. It does talk about “defensive medicine” along with administrative overhead as the two biggest issues … issues that actually are addressed by much of what has been written by liberals proposing specific reforms. The report itself does NOT propose such reforms.
On one issue, the PWC joins with the liberal community in making what SJ claims is a FALSE claim. The left overly promotes the idea that costs will be saved by preventive medicine. This IS true in pediatrics but in adult medicine prevention raises costs. In fact a major party of cost escalation in the non-US industrial world (all ofmwhich has socialized medicine) is the same as here … we are lengthening the life span. Old folks do not pay taxes and are sicker than young folks. Prevention —> more old folks, more costs.
I know it is futile but it seemd to me that there was glimmer of hope that oyu might want a rational debate. I am always opne to such .. here or at SJ.
Daddy Love
Right on. The PWC report is pretty meanpngless and does n ot support what he says anyway.
Daddy Love spews:
Actually, that amounts to 17.5%.
Math and decimal points matter.
So you dismiss everything in the report out of hand….predictable.
You are telling us Tort Reform, better fraud detection (patients & providers BTW), more competition intrastate, negotiating with Drug Companies will have no appreciable impact.
Interesting conclusion Daddy Love.
Not even you believe that.
You & Daddy Love expect folks to believe our American Tort system has no negative impact on the cost of Health Care. I’m sure you have compared our Tort System and resulting defensive medicine requirements with other countries like Japan which has both a more cost-effective health system WITHOUT wasted defensive testing AND a much less punitive Tort System. I guess that’s just a mere coincidence.
If you are gonna try to fix healthcare and protect the “Ambulance Chasers”…seems like you aren’t interested in a rational debate anyway. I tried.
And the point of the PWC study was to quantify The price of excess: Identifying waste in healthcare spending.
I would think it would be reasonable to address each one of these line items and propose reform since their KEY FINDINGS showed:
To jump from our current system (which needs fixin’) to a government-controlled system is irrational without first addressing the findings of this and other studies….unless your goal is SOCIALISM.
Health Care is the tipping point between a system where the government works for us…or we work for the government. That is why the anger is growing.
Not enough has been dome to fix the current system. Lawyers lobby against ALL Tort Reform. Fraud & waste is ridiculous. Plus we do need more private-sector competition. In some states you only have a couple major providers. That’s ridiculous.
re 10: The difference is that your cause is not righteous and just, as ours is. The Teabagger cause is based on ignorance and hate.
re 91: You are not fighting for ‘tort reform’. When, where, and what do you actually do to promote tort reform?
You are just using it as an excuse to shut down rational discussion about health care reform. The facts have been laid before you that lawsuits do not significantly affect the cost of healthcare.
Yet you make it the centerpiece of your raison d etre to disrupt.
Just saying you don’t like the facts because they do not fit your preconceptions would not even cut it in a Community College history class.
I watched part of that video. They asked 1 guy what he did for a living and he replied sells pills. What a coincidence. What are the chances that someone with an agenda goes to film to prove his/her agenda and gets someone to say exactly what they want. *IF* this was a plan by the health insurance evil dudes, wouldn’t they have told their paid protesters what to and not to say?
I don’t remember you being sickened when left-wing groups were shouting down bush.
And instead of acting like a democrat and whining when citizens view a different opinion than the obama, bush said “we believe in free speech here in the united states.”
But then again, you don’t pretend to be fair or balanced so why would you call your own out.
re 91: Why do you think that rules that emanate from non governmental sources work best?
The whole teabagger movement is an attempt by the private healthcare industry in collusion with primarily Republican government officials to disrupt discussion about healthcare reform that will provide competition to monopolistic insurance entities.
That’s why people compare them to Brownshirts. Except for PuddWaxx, who thinks schoolchildren performing community service are Brownshirts.
Hilarious because the pharmaceutical worker means he has an agenda for promoting his cause?
Does the same logic apply to al gore pushing green power considering how invested he is in it and how much he will profit if the country does as he wants?
Would that be a double standard?
Don’t forget to be a good comrade and report to your leader I dissented against his policies.
Remember, it’s your job to help the obama find those that aren’t in lockstep with him.
re 94: Just because your footsoldiers are stupid and uninformed doesn’t prove they’re not being manipulated into protesting.
“But then again, you don’t pretend to be fair or balanced so why would you call your own out.”
You do realize that you just admitted that you were pretending to be fair and balanced.
Interesting – Japan has a public option.
You see a lot of people in Japan protesting at “tea parties” or townhalls wanting to trade their system for ours.
91 Cyn
Here’s one for ya: To mischaracterize something so that you can then argue against your own mischaracterization is called “a straw man argument.”
To “To jump from our current system to a government-controlled system” may be many things, but one thing it’s NOT is “what is being proposed.”
What is being proposed is our current system plus a publicly-administered insurance system that charges premiums but has subsidies for poor subscribers.
Cost control is an issue, adn there are many ways to control costs. I believe that limiting the rights of patients to sue for malpractice protects bad doctors and does not address cost containment. One of the primary barriers to cost containment is the motivation of physicians trying to make more money. And going umentioned by you is the sharp drop in the rise of health care costs under the last Democratic administration (in YOUR source material). It appears that Republicans are no good at cost containment. Why do you think that is?
I don’t dismiss your favoritest study in all world out of hand but I do not think it supports your viewpoint, and I also think it was produced at the request of and presents its statistics specifically for the benefit of the insurance companies upon whom PwC is dependent for business.
He pushes big Pharma pills to doctors. A guy very interested in maintaining the status quo. At least he didn’t lie.
Try watching ALL the video. I’m sure you’ll approve of your fellow tea baggers shouting down the Congresslady.
Very adult like.
George Bush had a solution to his “townhalls” on gutting Social Security – only Bush lovers need attend. Worked out great for him didn’t it?
People who loudly protested Bush were well-informed. And they were vindicated in 2006 and 2008. Your fellow tea baggers drink right wing bong water passed out from the likes of Limbaugh, Hannnity and Beck.
Oh and here’s a sweet little tweet from a tea bagger:
How darling!
Oh! Check it out!
Faux News targeting Democratic townhalls ONLY! Since the Republicans by and large aren’t holding any, maybe a few by phone only.
Tea bagging zombies mobilize!
and here we have tea baggers packin’ heat!
Stamn – one of your favs Michelle Malkin is involved!
Today the National Business Coalition on Health (NBCH), a non-profit organization of nearly 60 employer-based health care coalitions, representing over 7,000 employers and approximately 25 million employees and their dependents across the United States, submitted letters to the White House and Congress emphasizing the importance of value based purchasing as a critical strategy for health reform. NBCH sent correspondence on behalf of its coalition network of public and private employers to President Barack Obama and House and Senate congressional leaders including specific recommendations to reinforce the importance of establishing a health care system built on value, with a clear return for every dollar spent. The letter to the President can be viewed on NBCH’s web site here.
NBCH notes in its letter that the path to health care delivery reform and cost containment is value based purchasing. Simply stated, purchasers of health care services (i.e. employers, governments and consumers) need to measure, publicly report, and, most importantly, reward — through payment and selection — high performance and value in health care services and delivery.
Cost control in some of the proposed health care bills includes the proposal for an independent commission able to set Medicare payment rates, which he president has also embraced.
I believe that ultimately, real cost control will require a more or less leaving behind fee-for-service medicine. All of the incentives in such a system are for higher costs and no efficiencies.
Talk of “cost containment” from Republicans is just smoke and mirrors to mask the actual GOP health care reform agenda–Just Say No.
Notice that Cynical and Marvin Stamn and others have still never pointed to an officla statement of a single concrete GOP proposal to reform our healh care system.
@91 …
Read your own link.
YOU claimed PWC did a study.
They did not, they did a subjective analysis of other studies.
You claimed they addressed tort reform.
Moreover, they do not suggest HOW to deal witht he waste.
Inb contrast >>>I<<< posted a number of real, conservative points.
I guess you are just what you appear to be .. an unpatriotic troll who cares less about the USA than you do about public display of your naked ego.
In the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s bill, “America’s Affordable Health Choices Act” (read about it here), cost containment measures include:
– Insurers will have to abide by limits on how much they can charge for out-of-pocket expenses.
– Requires providers and suppliers to adopt compliance programs as a condition of participating in Medicare and Medicaid.
– Increases funding for the Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Fund to fight Medicare and Medicaid fraud.
– Eliminates wasteful overpayments to Medicare Advantage plans that increase private plan profits, not patient care.
– Improves payment accuracy for numerous other providers, following recommendations by the non-partisan Medicare Payment Advisory Commission.
– Requires drug and device companies to disclose their payments to physicians to reduce excessive utilization.
– Creates community-based programs that deliver prevention and wellness services.
– Invests in the science of prevention so physicians know which preventive treatments work best.
– Increases training of primary care doctors.
– Expands Community Health Centers.
– Encourages physician training outside the hospital, where most primary care is delivered.
– Promotes medical homes that encourage primary care providers to manage and coordinate their patients’ care over time.
That’s Democrats 12
Republicans? 0 (zero)
109 mot
Now I know we’re on the right track.
Daddy ..
To be fair to the Red Radical Repricans, there is a fact that these proposals do little to address cost containment.
The reason is difficult to explain to the senseless Bechistas and Coulternauts .. you can nto fix a system until you have the tools.
Our current system does nto offer a free market nor does it offer any mechanism, toher than price controls, that can contain costs.
Obamacare’s key idea is to create a tool … a pubic option that will:
1. offer a safety net.
2. cut the idiotic practice of cost shifting by actually paying for the healthcare now given at NO cost to the uninsured.
3. Break the local monopolies by assuring there is at least one alternative.
4. provide an alternative to coporate socialism .. i.e. Airplane companies ought not to be in the healthcare business.
Is this the only way to get things done. I do not know but what I do know is that neither the radical red repricans or the socialism now crowds are offering anything more affective than rhetoric.
I propose that the American Psychiatric Association define “Adaptive Paranoia” as a disease and that the government by allowed to hospitalize its victims unless they accept treatment.
I would suggest that obvious cases of this disease include:
Glen Beck, Hitler, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Richard Chaney, O b. Laden, Father Coughlin, OJ Simpson, John Brown, …..
The we can deal with the simply self serving SOBs… Bush, Palin, Netanyahu, Limbaugh, and most of Wall street.
113 Daddy Love
In the interest of the public weal, I pronounce man of truth a like victim of ap. What I worry about with trolls like him is whether the begavior we see here is an act or does he actually abuse real people too?
If he is in real life as he is here, the more time he spends here the better. Less real victims if he’s playing tag online with steve and his sidekick rujax.
But we have the best healh care system in the world. What could possibly be wrong with it?
And you KNOW that UnitedHealth has YOUR best interests in mind, right? I mean, what OTHER agenda could they possibly have?
@114: Get a Job Stamn!!!
You are on here all the time…don’t you ever work, you sloth!!!
95. Erich von Lustbader spews:
Actually, the Tea-Party Movement is about Massive Deficit Spending and excessive Big Government involvement in our lives.
The Democrat Party has tried to characterize the movement as you portrayed it.
It’s not why myself and friends & neighbors are involved…or anyone else I’ve met thus far.
It’s a Democrat Party invention!
What is wrong with law-abiding citizens legally packing heat??
Concealed weapons require concealed weapons permits.
It’s like you are saying “look, that guy has a nose on his face!” So what??
Mr. Klynical spews:
Reallllly! Then the non-partisan CBO report that shows that with the current bill we can cover all US citizens and be revenue neutral over ten years…..and lower the cost of health care….I guess you morons can’t read then!
I did notice how many tea baggers werre out complaining about wasting 1 trillion in Iraq……NONE! Or how many complained about the massive deficit rolled up by Bush? Or about Bush’s bailout of the banks…..with no oversight….
so much for your supposed reasons for the “teacrappers”.
Lie much?
If the free government health plan is so great, why aren’t the elected politicians going to use it.
Besides for the fact their “free government healthcare” program is so much better than what the taxpayers will be getting.
Typical left-wingnut.
You’re not yelling at ylb to get a job are you?
Like I told gbs, no, I don’t work. I live on welfare paid for by people like you. So do me right and pay your taxes like an obedient serf. gbs doesn’t pay any income taxes, being rich like he claims he can use all the loopholes that people like you can’t.
You can be like gbs and reply that I’m “contributing to the false and negative stereotype that black people just live off welfare generation to generation” if you have some race issues.
It’s okay for diane feinstein to carry a concealed weapon because she’s one of the privileged class.
She felt threatened back in the 1970s and so she armed herself. But she doesn’t want the peons to enjoy the same safety she did.
Once again, that old liberal trick of do as I say, not as I do. And the kool-aid drinkers obediently obey.
That’s dissent. Now is the time for all good comrades to come to the aid of their government and turn me in.
117 Cyn
Nope, that’s a lie. Because it it weren’t a lie, then there would have been a tea party movement during the previous two presdiential terms years as Bush and his supportes added nearly 6 trillion dollars to our national debt, detained American citizens indefinitely without charges of habeas corpus, and instituted a massive illegal domestic surveillance program. But there wasn’t, was there? QE fucking D
No, this “movement” began when a black Democrat was elected president. You guys are more deranged now than when Bill Clinton was inaugurated and suddenly “He’s not MY president” was on every wingnuts’ lips.
hey cnr–
How do you feel about Obama’s conundrum for promoting “fishin” for folks who disagree with his propaganda on Health Care.
Seems like Barrack is worse than what he claimed to abhor.
Any threat like this has a chilling effect on folks who disagree.
There will soon be public records requests for all the tattle-tale documents.
Will be interesting.
If they were sent in and destroyed by the White’s ILLEGAL.
Obama is a real open government guy, ain’t he!
Just ask him.
The Tea Party Movement evolved out of the Auto Bailout & Porkulous Bills.
Don’t let the facts get in the way of your guilty whiteman complex.
118 Cyn
Nothing. It’s the fucking crazy Republicans I’m worried about. Tell us before it happens what you will do when a teabagger shoots someone…
125 Cyn
No it isn’t, or you would have said that, and you didn’t. You said (tell me if I got the capitalization right) “the Tea-Party Movement is about Massive Deficit Spending and excessive Big Government involvement in our lives.”
If you’re against the auto bailout (a Bush program and by the way, those were loans now being paid back) and the stimulus package (now reducing the unemployment rate and creating jobs around the country), it’s because a Democratic president is now in charge, and it has nothing to do with your professed “principles” because you (and your teabagger “movement”) clearly had no principles in 2007.
Funny how the logs in your respective eyes are invisible to you. Denial is not a river in Egypt.
Did I say teabagger? Oops, I remember now that this is a term referring to either pitching or catching during the sex act of lowering a scrotum into a waiting and eager mouth. Well, I guess if the scrotum fits, teabag it, right
gaysguys?Aw, isn’t that cute (link is to AP, commentary from a Kos blogger):
The St. Petersburg Times reported the teabaggers not only said they were Beck disciples, but that the GOP had urged them to protest:
So this is what the modern conservative movement has been reduced to: encouraging infantile behavior from teabaggers, practically begging them to drown out open discussion about health care reform.
What a bunch of pathetic cry-baby losers. But it’s all very “principled.”
The violence was started and instigated by SEIU members sent to attack the gradmother’s and grandfathers concerned about their health care.
You call little old ladies violent? The video of the even shows 4 or 5 SEIU members hitting one man.
What other examples of violence are there?
Wow, reading your thread I am amazed.
You want to take guns away from Republicans. You want to silence all that appose your point of view. Limit free speech. How about make them wear big R’s on their shirts? Have ways of reporting anyone to the While House or DNC that speaks out against your policies so they can be targeted by those who think like you? (oh yeah, they are already doing that. Feel free to report me at
I remember the peace protest in San Francisco during the Bush administration. Bombs places along Market St. Officer Shields ambushed and almost killed in the Mission. All by Dems. Who are the violent ones?
You remember very dimly. The bombs were placed by an anarchist group called Black Block. Not Dems. Read what Lieutenant Dominic M. Celaya had to say about it in the Mission Police Station Newsletter. (pdf)
132 – Awwwwww. Lookeee here. Yet another right winger caught making shit up or drinking the right wing bong water…
Ugly choices you’ve made and now you’re a fiend shouting and screaming at a tea party or a townhall…
i say this for the last time. hopefully some of you half reasonable people will get it. what they want is this country to be like brazil, that is, no middle class and the super rich owning the governement and police. now take elliot spitzer. look how careful he had to be to not get caught, then when he was, he was ruined. you think that happens in brazil? it is owned by the rich, lock stock and barrell. then just buy women like chattell, no sneaking around needed. and you fools will be eating oatmeal while ben bernake, tim geithner, robert rubin, michael bloomberg et al, will be eating lobster and steak. (they do now, but they’ll eat it off the stomach of a hooker without fear.
re 135: Cool!!!! Makes me wanna study finance!!