Every once and a while I write a post pointing out the parallels between current political trends and those in 1920’s Germany… not suggesting that we are on our way to becoming a fascist dictatorship, but that the possibility is certainly not out of the question. And when I do, I do so in the full knowledge that I will be subjecting myself to ridicule from my righty trolls, who dismissively reject any historical comparisons as pure paranoia.
Well, look who’s paranoid too.
Sandra Day O’Connor, a Republican-appointed judge who retired last month after 24 years on the supreme court, has said the US is in danger of edging towards dictatorship if the party’s rightwingers continue to attack the judiciary.
Ms O’Connor, nominated by Ronald Reagan as the first woman supreme court justice, declared: “We must be ever-vigilant against those who would strong-arm the judiciary.”
She pointed to autocracies in the developing world and former Communist countries as lessons on where interference with the judiciary might lead. “It takes a lot of degeneration before a country falls into dictatorship, but we should avoid these ends by avoiding these beginnings.”
Go ahead… dismiss O’Connor as a wacko too. Though I’m guessing those of you who do, probably wouldn’t mind a dictatorship all that much… assuming you had the right man as dictator.
I think we could all agree that the term activist judge is a direct hit to control theFederal judiciary – do I smell Rove here?
It was offered as slogan to impune the cout sysem’s power to prevent dictatorship.
Frightening is right. Bushies tell Federal judget to get fucked all the time.That is the A G ‘s primary role in this administration.
Oh my, another Nazi thread from Goldy…
I hear what the trolls is saying: that traitor-whore O’Connor, how dare she challenge Dear Leader! Send her to the work camps!
Oh my, I don’t think tyranny is a unique German invention of any era, not discounting the Nazi horror and equally fascist Japan of 6 decades past
In fact, simple nation counting today could tell skeptics tyranny and dictatorahip and kings — alive and well around the planet.
All our eary founders warned of the dangers, since they were close to the issue, from Europe and King George. Maybe even from classic writings of the Romans and Greeks of yore. Remember, Casear making Himself the Dictator.
Oh my, read some history. It helps.
If only SDO’C had understood this when SCOTUS was deciding Bush v. Gore.
Then again, I don’t think anyone, even the most partisan of us, understood just how far the Bushistas were going to go in their attack on America, American values, and American ideals.
Yeah more and more it’s getting harder and harder for the right wing traitors to convince the masses that their bullshit doesn’t stink. When you get high-profile republicans coming out in droves to finally admit the truth, it makes it harder for the Lush Flimbaughs of the world to spin it as a vast left-wing conspiracy. It’s amazing to me that people are so stupid. Some of the righties will suck Bush’s dick even while he’s trying to screw them over. They make decisions that are against their own interests because they are simpletons who can be easily influenced by cowards like Seanboy Hannity the chickenhawk.
The rest of the country is catching on. I predict a complete Democratic sweep of both federal houses in November.
Uh, Ms. O’Connor helped greatly to install Dictatorship Version 1.2 in 2000. Then she retires and further enables the fascists by allowing them another slot to fill on the Supreme Court rather than wait three more years. But will she speak up for impeachment? Anything she says is pointless. Fuck her.
The real problem is not the flak you get from the right…it’s the centrists and slight lefties that think less of your arguments.
It does serve to put you on the fringe…if that’s where you want to be, great. If not, I wouldn’t do it …
I actually agree with you. I think the only thing we differ on is that I believe it is coming from both the left and right. Both sides seek unrestrained power, the difference is the path being taken.
I agree there are many parallels , the state control after 9-11 , the lying to get the war machine revved up and rolling . The most blatant is the duly elected politicians with no backbone to stand up to big brother .
But hey , that is what we elect senators for . Our senators have basically goosestepped behind our countries leader , in wiretapping , race bias bigotry , tax cuts for the rich and famous . Why is that ?? That is why I won’t help re-elect Cantwell , she has no balls and will not openly defy our current politburo .
Maybe she did the right thing on ANWR , but the absense of a cohesive energy policy by dems and reps is a bi-partisan travesty . The only option is to keep killing Iraqi’s , Irani’s , just fill in the blank . Totalitarianism can not occur without the complicity of the minority party , those slaves to cash and power . Cantwell bows to the authority of the police state , every day .
Russ Feingold is taking the best shot he can today to, at least, shame Bush as a way to slow his march to totalitarianism.
Let’s see who joins him.
Wasn’t it two darlings of the left, McCain and Feingold, who passed through the largest restriction of free speech yet known, and wasn’t it judged constitutional by the supreme court that was still leaning liberal?
I always find this argument kind of silly. Everything done is done legally. If the dems don’t like it, they need to get their act together and get their people elected.
Why is it dangerous for the feds to be all repub, but no one says a word about the state of Washington being 100% under the dem thumb? I realize it is on a different scale, but it is the same principle. If you don’t like one party rule, and think it leads to abuse, look in your own backyard.
There have been instances of judges legislating form the bench. There was a judge in Kansas who effectively enacted a local tax levy for schools.
Last time I checked, judges were supposed to interpret law, not pass it.
Woman don’t like:
** Perpetual victims—your ongoing schtick as the 1st Gay & Lesbian, Afro-Jewish Holocaust Victim from a posh Philadelphia neighborhood is a NON-STARTER with all decent woman. They want a STRONG man, not a whiney weasel-faced loser.
Let’s see who joins him.
Commentby Voter Advocate— 3/13/06@ 7:40 am
Teddy Kennedy, Screaming Howard Dean, Russ Feingold, and the wicked witch from California Barbara Boxer and lets not forget the feminist Dianne Feinstein. You build your Socilist Democrat Party around these folks and the next lost will be a land slide. The Local Dog Catcher could win.
All you have to do is read Janet S. comments to understand just how stupid and uninformed the right really is.
“Wasn’t it two darlings of the left, McCain and Feingold, who passed through the largest restriction of free speech yet known…”
You have to be kidding? On which episode of the Lush Flimbaug did you hear that poppycock? Or was it on Drudge? Or more likely Worldnetdaily.
“Everything done is done legally. If the dems don’t like it, they need to get their act together and get their people elected.”
Uh no, not true again. Just because a law is enacted, doesn’t mean it was done legally and that is in fact why we have three branches of government. We want to make sure that when one branch, in this case the executive, has exceeded legal authority, there is a check and balance. You righties love quoting the Constitution when it serves you but in truth you wish we didn’t have to live under its constraints. Your ethics are purely situational.
And there’s a huge difference between the impact of a state that’s under one party control and an entire nation. In addition, arguments that Washington state is controlled completely by Dems is specious. We have a Republican Sec of State, Attorney General, etc., etc. Now granted, these republicans won’t lie, cheat and steal to get idiots like Rossi appointed to Olympia when he couldn’t win on his own, but they are still Rs nonetheless.
Thomas @8,
Well, that’s too bad then. In fact, there are historical parallels between 1920’s Germany and the present day US. (Of course, there are an awful lot of differences too.) If we continue down that path, at what point does it cease to be nutty to point this out? The point where it becomes treasonous?
I read a great statement recently by a constitutional scholar debating a Christian Constitutioner. It goes: “We swear on a Bible to uphold the Constitution. We don’t swear on the Constitution to uphold the Bible.”
I think that sums up our differences nicely.
Mr. Cynical @ 14
“Woman don’t like: ** Perpetual victims….”
Hmmm…I get the feeling that Goldy started this blog for a purpose other than picking up women….
The right-wing hates a tripartite government because a judiciary that has the final say on what is constitutional gets in the way of governing by force and propaganda. The right-wing likes government by a strong executive because they don’t like to think for themselves. Democracy is messy, and often inefficient. Moreover, the rule of law often gets in the way of the powerful shoving shit down the throats of those less pwerful. So, despite the lip service the right pays to democracy when it comes to trying to export it, down deep the fuckers just want to be told what to do.
Rightsequalstupid – you’re starting to sound a little paranoid. Develop a twitch yet?
Yes, everyone is doing things illegally, and there are dark cabals running every level of the exec branch and SCOTUS, and then there are all those suspicious congressmen. And it is all being controlled by ROVE! YES! The EVIL ONE!
Get serious. Your arguments are just more of the same old diatribe. Do you really think McCain/Feingold was good legislation? Argue the facts.
Proud leftist – show me one place where I have said I hate the constitional structure of our govt, or where anyone has argued as much. You are sound as goofy as rightsequalwhatever. Last time I looked, it was the left that seems to believe in big govt. Socialized medicine, no charter schools, high taxes. Sounds to me like a recipe to control the masses.
There is no treason in dissent.
The American march to the executive state has been underway for 15 years as an open and visible force.
The extreme religous right wing and their political activity were the first signs of a true neo fascist movement in the USA.
That movement linked up with necon militaritsts and politicized corporate interests – then using the GOP as the vehichle for the new America they are constructing.
The trend line is the same when compared to other hard right takeovers in recent history.
Not a surprise to me, and other who have operated on the left and watched the biogotry and hate monegering against gay people – an early and important signal. Polite society said that hating gays was the last tolerated form of dicrimination.
But truth, gays have been the new Jew as in the scapegoat. That call of the far right goes back now 25 yers and includes simple justice stuff like fair employment and housing – using the medical crises of AIDS – and now marriage – and adoption. Even schemes to prevent lesbians from conception.
It is great to see may sectors of the USA finally saying – What the hell is happening? But it might be very dfficult to push the entrenched necons into the sea. And they will not go without a fight. It has been green pastures and big ego boosts to have all the power and added wealth, all the time pushing working class people into a new form of laborer as indentured serf.
Just keep on keeping as the old saying puts it. Goldy, the trolls here from the right are great examples of how brainwashed Americans have become. They lack the power or will to think. In some ways, it is interesting to have such vivid examples in front of us.
Under the guise of a handle, they are racist, homophobic, sexist and militarist. With millions more just like them. Let’s hope the tide is turning. it is time.
Commentby Goldy— 3/13/06@ 8:28 am
“Well, that’s too bad then. In fact, there are historical parallels between 1920’s Germany and the present day US. (Of course, there are an awful lot of differences too.) If we continue down that path, at what point does it cease to be nutty to point this out? The point where it becomes treasonous?”
To dispell the notion that O’Connor actually is nutty, I think the Guardian is engaging in hyperbole in their headlines, which you of course used for your own purpose. From your own link:
“She pointed to autocracies in the developing world and former Communist countries as lessons on where interference with the judiciary might lead. “It takes a lot of degeneration before a country falls into dictatorship, but we should avoid these ends by avoiding these beginnings.””
Do you honestly believe that before January 2009 Bush will attempt to install himself as a dictator? Or is this more of your disengenuous rhetoric to stir up traffic on your comment threads? To address your questions. You’ve brought up the topic several times. It’s out there. It seems to me, unless there’s some breaking news that points concretely we’ve degenerated closer to a dictatorship, you run the risk of being the “boy who cried ‘Wolf!”.
“In her speech, Ms O’Connor said that if the courts did not occasionally make politicians mad they would not be doing their jobs, and their effectiveness “is premised on the notion that we won’t be subject to retaliation for our judicial acts”.”
The judiciary isn’t sancrosant. Congress has the power to impeach. Arrogant men, like Tom Delay, want to use this as a lever to force the judiciary to act in a certain manner. I hardly see this as an effective threat, since only 12 judges in the history of the US have been impeached.
The Conservative Dictionary
Judicial activism
What liberal judges do.(e.g. Roe vs. Wade)
Sound jurisprudence
What conservative judges do.(e.g. Bush vs. Gore)
‘Nuff said!
Okay, I’m seriously trying to figure out what you guys are talking about. So far I have only heard ominous references to “dictatorships” and “corporate interests” and “fear of gays”. Got anything real to hang your hat on?
Bush will be out of office in three years. How is that a dictatorship? Are you saying that Clinton was in on the whole executive branch takeover of the world? If you are going to go back 15 years, you got to include him.
I think you all saw Syrianan too many times.
Looks like it was about time Sandra Day O’Connor retired. Her thinking is obviously less clear than when she was younger, just like we can say about Pat Robertson. Sometimes people say sillier things when they get older.
It was interesting that O’Connor’s comments were published in the Guardian Unlimited, which is a British newspaper. The United Kingdom has no written constitution. British judges cannot declare any law enacted by Parliament to be unconstitutional.
British statutes heavily regulate abortion (permitted, but with numerous regulations) and divorce (generally only available for adultery, or being separated at least four years out of the last five years). If similar laws were passed by any state legislature in this country, unelected activist federal judges would strike them down in a heart beat.
If we accept O’Connor’s arguments, then the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a fascist dictatorship, because its judges have absolutely no power to strike down any British law as being unconstitutional.
Similar things can be said about Canada as well. Canadian judges do have the power to declare a law to violate the Canadian constitution. But the federal parliament and provincial legislature each have the power under the constitution to override the judicial decision, and make the law effective anyway, even though a judge has declared it unconstitutional.
Maybe O’Connor can take some time during her retirement to learn more about the constitutional and judicial systems in Britain, Canada and other so-called Western democracies, and stop making such ill-considered and outrageous public comments about our own system here in the United States.
Ms. Janet S, President Bush admitted breaking the FISA law. One of the Judges resigned as a result. You can dance around this issue all you want, but Bush said that the law does not apply to him. He is above the law. He is a dictator.
The Republican majority of Congress crucified President Clinton because they said Clinton put himself above the law. The same gutless cowardly g-ddamn hypocrite Republican Congress has given Bush a free pass to exercise unlimited power. Deal with it.
Good thinking Richard —– just how the hell can this old woman be so bold as to suggest that neutering Federal Judges is a step toward the totalitaian state.
God, what could she know of the threats? Certainly less expert than Rush, Flush, and Ridhard.
I would suggest from my own intuittion, she is an early public outcry – but represents groundswell opinion from her many connections in the Federal Judiciary.
And what the hell do they know? They know a harcore necon attorney general. They know an executive branch which has ignored their orders, and they know that the signals are not good for flourishing democracy in America…..they know that the rule of law is being changed to the rule of money and might.
Oh Richard, if you value the rule of law and democracy – take a second look.
Justice O’Conner is a old style Arizona conservative. When she is concerned – we all need to be concerned.
And of course the news is coming from other than mainstream USA media – they would rather run a peice about her fashion in clothes since she retired – maybe Sandra on vacation….. Tune to BBC news to hear what is really happening around the globe. Hundreds of major global stories never, repeat never – mentioned in the American media.
Under the guise of a handle, they are racist, homophobic, sexist and militarist. With millions more just like them. Let’s hope the tide is turning. it is time.
Commentby BOB from BOEING— 3/13/06@ 9:27 am
Bob you seem to be dragging a lot of excess baggage from the past. You need to dump that baggage and smell the roses. You sound like you work for Jessie Jackson and the Rainbow Push. The only person who believes in black helicopters is Roger over there in Green Lake.
Don’t you love it when a right wing moron, who never argued a single fact in her life, tells YOU to argue the facts? Notice how she didn’t respond to most of my post? I destroyed her argument and since she’s clearly a graduate of the Lush Flimbaugh school, she’s trying to change the subject. Just like Rossi she’s a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooser.
Tune to BBC news to hear what is really happening around the globe. Hundreds of major global stories never, repeat never – mentioned in the American media.
Commentby BOB from BOEING— 3/13/06@ 9:56 am
Bob the BBC is a government run news station. From what you have led us to believe, you do not trust governments.
Gee Bob — Canada and Britain must already be well on the way to being totalitarian states. British judges can’t declare any law to be unconstitutional, since Britain doesn’t even have a written constitution. While Canada does have a constitution (the Constitution Act of 1982), Section 33 of their constitution allows the national or provincial legislature to nullify any judicial declaration that a given law is unconstitutional.
Oh my, another idiot post from a Nazi troll.
Democracy is fragile. It depends on consent of the governed, and we now have a noisy faction that does not consent to be governed unless they can do the governing on their terms and in disregard of our Constitution and laws. Furthermore, this group has amply demonstrated its willingness to use violence to subjugate opponents and achieve its radical political and economic goals. This is a formula not only for the disintegration of democracy, but for upheaval — violent, murderous upheaval — to which a peaceful resolution is unlikely … it may spiral into a “kill or be killed” scenario.
Liberals must arm and prepare for self-defense.
Klake @ 32
The quote from Sandra Day O’Connor didn’t come from the BBC. It came from the on-line edition of the Guardian Unlimited newspaper. Just goes to show you how dumb Bob from Boeing is. Goldy posts a quote from a story, and provides the link to the story. I talk about what website the story came from, using Goldy’s link. And Bob from Boeing can’t even figure out the difference between one British media website and another British media website.
At least, if we had British judges and British unconstitutional law, we wouldn’t have to worry about state abortion laws being overturned or terrorists being given protection from wiretaps.
I destroyed her argument and since she’s clearly a graduate of the Lush Flimbaugh school, she’s trying to change the subject. Just like Rossi she’s a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooser.
Commentby RightEqualsStupid— 3/13/06@ 10:05 am
Who the hell is RightEqualsStupid you mother did give you a real name at birth? Maybe your daddy who left out the back window calls you by a different name that you are ashamed of posting .From you statement you do have an ego problem and as mental strengths the rabbit has you beat by a mile.
“To dispell the notion that O’Connor actually is nutty, I think the Guardian is engaging in hyperbole in their headlines”
Really? How so? The headline reads “Former top judge says US risks edging near to dictatorship”, and then goes on to quote her thus:
“It takes a lot of degeneration before a country falls into dictatorship, but we should avoid these ends by avoiding these beginnings.”
Such a headline would be paraphrase, not hyperbole.
“Do you honestly believe that before January 2009 Bush will attempt to install himself as a dictator? ”
Check your history, pal. The establishment of a dictatorship does not mean the necessary dissolution of legislative bodies. Many dictatorships — even the most totalitarian — have rubber-stamp parliaments.
Hey Goldy, where’s the daily open thread? I’ve got a couple news items — prosecutorial misconduct by an incompetent TSA attorney in the Moussaoui sentencing trial may end up costing the government the death penalty, and Knight-Ridder (49.5% owner of the Seattle Times) is being acquired by McClatchy Newspapers.
Wabbit @ 39
Goldy is far more interested in threads about “Nazis”, “fascism”, or “dictatorship” to actually post a thread on some relevant news topic.
“Then again, I don’t think anyone, even the most partisan of us, understood just how far the Bushistas were going to go in their attack on America, American values, and American ideals. Commentby N in Seattle— 3/13/06@ 1:36 am”
I have to admit that I didn’t see that a subversive attempt to overthrow our government would come from the very people who have spent the last 75 years screeching about subversive attempts to overthrow our government, although I sure as hell see it coming now.
Check your history, pal. The establishment of a dictatorship does not mean the necessary dissolution of legislative bodies. Many dictatorships — even the most totalitarian — have rubber-stamp parliaments.
Commentby Dr. E— 3/13/06@ 10:12 am
Impressive Dr. E that is the best statement you made in months.
Isn’t it ironic that the Far Right claimed commies would infiltrate our government and take it over, then commies became Far Righties, infliltrated our government, and are taking it over ….
That sheet of paper Sen. Joseph McCarthy waved wasn’t blank after all. There WAS a name on it. The name was “George W. Bush.”
To be precise, George W. Bush, Trotskite Subversive: http://www.antiwar.com/justin/j111003.html
That sheet of paper Sen. Joseph McCarthy waved wasn’t blank after all. There WAS a name on it. The name was “George W. Bush.”
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/13/06@ 10:20 am
Roger did you over due your med’s today? You can do better than that this early in the morning.
“I predict a complete Democratic sweep of both federal houses in November. Commentby LauraBushKilledAGuy— 3/13/06@ 5:01 am”
It may be too late to hope for this if the voting machines are rigged. In that event, it will be difficult or impossible to dislodge our new dictators and prevent the genocide they’re planning against us by peaceful means. I sure hope that isn’t so, but I’m worried and pessimistic — our democracy may already be gone.
The general rule of thumb is, the louder the neoCONS shriek about “voting fraud,” the more they’re cheating. This is known as the “Roger Rabbit Rule of Inverse Proportionality.”
Roger where are you playing checker today? I’m for a good game and a good conversation.
You’re not capable of a bad conversation, let alone a good one.
It’s hard for me to believe that 65% of the Republicans in Tom DeLay’s district voted for him, but it’s easy for me to believe that one RNC hacker in a smoke-filled room did.
The general rule of thumb is, the louder the neoCONS shriek about “voting fraud,” the more they’re cheating. This is known as the “Roger Rabbit Rule of Inverse Proportionality.”
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/13/06@ 10:25 am
Roger I though you were a lawyer not a editorial writer!
Pretty soon we’re gonna be a banana republic, and our general elections will be replaced by General elections, i.e., you have to re-elect the General again!
You’re not capable of a bad conversation, let alone a good one.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/13/06@ 10:26 am
Thanks Roger I love you to just like the little bunny I got for Easter.
A sub-corollary of Roger Rabbit’s Rule of Inverse Proportionality is that, “the more Flaky Klake tries to think, the dumber he gets.”
“It does serve to put you on the fringe…if that’s where you want to be, great. If not, I wouldn’t do it … Commentby Thomas Trainwinder— 3/13/06@ 7:12 am”
Today, the “fringe” is those who refuse to see the threat from the Bushitas and the right-wing juggernaut. They are about to become totally marginalized.
A sub-corollary of Roger Rabbit’s Rule of Inverse Proportionality is that, “the more Flaky Klake tries to think, the dumber he gets.”
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/13/06@ 10:30 am
Roger if I am dumb you are dumbest and the living evidence of our failed School system.
“I actually agree with you. I think the only thing we differ on is that I believe it is coming from both the left and right. Both sides seek unrestrained power, the difference is the path being taken. Commentby BV— 3/13/06@ 7:18 am”
This is utter, total, nonsensical bullshit. What you refer to as “the left” (i.e., American liberals) never engaged in military adventurism, never tortured people, never tried to restrict free speech and dissent, never illegally wiretapped people, etc. It turns out liberals are the folks in favor of limited government, and the Far Right are the folks in favor of unrestrained government power without checks and balances or accountability.
You would never see a “liberal” president putting someone on the Supreme Court who thinks presidents can do whatever they want to, without answering to anyone.
“Wasn’t it two darlings of the left, McCain and Feingold, who passed through the largest restriction of free speech yet known”
Once again Janet S. proves herself to be a complete fucking idiot! The only free speech that was “restricted” was the kind of “free speech” that only giant corporations and moneyed interests can afford. None of your “free speech” was restricted in any way by McCain-Feingold. The only thing McCain-Feingold restricts (however feebly) is the ability of special interests (who could care less what the people think) to buy our government out from under us.
The fact a shill for neocon totalitarianism like Janet S. thinks McCain is a “darling of the left” demonstrates how far we’ve already slid down the slippery slope.
On the bright side, totalitarians aren’t running Alaska Airlines, street gangs are.
Richard – toss your inflated ego.
I mentioned the BBC news to face an interesting reality – how bankrupt MSM media is except for the most superfical news coverage.
Get it?
And my example was Good Morning America would bring Sandra on to talk of her ovaries, fashion for older women or her last vacation – but not her political fears. Get it?
Trying to change the subject to what does or does not happen in Britian or Canads is just a big time cop out.
This threa started out very clearly as A M E R I C A …..remember — is Justice O’connor trying to open a door of communiction on a troubling trend toward the uncontrolled executive state – veering towards classic tyranny. Get it?
Canadians are very alarmed by American political trends — by the way. They think we have all gone crazy.
All they want to do is smuggle drugs and kill each other. They’re not particularly interested in killing the rest of us, as long as we stay out of their way, unlike Ann Coulter who isn’t interested in smuggling drugs for profit but IS interested in hunting down and killing liberals just for the hell of it.
It turns out liberals are the folks in favor of limited government, and the Far Right are the folks in favor of unrestrained government power without checks and balances or accountability.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/13/06@ 10:37 am
Roger you forgot Bill Clinton and he was not as bad some folks claim. However, he did not believe in small government and he also use the power vested in him to blow up a few countries. When he was in office the same checks and balances for accountability of the government existed.
“Canadians are very alarmed by American political trends – by the way. They think we have all gone crazy. Commentby BOB from BOEING— 3/13/06@ 10:44 am”
They should be alarmed — they’re sitting on the Western Hemisphere’s largest oil reserves, just a short distance from our border. The U.S. military could mass tanks and troops on that border in less than 24 hours, and there would be little or nothing the Canadians could do about it.
Funny, very funny. And the media are watching every detail – Traction in this sorry saga of making more money and putting passengers in peril …
Suspect bookings have suffered . Who would fly them now except the numb, dumb, and stupid.
Thanks, dearly beloved, Rennaisance Rabbit.
Remember all the anti-Canada rhetoric from the Bushitas not long ago? How they were whipping the American public into a frenzy against Canadians? But now that they’ve got their right-wing puppet in power in Ottawa, maybe they figure they won’t need the tanks and troops, they can just walk in, and take over Canada by having American corporations buy up everything of any value in Canada.
“Impressive Dr. E that is the best statement you made in months. Commentby klake— 3/13/06@ 10:19 am”
And totally lost on a pea-brain like you.
Canadians are very alarmed by American political trends – by the way. They think we have all gone crazy.
Commentby BOB from BOEING— 3/13/06@ 10:44 am
Bob the feeling is about them same on this side of the border. Out of control goverment with no checks and blances.
If you Google, “Bush administration and fascism”, a plethora of information comes up.Here is a link to an article on this subject from the crazy leftist moonbats at ,Harpers Magazine:
The right-wing takeover of America is not totally devoid of entertainment value, though. It is, after all, somewhat amusing to watch the antics of a government run by shoplifters and porn film actors:
“Chatsworth, CA (PRWEB) March 10, 2006 — Adult film starlet and former California gubernatorial candidate Mary Carey is scheduled to attend the prestigious United to Victory dinner with President George W. Bush in Washington D.C on March 15th – 16th.
“In addition, due to Carey’s efforts in starting Mary Carey Productions, Inc. in 2005, Carey will receive the 2005 California Businesswoman of the Year award.
“‘I’m always excited to learn more about what’s going on in our nation’s capital, since most people in the porn industry think an Iraqi pullout is a form of safe sex,’ quipped Carey. ‘Since I’m seriously considering running for governor of California again, I’m going to need a lot of support from Republican lawmakers nationwide – however I can get it.’
“At the invitation of the Nation Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), Mary Carey will meet and interact with key Congressional leaders and Administration officials to discuss advancing powerful pro-business, pro-family agendas and meeting positive legislative goals. She will join Karl Rove, senior advisor to the President, for lunch on Wednesday the 15th, and President Bush for dinner on Thursday the 16th.
“‘I’m really excited to be going back to Washington D.C. to see the president again,’ said Carey. ‘Everyone thinks that politicians are stuffy, but we all had a great time last year, and I had fun signing a lot of autographs. Wait till they see that I have lost 20 pounds since the last time they saw me. Watch out Mr. President!’
“Carey made national headlines in June of 2005, when she attended a similar dinner with President George W. Bush, also at the invitation of the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC).”
Hint to righties: If the site you are using for “information” has lots of cheesy pop-ups, it’s probably not a reliable source of information. Look for something better.
Ladies and gentlemen, may I present the future Governor of California, as it appears the current one won’t last much longer: http://www.marycarey.com/
They usually just make their shit up, because their parents’ porn blockers keep them from accessing their “sources of information.”
Goldy @ 17
The fact there are parallels begs the question of the degree of the parallels. Is it a little or a lot? I think any proper-thinking person would think it’s very little — hence fringe.
Isn’t that one of the twins?
#62@BoeingBob: Amazing how you get your information from the MSM. Two weeks ago I was in Canada for a whole week and they are not as you say. I was reading the liberal Toronto Times and the had editorials saying they have to crack down on muslims who don’t conform to Canadian laws. In fact some of them I was working with said they should crack down on some of their internal islamofascists like the US because in some parts their country is going toward sharia law. Ask Goldy where I was two weeks ago Boeing Bob if you don’t believe me!
Roger Dumb Bunny, did you know Canada has a positive trade surplus with us? They want us to buy their goods! So why would they allow us to walk in. Just more bullshit from the ASSes esquire of bullshitters.
Flash: I thought that was your offspring, RIGHT? Good thing she has a good looking mother because the father is UGLY!
Commentby Dr. E— 3/13/06@ 10:12 am
“Really? How so? The headline reads “Former top judge says US risks edging near to dictatorship”, and then goes on to quote her thus:”
Like Goldy’s blog sensational headlines get people to read articles.
““It takes a lot of degeneration before a country falls into dictatorship, but we should avoid these ends by avoiding these beginnings.””
Yes, I quoted this in my original post, didn’t you read it?
“Such a headline would be paraphrase, not hyperbole.”
Actually the Guardian never quoted O’Connor as saying the US was edging towards dictatorship. The only place that statement appears is in the first paragraph and the title.
From the link:
“Sandra Day O’Connor, a Republican-appointed judge who retired last month after 24 years on the supreme court, has said the US is in danger of edging towards dictatorship if the party’s rightwingers continue to attack the judiciary.”
If they have quotes to back that statement up, why don’t they provide it? From quotes they gave from O’Connor’s speech, it appears to me she is more concerned about the rhetoric of Republican lawmakers (Delay and Cornyn) in regards to the safety of judges, than fearing the US will become a dictatorship.
“Check your history, pal. The establishment of a dictatorship does not mean the necessary dissolution of legislative bodies. Many dictatorships — even the most totalitarian — have rubber-stamp parliaments.”
History of what country? The Unites States? Has the U.S. been a dictatorship in the past? As far as I can tell our Constitution is still in force. We will have our scheduled Congressional elections in November. If you are unhappy with the current Congress you have a chance to change that in November. Congress just threw the President (a member of their own party) under the bus over the Dubai Ports issue. Hardly a rubber stamp “parliment”.
We will have a new President in January of 2009. I don’t see an impending dictatorship anywhere. Based upon the article Goldy linked to, I don’t think O’Connor does either.
My Mom passed away from Alzheimer’s a year and a half ago, so I understand O’Connor’s desire to bail out and spend her husband’s final days by his side. I just wished she’d had the insight and guts to make her feelings known before her successor was confirmed.