There will be a vigil tonight, 6pm, near the south end of the reflecting pool at Cal Anderson Park in Seattle, to offer thoughts and prayers to the family and friends of Dr. George Tiller, who was brutally assassinated yesterday by a right-wing terrorist as he was entering his Wichita, KS church.
Hi all,
Thanks Goldy, this is important.
And we should also reserve some harsh words for the Seattle Times.
“Controversial Figure”
“beloved by some, hated by others”
“a central figure in the emotional, fiery and sometimes violent debate over abortion.”
These are lead-in quotes in the article on the front page of the Times today.
These quotes have the effect of apologizing for this murder, telegraphing to everyone that Tiller may have deserved his fate by being “hated” and “controversial,” they should have simply reported the facts:
Tiller was the victim of murder by a terrorist.
To say the debate on abortion is “sometimes violent” is to imply the violence is mutual.
Only one side is violent, only one side is using terrorism and Tiller is yet one more victim of the terrorists.
Maybe it’s time to let the Seattle Times go the way of the PI.
Thanks all,
new left conservative 1
I’d go a bit further.
Gearge Tiller was a dedicated physician who provided family medical services to women across the country. Despite the irrational claims of his detractors, Tiller was scrupulous in both his medical ethics and his adherence to the law, acquitted as recently as March of all charges brought against him by his political opponents. For this, he was murdered by a terrorist.
Hey Goldie–
What’s up?
Why is my comment listed on “From the Cesspool?”
I am PRO-abortion!
I am distraught and deeply saddened by the murder of Dr. Tiller by a terrorist.
My comment was critical of the Times for it’s use of words that amounted to an apolgoy for this act of violence.
(I support a free market in all contraception services and advertising for them–for those who don’t see how a “conservative” can be pro-abortion.)
Please take me out of the Cesspool–it really stinks to be in here with the pro-terrorist crowd!
Thanks in advance,
new left conservative 1
New Lefty @3,
You really are new here, aren’t you. All comments end up in the cesspool. Even mine. That’s just what we call the comment thread here on HA. Stick around for a while and you’ll learn why.
Does anyone know what Lush Limpdick is saying about this terrorist attack on U.S. soil? Is he blaming President Obama for not preventing it? I don’t listen to that blowhard, so I don’t know what spin he’s putting on this.
I believe Goldy you are conspiring to start a war in America……
6 AnencaphalyOnTheWall
Looks like it’s the Right who wants war. The attack on Tiller was an attack on our constitution, our legal system, and notice of an insurection aginst our government. Yeah, we get it. Soon you will too.
The fact of the matter is Goldy there are just mean people in this country that murder people,your nothing but a trouble maker, you dont know what makes this guy tick, any more than any one else does at this time.
Randall Terry is a fucking freak:
BTW, @6, they weren’t recruiters shot in Arkansas, they were recruits.
Please reconcile for those that are consistent in their views how this, is a hate crime and what happened to Tiller is terrorism?
In my view, they are both Terrorists, Haq and the perp who killed Dr. Tiller.
And don’t go trying to hide behind Darryl…What Darryl wrote was representative of the Democrat mindset, and based on the comments, was certainly that of the HA liberal regulars…Not to mention that you own this site….
So what of it?
It’s only terrorism when a liberal is in the WH? or when a murder or incident occurs where the origins of the act, or it’s motivation are against the liberal POV? ????
All the liberals here ought to be condemning Goldy for “rushing” out there yelling terrorism, just as they did with Haq. The Liberal viewpoint is that this murder was a hate crime.
F-em. They, the Dr. Killer and Haq, are both terrorists. They forfeit their human rights. Game over.
He is blaming it on rabid rabbits and the damage rabbits do to the infrastructure.
Go figure.
9 I’d be happy to offer Mr. Terry a nice steaming dog turd in hoagie roll, and a hearty pint of cat piss to wash it down.
I just got off the phone with my Representatives. I want Homeland Security right up Randall Terry’s ass – I want all fundamentalist churches marked off as potential terrorism zones – I want close government scrutiny of middle aged, fat white guys since THEY seem to be the ones conducting terrorism in the USA. We need to eliminate tax breaks for churches and start treating these terrorists they way they seem to want to treat everyone else – let’s waterboard the traitors and find out who is really behind this.
3 threads about an abortion doctor being killed and zero threads about a military recruiter being killed.
Will the lefties in seattle organize a vigil for the military recruiter?
“I just got off the phone with my Representatives” – (Translation) – “Mom, can I use the computer? Oh, and I promise to look for a job tomorrow…”
“I want all fundamentalist churches marked off as potential terrorism zones – I want close government scrutiny of middle aged, fat white guys since THEY seem to be the ones conducting terrorism in the USA. We need to eliminate tax breaks for churches and start treating these terrorists they way they seem to want to treat everyone else – let’s waterboard the traitors and find out who is really behind this.” -(translation) – Hail Hitler!!!!!
Yeah, you and Man of Truth are peas in a pod…..
Did “the marvin” get the part about being really really really stupid???
Can anybody guess what the dumbfuck is going on about?
But Marvin is so damn positive that the now captured shooter in the Arkansas murder will be discovered to have advocated violence against all military recruiters, will have been supported by all manner of Left Wing radio hate and shock jocks (oops there aren’t any), will have encouraged his fellow coalitions of violence against military recruiting to kill all military recruiters, and so forth. Because, you know, the stories are identical; well except for the fact that the recruiters were in uniform actually doing their job at the recruiting center and the doctor was acting as an usher for the congregation of his church.
I have yet to see he was a right wing terrorist
More like a feekin idiot.
As far your darling dr. seems this is just another late term abortion,
No vigils for soldiers Soldiers just are not American enough to worry about, and daddy hate
you ain’t nothin and when you die they won’t hold a vigil for you either.
Wrong Stuff you may not know about calling your Representatives – since most of them are Dems and you’re a right wing traitor, coward and GOP dick-sucker – you don’t have the right phone numbers bitch!
NOW THIS IS RICH! Right out of the typical right wing hypocrite files. More girls who go to religious schools end up having abortions than those who go to public schools.
You know you can’t make this shit up. The right is about as fucked up a thing as you’ll find in the universe. If you wrote a script for a movie about how to fuck up the world – you couldn’t dream up something as far fetched as the NORMAL mode of operation for the GOP!
@9 Isn’t that just like a wingnut, trying to turn someone else’s death into a free lunch for himself. And demanding imported beer on top of it! What’s wrong with American beer? Why didn’t he ask for a Miller or a Bud or a Red Hook? What an unpatriotic un-American shit.
I am going to take a break from fucking Puffybutt’s big, fat, nasty, ugly, smelly wife tonight and spend that time creating a list of right wing organizations we should have Homeland Security target now that we know it’s the right wing homegrown terrorists who are the real threat.
@6 There’s already a war in America, and you assholes started it, but we’re going to finish it.
“[T]his is a civil war, … only one side will prevail, and … the other side will be relegated to history. This war has to be fought with the scale and duration and savagery that is only true of civil wars. While we are lucky in this country that our civil wars are fought at the ballot box, not on the battlefields, nonetheless it is a civil war.” — Newt Gingrich
@14 Why just eliminate their tax breaks? Shouldn’t we freeze the terrorists’ assets, so they don’t have access to money to fund more terrorist attacks?
Can anybody guess what the dumbfuck is going on about?
Nope…and does anybody but him even care?
Hey asshole…
TWENTY-FOUR United States Military personnel were killed in the month of May fighting yours and George Bush’s and Dick Cheney’s illlegal and immoral war in Iraq.
Where’s your “vigil” for them? Those recruiters were just out of boot camp. So you don’t care about our active duty casualties. Damn fine American you are Mr. traitoronthewall.
In message #17 you quote message # 84 and #153.
And you ask me if I can read?
He really is fucking stupider than I thought.
@28 I think he’s deluded himself into believing a physician performing lawful and medically necessary abortions of dead or dying fetuses to save the mothers’ lives is a “terrorist” who deserves to be shot by a vigilante.
It appears you call everyone you don’t agree with names.
Life must be hard for you. I’m starting to feel sorry for you.
You people sicken me with your selective outrage.
Cop, shot and killed in Chicago. No details yet.
“Fucked any good goats lately marvy-poo??”
(not “interested”, just making light conversation)
Pierce County sheriff’s deputy shot in the hand.
Hmmmmm…I wonder if troll saw #29…hmmmmm….
@19 and 28
Simply put, Goldy and the HA liberals are all to eager to run out and cry “terrorist” when an incident occurs that fits their political POV.
Of course, the HA faithful were all to eager to cry “hate crime” in the case of the Seattle Jewish Federation shootings….
The fact that neither of you “gets it” does not surprise in the least.
A terrorist is ONLY a foriegn national? What is your fucking point??? A terrorist is only a terrorist when they fit YOUR political POV…what if I virulently disagree with you (which, for the most part I do). THEN what?
I’m right…YOU’RE wrong, that’s what.
How long until you shoot someone or plant a bomb?
@39 “The fact that neither of you ‘gets it’ does not surprise in the least.”
We get it, all right. The gun-crazy fanatics on the far-right extremism fringe of American politics kill people they don’t like, just as the Nazis did. And they stand up and applaud when Ann Coulter talks about putting liberals in extermination camps.
Yes, we get it — LIBERALS MUST ARM!!!
In the last 10 years, 170,000 people have been murdered in the U.S. 5 of them have been abortion doctors. 18,274* have been white women raped and murdered by black men.
*That’s a guess on my part
Yeah, it’s just us and the FBI that call this terrorism…
Not so overblown after all.
Liberal brain damage on display!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“44. Michael spews:
Yeah, it’s just us and the FBI that call this terrorism…”
“40. Rujax! spews:
A terrorist is ONLY a foriegn national? What is your fucking point??? A terrorist is only a terrorist when they fit YOUR political POV…what if I virulently disagree with you (which, for the most part I do). THEN what?
I’m right…YOU’RE wrong, that’s what.”
Uh, my position is clear… stated @ 11 lets go slow for the dense headed….
“ME ?
There was never any inconsistency on my part. I thought these were both acts of terrorism. It’s the selective indignation of the HA liberals that’s inconsistent. Again, no great surprise there…..
Thesaurus: extremist noun
One who holds extreme views or advocates extreme measures
If Tiller is only one of 3 abortionists in the whole country performing abortions on viable fetuses….doesn’t that make him an extremist??
@47 “doesn’t that make him an extremist??”
No, but your post does make you an idiot.
anyone know what the final count was of babies killed by george tiller?
49. manoftruth spews:
Perhaps Tiller is going thru his final accounting at this time with the Man upstairs.
Wow a vigil for whackjob Nazi-style abortion doctor, how typically liberal. What, run out of cop killers to chant and beat home depot 5 gallon buckets for?
You have to forgive Nekulturny, our very own little target supplied to us by Hutch’s Hate Army, the Watchmen on the Walls. He’s not an American. He’s Russian or Baltic (which shows in his poor grammar and why he got so pissed off at my insulting him in Russian), and merely doing what his comissaar tells him to do.
Why isn’t Goldy posting about the recruiting center assassination and terrorism?
None of you sucks-ups have the balls to tell this, but I do:
Goldy, you’re a fucking … brb … my microwave popcorn is done.
i wonder if goldstein would have supported his mother’s choice to have an abortion when she was pregnant with him?
@29 Hey asshole…
TWENTY-FOUR United States Military personnel were killed in the month of May fighting yours and George Bush’s and Dick Cheney’s illlegal and immoral war in Iraq!!!!
Why is it my war,they died for your stinkin ass as well as mine , and do you really expect me to believe you appreciate it.
Did you recieve news your son would not come home as planned, but go on to to afghanistan.But i guess its ok to go to Barkly oblahmas war. Screw you.
What did you do?
I would bet not a damn thing.
Did you send a soldier a package this month, i would say no, did you write a card of thanks to any in may or ever, i would say no, did you even attend a memorial service, probably watched one on tv. Did you put a flag on a soldiers grave, i would bet not, did you ever send one a candy bar, or clean dry pair of socks or a bar of soap, a tube of chapstick or even a coke in the can, well i did, and i know each and every one of were grateful that someone thought about them,
So you keep grumbling and Real Americans will keep supporting our guys and gals, in Americas 2 wars now.
Troll at #53
Gee, Troll, you sure do have a lot of euphemisms for masturbation.
@ 52 Screw you too joe, your a joke.
your name calling, is just frustration that should be aimed at your leader.
Obama campaigned on ending the war.
Not only did he not end it like he promised, he increased it in pokeestan and afghanistan.
It’s now his war.
If only bush didn’t write and sign that Iraq Liberation Act.
“It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime.”
u all make me laugh. i have been saying all along it was israel and aipac that are respondsible for the war in iraq. now that obama is following in bush’s footsteps, what does that tell you about who runs this country
*60,000 fetuses killed
*Made millions per year as an abortionist.
*250 late-term abortions in 2003
*1 of only 3 late-term abortionists in the whole country.
Let’s get the facts out about this guy.
The fringe lunatic left are spewing inflammatory rhetoric trying to make hay about this tragedy.
Late-term abortion is an abomination.
I truly believe that.
The fetus is viable outside the womb.
manoftruth and WatchmanOnTheWall were both aborted in back alleys. Afterward, they were tossed in dumpsters, where they grew up feeding on garbage. Because neither has a birth certificate nor any official proof of their existence, they did not attend school. That is why neither is literate in the English language. I hope this brief biography explains why the two of them are so full of bile, bitterness, and bullshit. I suppose we could feel sorry for them, but what would be the point?
Some estimates on Tiller’s abortion mill are thousands and thousands or so. Puddy checking for veracity. But you can hear Dr Tiller the Baby Killer discussing new ground Filler here:
Where in the Bible is abortion mentioned? (I’ll help you along here–it isn’t.) Where in the Bible is there any gnashing of teeth and rending of garments over a woman’s having a miscarriage, or mention of a funeral following a miscarriage? (I’ll help you along here, mention of miscarriage occurs a few times in the Old Testament, but such mention appears as nothing more than a simple part of a narrative–no funeral, no suggestion that someone died.) You anti-choice people have reasons other than Scripture for your desperate desire to keep women from having the freedom that you don’t have to worry about.
yeah, woman have the right to an abortion but in this jew controlled, ass backwards, degenerate country, i cant even drive my car without wearing a seatbelt. dont men have “the right to choose?”
There is no point in discussing this any more, the conservatives live in oppositeland, where they only thing they are passionate about is guns, torture, making sure every last baby is born regardless of the consequences and paying less taxes.
Don’t these same women have the choice to use birth control and make the choice not to?
If a woman has the “right” to kill/abort her baby if she doesn’t want to be bothered with the responsibility of being a parent, why can’t the man walk away from his parental responsibility if he wants. Why the double standard?
It’s degenerate to wear a seat belt?
#66. You know, you have a point there.
We should change the laws, so that if the woman gets pregnant, and if the man doesn’t want the baby and the woman doesn’t get an abortion, then the man doesn’t have to pay child support. You should support that.
I hope someone murders each of the right wingers who support the killing of Dr Tiller.
Keep spewing goldy its working. This guy could be one of barkly noblahmas 14 step brothers.
Young men very sad, and who cares? well not goldy and where is oblahmas statement on this murder and mamimg.
Marvie @ 66
You miss the point. The real dispute about abortion centers on when life begins. I don’t believe it begins at conception, though I have family members who think otherwise. If I knew that life begins at conception, I would be antichoice, but none of us is capable of “knowing” much at all. There is no real objective test for when life begins, though viability outside the womb makes some sense. Given such uncertainty, the question should become who should get to decide? I don’t think I should get to decide for some gal who is pregnant. That is simply wrong. People on your side of the political fence seem to have the answers for everyone. People on our side of the political fence recognize that uncertainty is a fundamental principle that should guide policy decisions. Valuing uncertainty in the public sphere adds to freedom, of that I’m quite sure.
byebyegop, are u advoacting murder? just want to know before i report this blog to the fbi
“There is no real objective test for when life begins, though viability outside the womb makes some sense”
So we have some common ground here….
IMO, it’s really up to the woman. BUT and here is the big BUT in that…..If after the first two tri-mesters, a woman wants an abortion on demand, for “other than life threatening” reasons….She should not be able to have one…
@64 Hey man, what’s the moral position on “right on red” and “20 in a school zone”?
Think of it like this…how many more babies rest safely tonight…
RS @ 73
If after the first two tri-mesters, a woman wants an abortion on demand, for “other than life threatening” reasons….She should not be able to have one…
Does go for anencephalic babies? How ’bout Tay-Sachs? How ’bout conjoined twins where one was going to die immediately, and the other would not have had much of a life?
71. proud leftist spews:
At 21-weeks, the fetus is viable outside the womb. Tiller killed 250 in 2003 alone. It’s an abomination. You should be appalled…being the son of a Lutheran Minister and such at least by this.
Tiller made millions per year with his baby-killing mill.
Why isn’t Goldy posting about the recruiting center assassination and terrorism?
for the same reason the rest of antiamerican, antichristian media doesnt report on it
proud leftist,
Why did God in the Old Testament tell the Israelites to kill everyone including the pregnant mothers when they went to war against a heathen (liberal) nation? Hmmm…?
All of those things are detectable and the decision to abort can occur within the first two tri-mesters.
Hydrocephalus can happen at any time right up to birth and can cause a fetus’s head to swell to 250% of it’s normal size. Fetus’s get brain tumors. Fetus’ sometimes die. All sort of shit can go wrong and sometimes abortions have to happen. Even late term ones.
We’re not saying it’s a good thing. We’re not saying it shouldn’t be regulated. We’re saying that sometimes it is a necessary thing.
Nekulturny, pacheemu ti takoy galuboy?
@80 and all I’m sayin is that the absolute extreme case is not the norm, nor should it be.
The bulk of all abortions are “on demand”
Are there exceptions? Yes. Can some judgement be granted to healthcare providers and patients to allow for extreme circumstances? Yes. IMO late term abortions should not be allowed.
Bottom line; Tiller was a killer. You live by the “sword” you die by the “sword.”
I have no sympathy for money grubbing doctors acting like they are doing something good for people (women) but they are no better than a televangelist ripping off widows and orphans for their last cent!
You “Pro choice/death” people are such hypocrites – never seeing the forest because of the tree of your selfishness. Why don’t you shed a tear for the children torn to shreds by this man’s seared conscience?
Dr Tiller killed 60,000 children in his career of death. He and other Doctor abortionists have a lot in common with the doctors of the Third Reich.
@85 And how about those 60,000 mothers who are guilty of infanticide? Don’t you agree that they should all die? Well, after a fair trial, of course. Perhaps we can execute them the old fashioned way – stone them to death at the gates of the city.
@86 Generally we really try to really burn the drug pusher and not the addict that has been coerced into taking the drugs.