You knew the GOP would run someone against Patty Murray, and there’s worse they could do than Chris Vance. I’m not sure that I’d go so far as to call him a sacrificial lamb, but it’s tough to see his path to victory. As Andrew mentions in the linked post, he has lost for Federal and statewide offices.
If Patty Murray could hang on 6 years ago, the seat is probably safe in a presidential year with Trump or another Bush at the helm. But I try not to forecast these things, so who knows?
Also, color me unimpressed with debt as a central campaign issue. (a) It’s not really as big a deal as political insiders make it out to be. (b) Deficits have gone down every year under Obama. Deficit and debt aren’t the same, but those lower deficits and surpluses will lead to debt being even less of an issue politically and policy-wise. (c) Much of our debt is due to wars and tax cuts happening concurrently under politicians Vance supported. (d) Much of the rest of the debt is due to the economic collapse brought on or exacerbated by GOP policies. So it’s tough to see how an anti-debt platform translates into votes.
Term limits – no more professional politicians! Get rid of the political class.
@1 We already have term limits. They’re called “elections.” Voters can replace those professional politicians (with who? ignorant amateurs?) any time they choose. Strangely, the allegedly fed-up electorate keeps reelecting their congressmen and senators; it’s other people’s reps they want to replace.
Meanwhile, the latest CNN/ORC poll shows Hillary is fading fast, Sanders is now the Democratic frontrunner, and a growing number of Democrats want Biden to enter the race.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s hard to say exactly how this will play out, but if Biden jumps in, that will be a sure sign that the Democratic establishment is losing confidence in Hillary’s electability.
Term limits. No more professional politicians!
At least Sanders is honest. His goal is wealth redistribution.
@4 yeah, replace them with bozo’s. If you are that unhappy you should run yourself.
@5 or being rich and doing what is right and admirable, aside from showing some love for your Country. In stead of crying about how rich you aren’t while drinking champagne in your 50 feet yacht.
It should be pretty evident to everyone that Murray is senator for life
Safe seat.
Plus, for those of us who have been beneficiaries of the economy over the past, say, six years or so, why in the world would we want to change anything?
She’s been great for the top 10%.
” His goal is wealth redistribution.”
Isn’t “wealth redistribution” what successful market economies do? If the rules of a market economy lead to ever increasing concentration of resources the markets themselves will ultimately fail. Markets depend on exchange and concentration of resources limits that.
Maybe what you really mean to say here is that you disagree with some proposal for the rules governing a market economy. But I doubt very much that you disagree with wealth redistribution.
But in case you really do, I need my house painted.