Naps are awesome and the Devil at once. Yesterday, I got home from work with about an hour before I had to go to Drinking Liberally. It was only Tuesday, but I was already tired. So nap. Rad. I didn’t set an alarm, but it wasn’t very long. Anyway, I was refreshed at DL but when I got home, I couldn’t sleep. So now I’m tired again. So should I take another nap when I get home and start the process again?
Absolutely, Carl, becoming a serial napper is the only way to go!
Naps are great, the trick is not to nap too long.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News–Demorats Try To Sabotage Peace Talks; America-Hating Demorats Prefer Nuclear War To Trump Success
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) trashed President Donald Trump’s diplomatic efforts Tuesday at a summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un in Singapore, claiming he had conceded too much to the regime.
It is ironic to listen to the Trump and his supporters ramble on about how great the “deal” is he made with North Korea.
First off, it wasn’t so great. That “deal” that hast been shopped before by the North Koreans. Plus the surprise move of Trump claiming he will stop the war games and his desire to remove troop (without bothering to tell our Allies). It is on par (at best) with the much maligned by Trump Iran deal.
Trump got played big time and he and his ilk are too damn ignorant to see it.
North Korea might not be a nuclear power, but they are masters at propaganda and Trump played right into their hands. They studied Trump and his, “Art of the Deal” and beat him at his own game. Kim took advantage of a narcissist and got a concession that will only strengthen China in the region.
Anybody else watch Trump lavish praise and admiration of Kim and wonder how he could do that to a person that is a known brutal dictator? Yet Trump and his minions say there is, “a special place in hell for Justin Trudeau.” WTF? Canada has been one of our strongest and most reliable allies since 1812,
Trump gushed all over Kim because he admires Kim because Kim gets away being a brutal dictator and Trump is simply jealous and green with envy that he can’t get away with it.
MAGA-> Massive America Give Away.
At precisely 9:39 am this morning @67, in the preceding (“Drinking Liberally” thread, Doctor Dumbfuck spewed this:
“Well, the Fed’s guidance is about to be announced this morning, interest rates will rise, and it’s such a calamitous thing that the DJIA has fallen 0.01% as I write this. Now, the S&P 500 and NASDAQ are each higher today, but it’s the disaster befalling the Dow that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will point to in order to make you afraid.”
He counted his chickens too soon. The major stock market indexes closed today as follows:
DJIA: -0.47% (-119.53 points)
S&P 500: -0.40%
Russell 2000: -0.34%
Nasdaq: -0.11%
Now, I’m not trying to scare anyone; my only motive is to point out that Doctor Dumbfuck is a dumbfuck.
Forgot about your idiotic Big Red Button boasts already?
At most what you’ve accomplished is to clean up your own mess.
But in doing so you’ve now glorified a murderous commie dictator who forces thousands of women into abortions every year, enslaves children as young as 6, and executes his own citizens for praying to any other God but him. And with sanctions effectively removed, you’ve energized his regime and paid for thousands more abortions, newer and better rocket engines, and secured Kim’s future as a regional threat for decades to come. These are the features of your glorious Roypublican revolution. You get to own them forever now.
At this point and going forward the sanctions are a smoldering ruin. The agreement the Roypublicans signed holds Kim accountable to nothing beyond sending home a few boxes of teeth and some counterfeit dog tags. Yet regardless of whether Kim follows through with any additional steps, the flood gates will now open for massive infusions of foreign capitol. Central African dictators and oil fueled terrorist leaders will now be free to begin shopping NK for their own missiles and other weapons systems. Even if a sustained diplomatic effort is able to restore global sanctions, it will take years (and a new President). And within that window Kim will be able to export enough mass death to destabilize politically vulnerable regions of the world for decades to come, and consign as yet unborn generations of Americans to bleed and die on foreign soil.
We are talking about North Korea here. They don’t have food to sell. Or fine wines, or technology, or anything else. What they have to sell in exchange for foreign oil, food, and medicine are cheap weapons systems. When you see “Little Rocket Man” you need to see Kurt Russell in Used Cars, only he’s selling shipping containers of RPGs and C-4.
And Roypublicans just saved the car lot.
Monkeys were given grapes or cucumbers for doing tasks. So long as the monkeys were given the same pay, they were fine. but if one money got grapes and the other monkey got cucumbers, the one who gets cucumber gets agitated, throws tantrums and acts against their self interests and eventually refuses to do any tasks.
So, many of our problems are from Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous making the rest of us feeling like we were getting cucumber chunks.
Researchers also found that some of the monkeys getting grapes stopped working until the other monkey got grapes too. Wrap your head around that. Some monkeys were more empathetic than republicans.
@8 Getting pampered is the whole point of being rich and famous. Otherwise, why bother?
Crime statistics show immigrants are far more law-abiding than native-borns. Their “crime” is there’s too damn many of ’em:
“An Arizona state lawmaker faces backlash after claiming immigration represents an ‘existential threat’ to the United States … because ‘there aren’t enough white kids.’ …
“‘Immigration today represents an existential threat to the United States,’ he said. ‘If we don’t do something about immigration very, very soon, the demographics of our country will be irrevocably changed and we will be a very different country. It will not be the country you were born into.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I wonder how this asshole would like being hated just because he doesn’t look like the hater? That must have been going through James Byrd’s mind, too, as he was being dragged down a Texas road behind a pickup truck with Confederate symbols on it.
Imagine the uproar if Obama saluted a North Korean general.
Where’s the uproar?
Remember all the empty blather about “the Clinton Foundation”? Now that we know who REALLY abused his foundation, where’s the outrage? All I hear is crickets chirping.
“Filed in state Supreme Court by the attorney general’s Charities Bureau, the suit seeks to dissolve the private New York-based foundation and prevent the Trumps from serving as directors of any nonprofits in the future. The lawsuit alleges that President Trump used charitable assets to pay off his legal bills, promote Trump hotels and purchase personal items over the past decade.”
@11. There is an element of Golden Rule fear for some bigots and racists. They are terrified they will be treated as they treated others, when they lose their privilege and majority. That’s why they are working so hard to game the system for as long as possible.
@12. Trumpers don’t care. They approve of it simply because it makes libruls cry. They take pleasure rubbing liberals noses in their hypocrisy. I hope democrats learn from this.
@13. I swear, EVERY last thing they accused Democrats of doing, is what exactly they were doing , but more so. Every single thing.
Given pizza gate, I fear what will someday be revealed about that’s really going on in the republican’s kid concentration camps that they won’t let Democratic senators in to see. You think godwin and puddy will cheer them on?
@16 “You think godwin and puddy will cheer them on?”
You need to ask?
So why is dumbfuck not here for a fap-fest over the DOJ-IG report?
A quick read of the exec summary looks like it’s just gonna leave boob more bald and limp.
The Strzok e-mail is a nothingburger. The Clinton flap was in the past, the decision had been made not to prosecute. Strzok was biased? He was biased against a lot of people including Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder.
And Comey. He was “insubordinate”? Towards who? Oh yeah Obama administration officials! O wow. Another nothingburger. On the whole, Comey HELPED drumpf win the election.
No institutional bias was found. No derp state klownspiracy. That won’t stop morons like Jim Jordan – a freak like that is just entertainment anyway.
HA trolls lose again. Dance for us now freaks.
The reason Roypublicans are removing minor children from their migrant parents in total secrecy is because they are fucking them.
For Roypublicans, wives are for beating and children are for fucking.
Unless it turns out Horowitz was on the ground in Benghazi!
@18 “So why is dumbfuck not here”
Counting his stock market losses.
That Dumbfuck repeatedly threatened the DOJ with a violent ass fucking from the IG report.
Failure to launch.
It’s okay Dumbfuck. Cosmo says this happens all the time to old white guys like you. Don’t worry about it. You just need to get more sleep tonight.
This one’s for all the trolls:
6, McLoon,
Good thinking loon, nuclear war is much better than negotiating with Kim, Trump should just have nuked him instead. BTW, a partial birth abortion Demorat blaming Trump for NK abortions is buffoonish, thanks for that laugh.
“Another Deep State conspiracy theory hyped by President Donald Trump and his Republican allies has withered under scrutiny. …
“On Thursday, the Justice Department inspector general released his report reviewing the FBI’s conduct in its 2016 investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of email.
” … Trump and his supporters had openly rooted that the findings would back up their claims that the president has been victimized by political bias from entrenched forces within the government that oppose his policies.
“The 568-page report by Inspector General Michael Horowitz did not back up their claims. In fact, it showed the opposite.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: More proof, as if we needed any, that Trump is a liar and his supporters are credulous fools.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News– IG Report Proves Obama FBI Was Completely Unbiased Just Like Demorats Say
On November 9, 2016, one day after the 2016 presidential election, an FBI staffer disparaged Trump voters to “FBI Attorney 2,” according to exchanges published in the report.
10:43:46, FBI Employee: “I’m very upset.”
10:43:47, FBI Employee: “haha”
10:51:48, FBI Attorney 2: “I am so stressed about what I could have done differently.”
10:54:29, FBI Employee: “Don’t stress. None of that mattered.”
10:54:31, FBI Employee: “The FBI’s influence.”
10:59:36, FBI Attorney 2: “I don’t know. We broke the momentum.”
11:00:03, FBI Employee: “That is not so.”
11:02:22, FBI Employee: “All the people who were initially voting for her would not, and were not, swayed by any decision the FBI put out. Trump’s supporters are all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS that think he will magically grant them jobs for doing nothing. They probably didn’t watch the debates, aren’t fully educated on his policies, and are stupidly wrapped up in his unmerited enthusiasm.”
Moments later, the attorney lamented how a Trump presidency would erase would erase the Obama administration’s legislative achievements.
“I just can’t imagine the systematic disassembly of the progress we made over the last 8 years. ACA is gone,” the attorney said.
Holy Fuck.
This schmuck must have found out his brother or a close relative is gay.
Or could it be that he needs a few gay people to vote Repuke?
The guy you voted for…
-calls him a genius,
-agreed to cease “provacative” cooperative military training with SK,
-announced he was ready to roll back sanctions immediately,
-and described the child slavery, mass executions and forced abortions as “not a big deal”.
In exchange for a meeting in front of flags and cameras and some old shoe boxes full of moldy teeth.
Kim has more nukes and more delivery systems today than when your President PornFuck took office. And thanks to your girlish enthusiasm for Chairman Teen Wolf he now has the opportunity to resume selling advanced SAMs to ISIS.
Face it. You’re a traitor. Own it.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News II– Completely Unbiased Obama FBI Would Never Try To Sabotage Trump Then Hide The Evidence From Congress
Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-NC) unleashed on Thursday after reading the shocking text message from Strzok.
Rep. Meadows tweeted: Lisa Page text to Peter Strzok: “(Trump’s) not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” Strzok reply: “No. No he’s not. We’ll stop it.” This Peter Strzok text about “stopping” Donald Trump was hidden from Congressional investigators. We never had it. Absolutely unreal.
@28 I’ve figured out who’s sabotaging Trump’s NK peace efforts:
“China’s cooperation is critical in pushing North Korea to give up its nuclear and missile programs, but that’s not likely to stop U.S. President Donald Trump from pressing ahead with additional tariffs on Chinese products.”
“White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders defended the administration’s detention of nearly 1,500 immigrant children by citing the Bible.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, if Christianity can’t do any better than this, then maybe y’all need a different religion, but frankly I don’t think tearing children away from their families and throwing them into cages is the Bible’s fault.
It’s kinda hard to resist comparing these people to the Nazis when they sort of invite it.
“As part of his investigation, the inspector general reviewed more than 40,000 text messages between Lisa Page and Peter Strzok … one in which Strzok said that ‘We’ll stop’ Trump from becoming president is new.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We’ll have to wait and see what the context was, but that would not be an unreasonable statement for the chief of the FBI’s counterintelligence unit to make to a colleague if they knew Trump was a Putin stooge and the Russians were hacking the election to override our democratic process and put their man in the White House.
I mean what would you expect him to say under those circumstances, “Let’s help Putin and Trump” or, “Let’s keep this to ourselves”?
By now we all know — or most of us do — who the real traitors are.
For all the homophobes who say that being gay isn’t normal because it’s not sustainable for the reason that the outcome isn’t a child conceived, well you heteros aren’t doing your part. Start fucking up and have them babies you slacking stiffs.
Oh and fucking Goats don’t count.
@34 Why is that a problem? Worse things could happen to this planet than human population leveling off or declining.
It’s getting increasingly difficult to credibly argue that Trump inherited a lousy economy from Obama or that America doesn’t have enough manufacturing jobs. However, some Trump voters might have trouble meeting employers’ expectations and holding onto those jobs:
“What they need to be able to do is come to work on time every day, pay attention to what they’re doing, take instruction well, and just put in an honest day’s work,” he said.
I predict Doctor Dumbfuck won’t be here bragging about Trump’s stock market today.
I wonder what he’ll change the subject to this time?
People Trump thinks deserve presidential pardons include this guy …
But not this woman …
I hope America’s cops realize Sarah Huckabee Sanders defamed them when she called the Trump regime’s atrocities against immigrant children “law enforcement.”
Looks like Trump is having trouble recruiting capos to carry out his dirty work.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Where are those militia guys who were so intent on “securing the border”? Here’s a golden opportunity to do what they love best — and get paid for it, too!
Maybe the problem is none of them can pass the background check. But help is on the way …
Frat boys.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: College fraternities have long served as incubators of America’s future leaders. Now you know why our country is in such bad shape.
The DJIA opened -175 points after Trump slapped tariffs on China. #winning
But the dividend…
05:49 PM EDT, 06/14/2018 (MT Newswires) — Fitch Ratings said on Thursday it has downgraded the long-term Issuer Default Ratings for General Electric Company (GE) and GE Capital Global Holdings to A from A+, with a negative outlook.
“The company’s cash flow and earnings will continue to be constrained while it addresses under-performance in the Power business, evaluates its business portfolio, and carries out extensive restructuring actions to reduce its cost structure,” Fitch said.
Roger Dumbfuck’s lauded GE bouncing along near its 52-week low. He recommended it in October when it was at $23.81 and touted its dividend as a reason to own it. Back then he told us it was one of his largest holdings.
Today? $13.41, down more than ten bucks a share from when Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit found it to be a good investment. Oh, and the dividend? It has been halved, and it’s probably on the chopping block still.
Well done, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, well done.
@ 42
The market is SO petrified of a trade war hurting the US that Harley-Davidson
is up
nearlymore than 4% right now.Pretty much, yeah.
Giuliani: Trump shouldn’t talk to Mueller because investigation is ‘corrupt’
In the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General report released Thursday, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz and his staff found that five FBI employees assigned to the Clinton email case exchanged texts or instant messages that were hostile to Trump or supported Clinton.
In one previously unreleased exchange, agent Peter Strzok — who was deeply involved in both the Clinton email investigation and Mueller’s separate probe of Russian election interference — seemed to vow to block Trump from winning.
Trump’s “not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” FBI attorney Lisa Page asked Strzok via text on August 8, 2016.
“No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it,” he replied.
At minimum, Trump should stall until the IG’s Russia investigation report is produced, and until the original (unedited) 302s of the agents who interviewed Flynn are produced. Let’s see all the dirt on Strzok.
“In January, Trump announced steep worldwide tariffs on foreign made washing machines.
This spring, laundry equipment prices skyrocketed 17 percent, the biggest increase on record.
Those metal tariffs have left steel prices more than 50 percent higher in the United States than they are in China or Europe. This is bad news for U.S. companies that purchase steel — including to manufacture washing machines, which are essentially big steel boxes.
Perhaps worse, our furious trading partners are now striking back by placing new tariffs on U.S. goods. Among the products is …. U.S. made washing machines.”
What a deal!
#37. The day is young, there is still time for it to recover.
-178.77 / -0.71% As of 10:19am ET
Mueller? That Republican? Corrupt? Takes one (Rudy) to know one…
@ 46
There is minimal export of US-made washing machines. Tariffs on them will reduce minimal to miniscule. Not a huge deal. Fewer exports means more available in the US means lower prices in the US. That 17% spike? It’s called a spike for a reason. Next time around it will be back close to the usual range.
Meanwhile, LG is building a washing machine plant in the US, and Samsung just completed one. That might not be such good news for workers in Benton Harbor, MI, but it’s decent news for workers in TN and SC.
LG and Samsung have options. They could sidestep import taxes by producing higher-margin premium washers in their new U.S.-based plants. LG is building a washing-machine factory in Tennessee, its first U.S.-based production facility, with completion possible in early 2019. Samsung’s home-appliances plant in South Carolina, which began production earlier this month, could produce 1 million washing machines in 2018.
Within the past 24 hours, there have been stories about washing machines in WaPo, and by Bloomberg, PBS, and CBS. It’s likely because some anti-Trump entity fed them the story. You’re merely a fucking parrot, Red.
Shorter 45:
“The Republican guys President Stupid hand picked and who he can fire whenever he feels like it are not to be trusted. But despite the manifest fact that he has total control over his party of cringing supplicants and thus the Congress, he needs “somebody else” to save him.”
@ 48
“It takes one to know one.”?
Why, what a mature and helpful contribution to the thread, YLB.
@ 50
You’re certainly correct, McHillbilly. Team Mueller is nothing but a gaggle of balls-out Trumpists.
The attorney’s messages show that he was distressed at the FBI’s decision in October 2016 to re-open the investigation into Clinton’s emails. Democrats have claimed that decision hurt Clinton at the polls.
The FBI lawyer also suggested that he would work to resist the Trump administration.
“Is it making you rethink your commitment to the Trump administration?” one FBI lawyer wrote on Nov. 22, 2016.
“Hell no. Viva le resistance,” the future Mueller attorney responded.
When MSNBC can’t cover for the FBI…
“That is the first indication of a real political motivation,” MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell said on Thursday afternoon. “Julia, first to you, how damaging is that?”
Julia Ainsley, an NBC News national security and justice reporter, called the text a “gift” to Trump and explained that it shows Strzok and Page may have been trying to bring their political bias into their investigations.
“We know it’s okay for federal law enforcement agents to have political opinions as long as they aren’t influenced by them in doing their work,” Ainsley said. “But this text, and we understand there are more texts that will come out. We have confirmed that. Between these two. They will be in this report. They’ve not been shared with Congress before. These texts could be the most damaging because, as you said, Andrea, they show that influence in the investigations.”
Counting the minutes until YLB responds with some version of “I know you are but what am I?”.
IG refers five FBI employees for investigation, as more anti-Trump messages revealed
“Some of these text messages and instant messages mixed political commentary with discussions about the Midyear investigation, and raised concerns that political bias may have impacted investigative decisions,” the report read.
The report did not reveal this FBI official’s name, but did state that the official worked on both the Clinton email investigation and the Russia probe.
The FBI official left the special counsel’s team in February of this year, following revelations of his politically charged messages.
Team Obama spent eight years weaponizing the federal government. What a pity it was then forced to hand it over to Team Trump.
Fascinating. This is just one entry….
“I work for a steel manufacturer in Canada. Ive had to raise prices on all our raw steel going to our American customers and they are starting to get annoying because they don’t seem to understand that we simply won’t eat the cost increase. They are angry and confused because we are just passing the price increase along to the end user.”
@49. “Within the past 24 hours, there have been stories about washing machines in WaPo, and by Bloomberg, PBS, and CBS. ”
That because it’s NEWS. Real media outlets tend to report it.
Birth Rates Dropped Most in Counties Where Home Values Grew Most
“Why might births be dropping? Raising a child is an expensive proposition, so it is little surprise that the most commonly given reason for delaying childbirth in a recent survey was the desire “to be financially established” first, cited by 82 percent of respondents.
Some challenges to financial stability when having a baby include the potential lack of paid parental leave, the cost of child care, and the cost of housing, if families need more space or want to buy a home before having a baby.”
> That’s a form of birth control I did not expect.
Nothing better for a mouldering pile to do with the rest of the time it has left. At least, HA is “free stuff” to it.
What else?
The recent IG report was about the Clinton e-mail flap. We learned Strzok badmouthed drumpf (uh who wouldn’t?) along with Lorretta Lynch, Eric Holder and other dems. We also learn Strzok wasn’t a decision maker in the e-mail investigation..
From boob’s Faux Snooze piece:
“The report did not, however, find evidence connecting those political opinions held by FBI officials to decisions made in the Clinton investigation.”
What else?
Strzok moves on to the Russia investigation and is let go by “corrupt” Republican Mueller. Guess Strzok wasn’t “corrupt” enough for Mueller. More teabagger bashing was required.
Yep, you throw the lever to a corrupt, bullshit artist like drumpf and this is what you get.
Just ask the Carrier workers in IN and the IN taxpayers.
art of the deal
The guy your hand picked loyal Republican Special “Cownsill” immediately fired and then referred to your hand picked loyal Republican DAG for investigation.
Such a talented conspiracy. Your Roypublican Derp State just can’t stop fucking itself.
The Campaign Manager goes to jail today.
@35 I agree, not really a problem. Just pointing out that the homophobes use the inability for two gay people to reproduce as an argument against homosexuality.
They don’t realize that it’s a good thing that partially keeps population growth in check, and probably even the way God intended it to be.
@62 Without needed to reproduce themselves, some gay couple work very hard to be good parents for kids who’s biological parents were unwilling or unable to take care of them. The gays willingly take on the responsibility of other people’s kids. Our two or three trumpers don’t show any capacity to do that.
@51 “a mature and helpful contribution to the thread”
Like “Team Mueller is nothing but a gaggle of balls-out Trumpists” @52? or your GE rants?
In any case, there’s something to be said for anybody who’s anti-Trump, i.e. the entire world hasn’t lost its senses.
@54 “weaponizing the federal government”
Good one. Ha ha ha.
Doctor Dumbfuck’s idea of “weaponizing government” is a traffic cop writing him a ticket for doing 45 in a school zone.