The precinct maps of ST3 are both illuminating and about what you expect. The cities, especially Seattle, and the close in suburbs are for it and the rest of the area isn’t as much or are against it. I hope as rail gets further and further out, that more people between the cities and further out can enjoy it as much as some of us in the city.
I cant do a damn thing for this poor dead baby. He got a raw deal, being born to a brainless, television addicted, meth-head Trump voter mommy in a shitty ignorant Trump county in a Trump controlled state. He never had a chance.
And now Trump voter meth-head mommy is in jail. Trump-mommy is sad:( And Trump is running her show, and the sad drug addicted trailer park reality monster truck rally show that is Trump-America.
If I could help Trump-baby and all the hundreds of thousands of Trump-babies to come, I would. But the only way to prevent Trump-babies is to give Trump-mommies easy access to plenty of effective birth control. And Trump-America wont have that.
So get to work building tiny coffins Trump voters!
Joe Biden blamed elitism as part of Hillary Clinton’s loss. Puddy agrees. Loot at all the elite acting horsesASSholes on this blog!
Hey useless tool @1,
The woman accidentally suffocated her baby to death because she was breast feeding it during sleeping. DUMMOCRETINS for DRUG USE are all over this blog!
Don’t be so sure about her being a Trumpeter. Winter Haven gladly passed recreational ganga use in 2016 after being defeated in 2014.
This could be one of those whiteys for elitism as a low information voter for Clinton!
Wow, another smoking gun against Obummer?
Wow, another smoking gun against Obummer?
Obviously Trump-Americans will believe anything.
But I have no doubt she’s a Trump-mommy.
This is the second infant she’s crushed to death in her trailer with her massive Mountain Dew Code Red fueled bulk. Trump-Florida family services decided to give her a second at-bat. Only Trump-Americans are that immunized against useful information (see above). She needs cheap effective birth control. Instead, Trump-Americans give her a 12 by 12 cell with Direct TV, “skills training”, daily bible study, and regular, frequent mouth rape from the Trump-voting, heroic “First Responder” COs.
Obviously Trump-Americans will believe anything.
But I have no doubt she’s a Trump-mommy.
This is the second infant she’s crushed to death in her trailer with her massive Mountain Dew Code Red fueled bulk. Trump-Florida family services decided to give her a second at-bat. Only Trump-Americans are that immunized against useful information (see above). She needs cheap effective birth control. Instead, Trump-Americans give her a 12 by 12 cell with Direct TV, “skills training”, daily bible study, and regular, frequent mouth rape from the Trump-voting, heroic “First Responder” COs.
@ 1
One would think that better things would happen to a woman in a state that twice went for Obama. Somehow it’s Trump’s fault even though both deaths occurred when Obama was president.
Obamacare unraveling? Trump’s fault.
Orlando massacre? Why, Trump’s fault as well. Same state, after all. Must be Trump’s fault. He owns a resort in that state.
Some unflattering comments about Patty Murray in a piece about Harry Reid in NY Magazine:
Reid was perturbed by these assessments, which were news to him. “I have never heard that,” he complained. “In the hour I spent this morning” — with his Senate leadership team headed by Chuck Schumer, Richard Durbin, and Patty Murray — “no one ever raised that.”
“I want somebody prepared at the lunch today talking about the opioid funding,” Reid said. “No one has been talking about that.”
Leone suggested Murray for the assignment.
“She sure didn’t say anything this morning,” Reid said.
“She’s hard to motivate,” Bill Dauster, Reid’s deputy chief of staff for policy, conceded. With both parties toasting themselves for passing the feel-good medical initiatives, there were worries that raising nettlesome questions about their funding would seem churlish.
“So am I going to call on her to explain the problem?” Reid asked. He was met with silence. “Bill,” Reid finally said, “if you would put some talking points in my language, I will say it.”
Well, she is getting long in the tooth. Maybe someone like Sheldon Whitehouse should be moved up, and Murray can be put off to leadership pasture.
“something, something, blah, blah, my Trailer-Trump-brain is immune to the information that Florida’s Trailer-Trump-Governor and Trailer-Trump-AG sealed Florida Trailer-Trump-voters off from ACA – for their own good”.
And see what good it did! I’m enjoying it!
Maybe the kid is better off dead now, rather than later. After a short and brutal upbringing in a swampy Florida Trump-Trailer park fed a steady diet of purified bio-synthesized next generation pesticides slightly adulterated with food-like substances purchased from the corner Kwik-E-Mart with stolen Gillette cartridges his future could only conclude in either a hand-gun accident, or an ATV roll-over. With perhaps one possible third outcome: If mommy’s newest “friend” happens to actually be semi-employable and occasionally coherent enough to fix that broken yard trampoline, the kid might have lived out his days in the Captain Pike chair after the all-too-predictable c-3 fracture.
@ 11
That Elian Gonzalez thing is on Trump as well. Same state, after all, and some Cuban-Americans voted for Trump. Plus, Janet Reno is dead, now.
Steny Hoyer (DUMM-Md.), the DUMMOCRETIN House Whip in the House of Representatives “behind Pelosi as the 2nd highest ranking DUMMOCRETIN, said this:
“Now, it is my understanding that Secretary Kerry, in the last few days of this Administration, intends to outline the parameters of an agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. This flies in the face of the United States’s longstanding position that such a formulation should be reached only through negotiations by the parties and not by the United States, the United Nations, or any other third party. I urge Secretary Kerry and the Administration not to set forth a formula, which will inevitably disadvantage Israel in any negotiation.”
500,000 people are slaughtered in Syria and Obummer jumps on Israel! No wonder Congressional DUMMOCRETINS are worried!
Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Elijah Dominic McDotCom has the same sentence cadence as the Oregon moron!
SSDD! – Same Shit Different DUMMOCRETIN!
Here’s a little peak at the entertaining future that Trailer-Trump-America has in store for all of us:
“Fuckin’ rock-‘n-roll baby!”
$2 to stream it at a bunch of places. Don’t miss it!
Maxine Waters the gift that keeps giving. Maxine was on PMSNBC and Trump can use her hateful DUMMOCRETIN comments and other hateful DUMMOCRETINS against DUMMOCRETIN senators to make America great again!
@ 15
I couldn’t get past “From Executive Producer Johnny Knoxville…”.
Says so much about you, tho.
Make America Boone County West Virginia!
Hell Yeah!
It’s your President’s blueprint for Trailer-Trump-America’s future.
But I’m not posting it here for your benefit. As noted, toothless hillbilly sister-fucking glue huffing Trailer-Trump-Americans like you are immunized against such useful information. As your meth-fueled monster truck of teh stoopid races toward the cliff, you’re too busy searching for the nitro switch to observe any warning signs. That post was for the entertainment of my fellow educated affluent elitist progressives safely tucked away in our bubbles.
The loon’s dissonance problem. Loves Israel, hates the Jews.
“Montana Pols Condemn Neo-Nazis’ Threats Of Armed March On Ski Town”
“Hatred and threats of violence are unacceptable and have no place in the town of Whitefish, or in any other community in Montana or across this nation”
“We say to those few who seek to publicize anti-Semitic views that they shall find no safe haven here,” the letter states. “We offer our full support to the Jewish community, Montana families, businesses, faith organizations and law enforcement officers as they ensure the security of all our communities.”
maybe he only hates the Jews who refuse to celebrate Christmas?
In fact, the Clinton campaign spent more money on television advertising in Arizona, Georgia, and the Omaha, Nebraska markets than in Michigan and Wisconsin combined. It was Michigan and Wisconsin, along with Pennsylvania (the Clinton campaign and allied groups did spend $42 million on television in the Keystone State), that effectively cost Democrats the presidency.
Take a horribly flawed and unlikable candidate, add hubris and gross incompetence on the part of her campaign team, and does anyone really believe that the Russians would even need to weigh in to affect the result?
#CrookedHillary will never, ever be president.
Stupidity should be painful.
elijah should put the crack pipe down for a while.
And yet the only real pain will be reserved for Trailer-Trump-America.
Ironic, aint it?
Many of the folks in the “near-outlying” ‘hoods who are against Sound Transit still consider I-5 as an alternative, despite the the increasingly severe twice-daily jam-ups. These will get precipitously worse when the Viaduct finally closes and most of the traffic presently using it switches to I-5 to avoid the toll in the tunnel. This will be similar to what happened a few years ago when the tolls were reinstated on the 520 bridge. Traffic quickly backed up all the way to Redmond as the cheapskates started getting off on 405 to take I-90 across the lake or go all the way around through Bothell.
What were we hearing exactly eight years ago?
“Great Recession? Obama’s fault!”
It took Doctor Dumbfuck a few posts to get there, but he finally got around to laying more hashtags on us.
While he may not succeed in boring me to death, Doctor Dumbfuck is certainly causing significant eye-roll strain as he continues posting insipid fucking comments.
He’s no more a “doctor” than he is a “Bernie-Bro”.
@ 27
Glad to hear you’re back to getting at least some exercise again, Steve.
@2 et seq.: Wow, more serial warbling loon head explosions!
@9 “Murray can be put off to leadership pasture”
Is that your New Year’s wish list? Sorry, but she just got elected to her FIFTH Senate term with over 60% of the vote, so you’ll have to wait another 6 years, and by then you’ll probably have died from old age and/or decrepitude.
@13 “500,000 people are slaughtered in Syria and Obummer jumps on Israel!”
No, jumps on Netanyahu. There’s a difference. Remember Benji’s little Congress stunt? This is called payback. Don’t get mad, get even. It’s what Democrats should do ALL the time.
@22 Personally, I think the problem is more with the 62,979,879 voters who stuck their heads firmly up their anal orifices.
@23 You should get a better script. That one’s overused and boring.
Trump’s economic policy in a nutshell: $10 trillion in deficits.
“But boosting U.S. growth, demand and profits will come at a cost, Wieting cautioned. ‘There is a price to pay for this. You have to make the budget deficit larger,’ the strategist said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Waddya wanna bet we don’t hear a peep about this? Deficits are a problem only when Democrats run them.
As for infrastructure spending, it’s interesting that a big piece of Trump’s pro-growth plan is exactly what Republicans spent 8 years obstructing Obama from doing.
@27 Project much, my pudgy Doctor? Even at my age I’m still up for a couple of hours of full-court B-Ball with the youngsters every other week.
@36 Except for resurrecting the nuclear arms industry. Gadfrey, if we’re going to bring back stuff from the Cold War, how about a beefed-up space program?
Trump is already thanking himself for the economy. Seriously, he is.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here’s a sampling of public responses:
“It will only be a matter of time before he starts thanking himself for the sun coming up #ThanksDonald,” and, “#ThanksDonald for creating Christmas and Jesus.”
Amazing how DUMMOCRETINS act!
The type HA DUMMOCRETINS worship!
The Trump bump senile roger dumbfuck idiot wabbit! Consumer confidence is up for 2017. Of course you are an idiot!
It’s morning again all over Trailer-Trump-America! It’s hair back, tits up, and The Dukes of Hazzard are on 24/7!
Kinda sums up your life, dont it…..
@35 Deficits? Deficits officially “didn’t matter” back in the days of the Project for a New American Clusterfuck.
I hate being in between open threads and posting on the old thread before a new thread is created. But if the loon can double and triple post I will post again what I posted on the old thread.
How isn’t isreal just another special interest group. Getting tired of isreal. I think this is where drumpfie supporters have conflict with drumpfie. Being Nazi white supremacists don’t like the Jews.
@43 keep them posts going. Best posts ever.
I has enough of Jews with that Dick Morris character. He was a royal pain in the butt for me and Bill. But we have to remember that Jews control about 90% of the wealth in this country and 100% of the wealth in Israel. They will not allow the American government to withdraw any support for Israel. Never, never gonna happen!
The day the first stop-loss orders go out to support putting SOCOMs in the occupied territories I’m gonna send Sec. Mattis a whole box of Charms! #ThanksDonald!
I am the Anti-Science President. I will make Merica Grate Agin.
Troubling Signs for Science under Trump
The next four years are looking grim for science in America
Mysterious illness tied to marijuana use on the rise in states with legal weed cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome!
NEW YORK — For more than two years, Lance Crowder was having severe abdominal pain and vomiting, and no local doctor could figure out why. Finally, an emergency room physician in Indianapolis had an idea.
Keep inhaling HA DUMMOCRETINS! CHS can lead to dehydration and kidney failure!
Mysterious illness tied to Oxycontin use on the rise in states with toothless Republican Governors and vast sprawling filthy trailer parks:
#ThanksDonald syndrome!
Symptoms include above ground swimming pools, scattered empty Fireball bottles, and uncertainty about family relationships.
Debbie Reynolds, mother of Carrie Fisher, is dead. This means her surviving child, Todd Fisher, lost his sister and mother on consecutive days. Gotta be rough on him.
Of course this wouldn’t be covered by any HA DUMMOCRETINS…
As a liberal, it pains me to say the following: President Barack Obama believes he would have beaten Donald Trump, but he’s probably wrong
WOW! This is from the Politico!
What a crock of DIPSHITTIUM from a known BULLSHITTIUM artist!
Hey Puffy, is this one of your buddies?
@54 Thanks for the link, Puffy. That article really nails down that Trump voters are motivated by racism.
Of course this wouldn’t be covered by any HA DUMMOCRETINS…
From the New York Times Magazine, Wow…
Much has changed in the country since the desperate days of 2008, and while Obama carried more than half of Iowa’s 99 counties that year, last week Clinton only carried six. I talked to several white Iowans, many of them lifelong Democrats, who had voted for Obama at least once. They said they believed in unions and social programs to help the needy. They believed in the concept of racial equality, in the sense that all people should have the same opportunities. But in recent years, they had come to feel at odds with their party; it no longer reflected their own cultural norms. Where once they were the backbone of the party, now they were outsiders.
senile roger dumbfuck idiot wabbit @57.
Racism? From the white peeples in 210 counties that voted for black Obummer twice and not the white Clinton woman in 2016?
Racism was used once in the whole article!
Stooooooooooooooopid senile roger dumbfuck idiot wabbit!
Google ‘Destruction Of The Democratic Party’
Seems HuffPost Sam Stein has it right… Obummer has overseen the ‘Destruction Of The Democratic Party’
@58 Maybe they still believe in unions, social programs to help the needy, and racial equality, but what are their chances of getting any of that by voting for Trump and the Republicans?
@59 I’m pretty sure race was mentioned more than once in that article, so I suggest you count again, and use your fingers next time. For example, there’s this:
“Trump voters were also angered by how Obama handled race issues as president, especially his defense of Black Lives Matter activists.”
And this:
Tesler further noted in a post-election Washington Post analysis that surveys showed “racial resentment and ethnocentrism — rating whites more favorably than other racial and ethnic minorities — were more closely linked to support for Donald Trump in 2016 than support for Mitt Romney in 2012.”
But the capper is this:
“Obamacare looms large, despite the fact that it is one of the most tangible benefits Obama delivered to working-class Americans, regardless of race. Yet the reaction to the program was undoubtedly tinged with racism. Political scientist Michael Tesler uncovered in his book Post-Racial or Most-Racial?: Race and Politics in the Obama Era, that ‘racially resentful’ whites were far more likely to support government-provided health insurance before Obama began his push for the Affordable Care Act in 2009. But once the president led the charge, Tesler found, many ‘Americans thought blacks would benefit more than whites.'”
Yep, that’s right, Trumpanzees would rather lose their own Obamacare than let benefit from it. Which they’re going to, as a result of voting in Trump. Now, how racist is that?
Where did Puddy claim race was used in the article senile roger dumbfuck idiot wabbit? Puddy said racism above. Butt then again you try stoooooooooooopid deflection tricks thinking we’re in a courtroom and not on a blog!
Let Puddy make it plain to you senile roger dumbfuck idiot wabbit: Yet the reaction to the program was undoubtedly tinged with racism.
And that was in discussion to ObummerCare! They want ObummerCare replaced with something that is more affordable and not a lie foisted by DUMMOCRETINS on all Americans!
You can’t keep your doctor!
You can’t keep your plan!
You can’t save the $2500 / year either!
Stoooooooooooooopid senile roger dumbfuck idiot wabbit!
Double post of course
PiddlesThe Liar doesn’t read. U.S. To Egypt/Democratically elected govt of Plaestine. “If the language doesn’t omit these phrases in your resolution we will veto it. If you soften the language we will allow it to pass by abstaining continuing a 25 year position on condemning settlements by Republican and Democratic administrations.”According to dullards and the hard line Zionists propping up Netanyahu DIPLOMACY = SSMOKING GUN.
Moderation in all things, dickhead. Not everyone who has a beer gets alcoholism, and not everyone who uses cannabis gets CHS. Just like overeating cause obesity, excessive use of alcohol or any other drug can have deleterious effects.
Should we make alcohol and food illegal?
How does the mind of a simpleton work? It’s on display via our resident proven liar.
“Obama hates Israel!!!!!!”
Explain then why he just approved a massive sale of advanced aircraft and weaponry to the Israeli Government?
“Obama hates Israel!!!!”
You know that because of the massive amount of actual currency given to Israel the U.S gives them those jets, well we give them the money that gets funneled back to Northrop, Boeing et al so they are kind of free to the Israelis”
“Obama hates Israel!!!”
Then why did the Obama administration approv $40B in aid over the next ten years to Israel, the largest aid package to any single country in the history of the Inited States?
“Because Obama hates Israel!!!”
“Oh and we need them to be here to die when the cloud being’s son comes back. His return is imminent. Hallelujah.”
Stoner Bob,
The answer is plain and simple. Keep doing the weed then!
The liar.
Or words to that effect.
What dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 forgets is how Obummer and Kerry have now equivocated on the proof of Obummer involvement today.
When the Arab world tells Israel about Obummer’s involvement you know no one really cares about Obummer anymore! Today Bibi said he’s likely going to give the proof to Trump. EPIC DAYUM!
Also when Chucky Schumer, Alan Dershowitz and Donald Trump are all on the same side along with Netanyahu, your argument really sucks!
Gasp! They have PROOF!
Yes. Diplomats from Palestine and Egypt consulted the U.S. to draft language that would not trigger the automatic veto the U.S. has provided for Israel in the past.
Or as rational people, i.e. Non dullards say in one word..
Well we’ll see after January 20th Mr 252 electoral votes in the bag!
Prohibition was a failure 86 years ago, and the War on Cannabis has been the same. You can feel as self righteous and elitist as you want, but legal cannabis is coming in response to decades of insanity in our public policy. Full out legalization is the answer to the “problem,” and Americans now realize prohibition does not work.
Stoner Bob,
Puddy doesn’t care if you smoke as long as you don’t drive while doing it. Go for it. Puddy chooses not to imbibe!
See ya!
DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate-252,
We all know the Arabs hate Israel. In fact in certain Arab countries Israel is not on the map…
So for Arab countries to give Israel this information must have meant this resolution was a game changer and they were as shocked and amazed how Obummer was throwing Israel under the bus too!
Of course being as stoooooooooooopid as dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 was about Hillary’s elctoral vote lock, the local moron didn’t know about the map issue either!
Wow. That’s astute analysis.
Unanimous, one abstention. Arab states have played Trump.
“We’re willing to work with you.”
“Muslim registry, we need to crack down on anyone named Al-something. Anything you say Bibi”
“Any future U.N. vetoes PROVE that Trump is merely doing Israel’s, hard line not willing to negotiate Netanyahu Israel’s bidding. The world is with our offer of land for peace. Trump hates Islam.”
As you are fond of saying….Checkmate.
Trump is in a horrible position before inauguration.
Trump was in a horrible position in July of 2015.
Only now he’s brought about 60 million mouth breathing ignorant and gullible sister fuckers along for the ride.
Is this country great, or what?
@ 76
Is this country great, or what?
#CrookedHillary will never, ever be president.
That’s good enough for me.
So why did Arab countries give Netanyahu the information checkmate-252?
Puddy seconds that emotion!
what is it with you stupid fucking hillbillies and the incessant trolling for liberal regret?
Haven’t you figure it out yet? There is no regret. Those of us with money, education, skills, and any sense at all are feeling the opposite of regret. This is AWESOME!
All you stupid, racist, Trailer-Trump-Americans are in for at least four years (a girl can dream) of razor wire colonic at the hands of your new Aluminum-Siding-Salesman-in-Chief. What exactly are we supposed to be losing out on? We get our taxes cut. We get to keep more of our money here at home in our Godless liberal coastal bubble enclaves where we can spend it on all sorts of things you hate :-D Our companies do better and give us all bigger raises and bonuses. Our stock portfolios double. And our kids have an easier time in school because they have fewer of your behaviorally challenged meth-baby “miracles” to navigate around. Trump is a magical ice cream shitting unicorn as far as we are concerned.
Meanwhile all you Trailer-Trump-Americans get stop-loss orders, your disability applications are denied, Jeff Sessions takes away all your Oxy, and Berkshire Hathaway can foreclose on your trailer contracts with undocumented form notices air dropped from a blimp. German owned heavy construction companies get giant no-bid contracts to build some bullshit somewhere that nobody really needs, my neighbors and I get the government relations, engineering and EIS work, a small handful of heavy equipment operators get a few months of pay that promptly goes straight up their noses, and Trailer-Trump-America gets a new vocabulary word: eminent domain.
You know we hate you guys, right? You do get that, don’t you? Watching Trailer-Trump-America’s suffering is like porn for us.
Regret? We’re celebrating you stupid motherfuckers!
Heh. Doctor Dumbfuck Hashtag strikes again. I suspect now that it’s not that he’s trying to bore me to death, it’s that this is best he can muster. Even the witless loon has more on the ball.
And speaking of the loon, WTF is wrong with him? Just when I thought he’d attained peak batshit insanity, he takes it to a whole new fucking level, going where no loon has gone before! Proof enough that fucking goats and indulging in hatred 24/7 fries the brain far worse than pot or alcohol.
Very apparent the quintuple horsesASS manure pressure is getting to QPPS @81. Can’t even refute FACTS from CBS or the NY Times now! Just rants on and on and on about “hate” when the FACTS and TRUTH are from libtard sites!
It seems the ‘Destruction Of The Democratic Party’ has affected QPPS the most. Stoooooooooooooooopid doesn’t even cover it now! It’s really sad to see the mental decline of QPPS. Maybe he touched the senile roger dumbfuck idiot wabbit!
Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Elijah Dominic McDotCom really lost it @80. Trump Derangement Syndrome is strong in this one with split personalities!
There is someone else that the schismatic senile roger dumbfuck idiot wabbit loved to pollute various threads that no longer will have meaning these next four years… Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset schismatic senile roger dumbfuck idiot wabbit) and concept guerrilla.
Concept guerrilla was really about the DUMMOCRETIN Numbskull Commies, Blumenthat just didn’t know it at the time. Now wait for it, just like Clockwork Orange…
There is someone else that the schismatic senile roger dumbfuck idiot wabbit loved to pollute various threads that no longer will have meaning these next four years… Sidney Blumenthal (hero of the early onset schismatic senile roger dumbfuck idiot wabbit) and concept guerrilla.
Concept guerrilla was really about the DUMMOCRETIN Numbskull Commies, Blumenthat just didn’t know it at the time. Now wait for it, just like Clockwork Orange…
We have double-post loon head explosions at @84, 85. Chrome! As I merely noted the obvious, that the loon is taking batshit insanity where no loon has gone before, it must have been something Roger or Elijah wrote that lit the loon’s fuse.
I wonder how long it will take for Doctor Dumbfuck Twitter-Bot to lay his first hashtag of the day on us?
Very apparent the quintuple horsesASS manure pressure is getting to QPPS @86 & 87!
@86 The idiot must be referring to this classic Conceptual Guerilla piece, which I haven’t posted in years. It never goes out of style, so here it is again:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Basically, it says every conservative policy position, from police thuggery to abolishing abortion, can be explained in terms of cheap labor. Hence the term, Cheap Labor Conservatives.
Puffybutt knows damn well what CG is talking about. After all, his people where enslaved once upon a time. What’s inexplicable is Puffy’s unwavering loyalty to the people who did the enslaving (i.e., politically conservative white male elites). He’s a fucking traitor to his own race.
And then there’s the Sidney Blumenthal excerpt that Puffy never tires of re-reading, which explains in horrifying detail just how criminally negligent the GOP and their chimp were with respect to our national security before 9/11/01:
“Bush’s approach in most situations seemed a reactive combination of calculations to avoid his father’s mistakes and to reject Clinton’s policies. This was especially clear in international affairs: in his first nine months he reversed Clinton’s policy toward China, proclaiming it no longer a ‘strategic partner’ but a ‘strategic competitor’; in the Middle East, by withdrawing U.S. involvement in the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians; toward Korea, by abandoning the negotiated accord that had frozen the North’s nuclear program and by humiliating President Kim of South Korea, who was promoting North-South reconciliation, during his March 2001 visit to the White House, contributing to a wave of anti-Americanism in a country that was among the staunchest American allies; by withdrawing U.S. support from the Kyoto treaty on global warming; and by forsaking Clinton’s efforts to address the dangers of international terrorism.
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on this last subject for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
Yes, Puffy loves this quote because it makes his head explode over and over again, like a string of ladyfingers going off. Pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop … you know what I mean.
@85 I don’t need Hillary for anything. During the next four years, I’m going to have a field day with the serial clusterfucks perpetrated by President Sticky Fingers Stoopid Racist. That is, if he somehow doesn’t get us all blown up in his first year. Here’s a foretaste of what’s coming:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The people he hangs with tells you everything you need to know about 45th POTUS.*
* Abbreviation for “Piece Of Totally Useless Shit.”
Wow, even the Spanish understand radical Islamic terror happening in our hemisphere…
Seems HA DUMMOCRETINS missed these actions over the years too kissing Obummer’s ASS! Romney was right in 2012 and it seems Congressional Republicans were right about Adnan G. El Shurkrjumah too! Puddy posted this butt it was ignored by HA DUMMOCRETINS kissing Crooked Careless Hillary (who will not be president) ASS!
Watch QPPS call this hate! QPPS is under tremendous cranial pressure.
Trump will fuck their shit up, but I’m fairly confident he’ll stop short of launching nukes. He’ll make the world a more dangerous place for hillbilly idiots dumb enough to join the National Guard in order to pay tuition at for-profit diploma mills. Between deployments they’ll burn their tractor welding certificates for heat and fight off the urge to blow their brains out.
Now wait for it, just like Clockwork Orange…
Just as Puddy called it above @85, the early onset schismatic senile roger dumbfuck idiot wabbit provides the comedy with concept guerilla, on cue!
Puddy commands respect and HA DUMMOCRETINS do what Puddy wants when Puddy wants!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! EPIC FAYLE early onset schismatic senile roger dumbfuck idiot wabbit!
Oh YES!!!! George Soros got his ASS kicked to the curb and panic is setting in that old Jewish hating carcass!
Billionaire globalist George Soros has penned a panicked rant in which he decries President-elect Donald Trump as a “would be dictator” who threatens the future of the new world order.
“elected a con artist and would-be dictator as its president,” so that’s where HA DUMMOCRETINS get their commentary from old baggy eyes himself.
His “world order” created by Saul Alinsky acolyte Obummer will be erased by a rich man with a pen and a phone cum January 20, 2017!
Now even HA DUMMOCRETINS can afford this book!
Hey the federal courts demand it.. Didn’t use the Attorney General!
This stuff gets better each day. Martha’s popcorn is still tasty!
Wow Obummer and Kerry are going nuclear on Israel. http://theeconomiccollapseblog.....nian-state
More vindictiveness from the petulant one who is realizing Trump is going to undo most of his presidency! And it will undo DUMMOCRETIN jock strapping by east coast Jews!
“…undo most of his presidency!”
Sounds pretty good to me. And as an abstraction it probably sounds pretty good to ignorant toothless gullible hillbilly Trailer Trump Americans as well.
I’m just excited thinking about all those “living wage” jobs that will be created digging the landfills Kentucky will need to bury those coal miners as they die off from black lung. After so many years of “uncertainty” the family can finally bury PawPaw, collect the government check, and take the Winnebago to see the burning hills of Tennessee!
Well Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Elijah Dominic McDotCom, if you remember, well you are a HA DUMMOCRETIN with 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady; back in 2008, DUMMOCRETINS thought their gas, rent and car note would be paid by Obummer. We placed those videos on HA DUMMOCRETINS many times, so if some conservatives have their hands out now; turnabout is fair play!
When you allow libtard policies to flourish, eventually the sword of Damocles on that pendulum swings the other way!
” it makes his head explode over and over again, like a string of ladyfingers going off. Pop-pop-pop-pop-pop-pop … you know what I mean.”
Indeed we do. The loon’s head exploded just as you predicted, see @92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100.
@94 “Puddy commands respect and HA DUMMOCRETINS do what Puddy wants when Puddy wants!”
You don’t even command your own bowel gas. It comes out whenever it wants to.
@100 And here’s Puffy rationalizing conservative panhandling. This kind of logic could lead to a lot of things. For example, Trump deficits. Yes, it’ll be interesting to see what Puffy and Doc say when Trump borrows $10 trillion from China.
@101 Now all they have to do is figure out how to keep the adults from fighting over the bargain merchandise.
Lol…..says the guy wearing adult diapers….
Here is one conservative dumbfuck who will not have his handout. Hahahahaha
Oh schismatic senile roger dumbfuck idiot wabbit @103,
Puddy dared you in #85 to post concept guerrilla and talk about Sid Blumenthal and right on cue you posted it with those three paragraphs when two are all conservatives are allowed to post. In fact you took two posts to really get it out for today’s thread garbage. You see schismatic senile roger dumbfuck idiot wabbit, subliminal suggestions work so easy on HA DUMMOCRETINS like you because y’all are low information voters and low intelligence operators! You are an idiot! Not an idiot savant because your memory is surely lacking!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Just like Clockwork Orange!
when Trump borrows $10 trillion from China.
As Obummer did schismatic senile roger dumbfuck idiot wabbit?
Very apparent the quintuple horsesASS manure pressure is getting to QPPS @102! Now QPPS is left to babbling about nothingness!
“These officers were killed simply because of the uniform they wear and the job they do. This is unacceptable to the humane society that we are.”
I agree this is unacceptable but why do some think if you take out the word officer and replace with individual and then replace that part about uniform and just doing their job with just being themselves or for because they were black instead of white (with similar circumstances) that that is acceptable.
Puffy how about you pull out your favorite word “Consequences”.
Hey look it’s a sky pointer.
I don’t know exactly who these other “panhandlers” are but what that gullible toothless ignorant stupid fucking Trailer Trump American @100 still hasn’t figured out is that we don’t give a shit about them either!
You’d think by now, after all this time, these truly dull witted mouth breathers would have figured it out. None of you are worth the trouble. Whether it’s some random band of incestuous coal rollers laying claim to some God forsaken desert shit hole while waving about mimeographed copies of “Admiralty law”, or some recently discharged human mucous desperately waving their DD214 in front of the fast food clerk in search of discounted Hot Dog Bites, or some third world refugee trying to mail hot soup at the post office, we’re done with ’em. They are no longer our concern. They all belong now to the Populist Trailer Trump Americans. You earned ’em. They are all yours. Good luck!
Foolish twat@113 farted we don’t give a shit about them either!
You didn’t give a shit about those who were glad Obummer won in 2008 so they could get their free phones, gas, rent, college, internet? They were truly dull witted mouth breathers on crack!
Ask the fetid clueless crazed databaze arschloch for a replay! It has many different daily posts in the crazed databaze! It’s monomaniacal!
Yes Obummer left those 210 county Obummer voting types without hope so they are now Trump’s problem. Why? Because Obummer didn’t do anything to make all boats rise!
No. Again, just exactly how many times do you have to be told, you impossibly stupid person?
No. We don’t really give a shit about those fucking losers. Know why?
They don’t vote!
Fuck ’em!
Trailer Trump Americans are the people promising to train all the hungry polar bears to start shitting froYo, and give $60,000 a year jobs to out-of-work loggers teaching them to be poll dancers. You’ve got your work cut out for you, is all I can say.
Good luck!
Wow human teabag licker @111,
You really are one sick project manager!
You truly are a delusional DUMMOCRETIN with no compassion for your fellow man/woman. Sure they don’t vote or seldom vote. This is the type of person national DUMMOCRETINS want cheer-leading for them. Dumb lazy low information voters. Butt they aren’t disposable as you claim they are.
This is exactly why your kind lost in 2016. Elitist attitudes!
Those pesky FACTS!
yes. Again and again, yes. Smart well educated highly skilled and very well compensated people are elite. That is what it means to be elite. As opposed to the kind of sister fucking racist red neck Mountain Dew guzzling 8th grade dropouts that make up the base of your “populist” movement. The definitive “non-elite”. And we have absolutely no compassion for idiots who have been offered every conceivable advantage and privilege our society has to offer and turned it all down in favor of mud buggy racing, junk food and insurance scams. Fuck them. And fuck you. They are your problem now. Get that through your head. There’s a long drunken and violent line of them and they are all headed toward Trump Tower.
Good luck!
That is what it means to be elite. – And that’s why fools like you can’t comprehend why Hillary lost.
As opposed to the kind of sister fucking racist red neck Mountain Dew guzzling 8th grade dropouts that make up the base of your “populist” movement. – And that’s why those people living in 210 counties voted for Obummer being the same sister fucking racist red neck Mountain Dew guzzling 8th grade dropouts in 2008 and 2012. That’s why you are on a blog crying everyone a piss river!
And fuck you. – Puddy wouldn’t fuck you with QPPS’ tiny dick!
The rest of the rant is worthless as you are! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
For the last time, I don’t give a flying fuck that Hillary Clinton lost. It means less than nothing to me personally. Trump can’t disturb me. As an “elite” I am really beyond his very limited powers in every important way. Unlike Trailer Trump Americans, we “elites” have made our own way without any gubmit assistance. We don’t depend on defense contracts or taxpayer support schemes. And we absolutely don’t need a social safety net. We already have plenty of money. And if the IRS wants to stop collecting it from us and sending it to treat racist ignorant shit heels for their black lung, I can live with that. They probably can’t. But that’s no longer my problem. It’s yours now!
I’m laughing my ass off at you. You shirtless screaming Trailer Trump Americans are the greatest joke of my lifetime.
we “elites” have made our own way without any gubmit assistance.
And so you condemn half of the libtards that post on HA DUMMOCRETINS like the crazed databaze arschloch and the vomit producer. Once again your lack of compassion shines very brightly!
DMV licensed 800,000 undocumented immigrants under 2-year-old law
Puddy will see if Trump removes federal funds for their sanctuary city and illegal alien licensing policies!
Jesus fucking Johnson you are one thick motherfucker.
Over and over you are told something in clear simple terms and you still can’t grasp it. What the fuck is wrong with you?
It’s like you’re some kind of unstoppable redneck conspiracy dispensing cyborg equipped with a child’s penis.
I hope for your sake you have a good singing voice.
LMAO!!! The pathetic shitheaded babbling jackass is too obsessed with HA heroes..
It can’t perform the weekly sat night duty in the salt mines without us!
Dependent forever! BWWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Fridays after sunset is kryptonite to the babbling jackass..
On friday’s after sunset – it is nowhere to be seen anywhere in the HA comment threads.
Unless it wears a disguise:
BTW, the sun has set
Join me fellow heroes when the sun sets at 4:27 pm December 30..
Enjoy an HA comments threads that is:
Woo hoo!
Ahhh the Puddy stalker has arrived. Another PWNAGE is fron and center from 125-127.
@126 do you think that maybe it’s just a coincidence that the Ape looks at himself in the mirror right, at the same time as the sunsets, and sees that he is black and gets spooked so bad that he hibernates and eats bananas until sunrise, at which time he thinks he is white for the rest of the day until once again the sunsets?
See – the freedom lovers, lovers of the gay hating Russians, see a dear leader in Putin.
And when the economy bustles after this happens Drumpf will try to take credit. And the stupid will say Hail Hitler!
Oh no moronic twat@124.
Puddy wants everyone to see what a hateful libtard like you thinks! Puddy kept drawing you out. You were played perfectly; even the self-righteous attacks! You hate your own kind, the ones who have stated over and over like #125 who are/have been on guvmint handouts!
Thanks for playing! Sucka!
Oh no moronic twat@124.
Puddy wants everyone to see what a hateful libtard like you thinks! Puddy kept drawing you out. You were played perfectly; even the self-righteous attacks! You hate your own kind, the ones who have stated over and over like #125 who are/have been on guvmint handouts! That one calls itself a HA Hero!
Thanks for playing! Sucka!
@108 “you posted … three paragraphs when two are all conservatives are allowed to post.”
Puffy victimhood in all its glory. I’m a privileged character. What are you gonna do about it?
@109 More like $6 trillion, see
and that because of the huge mess left by his predecessor that he had to clean up.
Yet another Responsible Gun Owner (TM).
@117 Sadly, equality is an aspiration, not reality. Some people are worth more to society than others. See #119 for details.
@123 Yes, it would be much better to have them driving without licenses or insurance. And you wonder why we think you’re stupid.
@133 Not me! I get my handouts from Wall Street. That’s much more respectable.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
The loon is a fucking traitor who deserves to be tried, convicted, and then publicly executed.
Stay away from sharp objects. The explosion will be impressive!
These illegal aliens are ILLEGAL. This is why your candidate lost! Sanctuary cities, harboring illegal criminals, Kate Steinle dying. They should not be here schismatic senile roger dumbfuck idiot wabbit. They should NOT BE DRIVING!
Butt then again you are a blooming idiot schismatic senile roger dumbfuck idiot wabbit!
These illegal aliens are ILLEGAL. This is why your candidate lost! Sanctuary cities, harboring illegal criminals, Kate Steinle dying. They should not be here schismatic senile roger dumbfuck idiot wabbit. They should NOT BE DRIVING!
Butt then again you are a blooming idiot schismatic senile roger dumbfuck idiot wabbit!
schismatic senile roger dumbfuck idiot wabbit @135,
The federal debt has more than doubled — rising 116 percent — and big annual deficits have continued.
By Most Measures, Debt Roughly Doubled Under Obama
FACTS sux eh schismatic senile roger dumbfuck idiot wabbit?
Puddy, gman is not a PM, he is a scheduler. There is a huge difference. He makes exactly ZERO financial or design decisions. Gman couldnt run a simple 7-11 Convenience Store project on his own.
He is a wannabe.
I’m not impressed by developments of the past few days. If the Obama really though Israeli settlements were a horrible monstrosity then it should have taken 6 years ago. Supported a vote in the UN saying settlements are bad and Israel shall cease building them and cut any and all foreign aid to Israel. Nope going back to Chi town and guaranteeing those arms will be used in the near future, as the lid come off.
I cannot believe the utter piece of crap the FBI analysis is of the alleged Russian spying.
It’s great if you are trying to protect horseass web site from being hacked ect. some advice for any not quire ready for prime time network administrator. Any competent one should know by heart the actions the FBI and Homeland security are saying to do.
Now what will the Democrats say if Trump says all political parties will turn their network over to the United States government that will maintain these vital networks and keep them secure. They will be transparent to Uncle Sam. The hypocrisy of the Obama administration is amazing. The President has taken these measures that normally after a Russian has been found with his hand in the cookie and arrested and done perp walk prior to be released to the Embassy because of their immunity, and then sent on their way back to mother Russia. The only way the US Government can know any of this is as Snowden has revealed is if the US Government has toughly hacked in the Russian intelligence agencies. IE spied on Russia. Putin is going to send our spies home and maybe the current US Ambassador. With a fuck you letter to be delivered to the President. With a get the fuck out of Syrian air space.
@144 Well a whole lot more money should have been spent to get out of the economic crises of 2008. Banks broken up, Bankers sent to jail, and a Democrat would be the President elect. Probably would not be Hilliary though. So you should be a happy Puddy these days. Or are you worried that Trump is going to take out the playbook used by Bill Clinton which would mean policy wise he will out Democrat the Democrats? I’m hoping he tells his justice department to go after these drug companies under the anti Monopoly statutes.
On the ST3 we should have high speed rail from Blaine to Vancouver, WA. From Spokane to Seattle, with a spur down to the Tri cities. ST3 is a start, but our folks in Olympia ought to be doing high speed rail for the citizens of Washington state. Get some seed money from the Trump infrastructure money..our Senators and Reps ought to this is grand and grab some infrastructure pussy! High Speed Rail pussy!
@25 Well if they are going to toll State Highway 99, the state should be tolling it now. If it’s such a good idea and the funds need to be raised, toll goes away once required amount is paid?
@66 Isn’t it Congress that does the approving? Could be Obama is just seeing all that equipment gets fully tested for Northrop. That the equipment gets used. Now that Saudi’s are going to be hard asses, and once the Iranians and Russians finish up winning the civil war over the rebels in Syria maybe they will have a new target. Might suck to be a peace keeper in the Golan Heights.
@72 Americans know it, but our politicians cannot grasp it as they cannot look soft on crime. All drugs should be legalized. Can’t even get the herb legalized, and it’s just a question as to how long before the federal/state dispute goes public. Yeah no wonder Hilliary got votes in CA as there was a vote to legalize pot. So those extra votes for Clinton had nothing to do with Trump guess which state the Trump white house goes after over legalization. Will it begin with a W, O or C. I think C
Thank you for that distinctive definition of HA’s hanging human teabag licker. Puddy guesses licking all those warm sperm filled teabags made him think he was important!
Mark Adams,
As more people looked at who got more votes, it’s only in one state where the plurality pushed Clinton higher. This is why the scream she got more votes is falling on deaf ears. People realize the other 49 states combined gave Trump the vote plurality and CA wants to secede. Where would DUMMOCRETINS be without those 55 EVs?
and once the Iranians and Russians finish up winning the civil war over the rebels in Syria
Because Obummer dithered and rebels died! Remember Obummer loving Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz said… “He will go down in history, President Obama, as one of the worst foreign policy presidents ever. What he did to Syria, and what he was partly responsible for happening in Aleppo, creating a vacuum for Russia. Look, I supported his domestic policy. I liked him on Supreme Court appointments. But he created a terrible conflict for people, many like me liberal Democrats who support his domestic policy, but think he was an appalling –appalling — president when it comes to foreign policy. He hurt America so badly.”
There you go! One professor who can actually swallow his DUMMOCRETIN bile and express FACTS and TRUTH.
Now QPPS, under all that pressure will call Puddy’s expressing Dershowitz on HA DUMMOCRETINS hate. And the hero worshiping feted crazed cretinous gaseous monomaniacal arschloch will discuss its lack of progress in the salt mine with some Friday evening time frame!
Two shriveled up lima beans that no one listens to anymore!