You probably should have your ballot by now if you’re living in Washington. Here are the locations to drop them off in King County. Otherwise, have them postmarked by the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
Damn, there’s a lot on my ballot. I hesitate to even call it downballot, since there are so many initiatives, charter amendments, and whatnot before President. And there are far too many non-partisan positions or people from the same party on my ballot. If it’s all too confusing, The Stranger, Seattlish, and Washington NARAL help sort through the confusion with their endorsements, voter guides, etc.
With a little luck, several cannabis legalization initiatives will pass in several important states, including recreational use in California.
It’s about time.
It’ll take some time, perhaps decades, but once the local tax revenues kick in and the criminal justice resources are re-allocated all of our communities, but particularly communities of color, should become much safer and healthier.
Seems like if there were any actual relevant scandals implicating the candidates contained in any of the Russian email hacks they’d have released them by now. Absentee, early, and mail ballots are out. If Russian intel agencies are determined to effect our elections they would need to release whatever they have or can credibly fake by now. I doubt we’ll see anything else of importance going forward implicating either campaign. The cards are dealt. The bets are placed.
And Republicans fucked up and used a Pinochle deck.
I want to see the polls when they reflect Drumpf’s threat to sue his accusers.
No Democrats for Treasurer.
based on what, pure tribalism?
I’ve seen scant evidence that Republicans have been any good at governing at the state level. Given control they transform functional states into basket cases. Given limited autonomy over any single agency they turn it into a partisan cudgel. All across the U.S. Republican Secretaries of State have use their offices to limit ballot access suppress minority and low income votes. Republican State Treasurers have raided contingency and rainy day funds to give tax breaks and have put retirement investment accounts at risk. Republican Attorneys General have engaged in political witch hunts and targeted partisan prosecutions against political rivals.
In other words, and not at all surprisingly, at the state level Republicans behave just as badly as they do everywhere else.
Adendum: Whoops. Sorry. Didn’t realize that Washington’s very unfortunate top-two cluster fuck had deprived you folks of any rational choice. You’ll have to choose between the lesser of two evils. Now that the Republican party has imploded perhaps this sort of thing will become less common in the future. The Republican swamp needs to be drained.
The best part about this story is the total lack of awareness when it comes to the Trump clan.
Okay, you don’t speak Spanish but you refer to yourselves as Reaganites. The word Contra should mean something to you.
Okay, okay, you were young when Ronnie was selling arms to Iran to finance arming terrorists to kill villagers to topple a Central American government so we could have our puppet back.
Okay, Okay, Okay but you might have noticed that English has borrowed an awful lot from Romance languages. Like Contraceptive Contraband and Contrarian?
So pop quiz, what does contra usually indicate when used in English?
These people died from marijuana use. They’d be alive today if they just said “no”.
I don’t know how, but these people have survived the devastating effects of marijuana. So far. So far!
Total lack of awareness is what we see here from the HA DUMMOCRETIN morons…
“In the end, it was the candidate, Hillary Clinton, the future president of the United States, who wanted ducks on the ground,” says Creamer in one of several exchanges. “So, by God, we would get ducks on the ground.”
It is made clear that high-level DNC operative Creamer realized that this direct coordination between Democracy Partners and the campaign would be damning when he said: “Don’t repeat that to anybody.”
Direct coordination is what DUMMOCRETINS do!
Oh wait… HA DUMMOCRETIN fools called it Republican lies…
Uhhhh nope you DOPES!
“Direct coordination…” with Russian state owned media and Russian Military Intelligence is waaaaaaay better!
That’s the all New Republican way!
“Direct coordination…” with the BJP!
“Direct coordination…” with Deutsche Bank!
“Direct coordination…” with organized crime connected casino investors!
“Direct coordination…” with over 4,000 civil law suits!
“Direct coordination…” with deposed Ukrainian dictator Viktor Yanukovych!
“Direct coordination…” Russian mobster Oleg Deripaska!
“Direct coordination…” Russian organized crime front company Bayrock!
And the list just goes on and on and on. The New Republican Idiots really don’t have any clue precisely who the rapist they are supporting is in real life. And they don’t care anymore.
“I’ve always wanted to meet Farrakhan. I listened to hours and hours of his speeches. He’s mesmerizing. He’s an unbelievable orator. What he says about individual responsibility and morality and being fathers and starting businesses is brilliant.”
Racism and anti-Semitism are just so “unfortunate”.
Geez. Guess the LIAR is gonna have to disavow Hannity now.
Carl there really is not a downballot in Washington state. Or as far as races with people that happened during the primaries. Which is why we can have two Democrats running for the House. Also most local elections here are non partisan. Locals may know the party affiliation of a candidate, but it is best unsaid. Then there are our judges and they are not or can not admit party membership. Which might be helpful as most of us have no idea what a judge has done in the court room lately. Though in many cases they will run unopposed. Which is why being a commissioner who becomes a judge usually leads to election when the term is complete. And at the county level most incumbents will win so there are no challengers.
Of course the Oregon moron will scream and shout over the content of the emails. Very explosive stuff.
Puddy didn’t know there was Russian coordination of Obummercare!
@9 Bet the Wilkes conspirators were hanged with rope made from rope. So people have ben killed by cannabis. It makes some mighty fine rope.
The babbling jackass troll is totally in the tank for a sex predator, rapist and con-man totally supported by Vlad Putin.
Who knew?
Yup. By now there could hardly be much point in any Rape-pologist Republicans bothering to deny the dense web of coordination and dependencies between their political campaigns, their party, foreign state adversaries, and corrupt foreign criminals.
That’s what you get when you put a Casino hustling fake billionaire con artist in charge of your show. One day you wake up next to a severed horse head with Russian oil investors pounding on your door and targeting lasers dancing across your bedroom walls.
Beats being in the tank for a liar, law breaker, cheater, colluder, and lover of countries that hate gays and wimens.
Who knew?
Wait… more information from the Russians Oregon moron…
Say what? Clinton put Reid up to the attack?
Did you see Careless Crooked Heilary and Bill’s Mr Fix It tonight Oregon moron?
Remember they exposed John Deadwards’s baby mama Reille and Jesse Jackson’s baby mama Karin!
White evangelical Christians are supporting Trump bigly because Trump best represents American white evangelical Christian values.
@19 Some worthless bullshit about Hillary for a change..
Nothing about Bill – heh, tiny improvement but still.
Too bad boob’s not around to see its wet dream dry up:
Somebody “owes” the racist LIAR an October Surprise.
Contrary to what Trump claims, none of his accusers have been proved to be lying
To hear Donald Trump tell it, the smattering of accusations that he has touched or kissed women forcibly have all been thoroughly debunked. The women who’ve made the claims, he says, are “liars” who, on Saturday, Trump pledged to sue.
In reality, none of the claims of the women who are accusing him of inappropriate behavior — behavior that Trump described in that now infamous “Access Hollywood” tape from 2005 — have been debunked. Trump and his supporters have tried to cast doubt on the women’s claims, but without success.
Would you address a President Drumpth as Groper in Chief?