As you know, I’ve been immersed in code recently, developing a new version of HA for your reading and poo-flinging pleasure. I’ve started to upload some of the new plugins and templates for testing, and while I had hoped that none of it would go live before I flipped the switch, it seems that some of my plug-ins have a mind of their own. For example, it looks like the new visual rich text comment editor is now live. So have fun with it, and let me know if there are any problems.
Lemme see, this text is so tiny I can’ hardly see it. Goldy what the heck? No preview underneath either. Thank God, a spell check. The trolls can use it to seem more intelligent.
I was referring to the text size in the comment writing box. Not in the posted post.
Well, the text size across the board will be getting smaller, but let’s see what I can do about increasing the size in this editor. Like I said, I hadn’t intended for this feature to go live yet, so I haven’t finished playing around with it.
Looks like you still need a button for blockquoting…that would be very nice.
Do I have your attention?! Oops
Goldy, the Oops was supposed to have a strikethrough, and previewed that way, but doesn’t look like it posted that way. FYI.
Hmm. Let me try strike through.
Huh. Strike through works for me.
And FYI Tlazolteotl, in the theme I’m testing, I see your parrot. Gravatars are yet another one of the many new features coming soon.
Woo hoo!
Okay, let me try the strikethrough again.
strike this
Still not working for me….using Firefox 2.0013 on a Mac running 10.4.11, if that helps at all.
I tried both highlighting afterwards and clicking the strike tool (on the word strikethrough above) and then clicking and typing (strike this). How odd!
Let’s try using the HTML button…
So, editing the HTML directly using the HTML edit button also displays the strike correctly in the preview window, but not in the final post. Odder by the minute.
Can’t wait for parrots.
Do we get smilies too? ;-)
I hate smilies. Do you really want smilies? WordPress supports smilies by default, and all I need to do is flip a switch.
I’m finding this editor to be a little funky myself, so perhaps I’ll go another way. Even after I let the new theme go live, folks should think of this as a work in progress.
I am with Goldy, I hate smileys. And as long as we are making suggestions again, how about having all links open in a new window?
Smileys are the spawn of Satan. And ditto on the idea of links opening in a new window.
We have tabbed browsing now! I totally prefer links to open in a new tab so I don’t have a dozen browser instances running.
Cheney Exposed As Chief TorturerIn a normal world where pragmatic politicos halfway know what they’re doing an administration that stoops to some kind of slimy shit doesn’t let their president dirty his hands and shields him from any and all knowledge of their nefarious activities. It’s sort of refreshing to learn that’s what the Busheviks did when they wanted to torture innocent people, because it means they aren’t utterly and totally incompetent. It’s nice to know there’s at least one thing they did according to the time-tested political dirty tricks playbook.”Cheney, Others OK’d Harsh Interrogations
“Associated Press
“WASHINGTON (AP) – Bush administration officials from Vice President Dick Cheney on down signed off on using harsh interrogation techniques against suspected terrorists after asking the Justice Department to endorse their legality, The Associated Press has learned.”The officials also took care to insulate President Bush from a series of meetings where CIA interrogation methods, including waterboarding, which simulates drowning, were discussed and ultimately approved.A former senior U.S. intelligence official familiar with the meetings described them Thursday to the AP to confirm details first reported by ABC News on Wednesday. …”The meetings were held in the White House Situation Room … [by] Attorney General John Ashcroft, Secretary of State Colin Powell, CIA Director George Tenet and national security adviser Condoleezza Rice. … The former intelligence official described Cheney and the top national security officials as deeply immersed in developing the CIA’s interrogation program during months of discussions over which methods should be used and when.”At times, CIA officers would demonstrate some of the tactics, or at least detail how they worked, to make sure the small group of ‘principals’ fully understood what the al-Qaida detainees would undergo. The principals eventually authorized physical abuse such as slaps and pushes, sleep deprivation, or waterboarding. … “The small group then asked the Justice Department to examine whether using the interrogation methods would break domestic or international laws. ‘No one at the agency wanted to operate under a notion of winks and nods and assumptions that everyone understood what was being talked about,’ said a second former senior intelligence official. ‘People wanted to be assured that everything that was conducted was understood and approved by the folks in the chain of command.'”The Office of Legal Counsel issued at least two opinions on interrogation methods. In one, dated Aug. 1, 2002, then-Assistant Attorney General Jay Bybee defined torture as covering ‘only extreme acts’ causing pain similar in intensity to that caused by death or organ failure. A second, dated March 14, 2003, justified using harsh tactics on detainees held overseas so long as military interrogators did not specifically intend to torture their captives. …”The department issued another still-secret memo in October 2001 that, in part, sought to outline novel ways the military could be used domestically to defend the country in the face of an impending attack. The Justice Department so far has refused to release it, citing attorney-client privilege, and Attorney General Michael Mukasey declined to describe it Thursday at a Senate panel where Democrats characterized it as a ‘torture memo.'”Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see Rabbit Commentary: In other words, they fixed the law around the policy.
Your new format sucks, Goldy. It drops all the paragraph separation spaces and produces an unintelligible mass of type.
Cheney Exposed As Chief TorturerIn a normal world where pragmatic politicos halfway know what they’re doing an administration that stoops to some kind of slimy shit doesn’t let their president dirty his hands and shields him from any and all knowledge of their nefarious activities. It’s sort of refreshing to learn that’s what the Busheviks did when they wanted to torture innocent people, because it means they aren’t utterly and totally incompetent. It’s nice to know there’s at least one thing they did according to the time-tested political dirty tricks playbook.”Cheney, Others OK’d Harsh Interrogations“By LARA JAKES JORDAN and PAMELA HESS“Associated Press“WASHINGTON (AP) – Bush administration officials from Vice President Dick Cheney on down signed off on using harsh interrogation techniques against suspected terrorists after asking the Justice Department to endorse their legality, The Associated Press has learned.”The officials also took care to insulate President Bush from a series of meetings where CIA interrogation methods, including waterboarding, which simulates drowning, were discussed and ultimately approved.A former senior U.S. intelligence official familiar with the meetings described them Thursday to the AP to confirm details first reported by ABC News on Wednesday. …”The meetings were held in the White House Situation Room … [by] Attorney General John Ashcroft, Secretary of State Colin Powell, CIA Director George Tenet and national security adviser Condoleezza Rice. … The former intelligence official described Cheney and the top national security officials as deeply immersed in developing the CIA’s interrogation program during months of discussions over which methods should be used and when.”At times, CIA officers would demonstrate some of the tactics, or at least detail how they worked, to make sure the small group of ‘principals’ fully understood what the al-Qaida detainees would undergo. The principals eventually authorized physical abuse such as slaps and pushes, sleep deprivation, or waterboarding. … “The small group then asked the Justice Department to examine whether using the interrogation methods would break domestic or international laws. ‘No one at the agency wanted to operate under a notion of winks and nods and assumptions that everyone understood what was being talked about,’ said a second former senior intelligence official. ‘People wanted to be assured that everything that was conducted was understood and approved by the folks in the chain of command.’”The Office of Legal Counsel issued at least two opinions on interrogation methods. In one, dated Aug. 1, 2002, then-Assistant Attorney General Jay Bybee defined torture as covering ‘only extreme acts’ causing pain similar in intensity to that caused by death or organ failure. A second, dated March 14, 2003, justified using harsh tactics on detainees held overseas so long as military interrogators did not specifically intend to torture their captives. …”The department issued another still-secret memo in October 2001 that, in part, sought to outline novel ways the military could be used domestically to defend the country in the face of an impending attack. The Justice Department so far has refused to release it, citing attorney-client privilege, and Attorney General Michael Mukasey declined to describe it Thursday at a Senate panel where Democrats characterized it as a ‘torture memo.’”Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see heney-others-okd-harsh-interro gations/n20080410193609990056Roger Rabbit Commentary: In other words, they fixed the law around the policy.
I give up. This is going to ruin the comment threads.
I’m gonna try reposting it in a different thread because this story is too important to let it drown here.
Goldy @12: I’m with you on smilies.
Hopefully the new main font won’t be this small.
Roger… instead of cutting and pasting, how about posting a link? That’s really what I’d prefer you do.
And nobody go fretting about this or that right. This is a work in progress.
Spell checker? I cant make fun of Seattle Jew anymore with his warp speed typing.
Goldy- Smilies are cool!
Smileys, Do you have any Rabbit smileys?
@22 Because few people click on links. I never do, because if it’s a .pdf file or video download, it’ll freeze my computer and I’ll have to reboot. Besides, Goldy, I don’t simply do copy-and-paste. And you know damn well that’s a copyright violation. The fair use doctrine only allows excerpting, and apart from legal considerations, many people don’t want to spend time reading an entire article. I function as a sort of Reader’s Digest editor: I excerpt the crucial part, and save readers a lot of time by posting only a small portion of the article. This both satisfies the law and performs a valuable service for my readers. You have your way of doing things, and I have mine. I will continue to quote relevant material and attribute it by providing a link to the source. That’s how I want to do things. Of course, it’s your blog, and you can dictate the terms (and manner) of use, if you like. I’m sure the wingnut portion of your trade would love to see me leave. And I’m leaving for now. I’m not going to try to fight your code. I’ll be back when and if this thing is up and working again. The condition it’s in right now, I can’t work with.
RR at 17: how would you know the diff :-)
Goldy,Just don’t mess it up like IOZ did.
The department issued another still-secret memo in October 2001 that, in part, sought to outline novel ways the military could be used domestically to defend the country in the face of an impending attack. The Justice Department so far has refused to release it, citing attorney-client privilege, and Attorney General Michael Mukasey declined to describe it Thursday at a Senate panel where Democrats characterized it as a ‘torture memo.’”
Those bastards!! When we were running things everything was an open book…. well eventually it was.
@27 My rabbit dick still works! Want to suck it? For a good time, call 1-900-LICK-ROG. All proceeds go to the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund.
@29 When we ran things, the only people we tortured were Republicans (no innocents), and they had it coming.
I prefer new windows :) And I dislike html smilies, so there….
No fucking smileys, damn it! If you think you gotta use one, the joke ain’t funny.
Pelletizer, I’m like SeattleJew. I mostly skip over your tripe. When you continually post cut and paste crap, I skip it.
Can’t be too important if Pelletizer posting something other than law
Goldy, I don’t mind smiley faces.
Do they have a pile of dung gravatar? It would be great to describe ByeByeGOP that way.
Jeez folks, the smilies was kind of a joke. I used a winkie, you know, it is supposed to indicate sarcasm. ;-) vs :-). See, I don’t need smilies because I can do them just as well in ascii.
Now, let me try the strikeout again, same version of Firefox but only 10.4.10 on the MacOS (I haven’t had time to do the update at home yet).
Nope, still looks fine in the live preview, but doesn’t show up in the posted version.
@34 Naturally I wouldn’t expect an America-hating traitor like you to care whether our government behaves like the WW2 Japanese and Germans, so no, I didn’t expect you to read that news report.
Personally, I DO read RR’s excerpts. Wanting to see if I feel like reading the entire article or not. He usually pulls up interesting stuff worth reading anyway, unlike the trolls.
Hey FrickNFrack when you answer my question I asked 3 times I’ll start paying attention to your 2cent thoughts.
@19…RR…Good…then maybe you’ll disappear.The Piper
@18: RR This is the big story out today. Cheney and a few others (Powell, Ashcroft, Gonzalez) secretly met to approve torture for the good old US of A. In my name – these troglodytes set out to legalize torture using “memos” from the OLC. I am embarrassed for my country. Where are all the true American ideals? The Abu Ghraib torture instructions came straight from the top. They kept denying it – we don’t do torture they said….all lies. My country – land of the free and home of the brave no more…now we are home of the equivocating torturers. What ever happened to protecting and preserving the constitution? They had to protect Bush by not including him? They knew it was illegal and they hid their foul deeds in the dark shadows. Even Ashcroft said it would not look good for history – he knew but he caved in anyways to illegal torture. Now Mukasey is protecting the same evildoers. What a bunch of crooks, liars and immoral politicians.
I am in full support of Roger Rabbit. I really appreciate his commentaries.
As for the use of strikeout, it would be a godsend if it could be used retroactively for Buddypud and Pooper posts.
Yeah, strike out is not working… does the xhtml version <strike>work</strike>?
Tlazolteotl @37
Oddly enough, strikeouts work for me, but I don’t see the live preview.
So… how do folks feel about threaded comments? Because that’s one of the things I’m working on.
A big yes to threaded comments! That would separate the petty arguments from the other petty arguments.
Oh, and some good discussions might also see the light of day, without all the trash.
Does an inability to use strike mean that someone is a closet, cheap-labor conservative?By the way, Goldy, I’m using Safari on a Mac. So, why do my keyboard shortcuts use the control key as the modifier?Having said that, the tooltips are a nice touch.
Well, I guess that means I’m a closet conservative. Time to go fix more bugs, then.
“Does an inability to use strike mean that someone is a closet, cheap-labor conservative?”
Apparently not.
strike that!Is HA going to become one of those VBulletin kinds of sites?
I STILL think smileys/smilies/what-fucking-ever are the spawn of Satan.
And in news sure to annoy Piper, Seattle’s new Major League Soccer franchise will compete under the name “Seattle Sounders FC” when they take the field next year. And if I can’t get up to Seattle to catch a game, I can always roll down I-80 to the Bay Area to see them whip the shit out of San Jose Earthquakes.
FYI, the Rich Text comment field is gone for the moment.
Blatantly ObviousNuff said!
Processing Facts ≠ Blatantly Obvious’ mind
Nuff Said!
Threaded Comments are great. We on the right can skip past those blatantly obvious empty postings.
I would rather have a link open up into a new window, whether tabbed or not.
I only use the “wink” smily occassionaly, when it may not be obvious that I’m being sarcastic.
I like the way Roger Rabbit posts part of an article, and then a link to the complete article. I’m always cautious about clicking on links, especially on my work computer. I got a really nasty virus that way once, which was hidden deep in my boot-up directory. I had to re-format the disk and start all over in order to finally get rid of it.
Where is the spell-check function others mentioned previously?
Opening in a new window is easy enough if you want it (as I often do).
Perhaps some sort of rating system where folks with a sufficiently negative rating would be ignored unless someone actually wanted to wade through the muck.
So, do you want your social comentary with or without morons and wingnuts?
Yes, where is the spell checker??
@ 58 and 60 The blog is back to it’s former self. I think Goldy is still debugging the improved version of it before he releases it back in the wild.
But then, I have always had spell checker using Firefox. IT automatically underlines mistakes and a right click provides substitutions.
I’m not a computer geek. Wish I were, tough. I just stick with my IE 7. I’ve heard a lot of good things about the Firefox. Maybe Puddybud will install a version of it for me on my computer.
Pretty easy, GBS
Just click the download button, it will guide you through the setup.