Of all the contributors to (un)Sound Politics, Matt Rosenberg is perhaps the one who I kinda, sorta, maybe, almost respect the most. His politics are less predictable, his vitriol less vitriolic, and his writing more writerly than his fellow Drudge wannabes. But judging from his most recent post, I fear his coconspirators may be driving him snark raving mad.
Following the lead of conservative blogger-babe Michele Malkin, Matt bravely alerts the public to the latest threat from the vast liberal “moonbat” conspiracy: a nationwide plan to vandalize newspaper boxes on May 9!
Yes, if there was ever rock-solid evidence of the ever-present dangers emanating from us “Left Coast Lunatics,” it would be the um, anonymous posting of a poorly spelled call to arms, on Seattle IndyMedia’s “open-publishing wire,” that at last check has received fourteen comments… all of them negative. Meanwhile, the thread on Matt’s own (u)SP post contains several comments supportive of vandalizing the liberal press, including one idiot who suggests targeting “blue” businesses in general. Okay… that last comment was facetiously posted by me, but that’s besides the point.
The point is that the normally kinda, sorta, almost responsible Matt apparently has no qualms about casting aspersions on “Seattle moonbats” by citing a bullshit post of unknown provenance on an open blog, as evidence that the left is filled with idiots, sociopaths and common criminals. This would be like concluding all of HA’s readers are homophobes, because one of my anonymous, whacked-out holy-trollers apparently gets a kick out of typing the word “bunghole.”
It’s dishonest, misleading, and just plain lazy. And I would assume, embarrassing.
You’re better than this Matt.
I think Matt made a big mistake in that post too.
But it wasn’t preparing us for evil tactice…it was for calling LEFTIST PINHEADS like you Moonbats. It’s not accurate enough for a conclave of LEFTISTS/MARXISTS/SOCIALISTS brought here on a spaceship from a far away galaxy.
I know there are much more descript labels for a bunch of Seattle LEFTIST Elitist A$$holes than Moonbat…
Let’s see…hmmmmmmmm.
Maybe Matt should have just called it like it is…
Mr. Cynical @1 – You are far too kind.
well that certainly addressed the point
Here is a link you all should see:
http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/.....ion29.html – Direct from King County themselves!!!
This should shut many of you lefties up!!!
Goldy:“The point is that the normally kinda, sorta, almost responsible Matt apparently has no qualms about casting aspersions on “Seattle moonbats” by citing a bullshit post of unknown provenance on an open blog, as evidence that the left is filled with idiots, sociopaths and common criminals.”
What? Where? All Rosenberg says after the quote from the post is “I think it would be more empowering to…..start a blog.”
Where is the “aspersion casting”, besides your post?
I do have a lot of respect for you & this blog, Goldy, but lately you’re going off the deep end just as far as the folks you’re railing against.
“the left is filled with idiots, sociopaths, and common criminals.”
You said it!!! I couldn’t agree more.
Isn’t it time for a new poll? maybe this
What do you think the left is?
I like Hershey Highway better.
7 troll posts
and not one has a problem with Rosenbergs incitement. This is like asking Bush if he can think of any mistakes he has made? Welcome to the world of selfish repugs. No Taxes for poor me, give me my services and keep me safe from (pick enemy of the week and insert here), and let’s just put it on our children to pay for us.
Do you guys do anything but goosestep?
pud in mouth @ 7 LOL, I imagine you DO LIKE it better. Must be a daily requirement in your little world.
DanW: Do you guys do anything but goosestep?
How about engaging in a rational debate, like answering the question on where in Rosenberg’s post did he say “that the left is filled with idiots, sociopaths and common criminals.”, or where Rosenberg “incites”, instead of your tired name-calling?
DanW – It is quite apparent that you have fallen deeper into your liberal alpha brain-wave attenuating coma. Snap out of it man. This is much ado about nothing, full of sound and fury signifiying nothing.
Dan, This particular topic is unwinnable. There are topics however that liberals can (conceivably) debate and convincingly win. However, you would need a strong appreciation of conservative and moderate thought in order to prevail. Answer the question – What’s important to middle america? (Hint: It’s certainly not this topic.) That’s where you will find the winners.
Sound Politics has posted that shutting down liberal business will help the cause. SP has started a concerted effort to destroy these business.
This article pulled from their site, proves the lengths they will go.
I agree with Righton and Iguana… let’s join the moonbats in gumming up the news boxes of the criminal liberal press! While we’re at it, let’s teach a lesson to some of those so-called “blue” companies. We could all go to Starbucks and order a venti, half-caf, soy, caramel macchiato… and then walk out without paying! Personally, I’m heading on over to REI to sew the fingertips back onto their fisherman gloves… that’ll teach ’em!
Posted by Goldy at April 29, 2005 12:32 AM
Sound Politics once known for Tilting at Windmills and inciting anger and retribution about a flawed election, is now supporting acts of sabatogue against big business.
Think about the poor fisherman and their gloves…oh the humanity.
I think it’s their worry of flyover country. With the cities being less important than ever, they have issues. Christmasghost – no not a Log Cabin Repub. I am 100% hetero, said that before, married to a beautiful woman 23 years. How ’bout you?
I am sorry are you replying to a post I made on SP?( Because I didn’t say anything about Sociopaths)
But, It doesn’t take much to see this Crap he Posted incited quite a few righties on SP, to assume that this was part of some large democratic scheme. Thus all the hatefilled comments against the left.
Do you not see the Nationalism goosestep they got in, when they thought it was real?
They were ready to get out and defend these Newspaper boxes.
You all need to listen to a little Ed Schultz, someone who was on the darkside for years, and decided when he met his maker, he’d have a lot of “Splainen to do”
Okay, Danw, you win.
Note to self:
Posters to completely ignore:
Mr. Cynical
I have to go, but I am still not sure what you are asking me.
If it is where he incited?
The fact that he posted it as a news story in SP, Linked it to Malkin and spread it out across the country as an official “Moonbat” Plan…..Is that not incitement?
Feel free to drop me an Email if I am still not getting it.
Be back in a few hours.
Put me with Cynical and Chard…I don’t get that, I haven’t talked about your sex life or anything else personal. when I use the word goosestep, it is meant that people just get in line and don’t question anyhthing that the party says. Is that too personal for you?
Okay, I’ll cross Danw off the list, as you did respond in a rational manner, my apologies.
The “that the left is filled with idiots, sociopaths and common criminals.” quote is from Goldy in this post.
You said:“But, It doesn’t take much to see this Crap he Posted incited quite a few righties on SP, to assume that this was part of some large democratic scheme. Thus all the hatefilled comments against the left.”
Aw, c’mon, Danw, if Rosenberg said “boy, today’s weather sure is crappy” some of the posters at SP would ascribe it to a democratic conspiracy. Also, as you know, (I saw your posts) folks from IndyMedia commented on Rosenberg’s post and made it clear that the IM post in question violated their rules and had been pulled. What a comment poster on a thread says is not up to the author of the post, as Goldy knows too well.
I’m asking where Rosenberg makes any suggestions about the whole left wing? He suggested to start a blog, which sure sounds reasonable to me. Again, my apologies.
Jon @6,
The aspersion is implicit in the title of the post, if not the post itself… and really… you know that. What a stupid argument. What… Matt was complimenting the left? Where not dissecting a statute here… it’s a partisan blog, and we all know what he meant to imply.
Zap @12,
Absolutely… this is all much ado about nothing. That was my point. There was nothing to the IndyMedia post, but an anonymous rant that could have been posted by Michelle Malkin herself! I expect this kind of bullshit from Malkin, but Matt has proven himself to be a thoughtful writer (at times) and this really beneath him. He should take my overreaction at his overreaction as a backhanded compliment.
Dear Goldy:
I’m amazed that you would be calling ANY other political blog “vitriolic.” Your level of plain meanness exceeds SP’s by an order of magnitude at least.
Malkin’s and Rosenberg’s point is that the vandalism proposed by the Seattle Indymedia site is pretty typical of leftwing blogs, as any reader of democraticunderground, dailykos, atrios, and your site can acknowledge. I have a clear memory of you, just within the last few weeks, threatening to “take to the streets” over the actions of the big bad BIAW.
The weird irony here is that us righties certainly have nothing to lose from a shutdown of any or all of the print media in this town.
puddybud, don’t get the real christmasghost confused with the copy cat in # 9 (most likely diggindude)
visit http://www.christmasghost.com to know the real ghost.
Goldy, You are right! All business is evil and must be driven from the state. [Atlas has Shrugged] Then the parasite Democrats will have to tax each other. That will be fun to watch!
Goldy @ 19: “The aspersion is implicit in the title of the post, if not the post itself… and really… you know that. What a stupid argument. What… Matt was complimenting the left? Where not dissecting a statute here… it’s a partisan blog, and we all know what he meant to imply.”
Goldy, as I said, I do respect you, but I don’t understand your reaction to this, especially after your “Something is happening in America” post, which was a huge “aspersion caster” post, where you certainly had no problem using the word “fasicst” and painting pretty much all conservative Christians ready to impose a theocracy. You’re reading all sorts of conclusions into Rosenberg’s post that were, at best, implicit, but then have no problem explicitly doing the same dang thing in your own posts.
Yo Chardonnay, I don’t pay attention to copy cats, hence a unique name like Puddybud. Thanks for the warning though as I come here to have a great laugh. I post they refute, with innuendo and smears. Like my Microsoft post, it was totally ignored because they can’t stand seeing truthful statements. It their way or no way. Such compassion and understanding for the other side. Ha!
Have a great day!!!
Hey Goldy, why haven’t you taken Randi Rosen on Airhead America to task for imitating the act for presidential assassination haveing a sound effect for firing four bullets at the president of the United States. I guess it doesn’t bother you, huh? Not only is it illegal, you lefties never print negative illegal acts right.
It fugures!! NUFF SAID!!!!!
I don’t see Goldy to upset over what Randi Rhodes & Err Amerika played on air on Monday.
Calling the Prez a “little bastard” with gun shots in the background. Just what was she trying to incite? Compare the super glue to that.
Err Amerika has no class.
For a modest fee of a few million (small potatoes compared to their current losses), I will be happy to teach them how to go on the air with manners taught by Sims’ momma and with accuracy.
having these lefties on the air is giving radio a bad name.
I agree, you are the man. #1 in the ratings for over a decade.
Of all the contributors to (un)Sound Politics, Matt Rosenberg is perhaps the one who I kinda, sorta, maybe, almost respect the most.
Yeah. Matt had a couple of reasonable posts. One which suggested that sometimes government can do good such as preventing cancer and supporting Initiative I-901 Go here to help get it on the ballot :http://www.healthyindoorairwa.org/)
The funny thing is that if the media is so left wing, why would the left wingers want to vandalize it?
Here’s a post which links to the San francisco Indymedia site. Is this just a joke, too? http://littlegreenfootballs.co.....the_Troops
How come I wasn’t notified about this? I’m always the last person to get the word! I’m not in the left-wing conspiracy loop, why is it? Now I have to rush out at the last minute and try to find toothpicks and superglue at the last minute, after everyone else has made a big run on the stores. It’ll be like trying to buy batteries when TV announces a big windstorm, or trying to find plastic sheet and duct tape when Homeland Security announces another nerve gas attack warning!
Puddinhead @ 23
No, we ignore you because of the total lack of substance in your posts. Arguing with you is like trying to shine a light into a black hole; how does one do that?
whine @ 7
You really do get denser with each post. It’s like a black hole of stupidy! How about READING the paragraph you so easily cut and copied the words from? Because it CLEARLY states “…almost responsible Matt apparently has no qualms about casting aspersions on “Seattle moonbats” by citing a bullshit post of unknown provenance on an open blog, as evidence…”. Granted Goldy WROTE the words, that dosent mean he SAID them. I know. I know, thats a hard concept for such a literate and educated person like yourself to grasp, but try? You reinforce your uber-stupidity constantly…but it’s not without enterainment value. Heck, he even referenced you in the same paragraph!
Don’t look now…oops, there goes your 15 seconds of fame. Go stroke rush some more….
what is uber?
actually Rush is a good friend of mine.
Chardon’tNay, I do finally believe a post of yours #34, a retired street walker and a drug adict. A marriage made in YOUR heaven.
Puddybud Have you intelligence? The gun shots were simulating the gunfire in Iraq. And everyone know that the Great White Bunny is a bastard.
Jon @23,
No! I go out of my way to make it clear that I am referring to a fringe element of the extreme Christian right… a fringe that just happens to be taking over the leadership of the national Republican Party. Through his actions and statements it is clear that Tom DeLay is in fact, a “fascist” and I am not going to shy away from use of the word for fear of offending you or anybody else. I’m not calling him a Nazi, I’m calling him a fascist, and I stand by that as a fair and accurate description.
And there’s a huge difference between my “Something is happening in America” post, and Matt’s IndyMedia jab… in that I was talking about something real, being perpetrated by the nation’s most powerful elite, whereas Matt is talking about something inconsequential and imagined.
PuddingHead @25, Chard @26,
What am I, omniscient? I don’t even know what you’re talking about. I’m lucky if I get to listen to an hour of the Franken Show.
Goldy @ 38:
I think we’ll have to agree to disagree on this one. I didn’t get the sense of you being selective in the “Something is happening” post, but I do appreciate your response and clarification.